xt72jm23fb1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23fb1w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-08-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1985 1985 1985-08-29 2020 true xt72jm23fb1w section xt72jm23fb1w M
V°'- LXXXIX, NO- ‘75 Established 1094 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since I97l August 29. was , .
______—_—_______________________________—____________—_______ 3 .
F acult VOiCB concerns at CHE bl h . NI V
y pu to caring _
BySACHA DEVROO-“EN ”Plifiestame tfromThEastern [ng’ -___——_———— "lt is new ground not being universities and between mount , ' 5 g
Mana l Editor tuc 3" niversi 3‘» .. l5 '5 no e “ ' ' ' ‘ lowed across the country.” he said members withina i y ‘ " "i .‘ '. I". '
ens time for faculty and institutions to This thing (.should) not get set in concrete Rm)“ we should m am we “hat on ersity .
FRANKFORT --— Faculty mem- digest and talk about the things in before there is ample opportunity for faculty to wed come upwith ' tine t'K representative attended 4 '_ i',‘ '.
bers from the state's Wblic univer- the plan U 1k b h l H The establishment of centers of [ht‘ meeting P8111 ”hers! emeritus H 5 ‘. I
sities would like to have more input In addition to faculty conSider- [a 3 out I C p an- excellence at “mum campme‘ I” prongs” of law represented Brad . . It; ‘5‘
into the Council on Higher Educa— ations. the most recent draft of the Klaus Heberk, reduce duphwmm (,f programs am to} canon chairman U, the I nu” -._ ’, 5 5-33. ,i:
tion‘s strategic'plan. instructors said ‘fStr‘ategic Plan for Higher l-Zduca: Eastern Kentucky University representative received some (“imam mm the sity senate Representatives Itf‘tinl .: 3.. ”Mil;
atapublic hearingyesterday. tion calls for the closing of th faculty representatives .ill 1min unnemim ”new \orth I], ._. 5.";
Many of the 10 faculty representa- College of Dentistry and placing the W cm Kentucky l‘lll\9rslt_\ attended . : .,‘“ _ eff .
“V95 at the heari said the needed community ‘30”9895 under a 5991" . , , -, , . , v. . y ) _ Marthe. tirise, oi l-IKl said hay the hearing 5' ‘ .- ti;
more time to diszguss the plan with rate governing board Lrips in Kentucky and we ve never ‘ The representatives also were con ing a Wm” of excellence can mum. .’ 3 V, i If.
. . V V . V . adaroadmap cerned with what they see as a de . _ , . .. _ _ . . . _ 5» i- .
their celleagues before a final draft Harry M. Snyder. executive direc- ‘ clinin morale amon univer'it cancellation of programs at other The ( HP. will hold one more lIt-ul . '3'
is completed and taken to the Gener~ tor of the council, assured the in- Pat Kafogis. one of the two CHE rofesg‘or E. ‘ 5 unnemufi and make it more dim ing with the presidents and mi. - t; ‘ ; gar;
al Assembly forapproval. structors that the council “'35 taking membersatthe hearingagreed p b b cult for adult students to get it de chairmen of the universities N‘pl . ‘s . A,
”This thing tSl’lOuldl not get set in intoconsiderationthcir interests "Your concerns are ours as well." Snyder called the issue “a nation gree in Frankfort .\ strategic plan [lice-l '_= '5
concrete before there is ample op- Comparing the strategic plan to a she said "We think faculty salaries al problem not directly iii our cone She said the centers of excellence ing with student body l‘epl‘t-st-t‘ilit 'i'r ’31:?»
portunity for faculty to talk about road map. he said "There can be and having eqllll)'h‘5""l you need is a trol." but John Taylor of Murray "might be very harmful" as they lives also is being planned in die 1:‘ ’_ .l
the plan." said Klaus Heberle. a side trips We have had a lot of side great concern." Statel'niversitydisagreed could cause harsh l'l\illl‘1t-\ “NM“, “mum; ‘ V .1 ;- ,
29 __ Five de th
. Bookstores ~. . .. . __
.. i get face]! t, in attempts to stop _
l l w ' Viv“ y ,_ .
mtg; s\ 3 . 4:. .
add “0°“ = ~ " * South Africa march
By sTizl’iits'ir:w.-\i.i..\‘l-:lt ~ ~ . . , , '. . 'f *.
contributingiimer ’ ~ .. . . DY Violence erupts as protesters descend '- '
Atmosphere 15 the name of the ‘ .» , ‘ ‘ ,. “NF 1‘; . ' . . .V! _- ,
gameinthebookstorebusiness ,s‘ig‘i . .. \ $th >103 on prison where black leader Jailed ‘- '
Stripes around the newly paint~ y ‘* " - ‘ "1'...“ ‘. _. V . ' ‘V n“
ed facade 0f Kennedy Bookstore " H‘- “at - . By .I \\ll~1.~ hMII'l'Il :i artheid Hundreds of its riietii'iers ‘ ~ ' - ‘- ‘ . 5
and COlor-coordinated carpet m FOfiL " .3 ’5 1 ', .. ' ‘ . kssociated Press all“)? among the more than 2.2011 peo‘ : . . _’ . . . v -.
LmverSity Bookstore are among s h , . . 4 . g . 3 _ ,~ . 3
. . . . . L ,. pie detained without thargc sinte . ,
the many welcome mats ‘0 entice MORE USED I ‘ ‘ » VAN“: TUWN South \l't'lt‘a PM the white government imposed a ' ‘_ ‘ f j
students _ ‘ . . V» ., . .. V _ . 0 "v licc killed five men in .i black town stateot‘emergencv .iuiyn - 5 . , '
J09 Kennedy. president 9f Ken- . ‘4," ship yesterday and descended in ‘ I I ." ‘.- ‘1
I nedy “Ohm?" lnc.. said the ""0 l l - ‘ ”3M. . .4 ;. ”— NFL '- ' force on at least Jilin marchers oi Banning means that t‘tiSAS Is not .‘ ' .- - " ;
Changes there included expanston ‘ ' ' A ‘ ._ ,‘ illl races [wing to reach the Prison allowed to Operate and its leaders , . . " ‘
0‘ indoor space. resurfacmg 0f ' w”\ | ‘s ‘ , where black leader Nelson Mandela may ”0‘ be quoted Members tOld “_ i ‘ . : “ . V. .
front and side parking lots and a ‘LX 00 - ' ~ v‘ i »R is servinga liivteriii The Assoctated Press their leaders I ‘ ' i _‘ '
fresh paintjobfortheexterior 5! I IDfATS : t l 3 a? ._ - were meeting secretly m black __ g : ‘ .
"We're just putting 0“ a new , . ‘9‘ Wt i , .7' .. w. 1.x; \ Witnesses said hundreds ot blacks townships to decide whether to defy - . 'W
face." Kennedy 53m "A" Of our g ‘ . $ , '. _, . _ «t ; s‘.\dl'lll(‘(l into strt’t'ls ol tiuguleto the banning order. and would issue a . V . I 5 ' 2
buildings have the same color -' g e, t. V e fa.” ‘ / V1“; ." », e-é- ‘ township. where the men were shot statement today i -. A
scheme DOW .. A“ "I“ \ , , ' fl ‘ ‘ ’ 3 ‘ V w to death. after police blocked their The Reagan administration con. _' ‘ V‘
That scheme 15 dominated by I. r -\ - is ‘ , _\ “ attempts to participate in the march demned the banning and the use of -' . " . ’ f
blue and white stripes across the ‘ " ‘ tr .m- ‘ .- I. 1’“. 3" on Pollsmoor Prison repression , ;. . ,
front of the budding and later . " V \ " yr ‘ ‘ Hundreds of riot police supported ‘Banning i5 one of the most .. ' -. I
will include a canopy across the , e ‘ ‘ - fiV .__ = " V ' by soldiers sealed off ‘quUlt‘tU and odious practices of the south -\trican V, , ‘ -‘ »
front and side of the store. :. ”“3"" ' ’ i ' .lii- iii-army black township of government. state impartiiieni ‘. . . ' '
“It's been in our mind to do mam \‘yanga spokesman Charles E Iti-dman said " ' ' _ ., i
:23“ harsaided'lgs :iighedeiirfie Both Kennedy and Universdy bookstores have creased their inventory in on attempt ,0 make polit'tt’hused clpbs wh:ps anjd tear t-lt oifends'tho (it’lllti'l'ally' \alujcs of . . i
y as ‘ , gas on v marc N8 in ape anb rec s *Q’Cl ant asseiiiblv ant ac- _ , ‘ ' V .
body arrived .. undergone remodeling recently and have in- the stores more ottroctweto students llllxt‘tl'rtlt't’ (“firm of Athlone At t'tintua‘i‘es the 81120! and frustration . . , . ,
One Of Kennedy's biggest least 27 people were arrested and ielt by all the opponents of apart . ' ' . '.
boasts IS the addition 0f floor dozens were injured. choked by the held ' 'V I, .'V '
space in the store. which was gasor beaten by police six Journalists were reported ar ‘ ‘ ' 7 ’ . ’
gained by renovating an adjacent ‘ it was from the Athlone stadium rusted. including a thrteman tele ‘- i 'V - '
b00k storage budding . that the Rev Allan Boesak. a cler vision crew filming for (BS (’ol- _ " ‘...’ ‘
The new section. which houses gyman of mixed race and a staunch ]eagues in Johannesburg said they , - ' ' , 'l,
art. architecture and engineering foe of apartheid. had planned to lead were charged with ”disoiwying the . ‘ . V -' __ ' y 1
supplies. has provided more 2mm people to Pollsmoor He was police ' ’3 ; . .' - ..
room for textbook shelving. Ken- 5 arrested Tuesday ‘ ‘ ,. . ' ‘.
nedy said “Most everything got - Police using truncheons drove , ' i
1“- -l Attorneys .. . ., .-
And more room also turned up near the stadium yesterday morn ' '_ i3 ; . .«- -. “
at the University Bookstore. mg . j, 1' " j ,
where the once spaCious entrance a» Among those arrested w crc a k f l ' . .' . . ,1 . . .
has been replaced with retail _ '- __ 3..., . "' we“ dozen clergymen of all races who. ma e Ina 3; " - ‘3’ .13.;
productsandwider aisles 'l ,3" - ‘1 f leading a crowd of about 1.000. . ' " .- _ 3- .. -_“
The store moved books for > i ‘ locked arms and refused police or- - ' .‘V-, _' ‘1 .1" _‘
medical classes to a branch store ' I“ ‘ U - ‘ J a tiers to disperse They had managed arguments .- . 9. . ‘ .
near the intersection of Rose and h. ‘ as- V «U5 Ya to march only about half a mile . g - a“
South Limestone streets. Branch W 3 ~ “ \ ‘ i from the Hew'at teachers college in , ,' -‘
manager Dresden Carpenter said ‘ £ ’_ ' .»\thlone toward Pollsmoor seven ky. Supreme Court * :- " g .' v‘
texts and supplies for medical. " ‘ t i .3 miles away V . « , ' ,V". ‘1‘
dental. nursing. pharmacy and ' ‘1. \K it was the largest multiracial out s' ' .‘ ' " . '.
allied health courses are no long— ~ ~ ‘ § "' a . pouring in a year of rage against [0 dElee UK SUll " ' ' ' . ’ . 5
er carriedat the maiiistore. ” l 3‘.“- ' rs ” _ ' V _ ‘ apartheid “V ff W m‘. ,“J ; '7.
“What we thought we wanted ‘5“! ' ' y N‘;. a ,1 tine protest ended peacefully ‘ a W ’ _. " 'i « -' " .f .l
to do was open it up. lighten it up . . V ' as: h ‘5 t . . About 3.500 students. most of them The Supreme Court of Kentucky 'y - .' -’ ' '
and brighten itup." said store i i ‘ ‘ . -‘ s s Wh‘m‘ 59! out from the wealthy yesterday heard oral arguments in ' . .‘.
manager Paul Little. Glass shelv- 1.. {R e 5 . ,5 sits; -» . white suburb of Rondebosch tor the the C359” of Clarke Dunlap H the ' a V. x
ing. lighter colored fixtures and l ‘. ‘ - $3; _ ' ‘f‘ . offictal residence of President P \\ l'l\' Student Health Servicet‘linic ‘ ' .. .
color contrasting carpet are the E 3 P s: ~' . “ A” 3‘ ‘ Botha They stopped near the cam»
most visible attractions in the " " 1 M ” i l: ‘ . i. , " . ‘ K- 3 pus on orders from police Dunlap. a 55-yearold doctoral Slu‘ “ . ' '
store's remodelinghesaid. 9‘ ‘~ < 1“. . i . V ’ ._ . ,', - - In Pretoria. the administrative 09!“ at the IDUISIHNE State l‘m‘E’rSl‘ ; - . . ‘ ‘ .y ,
“We are quite [I'Olld Of ll. "‘5 “ ,5» ‘ $4,, aw. ‘J‘fik .. Capjm]. the government announced t)‘ school of Geosmence. illt‘d ti 3] 5 ‘, I ' . . " ' I ~‘
conducive to browsing." Little ‘ ‘ ' ‘ that it had banned the black (on million malpractice suit against the ‘ .. . .
said. costs at a “couple of hundred "We hope it helps and that they Students shopping at the t'niversi gress of South African Students health beerCeanCtObs‘r 1930 ' , i
All that stress on aesthetics thousand." while t'niy-ersity- IpatronSi want to stay and ty Bookstore said the store seemed i(‘US:\Si. which has chapters in In his suit Ilunlap alleged that he - . _
didn‘t come cheaply for either Bookstore shelled out about shop," Little said. Kennedy hopes brighter but the changes didn‘t at. most high schools contracted ()uillain-Barre Syndrome . . ‘ -. .
store. Kennedy estimated his $100.000t0achieve the new look it wdlattract more people. fect their choiceofstore The student group is a leading or as a result of an inoculation he re- .
ganizer 0f C1355 boycotts and black ceived from the l'niversity Student '
township demonstrations against Health Seryice 530‘» I4. 1x579 Gull» , '
. . ., «V «i V ‘ . t—*Wi lain-Barre. a nerve disorder charac- ‘ - ‘ 7
New bar codes to Speed ‘ i Fl l = ’ 3 W ‘i " s “9*“ "shew“: . ‘ '-
: / " '<_ “.,xf_ Sing upwar in y rom . - ' g ‘
_ «3 \r'" \ W legs. can result in paralysis or l
O O 1‘ (‘i D L‘fH . -r death. Dunlap said he became par- ‘
library checkout lines v. it U .- pin. a... is d... W... i --
Lexington native Gay Brewer will de- —-—" I. ‘ LF 0 (l Fééafi—L— the flu ShO‘
fend his Citizens Union Golf Classic , . , V .. . . . . r »~— \j Dunlap‘s case was thrown out by
title this weekend at Griffin Gate By JOHT “‘8'“ III. That‘s all been eliminated on ‘hls 7 w p‘f' ‘-;>.:""' L—‘lMT the Circuit Court of Fayette County
Golf Course. For a profile of Brew- StaffWrtter system. hesald :' i i i i ii . » y f 35 Eli I ‘ l “ ' ‘ on July I3. 1%3 His suit also was
Now. borrowers must only present ' i - . . 3. l _ . i it L4 l ‘ dismissed b' the Kentucky
cr.seeSPOR'lS.page3. _ . . _ ' . l i l . l i i ._ ,_ a 9" )
UKIibranes are gomg Krogering We'll)?" they ‘33:: along 31th a spe- V .1 _\ g m 1 Court of Appeals on the grounds of
m If you 099" more than 600300 "0" ma ' rary car . ‘i is “l 5 '. 9,39 ,7 ‘ .’. l soverei immunit‘
3:: 3:,“ m :ngR:: 00$“ “"15 0" the shelves 0‘ Ml Kins L" The cards, “he" will have bar 5:135 I I ' ' .__ Wl The Sgtute of soyvereign immunity
dy yh F a as in:- brary, you'll find a bar code the codes of their own. are available to ' fl“ " ¥ g I 3 . protects the state and its subdivi-
y" “mm" om" or a prom: of same type of code you‘d find on students. faculty and staff members. I; a , - _, ‘ sions from lawsuits UK as a state
the actress who was told she would ha bottl ' l b0 nd Students can use their student IDS Itiii “Mm , \v.“ r\ :ij r 7 _ . . . ' ' .
never makings-pun. s mpoo 95‘ cerea xes a ,. . . y . ' ‘ u // A - l _ 7-» institution. qualifies as a subdivismn
laundry detergent in a grocery Willis said. a bar code Will be stuck .. . , T ‘24 Roi uiiui III“ Ke'lieilitaphli l of Kentucky
store. on the back. Faculty and staff mem- , The State Supreme Court granted
However. the bars on the books bers Will receive 5900i!“ 68"“ With number is- 1" fact. Willis said. if Library workers have only 55““ Dunlap‘s case a writ of discre-
m represent more than the books“ thecodesonthem. borrowers have failed to return about 18.900 bar codes to stud?ms tionary reviewonI-‘eb.2l. 1985.
prices, said pan] Willis. director of To check out books. the librarians overdue books. the computer will Willis said workers are staffing 3 Yesterday attorneys for both par-
iibrarifi They‘re also the finish line will simply wave an electronic wand shut down their bar codes to prevent table in the front of Ml King to “3 presented l5minute oral am-
Mo min‘ To. is "med today. hm to the Paper chase in the l'niversi- over thebook‘s bar code and the them from borrowing any more ISsvfietiiecodestostudents . ments beforethe court. .
me m“ will bmk throuh b m ty‘s isllbrarieshesaid borrower 3 bar code — and store the The new system is gomg to alert or ers Will place the codes in ”It went pretty much like we an-
‘mh the high in me mid 8‘; To_ information inacomputer. us to a'Situation‘where‘a person is books as they are checked out this ticipated." said Timothy Pmlwt‘
MUM will be ml deer with me Before this fall. borrowers have The computer will tell the librari- stockpiling books he'said. year. Willi?) said The process may Dunlap's attorney. “I don't thilt
m . . y had to fill out a card for each book an such useful bits of information as The system is designed to guard take a while, he said. because the tlierewa'ean bigsurprises."
'" the "I'd 6“ Tomorrow will they wanted to borrow Willis said who has checked out a certain book against any type of abuse Willis UK library system has more than ' y
be putty sunny with the high in the . ' . ' , ' . . ' _ No minim | The Phil»?l expects the court to Me
Mm mid ”I The process was timeconsuming. how many books I angle person has said. Workers Wlll only check the re vo umes. ‘ system a rulimm abouts month.
' and processing the cards was diffi- checked out. where the hammer cords of delinquent borrowers and should be completely implemented A lawsuit gives any one side a .
cult. lives and what the borrower‘s phone individuals who ask them todoso by told-summer. hesaid. legal action.
~ A

o I I
Budget director nominee sets Sights nyx “m,
I I ‘ )
0n Budlng DOStal SEI’VICE monOPOIy Skin. Nailand TanningSann YOUR
a . 10M RAL'M that I r advocated by Reagan 0r ilable evidence suggests that . .
Associated Press his rial; budget chief. David A. :zzipetitim in the market for first 10 T arming Sesswns Holrsfylo of
Stockman In his fiscal 1% budget class letter delivery would create .
WASHINGTON u James C Miller request. which called for ending doz- substantial benefits," hewrote. Wolff Tanning Beds I
III, awaiting confirmation as PreSi- ens of federal programs. the presi~ Judith Pond. a spokeswoman for regulary $35 the Image Makgrs
dent Reagan's budget director, says dent proposed terminating federal Miller at the FTC, :id the article ,
C ‘ ‘hould k the 'l s bs dies for certain types of mai, .. as written before '5 nomination“ , - . .
' . mm; 3the garment £31 bill! not for ending the Postal Serv. ianuly to be director of the White I/ I / \ With this ad $29
-' system has held since Pony Express ice's monopoly . Home Office of Management and ' 254.6313
. . days. Miller congnged tlIiaste comparing BudgetI. Hogever. it reprosIentsh a I/
_ "Private enterprise W1“ get the such as l'nit arce rVice. . ' genera res Iing o Views e as . d' . ,1“ s
‘ - v 'l del" ed _ ' ~ -~ tdid h l E .. nd Purolator Courier heldf 'ome time. she added. \- WW”? I" (“"3 m" P i
,. “ azlwaitfiwnerjfihébih an alrntitcl: frrfquerh‘ifi: aa better job than the ShaonIiiZn Ferguson. an official of // ("If“d & 5"" "“11 W’0P5°faCi‘I1’-" 923 A s' I'lm”'°n.
' ‘ published "1 the current issue of the Postal Servwe ln carrying parcels OMB Watch a private “watchdog . ‘ ”vu'ngomassageomakeup art's");
' - - ‘ . Cato Journal. a freemarketoriented and overnight express mail. And he organization that follows 0MB 15- /
‘ . " ' periodical said there is no reason why private sues. called Miller‘s proposal unset '
' ' ‘ ‘ Miller. now chairman of the Fed- business should not be allowed to de~ ”mg,- I . . I ‘7' Hood 0 Job?
. * eral 'I‘rade Commisswn. contended liver firstclass mailas well. Miller is awaiting Senate confir- LOOk In 9h.
‘ ’ ' ' that the Postal Service is riddled The Postal Service has been a mation fortheOMB job. Democratic \ \
- 1‘ I ' ., _ with ineffiCiences and pays its work- semi—independent organization since and Republican aides for the Gov- Kentucky KOI'HOI
, - » 1 . erg "more than is necessary to re- 1970 Since then, Miller noted, the ernmental Affairs Committee said ’05 WaltonAve. 252'5393 "0' WCI‘H“
I. -' . " tain their services " I price for a firstclass postage stamp Tuesday they foresaw no problems P
1 ~ . . , . Miller‘s proposal goes far beyond has risen seven times. “All the with his nomination. C'CSI'flOdIJ
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 KENTUCKY KERNEL Mushy, Awmrzs, 1m . 3
________________________________________._________.____.~_wv M - -.__._..________,A_,.m- W ‘ A” _7_~__
WlllIo Hlatt
John jury
A‘A.s".’ "m. "sidilol
“ '. ' -\4 - '- - ' ' ~ - ‘ ‘ - ' 1- . -.-‘ v-—VA~" u
4. ~ twin ' h '
gas ,» _ ENQ- ~3~ - .t... rewer stl as go mg zea .
I 1,. ByJOHNJl'RY ('lul; prl Fixanr K mos “no rum-1L .iga :. lllt‘.-.l‘l A 1 pm, um mutt) _ , _, , .-
5v 'tm' ASSISIantSportsEditor hers Brew-i -t\ .i llt‘lt‘rllllllt‘ll in m 11.1.. I.‘ l.‘ 'I...‘ .‘f.JlllL’..tll ltl ,- . v
.. ' _\'(.‘Hl'-<)lll llr Man! tn t-wru gun Ydlllt'l 1;- ' .t .tiu' Mn and lake , ' '> . . 3
W“... Although his hair is getting grayer tournament mwl «our» win .th m. \I “j,- .,; ,. “I“!!! {yum “mung It I , . t
3R"— m . ‘ . 9' and there are a few more wrinkles pro at Big hit: in!‘ 1: Mai.“ Hr .. t in .' 'a' \l't' would t'ul ' '1’ '
,f ' . ‘ ‘ . 1 V 2, aw. on his sunltanned face. he can still wu> .tl\\.i‘.\ - t. :1.le A. "lul/ an: 1".1' g... ,, . . ;'_ x . ’ ,
' - f} ' whip that golf club back and make [Ingdlhtil 11.. M» .t" \ mat“ am: 3/, . M, L” W. A .n.-!;r:w ' , ".1
Y' :I 1‘ ' . " thatballdanceonthegreen Alter gr‘tiunlxrzg truth [Ailttjwilr .-\.-:- ;,' 1,.- ‘ pr... .3 1hr Menu-rs ‘ U " '_> ,
‘ fl "'./ ”:9: . ‘ And 52-yearold Gay BFE‘VIEF High Srhlmi llr-xwr tumu- lu ll. 1x._.y'..:;i~tt' ln'v .m‘w he: w”. the .7 'l .t f
‘ It] 27;? shaws no signs of letting up Whllt‘ “ht‘l‘t‘ gm: .\.t\ Ylvfl [lit- pllliial} 31.15111 ‘1. ..It. '..i\'. pulling I'm: 58 '3'; ,-" " 't
_ A ~ , « ‘ t‘ ' " ‘ a " h playing on the Professional Golfers .port tum. «t li ~1an ‘ ml»? - r , ‘v w ,~ item In rim ' ‘ ' '4' _"‘
: '. ' ‘ ~ ‘ 7" N, Assomation Seniors Tour "1 lou- Hut wry; m- »-,..A:_ 5 “mm MW, 1, ., , _ . . . M 1.. m.” . ~ . 3":2'
. it,"hesatd "lt‘slikeasecondlife ' Beur l;r‘.u:' Emu-r: 'r't t“'.t‘tI' .; ,» , - ‘ . ::,'_ 5f! -_t .1
~ / 2'4: ' t: A Lexmgton native who played twillmil\t'lmlabliip”firm. gm: :1. t ' r ya » :zuu.
‘ l - g \ golf at UK for two years in the earl) Brew-r lt-z' l r. .imt tit'm- it 'w/ - ;, ' tin ' i so ."g, [,1 pf"
\ 'Q a " "“3"? h t?“ 19505. Brewer is in town to defend )ettr \litil 1:: (Hr 'xi m: _«- ziw‘. u _ - ;_.;.- ’- "a. '5'.-
' " - ~ ' his (‘itizens Umon Golf (‘lassic title thcgrmtlrigl’l. \ 1m” :1 g.” > 1 ,t i‘ i 1 . .m , .: V.,‘ "} l'.l7..:',T~' ‘ {l
‘s, ’ ' - "435m; atGrifflnGatethis weekend For .l I‘M-Ira vv ‘m- 'w.‘ it» .1: .' 'v. - ;i , (93%; ,‘_,‘,".'
, , <~ geese-é ' \‘a‘k v 5‘, 1. Home to Brewer is no longer 1.0x tutti. :m w gm ~ ' ' 11 um: \ 3%. ,I _.- , .33“ . ..;._= .'.P‘-'_{ 1’"me f
, "I l ~' ' 35" aka a e . ington, where much of his famil) cutiltll‘.’ rutmm mm», mm; {tn . it; t, . .. 1 1,1. . 3 1. 1'- .;__..'
' ' ~ ' . M “’1'! "if . ' ' ' ' " lives. but he knows where his roots h. .l rm 4, pity. a; :1 4 \ ~ :zmr‘il‘» - , ,. v . - ':> ' r l ' 1' P“
.1 ‘ ,. , . 'f'éd' ‘ ~" ‘ are "l learned my golf here.‘ he Ar'nl min...” 12.114 ' m- airman: p. gt _ . , '- w . E '* "’._..’;:,;
. . .,~;';3‘.~.,1“‘ ”rim-2;»:i”~;>f»v4§f'¥'-"’3f“‘ _\ ,_';"f'mf' ’ wag ‘5" said Of Blg Elm Country ('lul) oll mg tor wr', gum; \l-1 I 1! ‘ um I 1,. r v - ,- *k w .1; 1‘; 111;; -_ '~.'~
Vrfi't‘?¢ $9,:H'3' e '3 South Broadway "1 don't come in the tour .Uhllli will: .1 . . n l. ' r . , t ' , ‘ 1, j {3}", ’9',
' "' "" ”9'"- f “”§39’”W V ' v' here nearlyasmuch as l want to ' \dlil \tt- ,u-v .1 xii: mu .m 'lxn’ ,. ., 1w. , v, . , ,~ t'
.. - vay»,-;..id.qpt#%yqu~~~u>~3wv Brewer began playing golf at Big moire) lit» :‘tl't‘txlr\<~“l‘rt t: ,, : a-"gj ;
' " ' 1““me lame-8'0" Elm under the supervision of former But 1: ’n' "it. : ' 1 it ' . . i W, “1 y , ,. .5; “'1" "
Lexingtondnative Gay Brewer birdies the lath Griffin Gate Country Club, into a sudden~death ' "' .
hole, sen ir‘9 YeS’e'dOY'S $9,000 Skins Game at ”ch' -oII " later onb B'll Ca . 13"”;
Writer’s Block , . DURING YOUR SPARE TIME! “
Cured ’ ’ ;'.E;'.'-.'~:f
. k. b o "V I I
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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL MVMflH’—__—_———————_———
_‘ ——__——— 0.07 m
Arts Editor
Assiuant Arts Editor
Local arts see ow-pai , compe en l‘BpOl‘ BI'S
1 ' “unted Art» wrten reportw‘ w ‘—————_—" of life: lt‘s 6 pm. You‘re on dead- this arts writing business. After all. But let's face it. Reviewers aren‘t fluential and not-so-influential
.' rotisuniibze ltlt'Sl'Vlllli'S thereto to line. wracking your brain for a pow- news is what counts in a newspaper. strictly in the busmess of handing among us. '
' win" ”to campus and tho WWI an.» G erful adjective that will capture the right” And sports, of course. since out advice. Only the most presump- Somebody who was ewdently
' ..~ cht'up out 8” grandeur of that opening scene in ballgames and beer are what drew tuous critics see themselves as wise thinking along those lines once said
' 1 1‘ PIERCE the latest Ron Howard movie You most of us to this bastion of higher and infallible enough to claim that that the poet is the unacknowledged
1 1‘ yui could tell \‘tei en ~\‘pielhcrg take another slurp of tepid Student learning in the first place. .kind of responsibility. legislator of the world. Maybe it'was
V 1 ‘ thertito get off 7 Center coffee. curse your editor and I mean, do people really decide Besides. with a staff as small as Percy Shelley Maybe it wasn t. if
‘ ~ ‘ l i' . could tell Prince to stuff his —— the horse he rode in on and pray to which movie to see based on the ours. reviewers also get a chance to you want to tell me where to get off
I ' " ‘ turd: pa\\‘10n and catch the nut ; God that your review won‘t wind up half-cocked opinions of some crazed write straight news stories about the for not ltnowmg for sure. drop by 113
' ' 1 ' i. sphack to \linnea ills You could and reading dec's'ons “Od' what 1 buried at the bottom of the page quasi-journalist who can‘t tell Spiel arts scene, You get to wear more Journalism Building .
‘ '11] the ublic to huilzl 'l- bonfire \tllh wouldn't 11”" to spend a passmnate under some Associated Press story berg from spinach? than one hataround here. While you're there. fill out an ap—
. . 7 - 1 . . “991‘?" W” m H t' ti ' of the rich and Stran ely enou .the'sometimes In an' case. t most important pication an incu e a coupe o
I sic henphingslatesthtiok ‘1 m“ h H about bean) ps 8 . 8h 3 Iv he ' 1‘ ' d ' 1d,. 1 . f
- ' " ' .. 31?,“ could walk-tall dc‘ro» cam- \ou smile With calm self-assured- near-famous. do, . function'of an arts writer is to par- samples of your writing. You Just
1 ' ' 1. ’ 1 pus suaiely ignoring the murmurs ncss. haying long since trained your» Split the difference between those In fact. since most of this paper's ticipate in an ongomg dialogue about might be the next hotshot kernel
1 7 iround you~ as countless Kentucky sell to take such adulation with a two scenarios —— weighted toward readers are students who have to the world of arts and entertainment. arts-writer everybody Will be mur»
‘7 1 7 1 lx'wntv: readers mutter excitedly. grain of salt. in order to maintain the latter — and you'll have a gener- pinch each penny until it presses Art doesn‘t change the world over- muring about this semester.
1 7 ' ~ There goes \o-andso the one w ho the razorsharp objectivity that a] idea of what the day-today life of manslaughter charges. some advice night. but it does reflect it in some
' '~ ‘ ' - 7 \\l‘llt*\ those ln\lg1lllul intelligent series you so well aKernelarts writer is like. on how to structure their entertain- thought-provoking ways, Occasional- Arts Editor Gary Pierce is an Enr
" ‘ A... 1 ‘ and witty renews on which [ base Docs‘mls kind of life sound inter- Some of you are probably wonder- ment budgets can be mighty handy ly art can even influence the glish graduate studcnt and a Kernel
‘ ' l ' .' . '- all my inoyiegomg. record buying esting to you“ How about this kind ing why anyone would bother with as the semester drags on. thoughts and actions of both the in: columnist
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