xt72jm23f75k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f75k/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/18 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing December 12, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing December 12, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt72jm23f75k section xt72jm23f75k if: ‘1'":/ -3 a 7 l i/z’ ” —
. Vol.1, No. 18 Federal Works Agency, U. S. Housing Authority — Nathan Straus, Administrator December 12,1939
No Early Cost Rlse Annual Report by Atlanta Detrort Authority
' 0
Expected by Crane Aw??? 56:3 Stfildard Opens New PrOJect
According to a statement released It XCCl ent aps Nearly 2 months ahead 0f sched-
recently by USH A Assistant Admin— Rebuilding Atlanta, the first an— ule, the first of the 148 new homes at
istrator Jacob Crane, there is no im_ nual report of that city’s housing Brewster Addition in Detroit will be .
mediate prospect of any sharp in_ authority, deserves the careful atten- completed and ready for occupancy .
crease in the construction cost of tion of all public housing agencies in about December 15, according to Carl :
housing projects. America. In 34 pages, it tells the L. Bradt, Director-Secretary of the
Development costs on USHA-aided story of the Atlanta authority’s first Detroit Housing Commission.
projects, according to Mr. Crane, year (June 11, 1938, to June 30, The construction contract for the
have risen from 2 percent to 3 per- 1939) simply, directly, and convinc— project was let in March 1939, and the
cent during the months of September ingly. Photographs and maps fill 20 scheduled completion date was set for
and October; but this is not neces— pages. February 1940. Intelligent cooper-
sarily the result of the present Euro— The report clearly outlines the local ation between contractors, architects,
pean War. A slight upéwing in con- program against the background of the local housing commission, and the
. struction costs had already begun actual housing needs. “Within At— USHA, said Mr. Bradt, is respon-
before the war started. If this move- lanta’s city limits, there are 83,171 sible for the excellent production rec—
ment were to continue in a regular dwelling units, exclusive of hotels, ord. All the units will be completed
line, the next 6 months would see an dormitories, and institutions. Of by January 10, 1940.
increase over today’s costs of from 6 these, 45,664, 01‘ nearly 55 per cent, The tenants will be selected from
percent to 9 percent. are unfit for decent living.” But over 6,300 applicants. They will be
Mr. Crane feels, however, that the Atlanta has made an excellent begin— welcomed to their new homes by hos—
present line of increase will tend to ning with two PWA HOUSing‘ Division tesses Who are tenants of Brewster,
level off rather than rise during the projects, and it has secured USHA parent project of the Addition. The
next 5 0r 6 months. One of the chief funds to build additional new homes Visiting Housekeepers Association
reasons, according to Mr. Crane, is for some 2,500 families, 01' about and the Good Will Industries have set
that the construction industry will be 10,000 people. up one of the units as a model apart—
(Continued 0n P- 2) , (Continued on P- 2) ment, with furniture and equipment
_ , ., ,. within the means of low—income
Nae/r , ' , 3 1 ,. _ , “MfW The Commission has been fortu-
’ E23?” ' , , , , , , ' '. ' ‘_ ~V _ ' - ,, nate, Mr. Bradt said, in obtaining the
‘ / .. j“ 7 _ it}; ’1 i 5 "ij “ 3 ,f ' ' ' ' " 7 ';. ' assistance of the Department of Pub-
f . ' i , ' , v lic Welfare which has transferred
' ' ' .. v ., ”4..",1":“~43f,."; ”8!. ' ,_ four of its case workers to assist in
“m; rgr l 1 nm ifi’ii:iwiugsfififi?il 1%.?! I " Lie” » ~ . the selection of tenants.
’. eifiéiiti’nl . :3 I‘ll” * 3:53:33; {as 'l' 1 I“ I I H II ’j. ”3”” 5?,"va ,' ; Besides the Addition, the Commis-
, 15.3” ,y' i ”l ‘ H i i S $1“. 5 I ’l‘u‘f 5.3 ~44 sion is already operating Brewster
“ H, ,l,“ ll? ‘ i ‘ 4“, l I. W __ i" l p and Parkside under alease agreement
[kg’fl A a g" L' p - .511." with the USHA, and has three other
”' 2ij ‘iifi ; 3" taling $16,564,000 have been loaned
‘ ' w;r‘flfi’l’“hafllal H" - . .r 3%" , , i”, L sum of $13,436,000 has been ear— '
Western Heights, the 244-unit Knoxville, Tenn., project shown above, is rapidly taking shape. marked. ,

 o “ c
F 1rst Comprehenswe Report on Consumer I Atlanta Annual Report I

Demands Issued by National Resources Com. Sets High Map Standard

“The total volume of income flow— population groups in 1935—36. The (Continued from I" 1)
ing into the hands of the Nation’s present study summarizes money ex- In line With the latest trends in . .
families and individual consumers penditures under 14 broad categories. DUbliC reporting, Rebuilding Atlanta
during 1935—36 was approximately In a later report these major cate- inCIUdeS a group 0f maps WhiCh 1‘91)-
593 billion. Out of this amount, 50.2 gories will be subdivided to show ex— resent perhaps the filleS'C cartographi—
billion, or about 85 percent, was spent penditures for a more detailed list of cal work yet displayed by a local hous-
for current consumption . . . Food items. ing authority. One map feature is the
claimed by far the largest share of the The NRC reports are summaries use of the transparent overlay. In
outlay . . . approximately 17 billion, for the country as a whole; regional two cases the site plan of a new proj-
or 29 percent of the total income . . . and city reports are being published ect has been plotted in red and laid
Housing came second in order of out- currently by the Bureau of Labor Sta— over a black—and—white property map
lay, taking 9.5 billion, or 16 percent of tistics of the Department of Labor of a slum area. Inserts on the base
income.” (Consumer Expenditures and the Bureau of Home Economics map show typical project floor plans.
in the United States, National Re- of the Department of Agriculture— The most ambitious (and instructive)
s o u r c e s Committee, Washington, the Bureaus that did the field work on aspect of the report is a four-page
D. C.) the Study. All reports may be pur- folding map at the end of the volume.

The recently published report of chased from the Superintendent of It is a reproduction of that portion of
the National Resources Committee is Documents, Government Printing the Atlanta city map which includes
the first detailed and comprehensive Office, Washington, D. C. slum areas, with the latter areas
summary ever made of the consump— Although the Consumer Expendi— shaded in pink, the two existing hous—
tion demands of different groups of time report does not differentiate be— ing projects plotted in darker pink,
American consumers. The report is tween owned and rented homes nor and the four new housing projects
one of a series based on data obtained between rural and urban housing, plotted in red. The maps and photo-
in the Study of Consumer Purchases. these differences will appear in later graphs together form a compelling
In this Study, detailed information on NBC reports, as well as in the pub— brief for housing in Atlanta.
income, expenditures, and savings lications of the other two agencies. Not the least valuable portion of
during a 12-month period in 1935 and The basic material contained in the the report is the section labeled “Hon- . .
1936 were secured from a sample of series is of inestimable value to all est Doubts,” in which are listed and
more than 60,000 families living in who are concerned with planning ef- answered the questions most fre— '
51 cities, 140 villages, and 66 farm fective local or National programs for quently asked about public housing.
counties—in all, 30 States were achieving social or economic improve— “What sort of tenants will you ac-
represented. ment in American life. cept?” is one query. The answer,

The report confirms certain hith- “Those who can and will pay their
erto unverified opinions concerning - rent and Who will be ood neighbors,”
living costs for the “lower-third” in- N0 Early COSt Rise ExPected “Question: But (3511 you get that
come group—families and single in— (Continued from p' 1) kind from the neighborhoods you are
dividuals with incomes of less than reluctant to allow its recovery to be tearing down?”
$780 a year. American consumers checked again by artificial increases “AnSWer: Brother, remember that
in this group spend, on the average, in costs. a slim pocketbook is more often than
half their income (50.2 percent) for Indexes of wholesale building ma- not the traveling companion of a good
food, and over one—third (35.8 per— terial prices for this year, using 1926 heart.”
cent) for housing (shelter and house— costs as 100, reveals that building ma- Another question reads: “Why
hold operation). With 86 percent of terials as a whole have risen from should the rest of the community pay
income thus absorbed, and with an- 89.6 in August to 93.0 on October 28. for housing which admittedly the
other 10 percent expended for cloth- Since there is usually a consider- poor cannot provide for themselves?”
ing, it is obviously impossible for this able lapse of time between prelimi- The answer: “You are now paying
third of the Nation to provide for all nary cost estimates and the actual the upkeep of the rotten housing in
other necessary living expenses with- purchase of materials, the fluctuation Atlanta. Just because you have never
out running into debt. As a result, of construction costs is significant to seen the receipted bill does not alter
we find that average annual expendi- both USHA and local authorities. the fact.”
tures for this group exceed average Mr. Crane’s statement is reassur- Members of the Atlanta authority
income by 16.7 percent. ing and timely. USHA’s research are: C. F. Palmer, Chairman; James . .

A previous N RC report showed staff is noting construction cost fluc- D. Robinson, J r., Vice—Chairman;
the magnitude of consumer income tuations and preparing analyses A. R. Dorsen, Treasurer; Frank G.
and how it was divided among various which will be announced periodically. Etheridge ; and O. M. Harper.


 , I . i ’7 j Ix?
R ' o o o o
esults of USHA Research Wlll Aid Local Authorities
USHA Publishes New Booklet Spray Pools.—Des1gns sateen/“c? M;r“-'~,"""7‘if_7’i,g
R ' d H - and Speedficatwne e we
. . 0“ mean“ a“ “umg In the first section sageflt “may
Housing and Recreation, a new the several important fig: ..f'”;~%s
USHA illustrated booklet, has just elements of recreation ., e%32’;*;MfiiMfl,“Z?fi'3 W"
‘ ' come off the press, and is now being are discussed in rela— “Egg “,hifi‘im rd. ; :3 c ;
distributed to local authorities. In tion to the site-plan, g”, “ 39:53-», «»
his preface, entitled “A New Pattern each topic being ex- edges :,«3M.. M i
of Living,” Nathan Straus, USHA plained in a half page éyif.ff¥%fi,gfl V
Administrator, states, “The purpose of text and illustrated “3%? gang Will-1%"?! .
of this pamphlet is to show how care— b y t h r e e o r m o r e 33;; it Mé’gM’”E:”¥? ,cj 3w '
ful planning may provide opportunity sketches showing desir- £6 glig" ‘ MM gig??? ,,
for happier and healthier living at a able procedure. The fidgfle ‘f,,,f£*§3%§:6” ‘“ ,
minimum cost for maintenance and topics are self—explana- éfisfl“ &§’?J§$.rs ..
operation.” tory: Active Play for egggzéleiifie ,Mfgw ”it?
Pointing out that “A good rough Children, Wading and fid’fljafi’z ,,',g”*'aa,,j;,,.'j§€x
- measure of the success of a public Spray Pools, Play for gfflg‘g‘g _
housing project is the extent to which Y o u th s and Adults, "-Z,_t fif%‘% afiék 1' "’
community activities develop among Open Space for Varied W”sgc,;a§1d§2§fie”“ng
the tenant families,” Mr. Straus Uses, Flower Garden- wwwerfifsjfif’ifleyfll:meiicifigh‘f
likens the well—planned project to ing, N eighborliness at ’3“?%Wecii«issv‘alnr’swe’s
the NEW England COlOIllal Vlllage the Entrance’ Use Of “ . . . the allocation of open space to the tenants for their own care is in
green 111 the encouragement of these Natural F e a t u r e s . accord with ,American tradition and will aid in keeping .down the cost of
activities Sketches show children smittentittsnti‘st:attaintare “WM
The 40-page booklet contains nearly using concrete table
50 illustrations (sketches, diagrams, tennis equipment outdoors, mothers lustrating avoidance of traffic streets
site-plans, and the like). It is ,di— sitting on shaded benches near play Within the project, concentration of
vided into three main sections: Ele— areas, games of shuffleboard and open space, location of community
. . ments of Recreation in the Planning horseshoes. buildings, and other factors in recre—
_ of Housing Projects; Five Case The “Five Case Studies” include ational planning. Slum sites, vacant
Studies in Site Planning for Recrea— original and revised site—plan studies sites, and additions to existing proj—
tional Use; and Suggestions for from every region of the country, il- ects are all represented.
One of the five case studies presents
‘ ' ' .,._. " “ ' "““‘” , " " the problem of designing the project
“‘i 3 , , , ,, so as to eliminate traffic hazards. In
“‘ , . “WW“‘WW the first plan the buildings are skill—
' duhy amended but a sheet divides
s st? theheehberhoedseceehhstheceh-
q 1‘435 ‘, ' WWW" ,, ”$3 ' munity bullding and the surrounding
May; , _. , _ ,_ , WWW; gm , play space from every building in the
We%, , , fr: ' , project. In the revised plan the traf-
. ,e \ M _ - , [Gwe- ~ fic is deflected around the project.
. T” __\ ”\QM " 1", a we“ The “Spray Pools” section of the
w, ”4 “EN , n booklet is both complete and specific.
' s3“ ' Sketches and diagrams for five types
Vim}; eWTWWv def, a ’1 K ”M: of pools are presented. Costs, rang-
rfisa‘i‘fi , the? ,e ing from $320 to $455, are listed in
,MM'Mf/j 5, )‘33 * Mfg j ‘M ‘ h‘g‘f“, either in conjunction with the water
A fits source or separately, are recom-
mews ,, Kl“: “'7'" fifth/“mg”? ,1; ,1 ' mended. One page is devoted to
W We“ “M “suggested specifications for wading
emeinewéfisee 013195 0 WW and 6076661510”
v ' ’ ’ ~ ~ '* ’1 i v ' v 3 may be secured for 10 cents from the
Volley ball, as illustrated in Housing and Recreation, isf‘one of the multiple recreational uses of the central area.” Superintendent of Documents, Wash-
A 13-foot net, With the top 8 feet from the ground, 15 tightly stretched between two uprights. Court dimensions -
can be varied to accommodate as many as 16 players. ington, D- C

 - - Bra ch r ries in Housm Pro ects to Aid
Construction Bids n [‘11) a . . g 1 . .
Both Tenant Families and Community Resulents
___________________ To pl‘OVlCle tenants in the LaSalle 8 p. m. A room was prov1ded in
Localantlgfilriltiiaudproject [N11331: 011 Damon} bid Place project with library facilities, the administrative building, fully
: er , , opmng . . - - ‘ I
__—__.l___‘_.___ the LouiSVille Free Public Libraryhas equipped, and the local housmg au— .
Allegheny (30. (page, cooperated With the local housing au- thority staffed the library from their
2) 2833, ‘ 12’20‘39 thority in establishing a library sta— office after the public library had
Anniston (Ala.~1—l)...., lob 12—18~39 . . . . .
Atlanta (033-645) 534 . 1222,39 tion at the pro] ect. In one of the trained a person. Coss1tt Library
Miami? Clty (N .1: ‘37“ 1 19 90 39 community rooms the housing man- furnishes all books, library supplies,
” ”veefiefie," ,,,,,, . J) ‘47-! -—. . . . . . .
Austin (Texenl, A) 7 7 81 1240-39 agement constructed a locked book— and administrative superViSion. '
. " '. ira h' b'ibrris a-
Austin ('l‘ex.-—1727A)_.__, 70 3 1240739 case, accommodating about 200 books Sexe lot e1 pu licl a . e ,not
Columbia (S. (1—2—2)-.. 250 l 1271539 The Public Library supplies the bly those of Pittsburgh, Indianapolis,
E21113111112)”[h(fift11120119 10’} i 12’12‘39 books, changing them at intervals in and Columbia, S. C., have cooperated
844R Pt. 711)...."1: 24 1213—39 order to keep the collection as alive with housing managers in establish—
Crog‘yélflzgxllrlstl (Tex.~- 010 ‘ 12713739 as possible. The library attendant ing libraries in projects. These sub-
, i 7 l has been a WPA Worker, especially stations are all open to the residents
coglPéfRShI'13tl “9‘" 100 % 1243739 selected and instructed by the library of the neighborhood, as well as to
El Paso ('l‘ex.~3~2),..... 314 l 12722~39 to do this kind of work. project tenants. Cooperation of this
.727 i -, . - - . ..
( ‘3” I "1 (Mont 136 1 124 5739 The library is open 3 days a week; kind 1s of mutual advantage to both
Kiiigsport (femur-(5‘1), 128 1220—39 from 1 to 5 o’clock 2 days, and 1 to libraries and housing projects. It
7'" r<' '1 ‘ 7'791 .7, 7 _( . . . . ... .
J‘m‘e'l’mt (1 em" 0 “)' 15 1 12 20 33 8 o’clock 1 day. A seWing class is prov1des library faCilities for prOJect
Mclgeespm-t (Pa. 5—1) ; 206 12—19439 held in the room at other times. This tenants Within easy reach of their
$81,111:: flail—Z; 1&3 ‘ i: 3:118 multiple use of a room is an illustra— homes. To the libraries it presents
filemfik (N. v1.52—5)"; 014 12721—39 tion of the community relations plan an unusual opportunity for extension
. e]\\)'1\(n((onll4 460 1 1249739 to utilize community space to its ut- and improvement of their services.
\' 0 l , L l 3) 911‘ 1 12 22 39 most capacity. Another type of cooperation is re-
Q2; 011:3}: EL:::1:5): '903: ‘ 12:29:39 In Memphis, the Cossitt (public) ported from Cleveland, where the '
gaklulidl (Salli—(332))", 3:; ‘ 13—12%?) Library has established a station at public library book caravan makes
Cl‘lSilCO t1 ‘ {1.—)— _,_, 1 7 ’~ , . . . . A . 1
Pittsburgh (1)3471,ng 1,758 1 12,224“, DiXie Homes proiect. It is open 3 fiequent stops at the LakeVieW Tei—
. , days a week, from 2 to 5 and 6 to race prOJect.
Raleigh (N. C‘.ve2e1)____. 200 1220—39
San Francisco (Calif: , '
1,3) 750 , 1249,39 Construction Report
Savannah <(iilr'2’ 3)..... 330 i 12710—39 Weekly Data
, .\n,.,,,,, , Wk dd Wk dd
Bin OrnNrM... 1m. ininELi SCHEDLLED1 Item Deieemelzlerel, Nojzmigrefl’ Peni‘centage
_———-——————-—-[——— 1939 1939 ° ange
lineal nulhorily and project l Number 0!! Dale of bid _~——-————f""” "7"'# -——- ——‘— w
n-- ; ts ~ ' v
“m” ' , ”I” l ""‘mut Number of projects under construction____.,,,__.W.-. 126 122 +3.28
, 7 . Number of dwellings under construction“--.m"... 52,517 51,053 +2.87
Los Angeles Co. (Calif.—- Total estimated over-all cost 1 of new housing $237,927,000 $234,340,000 +1.53
2'4).-___.:.___.__.._..____‘ 500 l l~12—-}0 Average over—all cost 1 of new housing per unit..." $4,530 $4,590 —-1.31
Norwalk (C01111r2-1)“. 130 12—29—39 Average net construction cost ‘3 per unit_______...,,_,,, $2,856 $2,891 —1.21
Omaha (Nehrrlm2)._u._‘ 283 1 l~ll~~10 ____________——————-——————-————-
'l‘aliipa (131:1.rr3v3‘)..______i 328 1—15—40
\Vnshinu‘lon (I). c.7174 Summary of USHA Program as of December 1, 1939
2i, 216 ‘ 1716740 _____#____.———————————
————‘——_'————_ Item Projects under Projects under P1222325
.m‘d533.133,ii[32‘5”lKl.i‘.‘.’-‘f.‘?‘i‘i.5T‘iilfii‘t{333$lli‘lg’i-i'fil‘itilt‘iflt‘{Elli 1°“ ““"act °°"5"“°“°" tenanteds
us yet been llelillilel)‘ scheduled. "’#’ ' ’7”""’""'"— '7’ ' "'"'" 7" "7 "——_ '———‘ #w#
C . R A l . Number of projects"______,,_____,,,,,,._.....,, .. 309 125 8
n - Number of local authorities represented.__..,__.___.,. 140 85 5 ,
0 StruCtlon eport Ila YSls Number of States and Territories represented_,,.,_, 3 32 3 25 4
.' ,_, . a Number of loan contractsm,"”Wu"._.,_..__._...,.,.. 199 .,.,,,._,._...,,.___ WWW ,_
1311-11118: the.“ 99k ended Decembei 1, Value of loan contracts____,,,_.____....__.,,....._.__..____... $536,577,000 .,
four new pl‘OJECtS were added to those Number of dwelling units in projects 117,960 52,437 7,005
. . . . ' ' ‘ Number of dwelling units completed......,_,_,...,,._ ,,,_ 3,504
undei COIlS’ClLlCthD. The addition Of Total estimated development cost 4" ....____.,....._.., $596,331,000 $257,987,000 $35,436,000
the new 1)1'0J€CtS——~tWO of which were Total estimated over—all cost of new housing 1...", $548,451,000 $237,611,000
. . . . l ‘
in Puerto RICO—- caused a decline in _) " —, . . . . . . , .
Includes: (a) Budding the house, including: structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation: (h) dwell-
bOtll the average OV€1'—all cost of new int: equipment, archilecls’ fees. local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency
. . . expenses; (0) land for presenl development: (dl nondwelling facilities.
houslng pel- unlt and 111 the average I The cost of building: the house, includingv structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs.
. . -‘1neludin.u the District. of (‘oliiiiihiu, I’m-rm Rico, and Hawaii.
net COIlStl'llCthll C0513 per unlt for all lIncludes over-all cost, ofnew housing pliisiho cost of purchasing and demolishing old slum buildings and the cost of land
' t l t t‘ "'Eu'imai‘il5”“.lli.‘l‘i‘é‘qi’rlé‘o‘l'm"
' ' ‘ ‘ .‘Q AlVl“ )‘ v,..,
p1 0‘] 8C S 1111C el C0118 luc 1011' NorEsMonthly summary is as of close of business Nov. 30.
Publication is approved by the Director. Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, I). C. Subscription price $51 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents.
Material for PL‘BLIC Hol'SINu should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, \Vashington, D. C.