xt72jm23fb57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23fb57/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1988 1988 1988-04-25 2020 true xt72jm23fb57 section xt72jm23fb57  



Sports Monday



The Blue-White game was a battle of
the basics. SEE PAGE 3.





A new Clint Eastwood may be
on the horizon. SEE PAGE 5.




Today: Partly cloudy


Tomorrow: Chance of showers


Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Vol. XCI. No. 153

Established 1894

Independent since 1 971

Monday, April 25, t 988

Alleged athletic violations being investigated

Recruit’s mother says she paid her own
way in visit to Lexington last fall

Associated Press

LEXINGTON — The mother of
UK basketball recruit Shawn Kemp
has denied receiving any money
from the University to pay for her
visit to the campus last fall.

Barbara Brown said Saturday that
she paid cash for her plane ticket
and hotel room on the Oct. 31-Nov. 1
trip, The visit, however. is being in-
vestigated by the NCAA.

“UK has never given or offered
me anything,“ Brown said in a tele-
phone interview with The Courier~
Journal from her home in Elkhart.
Ind. "I wasn‘t out looking for any-
thing. either.

“Shawn is my only son, and I just
wanted to go and see the college in
which he was interested. It was kind
of a spur-ofthe-moment trip.“

Brown said her main interest in
visiting the campus was to make
sure her son would be entering a
good academic environment. “I
talked to the academic advisers
there for quite a while,“ she said.

The newspaper reported Saturday
that correspondence between the
NCAA and the University showed
that UK had been directed to deter-
mine whether Brown received assis-
tance with her expenses.

According to NCAA rules. a uni-

Sec TRIP. Page 10



Associated Press

LEXINGTON ~» An allegation that
a businessman paid former L'K
guard James Blackmon 340.000 dur-
ing the 1980-87 school year is one of
four new possible irregularities in
the Wildcat athletic program that
have been investigated recently.
according to a published report,

Information on the four incidents
was contained in documents re-
leased by the I‘niyersity in response
to an open-record request by The
Courier-Journal. which reported its
findings in yesterday's editions.

The other allegations involved L'K
athletic-staff workers and some


Tree tops


The State Forestry Department donated a forest full of white
pines and oaks for all the participants and a dogwood tree for

the winner of the Arbor Day Run held this weekend on the UK






Jake Kames is the director or UK's Handicapped Services. housed

in Alumni Gym.

players getting ircc memberships to
a Lexington country club. basketball
recruiting publicity and a football
brochure sent to recruits

Joe Burch. the l'nivcrsity ’s deputy
general counsel. said l’riday that
“there is no indication one way or
another” whether llllisc incidents
\\lll become oilicial Ni‘.\.\ Inquiries
that could lead to sanctions against
the school

In fact. the Nt'AA has recently
cleared {K of possible iiilractions
involving thc basketball recruiting
publicity and iootball brochurc.
deeming them “secondary“ viola
tions worthy oi no iiirthcr action

The latest allegations, liimcyct'.
come amid Nt‘AA investigations of

Allegations of payments being looked into

the recru1ting of two blue-clap lléir'
kctball players by the I 'niversily

The most recent inqu1ry. under
taken earlier this month. came alter
an Emery \t'orldwidc package sent
to the father oi Los Angclcs high
school star (‘hrls Mills caiiic open.
allegedly revealing $1.000 lll cast:

The envelope containing a game
videotape was mailed by I'K \ssis-
taiii t'oach I)watie last-y 'l'hc
Alillses denied getting any money iii
the package. and t'asey denied send
ing any money

The NCAA also is lll\’t‘$llt.‘.illllg
whether the [friiversity helped pay
tor a trip by Barbara Iii-own. imih
er of [K recruit Shawn Kemp iroin

\L'i' \('\ \. l’i." ill

SGA commuter dance

to raise funds for Viji

B) III~III)I I’IttlIfS'l'
Staff Writer

The Student Governmcnt Assi‘icizr
tion and the ()i'licc oi (‘oiiiiniitcr Stu
dents are working together to saw
Viji Jegaiiathan's lilc,

SGA is sponsoring a iiaiicc to be
held tomorrow night at lllt' tlltl Sui
dent (.‘entcr Ballroom 'l‘lic band
“The Miiy'lcs" xvii play than 2”. to

Admission is llt't'. donations
will be taken at the door tor: the op-
eration that could savi- \‘rii‘s liic

Viji, a it-l-yearchl graduate stu-
dent. was diagnosed as having lcu-
kemia in Noveirihcr liitiii t'iii'rcnliy.
her leukemia is lit remission, but
she still must have a bone marrow
transplant. Time is a lat-tor iii-caust-
the treatment needs to be done yihilc
the disease is in remission

"Hopefully. this ithe dance: \\lll
involve ot'i'caiiipus students in (lo
nating to the worthy cause of the
Viji fund." said Si Deane. an eco-
nomics senior and newly elected
SGA senator at larui

Deane said SGA wanted to iiivolvc
the commuter studcnts iii a campus
event before the year is our and
that SGA has a $1,000 goal to add to
the money they liavc already raiscd
for the Viji i'uiid

So far. SGA has raised almost
$10000 for \‘iji through the ribbon
sales and donations winch began
March 22. said Senator at Large
David Allgood

The operation \\lll cost $100000



SGA takes further action
on campaign violation al-
legation. See page 7.

and she is unable to afford tiw opur
ation \'i_ii only has sirloin» ii-:* in
her medical insuraiii-i-

\'tii‘s only chance oi uvttzm 'iic
inoncv for the opci'atior dwpo- 2 i— in
the generosity oi the Hi 3 .ini
body and the Lexmgton coiniiiiiiiiiy

The crisis was brought to 'iii- at
tention of SGA President l'yiidi
Weaver by Syham .\l;iiiris. a iorcign
student advisor Winner set up an
account to solicit donations iron. the
campus community

“I would say. more than most pop
uiatioiis. students are pcoph who
care and who possess the cite-icy to
makc a dii'icrencc ‘ Wcavcr said in
a Kernel story on .\larch 2‘1. tutti»; "I
truly bclicvc that charity begins at
home we are \'iii‘s homo and she
nccds our help "

'l‘hc selling oi was one
.\‘(i;\ tuiitl-l'aisci to Villt i' money
iroiii l'K‘s iaculty, stall and stu»

Allgi; id said anoihcr \iay Stu “I“
help \lll gain money for tlic bone
marrow transplant is by donating
hall oi their surplus lands at the end
oi the year. He said that sum proba»
lily w ill be about $10.00“

Iiiich htii‘i senator has the choice
to sign over their last payment
check to thc \lll iuild also. Allgood


UK offers handicapped many programs

Program and the General Services disabilities include total and partial Kirkland said "It‘s like lllcy net .i


Staff Writer

8 ecial
The number oi P _
handicapped stu- Proiect
dents at UK is
hard to calculate.
University offi-
cials say. But the
programs avail- _
able to these stu- Handlcap
dents are easily

8 e rvi c e s

UK‘s disabled students can turn to
the University and take advantage
of any of the three components of
the Handicapped Student Services.
They can utilize the Textbook Tape
Recording Program. Attendant Care


“It‘s hard to say the number of
handicapped students at UK because
there are different types." said Jake
Karnes. director of Handicapped
Student Services "A broken arm is
a temporary disability."

Karries said there are temporary
and pcrmanant disabilities. Some
disabilities are visible. but others.
such as kidney problems. heart dis-
ease and cancer. are not.

Karnes said temporary disabilities
are either physical conditions that
fluctuate. unusual health problems
or requirements to take medication
which may influence a student‘s
classroom performance. Permanent

Attendants ease life for handicapped

Senior Staff Writer

Students base their decision to at-
tend UK on a variety of factors: ex-
tensive liberal arts program. attrac-
tive setting in the heart of Kentucky.
great basketball team. But for a few
students, one factor stands out in
particular: UK"s Handicapped At-
tendant Care Program.

“If it wasn't for the program, I
wouldn't be here." said senior David

“I came to UK because it‘s the
only school in the state with the pro-
gram." said junior Frankie Thomp-
son. .

Allgood and Thompson are both
quadriplegic: — they are paralyzed
through this program that they can



Reporter makes some in-
sights on the handicap
lifestyle. See page 6.

gain the benefits of living on cam-
pus. For some handicapped stu-
dents. it is the only reason they are
still in school at all.

Through the Attendant Care Pro-
gram. now in its ninth year at UK.
wheelchair students who need daily
personal care receive help in “the
activities of daily living." said
Sharon Marsee, a former attendant.

Attendants help the handicapped
students prepare for classes or get
ready for bed “just like anyone else
would, except they can't do some
things themselves.“ said Vanessa
Workman. a fifth-year attendant.

Currently. there are seven dis-
abled students — all male — living
in Holmes Hall who require daily at-
tendant care. said Clive White. the
program‘s coordinator/counselor.
Twenty attendants. both students
and people from the Lexington area.
work in morning and night shifts
seven days a week to provide this

While some of the attendants are
trained at rehabilitation hospitals or
are already students in this type of
care, many simply receive first.
hand training as soon as they are
hired. Their starting salary of $4 an
hour increases to $4.50 after the first
semester and to 85 after a year.

“There are about three or four at-
tendants per shift. and a supervisor
who coordinates everything." White

The morning shift runs from 6-10.
During this time. “we wake them
up. help them groom. shave. shower
and get dressed." said Workman.

Hugh Haagen. a former attendant,
recalled. ”We‘d get there about 6 or
6:30 depending on the students‘
schedules and go in the room and
check to see if they were OK, "

After showers. catherization, and
dressing. “we‘d transfer them into
their wheelchairs. brush their teeth
and hair. and get their books and
notebooks.“ Haagan said. “Every-
thing‘s just a little bit different in

"They help us get in our chairs
and straighten up our desks." said
Jeff Coomer. a journalism junior


blindness. deafness and other hear»
ing difficulties. paraplegia. quadri-
plegia. learning disabilities and cpi

For the hearing and seeing im-
paired. the Tape Recording Pro»
gram provides assistance in locating
texts aild tape recording materials
that are not available clscyy here,

They also record books tor the
blind. The people who rccord the
books are volunteers. said Joe Kirk-
land. coordinator oi the Textbook
Tape Recording Program,

"As soon as we get the books. we
call up volunteers and they choose
the books that interest them or the
subjects they have an interest in."

tree education.”

[K has one oi only two retording
units in the slate 'l‘hc ollicr iiiiit is
ill ltwcnsboro \'oliiiitci-rs are re-
cruited from the community in re
cord the textbooks Kirkland said
most oi the volunteers arc rctii'cd

”Retired pcoplc Just seem to have
more time." said Kirkland

Kirkland explained that at the be
ginning oi the year. students are re
quired to pay a $30 recording ice to
pay for a year‘s \Hil'lll oi books
After the student brings ill the books
that need to be recorded, the texts
are checked against the current re<
cordings to see if any of Illt’lll have
already been recorded. 3‘.“ k. in“... f.

IA. ”Mm"

Tony Cormack. an animal science major. has been helping hand-
icapped student Dawd Allgood for the last three years,




2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday. April 25, 1966



Information on this calendar at events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University at Ken-

tucky. The Information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with ed-
Itorlal privilege allowed tor the sake of clarity at expression. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calen-
dar form must be tilled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday proceeding the

publication date.



-Reiigious: Free Meditation Group. Free; Newman Center; 6 pm.
Call 266-4916

~Reilglouszworshlp Servicewarmecasualgatherlngtlmeoising-
lilo. prayers. Ii messages: Free. 506 Columbia Ave. 8-9-30 p.m.; Call

OReligious: Monday Evening Fellowship. Free: K+louser4l2 Roee St.
6 pm. Call254-1661

sReligtous: Creative Prayer Grain - TIme to relax. share. a relate
with students; Free. Newman Center 8 pm. Call 255-6566

- Retigims: Student Meeting - discussion at upcoming events - all
students lnvltedl; Free: Newman Center; 9 pm. Call 255-6566

- Religiou. “Cornerstone“ Music Practice - enthusiasm is the onry
reouirernenti. Free: 506 Columbia Ave.. 6:30-8 pm . Call 254-3714

-5ports Campus Aerobics. Free; K-tiouse-412 Rose St. 3:30 pm.
Call 2541661

- Sports Alkido: Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes; Free: Alum-
ni Gym Lott; 3:30 am, Coil 2660102

~5ports Aida Club - Beginners welcome. Wrestling experience
valuable, Free. Alumni Gym Lott. 5630 pm .Call 6-4156

-Concerts. Brian Mason/Arnior Percussion Recital. Free. SCFA - Re-
cital Holt. 8 p.m.. Cali 7-4900

oLectures "Art Collecting in the Grand Manner" by J. Ruttie. Cura-
tor oi Egyptian Art;Free:C8118.8 p m., Call 7-8151


0500"}: UK Fencing Club: Ft”; MN Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Cal

OSports; Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN: Free; Nell Armory: 7:30-
9-30 pm.

- Religious: Lunch 6 Last Lecture guest speakers share about top-
ics train their careers 6 lives; $2.00; 506 Columbia Ave.; 7:30 p.m.;
Call 254-3714

sReiigious: "Tuesday Night Together" - TNT - a tlrne tor worship 6
ieilowship: Free: 429 Columbia Ave.; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3969

- Religious: Campus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLV MEETING; Free; Stu-
dent Center 245; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-3969

- Religious: RCiA - Program tor people studying to enter the Catho-
IiC CMCD; Ft“: W Center: 7:30-9:15 p.m.; Call 255-5566

-Sports; Aerobics: Free: Newman Center; 5:50-7 p.m.; Call 255-

oReI‘igIous: Prayer oi the Rosary tor increase In Vocations; Free:
Newman Center; 7 p.m.; Call 2556566

- Sports. UK Cycling Club Meeting; Free; 213 Seaton Center: 8 p.m.;
Call 8-2350

0Concerts: Victoria Hughes/Senior Piano Recital; Free. SCFA - Reci-
tal Hall; 6 pm. Call 7-4900

-Concerts, Steve Rice/Senior Trombone Recital; Free; SCFA - Recl-
tal Hall, 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

~Semlnars: ”1966: Politics In the Nuclear Age" a public talk by Dr.
H. Jack Geiger. Free; Memorial Hall; 8 pm; Call 233-6426












olectures - 4/25: “Art Collecting In the Grand
Manner” by J Kittie, Curator at Egyptian Art; Free;
CB 118; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8151

oSemlnars - 4/26: "1988: Politics in the Nuclear
Age" 0 public talk by Dr. H. Jack Golder: Free; Me-
morial Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 233-6426

OSerninars — 4/27: Psychology In the Elderly; Free;
Sanders-Brown Center; Noon; Call 233-5156




~Reiigious: Bible Discussion Groups - Great Comrnission Students:
Free; Student Center 231. 7-30 pm. Call 254-3997

oReligious: Dinner Casual Dinner 6 Good Company. 53. 506 C0-
lumbia Ave.. 5—6 p.m..Cai1254-3714

- Sports: Alkido: Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes; Free; Alum-
ni Gym loit: 8:30 pm. Call 266-0102

. Sports. mo Club - Beginners are welcome. wrestling experience
valuable; Free; Alumni Gym Lott. “:30. Call 8-4156

- Religious: Communion Service; Free; Newman Center; 8-8:45 pm.
Call 255-6566

- Religious: Student Faith Sharing - Upcorning Sunday's Gospel
Read 6 Discussed; Free; Newman Center; 9-IO p.m.;CaI1255-8566

- Sports: Campus Aerobics. Free; K—Houser4i2 Rose Street. 3:30
pm. Call 254-1681

- Religiorss; Decision Point - Bible Studies tocussing on “Human Sex-
uality. leng in America. etc"; Free. 506 Columbia Ave. 8-9-30 pm.
Call 254-3714

s Sports: UK Women‘s Tennis vs. LSU. Away. Call 73838

OSerninars; Psychology In the Elderly. Free; Sanders-Brown Center.
Noon; Call 233-5156


- Religious: “”Cornerstone Drama Practice - enthusiasm is the only
requirement: Free: 506 Colurnbla Ave.; 6:30-6 p.m.; Call 254-3714

-Sports: UK Fencing Club: Free; Alumni Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm. Call

. Sports: Japan Karate Club - Shotokan, Free; Alumni Gym - Balco-
ny; 5:30-7:30 p.l'n.

- Sports: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center; 5:50-7 pm; Call 255-

- Religious: Sprltuai Reading Group - discussion at Various Spiritual
Writers: Free; Newman Center: 10:30-Noon; Call 2558566

0 Religious: Fellowship at Christian Athletes - FCA; Free; 502 Colum-
bia Ave. 9 p.m.; Call 233-0315

s Rellgious: Thursday Bible Study; Free; 502 Columbia Ave.; 7 p.m.;
Call 233-0313

- Religious: D 6 L Grill; SI; 429 Columbia Ave.; 12:15; Call 7-3969

osports (through 4/30): UK Outdoor Track Penn Relays; Philadel-
phia. PA: Call 7-3836

-Concerts- UK Orchestra Concert/Phillip Miller. Director; Free: SCFA
— Concert Hall; 8 pm. Call 74900

oSports: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton Squash Courts; 7:30-10
pm. Call 8-8161

special events





- Seminars- Chern: ”SVnthetlc Studies Leading to Trichothecene
Photoattlnity Probes". Free; 137 Chemistry-Physics Building. 3 3O p.m..
Coil 7-4741

- Academics: End or Class Work

-Acadernlcs: American Student Dental AssoCiotion Day, 8.30
a.m.J p «1.. Call 233-6071

~Concerts: Guest - Huw Lewis. Concert Organist Free SCFA - Con—
cert tioil, 8 pm. Call 7-4900

-Other: Songs 6 Celebration at Logan English Free. Peal Gallery.
Noon. Call 79401

~Sports UK Women‘s SEC Tournament Baton Rouge LA Call 7-



- Religious. the Hub Cotteehouse — Christian Bands. Drama groups.
rellawship 6 tun. Free; K-l-iouse/4I2 Columbia; 730 pm, Call 254-

- Religious: Catholic Celebration of the Mass: Free; Newman Cen-

~Concerts: Robert Boguslaw/Graduate Piano Recital; Free: SCFA -
Recital Hall; 3 pm. Call 74900

~Concerts: Wanda Orr/Senior French Horn Recital; Free; SCFA - Re-
cita Hall; 8 pm, Call 7-4900

oSports. UK Baseball vs. Mississippi State. doublehitter; Mississippi:
Call 7-3838

oConcerts- Guild ot Organists Lexington Chapter - Students trorn
UK. U at L. Transylvania. and Asbury. Free; Memorial Hall; 10:30 am.-
1:30 p.m.;Cait 7-4900



~Rellaious: Celebration at Worship - Christian Student Fellowship
Free502ColurnblaAve. 7pm.Call253-0313

- Religion Catholic Celebration oi the Mass, Free. Newman Cen-
ter. 6 10, II 30am . 5. 9:30pm.. Call 255-8566

Osborts- Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN: Free Alumni Gym: 3-5
p m

-Sports: Alkido — Japanese Martial Arts Beginnert Classes Free.
Alumni Gym Lott. 1pm. Cal 2660102

- Other Law Day. USA

- Sports: UK Basebol vs. Mssissippi State; Mississippi Call 7-3636

0Conoerts: Contra Kentucky Youth Concert Orchestra. Free; Cen-
ter tor the Arts: 3 p.m.; Cd 7-3945





.Acodernics (through 5/6): Final Examinations
oReliglous Free Meditation Group: Free; Newman Center. rrri. 1; 6
p m..Call 266-4916
ing. prayers. emessages: Free. 506 Oalitnbia Ave.; 6-9::0 p.m.; Cal
cussion. parties. 6 pot luck dinner. Free; “louse/412 Roee St. 6 pm:
Call 254-1661
wtth students; Free. Newman Center; 6 p.m.; Cal 2556666
students lnvitedl; Free; Newman Center; 9 p.m.; Cd 2556566
oReiiuous: ”"Cornerstone Music Practice - entriusiasm I the only
requirementi. Free 506 Cohmbla Ave.; 630-6 p.m.; Ca 254-3714
n3ports- Cancun Aerobics; Free; K-liouse/412 Rose 31.; 3:30 pm.
Call 254-1661
nt Gym Lott. 6:30 p.m.; Ca! 2660102
valuable. Free AiurhniGyrnLort; 5630 p.m.;Cd 64156
own-(mum 5/6) DonovahIlArtExhbit-ReceptionMayzird:
Free. ugon Noun. Noors5pm. cm 277-9262








. Academics - 4/29: End of Class Work

- Academics - 4/29: American Student Dental As-
sociation Day; 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Call 233-6071

- Academics — 5/25/6: Final Examinations

- Other - 4/29: Songs 6 Celebration at Logan En-
glish; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon: Call 7-9401
oOther— 5/1: Law Day. USA

oReIiglous — 4125: Free Meditation Group; Free;
Newman Center; 6 p.m.; Call 266-4918

0 Religious - 4/25: Worship Service: warm a: casual
gathering time of singing. prayers. 8i messages:
Free; 508 Columbia Ave.; 8-9:3O p.m.; Call 254-

oReIlglous - 4/25: Monday Evening Fellowship;
Free; K-House/412 Rose St.; 6 p.m.; Call254-1881

- Religious - 4/25: Creative Prayer Group - Tlrne
to relax. share. 6 relate with students; Free; New-
man Center; 8 p.m.; Call 255-8566

0 Religious - 4/25: Student Meeting — discussion of
upcoming events — all students Invitedi; Free; New-
man Center; 9 p.m.; Call 255-8566

- Religious - 4/25: "Cornerstone" Music Practice -
enthusiasm Is the only requirernentl; Free; 508 Co-
Iumbla Ave.; 6:30-8 p.m.; Call 254-3714

OReliglous — 4/26: Lunch 6: Last Lecture: guest
speakers share about topics from their careers Bi
lives; $2.00; 508 Columbia Ave.; 7:30 p.m.; Call

0 Religious — 4/26: "Tuesday Night Together" - TNT
- a time tor worship Bi tellowshlp: Free; 429 Colum-
bia Ave.; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3989

oReIIglous - 4/26: Campus Crusade for Christ —
WEEKLY MEETING, Free; Student Center 245; 7:30
p.m.; Call 7-3989

0 Religious - 4/26: RCIA -Progrom tor people
studying to enter the Catholic Church; Free; New-
man Center; 7:30-9:15 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oRelIglous - 4/26: Prayer oi the Rosary tor in-
crease In Vocatlons; Free; Newman Center; 7 p.m.;
Call 255-8566

. Religious - 4127: Bible Discussion Groups — Great
Commission Students; Free. Student Center 231:
7:30 p.m.; Call 254-3997

oRelIgIous - 4/27: Dinner: Casual Dinner 6 Good
Company: S3; 508 Columbia Ave.; 5-6 p.m.; Call

- Religious - 4/27: Communion Service; Free; New-
man Center; 8-8:45 p.m.; Call 255-8566

. Religious — 4/27: Student Faith Sharing — Upcom-
Ing Sunday's Gospel Read 8: Discussed: Free; New-
man Center; 9-10 p.m.; Call 255-8566

~Reilglous - 4/27: Decision Point - Bible Studies
housing on "Human Sexuality. UVIng In America.
etc."; Free; 506 Columbia Ave.; 8-9:3O p.m.; Call

oReliglous — 4/28: “Cornerstone" Drama Practice
-enthusiasm Is the only requirement: Free: 508 C0-
lumbia Ave.; 6:30-8 p.m.; Call 254-3714

oRellglous - 4/28: Sprltual Reading Group — dis-
cussion at Various Spiritual Writers; Free; Newman
Center; 10:30-Noon; Call 255-6566

0 Religious - 4/28: Fellowsz or Christian Athletes
- FCA; Free; 502 Columbia Ave.; 9 p.m.; Call 233-

0 Religious - 4/28: Thursday Bible Study; Free. 502
Columbia Ave.; 7 p.m.; Call 233-0313

oReIiglous - 4/26: D 6: L Grill; 51: 429 Columbia
Ave.; 12:15: Call 7-3989

oReilgious - 4/30 The Hub Coiteehouse - Chris-
tian Bands. Drama groups. teilowship 6i tun; Free. K-
House/412 Columbia; 7:30 p.m.; Call 254-1681

oReIIglous - 4/30: Catholic Celebration at the
Mass: Free; Newman Center: 6 p.m.; Cdi 2558566

oRellgious - 5/1: Celebration at Worship - Chris-
tianStudentFeIiowshlp;Free502CoiimbiaAve.; 7
p.m.; Call 253-0313

sReiiglous - 5/1: Catholic Celebration at the
Mass; Free; Newman Center; 6. 10. 11:30 am; 5.
9:30 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oReligIous - 5/2: Free Medtation Group. Free.
Newman Center. rm. 1:6 p.m.; Cd 266-4916

- Religious - 5/2: Worship Service warm s casual
gathering time or m pray-rs. emessages;
Free. 506 Coluribia Ave.; 6-930 p.m.; Cal 254-

oReIglous — 5/2: Monday Evening Felowship -
trieridstilp. group dsousston. parties. s pot luck dn-
ner; Free. K-iiouse/412 Rose St; 6 p.m.; Cal 2561661

relax. shoe. 6 relate with students; Free. Newmm
Center; 6 p.m.; Cd 255-6566

oReIuous - 5/2: Student Meethg - dsoieeon or
mooning events - a students invited; Free. New-

erritsieasm Is the any m1; Free. 606 Co-



0Concerts — 4/25: Brian Mason/writer Percussion
Recital; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-

-Concerts — 4/26: Victoria Hughes/Senior Piano
Recital; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

-Concerts - 4/26: Steve Rice/Senior Trombone
Recital; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall: 6 p.m.; Call 7-

OConcerts - 4/28: UK Orchestra Concert/Phillip
Miller. Director; Free; SCFA -Concert Hall; 8 p.m.;

oConcerts - 4/29: Guest —i-Iuw Lewis. Concert Or-
ganist; Free; SCFA - Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

~Concerts — 4/30: Robert Boguslaw/Graduate
Piano Recital; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Call

OConcerts — 4/30: Wanda Orr/Senior French Horn
Recital; Free; SCFA - Reclta Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

0Concerts - 4/30: Guild ot Organists Lexington
Chapter - Students from UK. U at L. Transylvania.
and Asbury; Free; Memorial Hall; 10:30 o.m.-1:3O
p.m.; Call 7-4900

oConcerts - 5/1: Central Kentucky Youth Concert
Orchestra; Free; Center for the Arts; 3 p.m.; Call 7-

' Exhibits - 5/2-5/6: Donovan ll Art Exhibit - Recep-
tion May 3rd; Free; U00" House; Noon-5 p.m.; Call


sSports - 4/25: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
l-iouse/412 Rose St.; 3:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881

oSports - 4/25: Alkido: Japanese Martial Art Be-
ginner Classes; Free; Alumni Gym Lott; 8:30 p.m.;
Call 266-0102

-Sports — 4/25: Judo Club - Beginners welcome.
Wrestling experience valuable; Free; Alumni Gym
L0": 5—6230 p.m.; Call 84156

oSports - 4/26: UK Fencing Club: Free: Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

oSporis - 4/26: Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN:
Free; Buell Armory; 7:30-9:30 pm.

-Sports - 4/26: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50-7 p.m.; Call 255-8566

~Sports — 4/26: UK Cycling Club Meeting; Free;
213 Seaton Center; 8 p.m.; Call 8-2350

oSports — 4/27: Alkido: Japanese Martial Art Be-
ginner Classes; Free; Aiurrini Gym Lott; 8:30 p.m.;
Call 266-0102

OSports - 4/27: Lido Club - Beginners are wet-
come. wrestling experience valuable: Free: Alumni
GYm L0"; 56:30; Call 84156

oSports - 4/27: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose Street; 3:30 p.m.; Call 254-1861

oSports - 4/27: UK Women's Tennis vs. LSU; Away;
Call 7-3638

9500115 - 4/28: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

OSports - 4/28: Japan Karate Club - Shotokan:
Free; Alumni Gym - Balcony: 5:30-7:30 pm.

OSports - 4/28: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50-7 p.m.; Call 255-8566

oSports - 4/26-4/30: UK Outdoor Track Penn Re-
lays; Philadeiphio. PA: Call 7-3838

oSports - 4/28: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton
Squash Courts; 7:30-IO p.m.; Cali 8-8161

OSports - 4/29: UK Women's SEC Tournament;
Baton Rouge. LA; Cali 7-3838

OSports - 4/30: UK Baseball vs. Mississippi State.
double-hitter; Mississippi: Call 7-3638

OSports - 5/1: Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN;
Free; Alumni Gym: 35 pm.

oSports - 5/1: Alkldo -Japanese Martial Arts Be-
ginners Classes; Free, Alumni Gym Lott; 1 p.m.; Call

oSports - 5/1: UK Baseball vs. Mississippi State;
Mississippi; Call 7-3636

oSports - 5/2: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose St.; 3:30 p.m.; Call 254-1661

~Sports-5/2:Allddan>aneseMartlaiArt Begin-
ner Classes: Free: Alumni Gym Lott; 6:30 p.m.; Call



looking ahead




 Kentucky Kernel. Monday. April 25. 1988 — 3





UK’s Hoover
awakens like
sleeping giant

If Sherry Hoover was born to
run. the only place she wanted to
run to Saturday morning was
back to bed.

Sleep. That‘s all the UK junior
track runner wanted to do.

“I didn‘t sleep real well last
night,“ Hoover said.

An organic chemistry test was
the cause of desire for sweet
slumber. Two sleepless nights of
studying had Hoover wishing to
slip back under the covers in-
stead of slipping on her spikes.

No dice. The alarm clock
blared. A little later. Hoover was
at the UK track trying to wrestle
free from her groggy state. After
all. she had a race to run.

"My legs were kind of tired
when I was warming up.” she

They warmed up fast. But iioi
as fast as she ran.

Hoover qualified for the ()lym-
pic Trials with a time of 2:04.70
in the BOO-meters. The trials are
in Indianapolis from July 15-23.
Three runners will qualify for the

Even Hoover couldn't believe
her good fortune when t'K coach
Don Weber approached her after
the race,

“He was excited.“ Hoover said.
“He showed me his watch and I
said ‘noway.' ”

Yes way.

Hoover‘s time broke the meet~

and track records. it also shat~
tered her own UK record of

"You expect these kinds of
really super elite performances
only during perfect conditions in
very. very competitive fields.“
Weber said.

“It's real unexpected when it
happens in a meet like this."

The conditions were anything
but perfect on Saturday. A brisk
wind whipped across the open

“I never felt it “ Hoover said.

She also never felt any pres-
sure from opposing runners.
Hoover ran wire-to-wire with An-
drea Bowman of Eastern Michi-
gan far off the pace in second
place at 2: 10.07.

“Generally it‘s real hard to run
your best without competition."
Weber said. “Competition is a
critical factor.

“But there are instances like
this where you feel like you‘re far
superior to everybody and there's
no pressure at all. Then, you can
just go out there and run and be
real daring.“

Half way through the race.
Hoover thought she was being too
daring. She clipped the first lap
off in 595econds.

“I said ‘oh no. I hope l didn't
get myself in 'trouble.‘ Hoover

Hoover was worried the super
quick lap would haunt her on the
final turn. The danger in the 800
is sprinting too fast too soon and
crashing into the “the wall."

‘ ‘The wall' is when you can't
hardly move your arms and
legs." Hoover said. “Usually you
hit it around the corner and you
can barely finish the race."

There was no wall on Saturday.

Hoover streaked around the
final turn and burned down the
stretch flawlessly. it was a per-
formance Weber had been wait-
ing for.

"We knew she's been running
well.“ Weber said. “It was just
waiting for the right opportunity
to demonstrate it

Now. Hoover has a golden op-
portunity — a chance to
represent her country.

The Olympics is something
that‘s been in the back of
Hoover‘s mind. But never serious
enough to cause a lack of sleep.
Not like organic chemistry.

“1 never even started thinking
about the Olympics until this
year.“ Hoover said. “it crosses
your mind. Sure. you wonder
what it would be like to be out

“But you know those people put
a lot of time and a lot of work
into it. There‘s a lot of tough
one's out there.“

Tomb indeed. But tougher than

”him out of bed? Only Sherry

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.








Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

UK offensehd tame at JeMBlu-White game

Staff Writer

There was no special strategy or
complicated game plan for the Blue
squad in their 14-0 victory over the
White squad Saturday night at Com«
monwealth Stadium. They just went
out and won.

“We were just going to run basic,
bread and butter plays." Blue quar-
terback Glenn Fohr said.

Although the plan was basic. it
was also effective. The Blue squad
used a balanced rushing and passing
attack to overpower the team in

“I thought iagainst) the White
team we could dictate whether to
run or pass." said Blue team line-
backer Chris Chenault. “The Blue
team did an excellent job of running
the offense."

After coming up empty on their
first possession. the Blue struck
quickly to open the second quarter.
The Blue picked up the first score of
the contest when Fohr nailed tight
end Martin Pennington in the end
zone for a two-yard touchdown.

“It was just a roll-out." Fohr said.
“They just kind of blew the cover—

Place-kicker Scott Gillum missed
the point after. but the Blue team
had a 64) lead and all the scoring
they would need to win.

Meanwhile. the White team was