xt72jm23f968 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f968/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1981 1981 1981-11-10 2020 true xt72jm23f968 section xt72jm23f968 . - ‘ .- " ' ‘ - .- " ' . . ‘ » . -. ' . . .' " of. . so A r’owill":iflli‘-“="§’irv3::rfi '
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rr' merry:
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KEN U KY REALLY COOL io'i;;<,.:o i
3‘ It will be sunny today, so get out
4‘ your shade. But don't [)0- the Cop t: 5':
pertone, it’s going to be cool. The high ;
isexpectedtobeintheupperdmto i '
lower505.Tomgh' twillbeclurand '; .-
chilly with the mercury dipping into ,
theuppermstolowerms.‘l‘omorrow l' r.
\ will be sunny and a little warmer with 3 I
i ahigh in the mid 50’s 5 . :
‘ ' ‘ W M
Vol. LXXXIV' N031 An independent student newspaper since 1971 University 0‘ Kentucky I
Tuesday, November 10, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky
. — ‘ I
' ‘ Reports say Singletary planning to f' e C ' ’
J __—— ed to appear before a meeting of the program. It is not a screening com- to his wife, and will be for most of the One of the bi at issues in Curei's , ‘j'
l afgxgzoymflwER ad hoc committee last night, which mittee. There's not ’rnuch else to say reminder of the week. Although “termina' tion,"ggthe story said, was r . 1 ."
was held at an undisclosed time and until November 24th . . Singletary cannot fire Curci on his whether Curci will be compensated ,. , , , 2 1
———-—~———— placeml: was notltutllown Whehtulgier Cur tha‘t‘limmworkmtlzhron the assuxtrrlptlton ow”: directive, as Chairman of be for lost revenues from his television a ,
C! W appeara , emee - . ve a ee-year con ac A etic Association Board of Direc- and radio r am, “The Fran Curci “‘2" ‘,
Curufi's ggacfgovtilpfge coach 3:? HaAlthOUSh A1123]; tIglrector ‘tClttgf gurci said in reaction to the story. “I tors, he can make the recommenda- Show" anpdogrm Big Blue Line," 5 ”a a _‘
the end of the n accwourmdimng to a 05?, at melt? the fofomtlu t r 0 Mt make comments on rumors or tion and the board would more than which are said to be among the most , v " ‘
copyrighted story in, the Lexington w t‘ no fcgwlrm 'ttsee yoiTld a alleged rumors andlwfllhelther con- likely vote'lt through. According to lucrative shows of their type in the l’ ,
Leader yesterday mfie “113 0 he co‘l‘iligil td w theeven lrm nor deny (the story); d the source in the story, ‘I‘the commlt- country, , , \
‘ The story attn'bu ted to an uni den- ta epic}: W0 no eny COD’ Although “38:3 W not! 58}; tee IS a sham. It 5 Just to take legally, the issue has not been A... ->
I tified source “close to the football teat180-11 'sttl‘rzry'oni' de 't " Whether there w -d be a me mg? (smglemymummi dead“ ye" When "Pepper” We” ' Q
, team ”said PraidemOtis Singlemry . w1 nel tc damn nor trjlyl. the ad hoc committee. a source In The recommendations oftheadhoc was fired as tiie coach of Georgia , . ’ ‘ ‘
- met (”M Cum for 15 to 20 minutes said Hagan yes er y iifn reac on t0 Athletic Board rnember Tomurgy commrttee will be announced at the Tech, he brought suit against the
Nov 2 the day before Singletary ap- the‘story. When asked the commit- Bell sdowntown office confirmed .t Nov. .24. meeting of the Athletics school for compensation for all of the
pointed a special ad hoc committee to tee s specific purpose was to reView the ad hoc comm1ttee. of which l3ell lS Assocration Board. The Board is then fringe benefits he would lose (televi- . I
_ analyze the football program and in- the 01389th staff or ‘make recom- also .a member, ’WaS planmng a expectedtovotetobuy up‘the remain- sion and radio programs, basketball
formed him ofhis termination mendations for a 9.059”? successor meeting last “lghl- Bell was mg three years of CurCl's contract tickets, use of a Cadillac. etc). The .
It also said that Curci had been ask- ‘0 CW0: Hagan 581d ll W111 "WWW unavailable for comment. ' and begin (or continue) the search for case has yet to be decided in the ' ,
all the different areas of the football Singletary is out of town. according a new coach. courts. FR AN CURCI .
in?“ i . 35 3’39 I a], IncurSIon
Sibl“: ‘. ' '3 I iii-21"” 1‘ .. ’ ~
g _ s. -.. . . causes audl stir
s -: . - ‘ - s , 3
- r »‘ ’ » , t. —— arms by a hardline Arab nation as a
_ . _ r, , By NICHOLAS B. rA'rRo . .
. h , ,3, t, a . Associated Press Writer fit to the secunty of the JeWish
if , 3 X 3-1;, 4- . k —————————————— Another point of contention by the
3_} 5‘" . . l‘v \fls f'i,"§i:§.*;"f* . , RIYADH. Saudi Arabia — Saudi Israelis is a Mideast peace plan put -
r ‘ , ,_ 4;““1 , , w _,. of,“ Arabia claimed yesterday that Israeli forward by Saudi Prince Fahd, call~
‘ ’ \ - ‘ . ....., , a ' M ,3, V " W ,5: it“s:Mf‘: ' “'31"th invaded Saudi airspace ing for ostablishmentof aPalesti'nian
, ,. " . ,, @2133}? sis: ji:‘1ig;::;»-fjs.. if . over the kingdoms northwest regions state on land now occupied by Israel, ‘
. 3 ; _‘, 0 M Ari Monro-.4135. ‘. ' ‘; , 3 ,, and were driven back by Saudi jet governed by flfi Pajsfim Liberation
. . ‘ . ‘ , y ‘15,", t... . , {a m, ,*'- = ~ fighters. Organization, with East Jerusalemas
. V,:-. ,2 , it M Israel refused comment. . the capital. Israeli Prime Minister
. ,_, _, . g , .,;._:= , g , 5. _ gig; am .. . 3 . The location of the purported Viola~ Menachem Begin’s government is
l fl . _ ‘ . 4,; bag-V .. . ‘ . W*§£W M,_%i tion, about 1(5 [11115 from the concern“ over washingtm’s expm-
;: -, L .' . so: ’i ' ' ‘ ' kingdom's Red Sea coast. is in the sionof'interostintheFth P18“-
‘ f _ . " . vicinity of the Tabuk military air Hours before the incident, Israeli
' , ,, - _ l s . ._,. ' base. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon —
" ' ' " In Washington. Midenl Reagan repeated Israel's allegations that . ,
' ._ was informed about9:30 am. EST of Saudi Arabia was the PLO’s arms ' '
_ ~ ' reports that Israeli jets had altered supplier and biggest financier. 7
i”, 3 r” ‘ , Saudi airspace and left “on their own The incident also coma as the
fool is:- % ‘ . accord," Deputy White House tress foreign ministers of Persian Gulf V
(a! m, . ‘i secretary Larry Speakes said. Arab states convened herein Riyadh
,f ,3, , A ‘ ' ' "i" Speakos would not comment further. to discus whether to establish .
’ as . . . _ ., . . _. .. a“ ' The incident mm“ 3‘ a “me 0‘ in' dioplomatic ties with the Soviet
. .- *‘ ha$r§3p§§§wiiw 3 _ > _ '" creased tension in the Mideast over Union. Another item on the agenda
‘ ; .-\ ‘ iv “'5‘“, >. \s,u.cr\\;». ‘ e::(‘:(‘\>:'&w'> W. 5L":\';.~o’\,""”"-“’n?\""R’ 1? >\.‘, : wik’t‘l" u;.;-: “:3 . _ l) 3_ ~ ‘ gudj defer“. on (kt. m an U.s. was Fahdls mace plan-
. _ By FRANK SALVINO/KernelStaff Congress, ova- thevehement protests The first reports of the Israeli in-
. nght Edna, of Israel, approved an $8.5 billion cursjon, reported by Saudi radio, .
.' annspackage totheoil-rich kingdom, referred to the incident as an “at- 3
' Damon Cottrell. a business administration student, reads a recent edition of taking a break from studying. Cottrell is a junior from Crestwood, KY. “"110" provides 20 percent 0f tack." However. later versims drop- ‘
,. the Kernel in the entrance lobby of the MJ. king Library last night while American imported oil. Israel ped the reference, reporting only that ,
l regards possession of sophisticated thelsraeli jetshad been intercepted. j
' J cl S k ' ' ' ' ' ‘
. e moc compares spirituality to TV. turn it on or off
W e . ‘ ‘ hi 2 it." This is the lowest level. Then Jesm said, search the scriptures It's a shame that so many are ig- wnolly right.Romamsays thatifthou
Kernel Contributor ~ "r there’s a higher level, the soul. The and ye shall find eternal life. Most norantoftheBible. shalt caifess With thy mouth the Lord
. ' ' g, o: V1" , soul isourmind, ouremotions. Ourin- students have rejected the Bible. But In (the early loos), the Supreme Jesus and believe in thine heart that
——————o————— "- . . .. 'f . tellect, our appetites. Our soul is they haven’t even troubled Com-{legalized mam)! whileall God has raised Him from the dead, ,
Second onhm Pam governed by reason. ‘ . themselves to read it! Not even one but declaring the Bible inegal in thoushaltbesayed.
a = Then there’s our spiritual level, our book in 66! The New Testament is public schools. Prayer was declared We mist believe and be willing to
Editor’s mm This series of We” l * _ - highest level. The spirit is the part of much smaller than most of their tex- illegal. Out ofall thebooks on theface follow Josis all our lives and do His
‘ views with traveli eva ellst Jed ' ” 2 f ‘5' us that communicates “Nth 90d tbooks. , . . 0f the earth, why do you think the B" MD" Jails Christ ”“9”“ our ”Via.
Smock who frefenu "3 r h , , ‘- ‘1‘ We're like TV receivers. Ifoursw1tch It can tbeacademlcallyor intellec- ble is the only one outlawed in our at the paint we subrnlt every area of
the r 9 h yth PS“: 98 3 M is off, we don't get anything. If we tually sound to reject it Without even schools? Because it would expose our life to him, at the moment we for-
; ‘22,: . flee speec of e to ent ' .I , ”I , _ if turn the switch on, it'sall there. ' . reading it. The Bible has had greater most humanistic education as a pack sake our sins. His blood will wash our
, 9'. ‘8 "tended 0‘ ‘1 ”miemfor- / i "f- 3 The switch is faith. The Spirit is impact on history than any other of lies. sim away.
: ward refutation of the we“? he 3"" ' w there forthcsewho will have faith! book. It’s had a great impact on socie- . ‘
presses in a less intelligible at- J; ' 1; . Kernel: Why read the Bible? What ty andon literature! Astudent would Kernel: How do you think a person part Three of W, interview, dealing '
"'°’P"“"" ‘ k ' ' I goodis it today? Is itworth reading? profit intellectually and academically finds the salvation you preach about? with Smoch's defense of his method:
Km 1. H I we n m, t, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ JS:The Bible is the written will of toread it. He would profit spiritually lSzRepentamefiepentamels admlt- and style ofspeahing. will appear in
_- . why 50'qu I be betferiofftlb beefing: Most 31132811335318 e no God. Godwill never spoilt cgtrary to to believe it. 008. 1 am wholly “008 811d 60“ tomorrow's Kernel. _
.- v - ' ' ' -
~ Christian? pose. rheyegdm't even know 5;; :‘fhgwfifrfln‘za‘uracfimfihfafi College slang
' Js:You would lmow GOd' That's the they're in 0011689- walk withGodandleam His ways we
a greatest thing. God’s life and God’s We're to be led by the spirit of God. ream His guidelines ' ' ‘
, nature is imparted on you. You’ll find Man has three levels. There’s the The Bible even gives an outline for tu en ts use a W" an e
‘ ".13 9‘“ °‘ 93W “‘9 and 9‘3?“- G°d body: what the seam perceive. With the future. It is God’s word: His
filmywmr purpose. meamnfl moatstudents.it’s“ifitfeels swd.do revelation toMan. 3W Laura Cahill. a telecommunica- have never heard of it. Another
I I n I Riporta ‘ tiorrs freshman from Fort Mitchell, phrase we use is ‘snagging.’ This
representative valces official says rose" ... "m a... w m... someone .a an,
, . ————-———————-~— me.“ ”I‘ve heard a lot of people at hit itoffwell."
- n . _ UK say this, however. most people These and other college slam ter-
" To the chagrin of many a pro- . ..
objection to Rosemont extension is... an... a... r... a... mm at... mm... mm .........
_._.___._____ and on the Greg Page Stadium View discussed. The truesocial valued the vocabulary of a 591°“ group, may . . , , . :3
By NANCY E. DAVIS Apartments program is based on the same set of belle” ‘05“! .. .. , ,. i
' ’ -- ' . - .. “Megabucks, blow it off,
SemorStafanta' In lieu of the Rosemom exten falseassumptlons. .. ,, l M II A N
. a, sion," Denny said. “the University Approximately 300 people attended bunny class are ans “(8' a II a WAN” 0 [W ’— BAG 5
’ . o, doessupporttheextensionof Alumni the public hearing, and some said part of the "3“ ° °° ege jil
" .. ~ 'I‘heprovosed Mmtoem ex- Drive." This possible alternative they felt that if the hearing were bet- “fem-Pi l I. , u WATCH IT] mu} I T OFF, .;_;
tension received ova-whelming op- would join Alumni Drive to terpublicized attendance would have can 33' a law-5 6 Pl: .3
position sta public hearing last night Nicholasville Road. been larger. James Hodge of 1005 {9350;} 1:" cans? pilllizm 11/ ms 667 77(5 :1;
' inSeay Auditorium. including theat- Richard Gift,zz7'l‘ahoma Rd.,sald TatesCreede.ssidthatheandmto V0“; ul 17 Fl "ng sla i: 7 f? _
- ficial oppositionof UK. the Shady Lane Womb is a “com- 40 other residents of Tales Creek $2” Mymand it :39 "g HWD . Hm W m .
, “UK is unalterably opposed to that munity resource (that Leximton re- Road first learnedof last night's hear- “1;? _ l 83:18]: r t:
. portion of the Year 2000 quires) It! spiritual and aethetic ingyesterdayafternoon. 3pc}? 1c 3.2:; mp shone.“ .
‘ Transportation Plan that includes the needs." He mentioned the safety “But l got 30 to losignatures of peo- fas “‘Sv' 5 y '5 very ' V =5; ‘-
. . Rosemont Gog-dim extension," said hazard that the extaision would pose ple who are opposed to the widening “‘d- I be hort ‘ i '
1 Warren Denny, acting director of to the residents of the Greg Page of'l‘ates CreekPike in justacoupleof “1:1qu ' 3.3“3 "3:" t an: the ," ‘
. Dulln rind Calstruction. He said the Apartrnentundsaid.“1‘hlspn>iectis Mfume aid. ‘ “s“: '30:" i"; ~ t‘ v ~ g ‘ .
proposed extension would have a pro contrary to the University‘s interest. Dale Thoma. director of the plann- “($18!“le ‘9 a mill - m ' o o 1 3 ,
-. found effect on Shady Lane Womb The University inteer was not eval ing commission of the Urban County e a ways Y _ a . _ ‘ ’ , ,5 3.; .
Government, said that sufficient 0' smile “the" “Flew“ "9 t0 9? . ‘ 3i: 3,. . .
' . . noticewasgiveninthelegal noticesof ‘get "W5 ‘0 '89" W‘ or *4 d . ' £5, .‘ 3
“ ‘ l S] e thenewspaper. Wm" ' “‘d “M“ J'm'“ . w i “ ' " ’ ~ , . . - i .
, ; Despite publicity problem. no infidmhwmém' “‘3; O ' *3 0‘ '. O ‘. f . . i
r ' . Are squirrels on endangered species at UK? See me 5. muttfly‘h: hitting ”3m “under the influenced alcdiol" in- , 1.. . ‘ _ . ‘ _ + 3 . , 5‘
-. . , -' comm _ clude .. ‘shitfaced.’ ‘trsshed,’ -- ‘ u I i " ‘ . ' -. .
.. For the reminiscences of a young girl's feelings jbr her very special manta: memmxgorted "I; ‘blitsed,' ‘wasted,’ and ‘banb- I t " I I ‘0 ' ' ° , . .~ ‘.‘ i ;
~ , . grandfather. cosmos. ’-°“~ 3’ ea; "saidJulie Halley. foratry é _' ~ -
o . ‘ See --RosEM0N'r."meio-r freshman from Chattanoogao’l‘mn. - ~ - - -- ~ . ~~ ~ ' ’ ‘ ii, 2.2;.
‘ ' h . 5 isn't-‘5
I i
. -1; . rain-i
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-; ; » . W , , . ' ‘ - ' it: , , .. ,a.£~,fi$‘q;.>,7 garb! ,, ,oa
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ti“ I a 9 ,. t‘ . « . ‘l r “ t a\': #11,”; «foal. 2'3” 1% :2“- wires, . . I . I“ . ' " I I ‘ ‘x‘r‘nw‘rk4‘2‘u , Fish: {zéfigflfifl§%§g~h:gv
wig a“? as. "anal we? . i» . 2“ -rh ’i’iiilriifar than ‘, o. . . .- . - I . I ’. - » -: - mfiofiarssnarfitEafimim is ‘. " “iii; *2 i

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‘5’: uka'gfih‘v‘gl . ‘5 5 H " ‘ ‘ I .-.- - «.145 * " 3‘57: ‘5. mi ' rgm’ih’h‘ ”into 5 19- ':*‘.«’"'11i-’5'3t« .. "f . l, 1'?! 5" “ figs-lg
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ii 3 -___, ,___,___ ___ .--- l. . ., .--, _. h ___--- __ _____s-.__,- - ¥__-__,.~-___-__ ... --- __ __ . ._,
t 9 -. . . . f
Wino-:5 5’ I Bi" 3‘9“?“ Chris .uh Pew leech malarial inn Wallace M.ChandlerBo|ln
fi‘gkt,‘ n RI . 0 . Editor-in—(‘hlet Editorial Editor J.” “WM Mull" Enltrtuimnenlmuor Photo mm.- ; . ,
ersuaSIo - .....M. '
2:; . = ‘ I Jacki Rudd unixad-ba ammo-um elevenwmowtber Leslie Michelson WNW"
. it 5, I I 5 I I “mm” Editorl‘op) Copy Editor mmwmmr Msuunl Entertainment Editor mm
L 1‘ * '.. ‘ “Niven . , Kirby Stephens
.. _ , -‘ ‘. I Kernel I I Ken Alum Grime-Editor
' - ‘ Associate Editor News
. 4."! v' ~~ 5L_______ -‘_.__w _,_,_*V_,___._—J I___ w,__‘.__, ,_,______»m___~_________,_____________'__________-H—M‘U , mt .- d W, _ :
‘ ‘ ' ' n ene a ematlves not mr ns
, u d , ‘
i Unless it shows more restraint the United Withdrawmg already-promised military sup- } VF” , 1- t
! States may become entangled in a Mideast port, “01' can we avoid a military conflict ‘. n u I on ' y. ' ' v , J j
war in order to protect its investments and in- should theseinterestsbethreatened. - ‘ ' ‘1 3 . ‘ . ,’ - ' J _ ,
terests. Our country, like-it-or-not, is destined to 4A ' ”14.41“. .s ... ’ _- .a‘. -.JA ‘
This country has spread itself thin by become a participant in a Middle East war — (x ET (M l/ W I be 7 f _ l
becoming more and more involved in the af- challenging the growing Soviet power. N’LT HER A, I KIDS" 4 ever Can 9 30 U I'm .3 ,-
fairs of that region. Conflict involving the There are alternatives, but most have been d z. /o 7‘ z 7/ fl - _ ,
United States and the Soviet Union is not a dis- rejected by the Reagan administration as 5098 we meet m1) MX, 08 Yd) Is man You 599..
r' tant possibility but rather a probability that unfeasible. l" 3" hi? Ww/ MW»’\— 5.
. could materialize during the current ad- During his presidency, Jimmy Carter $0? 00 6‘1 rec MCY.‘ WERE A Gil—WING” HAPPY FMILY
. ministration. realized this need and pushed for an increase B “I (0.06, an 660fo f ’ I. (:5 5
The United States has firmly committed in the research and deveIOpment of alter- U I 5 an 45’; WITH SAFECLEM NMLEAR mm, ‘ iiil
itself to a dependence upon Middle East oil native sources of energy. Given the diverse PM 4 Id $306699 . ,,_. E.” _ __ __J _ . T 2:35:
supplies, and as such must make desperate nature of our country, possible solutions could so P Power . [lee beef :83“; __ - ‘f V '. '. ‘ w r‘ ‘53:“ >3 I _ ' 3:31.15
political moves in an effort to assure that befound on a regional basis. w . i’ . ‘ '9- , .-. .2 . _ , _ :3? . gd 2 » '
these supplies are not cut off. Without a suc- Wind-powered turbines 0011“ be used ’ t . if ‘ . 23' ”f' 1-6-3337. (I. .-;;." -'._. ; - J 5;
cessful compromise for peace we are faced along the West Coast, solar energy throughout e ' ’ ‘ :3. *1» 3" ' . . fi’.‘ “.3 '5 ”3 . r . 5 iii-3:55
. with decisions that, in the long run, may not be the Midwest, coal in the Appalachian region .. ::—.'-1-. o ' ( ;.,l .. .‘-~_ 3 ‘ . 5 ’ ,
in our best interests. and methane co—generaters in the northern a. . , ‘Efyzj'xz “:I i . ;—,'., '19:; m 2:. ' i » ;'-;::i
cities. Although not a comprehensive list it ~-- -,.,; off?) ,9. {A ' 1;"? : a”: _ 3%
TWO attempts have been Sl188?“th for web represents a starting point from which the " {:97 _l ‘ I l i as :_- , 3';
_ a peace — the 1979 Camp DaYld agreement federal government could work to lessen our " _. .{t' ' .y.‘ ’y " I ' “ . ' . -' iii;
. and the current Saudi eight-pomt peace plan- dependence on Mideast oil supplies. , 1; ~ ' Hi Jg ail . . ~»; _, ‘ , , z. *c
‘ Although both contain Viable clauses, neither Reagan has scraped projects started by r , ;~.__ \ ’ 5.55%? r . ., i l .5 7'“: h , _ 5%.
offers all involved parties a suitable com- Carter in order to promote the increased use ' , , g, :3 55;?" -::l:::" . 1 .. H I :4... , ' j '4
, prehenswe plan. . _ of nuclear power generators. Unfortunately m), "II 4° I if ' 1% , ._ ‘
. Duh"! the Past two weeks, several Pohtlcat the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has not , '.l' l y o -.1' » = . h,-
selentlsts have speculated that the Camp proved itself capable of insuring quality reac- i w. , . - - (A; . l t .
David accords were destined t°r failure from tors. . 5647 v 1- 2. ‘/ t u:
the beginning: Thesehame “experts" agreed Instead of over-committing itself to the a r ‘ 4. . . ,- .103. - X
that the Saudi Plan 15 “the acceptable.» but protection of Middle East oil supplies. a sure .05 ' t —, ' .. We; - ' Elli
, would notwork Wlthwtfhrthetmml’mmlee- bet to involve us in an unwanted war. the . l .. . : . . * 5%.? ~\‘i" ~33
.Unfortunately Amell'ica itsema nowllln Situba- United States should take a closer look at 2:: Egg”. ‘-';,//,l//%J§h\§;///,,fl,11i'ruVM' "
. ' ' o i ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ , ‘ , ‘ r , , , _
m" we can” a "m “r a es y alte‘mm" we’gyreswm he” “mm . “Fr? *- ‘vi 4? . git.
{— .z53sss53sssszsssssszzszsssazssezsasssgggsggz 5 23,37;
l . ‘1I§z;EEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE;::E::EE;,_ I . ¢.3, __1 . 3:3;
' SUIZICZIZIZICZ22122122122222211323551” - i .
' I LOSSES Sllfifil‘fid by long term CI'BdItOI’S . “ml 2 . .:
‘ increase pressure to change tax policy Rid S of parkin meters
I Having cut the taxes this sum ‘ his house since the new buyer, 9 1-3
' ' mer, Congress is now jacking itself m without the old, low interest rate, a)“
I up to raise them this fall. Not that O I | O I | | 0 I will have higher interest payments If there really is a hell Ibet I know Memorial Coliseum area or _.’: ‘
when the new revenues are voted onhismortgage. ’ - t. r;-
l . . , , , what youhavetodothere. LimestoneStree . \.
I we Wt“ rem!“ ‘0 the status quo Infill-$01885 arethepeople and in- Again,thepubllc at largeisbeing Nope, you won't be chained to a . ' So far, I think I have purchased 3 .‘f
I ante,theway it was before. stitutions who've made long term manipulated and forced into balling wall and beat with a leaflm strap, is also W and often in- about three dozen parking . ".
\ ‘ l The summer tax cut was for an 103115.008 0f the faults of braklng out “1mm 1mm lm- 81% I suswt some a yw mid“ “Malt (“nanny SW“. meters.0bviously the uxin‘ton . (y .
i benefit 0‘ the wealthy and for inflation has been ‘0 force “P in- Yet many assumable "”1833” enjoy that. I live about four miles from cam- Urban-County government officials ‘ , y.".,
I business. not for you and. me as terestrates,butoneoftheresultsof can’t be touched, such as those You won’t have to mm, to Donny w. A few day, Mm my ”mm, thinkstudcutli gotoclullfor onlyooe
I anyone who has peeked into his forcing upinterest rateshasbeento guaranteed by the Veterans Ad- Osmond records for eternity either m permitted slid the weather was hom‘perdathat's alllhetimethey . :1!
J wot-mm Pay thvel°P° ca.“ 3.” destroy the value“ old with and ““55"?“ The 10"8 term although thatwouldbetorturom ' unstable 1 walked to and from giveyouontheparklngmeten- ' '
I test. The autumn tax rise Will hit mortgages. creditorlsstill bleedingandthatis You won’t be sweating from the a”. I . theex Surelytheyaren’tusincthosepark- ‘1”;
l you-and me. if you and me happen A 31000 industrial bond (which is one reason for the push to balance heat and you won’t have to read this M few days we“, “0;“ the only ing meters as a revenue-railing tool. ' -
i tobesmokersand-ordnnkers.Mor- merely another name for a loan) the federal budget. It is those column over and over dayelhavenot fl ltheusual They wouldn’t do that. to poor v"
i "ms and ““"s ““1 3‘" °“ my m" thht “"85 W8” ‘0‘ ”000 a decade Midis Which ”9 “tins ‘0 keep in' From an imide source 1 have frlltration And believe me it is shldehtslwollld they? 17‘.
I they don't use alcohol or tobacco, ago will fetch$6500r less now. The terest rates up and as long as in- learned what the real pehalty for mmm‘ ’ Yes, they would and do. The La. 1.‘
the products on “Web the federal same with old mortgages, because terest rates are up the prices of old linrepented sin is. I shudder to think ”In more miles on my car while ington government can make more '
I taxes will rise. . ’ ‘ in both imtancee the small interest bonds and mortgages will still show of it, but I must reveal it toyou. letting for a parking place than I do money from pal-him tickets than they
( I Sobeit. Withoutgettins indignant ratestheycarrymake themdogson ruinousdiscounts It is a torture much worse than at“! from home to campus and can by increasing the meter time to
I about it. let’s ask why. lmtead 0‘ a the market. It is this dilemma that is driving thoselhave already mentioned. but I've been late for class many two or three hairs and charging for —
‘ ‘3‘ cm: the “x bum“ '5 be“ S°Wh°is 80‘“ ”make 8°°dt°t the meme” .°‘ ““8““ t° ”'3" But locum; on the bright side timébccauselttooksolongtonnda that'l‘he Swel'hmehtmtlthewm
, I transferred from the more affluent long term creditors Stuck with those looking like Jerks by reversing many UK students are getting a: m to park. Sometimes lam solate in a 10¢ of money from time Wm .i
i t0 the hot affluent- old bonds and mortgases? The themselves 0". thm- But S°meh°t1y perimce for it now. If they are unfor- or cgravatcd that i turn around and tickets- “W t9” CW“ they ““0“! to 'i
I Starting inthe last years of the government. That, of course, is in the crowd isthinkiig this time. mwemwgowdevflm they pbeckhome. have so many traffic enforcement of- ; ‘
I Carteradmullstrationwehaveseen what the All-Savers tax free cer- Pushingdown interest rates risks willlmowwhattodo. ' That has happened to me so many ficenintheUKarea. ;
arevoltbythecreditor classes, the tificate of deposit is for. It is a stimulating consumer spending, desmpem? Okay here it times that some of my professors Haveyouever watchedthemcruis- 2
people and institutions who lend meansof usingthe'rreasurytohelp which could touch off more infla- is. _ y ' m forgotten who I am. ",3 really ins the campm am? we buzzards ;
"WY- Thty» 3? much “3 the savlhss and loan 838°68th "mi thmwewhhve 1‘" tn' Residents of Hades have to ride bed when after being in a class for 0w 8 ml they circle 0"“ a
welfare mother With no cost of IiV- recouptheirinflationlosses. terestratesandlowconsumerspen- around for eternity, looking for a lira malths. you walk in and the parking meter, waiting for the red _ ‘ ‘
. “‘8 “”3” °" he.” Mt have That's not enough, “we”: “”3? By 81‘9”“ "m “9” parkingplace. . .andthey never-find plum asks you who you are .. “violetim” fins to pop when they ' «
been murdered by inflation. They Another scheme has been hatched federal sales taxes on the potential one. my l u are only six swoop down with ticket in claw and ,
. havebeentheloudestin demanding in the Comptroller of the Cur- consumers, by taxmg themenough At UK students often suffer the we inthe class. placeitonthewindshield. ‘,
- that the smful printing 0‘ dollar "incl/’5 office " trifling 0“ the dd: on gasolineso they daren’t contract same malaise If you live off campus Aid the only timel have ever miss- Mayor-elect Scotty Baesler, here is -~
“us 9“.“ forthwith and the low-interest, assumable mortgage. debt to buy a new car. . and drive to class I'm sure you know adole- iii when I couldn't finds park- a challenge ’0’ you. Remove all d the i
depreciation of the value of then An assumable mortgage is one It remaim to be seen how tins ' HM meter, in the cam area .~
. . whatlmean. “place. (Ilnpeallofmy professors P” pm . .
moneystop. . that can be passed on from the works out in prachee. The steel, There are not enough m mindlngthis) or replace them with two- or m. .
WCMWMEMMat- seiierofamgtoamyer,1fyou auto, glassandrubber industries placesaroundthiscampus lininllytrytoperkonliosel H hourmeters. .
tact everywhere. it IS they who are have an ancient, 7 percent mor- may notexude happy bubbles when ’ Sure you can park by the football Linda Walk or one one of the :II ' Dr. Jim mm, you could do it ;
"9w 9'5““? Congress to over~ tgageonyourholise,itisagreatad- theyflgureoutthelrprosperltyisto stadium and takes bus tothemaiii mindiatareafiodoaboutsmo beforeymileaveofficeThntwouldbe i
ride state aiiti-loaii-ebark laws so vantage when you come to sell if be sacrificed tosave the holders of campus but this is often inconve- other students [see some dthesaime anice 301mm,,” gift. -
thatthere will be no legal limit on youcanpassit on. minty bonds and yellowed mor- nient,es’peclallyif you arelateoronly m WEN.” ridiiu around and But for immediate action or to get '.
the interest on consumer loans or where it is possible, with na- tgages. have one class and are pi-essed fu- .mm and arolln, d in search of the the point across, I have a suggestion I . ‘
» W .hhds °t 1°“- But while tionally chartered unison sav- ©1081 King Features Syndicate, time. a“, Farm pm; for all students who park it the -
I ”“11“?”me helpthesmall “‘53 and 1°“ associations, the “W Alotofstudents workorheveother ! watch my gas gauge dip toward meters. (This id“ is borrowed, in L
y loan business. it does nothing for government is movmg to end old obligation. They need to get to and at" u l niurmnr a few expletive part, fromthe movie“Network.") L I
g other kinds of lenders ‘whohave mortgages when the house is sold. Nicholas von Hoffman describes from class quickly. They don't have “a.“ ' Take a paper bag and write “I'm . . I
discovered that MM lflfllfilon ‘3 The effect will be to lower the price issues of national importance in his time to wait fa- m_ If 1 can't find a “free" parking mad as hell and I’m not going to lake I .3 ~ I
3 as costlytothemas inflation lw- a homeowner will be able to get {or syndicated column. You might choose to walk, but this moo, I usually head for the it anymm" on it P1100 ”19 W W Z i I
__W.___.~______*__. ywrparkingmeter. :; r’ 1
’ mlubmmhglcumsummoned-inhumaneKormlmmumnumypod-umxedu DoittodnyandWednesdayandyou ' l I
j, - theefllorl-Iedltuuullmslhm summon”. Mummultt i' i 1
, Writers thcludcthelr .n“ Jame mu“m.l mun-«mm f l
— ' UK. [letter-”Thou” be “mtg-:0; mm WWI-:1...“ 0-“ hem” .IIOIIII I'll] UK ID- . W fl' mm a” m ,. l .
" driver-licensee. metasistheonly slum-toluene- . ~
Those writing entries for the “Point" column. which lsopeii teeny..- eeupee or In the community. should contact blem. I’m W “m it Wm ““0 an 3
Chris Asher wlsicuen ltud-MIIWIIIIIIWI‘ materiel. problem, but it will help. Tb Unlver- '
_________________ “he Kernel remuthcrl’tuedllhplm-ur, clerityndleulhdbm libelous ill-term. city hi8 . mm m d m .
‘ . ' lots,end withthereoentbudgetuils '
“my“ ting,ssthearticlestated. Norwere German Hoflrauhaus fashion. The thenjlltdm'tdoanyl liutwalder mmuwmmdmpnc 1.1%”: “mm°°‘”"°'m" :
. theyfirstnoticedwhentheyplayeden concertwaalgreat sueoeeelt was howthestudentbodywould review “W. Af 'weeh someooewrote _;
lflndltebochng' thattheautl-rof manntof‘fllortl’eople." also very good publicity for the the rag that you refer to es the MellyJ’venever-eemped out ”we; the K880. m the: ;
thercvlewdthefitoberfutmblish- Forthoeeofyouwhodldmtattald unmitylsomolmtintimm Kernel. basic; but believe mc.lwlllbeln m ,Jfimmm M F. .
. edOctJOdmetoputdowntheUK the Oktoberfest, the UK Tibe- thesuthorwmildfeiltomdustend)! DAlenRuhen “my hid-y afternoon in two mgmflnmtu‘gtdmtte 1;;
7 Tits-Winn ensemble; These Euplionium played a wide inflow of It seems that the Kernel rat-en to Gnduteinulc etude-t m (Yes, 1 can afford to mics hopelnween’teerlom ' ;.
shflentamdthdrcorflactwworked male, from German beam glveenyoneconnected wilhtheCol- . “Mypmmumywm ll dmbt llvu. on w wlthln _~f Q1
. manylaighointobesbletoaim- eoiigstoseriouminlcflheyreceived legeofll‘ineAi-tssfsirreview,sndl 1"me hfidtobeerthetl'vcerrengedmy 0. no" 'of .
y . i into at fimctioiu such a the event ovetim fromthepetronl. foroneemslckofitnyoucen't'et mmmmummm wmwmmdeflml; .915
*7. Wat.’l‘beymnotdstnc- myofwhommmelonsin peoplcwlncnndoadecaitreview, m.:‘boui;teyyoi'&tlheriglitto .....No'Jauhuithshgnmta diditfortl “any” In“ T. '1'.
date-mine m or neu- liilmll my whim" tired . z _, .
, 12%: ' BIAIDM COIJNTY Ivy Berke lIreuthed d1; MWWWMWWW“; . gum mwmofi“... lmy '2 if .
is 1 :t: .s' ” . 1;. Inn ‘ - :
té'f‘tl?”v';ti;:.3f? 1'“ ecsmc. Mitt?" mum wlzm rows” the most fair and but my to Minn-gum m- M” ‘P‘flm" °' 2 t
hen" tent: We N m r , , , , “mm, ' head «in: m. . t ,
”iii an Wag/w gi/gfioncguég 35, lifting $0930.53?ng 60 new WW“ “ch“ W m h“ u. m {a »- 5' ‘
igloo, M or Miocnt imp snn mmcs up w THINK 1., 00 , ' me Me ’ becomes tradition at UK. Why, mm - , _j g .
out ”WV; WWW BLOOM comm ans : ‘ tr WHAT? Domino: “WIRE seldom probsbiy comp out on lfyoudo. youll know the bell l'lii ,.
“535% MW. OWNER '/ M‘ I JUST’MG’N" 5 . ' my M“! ' ' thine whoelt m on entire foot- 1 a . men in m and 1-... mm‘ ' :2 .
/ ‘ _ ‘ MW e.” hum-mammo- minimum-onions W’ l h"? m m .3
“ 1" y: \I' [\k _ f ”l.‘ WWW“MW ~|lll|ebultoefl,mtblhve