xt72jm23fc5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23fc5s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1999 1999 1999-03-08 2020 true xt72jm23fc5s section xt72jm23fc5s  

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Getting sexy, trashy with cellar and Co. in ‘Cruel Intentions' l Page 9




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goes to


Hog wild: UK makes some believers out of
critics, surge to seventh conference title

By Matt May


few small things wrong. and
then corrected them. We set a
goal to go 9-0 in the postsea—



l ‘f
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an; twice?"


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ms 455 ATLANTA _,_ Forget .311 son. We‘re 3-0 now, working
THE HISTORY OF that talk about UK not being on the fourth“
SOUP as 800d .85 1t USGd to be- Impressive defensive play
Whlle yQU’re at 1t. cross keyed the Cats’ run. as UK
CHE 5“ off the critmism that the Cats shut down the shooting of its
THE SCIENCE or have “9 shooters. three opponents. holding Ole
PLAY-DOH Walt, we re not Miss to 36 percent
done yet. _ shooting. Auburn to
PHI 101 _ Reboundmg? 9‘” 30 percent and
. THE RANBLINGS 0F lt. Senior leadership? Arkansas to 34.8 per-
* DEAD, DRUNKEN GOt ,lt- Bench play? cent.
' PHILOSOPHERS GOt lt- GGtGguY'.’ Got Arkansas Head
’ two or three of them Coach Nolan
All: 555 (it’s better to have Richardson called
ARCHITECTURE or mulilples) Coachlng? UK‘s defense out-
THE BRADY euucu Got It. standing after his
HOME You know what Hogs started the
else the Cats EOt? An- game 7-for-8 from the
M00 108 other Southeastern Confer- field and 5-for—6 from three-
THE BOVINE ERA, ence Tournament title, defeat- point range.
PART w: cow ing gigansals 76-6iéyesterdayh
rec alme its perc
HISTORY S'NCE "84 atop the conference ladder, See CATS 0" 4 >»
ENG 327 disposing of Ole Miss, fourth-
i SHAKESPEAREAN ranked Auburn and the Hogs
: MEMOS, MENUS AND in a dtlireeéday spree dthat m
prove t. e a s are rea y to
GROCERY LISTS make another run at their cats MN for call!"
Am- 754 third National Championship [and I 4
NOMADIC TRIBES or m “3331‘;- a P d n h ,
SUB-SAHARAN enlor co a ge , w o .
AFRICA THAT ARE was named the tournament’s More PHOTOS from the
REALLY JUST LOST most valuable player after “grim-mm to
pouring in 20 points and five
MATH 001 rebounds against the Razor- another SEC title I 5
COMPREHENSIVE backs, said a playersaonly
sruov or THE meeting ter last Sun ay’s , .
NUMBER SEVEN loss to Tennessee got the Cats women 5 team a" “St
back on the same page. Caflfomia girls I 6 was curse | mm surr
ARC 123 “We sat down after the Throw it up
girl's: usfugigggg Effigegfingfifigifidsfigfmg Senior forward Scott Padgett took a little time to show the fans In Atlanta who's In the house yesterday. The Louisville
saw that we were just doing a native was named the Most Valuable Player of the Southeastern Conference Tournament.
MATH 19875
MATHEMATICS SO .-__ , _.. wa—



NPR 314

PNY 276

ENG 690

- Source:


In memoriam

Many turn out to pay respects to fallen student,
friend, father at weekend memorial service

By John Wampler

According to Travis Ewton.

daughter Katie very much, and
could often be seen wearing a sweat-
shirt with her hand prints on it that
said “Daddy‘s Girl." Collins said.

5 ewclass.html. Stanley McGowan‘s personal assis- Along with his straightforward-
-IION NORTON tam, McGowan would often say, ness. McGowan was known for his
' "It s yogi; life. I'm Just passmg joking nature. Ewton said Mc-
-m- through. . . Gowan would always tease him. and

Many who knew him said Mc- Ewton had to learn to tease back.
Tomorrow’s Gowan passed through too quickly. Ewton recalled that he and a
weather More than 40 0f McGowan's friend were getting emotional over


4.3 3.1

Rain again is expected


friends and family mourned his
passing and celebrated his life in a
memorial service at the Newman
Center last Saturday.

McGowan. a sociology senior.
died last week after being hit by a
car on South Limestone Street near
Holmes Hall.

McGowan's death, when his friend
turned to him and said. “What
would Stanley think of this. if he
was here? He'd laugh at us and call
us a bunch of pansies.“

Judy Rose Ridner. whose son
Russell is a paraplegic and a psy-
chology junior. said McGowan
showed great courage facing his



today, snow early tomor- Many of McGowan‘s friends . . .

row morning spoke of their memories of him. or difficulties. and his example helped McGowan s mother sat and listened to

—— told stories about him. her deal With hfir 303‘s lnéury. f students who attended the memorial.

Kentucky “I remember ' ' . McGowan a e pe many 0 u .

W wardness." said r0238 631:3?th the other disabled students at UK. rell. pastor in the center. Th? ‘95?“
mountain | “mun" had roomed with McGowan during she said. and lamented that more mony of his friends show that in

VOL ”'04 '55"! ”"5 their stay at Perkin‘s Rehabilita- disabled students at UK cannot ben- spite or what we suffer here, we can



Mixed emotions

MN Mm (left). sister of Philip Courtney, a computer science

tion Center in the early ‘903. “If you
were doing wrong, he‘d let you

efit from his support.
"Stanley inspired people with

still accomplish a great deal."
A number of the scripture read»




INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 know, but in a friendly way." his desire to invest his life in help-

News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write: ______,_..__ .

yummy,“ The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentuck , Lexungton

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The Low-down

Possible breakthrough on Kosovo

LONDON — All factions of the ethnic Alba-
nians in Kosovo have promised to sign a peace
plan yesterday to give them autonomy, Clinton
officials said. The pledge, if carried out, would in-
tensify pressure on the Serbs to sign or face
NATO airstrikes.

Former Sen. Bob Dole, who negotiated the
agreement at the request of President Clinton.
told Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on
Saturday he was confident Kosovo’s Albanians
would follow through.

That would leave the Serbs’ refusal to accept
NATO’s peacekeeping role as the main stum-
bling block when peace talks resume March 15.

“They promised us they would do it tomor-
row," Dole said at a news conference at the US.
embassy. They indicated to us many times
that they will keep their word.

Think Americans ventured into danger
about it. LA VICTORIA. Venezuela — The three
we run American humanitarian workers kidnapped and

slain while trying to help a Colombian native

the group had ventured into a dangerous and lawless
home. region teeming with leftist rebels.

Authorities sought an explanation Saturday

We into the killings of the Americans, whose bound

pretty and bullet-ridden bodies were found last Thurs-

day in a cow pasture just across the border in

“limb Venezuela.
are in “I got halfway across the road and I put my
hands on my head," said the man who discovered
Charge the bodies, local rancher Segundo Salamanca, 48.
of "Who could have committed such a barbarity‘?"
- - The Americans were Ingrid Washinawatok,
ralsmg 41, a member of the Menominee nation of Wis-
the consin, Lahe‘ena‘e Gay. 39. director of the
Chfl Hawaii-based Pacific Cultural Conservancy In-
- ternational, and Terence Freitas, a 24-year-old
dren, environmentalist.
them Politicians foibles under scrutiny
My.” DES MOINES. Iowa As impeachment
fades to a messy memory, activists in key early
. states are bracing for another bruising round of
3"“ fighting over the personal foibles of politicians.
"'3'. Though polls show most voters do not care.
Month some Republican activists are loathe to forgive
”m even youthful indiscretions.
$1.33“! “There are those who say a leopard can’t
”a” change his spots," said Chuck Hurley, a leading
m“ social conservative and former legislator.
m “Is somebody going to push it? Absolutely,"
mm said veteran GOP activist Mary Boate. “The
m m“ questions will be asked.”
WM Iowa's precinct caucuses next February

mark the initial high-profile test of the presiden-
tial nominating season. The nature of Iowa’s cau-
cus system and the nation's political climate in



the wake of a year-long battle over presidential
sexual misconduct have set the stage for a cam-
paign with a distinctly personal touch.

Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Arizona
Sen. John McCain already have faced question-
ing. Bush concedes he “did some irresponsible
things when I was young and irresponsible," and
McCain has admitted to being responsible for the
ending of his first marriage.

Both argue those indiscretions happened

m: guy years ago. and they decline to discuss them
ammo ‘I'IIE further.

GUY: Sting had

mgmmm Italians angry after acquittal
background In CAVALESE, Italy — The people of this
“a, 5““ Alpine hamlet expected more from the United
and Two States than the shiny new gondola that ominous-
Smoklng ly detours around the spot where 20 people
Barrels plunged to their deaths last year.

I . in '. Most of all, they wanted the truth about why
p rl 1“ i a Marine pilot flew so low and so fast through
I” on f n their valley. But now that Capt. Richard Ashby
the British has been acquitted, they feel angry and betrayed.
crime cWY- “The biggest offense is that the United States
"I'm MI "W is telling us that no one is to blame for the deaths
ambitious of 20 people," said Anna Vanzo, the 19-year-old
about films." daughter of the gondola operator who died.
the pop star “I didn‘t care whether Ashby got 200 years in
said in prison or two, but I wanted to hear the truth,"
yesterday's Vanzo said. “Someone killed those people."

New York Daily The gondola had just begun its ascent when
News. Ashby’s EA-GB Prowler swooped into the valley

on a training flight on Feb. 3, 1998, and severed
the cable with its wing.

Everyone from Cavalese’s baker to its news—
paper vendor expressed outrage at Thursday‘s
verdict in a US. military court.

The president of the regional council, Loren-
zo Dellai, called it a “punch in the stomach." The
town council said it would look for a way to ap-
peal the verdict.


Mother charged in murder


WHEATON, Ill. — A nurse authorities say
When Versace used prescription medication to put her three
unveiled its children to sleep and then suffocate them was
new fashions charged Saturday with murder.
last week, Marilyn Lemak, 41, was under police watch
Naomi Campbell at a hospital in .Naperville. a Chicago suburb,
was nowhere to with minor injuries and was expected to be Jailed
be seen Sunday, prosecutor Joseph Birkett said. Police
“They've been said Mrs. Lemak’s wounds were self-Inflicted.

Birkett declined to discuss a possible motive.
“Why people do horrible things to children is
not for me to think about,” Birkett said. “There’s

treating me like
a stranger lor

months," ' no good reason to kill three beautiful children.”
“If” Mrs. Lemak and her husband, Dr. David
Campbell SIN Lemak, were separated and getting a divorce. Bir-
Saturday, kett said the children's father was “devastated.”
wearing a “He was according to all the info we have a

very concerned and caring father and he saw his
children regularly.” Birkett said.

Police found the bodies of 7-year-old
Nicholas, (3—year-old Emily and 3-year-old
Thomas Lemak Friday morning after Mrs.
Lemak called them to her two-story Victorian
home in a historic part of town.

pantsult from
rival fashion
house Armani.

Compiled Irom wire reports.



Frosh, others
get guldance

Here, little grasshopper: Upperclassmen
giving newcomers an edge through classes

By Jonathan Riggs

Incoming UK freshman
and transfer students have a
lot to deal with at UK ~— every-
thing from finding books at
the library to adjusting to
dorm life.

This fall, upper-classmen
can offer them guidance and
gain valuable experience as a
student assistant for academic
orientation classes.

Psychology sophomore
Bethany Whitis said the stu-
dent assistants really make a

“My class’s student assis-
tant taught us a lot more than
the teacher could,“ she said.
“She was able to tell us what
life on campus was really like.”

That kind of experienced
person makes a good student
assistant, said Rebecca Jor-
dan. director of New Student

“We are looking for upper-
division students enthusiastic
about UK, interested in work-
ing and helping students, com-

fortable getting up in front of
groups, and who are going to
be positive role models for
freshmen," she said.

The courses‘ goals include
helping students realize the
nature of a college education,
teaching academic skills and
increasing awareness and use
of University resources. UK
201 also emphasizes on career

Sample class topics from
the application include date
rape, alcohol. academic in-
tegrity and diversity.

Many students said they
appreciated the assistants.

“I thought it was pretty
neat having the student assis-
tant there," said Kyle Curti,
an art studio freshman. “Since
he was near our age, we could
really identify with him."

The students aren't the
only ones who benefit, though.

“Student assistants sharp-
en their teaching, communica-
tion and presentation skills,“
Jordan said. “They develop re
ally good relationships."



Continued from page 1


ings in the service dealt with
one receiving a new body after

Farrell said those pas-
sages were relevant to Mc-
Gowan’s disability, but also
conveyed a message of hope:
life beyond the present.

Shortly after everyone
had shared their memories of
McGowan, Farrell led the
group in prayer and the ser—

vice ended.

“It’s just wonderful that
everyone has been so kind,”
said McGowan‘s mother, Mrs.
Stanley McGowan, Sr. “We
hadn’t known he had influ-
enced so many lives.”

“Several students had
called or come by and said
that they would have liked to
go the visitation or the funer-
al, but couldn‘t, for a variety of
reasons," said Jake Kames, di-
rector of Disability Resource

“80 it was suggested that

maybe a memorial service
would be a good idea."




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Students: Donovan a drag

Not up to par: Administration not up to par
on responding to complaints. residents say

By Ann Mullins

Tanya Stith didn’t know
what she was getting into
when she moved from North
Campus into Donovan Hall two
years ago.

The condition of her hall‘s
bathroom and the laundry
room has been a nightmarish
experience for her.

“This dorm is in bad need
of repair, and l have com-
plained about it from the time I
got here," she said.

The final straw for Stith
came when she had to wade
through water to get to a work-
ing washing machine.

Residents of Donovan Hall
have said they are unhappy
with the state of ill-repair in
specific areas of the dorm, and
think their complaints are
falling on deaf ears.

One laundry room with six
washers and eight dryers serves
the dorm, which is home to
more than 300 female students.

Often, only one or two
washing machines work and
students wait in line to use
them, Stith said. Students com-
plained to maintenance, resi-
dent assistants and the hall di-
rector during hall meetings, but
still nothing was done, she said.

Residents got so frustrated
over the lack of attention to the
washing machine problem,
they started a petition and sent
it to UK administration last
week in hopes of getting some—
thing done, said Raina Turner,
hall director at Donovan.

About 250 residents signed
the petition that was sent last
week to Jim Wims. director of
Residence Life, Stith said.

Wims was unavailable for
comment, but Pat Whitlow, asso
ciate director of Residence Life,
said she was aware Donovan res-
idents were preparing a petition,
but did not know if it ever got to
the Residence Life office.

Vice Chancellor for Admin-
istration Jack Blanton, who said

facilities are in top condition,
was unaware of the petition.

“No one in Residence Life
has called my office about a
problem and no petition has
come through.“ he said. “We
can’t fix things if we don’t
know if they are in a state of

“We have a very good re-
lationship with maintenance,
but students are able to con-
tact them directly," Whitlow
said. “They do not have to go
through us in any way to get
their maintenance needs

But students felt like they
did have to take it a step fur—
ther, because they were being
told in hall meetings that their
complaints would not be noted
unless their parents called to
complain, Turner said.

“I'm not saying that no-
body takes the students seri-
ously," she said. “But parents
are the ones that have money
in their pockets."

Many students, like Stith,
help pay their way through
school with jobs and scholar-
ship money, and feel that they
have a right to be heard too.

After many weeks of wait-
ing for repair, maintenance
fixed the machines and the
drainage problem on Friday.
But Donovan‘s problems don‘t
end there. The condition of oth-
er areas, such as bathrooms,
concern students as well.

The ceiling on one first-
floor bathroom leaks, and mold
and mildew from the ceiling
grows and drips down into the
shower, students pointed out.
The peeling plaster and debris
overhead falls off at any given
moment, Stith said.

“Maintenance came out to
fix it, but they just covered up
the problem by lowering the
ceiling over the showers and
nailing boards over other trou-
ble spots," she said. “A week
would pass and slowly you
would see water spots and pink
mold growing up there again."

The age of the building only
aggravates the situa-
tion, Turner said.

Plaster and paint
is peeling around the
water fountains in
the hall and on the
pipes and walls in
the bathrooms, and a
light switch plate in


problem to replacing a light
The service oper-
ates 24 hours a day
and they try to take
care of requests
within one or two
days, said Lyle Mor-
gan, director of

her bathroom is rust- I’m not Morgan said he did
ed glarough, Stith not know of an exist-
point out. ' ing work order for
Slimy water and saymg that Donovan, but said
falling debris in the nobody these conditions
shower is not the were unacceptable.
only problem. Some takes the “I was not aware
of the toilet stalls are that the bathrooms
an unstable nuisance students in Donovan were to
as well, she said. . that degree of disre—
“In order to close 391101181}! pair,“ Morgan said.
the toilet door for “I will send a super-
privacy, you hlave to But visor over on Mon-
ean your weig tinto day and we will ad-
thei whall (If the stall parents are dress these issues
an s ut t e door be and get it under con-
cause none of the the ones trol.“
doors are properly Many students, like
aligned,“ Stith said. that have Stith, think the
Not all bath- money in maintenance prob-
rooms in Donovan _ lems at Donovan are
are as bad as the one their a low priority for the
on Stith’s hall, but ,, University. Stith
other students have DOCketS- said Donovan‘s new
complaints as well. fitness center. which
Tonya Baiey. a _ opened last semes-
merchandising ju- hgfiugrzm' ter. is great and she
nior, has lived at Donovan Hall enjoys using it. but

Donovan for three
years, said her main
concern is with the
bathrooms and the drainage

“It's up to the residents to
make sure the bathrooms are
kept clean, but the repairs and
renovations are way over due
and something needs to be
done," Bailey said.

Nat Pulmano, a business
and economics freshman, said
she thought about buying a pair
of swim shoes to wade through
the standing water in the laun-
dry room.

“The only thing I have a
hard time with at Donovan is
when the washers and dryers
don’t work," she said.

When students have any
type of maintenance problem,
they are encouraged to call
maintenance at 257-1591 for any-
thing from a washer or dryer

maintenance issues
should take priority.
she said.

“They‘ve dug out those trees
in front of the library and re-
arranged them. and they've
changed the trees in front of Pat-
terson Office Tower, but they
can‘t repair our bathrooms.“
Stith said.

“These things take time.
but for me to have lived here for
two years and it has been this
way the whole time, it‘s a little
more time than I'm willing to

Stith and Bailey agree that
their experience at UK has been
a positive one.

“If you were going to come
to school here, this is a great
place to be; it’s so pretty."

But she wouldn't suggest
anyone live in Donovan Hall.



Tax credits music to many ears

Hope for the future: New tax breaks could
mean some significant savings for students

By Robert Ouan

New tax breaks could mean
a cheaper stay at UK.

Starting in 1998, some part
of tuition and fees now count as
tax credits when you file 1998
federal income tax returns.

This is the first year these
credits are available, said Dan
Boone, a communications spe-
cialist for the Internal Revenue
Service. The two new credits
are the Hope Credit and the
Lifetime Learning Credit.

The Hope credit is avail-
able to freshmen and sopho-
mores. It counts 100 percent of
the first $1,000, and 50 percent
of the next $1,000 of tuition and
fees as a tax credit up to a $1,500


The Lifetime Learning
Credit is available to anyone
who is enrolled, no matter how
long they have been in school.
It counts 20 percent of each
$1,000 paid for tuition and fees
as a tax credit up to a $1,000
maximum, he said.

“I’ve been asked about tax
deductions on school and tu-
ition for years," he said. “I'm
glad to finally be able to tell peo
ple that yes, there are deduc-
tions for school now.”

People often get confused
about the two different credits,
said Loretta Datoma, assistant
director of Student Billing Ser-
vices and tax compliance man-

“The big question we get is

about the Hope Credit and who
is eligible," she said. “It’s open
only for the first two years
someone is enrolled. But a lot of
people don’t know the lifetime
learning credit is available."
Student Billing Services
mailed out almost 30,000 infor-
mation letters, account state-
ments and 1098-T forms,
Datoma said. The 1098—T forms
confirm a student's enrollment
at part-time or more and go in
the student‘s records, he said.
To obtain the tax credit,
Boone said students or their par-
ents need to fill out form 8863
and attach it to a regular 1040 or
1040A. There is also an income
limit on who can take the credit.
Boone suggested people
take advantage of the Volunteer
Income Tax Assistance pro-
gram or get professional help if
they have a lot of questions.
Courtney Wallace, an ar-
chitecture senior, normally

files his own returns. This year
he went to the assistance pro-
gram to get help with the new
student tax credit.

“I’ve never gotten help be-
fore," Wallace said. “My main
impetus was the tuition thing.
Normally I don‘t have a prob-
lem with taxes. I just have a
problem with owing the govem-
ment money."

Andrew Sparks, a law stu-
dent and one of the assistance
program volunteers, said stu-
dents should also pay attention
to the new deduction for inter—
est paid on student loans.
Sparks said the deduction can
be important for people just
graduating from school with a
lot of loans out.

“It's really about time for a
tuition credit,” said Sebastian
Parks. an architecture senior.
“I don’t really know much
about it, but hell yes. if I can
take it, I will.“



Cutting common

What Friday classes? Students find all sorts
of ways to avoid class to start the break early

By Jonathan Johnson

Spring Break doesn‘t start
early enough for many stu-
dents, who will skip classes
days before the academic calen-
dar declares vacation.

“Most of my classes are can-
celed for Thursday and Friday,
and the ones that aren’t, I’ll
probably just cut," said unde-
clared freshman Chris Brown.

Undeclared freshman
Justin Davis plans on taking
Friday 011‘ to prepare for his trip
to Florida. Even teachers expect
students to cut class, and offer
incentives to those that do come
to class, like extracredit quizzes.

“I plan on coming to class
just in case a teacher is nice


- Lr-Joooooooeec-c- ‘

and does give out bonus
points," undeclared freshman
Geri Cobb said.

Several instructors even go
the extra mile and cancel Friday
classes rather than attend and
see the poor student turnout.

“It’s nice when teachers do
it, but they’re not obligated to
do it," said Wendy Cunning-
ham, a secondary education
sophomore. “I really like it
when they do.”

Those who do not cancel
class offer the day as an opportu-
nity to make up a missed quiz,
or to review and get caught up
on the material before students
take their next exam.

“I never got sick during the
semester, so I didn‘t miss any
Wm." Davis said. “One of my


for end of week

teachers is offering a day to
make up any ones we missed, so
it‘s kind of a free day for me."

A few teachers, though, just
continue with their planned
material, but any student with
a friend who went to class can
copy the day's notes and not fall
behind, many say.

“Most students have to
miss because their planes or
whatever leave Thursday or
Friday, so I‘d have no problem
letting someone copy my notes
so they don‘t fall behind," said
Alex Ciric, a business manage-
ment sophomore.

It's not uncommon for stu-
dents to show up Friday mom-
ing expecting to sit through one
more long class session to find
the instructor has canceled
class, students said.

“You can really tell that
some teachers are getting a lit-
tle tired too," said engineering
freshman Matt Ritter. “I would


n‘t be surprised to drive up
here Friday morning and see a
piece of paper by the door
telling me to go home."

On the other end of the
spectrum are exams and major
papers due on Thursday and
Friday. “I have an exam on Fri-
day that I have to study for."
Ciric said.

Rebecca Whitehead. a
Spanish teaching assistant.
sympathizes with students who
have to show up to take her
planned quiz.

“On Friday I have to give a
quiz," she said. “I know that
students don‘t want to have
class, but I have to enforce the
rules. I‘m sure they‘d rather be
at home.”

Although most teachers do
not penalize students for skip.
ping. some do assign major as.
signments due on Thursday
and hiday. Sometimes the best
idea is to check the syllabus.










The Campus Calendar Is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and
UK Departments. Information can be submitted In Rm. 203. Student (enter or
by completing a request form on line at W.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday nformatlon Is to
appear In the calendar. For more Information call 257-8866



OBlack and Decker Marketing Seminar. 730 pm, I48 ME,
Door Prize will be given, call Bobby at 277—7428 for Info
OCareer Testing. 3 pm, I09 Miller Hall. Free

Ointernshlp and Shadowing Orientation, IOam-I 2pm, I I I
Student Center

OPIzza Theology 4pm. Newman Center
{mortar Board Honor Society Meeting, 6—7 pm, W.T. Young


OEXHIBIT: “Made In Kentucky: Regional Artists. Part II: l980—I998”, UK Art
Museum, call 7—57I 6 for Info

OEXHIBIT: “Mark Priest: The Railroad Labor Series", UK Art Museum

:Alkldo Classes/UK Alkldo Club, B-I 0pm, Alumni Gym Loft, call Chris at 245-5887
or n o

OSenIor Clarinet Recital: Jeff Coleman, 8 pm. Slngletary Center

ISAB Applications Available In Room 203 Student Center - Apply Now for
:relstlldent', Vice President, Communication Director, and Committee Chair
05 ans.



OMath I09 & l23 Tutoring, 203 Frazee Hall, FREE, call 7—6959 for more Info
:Informal Creative Writing Workshop 8—9230pm, Rm. BI 08C W.T. Young Library.
OChemIstry I05 Review, 5-7pm, l03 Barker Hall, FREE

OAIpha PhI Omega meeting, 7:30pm, 359 Student Ctr.
clntervarslty Christian Fellowship Quest Meeting, 7pm, Rm 230 Student Center
OGreen Thumb recycling meeting, 7pm, 106 Student Center
OHabltat For Humanity meeting, 6 pm. I I 3 Student Center
afgmmunlcatlon Student Assoc. meeting, 7:30 pm, Maggie Room of Grehan
OSpeakers from Medical School Admissions Offices of UK, UofL, Plkevllle 7-9 pm,

I37 Chem/Phys Bldg.
OSocIetus Pro Leglbus Meeting, 7 pm, 228 Student Center , ’ .
I \

i , J -
OMacAllister Awards and Masterclass—Vocal Competition/ Audition, 9am.
Slngletary Center

OSoccer Tournament to be held on 3/26 and 3/27,
mandatory managers meeting today 5 pm. Worsham


OUK Ultimate Frisbee Practice, 6-8pm, Band Field, call Nick at 28I—1256 for Info



-L.E.A'.:. Learning Skills Program, I -i 50pm, 203 Frazee Hall


OFelIowshIp of Christian Athletes meeting, 9pm, CSF Bldg. (corner of Woodland
& Columbia)

uStudent Meal and Discussion 5pm, Newman Center

OFrench Conversation Table 4:30—6pm, Ovid's Cate

OPsI Chi meeting, 4pm, Rm. 2i 3 Kastle Hall

oHoly Eucharist at St. Augustine's Episcopal Chapel, I 295 pm a 6 pm

oRussIan Table sponsored by the Russian Club, 430 pm, Lynagh's, (no
knowledge of Russian required!)


OFaculty ficltal: Noemi Lugo, voice, 8pm, Slngletary Center


oAlkido Classes/UK AIkIdo Club, 6:30—830pm, Alumni Gym Loft. call Chris at
245-5887 for Info

0Volleybali Officials Needed- Earn Extra SSS, mandatory meeting 6pm. I 16
Seaton Center


OCampus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting, 7:30pm, Worsham Theatre
sUK Lambda meeting for Lesblgaytrans people, 7:30pm. Room 23I Student
OThursday Night Live, 7pm, Christian Student Fellowship. call 233—O3I 3 for Info
‘UK Snowskl and Snowboard meeting, 7pm, Room 228 Student Center
~Golden Key National Honor Society Meeting, 7:30pm, 228 Student Center