xt72ng4gn330 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gn330/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-08-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 22, 1930 1930 1930-08-22 2012 true xt72ng4gn330 section xt72ng4gn330 Best Copy Available

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flUHT 22. IMtl







Commencement. Speaker





In-1- 0

With this Issue The Kernel
bids you goodbye until Its publication is resumed for the next
semester. The first number will
appear on the campus Friday,
September 2G. Registration will
begin September
and class- cs will, start on Wednesday, Sep- tembcr 17,
dates arc from September 11 to
16, inclusive.

Conference of Section Leaders and Assistants Open

Program Sept.


For Upperclassmen



Formal Welcoming Address
by President McVey, Sept.
12, 7:30 P. M.
The full program for Freshman
which begins at 8:30 a. m
Thursday, September 11, with a con
ference of section leaders and their
assistants, In Memorial hall, has
been sent to the printers and will
soon be mailed to prospective stu
The freshmen will assemble at 9
o'clock in Memorial hall to be as
signed to sections and will Imme
diately report to their headquarters.
Chairmen of sections are Prof. L.
L. Dantzler, Arts and Sciences, men;
Mrs. James Server, Arts and Sci
ences, women; Prof. L. J. Horlacher,
Agricultural sections; C, C. Jett,
Engineering sections;
Patrick, Educational sections; W. W.
Jennings, Commerce sections. The
student assistants will be selected at
a Inter date from the respective col-

Graduation Exercises to
Be Held in Gymnasium
Dr. G. Bromley Oxnam, President of DePainv University.
Will Deliver Commencement Address to the School
Graduating Class




Dean William S. Taylor. Director of the University Summer
Sessions, Will Preside and Confer Degrees

This Afternoon

U. of K. Faculty,
Students to Have7



Ton A Y





FlftniHTRATfON. 8I5PT. ln10

Month Vacation

One hundred and thirty-tw- o
students will be graduated by
the University of Kentucky at the first Summer Session Commencement exercises ever held here, this afternoon at !
o'clock in the University gymnasium. Dr. G. Bromley
president of DePauw University, will bo the principal
speaker, and will be introduced by Dr. W. S. Taylor, head of
the Summer Session and dean of the College of Education,
who will preside at the exercises.
The senior procession, under the direction of Major Owen
R. Meredith, marshal of the day, will form in front of the
Administration building at 3:40 o'clock, and will include the

Deans Are Interviewed as to
Where They Will Spend




Dr. G. Bromley Oxnam

Now that the summer school is
ending, and a month must pass before the school bell clangs again,
speaker, the director of the summer!
vacation is beginning for students
, school, faculty members, honor guests
Jr stanl
Ra, 1 h
,b .it.
and faculty members. Many will
land candidates for degrees.
spend the time resting at home in
The program follows: Music, Sa- f
for the De
preparation for a busy winter ahead
of Arts in Education: Car- and some heed the call of the wan Sociology, History,
derlust and plan to visit other
Departments to Move to &
S!n&R"th,.Ellta,DetiJ A"e"'
Education Building; Pres- - cnurS "of xiStSfmusS
As a representative group of facent Offices in New Building Orchestra; address, "The Graduate
ulty members, the deans were chosen
te 8taurtSt
for a glimpse into the plans for the
The directors of recreation are M.
Bromley Oxnam; conferring of de- Brown, Myrtle McClure Brown, MinWhen the University opens in the
month before classes are resumed at
nie Cassell, Henry Stanley Catron,
E. Potter and Mrs. Florence Stout,
Howard "Fatty" Williams
fall, students returning to the cam- grees by Dr. W. S. Taylor; pledge Lucille
the University.
assisted by faculty members of the
pus will find many changes and ad- of the senior class, Dean Taylor; Blanche Crowell
President Frank L. McVey is
Naomi Sigel
physical education department. PhyWhen the Important Monday of
Alma Mater, sung by audience, acWilliams was known throughout .
the pleasures of the lake- ditions made during the Summer companied by Salon Orchestra; Claypool, Hubert Anderson
will also be given September 8 rolls around, Howard the South last season
sical eaminations
Session. Most prominent will be
for his brilVera Mary Cullen, Mary
under their direction and that of "Fatty"
Williams, of Lexington, liant work as center on the Wildcat lands of Michigan In pursuit of his the new Teacher's Training building benediction by Doctor Hyndman.
De- will be one of the first varsity foot- team, and much depends upon him hobbles, fishing, sketching and read- which will be ready for ocupancy
the hygiene departmen
Students who will be graduated Ellen Dearen, Mary Virginia Vel
hia), rticnn,tinn
Room 109, McVey hall, will be vhe ball men to report to Coach Harry during the hard season of 1930. He ing.
raifh Long, Thomas Heber Dunigan,
Dean C. R. Melcher is hoping to September 10.
a. C0.u" 5klns,
for Freshman Week Gamage for fall training.
will be a senior in the College of get away
The building is being furnished Alice Allison, Gladys Hancock Lutes
for a short vacation,
h. Willie ; Kathryn Graddy Eliza-Thocommittees. C. R. Melcher, dean of
Alice Gardner
Activities in the Wildcat amn will Arts and Sciences
year, and is has made no definite plans as to but now, and equipment will all be in- and
his stalled
l "T511.0!?11
men, is chairman of the general stir up all the dust that has ac- as well known In this
to be graduated "with dis-j- et
scholastic circles destination. He is quite busy with
the second week in Sepl1
FoIdHaytfd', CnaJ; es
cumulated during the summer on as on the gridiron, having made a
tember. Executives of the College tinction" are Jessie Logan Collins, . "aljv HUliard,
the program for Freshman Week.
Horine, Flo- ud,ley
On Thursday, physical examinafield. By the time that reels- - standing of over 2.0 last semester.
Clay Rlggins and Thomas
Blandlng, dean of of Education and the University
iu diuu Aiiiuuu, luue vvci;ii uuuua,
tions will be given from 9:30 o'clock teration is scheduled, September
He was named unanimously by women, Sarah return from her girls' High school will have their offices Bruce Waters.
Alice Eastland Lander, Gladys Hanto 5 o'clock, exclusive of the noon
the men on the squad will be sport writers last year as
Following are the graduates:
there, and the Education building
camp on the Kentucky river next
cock Lutes, Ida Fannye Mackey,
hour intermission. Immediately fol- getting the "feel" of the old moleGamage expects more week and start preparations for her will be occupied by the sociology,
Candidates for the degree
examination, skins, and will have worked off a than center.men to report
Mary Virginia Marrs, Alice Virginia
lowing enrh section's
philosophy and history departments, i Bachelor of
Al- on the inithe freshmen will be sent to the Ad- few pounds that have been stored tial day of practice, includlntr Can- - year in England. She expects to The Extension department will re- - Hson, Mary Arts: Edith Alica Wll- - Moss, Edith Evelyn O'Dell, Oberia
Gordon Alverson,
sail the latter part of September.
ministration building for registration away in the hot months.
tain L. G. "Floppy" Forquer.
m us present quarters on tne Ham Andrew Bacon, Sallie Mae O'Hara Renick, Lucille Rosenberg,
Paul Prentice Boyd dean of the main
Alva Burgess Snyder, Herbert Byron
and payment of fees. At 7:30 p. m,
Banta. Virginia Reed Brosheer. Etta QfQi
College of Arts and Sciences, will ground tioor.
Dr. A. W: Fortune will give an ad
Thp snr.inWv rionnrtmmt. will hp i Potf.fir Rurnhpll. Ethnl Bncknpr. Her- - m, i ; i .s . Wllllnm Rnhprt. Tiirinr
hall, under thn
remain In Beulah, Mich., where he
dress in Memorial
M. E.
housed, on the first floor, the phil- - man "KQW'Combs. Mary Bruce Daily, rnrtJprit wnTOnnor Thns Tmri
Is with his family. They have--auspices of the Y. M. C. A. and the?
nmuucii, uumi, ijuu6ias iu)y. W. C. A.
there and
Elizabeth Watkins,
Six Men
Coach cottage on until lake September. will ' partmentueiKuiieiusecond uiaiuiythird- oumuDurham, Lulu Marie Emmert,- Waters, Edith Wilds, Chester Earl
on the
not return
At 8:30, o'clock Friday and SatSarah
floors, and the military science de- - Thomas Frederick Farley, James Wilkey.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of
urday mornings, convocations will Dr.
J. D. Blackwell, Member M. E. Potter, coach of the fresh- the Graduate School, plans to con- partment will have one classroom Allen Grlder, Jr.
be held in Memorial hall. Lectures
Candidates for the Degree of
man basketball team has been se- tinue
on the second floor. Offices will be
Beular Marie Hess. Sue Boardman
of Summer Faculty, Speakhis excavation and
will be heard on the "Orgunizatton
lected to fill the position of Intra- - work in Trigg, Henderson research assigned later.
Hopkins, Grace Roth Johnson. Lydia Bachelor of Science in Commerce:
"How to
of the University"
and Crit
er at Dinner
Ryder Henry McNeal, Richard May.-fielI
tenden counties until the opening ofJ The new library will have the ex Anderson Kavanaugh, Martha LouPrice, Curtis B.
thp Ilnlvprslrv n Kpntpm hnr Prnf terior completed within a month, ise Milllken. Dorothy Jordan Mon- - Tarter, BurkeForest
During the rest of the two days,
The second initiation service of :
Claybrooke Turner,
W. S. Webb will join him next week. and is expected to be ready for oc- - HnA
English, mathematical and psycho- the Summer Session was held by letlc department,
Walter Dudley Vest
Coach Potter has been at the UniSands. Amnlln Clav Van Meter
cupancy late next spring or next
Collogical tests will be given, and cer- Alpha Nu chapter of Phi Delta versity
Dr. W. S. Taylor, dean of
having been lege of Education, and headthe the summer.
Graduate Shool: Herbert Wood- Rntrnrs. Mnrlp. Tnvlnr. Ellzabpth Tri- of
tain hours will be set aside for rec- Kappa, national educational honor- intramural three years, 1928.
director In
His deuuiu,
The dairy bulldinc Is also one'vette, Charles William Wheeler. Al- - son uiuck, jiuiui uuuum James
ary fraternity, August 17, at the partment includes such sports as Summer Session, says that most of
Lucy Blakemore Gardner.
McVey will Education building.
Ice Gardner Whittinghill.
which has been
President Frank L.
volleyball, diamondball, tennis, go'' his vacation will be spent in getting close of school completed since has
Candidates for the Degree of Phi ip Glenn. John Wesley Graj- formally greet the members of the
In June, and
the new Training School ready for
The ceremony was followed by a basketball, wrestling, boxing, horseBachelor of Science: George Hanna beal. Harry Eugene Hendrick. David
occupancy by September 10.
been in use this summer.
class of 1934 Friday night at 7:30 dinner at the University Commons, shoe pitching
and track.
o'clock, and Major Meredith and and the members had
Cooper, of the College
as their
He replaces Sid Robinson, who has
Agriculture, is in Minnesota visCoach Harry Gamage will give short guests their wives, and many I prom- taken a position
on the faculty of of
iting relatives, and plans to return
talks at the convocation.
inent faculty members. Dr. Jesse
Sunday, September 14, services E. Adams presided as toastmaster. the University of Indiana.
September 1.
will be held in Memorial hall at 11 Introducing Dr. J. D. Blackwell,
Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the
a. m., and vespers at 4 p. m., inCollege of Engineering, apparently
of vocational education for Two
cluding an address by Dr. A. W. Maryland, who has been a member
loves the quiet of home In prefer
ence to the charms of other states,
of the summer school faculty. Doc
and will be in Lexington for his
On Monday and Tuesday the pro- tor Blackwell spoke on "The Place of
nngiou wukjt.
'Anna Herman, Louisa Shepperd sn- - "ooe"
gram will be taken up with classi- Vocational Education in the Public Alpha
vacation period.
are progressing
Xi Deltas and Phi
Candidates for the Degree of
.... j..,- - . .. x...
Holton. Dorotha Lois Parsons. Mar- -,
Dean Alvin E. Evans, of the Law
fication and reviews of lectures. The School System."
Sigma Kappas to Move
Clay Riggins Louise Pratt Rog- College,
leave immediately,
receDtion eiven by President ana
The new initiates include W. H.
driving to Lincoln, Neb., with his Mm for th wnhini.tnn nnri infers, Lenore Blanche Thompson. trandPettus Ramsey,
Mrs. McVey at their home Tuesday, Sugg, superintendent of schools at
nett Toy Sandefur.
Two social organizations plan to family. He plans to stop for a visit football name.
.Margaret Ann Wyant.
September IB, from j:jo io o:ju p. Providence; M. E. Hearin, principal
m will conclude tne weess activiCandidates for the Degree of
degree of
Clay High shool. Clay; W. F. move into new quarters before the In Missouri with relatives.
for the
Two new tennis courts have been
ties. Recitations for all classes be Russell, principal of the High school opening of school. The Alpha XI
Dean Edward Welst, of the Col completed for the use of the s,
Bachelor of Science In Civil Engin Master of Science in, Agriculture:
gin Wednesday, September 17.
Animal Husbandry, William Jefferat Clarkson; C. O. Spllman, prin- Delta sorority will change its resi lege of Commerce, has gone for a near Boyd hall.
eering: Harry Gibney Craft.
cipal of High school. Stanford; J. dence from its present home on short vacation period at Virginia
Candidates for the Degree of son Harris; Agronomy, Clair Smith
The small animal house has been
Aylesford Place to the house on the Beach, Va.
C. Eddleman, principal of High
built In back of the Experiment Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Waltman.
school, Crittenden; C. Byrd West. corner or Limestone street and
Engineering: Howard Mercer Fitch,
for the Degree of
station this summer.
ren court- of High school. Niagara.
Richard Peyton Howard, Robert Master of Science in Home EcoMembers of the Phi Sigma Kappa
Kay Lewis, James Frank Pettus.
nomics: Margaret Howard
fraternity will move back Into 211
Candidates for the degree of
East Maxwell street, the house they
Mr. Harry Blanton, student at the Bachelor of Laws: Eldred E. AdAfter spending ten days In and occupied
years aco. Thev are
University, who underwent an op ams, Clarence Ernest Barnes, Wil
Plans Discussed for Change near Paris, France. Mr. James Mol- - at presentthree
living in the house Just 'Wally" Hoeing Returns to eration lor appendicitis last week liam Hubert Buckles, Daniel Mose
to Two Editions; Separate loy's party, including several Uni- - i west of their new home,
Lead "Best Band In
in Richmond, is getting along fa ley Griffith, Jr.. William Rogers
Staff for Each Issue Would verslty students, will sail for home Both expect to be installed in their
;Hodgen, Harry Vernon McChesney,
future auarters bv Sentemhpr n
Be Required
About 90 band instruments be
longing to the University R. O. T.
Plans for the changing of The
Prof. Roy Jarman to Coit'
C. organization, which have been
Kernel from a weekly to a
tinue Talks on Voice Culpaper are being discussed by
overhauled this summer at various
factories, have been returned to the
faculty advisors and executives of
ture with Address Tuesday,
music department and are ready for
the newspaper.
August 26
use at the opening of school.
With the purchase of the new
Prof. Elmer Sulzer, director of the
press room this
equipment for the
Prof. Roy E. Jarman, Instructor
band, expects a larger group of cansummer, the plant Is mechanically
in music at the University, will conly LAWRENCE CKUaiP
than ever this year. The
able to print two Issues of the paper.
"Big Joe" Thompson will return for tinue his series of talks on voice culEx - collegians," Claude Blnyon eventually slid into pictures where didates
Kentucky band, often called "the
Such a change would necessitate the discovers In College Humor, "are nis contract calls for
Sports writers are dusting off well his third and last year of competi- - ture with an address from the Unisalary even best band in Dixie." has grown withorganization of two separate staffs, sprinkled throughout show business while resting.
worn football vocabularies while the
squad's funny versity remote control studios Tues"Big Joe" Is
in the last few years to 90 pieces, dopesters are filling up the old dope tlon. and the boys the Indebted to day, August 20, from 12:45 to 1:00
possibly under the direction of
as to cause
"Considerable choice money
editor-in-chie- f.
and is well known throughout the pall in preparation for Its defense 'him for making their stay in the o'clock. The radiocast will bo in
Publication would someone with time on his hands to fame is being
probably be on Tuesday and Friday. wonder how nnd why they got wood by college garnered in Holly- South.
against the season's upsets. Foot- - dormitory more pleasant,
connection with station WHAS of
Wallace Hoeing, the tall drum
The student Board of Publications there. A study of their academic the directional megaphone, wielding
and Times at
the Courier-JournTno squad wlu contain two
or in major who has led the band for- ball with all its color and thrills is
will consider the advisability of the training reveals that most of them
us again.
cantains In Louisville.
upon the op- intended to enter some profession, a case of talking pictures waving mations for two years, will retain
new plan immediately
Other features of the
Advance notices from Alabama the persons of "Big" McGlnnls of
silent finger. On the Warner his position for the first semester,
ening of school. All possibilities at If they Intended to enter any.
day 'broadcasts from the University
Brothers lot five of seven directors when one of the two assistant drum are to the enect tnat the crimson college Humor's third
present point to the adoption of the
for the week of August 25, are:
who once said 'yes' to profs, now majors will be selected to fill his Tide will be represented by "fast and
Paul McBrayer. unanimous
"Tim McCoy went to West Point
change, which would greatly enlarge
Monday, August 25, 12:45 to 1:00
have enough
but fragile" backs, though boasting choice for
surrounding place.
the scope of The Kernel, making and then turned Into a cowboy actor them to start an
p. m. (a) "Perennial Garden Arisof a powerful line. Sounds like that plans to try McGlnnls at fullback
anvil chorus. InEd Gorman studied
way for a later change Into n dally for pictures.
tocrats," J. S. Gardner; (b) "P. D.
story we nearo last year aoout a and McBrayer at tackle,
for the ministry and awoke to find cluded are Howard Bretherton of
B. for Peach Bores." Prof. W. W.
Sanford, Lloyd Bacon of Santa
small and crippled line that would
Tho niir Blue traveling souad will
himself a inonologist in vaudeville. Clara,
Tuesday, August 20, 12:45 to 1:00
Wilbur G. Frye is editor-in-chibo outweighed and outplayed
Archie Mayo of
In the
"Dixie," the last
of the
of The Kernel lor the coming year, Paul Whlteman, no less, once stud- Bryan Foy of De La Salle,Columbia. moving pictures of the visual aids Kentucky's forward wall. Here's be the largestaccording history present MugUL Collego of Agriculture,
and Ml.
shown at the Uni
p. m. "How to Use the Voice," No.
his term of office expiring March 15, ied mining at noulder. Richard chael Curtlz all the way from Buversity during the Summer Session. hoping those backs don't measure plans. Three full teams will make 4 of a sorles, Prof. Roy Jarman, deRingling, whose dad, John, collected
1931. Miss Frances Holllday is mandapest U.
was exhibited Wednesday night at up to that Small, crippled" line the trips to Durlim. N. C and partment of music.
aging editor, and Morton Walker onsiderablo birdseed In the circus
"One of these mean nersons that. 7:30 o'clock In Memorial hall. The that pushed back Kentucky's pride Knoxville, Tonn.
game, lunded in opera after several
news editor.
Wednesday. August 27. 12:45 to
years of Intensive preparation as a would grab your hat through a sub- programs have been under the di for their only defeat of the season.
It will bo interesting to watch n 1:00 p. m. "Sow Covor Crops Early- student of electrical engineering at way window has started a rumor rection of tne extension depart Tho Tide will miss
back field containing- - two such lu- Prof. P. E. Karrakcr. College of Ag
Tony Holm but we have an idea
that most of the big picture stars ment.
Montana University.
minaries as "Shipwreck" Kolloy riculture
Mr. Wade will get along.
will bo ruined by talking picture,
and Ellis Johnston. Which brings
"Jules C. Stein, whose Music Cor- because the microphone
Prof. George Ragland, Jr., who
picks up
Another "promising sophomore" us to the subject of the Phipps boys. p. Wednesday, August 27. 10 to 10:30
iMtor. uonuiu's hum:
was an instruUir In the Law Col- poration controls more than forty heud rattles. At first It was belloved
m. Unlvorsity of Kentucky SaFollowing ri,0i, i n, r.,iu,uir nclii,.,.,,'
has become ineligible.
lege last year, and is a graduato of Jazz bands, studied at the Unlvor- that this would be a great
lon Orchestra und Soloists
break for
Prof. W Lewis Roberts, of the Nowman Boardman. "Dutch" Kreu-- 1 ai,u. nM,,im,M w nn
w Story of Our Music." No. 12, Amerithe Unlvorsity, 1ms accepted a po- sity of Chicago. Rush Medical Col-lo- collego students with
ambitions to
and the University of Vienna. enter the lithplng lithograph game, Law CoIU'kp. who has boon on a tor dropped be of summer school suspoct it will be a cose of Phipps can Composers.
sition with Hi- - Unlvorsity of Michavailable for varsity
year's leave of absence, will be In and will not
for Phipps. but they will have
igan Law School on the rosearch He became nn outstanding eye. our. as collegians i believe
Thursday. August 28. 12:45 to 1:M
it or not) arc Lexington September S and G on competition this tall. "Dutch" had la
nose- - and throat specialist, only to
faculty for the coming your.
"Adventures in Modern
supposed to know a thing or two business. He Is to teach noxt year all the makings of a firt class ond to decide who to do the starting. p. m.
return to the fiddle that helped pay about adverbs
Would like
know Gamage's Dramu." No. 9. Dr. George Brady,
and how to say them. at the University of Pittsburg Law and would have been a valuable ad- choice of ends for the starting lineMr. and Mr.
Marlon Custard his extenses through school.
assoclato professor of English.
Then it was found that the rank of School.
dition to tho squad.
up. It soems to us the fiankmen
have returned from Michigan and
Friday. August 20. 12:45 to :00
"Richard DIx rested for some time picture players already were full of
of 210 pounds of ex- wore the woakost cogr In the ma- p. m. "What Farm Folks Are Aik-ing- ."
ore at horn
In the McGregor at the University of Minnesota, not collego graduates who couldn't
Miss Ellwboth Duncan Is visiting perienced line material will help off chinery. A little speed in this deapartments on Lyndhurst Place.
thinking of much In particular, and despite their degrees."
Prof. N. R. Elliott, College qf
In Wllltamiburt'.
set lossos in the sophomore class. partment would help,






Phi Delta JKappas



Potter to








Band Instruments
Have Overhauling




College Degrees Not Necessarily
Deterrents to Dramatic Success.
College Humor Tells Students

Sport Writers Are Dusting Off Old
Football Vocabularies as Dopesters
Dip Into Possibilities of Upsets

� Best

return to graduate. Therefore, we pass Its mcs-snc- e
on to you and your friends, feeling that It
expresses the case better than wc could.
"Statistics show that, on the average, high
5Chool graduates earn $1.00 for every 72 cent
earned by boys with merely elementary education.
"Maybe It Is the boy next door perhaps It Is
your own boy who Is eager, restless and ambitious, who would like to quit school and go to
He has read of self-mamen who hnd
but little schooling. He sees no reason why he
could not do equally well.
"Tell him that If he had a chance to talk to
one of the big, self-mamen of whom he has
heard, he would probably bo told, 'While I was
earning a place for myself In buslnes I studied
at night trying to keep up mentally with my old
school friends even those that went to college.'
"In almost every kind of work, whether manual, mechanical, business or professional, higher
wages and salaries, in the overwhelming majority of cases, arc earned by the best educated
and best trained.
"Apart from the greater enjoyment of books,
arts and science gained through education
and Just as a matter of cold dollars and cents
education pays the best dividends."

The Kentucky Kernel


of the flturtpnt
of Xhr irnnrraity
of Kcnliirkv. Lexington





subscription $l.4fl a rfitr
Bntcttd nl
Postofflw ni .'orenrt rtn.w nmtt






8octfty Editor
(Phones AMilttnd 6802, University 4i
Assistant Manager


Clarence Barnes


Ed Conuy

Thomas Illley

Long lines nt the Book Store, long lines at
the dean's ofllec, long lines at the registrar's
formidable door, Seniors with a worried look,
fearing that a
grade will keep them
from the goal which is at last so near graduation!
For the first time, commencement In the
midst of the beauty of summer, In the ripe fulfillment of August. Solemnity and ceremony,
from the dignity of black gowns and caps and
cowls. The hushed and awed attitude of parents and friends who have come to
witness the thrilling spectacle of Johnny and
Mary stepping across the threshold of life, from
the shelter of a loving Alma Mater.
Hardly has It seemed four years since the pursuit after knowledge brought you to college. But
through the vista of those campus years are
seen four stalwart arches, each a gateway to the
next step toward graduation, the ultimate destination.
And at last someone has provided
you with the long desired paraphernalia
commencement, and here you are, a bit surprised and breathless that you have reached
the end.
You had rather dreaded graduating merely
by passing examinations and receiving your diploma through the mail, but the growth and
progress of Kentucky, your Alma Mater, has
given you a proper send-of- f.
Are you not proud
of being one of the members of the class which
is the first to hold commencement
during the Summer Session?
Perhaps even more impressive is the midsummer graduation, with Its number of high
degrees conferred upon those who have proven
themselves worthy, than the regular one, which
has somewhat more of the typical bustle and
hurry of undergraduates.
We do not say goodble to you who are leaving,
rather a hearty "farewell!"


The other day large type on an advertisement
caught attention from the reading matter in a
popular magazine. "Schooling Raises Pay," it
said, and the life insurance ad had accomplished its mission. Interest was aroused and the
rest of the column brought forth facts of vital
Importance to those boys and girls who are wondering whether or not to come to college or to



Miss Kathryn OatllfT is the guest
Miss Evelyn Alsovcr, In Big
Prof. Frank Randall, of the Law
stone Gap, Vn.
next week with
College, will drive
Prof, and Mrs. Enoch Grchan arc his sons to Lcland, Mich., where his
Authorities at Stephens College. Columbia.
Mo., require the co-cto take an afternoon at French Lick Is Springs, Ind., where family hasexpects spending the sumMrs. Grchan
to move into his
recuperating from mer He
siesta every day. The nap has an appreciable the Illness with which she has suf- new home on Cherokee road this
on the scholastic standing of the
fered all summer
No matter how large or
according to the authorities of the college. Wo imm:mtt!ttiititiMmitiiitititiiiiiit!ii!Mtimiiiim:ii!iiit:tmj:::t:tm::t
be of
have n notion that such a plan might
how small the article,
practical value in all schools. Personally, wc
would like to enroll In a full schedule of afterwc arc prepared
noon classes such as this. Wc have a notion
to serve you
that wc would be present at every meeting of
the class. And wc wouldn't mind staying overtime once In n while!
Fraternity and Sorority






Have Them Cleaned and Pressed at


Dr. Burgess Johnson, professor of English at
Syracuse University, says that cuss words have
Enst High, near Viaduct
Exclamatory profanity, aslost their flavor.
Phone Ashland 2259
sertive profanity, and denunciatory profanity
have all lost their power through familiarity,
and now bigger and better swear words arc the tnnimiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiitninniitniinnumuuut
crying need of the nation. We'd Just like to
suggest to the professor that he ought to trail
around with us awhile and do nothing but
listen. And wc bet that he has never loafed
Home Made Pies, Chicken Croquettes,
around a college newspaper office when things
Sandwiches, Strawberry Tarts
don't seem to bo going right.

furniture will be given
the best of



Famous for our Chocolate Fudge Cake

Erection of a bronze placque in honor of the
SCHOOLS FOR SCANDAL late James Mclvin Lee, dean of Journalism at
In a recent magazine article, Dr. Frederick O. New York University, is being planned by forBonser, of Teachers College, Columbia Univer- mer students who were active on the University
sity, declares that high school and college class- newspaper while ti'ey were in college. Professor
Lee was advisor of the Washington Square
rooms have become one of the breeding-place- s
for American divorce through negligence of Dealer, later the New York University News.
study. He blames faculty adThe middles of the Naval School at Annapolis
visors and deans In women's colleges for encouraging young students to set out upon a ca- have returned from their cruise to Europe, full
of stories about Norway, Germany and Paris.
reer, as opposed to marriage, leaving
and family life to those of less ability. Their reception In Germany was most cordial
Many parents, says Doctor Bonser, seem to and enlightening as to the real nature of the
regard home economics courses as either Inferior people they had been taught to hate by a war- or degrading, while many teachers consider weary parenthood.
as a subject "wanting in aca
Acacia, Masonic fraternity, has voted to abol
demic respectability."
While we feel that Doctor Bonser Is entirely ish "Hell Week." The number of national or
right In looking at marriage and housekeeping ganizations who have followed the dictates of
as a career which requires the proper training, sane, sensible and manly reason by doing away
still the responsibility cannot be laid as much with this horror of freshman life is increasing
at the doorstep of the faculty members as placed steadily.
upon the shoulders of the parents. A child's
Wrestling has been made a Varsity sport at
Impression of home life and marriage is derived mostly from what he observes at home. Ohio State University, and now the fight is on
Sometimes, however, girls are really better fit- to place boxing as a similar headllner instead of
ted for a business career than housekeeping. allowing it to remain an intramural.
Some can combine the two with happy results. colle