xt72jm23f88w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f88w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-03-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1974 1974 1974-03-25 2020 true xt72jm23f88w section xt72jm23f88w The Kentuck

Vol. LXV No. 133
Monday, March 25, 1974

an independent student newepaper

y Kernel

University of Kentucky
Lexington, .KY. 40500


Legislative session ends
with few bright spots

Kernel Staff Writer

OUT OF THE 400 or so bills and
resolutions which were passed by the 1974
General Assembly, most either pertained
to special interest groups or made only
minor changes in Kentucky laws. But,
some important legislation which could
conceivably make life better for thousands
of Kentuckians did manage to sneak
through the legislature.

This legislation included: a no-fault
insurance plan, new regulations on
abortions, a landlord-tenant act, a com-
prehensive penal code, a plan for state-
wide judicial reform, campaign spending
reforms, curtailment of the broad-form
deed, an allocation of over $50 million for
energy research and a controversial anti-
busing resolution.

The no-fault insurance bill met with a
great deal of opposition. especially from
lawyers, since the original proposal would
have stripped the motorist of the op-

portunity to sue. After appearing to be
dead, a “free committee" was appointed
to draft an entirely new bill.

news analysis

THE COMMITTEES substitute was
passed by both houses last Friday, the last
day of the legislative session.

The new bill provides that:

—All Kentucky motorists must carry
liability insurance.

—Motorists would take bodily injury
coverage, although this could be rejected
by written notification to the Department
of Transportation. The policyholder’s
insurance company would pay bodily
injury payments regardless of fault.

——Motorists could reject the no-fault
plan, which would mean benefits would
have to be collected on a determination of
fault, such as court action.

Continued on page T

If\ cn though students were away last week for spring break. this construction worker
and others showed that students are not needed in order for work to continue on the
Thomas llunt Morgan Biological Sciences Building. (Kernel staff photo by Chuck




group losing



Kernel Staff Writer


News In Brlef


- Editors to speak
.510 billion tax cut
°Dean to testify

° $474 million boost?
- Mills starts early

° Today's weather...

BECAUSE OF “lack of interest“ and
“too little publicity" the Lexington
Citizens to Impeach Nixon drive seems to
have sputtered to standstill.

Dave Taylor, former chairman of the
group said he resigned because “I won‘t be
able to devote the time to it that I feel I

Taylor said that the group had held a
couple of meetings at the Newman Center

and passed out petitions but had done
n o t h i n g e l s e .

THE ORGANIZATION was formed in
October. 1973, after the “Saturday Night
Massacre“ (the firing of Archibald Cox
and the resignations of Eliot Richardson
and William Ruckelshaus.

Taylor said he has not been active in the
organization for the last month and does
not know what, if anything, has been done.

Taylor said he has not changed his
beliefs about the organization since his
resignation. “I don‘t feel any different; I
haven't changed my views or attitudes at
all; In fact if anything they've increased
more than anything else as the ac
cumulation of time causes greater
frustration with slowness of Congress in

working on impeachment. But I do believe
it‘s coming. I believe that it will happen."

ALTHOI'OH STl'DI'INTS were involved
in the impeachment movement, Taylor
said. ”We tried not to have it associated
directly with the University because of the
town‘s reaction to that kind of thing. We
were trying to get public support
widespread and we didn’t want it to iook
like it was University that was pushing
this; However a lot of the members, 70 or
80 per cent of them. are University af-
filiated people."

Co-treasurer of the group Art Curtis said
that the money collected for the drive is in

an account setupat the Bank of Lexington. .
Curtis said about $90 was collected in;

support of the drive when the organization
was formed and about $70 of that amount
is still in the account.

Curtis said that he has not been active in
the group since the meetings in which
“Dave Taylor and several other people
volunteered themselves to be the standing

MOSTPEOPLE in the movement feel as
strongly about most of the issues as they

did when forming the organization. But
interest seems to be lagging. according to
Curtis. because people are "waiting to see
when would be a good time to revive the

Curtis also said the Committee to Im-
peach NIXOn saw Rep. John B.
Breckinridge iD-Ky.) in November or
December. The ‘ group is asking
Brecsinridge to come out stronger against
Nixon. Taylor said.

Gene Land of the United Auto Worker
Union lUAW-l said this is a step in the

right direction. “I presonally think that the

best thing to dots to get with Congressman
John Breckinridge and try to build a fire
under him; I have done that personally."

ITIIINK it takes the signing of petitions
and letting our elected official know where
we stand but as far as getting 30 or 40
people out front of the Court House steps.
you're just fooling yourselves and you
won‘t get your point across. That‘s my
personal opinion.“ '

Curtis who is also active in the Kentucky
Civil Liberties Union IKCLU i. said one of
the problems confronting the im-

(‘ontinued on page x


0 'l‘IlI-L EDITORS of the two Lexington
daily newspapers, Don Mills of the Ilerald
and Henry H. Hornsby of the Leader will
be the guests of honor at the journalism
dinner Wednesday, March 27.

J. Montgomery Curtis. vice president of
Knight Newspapers, Inc., the newspaper
chain which purchased the Lexington
papers last fall. will be the speaker.

Dr. Otis A. Singletary, UK president.
will introduce the speaker and the

The buffet dinner will begin at 6:30 pm.
at the Springs Motel. Reservations must
be made no later than Tuesday afternoon.
March 26. at 116 Journalism Building.

e WASHINGTON — A $10 billion tax cut
to ease the bit of inflation was urged
Sunday by the Democratic majority of the
congressional Joint Economic Committee.

In its annual report, the committee said
it believes the administration has grossly
underestimated the pace of inflation and
the growth of unemployment.

The committee described Nixon ad-
ministration efforts to control prices as a

“debacle“ and said its efforts to offset
rising unemployment are “pitifully

e NEW YORK — Ousted White House
counsel John W. Dean III is scheduled to
testify today at the criminal conspiracy
trial of former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell
and one-time Commerce Secretary
Maurice H. Stans.

The handsome, 35-year-old Dean is
expected to fill much the same role in the
Mitchell-Stans case. as’he did last year in
the unrelated Senate ,Watergate in—
vestigation ~ that of a star witness. The
government calls him "a critical witness."

e WASHINGTON — Two highly con~
troversial issues will be .debated in
Congress this week blising for the
purpose of school desegregation in the
House. and in the Senate public financing
of election campaigns.

The House also is scheduled to act on
rush legislation for military programs.
including a $474 million boost in US.
military aid to South Vietnam.

0 \\ \SIIINIITON — Rep. Wilbur D.
.\lills‘ hr:et' Democratic presidential
campaign got early financial support in
corporate contributions from the nation's
largest dairy cooperative. according to a
report on the dairy group's political

Federal law prohibits the use of cor
poration funds for political contributions.

The financial support came in the last
monthsof I971 and the early weeks of l972.
before Mills announced he was a candidate
for the Democratic nomination.

...winter's last fling?

Spring weather may be returning as
spring break ends and class work
resumes, The high today should be near 40
with a it) per cent chance of freezing rain.
As the temperature decreases to the 30s
tonight. the chance of rain increases to 50
per cent. The outlook for Tuesday is,
warmer with a chance of rain and a high in
the 40s


 The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in ll" and published continwusty
as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The Kernel Press inc. tomded mt. Third class
outage paid at Lexington. Ky. Business offices are iocatad in the Journalism Building on
the University at Kentucky campus. Advertising. room Wind News Departrnmt room
He. Advertising pubildiad herein is intended to haip the reader buy. Any false or
misleading advertising should be reported b the Edlbrs.

Steve Swift, Editor-Ln-(‘hief

Needed change

For most incoming college students, the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) is an unpleasant chore. Its
purpose, evidently, is to break up the routine of senior
year, last relief before the college rat race begins.

In actuality, the SAT is used as a “predictor”, a
series of faceless forms which could alert college
administrators and professors to a prospective
student‘s academic strengths and weaknesses.

It is this second area which accounts for SAT’s
existence. and for its yearly intrusion.

High school seniors next year will find the test a
little different from the earlier one used by older
brother and sister.

A 30—minute “Test of Standard Written English”
will be included. Quite simply, the test is designed to
measure a student‘s ability to read and write stan-
dard English.

Now this may sound like a needless examination.
Its value, however, lies in the information the results
will reveal to the colleges.

In most high school curriculums, students have
little contact with English grammar and usage the
final two years, with emphasis instead on the literary
side of the subject. The SAT exam would allow
colleges to determine if a student has retained the
basics received in the first two years of high school, or
to what degree this knowledge has been forgotten.

This information allows a college to determine if a
student can bypass basic college grammar courses,
should take them on schedule, or should be enrolled in
a special remedial program.

According to SAT officials, the English test would
be especially helpful in judging students “at the lower
end of the talent scale.” Taken a step farther, this
SAT test may allow borderline students to avoid the
highly competitive pitfalls of a basic English course,
when a remedial course would better suit the in-
dividual’s needs.

There is one other good item concerning the English
exam. In order for the SAT to maintain the same time
schedule, mathematic and verbal tests will be
shortened from 75 to 60 minutes.

Nicholas Von Hoffman

editorii-ts represent the opinions of the editors. not the university





Letters to the Kernel

Letting off some steam

When was the last time that you
feel that you were ripped off? It
makes no difference whether it
be for $2 (the price of a parking
ticket) or $200. This letter has two
purposes; one is to get some
steam off my chest and two is to
inform those of you who thought
as I did that the area next to K-
Lair is not a visitor’s parking lot.

There are a few of us who work
at night and upon returning to the
dorm find nospace to park. In my
case, upon returning one night I
counted eight cars in Haggin‘s R3
lot without stickers. So with
completely good intentions I
parked in the side near K—Lair. I
was under the understanding that
this area was a visitor’s parking
lot. When I got up the next
morning and went out to move
my car to the regular lot, to my
dismay I had a ticket on it.

The ticket stated that I was in
violation of parking in the Service
Area. All this time many of the
students, including myself,
thought this was a visitor‘s lot.

Needless to say, I have filed my
appeal with the Public Safety
parking department of the
University. I urge each of you
who feel they've been ripped off
to file a similiar complaint.
Ignorance of the law is no ex-
cuse; but just because that‘s the
way it is, doesn‘t make it right.

Bill H. Spratt

Business and Economics~


Streakers! Streakers!
Everywhere 1 look, there are
streakers doing their thing.
Streakers are going in groups and
solos. Some people think that
streaking has gone too far. These
people have called upon the long
arm of the law to stop the happy
streakers. The law has not
disappointed the moral guar-

The police using plain-
clothesmen and the latest anti-
streaking methods have dented

day-streaking. No longer will our
moral guardians have to watch
day-streaking, only night-
streaking. But soon, the police
will destroy the night-streaker.
The cost will be high, but no cost
istoo high.no burden too heavy to
bear. it it will destroy the joy of

()ur moral guardians will not
give up their battle against
streaking. If it takes a police
officer in every classroom. of-
ficers on every sidewalk. and
police in every restroom. our
moral guardians will do it. So.
students unite against streaking
and help our moral guardians
battle streaking to protect the
innocent on campus. After all.
streaking is mole liui‘l‘ible [hall
rapes. murders. and other victim
crimes. 1 am proud that our
police force is spending all this
time and energy on streaking
instead of those other trivial

Marion Wade

Years of FTC inaction cloaked in obscurity

WASHINGTON — The short,
ugly life and deserved death of
the Energy Bill leave us with no
program. no plan. no policy in
this area. There is only the
Federal Trade Commission's
complaint alleging the eight

said Paul I).

Senate subcommittee.

more conservative lawyers of the
American Bar Association." So
Scanlon, the
associate editor of the Antitrust
Law and Economics Review, to a

In a field where a great many


major oil companies have been
running a monopoly in the
refining of crude.

People who‘ve made a career
out of watching the FTC.
however, aren't optimistic about
the outcome.

Although the FTC is one of the
main instruments we are sup-
posed to have in making sure the
market is free and fair. the
commission has spent the last 60
years learning how to make
inaction an art form. And the fact
that it‘s done nothing has not
been cloaked in obscurity.

exposed time and again. but
"criticism produces little or no
change, whether it comes from
such ‘radical' critics as Mr.
Nader's young student-
investigators or the considerably

people have a large interest in
making things sound complicated
and hard to understand,
Scanlon's testimony is a good
primer for learning just what
isn‘t going on at the FTC. Thus,
do not be impressed by
newspaper stories about the
commission filing many com—
plaints and getting many
“consent orders" signed by of
fending businessmen.

“The overwhelming majority
of the FT(“s outstanding orders
are consent orders drafted by
these firms‘ own lawyers and. in
fine print, they legalize and shore
up their own monopoly power
rather than diminish it. . . .all
such orders should be evaluated
as worthless or worse," says

.\ HIGH \'()l.l'.\ll‘l 0}“ activity

at the commission is deceptive,
for it indicates the agency is
getting itself deeper and deeper
into underarm deodorants or
some other trivial industry.
“There are probably no more

‘than 100 industries in the whole

United States that are worth
suing by the FTC. and its
budget of $30 million couldn‘t
sustain more than a half-dozen
suits," says Scanlon. Those 100
industries are the ones that an-
nually cost us so many billions in
monopoly overcharges —
overcharges which run to $2.5
billion in cars, $1.3 billion in steel,
$500,000 million in meat packing
and on and on.

It is for this reason that Scanlon
and many others believe the
FTC‘s performance should be
judged on how many dollars it
saves the public in monopoly
overcharges each year. If the
commission wants to waste its
time and our money suing a fur
coat manufacturer for
mislabeling his product, while
letting the pharmaceutical in-
dustry use monopoly

marketing practices to over-
charge the public nearly $400
million, then we‘ll know it.

MONOPOLY overcharges
don’t account for all of our in-
flation, but .they are in-
conceivably large — as becomes
clear when the FTC does stir it-
self. Sca nlon cites the case of the
baking companies in the state of
Washington, whose executives
met every week at the Seattle
Athletic Club to fix the price of

Comparison with bread prices
elsewhere, during the same time
period, show that in the state of
Washington alone consumers
were being had to the tune of
about $3.5 million a year on just
this one product. When the price
ring was broken up, the cost of
bread fell sharply in Seattle.

At least one FTC commissioner
agrees with Scanlon. Mayo J.
Thompson says he suspects that
well over half of 3,500 cases
currently pending would be found
“economically insubstantial."
He also says the internal system

at the FTC is rigged against any
kind of cost-benefit analysis.
”How can I form a rational
opinion," he asks, “about the
merits of these 3,500 files that are
going to be coming up from the
staff, if I am not told which of
them are likely to produce some
substantial benefits for
somebody and which are not?"

LET'S HOPE that someone
answers Mr. Thompson‘s
question, because the free
market idea is one of our most
widely shared values. People who
agree on nothing else, not even
the Bill of Rights, believe in
honest economic competition.
From right to left, antitrust
action commands support like no
other important economic policy.

Maybe the free market idea
can't work anymore, but as a
nation we so deeply believe it
will, the government must, for
once, give it a serious try.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features









«we r."



Integrity: more than a mere commodity

By Stephanie Krasowski

. BALTIMORE—Once, as a young girl
in a crisp and freshly ironed Scout
uniform, I proudly perched three right
handed fingers against my forehead
and pledged to do my best to do
my duty to God and my country,
to keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake and morally straight.
I vowed to be trustworthy, loyal, help-
ful, friendly, courteous, kind. obedient,
ch.-erful, thrifty, brave, clean and
reverent. I, as a Scout, would have

I did not understand what I

Then, as a girl slightly older but
not significantly wiser, I remember
hearing my father ask where integrity
had gone when, after a light drizzle,
the $1,000 roof we had just had
installed on our home admitted water
like a sieve.

I did not understand what he was
searching for.

Finally, as a young woman nearly
on my own and responsible for the
consequences of my own actions, I
was told by learned college admin-
istrators that success and happiness
would be mine if I exhibited maturity,
perseverance and integrity.

Even then I was n0t sure of what
they expected of me.

Was integrity something I could as—
similate by listening to others? Could I
incorporate it into my own personality
naturally as one learns French by
visiting Paris. There must be some way
to attain that virtue only possessed
by students who do not cheat on tests.
habitually come to class on time or
early for that matter, and write home
every week. That invisible distinction
between being a “good" or “bad"
pcrson must certainly be at least avail-
able to all, even If, in actuality, it is
almost impossible to grasp.

Maybe this is not the case, however.
Since integrity does not possess its
own adjective, it is only possible
to “have" and not to “be." Can one
appear "integrous" or have an ”in-
tegriling" personality? Certainly not.
Our linguistic ancestors foresaw this,
and therefore provided no means
for us to excuse our defeat. We could
not admit that we “were” not, but
only that we “could not obtain in-

tegrity." Milder, isn't it? The burden
of responsibility is lifted. If it is not
to be had, then who can be at fault
when we find ourselves decadent and
immoral? Certainly not ourselves.

But somehow this doc. not satisfy.
If some do possess it, and when asked
why, cannot declare “I prayed" or

“I sought," then integrity must be
more than a mere commodity. It must
be an inborn possession, and if this
is the case, I shall be eternally lack-

Jan Faust


mg. If I do not possess that which is
inherent. then I have no choice but to
do without. Should I accept this definiv
{ion and admit failure?

Now, as a creature striving for self-
improvement in a world of apathy and
insensitivity, I struggle with myself




to obtain that Virtue I was taught as
a child— to have integrity.
I cannot perceive what I desire.

Stephanie Krasowshi is a fresh-
man at the Johns Hopkins

Two traumatic events booked for spring

By Robert Lipsyte

CLOSTER, N. J.——Two traumatic
events are booked for spring. One,
we may have to face up to an im-
peachable President, and, two, we will
probably witness the destruction of
Babe Ruth’s home-run record. If we
expect to get out of the season com-
fortably, we had better find someone
to show us the way.

There must be a hero out there
somewhere. As swift as Kissinger; as
slick as Jesse Jackson; tough as Billie
Jean; a real compulso, once he gets on
the case, like Frank Serpico. Clever,
like Dylan. But someone we can trust,
someone who is neither charging ad-
mission for his presence, nor dealing
promises that some day we will have
to keep.

It used to be easy. We’d scoop our
heroes out of the soldier-statesman-
athlete pool. Mad Anthony, Stonewall
Jackson, Custer, Patton. George, Hon-
est Abe, Teddy Roosevelt, F.D.R., lke,
John L. Sullivan, Joe Louis, DiMaggio,
Stan the Man. And, in his own cate-
gory, Lindbergh.

The military dried up first. Truman
dismantled Douglas MacArthur in 1951,
and nine years later Francis Gary
Powers made Nathan Hale look like
a fool. By the late sixties, the media
had somehow turned the Medal of
Honor into a psycho’s badge. So much
for Sergeant York.

The murder of the Kennedys, Martin
Luther King, Malcolm X, and the crip-
pling of George Wallace made it im—
possible for us to emotionally attach
ourselves to public men. To avoid vul-
nerability, our politicians stepped out
of range, and we became cynical.

Ten years ago, Cassius Clay won
the heavyweight championship; an-
nounced, “I don’t have to be what
you want me to be," and became Mu-
hammad Ali. He freed a generation

who saw him first sacrifice nobly for
his belief-s, then come back to bigger
paydays than ever. No wonder the
techno-jock subculture has had to
grave-rob for a sports hero; Vince
Lombardi has been revised and extrap-
olated and canonized into absurdity.

But what else could they do? Just
look around at what’s handy. Could
Audie Murphy have played Bill Calley?
Does crafty Sam Ervin sound more
like wily Casey Stengel every day?
And what of Mrs. King, so glibly
pragmatic about the commercial rela-

tionship between tennis and cigarette

But through it all, there seemed to
be two saving constants. There was
the mystical power of the Presidency
to make any man—if only for four
years—as honest and altruistic and
sincere as we needed him to be.

And there was the impregnability
of that mighty rock—714 homers—
standing in both our past and our
future as a symbol of the individual‘s
aspiration to extend the limit of his
talent and his hope.

But the constants were only legends,
and this spring the legends are threat-
ened. Betrayed. We await a hero. Nol
Gerald Ford or Henry Aaron. They are
dull. seasoned workmen, so distant
from Carlyle's concept of the heroic

original man. that messenger sent
from the infiniteunknown with tidings
for us all.

Sometimes I've thought Carlyle
might have meant an astronaut, a
man who had spent his life involved
in mechanical processes rather than
human manipulation and so retained
a kind of narrow purity. A man who
had been to places we shall never go,
touched matter we shall only dream
about. And then came back to see
right through the sham of things.

But John Glenn and Neil Armstrong
and Buzz Aldrin have yet to seize fire
and run with it, and there are no
search committees for saviors. Tradi-
tionally, the saviors create their own

Which is just as well. Perhaps no
one will answer our implicit classified
ad, which is a lot better than we de-
serve, and the first step toward tak-
ing care of business ourselves.

Robert Lipsyte, a former sports
columnist of The Times, is
author of the forthcoming novel
“Liberty Two."


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EAS is new name
for old organization

It) \ |('Kl ltl\(ill.\.\l
Kernel Stall Writer

The Environmental Action
Society iEASi is the new name ot~
an old campus organization. The
name change reflects the aim of
the organization action.

EAS was started in 1970 with
Earth Day activities. The name
then was Environmental
Awareness society but was
changed recently to its present

FAS ins been involved in a
series ot’ projects during its tour-
}ear existence. (‘urrently it is
sponsoring a "Save the Gorge”
movement in which the
organization hopes to halt dam
construction on the Red River it
also sponsors a Fi ee l' class that
ieatures two speakers monthly on
environmental issues

EAS works with Student
(iovernment :n a paper
recycling protect and the groups
are planning .in environmental
newsletter to be distributed each

Last year. the EAS sponsored a
series ol lectures on ’he energ}
crisis and planted trees in
\\ oodlantt’ Park

l.t)l.\ Fl.t)ltl{\('i{. president ot
HAS. said EAS hopes to provide a
list ot environmentally related
classes during registration
There is no environment
itepartiiient at (K. A student
may have a topcml major in the
environmental area. but in order
to tind related courses. he must
look in several departments. This
list would eliminate many
problems tor students interested
in the environmental field. she

"The goal of the organization is
to stimulate awareness of the
environment and to improve the
quality of the natural en-
vironment." said Dr. Robert A.
Kuehne. faculty advisor to EAS.

Despite the past successes of
the organization. membership

has declined. Four years ago.
over ttitl people were members of
EAS. in contrast to last years 122
members. This year. there are fit!

tendance at most of the meetings
is between 15 and 20 and those
who come are very active.

“Students just aren't finding
the time.” she said. "Maybe
they’ve heard so much about the
environment they're not taking it
seriously anymore."

Florence. who is a sophomore
political seience major. said EAS
hopes to get morepeople involved
so the group can participate in
more projects.

Kl HIKE SAID as long as
membership remains small the
organization will be restricted to
projects that a small group can
handle rather than tampus-Wide

Kissinger meets
with Soviets

“05(1)“ , A? ~ Secretary of
State Henry A. Kissmger arrived
here Sunday night for extensive
daily sessions with t'ommunist
party leader Leonid l. Brezhnev
on prospects for a new treaty
restricting offensive nuclear

Kissinger flew in from Bonn
where he encouraged West
tierman leaders to promote their
compromise proposals to im-
prove consultation between the
(‘ommon Market countries and
the ('nited States.

“I expect that we Will make
concrete progress on a number of
outstanding issues and that we
will agree that all of us have an
obligation to promote peace in
every part of the world.”
Kissinger said at \'nukovo Air-
port. with Foreign Minister
Andrei (iromyko at his side

Register for UK

Guys and Gals

0 Sign up first practice:
Thurs., March 28, 7-9 p.m.
Women's Gym

0 Second practice (last chance

to sign up):
Tues., April 2, 7-9 p.m.
Women's Gym

oThird practice:
Thurs., April 4 7-9 p.m.

Women's Gym

Tues., April 9, 7:00 p.m.
Memorial Coliseum




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Agents see little change
Carpools increase accident liability

Kernel Staff Writer
A survey of six local auto in~
surance agencies showed that
few drivers are increasing their
insurance coverage. because of
carpooling, despite warnings to
do so from the state government.
Ken Scroggins. secretary-
treasurer of PurdyCooke In—
surance Agency, said. “I can’t
say that I‘ve noticed any par-
ticular increase.“

ROGER BAKER. a State Farm
agent, said. “I‘d say I've seen a
nominal increase in my agency.“

__ slfied


i9“ I.M.W. Excellent running mitten.
20 MP G Make reasmabie otter. Call 299‘
1837 leM27

u INTERNATIONAL Travelall. Poww-
Steerlng. Brake‘s. Air Trailer hitch, Great
Shape 266-4560. 7M20

chairs, rock albums. ertlet peht kit—new;
who Del. mlsceilma‘n-m mm

”(C REGiSTERED IrlSl'i Setter Pupplee,
F'nest Championship Bloodlines. Tirveida
and Redstar Breeding, 266-0369 I3M26

apartments, sevat rooms. Black from
campus. ideal ~nvesimentnome $37,500.
Owner. 3167“, l3M26.


WORK WITH horses wanted by male. 21
vylth lirnlted previous experience. For
spring, mainly summer 33-1133. leM27.

JEWlSN STUDENT desiring home
hospitality tor the first or second malts oi
Passover April band 7, please call Steve 252-
573‘ 2$M26


LOST. MARCH ii an oval, sterling
Sliver. hand carved light green stone, ring.
0n Shuttle Bus--' between Animal Pathology
and Medical Center Reward. 299-094.

LOST PUPPY. Dalmation- Four months
female. Conn Terrace area. Reward- 252-
2504 l2M20,

LOST TWO Ladies rings in Classroom
building White opal With gold band and iaae
with gold band Reward Call 252.0072.

tect Roger Redford BOMIndentiticatim
in wallet. ISM“


check to Southlend Sport 9109 (ll Friday.
Feb. I.caii man. J. Lackey. S. Grime. P.
Bronaugtt, M. Wilson, 3. Meineus, M.
Moore. 5. Flfurl. S.Meybanks. J. Conley. R.
Bell, T. Baldwin. w. Howard. 0. Bernie.
Bank minke these checks lat. ISM”


Education rs presenting a French film.
"Currie and Punishment" Thursday.
March 28,5Iudent Cutter Theatres!) 5. 8 1)
pm Admission. Sim. 25M2l

Training cluees will begin March 21. In-
terested in attending? 270-901 etter Szm.


Hymson’s Shoe

Depa rtment

We need a settled person for
stock control (bookkeeping).
40 hrs. per week. Prefer
married female. Availability
for year or more. Call Cokie
Hymson for appointment. 255-
4444 ext. 31.




Four other agencies reported
similar experience.

Harold McGuffey, com-
missioner of the Kentucky
Department of Insurance.
recommended that carpool
drivers carry at least $100,000
coverage for injuries to one
passenger and $300,000 for