xt72ng4gn19d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gn19d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1916-14-sep22-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-14-sep22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-14-sep22-ec. 1916 1916-14-sep22-ec. 2011 true xt72ng4gn19d section xt72ng4gn19d 

                                  September 22, 1916

     The Executive Board of the University of Aentucky met
in call session at 12 o'clock with Chairman Nichols, Messrs.
Stoll. Johnston, and Terrell present, Mr. Mcaee coming into
the meeting later and M4r. Stoll retiring at 2:15 o~clobk.

     The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved.

     By reason of the fact that the diplomas issued to the "lass
of 1916 carried for the name of the Institution the Liegbnd
'State Universityti instead of the legal mame of 5Univeraity of
entucky". M5hr. Stoll moved that new diplomas properly signed
and carrying this correction be issued to all 1916 graduates
and honorary degrees in exchange for the original diplomas.
Seconded by gr. Johnston, the motion carried unanimously.
President darker and the Registrar were authorized to effect
the change.

     Mr. Stoll moved, Mr. Terrell seconding that President
Barker be aulthorized to rent a box in the Seeurlty Trust Co.
of  exington for the purpose of taking cAre of all bonds 61-
officials of the University of whom bonds are required and
that the  resident be accordingly instructed to place said
bonds therein at once. Messrs. Stoll, Terrell, Johnston and
Nichola voting aye.

     On motion of "i r. Stoll, the 2oard, by u#Animou& vote
authorized the correction of former minutes to show that the
office of comptroller of the University be abolished.

     5he following report by Mary B. Sweeney,   ein of the
College of Home Economics, was submittbd and ordered incorpor-

Executive Committee,
University of Kentucky,

Gentl emen:

     Because of the unforeseen increase in the cooking classes
of the College of Hnome Economics from thirty-seven in 1915
to seventy-one in 1916, and an increase of from four to seven
laboratory classes in this subject, it ts necessary for this
college to ask that $300.00 be added to the budget to provide
the proper laboratory 4gquipment and teaching instruction for t so
regi stering.

     5he present equipment consists of one cooking labora-
tory with twelve desks. The laboratory formerly used for
physiological chemistry can be economically converted into a
cooking laboratory and the physiological laboratory class which
has a smaller matriculation transferred to adeouate accommo-
dations in the basement.

     The $300.00 appropriated would be snent as follows-

Plumbing: Transferring sink from 3rd -:loor basement and


sonnaecting same with water and sewer----------1350
:;qu2PpAng physiological dea-s with gas

Connecting laboratory Atoves with gas--------.50
Hot-water tank, gas water heater and
connectins -------------------------------   --el4I w 00
-Additional appropriation for groeies-------._.10.OO
   a         a          for jafaitre-as service'-18.0
Galcimitzng phystol Acal lbboatory.-----
ad luast al q tg d oor--- --------------------7.eX
Studenat assisting in cooking laboratory---- 90.00
l-lpmant for Cooking, laboratory desks ------

                         Mary S. S eweeney

     Mr. Zerrell maoad that -jsan Seeneyse reisition in
this report for f'llnds a&ou nting to $300.0O be appropriated.
Mr.. johnstat seoronded and t-.e motion carried. kesers. Nichels
3t~rrel1        ~ad lFe voting a yoe

     C'R motioa of 9r. Stoll and seconded by M.} Johnston,
the fol owi-ng resolutiton was adopted unanimoulsy

     fThe         Aesiness  ,en t of the O~vetrAty hiall prehhase
everything for the Wse o- the tiversity of any department
thereef. He shp1l ourchase nothig unless he has a requiei-
tio-a therefor signed by thle dean of the department and couter-
signot by the President of the University in cas- the -urchae
is for a department;  if for the 0nivexsity rgeneral  then the
requisition shall be signed by the proper official and con mter
signed by the Pre-sident, Unless epressly first authorited
by the 1 x xec utive Com ittee, the amount apoportioned in the
budget shall not be eceeded.

     'I,4f any axpe-nditure be contracted other than in accord-
anee herewith, then the person contracting said expenditure
shall be personalty liable therefor.

     O    secretary of this board is hereby instructed to
place in the hands of all deans of colleges and heads of depart
meants and other persons interested, a Oopy of this resolution
at once."

     Dean ?F Paul Andersono Shairman of the Jubilee 'Oommittee
reported expenditures amountiglg to $s9680O charged to the
$O1O0.CO appropriated to meet the expense of the Oubilee,
and asked for au additional appropriation of $1500.39 for the
same ptrpose. Rteport was aceepted and on motion of ar. John4.
ston, seconded by Mr. Stoll, the Board authorized the ayprop-
rbatiou of the additional $15O.OO, 1toll, Nichols, Johnston,
and Terrell voting aye.

     UPon   commendation of Dean F. Paul -kaderson of the
College of eahantcal and Ilectrioal fngineering, that t6


salaries of  esers. A.L Wilhoite, J.S. ecrine, .J. Clurtis,
and J.R. Duncan be increased each $200.00, Mr. M'cKee moved
that $100.00 be added instead of $200.00 to the sairi-.- -uf
the instrtctors jn question.  Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the
motion carried, essrs. Johnston, Nichols, Terrell, Stoll and
Mcgee voting aye.

     The recommendation of Dean Anderson announcing the appoint-
ment of Minott Brooks as far. Vdilhoite's assistant in Stem
Laboratory at a salary of $800.00 for the year vae approved.

     Mr. McIKee moved that the expense of $557.09 incurred by
the Mechanical and Electrical Department for the construction
of the Railway monument in front of Mechanical building be
paid, applying to that end the $400.00 left after subtracting
the $400.00 appropriated to increase the salaries of hessrs.
Wilhoite. Horine, Curtis and Duncan, from th  $800.g0 dt!fer-
ence between the salary of $1600.00 paid to  erry Cassidy,
resigned, and the salary of $800.00 to be  tid to Minotte
Br'ooke who hes been added to the Mechanical Department teaching
staff, the remainder of the $557.09 to be paid out of the gen-
eral fundsa  Seconded by Mr. Terrell, the motion was adopted,
Johnston,  cKee, Terrell, Stoll and Nichols voting aye.

     The monthly report of Dean Sueeney of Home Economics
College was received and filed,

     the 0ommittee mlaking purchase of the winter coal supply
for the  niversity for the season 1916-17 feported that it
had purchased 500 tons of nut and slack at $2.50 a ton and
1500 tons of run of mine at $2.85 a ton.  Upon motion of Ar.
Stoll, the report of the Committee was approved, kaeszrs. Stoll,
Nichols, Terrell, 9 ic ee and Johnston voting aye.

     On motion of r. Stoll, President Barker was authorized
to tender the use oA Stoll Field to Transylvania Gollege
for its Thanksgiving foot ball game.

-   n motion of Zr. Mc;ee, eresident Barker was author-
i ed by the Board to ascertain the status of the work of ter-
racing the vacant lot on the corner of Limestone and Winslow
Streets, drain-g the CGllege ditch and constructing a walk-
way from the campus to  atterson "all and report to the Board
at its next meeting.

     President Barker's recommendation that j.,. 4cFarland
be placed in temporary chitrijo of the campus until Dr. J.H.
Castle was well enough to resume charge of it and. that he be
authorized to keep all stock from grazing on the campus, was
adopted by unanimous vote.

     Mr. Terrell moved that $32?.00 be appropriated from the
general funds of the University to muet the expense of fitting
up the office of Dean pro tem George Robers of the College
of Agriculture. Seconded by Mr. 4ohnston, the motion carried.
Messrs. Johnston, Nichols, Nichols, Terrell and iaee voting

     On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. "Kee, Dean
Aoberts was authorized to employ a stenographer at $50.00
a month, Messrs. Vichols, Mckee, Jihnston and Terrell voting aye.


     on motion of Hr. Terrell, sec3nded by Mr. McKee, the
Bosr-d authorized the appropriation of $343.15 to ment
the expense of lonnro-ving FPAttarson Se1 to ac-cemotae the
increase in girl students,, NcKee, Nichols, Johnston, and
Terriell votine., aye.

     Mr. Aerrell moved that $150.00 bes appropriateed to r-ay the
sAlary of a student as-sistoant to Prof. Vichcls in farm e-ten-
sion work and $150.00 to Day for student wea  in the Soil
?hystcs and Farm Mechanics work in the Departu    of Agricul-
ture. The motion was carried. sears. '%rreal, 'Nichols.
Johneton and Me-Kee voting aye.

     On Mr. Terrell's motiaat seconded by Mr. %C&eke, the
Board authorized the appropriation of $100.00 to be added to
the $300.00 budgeted for the pnrpose of sending student re-
pr-esentatites to the Nationel Stgudermt's Judging contest In
Chicago, Messrs. Johnston, biohols, Terrell a2n Miee voting

     Or. motion ot "r. Johnston,, stecc nded by  r. Terrell, the
3oard una-nimoualy authorized the conferrIng of honorary degrees
upon the occasion of the 4'olden Jubilee, 0et. 14th, 1916,
Upon the 90llo3wingz

          &lnry 'atterson. Lit.n
          James 4ane All-en  0  i5
          Geoc. V. !Ztevene, L.L.DC
          ' hor, a VanderI ip  
          'ilton . %Mith  
          "hasg $ chw.  
          T. olemar "IDpont
          -61ihop 77erdinand Bressart. L   e D.  
          Jas. R. 2atterson            *
          R. H. Crosefield
          * A. Ganfilod               1
          M.3. Adams
          J,. a,  Irk

          John L, ?p *tert3r       

     The meeting adjourned until 0ctober 13th, at 11 o'clock,

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                      Enoch Greham.
