xt72ng4gns6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gns6s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-11-30 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, November 30, 1973, no. 27 text Bulletin, November 30, 1973, no. 27 1973 1973-11-30 2014 true xt72ng4gns6s section xt72ng4gns6s   9°{,' x K
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Graduate Brass Quintet, will be presented L[g§AQ[§S
at noon, wednesday, December Sth, in the
Reference Room of the ning Library. iovember 30, 1973 No. 27
Music from the past and present, as
well as traditional carols, will open the
Yuletide season at the Library.
All faculty, staff and students are cordially invited to come and
enjoy the hour with us. _
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REPORT; The working conditions committee has had several meetings since
September and has sent to Acting Director Paul Willis a report on com-
ments and suggestions received from library employees. (JA)
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PLRSONHRL CHANGES: Transfer: Mildred Moore, fron.Director's Office to
Archives. Promotion: Ann Snort, from Circulation-Copy Service to
Administrative Services.
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PQSITIOA OPENIUGS: Acquisitions, classified V, open now: Circulation,
Classified VI, open 12/14/73. . .
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NEW JUABER: The math Library has a new telephone number: 257-2372.
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3P??????; "for that infamous newspaper known as the 'Green Bean':
Anyone having knowledge of the whereabouts of the LASC Newsletter
for February, March, April, and/or nay of 1973 and/or the Proceedings
of the Joint Computer Conference for 1973 is asked to contact Hark
Paster in Circulation. They have been off the shelves for close to two
months and someone has asked for them. If you know where they are
please return them. No questions asked.'
Yr cl: it ir ir
THANKS TO ONE a ALL; As members of the Divide the Catalog Committee,
we would like to compliment the entire staff, professionals, classified
and students alike, on their espirit d'corps. Everyone seemed to enjoy
it, right down to that last minute. Perhaps we realized for the first ·
time that we do have conmon interests and goals. We need wore projects
like this to bring us together. (JR, DH)
a e e w a
CANDIDATE. Dr. Richard L. Press will be with us NGH.29-30. Ee is a
candidate for the position of Director of Libraries. A reception will
be given on the 30th in the Rare Book Room of NIH at 3z30—4;30. The
entire staff is invited. This is the time to make your thoughts known.
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GEOLOGY LIBRARY: Vivian gall has published another article. "A One-
Card-Geographical-Retrieval System or The Cataloging of Maps in the
University of Kentucky Geology Library". The article was published in
the Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division Bulletin
No. 93, September 1973, pp. 27-54.
IT'S DONEZ: The public catalog is divided. Jane Dean was assigned the
first tray to divide and the last. Paul Thompson turned in the winning
tray. Emile Smith won with a time of 1:24 pm on Thursday.

 Page 2 November 30, 1973
As a result of the reduction in money budgeted for division pur-
poses, we are going to cut down our number of personnel.
Under the new plan, older employees will go on early retirement,
thus permitting the retention of younger people who represent our
future plans.
Therefore, a program to phase out older personnel by the end of
the current fiscal year via early retirement will be placed into effect
immediately. The program shall be known as RAPE (Retire Aged Personnel
Employees who are RAPED will be given the opportunity to seek other
jobs within the system, provided that while they are being RAPED, they
request a review of their employment records before actual retirement
takes place. This phase of the operation is calleé SCREW (Survey of
Capabilities of Retired Early Workers). .
All employees who have been RAPED or SCREWED may also apply for a
trial review, this will be called SHAFT (Study by Higher Authority
Following Termination).
Program policy dictates that employees may be RAPBD once and
SCRENED twice, but may get the SHAFT as many times as the Division
deems appropriate." (Anon.)
* a * a a -
nuITOnIaL; UKLA has presented two interesting, informative programs
thus far this year, but there are other more pressing, internal con-
cerns which we feel UALA SHOUIG turn to. Specifically, there are two
main areas which librarians are or should be concerned about and
Firstly, what are the criteria for promotion and attaining tenure?
We are faculty, and yet, librarians, and as a result, in a peculiar
situation. he co find, however, a general lack of knowledge about
when one is elegible for promotion, who recommends one, and what role
is playen by committees outside the library. We wonder if this would
not be of wide enough interest for UKLA to discuss at length.
Secondly, we are curious about the library“s view of the role
played by newer librarian's in this institution. Are there specific
plans for helping to make the lihrarian"s first years in the profession
mutually satisfying for the librarian and the library? Are Department
heacs concerneu with the opportunity for mobility among the younger
librarians? woula not these topics be of great concern to the members
Essentially, we are asking UKLA to meet a need we felt it was
organized for, i.e., to discuss internal problems which are of concern,
however controversial they may be. (DE, JR)
14 day to the BIG MOVE
349 days since the TRUCK was due for delivery