xt72jm23f93h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f93h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1979 1979 1979-12-10 2020 true xt72jm23f93h section xt72jm23f93h \ ol. LXXII. No. 80 K2 l e] UnILverlrz of :entucty
ex on en at:
Monday. December It). I979 an Independent student newspaper i Y
l ' «A'étAAAAA-‘A‘ " .A‘ .:-&1“ *'s
0n communications college ,tht _ t t
its “ 1 A, . <.
I I . fill:_.52'-1.21‘.:E."A::,; , 1. A‘ . .‘ " 1 ., ,
va ua l0 n co m ml ee WI I i » ,
By KIRBY STEPHENS “II we‘re going to make any altera- . After the committee was appointed of the(ollegeol I‘ine Arts‘m I972. was “is???“ w 1,.".‘1A‘,._.: .- , 1- . ,
tops ldllitr tions." saiil Singletary‘. “it probably Sept, 2|. acting (ontmuntcati‘ons made in an effort to streamline the it“ 3:» A“ m. . :‘t‘gt
' won‘t be iiieftect iintil thelallsemcster Dean Herbert I)rennon outlined lour (‘ollege of Arts & Scrences. 1. ‘ ' .‘. “‘>"~
II I t t n , )t th (, ”If“ ol ol the next school vear." basic directions the college may take. “We would be undoing what we 3.15:3 ‘A $36 3.,
ie as mee i t e t ‘ _ ,_ ‘ ‘ 3 _ - 3 1 1 . ~ 3 1 1 .. - _ - ‘ : ‘:- ~
~ . ~ _ . , - . ‘ is iiia tecision. .e sai .wou e 3 1 . 1 , . 3 5., _ ,__ .. s
( uni mmm :\ ”mum confimit- H I y I h d Id b Ihe ( ollege of ( ommunic‘itions did said I)rennon who was involved 311 ‘ t . ‘ .. ..
It‘f‘llm yAt‘d bv l'is' l’i‘esident Um given alter he had “timeto talk topri- would continue with its two depart~ in the A & S streamlining. “Youyust 333$ t i “ ‘3;
“jiAnt'le‘IiSACn I: scheduled “tr “mm-t; \ate individuals and weigh the com- ments . Journalism and mass coiii- can‘t move students around like _ ‘ ,' ,\ ' _ 3. . y’ y
d‘ Al' Ohtnsctnn mm“ mcwmmu- mittee's report for the best possible munication and Zillull—timelaculty (chess) pawns. . ‘3 we.“ ~. . / ‘
tii'willp resent a [:0 on io'S'ingIetarv solution t0 the problems inherent in members. Not a logical solution, Ihe lirst two are unlikely to occur. t «A ‘. _ '
u p ' i t' p m ' rniiigth' that unit " according to I)rennon, because of the according to Drennon, 3..» .. ,3 so... . . 1
“Ah rAA'l‘nmA'K'A mm AA AA * A i; II I . , “up 1 'II'Ill- present program‘s madcqueCies. Journalism and telecommunica- g3 " I" ‘ 3A ./
‘ille e s tuture and its structure nro ”m“ ”l I “W A“ ”41“ ‘ . . , . . _ ”N A,
“A , g 'h‘ l‘ th; “R“ '3 H" mm high. especially in the School of Ielecommiinications and humait tioiis would bconc schoolindependent \_ 1 tWAAAAA {A
”A“ A "”5” “A“ d rAll'A itAa'lt‘r .lournalisni‘s advertising sequence. comiitunicatioiis would return to the of arty collegeand humaitcommunica- 3;»
mm.“ ptay :AAALTAX'I::Am\A:" 'lludtnAts which hasonli onetulI-time pmt€55th College of Arts & Sciences while _iour- tions would return to the College of ' 3, ,\ (new, “ .3:
i‘ )I ‘ ‘c ‘ 1 ' ' . -- , .. , ‘ . . ‘., ., 2 , . a "32‘
UAUAA‘A 3' HI'l d 'n th‘ colle c \nd and m lt‘lecomntunicattom which was naitsm would become a school indt- Arts & Sciences. , . . .13: 3,1,,3: 1"; \. 31..
Pr~~“”"1‘ “m e ' ‘ g ' , . ‘ . . . 3 3 - d- 3 ‘ cndcnt of any colle'e. lhis Ihe (‘ollcgeolCommunications f
‘ \ ‘hinges that m'iy be instituted by "l "”L “m‘ ‘1 separatc cpartmcnt. p . ‘ A , 33,-. 3. ,g, 1 1;. . ,
:i'v'i-Al33t"ii'v to change the direction ol 'I eleconimunications is now a alternative also is not probable since would continue as a separate college 1'} '
iht‘ioll'cg'e willniit take effect for some WWW“ under Iht‘ mass communica. the formation of the t‘ollege ol't‘om- with three departments human . ‘."= . ‘3
um, ‘ tion department. munications.along with the beginning ('ontinued on page 3 § ..
’ ‘ A . A
A earln \ 3 :3, A ~
s». e a e eam n
‘ .' .’I I l I * »' _‘ ' 1- t
\V‘AA‘AA‘AA'J t. ._ ' t ,
‘- \Mra/ Ila mm C al I lpIOI'lS Ip .. . s
t ‘ \'. 9 1 ;:‘ ' f3 g' - ‘2 '.
AA.‘ "' ‘A A :AtAAtA H ' A ‘. A");
“’3‘“ . 1 . . . . 3 3’ , . ‘ 1 , , .“fi‘f
.- _, _. By BOB ('()('HRANE “Ihe‘philomphy‘ of this squad is to _, 3 ti" at. . - 3‘ ‘ «- .
' ,1 ,4 Q . \tatl whit-i 80 UP against the best teams." Paller- 3' A 1 .‘
. -r ' ‘ V A ' son said, “It's no fun to win a tourna— 3M,\ " _ 23-31:. .. A ,1 ., ‘ .3:
a ”we '5 a l' K “”5”" Aqua” ”Md mum 0‘" Wk“ competltmn- s ‘ .
E33 - '33"? among the 10p three In the'nation In order to survivein that caliberol a, GM“ LAVDERS/Kcmelsufl
‘ AA ‘ .. ss‘ hAAdAd '0' ”A national AhAumnAh'p play. 'I "‘ ”“955“? for the debaters l," Western Reunion messengers Roxanne Richardson. (left) history fresh-
. .. .. *3 tournament m Mdr‘h‘ and ” 5 "0' the WWW“ 3‘ lea" -0,h0‘”5_ a “Wk- l" man and Arts & Sciences sophomore Barbara Stein sing Happy Birthday
-' . ‘A is _ A “A“ , basketball "Adm _ dddlllon I: djevttting virtudll} the for Anna Rugh MacLoney at Merrick Inn. where Macl.oney and friends
.‘i , 1’ 1,35 .. A . -. lsKs top ‘varsity debate team . (nllft wte cn o a tournament to were celebrating her 40th birthday.
. . ’ 4‘ _ “ h composed of Steve Mancus‘o. a busi~ debate. Iatterson said.
v x “4'53"... A g; ‘ AAA“ * »~ .3" ness‘ and economics sophomore from Why would anyone put that much
‘3, {it ‘ .1 ,_‘- A ' ,3 at; “ 1:... (‘inciiinatiand _Iel'f.lones.a B& Ejun- work intoa protect. that receives so Iit- Stu ants earn 088 1
' ‘_ "‘ y f '3' :~s. . "A '1,“ 9 t _ ior from Toledo hasiustcompletcd tlc atte‘ntton‘.’
. A“ Adi 381' A I; .. ‘ t .3 the first half of its season, Mancuso "Mainly because it supplementsthe . . .
. 123"" . , \ 1. . 1. . $3. and Jones endedltwithasecond-place learning experience. I also enjoy the I I
.- t \ . $13} , I. '. f finish at Georgetown l'niyersity in travel and meeting people, Jones y S," In gree Ings
A": “' FHA 1’”; 3:“- '11: V-A‘ . re ' "§3 A‘ Washington. DC, said, “\t‘ost ol the teams are very
' ts ‘ A. ('3 ' 31 .s 1 ()ffiyemajortournamcnts, l'Kwon ”'9"le- _ _ , . , 3 . , ,
>1, 3A 38 '3- t ”3'13”!“ 3‘“ :33 two and narrowl,‘ missed \ictorics in Although competition is very By Rl 1H RAGLAND now employes '3 pCOplc.tncluding her
' f . "‘1 ti?" A“, , y three others, The Natit’n‘il Debate serious. an individual round is not so Rv'pitttt'i daughter and five othe.r l1’K students.
t " ’. M s}: t A 3 133$; 2.. Championship will be held in March crucial that it determines success or She wants to expand her company.
. . 1 fest“ t 1,: t 33 " ' t. . «1, at Arizona University. in luscon. failure during an entire season and It s a dull Monday morning lecture which she describes as a professtonal '
. b3 . ,3 f} ,. .. ‘- ‘1 There IS no formal ranking procc- competing teams often offer each and you re tailing asleep when sud— service. and now operates it out of her
' A; _ --' ' § ', “A _ _, ' dure tor debate teams like the 4“” other helplul criticism denly there‘s a knock at the classroom home at 243 Aberdeen Drive.
Am ‘ ~ g" _1.“"'A elated pm“ or ('niied p“,H Whtlc 1t Ls the top varsity team that door. A lady and gent in top hat and Richardson wrote some ofthe sing-
, "a ' AA ' _ ' "_ \ - ’ "3‘ International basketball polls but if rt‘s‘CIWS ”105‘ 0" All? attention. there tus walk in carrying a guitar. a-grams herself. I'hey cover almost
. ‘ . ‘AAAAgA‘ A .3 one were taken ttK would be among an“ ‘4 “MIN “‘0 l l\ debate‘teams. When they begin serenading a stu— any holiday or specialoccasion. Prices
.-"‘ A. {5K f ' A. . ) the ton three according to I W I’at- "Am and 5mm“ ”‘3th (“Adm dent orthc professor. relax. lt‘sonlya range from $5 (plus long distance
A 1 3% i -~"'3si3= § %§ terson I'K director of debate Md’l‘mmn‘ ‘1 top ”0‘.“ lrom Western Reunion messenger deliyer- charges it delivered by phone) to SIS
w 1. ‘1 _ 1 . t.‘ \ , 3. y - ‘ Hoover. lll.. is a member ol one team m a sin _,t_ iram my one ginger 577 50 for two and $30
A .. 11,3 t _ 5‘ § 53‘. ‘ It you contacted all the coaches and trying to tidyust to differences g - 8 t t- 4 t' h ~ \II j ~~~ h
A ‘ ‘r’i ‘ ‘ .' . A?“ , ‘ A ~ » s", . t \ . , , _
' I w A)‘ 3 ‘ I: g ' 9;” x around ”10 country. you would proba— hetyy‘cen hlgh SCI‘IOOI and COlnglatL‘ A?!” I’CCH _Alngcrs dCCGmpan) I .em
" , ,3 As '3‘ q ‘ bly‘ lind Kentucky. Dartmouth and debates this year. AL IA)“ on guhitar. ,
. " :1 iii; 1.;3 .. t . , . , . -, ~ , . - ,_ . . urin er Sln -a-tram career,
1- A F 1 . . 1 “A ‘ R‘d‘ands ‘( “1‘” m‘mmn‘id ”‘0“- '” “Chum '> mm ”Ph'tl'wu‘d m Richards‘gon has dilivgrcd “Ha
.1 AAA§ \t- ‘- ‘ . some order.” Patterson said. college."l\1cGlothlen said. “The issues 8' hd‘ 3‘ b hf b ll Ppfi ‘ ~
..:‘E§; " ‘ § In addition to having one of the are much more real life." Fm A) songsto 0' 00' a coac -
By (.‘ARt I.A\I)I.RS/Kemel Staff nation’s best teams, L'K also sponsors I'he debate ISSUC isdctermincd “”3 ran Curci and deAAtbA'l coach J,“
one of the most important tourna- .VC‘” by a national committee. Mid lht‘ HA'" The sing-a-gram busmess at “A
3 U K dancerS? merits ofthe first halfottheseason.the topic remains in effect tor all tourna- has increased Since her company ’
D . k H d 32 d . V , Henry Clay College Debate merits during the year. This year‘s A“ you don't even. know of such a began delivering them on campus.she
erric . |or h .:n (hucltff irderber. 34. twrst andshout asthey watch Tournament topic myolvcs lederal regulation of thing (sing-a-grams) it can be embar- said. . ,
a otentia re oun carom o t e .‘ ' _‘ ‘ .. ' . .. . 1 - ‘ .- .. , . . , . - .
Bp‘l I basket during Saturday s game against Our tournament is the first mayor broadcasting rights. rasing. says I.yn ‘ Richardson. the No two yobs are the same. When i
try or. nthe firsthome game ofthe year.l K won 80-46 to bringtheir sea- one of the season and it drew most of While a dcbater may hold personal company‘s owner. She developed her she sang “Happy Birthday to profcs- ‘
son record to 4-]. the maior teams .. Jones said As the opinions on the topic. rules of proce- sing-a-gram delivery service June 2], sor ('urt Harveyduring his economics
I host school UK did not participate in durelorcethemtotakc bOIhUdVOWC.‘ I977. after Western Union stopped 260class.sheaskedthestudentstojoin ,:
the tournament which drew 80 teams and opposition stands. sending singing telegrams. in. They all did at the top of their :.
a a I n e from around the country. When the debate topic was abortion Richardson. 43- also has radio PTU‘ lUDSS and Ilarvey‘ "‘09k 11 well.“ 2’ '
This semester. Kenttickv won the alewyears ago. one team memberwas grams 0“ ‘01” rad“). 513mm ”'1‘th Richardson sa'd~,,H° enjoyed it 50 ”‘ ,1
competion held at Middle-'Iennessee so opposed to abortion he couldn‘t area. Ihree stations. in Nicholasville. much he called oll class that day. 1.’
The famous free throw Shooter State in Murfeesboro and followed really argue for it. Patterson said. t‘y‘nthiania and Jackson. carry her “I passed out a lot ofcards thatday. 3
I with another victory at the Tarhecl ‘“He would begin hisadvocacy‘ by say- inspirational . program on Sunday they were all thanking me. she said. '_ . -
, - . - . InvitationalatChapeI Hill.N.(‘. Fortv mg that he personally agreed mm the morning. while WJMM-FM of lex~ Her stng—a-gram messengers even 1'
dip/0’ 7 ’at, Star, b/g't/I I 79 calebrlty schools competed in that tournameni. opposition. He would say‘h‘lfl were an ington broadcasts her show everyday deliver SOIIgS'ln languages other than ,-
including Harvard Dartmouth and advocate of abortion. this ts how I at l(l:l5 a.m. English. In November. she and (bus
By JOHN “A" plan 0“ ”~ ”till" Just the way it was Bates College Which fell to UK in “(Wild argue it.‘ He very often won Ihe Lexington resident said she Sullivan. a IO-y‘ear-old boy who lives
Sports l'tiiltt.’ going. It really wasn‘t designed for me the finals 34). with that tactic." Patterson said. based her version of the singing tele- in Midway. Ky.. delivered a “Have-a-
, , ,1 "‘ “ka “Ul‘ldc ‘hms " In other major competitions UK This type of charisma is a valuable mm on three other companies OP"— AAAA'AAA KA'ng'::gan A: ‘taCh‘EE
l“ l’s't‘n ”"69 )0?” WW? Mic With A 0' ll “mild“ “WON"? and lost to powerful Dartmouth at Emory. attribute for a debater. according to ““"S f" ”7‘” ,"mc‘ £35m” Onion. {AA'A‘f’m A”) roc er tiring " :
Macy. the lamous I K All-America oneol one Iromthc line. Macy poured to Redlands in a mild upset at Wake Patterson. “I look for a student with based in Miami. Phocntxand Atlanta; Spanish IOI class. , . .

. guard.decided that he would look a lot in 17 points in 26 minutes on the floor forest where UK had the number one self—discipline. who can reason and Musical Messengers and National Sullivan. who is Western Reunion 5 '
better in blue and white than black and as the Cats rolled to an 8046 victory. seed. and then lost in the finals to think on his fect.“he said. “I alsolook ()nion. . , . hpantsh specialist. sang three songs in , ‘
gold. And needlessto say. inthattime And even that lone free throw was » . . tor rsuasive ‘rsonalcharacteristics Richardson. who initially staffed Spanish for (rocker.

_ __ Augustana College (III) at PC, I’t “ . _ .
he has left numerousopposingcoachcs significant. Georgetown. which yust can‘t be taught. the company with two other Singers. (‘ontinued on page 3 .
’ shaking their heads and wondering. When Macyknockedithome.itw‘as
, "Is there anything this guy can‘t do?“ thc 28th straight the Indiana native has
Well. maybe save the world from nailcd since last February. breaking 0 a
Iran or stop nuclear testing or some- the record held by Louie Dampier world

. thing unimportant like that. But as far smcc the |966-(t7 55350” . Ihe civil sun in [CS District Court will determine
as college basketball is concerned . , . Ihe game was stopped and the game State I'Ah'm) "’“hc Ma) 29‘ 'Anmea' Southgate. Ky" m IRAN BM‘KED DOWNycstcrdayt‘rom its threats
no. not a whole lot. ball (even before the game was over) AV ”0”,,” I‘N'TO THF DFATH t' h . “MAN’S ”mp": we” Alum and 5" o'hcft'nlgrcd: to set a quick trial date for the American Embassy

‘ For example. in Saturday night's was presented to Macy by (‘tyach .Ioe _ ‘ ' y' . . ‘ " . .0 l A mA," ()AAO'AAA” Aw'cmAmA AAA'nA' “mm A A" ants hostages apparently preferring to leavethe United
l K—Bavlor contest I” Ru Ar‘n't H' ”I h“? sought in the slaying of a Kentucky State Police already have reached an estimated SIS IYIllllUn. St t . y ‘ whl A ‘atollah Ruhollah Kho- ,
F _ . ' ,. ‘ pp A “ d d“ ‘ ‘_‘ ”‘00 “’3er “prmWII- lrooper probably Willnot be held untilthe first ofthe ' AAA "A AAAPA'M '0 ‘A 1 1
_ Whatever the Wildcats needed Mr. "I rcally‘didn t know anything about year. authorities said yesterday. . meini tries to clamp down on rebellious minorities
' MM} was there to supply. it." Kyle Macy the famous tree-throw (‘ly‘de Daniel Graham. 22. of Elizabethtown. Kyu. natIOl’l threatening A" power. , b h h ,
When ‘ht‘ Bea“ clogged up the mid- shooter and big-time celebrity said. “I was shot to death by a Kentucky state policeman Sat- "ma" ”m?" M'"“‘" Sadegh (’h‘" “deh A4: ‘
. die with their collapsing lone. Kaptain knew I hadn't missed since last year | urday after answering a knock on his motel door in THE STATE OF ALASKA Will be gambling with 0" l'riday' pledged to make a “mm“ A}; 'n h
Kyle went white-hot. hurling bombs heard them call for the ball." thingham. police said Kentucky and Illinois state the oil industry tomorrow like a poker player holding hours 0" a "'3' d3“ for the 50 Americans he att c
, front the Kincaid lowcr todemoraIi/e Someone asked how long he could police said (iraham reached fora hunting lrnife before a pair of aces on the sale ofdrilling rights in the Arctic embassy. ““1 yesterday. A_‘ present “6 are not going
' the visitors Stats" I9 ‘2 Macy, from keep it p be was shot Ocean to sctany time limits on arriving at any new dCCISIODS ' .
.. .L.. _ d. ' __ ‘ ' fl .1 u “ '
I . 20‘ Ibltl, Macy from l4; II It). Macy at“ hard to sav." said Macv smil- I): RR. l.ystila. I‘.flingham (ounty. Ill. coroner. Alaska has adopted a net profits method for the about the hostages. , .
, , . 7 , ' .. . ' . , ~ said that an autopsy performed Saturdayaftcrnoon ioint state-tedcral lease sale to deude who Wlll be -. .
4 from 22. K46. Macy from .4and soon ing. Sometimes you feei good up at 3 ‘ '
;‘ and so on 0'1 the Wildcats “N 2t) h l 0 h - L showed (iraham died of two gunshot wounds. one in awarded the best state-owned tractsonthelloor of the weather 5
' (tints Kai t'tin K m] owuci '4 At t e me I cr “m“ “0“ ‘6 been run- the chest. the other '“ the abdomen. Beaufort Sea. the most promising unexplored oilfield 3 .
. r I ( ) k , A . . . . . . . '
‘ Fhem p ‘ ”'"g ‘1” “‘d d"“" ”‘c ”mm“ W“ ’6 in the country issmsossan warm WEATHER tsontap {1
- . .. Ih b . . tired , IIIE NATIONS ALl MINI M-WIRE industry It means the oil company that otters to share the for Lettington today and tomorrow wrth forecasts of 4:
‘ e tg IIILI'I yust stayed inside so But what about defense” \ecd you will be on trial today as oral arguments begin in the greatest percentage of its profits. aftercosts and taxes. sunshine and temperatures m the mid to upper 50;, 3 ‘ ‘
. . c | thatulcft the guards to do the shoot- ask’ multimilliondollar lawsuit stemming from the Bev- sum the lease In prcVious sales. the lease went to the Tonight. however. temperatures will return tothe low it
'3 mg. Kyle Macy the famous offcnmc With tugt five minutes gone in the crly Hills Supper (‘lub fire two years ago company that offered the most money up front to mid le. ’i
'a star said after the game “We didn‘t Continued on p." 4 3
3 .-.
‘ - t
A t
. .~ 5“” “"-'. 1 A.icy...“.‘W,WMM-M1nflwnmvfi~ , . _1,»«,,‘~~ .- -' .
. ' ' ' 3‘ 4 _ \-
’ A. . ’3 , " ' ‘ z ' ' , . ' .
‘ 1 . awaken... was..- .1... . . .. .W

 KENTWKY Debbie McDaniel Mark Green ‘
. . tit/Ito! in ('hte/ ‘hNMIUlt' hill/or J”, Fond; Th0!!!“ ”III John “I! G"! Lenders I
Paul Mann Ifntrriai’nmenl horror Spout Miro, Director of Photography
(‘lry Willis Us. Douurd Richard McDonald ‘
"Max”!!! hilt/m Edna/ml tailor (‘indy McGee (‘intht- DeMmu- Brian Rickcrd D-vtd Maynard '
Kirby 5‘9“"!!! Amt/um Attisiam Spurn [tit/o, Photo Manager
d O t O l & ts 5“" Massey Toma Young . (‘opi till/on 5’7"” WWW" lit/Ill" I
e l orla s comm” (uni/'1“ fill/Io! slum", h‘I’II‘m“ h‘l'm’
“WERE ..
Refugees, charities, need you ,, ih “h .
- ' ' WWI/lit: 1-63
I' t IS [78 I 7738 i M ‘~ A i \‘ .. ~‘-‘ '-
I i .t it [git-s t ~ , . h s\ eta-
: l rr’x/ M o \53
, t . l // 1 I -' ~|~ t. s\ 1 -‘
. . . ' . l , .. ‘ . ‘ ' . 'l l . \ .‘t‘ i . . ‘ A
As we brace ourselves for the onslaught of hoaday drum for a Cambodian child. The proceeds from a .( K x \ ‘ \ 1V in 3T . I
shopping. parties and the annual ritual of our fund~raising event byaclubordormcould supplydes- . . i \i, h} -

indulgence. the faces of starving Cambodians start‘ perutely needed medical supplies to a refugee camp. t" . ‘ m

vacantly at us fro-:1 the pages of daily newspapers. But time is running out. The deathwatch has begun. hi )

In what has been termed the Atischw it/ of .-\sia. the Our help is needed now. Let‘s not be passive observers . ii
condemned people of Cambodia march slowly. but to a tragedy that may have no parallel in history. it \
certainly down the path to extinction. More than a saw the Children can now provide these desperate I: ’9.
third of the population of this tortured land has people with {00¢ medicine and health care. But they “ii/3.37 9 .
already perished from the effects of “ill. l‘cpt‘t‘s’smt‘l ”mt our help. Mailyourcontributions orcalltoll-free 69>;‘gbsw‘ :QK :
and disease. As many‘ as two million more are on the 800—243—5075. Pi... : \Q‘i \' ‘3‘ . -“.
verge of death by starvation. . . . . -. , . . , ® '79:; I~~. -. ; , b , x

In witnessing a tragedv ot this magnitude. the iiidt- ‘f'l hi; )Itiar. celehiat: ii]: holiday season With the best Elm \u ‘ h /»‘s' . .

_ . 1 .. ts. , . r .

vidual otten stands by helpless. unsure ol w hat to do. 5' [.0 a {a 3' .0 l e. . . ’5}. lift/5,16. . \C t- ..

unable to believe that he or she can really make .2 dtl» If the 5“f "”13 m Cambodia ‘5 ‘00 far away ‘0 ’o;,y “l y .

Terence. And meanwhile. the dying COllIillll touchyour consmence. there are equally deservmg s. .i‘ j i
The fact is. ofcourse. we can makea ditlerence '\n.\ cltaritiesIcloser to home that need your help in either I‘ / ‘/ i
contribution. no matter how small, means something monetartly or through volunteer work. Look into it; / i f ,1 ,/
to those who have nothing. The price of dinner and :1 you'll feel better for it and so will the people whose l I \
movie could mean the difference between life and lives are touched by yours. h“ ' \. I
Em‘m , , 4 4;. 3... - /- ,/ i» a: l
l f / r ~ E. \ \' -5 ’ _ . \

4 _ / . s. ‘ a ,. 9;, \‘ Q ‘* ‘

I Q h 2 - .\\-.—._I I I #i’ r - -

i' 5‘ "? ‘h\ ‘% ‘ ’4‘. l’ n '\ .

T / , , r'fl ( Q‘hfv . 31‘; 4,14,] /, " t .

fl, "' .‘ ,4: , , H Swan. ,
M I / ’ .t n \ , ///(/ ’ mam“,
Wrong traCk nas are bullshit. I haye been goingto was it really worth it to see Pete
I would like to reply to the letter general admission concerts since I was Townsend throw off some good licks? I 6
' trom [)ayid lhomas which appeared l4. in Chicago where they average These young people. just like eve- ' 00K. FORGeT Tib Amt-Q". MAWT A THRa %M 8”.” LQ‘IQL WiT” A

in the Iseruc/ on i’TldJ}. Nov .10. l about20Iconcertsay‘ear. \cyer.Iin myI rybody else. were anticipating some 9 PER CENT WEAGQ ”
always said I would ne\er dothis. but entire life. have i seen the kind of good rock and roll. and died just ....
as an interested. inyolyed »\inerican.l actions that went on Monday night! because they. like everyone else.
mu“ speak out The pushing and shoving were totally wanted good seats. And they never got , bx ‘ .

\lr. lhomas. for a second year law unreal. lhts was my first time at the to get a glimpse of what they lost their i '
student. you are certainly on the (otheum and definitely my last. lhe lives for. i IWNO mm \ II
wrongtrack If thisl niyersity l‘lc‘thh‘ crowd control to say the least.sucked. -. , . . ,9] . b i .. I "ii
ing \ou the kind of justice you talk lhe promotors apparently felt the Prettydisgustinglsntit. tsgm alrd i t \“i WIUVBDWEHCP by
about ll‘l_\0lll’it,‘ilt‘f.\\CJTC certainly in extra money sayed by not hiring the rasstngtothlnkaconcrhcrow cou t .1 / <-\ ‘1 WEE W / /
trouble. Number one. how you can necessary personnel to handle the be so cruel to their e ow concert- i /I/r \ i /1\ a ' 4 ».

. . , ... - .. . , ', -..- . v“ goers. lm not blaming The Who. I m // / , //
um um M1/71 to mdlst d lulu dhttut d crowd was worth the risking oi liycs. , . v"\ . i /

- , - blamin those people in that crowd l ,5 . t \\ )r I ,
deadly “CHM“ mutter 1‘ beyond ml lhe promotors in Chicago. i feel. I g . , . b i 7?. \\ , l / \ "“ l'l t’ ff _
CUmPR‘h's‘th‘lT ”11‘ I‘ “0 game. W- haye a little more concern for the who thought it was soIimportantIto .6 l l ( ’ ., T , i f" , . “WNW .o.,,/ i .
lhis is not lunny.and neithcrwasyour safety of their guests. They have plenty squashed against the stage. they d kl“ i i t f3 {3 \fi ' \ {90 s I
letter. of security guards who keep excellent for n' i / u . \ : ‘

\umber “‘0- when N“ demand control of the crowds. They keep has- ' “‘ ’ 2 t , '
that all Iranians in the l'S. be sles to a minimum and in general. Kathy BaIklten i t V l . V t a C \\j ,/’r ,, ,'
"rmded UP" WhICh incidentally don‘t really bothcrtheconcertgoers. If A" Stud") freshman i EANE EiRNE' / \ \\ iii/7 i// ’7???” h. ‘
“‘“nd‘ “k" 1‘ herd 0‘ cattleltand hCid someone gets a little too rowdy he gets Ii \\BET0%E‘::\_ \'\ /// _._', I ’ / . . y; ’ . .
as hostages.IyotIlareIgIUilty of the same “med out of httCII The guards wear Letters. opinions and commen- i IIIII. Iii/{'4 t;“}\‘ 3‘}:- , .’ - .
stupid act of the militantstn lranhold- blue—leans. a l—shirt that designates . t b t d d t . l _ t . I o I» t N s\ E"; --:':-""":'.' ,. . .~ \ .
mg m“ embassy. Many. many ‘nn‘l‘ them. as security personnel. and a tariesdmus d e Hie -artl d rip”: i “Hi i ¢~ 3 3:“.“1'33‘ Ts..u.',§_‘;,}- -.-'5'-'-‘i' \E .
cent people. both American and walkie~talkie They talk andjoke with 1933,35 :Psnatltrhu: aiifirlés: an; i i \i. a; at: 2;;{3} ‘ 3 ”5,11,; ' ' 055% -.
Iranian are going to be held responsi- the crowds and in. eneral stav rettv ‘ i ‘ 2 ‘ ”3‘ t 3‘- ? 3"? 714135 L" " ‘ h 5“

s . i . . : ‘ a zit... . ‘. » 'a s-‘ . a'.:;,".'.'.'.€','." . I ' -:E:’E:‘;‘.=:~-5li . -
ble tor what has happened, it cool 3 ' p ' phone number. UKstudentsI shoulg Il ' iiIi \ fiwa 35:549/ 5:32. Ii‘gii . "’f —. ,'-', .-'l‘..- .733‘23555 i I.
shouldn‘t be this wa\. bill it is i . .. ., as ' include .the" year and mayor 81' . l .\_ ._".“~ .. .' -,?,-j F, .— ."'-"1:'r'">‘ ,-:v"§g i ~’

, ' - “he" d promotor “‘1‘“ ‘r WI'CC' Universrt em lo ees should list i ‘ - A .. . 4.. .1; _. ....:=-=:.-::--== ,
\umber three. when a person like , . :. ' . . .y. p y l ‘ A WL " -..-§;f-;:,'-"-:' é‘r 575...:3' l
. men to control X000 fails. the violence their posrtton and department. t -1 ,"é" . ='.-'..-’ :s‘it’g-g- ' l
you writes the kind of letter you wrote begins to take place. Th Kernel ma condense or i W . 34.52;“ 7;; ‘s '52:": . I;
to a l niycrsity newspaper. the hostil- . . . . .- . . ~ . e , _ y l . (I . -.--:-'_f.‘;;7i"'—*7 -ii‘ Hes/zr -
- , I agree. that if a tenain arena feels 4 t co tributions and fre uent t 0 I .. I «ft-5,! 4 \ ,

ity is lust stirred upagain. \\ hy doyou , , , , _, ~ . - reyec n ,‘ . q. . ' i 'i l ' ' / , \\
- — that it cannot guarantee the safety ol 't a be limited Editors ,, .l .. .;

leel you haye to do this.’ Isn't there I,‘ uests then it should have reserved w“ ers m y. . ' i ' L... "i 'i" 533:“ - .. ":5"; .‘1
enough confusion now without your g t. b' d 3h ‘d'd . ,, l: h reserve the “3m to ed" {OTICOHCC‘ i ‘7‘ .- ‘ll ltilI .i __—-;I—;_-.IT / tItI‘ttIgI‘ 5'1:
help" ' “43mg; 0" d _‘ ey 1. “in“ "6‘ e spelling, grammar and clarity. and i l»- " ' I-iii Ii " .7; . '3jlii:\ It,

I want to make it clear that I am not :22: gm”) 0‘ the ( ollseum soon may delete libelous statements. Q1333"? Tit-Imam ’ ‘ f”; ‘ :
condoning the action taken by the g ‘ CI‘OI'ltl’lbUllonS ShOUld be i . by "M: ”I“: w __ ___ - ._ i of
humans in lran. I am Iiust as mad and , delivered to Room “4 Journalism, :‘7 '
upset and outraged as any one else. but ‘hm. Hofl'rcian University 0' Ken'lld‘yt Lexmflont . '13
Kim Presrdent must wrestle question:
be held responsible. There are inno- La k f - For legal reasons. contributors 5i
ccntpeople and guilty people.butuntil c 0 compaSSIon must present a UK ID before the e us e E

. you can distingUish between them. Whenlattended the Whoconcertin Kernel Will be able ‘0 accept the H f h b p h d 13‘ i
keep your mouth shut! You seem to Cincinnati. Dec. 3. little did lexpect material. , OW ar can uman reason .331.
forget. or is it that you iust don't care. the hell that broke loose . . . . - . . .5
. .. .. - . - -, . . ca tors? w ll the count tthen e which kee 5 this zealot in owerls his 7;
that In the DTUCCH tll getting back ill What had happened 10 US. the Letters. 1 y i l '22“! mUCh humlllduon bhomd we caipm‘) ghoulid it!) r) r mam ability [0 pfogug [he attengion of his 2%:
. ‘. . t t , - . . . . ' , . a . . t . . ,4."-
iii Iranians. till! “It ltttpdrdlIIlngIlhe concert-gomg public? When did gomg Show? b7c000 Ii": 0;_;5§d:d13 _ In short. what is ourbreaking point? countrymen on hostages and the UnI- z?

‘5 ”t 'nn‘mm people Imm‘m“ ‘0 a TOCk concert mean putting YOUF moret an ". “or. S' e) 5 cu For a month we have been testing On th h d th a It ted States of America. If we can con- '1‘}?
‘\mt‘l'lCdn5. and even children of the life on the line‘.’ And all this seems due concern particular issues. concerns the ancient quarrel between emotion su est ehohe hat: we erg: reasthI tinue to keep calm and work through ‘K
two. lhink about that fora while. Vlr to the awful lack of compassion from or events relevant to the UK and reason and so far. it seems to me. mfg“ hs, tlilinw‘: do ar 0mg" “ ls diplomacy, his people may eventually .5

. t . . , 'r'.
lhomas our fellow species. community. we have behaved remarkably well. g g decrde that shouting angry words at ‘h‘

The Who concert was more of a ' Opinions' There have been "0 demands for WW hostages is no sustitute for eating. .3 .

Regina Long nightmare than a dream come true, Sh . . . . , geance. no calls for retribution.0nthe 0n the other hand. ofcourse.is pas- tit

. . . , . _ . . . _ ould be 90 lines or less and . . . . . . . . it
(allege ol‘SocialProfessionssecretnry How can someone enjoy this drivmg should ive and ex lain a 03”,) whole. our politiuans have been res- bradan report ston,and paSSion inthe form ofrtghte- 3.: ,

k b d h - ‘ - E P . p I n. trained and res onsible. Exce t for ous wrath is nothingtobeashamedof. .7

roc an w en you re greeted at the pertaining to topical issues of P P . . . . -.« .
Guarantee 38me gate withashowol frenzied heart mas- interest to the UK community some mean attempts to blame the Human beings need I" Nations needit. 3 i
. 538K mouth to mouth. and CPR on . ' ' whole thing on Henry Kissmger. so 55 n has ”I "5 day “8th manyawrong i

I would like t0 may“. a few mm_ unresponsive young bodies? Commentaries have our pundits. First. because to do anything else and p11! down "1W?" agressor. HIS' l
ments about Cary Willis‘ article about Eleven people died going to a damn Should be 90 lines or less. with no But will the country still remain would result not only in deaths of the tory suggests that it is better used as a .
the rock concert 1n the Dec. 5 Kernel. rock concert. more than at wood- more than 800 words.Thesearticles calmifthe hostagcsare placed “that? hostages but in chaos and turmoil in deterrent than asaweapon. but onlytl «

(‘ary said that "(ieneral admission or stock. People seemed to have lost all are reserved for authors who. inthe Will it remain calm even when. as lran and possibly throughout the paelfist would say that it should never :
lcsttyal seating should be abolished. perspective as to why they werethere. editor‘s opinion. have ,SPeCia' would be inevitable at such a trial. world. . . be used. . . . '
The first-come first-terse bullshit .5 It was only a show. a group of musi- credentials. experience. training or some ofthem are placed before televi- Second‘ because by remaining The problem is that once paSSion is '.
dh‘urd .. cians playing music. This totally irra- “he! qualifications to address a sion to recount their sins. damn their patient and working through interna- amused)“ '5 hardCto “bled Ii‘tjtohrcs- I

I don‘t think you can say that all tional display of violence and chaos particular “hie“ own country and praise the patience tIOnal systems. we reveal ourselves as "aim. ImrIny aner ICOU {WC 1.

general admission concerts. a; all are- was so senseless and down-right silly! wisdom and superior morality oftheiri mature. reasonable and exemplary. whipped ”"5 country into ”55‘0" }»
' lnsisting upon our rights. we are ask- weeks 3803*“ CIOU'd have done ”535' :
ing the world to uphold the interna- fly and doing it would have greatly t

m 15'0” 3’ WW" ‘”:3: ” ) W4 tional law and diplomatic custom to enhanced IhIS popularity. I . I};

e ””4, 7/1...“ . ‘3‘} BUZZ OL' BUDDV‘ WHATCHA ‘.\\\ SMhT‘TER?! I THOUGHT y which the world has been pledged ltistohiscredtttharhedid notd0it. t, ,

J I DID IT" I‘VE GOTTEN T ';"I..o.‘ ———i '7l {3:13, » YOU'D BE GLAD To SEE ME! ’ through centuries of usage and multi- But how long can he hold the dam? :_ i
‘4 € {fif- \ BEEN UP TO . t . —— , tudes of conventions. We are raising Could he continue to hold it if one by 5t ’ t

i ENOUGH BONUS POINTS TO I; it; -‘: _ _ . x i to; W," _, ,/ ./ , /I the standard to which all nations pay one the hostages were put to death? ii , l
.\ BEAT THE MACHINE RECORD“ y X“? 5 3 .' , , , / ~5 +‘- "‘4 ' ; lip service.Gradually. weare makingit Could he then try to convince us that ~ ;
«1"‘57" - ’/ ’ / 3\ l / f“ 3 /. " clearthatmaintaining that standard is while a lot of Ilranians might satisfy . i

O J ‘S/ r ti , / it , ', ,I // in the interest of all and that one our passmn. it would nevertheless .

-- I O :5 ‘11-“ ’\/ ‘ I -. CO . j/I //// ' nation alone must not bepermitted to probably weaken our posmon tn the 'I

5 [00‘ ‘ I ‘0. @i 3 “ w r M / i ' (it: betray everybody else's interest. world? i

j ‘0‘ .l _ f‘ t. x, /f/ Q\\' / 7 . t , r, (00 //»/ Third. because the longer we wait. ShOUId he? . '

’I / ViNo' ‘\ \ 3' .17 é'w'! & // ".3 ‘l h , % M (' the morelikelyitappcarsthatlran will The PreSideInt of the Unlthd States It

‘ g / I t’ 1;) 1 i, ; . GD , .I‘ .. I crack upinto manypciccs.This“holy“ must bewrestltngthescdayswrthsomc i
3 l j