xt72ng4gnp4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gnp4z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1971 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Catalog, Vol. 63, No. 4, 1971-1972 text University of Kentucky Catalog, Vol. 63, No. 4, 1971-1972 1971 1971 2013 true xt72ng4gnp4z section xt72ng4gnp4z 1 971 -1972
i University ot Kentucky Buiietin
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T University of Kentucky Bulletin
One of a series of l2 bulletins published January to December inclusive by the University of
T Kentucky. Second class postage paid at the Post Office, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. A co-
operative publication of the Office of the Registrar and the Department of Public Relations.

 (*" i ,, , , " . ,* November 1, 2—Monday and T`uesday—Last days to
l`)/     OU, JVVGGL Inte., 8688101/I pay graduation fees in Billings and Collections Office
April lo--friday-—1rast date to subrnrt all required docu- for a December degree
inents to Registrar s·Office for admission to the 19il Nm_CmbCl_ 8__MOnday___LaSt day to Withdraw from 8
\[_ V llgmili hd lfilEY;;il.l);;_lti()] Y class before finals ' I _
wil', lgigl, ’ll(lfl·__C]'g`$   kl} U. _ hoyember 9-—'1`uesday—1972 Spring Advising Confer-
_ in —- vutsta} ‘ JS%\\<`>Y )LL,1U$ _ ence for freslirnen and Community College U'3U$f€Y
lune 11——1·rrday——lznd of l·our-week lnterscssron Students
_ __ _ November 10-23—\Vednesday throu li '1`uesday—Ad- ,
  Llgllt-iV€€k Sll77l7Tl€7' S€·S`·S"lO7'1. vanee registration for 1972 Springg Semester
june 1i-—'1`ucsday—l{egistration N0\'€l11l}€l' 2*l—\Vednesday—1972 Spring Advising Con-
lune 1o-\\'ednesday—Classwork begins fC1’€¤€€ fm ¤€“' ¤dv¤¤¢¢d standing (tT8¤$f€T$), tim
lnne 21-—\1onday-—1.ast day to enter an organized class readmission and non-degree students
r {ur me Sruuintgr Session November 25, 26, 27—Thursday through Saturday-—~
lnne 2‘s——\londay—Last day to drop a course without a Thanksgiving Holidays (Academic Holidays)
grade December 10—Friday—Last date for readmission, non-
lnne 2%, Z‘}»—\1onday and '1'uesday———Last days for tiling degree, transient and auditors to apply for admission
appplitations for an August degree in College Dean’s to the 1972 Spring Semester
Ofhcc December 14—'1`uesdav~—C1ass work ends
lulg: i——\Irinday-—1ndependcnee Day (Academic 11o1i- December 16—22—Thursday through VVednesday—Final
(lay) examinations
luly 2fs--\\'ediiesday—-1,ast day to withdraw from a Deeember 2_2_\Veduesday_End of Fall Semester
r lass before end of Summer Session Deeember 24..Fi-iday..All grades due in Registrar’s
luly ?t1—1·`riday———Last day for readmission, non-degree, Omcg by 4:00 p_m_
transient, and auditors to apply for admission to thc
1971 1·`all Semester
August 11—\\’ednesday—1ind of 1971 Summer Session   Spfiflg S6'}?/I/€St€7'
August li—1·`riday·—A1l grades due in l{egistrar's Office I 17 18___M0ndH and Tucsda ,_ClaSSiHcatiOn
by lm] l)'m` Iimuziggistrzition and oriefitation i 7
— s » . r —W' ne —Class ork be ins
  ball Sgfnestgr   gi—Ttii£dairCE?lLast daywto entg an organized
lunc 1$~—'I`uesday———1.ast date for new freslnnen and class for the Spring Semester
transfer students to submit Hnal admission docu- lglnnnry 31-Mondgy—Last day to drop a course with-
ments for admission to the 1971 Fall Semester out a grade
lunc ZS-luly 1-—\1onday through '1`hursday—Summcr February 21, 22—Monday and '1`uesday—Last days for
Adrising (Ionferenee for new Community College filing application for a May degree in College Dean’s
transfer students enrolling in 1971 Fall Semester Ofiice
~ luly 2, 9, lo, Zi, i0—1*`ridays——Summer Advising Con- A-[ar-el] 20.26..lylrmday through Sunday.-Spring \7gQ3-
ferenre for new advanced standing (transfers), April 3_Mond;iy—L;ist day to withdraw from a class
auditors, and non-degree students enrolling in 1971 before finals
111*11 Sri1 3-—1\/Ionday-Last day for out-of-state freshmen to '
lnly o2S--—'1'nesday through \Vedncsday—Sumincr Ad- 1 submit all required documents to Registrar's Office
vising (Zonference for new freslnnen students en- for admission to the 1972 Fall Semester
rolling iu the 1971 l·`a11 Semester ,»\)ril 4-Tuesday-Last dav to ay raduation fees for
luly 2‘)~——Illll|lI\(l2t}'—Slll1lll1C1“ Advising Confcrcnce for I l\Iay dcgreciin Billingsland lColl§cti0ns OffiC€
readrnission students enrolling in the 1971 Fall April ]3—Tliursdgy-1972 Summer Session Advising
$¤’¤¤¤¤*i€¤" Conference for new freshmen and Community Col- `
july i|t»·-l*`ri<1;ry—l.:asf (late for rcaclniission, 110r1—(l€grCC, lege transfer students
transient and auditors to apply for admission to the April l4—l?riday-.L;;st date to submit all required docu-
1971 1·'a1l Serncster ments to the Admissions Office for admission to tho
\ugust ¥11_ il——-Monday and '1`uesday-—Classification and 1972 Foumveek Intersession
'*`!1**"¤'f1"" April l4—Friday—1972 Summer Session Advising Con-
*¤r>*s¤··1¤s·‘ 1-—“"<<1··<*><1=·>’—C1=¤~» ~~·<>r1<1>¤si¤s ference {cr ncw advanced standing (transfers), re-
Septenilier o—\Ionday——Labor Day (Academic Holiday) adnlission and nerpdegree students
Septernbcr b—\\'eduesday—1,ast day to enter an or- April l7.]3..M0pday tliruugli Friday-.Advgnce regis-
gaiiizetl class for the Fall Semester tration fur 1972 Fall Semester
Septernber I*»—\londay——I.ast day to drop a course May 6_$aturday.End of elgss work
“'lll""‘i *1 ¥"*‘(l*` May 8-13—Monday through Saturday—Fina1 examina-
Septeinlier ill. (>t·to1>er 1-—'1'hursday and 1·`riday——Last tions
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 l lh U ° °i
A university is a gathering place for those who wish come a man of learning is an enterprise of a life-
to learn. It is a place where new ideas arise and old tirne."
ones take 0n new shapes and colors. For a new student He will gem breed knotvledge end understand-
it HWY be <>¤S¤l¤l¤
Smitty, and Cmottomtty part in the society in which he lives.
The search for new knowledge is an unending ad- TI 1 L { I I
A ‘ venture in which both the faculty and students take T§°_‘lfC1flC_m‘Uf S10 Gn_C(u?‘lt°° m‘l_“_T°r “°l{l‘m
part. This seeking results in a continual expansion of Tam ft is flidun O tic mlfmfi to ‘m15fflC stm cnf
information in every field of concern known to man, m Hfmmmgf €m‘
while providing and developing leaders. It is thus that
· higher education carries out its purpose as the chief
f instrument designed by society to provide the leadership Tlté FOLH L*1.U1(,f1OIt.S‘ of HIE UlllD€l.Slly
_ T necessary to the upward march of civilization. .
. . . . - In the above statements. emuhasis has been >laccd
O r l l
n a university campus the student 15 still taught in . . . . .
. ·- _· primarily on the student. because It is he and h1s
the classroom, but he is also made more familiar with · _ _
· · , - · parents who will make the greatest use of this book.
the other places of learning, particularly the libraries H H, _ I f t ft] U , .t
‘ and laboratories, or workshops. He may not decide gllu I .m1§OHi "“°,I‘§ft 0 fm ullugllit. F
. . · Y ~ .· · r 1. · o <
upon a held of study during hrs Hrst years, hut as 1, I lc lP““?‘“* _“sIl""‘]“;;‘* Ot Tl “‘ ‘ “‘ Qt l
·· · - ~;¤~···~ a·r—.
V hrs rnrcrcsrs beeorne stable and increase rn depth he {,1%*Cf §“"‘S¤_" if "t §“";" LO l“‘?‘d“t“"I "°
g reaches out more and more on his own. In advanced dm .t K mwmli to lin U; ` t° ul? O ° I
‘ ` ` Z .` ` L ` L 1 .` `U ` ` l`
. courses, undergraduate as well as graduate, he rnar t""Y"“‘lt f "l{l"T;°‘ " ,‘ "°l", “t; C°t°=·;t."' l"‘f
e . . . ~ r ~ , uy · — r r i .
a work with a considerable degree of independence from Lssmln lemon I “ I? mum li, IF [K _l( ul 0
  .j_ his pwfcssor .»\rnerrcan higher education to function in certain ways.
    . i . . . Thus, it established itself as a complex institution with
 _· iv Given the opportunities described above, the student t . .
ears _,r: 1, _ _ . both a liberal arts school and a number of professional
qg   .   at the University of Kentucky should accomplish these . .
    things ' ' schools. lt committed itself to a broad program of
»   ."  I