xt72jm23f717 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f717/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1961 Vol.27 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, April 1961 Vol.27 No.7 1961 1961 2019 true xt72jm23f717 section xt72jm23f717 § ’ , , , A. .
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 ._ 3 ;31!”.3323333 3 3
33 3 33333 3333333 APRIL, l‘.
‘33 3 333133 3333 ations committee wasf not included in C9.
33 3 33 33333 33 I I tabulation because 0 uncertainty Overt.
3 I333 3;'33|3 3H 3- The Kentu‘ky Press "h" AS we see t + number of times it had met. Trzidition31333C I r
3 33 3:3 3 . . Th the committee is regularly Closed, 333333333 0 O i
. 3 3 3 3 Volume 27, Number 7 More Discussmn On e contrasts with its Senate COLllltcrpart333333 .
3 . 33 Offi 'al Publication Controversial Canon 35 last year closed 49 Of 190 meetingw 303m G1lber
:3 33 33 Kentucky gress Association, Inc. In another column the Press presents an achieve one of the lowest secrecy SCOres,Z33 mining {mt/£11;
3 3 3 33. 33 Kentucky Press service, Inc. article by Judge Marshall Quiat on the con— per cum .1 dynamit: cm
3 3‘ 3 3 3 3 3 Victor R' Portmann: Editolr troycrsial topic of Canon 35‘. Mr. Quiat has a s a 3 3333:6333 1:3 Cg“
. 333 3 3 33 Perry J. Ashley, Assocrate Etltor served as presiding judge 111 both County 303mm. f 10
3‘ 3 :3 333 :33 Memberf Commerce 33nd Districts courts and is now a practicing Do We Need Government .; [hellflllt ol 5 d
.3 3 333 Kentu‘fk)’ (33112331313233ng Association 31 tryer in Jefferson County, Colorado. Office on Consumers? [out severa. a“
3 3 33 3‘3 Newspaper ' a g her 33’3"} 3 ' l - t‘il'cs issue with Justice Doug‘ . - . _- .- , 1'3 31- , himself, srgnl.‘
3 3 33‘ 33 _ SustaininnglIeXl ciation 1 1L luc gt ( \__ .1 3 ’\/l' h Press on the Atlyertlsmg, p11c1ng and a )cingpractm anxiety, John
:3 3 3:313 33 National Editorra sso las, as presented in fit 1 arCfi ,. 3.’ ti 'lt would he 1ncluded in a contmumg, mm, the delayed (36
3 3 3 33‘ ’ 33 3 . lNe‘?:sgCl:;eP133/({:ln;l:izfll Association strict adherence fito c1112?im;91,t1:31\13;g b03t3h prehensiye study” of consumer probkms, detonated mir
3 3 33 .33 33 3 Nationa ._ lpprhe Kernel Press there should it 11C‘(IS ‘ 3 _ c lctcrmining under proposfl] by Sen. Ncubergcr30m33 persons were
3 3 33 3 33 3 —_P_“:“_C‘_Y________ the bench 331133 fhtqlfitlsi 3:33 followed ab— to establish a specral Senate COHIImtteeon conseunH’E lo:
3 3 333 3 333 3 The Kentucky Press Association recogni‘gjj whether Canon )5 slrou C )(iSitC )0th of Consumer Interests. Sen. Ncubcrger, 1.153.333 When the 3
3 33333 33, 3 the fundamental irnportperirgeancg diggenimiition 893utC3-333 or, fronr tic 03161" 1 mitting S. Res. 115 March 24, termedla crash, radio, 3
33 3 3 3 33 ‘ trust 2131317035733) $123358)? stun ds for truth. Mp View, disregarding it compc1 ,3: 3 3 f3“ too year’s personal consumptlon expenditures. porters rushed
.3 a ‘3 333 of puacjccuiacll and decency in the presentation He believes that manB luc ges art r 3 $328 billion significant enough to instifyin. apcrs througl
l 33'. 3 3.3- 2:53:36108, as set forth .333 the.C?ngnsdofréSOl:;nggg strict in adherence to the dictates of. the yestigation by the Senate in order ”to (it-3 pmplis of the
3 3 3 3i isrln. riitsiiitévggiiifiniflfit08333333333683; 8th;3 paublication Canon, and the problem could rcsolyc 33151653: termiUC that this money has been spent 93-3 in a panoram
3 3 3 3333 ‘ ; ii;33ifropaganda under the guise 0f 2:“); flrtar‘ih- if. newspapers would assume 33332313533231 in fcctively." In a parallel development, “733333 photos of the
“:3 33323 3333 3 33333313 35333333“? $251230:editoiizdegi-Sgrgsions. It re: 3313133331“ the role 1033131335} 3133;311:2101] ( Again ington reports Ill-(lIC‘JtC Pres. Kennedrt. sengerS- Quot
3 33 3333 3‘33 3 3 81137333333 eiittalitll of opinion and the right of even? relation to all p iascs o - 11 g: H 3dr court: planning to establish an Office of C0nsunn3 mm describt
33 333 33.3133, 3 3 individual to participation [in gigsgorfitrilézgggs as 3udgcs have str1ct contro merf at 1 3 C Counsel in the \Vhite House. 131311305333 sembled a n
33 323 3 ‘3 3 guaganteeug): frgfdggmaotéiijf medium for civic, room and trials therein, a 1sa1 (Tina—sanin up such a unit was made part of Democratic Phomgmphs O
333 3 3 i 3 ‘ roaress. "a ua 1n ant “2 . . 3 . .
333 33333 3 3333 w - fhc pressgshould follow, there is no doubt * a e e 3 afcgfqrirllililég
333 3 33 3_3 3 3,3 33 Kentucky Press .AIssocratxon, Inc. that a compromise cpuld be :Efftfiliizi 110ml advertisers agree that “6“me 3:53p1ane, am
33 3 3 3 3 3 33 . ‘ ‘ n z . 3 3
3 33 333 3 3333 “33 Foster Adamg 13383336313333“ Citizen, Berea 330333 3333 “3333323333333 ft 3tl CIDEScldom of the \‘Crlismg pays oil more than any other at €Xpl0810n had
3*; ‘333 33 3.3.333 1 B Gaines Vice—President 3 keep the premises 0 r 1 f3] 3 “blic (“um Last year they invested over [W3 investigation 5
3‘33 33 3‘ 3 33 3 33 lo 333 3 Park City News’ Bowlmg Green Press, andflthc lIlllCICIlt Hg 33$ 0-? 3C'P1t‘1in times as much money in newspapers .15 103 Hemion rep.
333 33333 33 33 Victor B. Portmann, Secretary-Manager - to ”know through thepress, 3C3 3333333 ,3 3 all other measured media combined. INewspElpcr ar
333 333 3 333 3 Perry 3' AShley’ Asmmnt Secretary—Manager and uphold the digmty of the court ant . “(@1688 mm
ii 333 33 33 3.33 3 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer. courtroom procedure. 3 Pres. Kennedy, March 233 signed B33. Several days 1
33 33 333; 3 .3 University of Kentucky: Lexrngton The assumption of the freedom, and 11— MR. +806 to provide temporary “11611113033 reconstruct,“
3:3 ; 333‘ 3333 3. 3 District Executive CommitteeC mm mitation of communications, is acknowl— mcnt benefits for those who exhaust 331333 some delay, 3
33 33 333 333 Chairmarri) Ftred( A];Liligéliéullfirsctiusaflilliain TJ. edged, subscriber], and thoroly expressed in normal state unemployment benefits 3);. firmed printec
3 3 31.3 3333 3333' 3313,31: Ifiiozrgounty Herald: Eddyville; Second, the rules adopted by radlo and teleylsron 1n tween June 30’ 1960 and March )1, 39.33 eprswe cam
3333 33333 33333 333 Larry, 53°“?! MesseagleT-AggfzmegfgfiilalC(llzyti the Denver area—and should also goyern It is Public Law 87-6. New Lay.’ prondrt3 the strong 1)
33 t 33:3 33 33333‘ $33.33; EdisrilsvijlligriifitBZITirririk C. Bell, Trimble the printed media. These rules are an tlx- for an in cre as c in the present 13 ede‘ragl un. was not accid<
33 33 33333 3 33 L333 D'emocrat, Bedfoid; Sixth, George Tfittgsfg pression of mutual con‘mderatlon by t3e employment compensation tax levic fig] ing checked 1]
. 3 3 3 313 33 i ‘ 3 terprise, Lebanonf 563033271, $323133} JOiDIinl III: courts and mass communications, and surey employers from 3.1% to >527 on 3 Gilbert for qt
3333 333333 33 Mercury, ‘Calrgllisle’sofiigrseti Ninth James T. point the way to settlement of arguments $3,000 of annual wages effective 3311.33 Newspaper:
3333 33‘133 3- . 3} $37333offiefndépemzent, Ashland; Tenth, Man? for and against the strict interpretations of 1962 for a period of two years. 3 tographs of I.
333 3331 3 3 ice K.’Henry, Daily News, ¥1d%§g?;?iesatfltceer3 Canon 35. All media should subscribe to . 3‘ M3 writer in desc
333 33 3 3 air—Large, Edgy? (12153—3302: 333833330 Van Curon: this solution of a vexing problem. Because of the severity of the past “111 3 plete 313mm 3
. 333 3‘3 ‘3 gtiiggbiiiilal,(Ilqsfankfort; immediate Past Presi- g 3“ a u it is predicted that the need ‘for homers included scgm
333 3.33:‘ 3 3i 3 dent, Paul Westpheling, Fulton. County News, pairs. particularly exterior, “.111 be grenl1633 arrests for im
33 333 3 33333 33333330333 k Press Service Inc. C0" ressional Secrecy this spring than in many years. 13.3)[hi3x313 ElCOmplete li‘
‘333 333 3‘33 33 Kenu'm‘ 3P 'd t 3 g I 1960 national and state hardware dealer 851503333 be introduce;
3333 3.33333 333 3 Iames M3 “3133353 3883R/Ieégsenge"> Brandenburg on The Increase n ations are emphasizing tlrls 1n1 urgilgfigpw Photograph 0
3333 333333 3 33 3 i 3 3 3 3 333 . ‘ ‘ ' ' ... 3 2 rs to ex )an( newsmieracver. 3 _
33333 33333 33 3 George M3 3333335033, 133132333333X3§é53i633§3§333din5bu3g Cigiiirebibogg118;::::orl:iiCgii:::3ei'll3)3i3sl33216131: 32:313.; Hardware Retililir magazine 310111333 3123;231:1355:
3333 33 3 333 33333 Landon “33315151520673; \ggzfigeslbdeegg’ Calhoun :arried i1? the \VBZIQZ)’ Report. Of a total of out that sales potentials this yelar $§n4da3rilp and depravit‘
3 333? 33333 33 V' -t r R Portmann Secretary-731608“rer 2,424 meetings, 8-30 were closed, making 35 cent better than a year ago. "line 115 is 0336333 Structure.
3133 33 333 33 3 1f 0 3A‘ll r Asst. Secretary-Treasurer )cr cent closed for the highest figure since l-Iardware & Iron Lo, IndianaPO ‘ m3 Evening P2
3 33% 33 33 33 3 Perry J. 51:73,;iuersity 0f KentUCkU> Lexington 319% when 36 per cent were closed and a ing a cooperaltivle ad 33133033011313.31131133111334?“ about Iohn’s
3 3 33 3 3 3 3 ‘ i " “ 3‘ ' 3" 33 7 .3 C“"S )ll )CrS W llCl anO VCS K ‘ _ 3 .
33333 333 33333 cl 'rman V2311? TolfoaggicytgrisCounty Her- 3:3: 53103131313 (12:5:15:11);c;fl::tn§3ec‘ai:15gl0u, >0 3533011.: 13”” at low] ad rates. N63333m333n3c3e33 33aiieisgefié3i233
3 33 3‘ 33 33333 aldinEddthm 13433333380 Kbllifnfizarfaiiyrdzfgg, 3 High incidences Of Closed door meetings should contact local hardware (lezrlcrsrggtiom. life, Y
3.3. 3 .33. 3 grififribgfifingsgeiio Cardheiig COU37‘i‘?Ta HiCk: were scored by foreign and financial com— to take advantage ol the sales pr 3 The day f
3’33 3 333333 ‘ mun; B03) Fay, Shelby News, Shelbymlle; Offi- mitces in both houses. The House Approprl— that are on tap. 3
33133333 333 33333 3- cers ex-officio. I
.. 3 . . .
3’3 333
3‘ 3:3:- 3
33 331333 33 33333.3- 3
3 3. 3 .

relucled 1n C911 1 1 ,1
rtailrrty 0111111111 11 _1
-. raditionalli,_ I d J Cl S C 35 N d I ' "
1 .10...i,11111Co ora o u ge ays anon ee 5 nterpretation 1 ,
ounterpart 111111 1
)0 meetings 11 John Gilbert drove to a small mountain headlines, radio flash announcements, and cerned the cooperation he had received from 1‘
rcrecy scores121 mining town where he bought a supply of funeral television interruptions, announced federal and local agencies and the efforts of 1
1 dynamite- He fashioned a time bomb and John Gilbert’s confession. All mass media men in preparing for trial.
picked it carefully in his mother’s small dealt with the background, describing John No word appeared in any mass informa-
1011er.night case. \Vhile his mother bought as a “police character,” a ”wanton killer,” tion medium concerning John Gilbert’s in— 1
lent [helimit of slot—machine insurance, he made a “vicious matricide” and by using other nocence—-or presumption thereof. 1
1011t several additional policies in favor of similar hackneyed, but evocative, imagery. Eventually, John Gilbert was brought be-
113C1i11gpractirfi 1111115€lf1 signing her name. In exquiSite Photos showed John signing the statement fore a court and arraigned upon an informa-
. 1 randy, John Gilbert literally sweated out A brief, unintelligible tape of his mice was tion charging murder in the first degree. At
ontinuingcori the delayed departure of the airplane which broadcast and variously described as a re— this point the court appointed a lawyer to
umer problems, (16101121th minutes later. More than forty luctant confession, a tearful statement of represent the defendant. During the next 1
ruberger110ir11 116150115 were killed by the explosion and remorse, and a snarl of deficiance. few weeks, not only did editorial attacks
1 Committees; Cm15cqucnt loss of transport. An editorial said in part, “. . . \Vhile we continue upon John Gilbert, but John’s
1111)“ch 1111111 When the first word was received of the have consistently argued against capital pun- lawyer was attacked by rather ingeniously
24, termed 11,111 “15111 13(1101 newspaper and television re— ishment, we feel that capital punishment is non-libelous comment. . 1’
Cernfhth‘i porters rushed to the scene. The evening 110t sufficient to deal with a callous, unfeel— As preparations were made for a jury 111
lgh t0 11131111111111 papers throughout the nation showed photo— ing, serpent Child who turns viciously trial, newspaper, radio and television re- 111
nborder lode-1’ graphs of the wreckage. Superimposed up— against the mother’s love that bore him and porters and news editors sought permission ' 1
1’ 6C1} spent “1'1. on a panorama of destruction, were named the breast that fed him. . . .” to photograph, record and broadcast the ac- 1 1
Ol)11]:-11l,\lffl§1111 photos of the crew and a few notable pas— A so—called psychiatrist analysed John, tual trial. - 1 ‘
es. kennedrr: seiigers. Quotations from neighboring spec— without ever having spoken to him. The Canon 35 of the American Bar Associa— 1
CC of C0115m1 titers described the crash as having re— analysis included terms like “dark Eedipal tion Canons of Judicial Ethics, provides as 11
’SC' Plan t111111 sembled a mid-air explosion. Distorted conflicts” and a dramatic description of the follows: 1. '
t of DCIIIOCMUE photographs of distorted bodies appeared in thoughts that had gone through John’s Proceedings in court should be conducted 1 1
1 papers next morning. mind in preparing the bomb and awaiting with fitting dignity and decorum. The tak— 1 1 ‘1
‘1 Federal authorities collected the wreck— news of his mother’s untimely death. Lenny ing of photographs in the court room, dur— 1113
.1‘ age, examined the collection, reconstructed Bruce reported that anyone who could kill ing sessions of the court or recess between 1 1‘11 1
t “C““P'dl’er "1 the plane, and determined that a dynamite his mother and forty-six other people could sessions, and the broadcasting or televiSing 1 1 '
‘ any 0‘11““ explosion had taken place. Shortly after the not be entirely bad. of court pIOCeCdiUgS are calculated to de— 11 1
sted over 111111 investigation started, newspaper, radio and Sunday sermons concerned mother love tract from the essential dignity of the pro— 1 ‘I ‘
3“'511’3P‘3r535'11 television reports revealed federal interest. as clergymen took the fifth commandment. ceedings, distract the witness in giving his 1111
”“bmed' 'Newspaper and television pictures showed A ladies club passed a resolution calling for testimony, degrade the court, and create 1‘ 11 1.1
Z _11 signed Bill1 faceless men in fields collecting minutiae. extreme measures. Life magazine devoted misconceptions with re5pect thereto in the ‘1 1
)rarv unemplor Several days later photographs Showed the Six pages to totally inadmiSSible matter re— mind of the public and should not be per- 1 111 '1
o exhaust 1111111 reconstructed DC—7 in a warehouse. After garding the case. 1 mitted. 1 1 1.1 111 ,
it benefits 1111 some delay, a terse announcement con— At this pomt no grand jury had been em— Provided that this restriction shall not ap- 11 1;
'Iarch 311 1962.1 firmed printed and broadcast speculation of panelled, no information had been filed, n0 ply to the broadcasting or telev1sion, under ‘ 1 1
v Law provide: explosrve cause. Careful wording indicated bond had been fixed, no lawyer had con— the superViSion of the court, of such por— 1 1111
:nt Federal 111111 the strong probability that the explosion ferred With John. 1 1 tions of naturalization proceedings (other i 111 ‘1
tax levied 011 1133 "Qt aCCidCUI‘Jl Agents Of the FBI, hav- John Gilbert, by constitution and statute, than the interrogation of applicants) as are 11 1 1
315% on 1111 mg checked insurance policies arrested John was guaranteed a fair, impartial, speedy and desxgned and carried out exclusively as a 11 .1 1
Hective 111111111 Gilbert for questioning almost immediately. public trial. He was entitled to be repre— ceremony for thepurpose of publicly dem- :1 . "
11,81 1 NeWSpapers next morning showed pho— sented by an attorney before an unbiased onstrating in an impresswe manner the es- 1 .1 1
itographs of John being arrested. A feature court and jury. And yet, before arraign- sential dignity and the serious nature of ‘ 1 T-
rhe past wimci1 writer, in describing the suspect, gave a com- ment, John Gilbert was as well-known naturalization. 1 1
d for home re- plete listing of John’s police record. This throughout the nation as any member of It has been proposed recently that the 1 1
will be greflltt1 included scrapes with juvenile authorities, the United States Senate. Considerably canon be amended to read: 11 ',
rears. Both (11?: arrests for investigation, misdemeanors, and more was known of his intimate life than The purpose of judicial proceedings is to 1 j
e dealer assori11 aeomplete listing of matters that could not is known of any public figure—with the ascertain the truth. Such proceedings should 11
in urging loci|1 be introduced in court. One paper had a possible exception of several motion picture be conducted with fitting dignity and de— ‘
advertisingpi‘tr PhOtOgraph of John, full—face, with arrows actresses. corum, in a manner conducive to midis-111 '1
magazine poinii1 19 various features pointing out various in— Save only the sick humor of Lenny Bruce, turbed deliberation, indicative of their im— 1 1 5‘
year are4.7P91-‘ dieations of sadism, violence, lawlessness not a voice in the land spoke on John’s be— portancc to the people and to the litigants, 1 111 5
The Van Camp and depravity as indicated by the face half. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and in an atmosphere that bespeaks the re- 1
113130115, is Ollrr1‘ structure. had been meticulous in its work. Every ef— sponsibilities of those who are charged with 1 1 1
)sitioii [0 small Evening papers began a series of articles fort had been made, fully and honestly, t0 the administration of justice. The taking 1 1 1
local hardwirt1 abOUt John’s late mother, which articles protect the rights of the not—yet defendant. of photographs in the court room during 1;
es, NewslmPC“1 We to continue with increasing sentimen— But the FBI does not speak on behalf of— the progress of judicial proceedings or dur— 11 i;
:dealersatomf1 1111‘ intensity for the remainder of John’s or, indeed, against——any defendant. This ing any recess thereof and the transmitting 1
ileS prommi‘)‘11 11‘3" group went its way quietly preparing for or sound—recording of such proceedings for 11 "
1 The day following the arrest newspaper trial. The district attorney’s statements con- broadcasting by radio or television introduce 1
. 1 .1
11 ,

 ‘ 11111"1“.:11:‘1‘ I
11 ‘
1 1 111111 i
1 1111111'11hll'l PAGE TWO
1 11 11‘ 1 ' THE ._
1 :11; 1 Extraneo - KENTUCKY PRESS
1 1 1111‘ 1 detrime isllntluences which tend to 1
1 111“ z‘ . . h a PSYChol ‘ lave 3 ' ’ ‘ . A
1‘ 11:1 : . hcrpants and . Ogle“ effect On the at- ““1ch Proceedings 115- - PR'L' ‘961 ‘ APRIL 11
11 11111 1 er b' 1 to divert them from 1 P search for trr th b : 1 tlce, fa1rness and tho I
1 11 1’11“ 1 O leChVCS 0f the trial- th 1 he PIOP‘ But . t ' C under ”Ch regul t' 1
1 1 1 1 11 permitted. ’ CY Should not be ticrlr ' he these arguments Valid - by him. a tohs as shall be r '
11 1 ‘ 1‘ The conflict betwee t1 1>att'ttt1ehe here—0t C1365 similth the pat' (AdOptel 1 p hh‘ttdl tedoesflpool
~11"1‘: - 11 . ‘rlCuc ‘ ar. ~ ( ) . .-
t1 ‘ ; t 1 1 the 1ndependent ludiciat te tree Press and broadC h- Che, and In slmilar case h the Court Febrmr yz the Comrade Su 1 (t thetheh‘
11 .1 111’ 1: POIHt. Since C010r d y appeared at this t eShhg has been allo 7 d t 5 Where Pursu' e y 7’ 1956-) Preme . tomeys, deter“
11: 1 . 111 1; Canon 35 t1 a 0 Clld not follow ABA thents do not appea - he ’ the ath- 1 - ant to Colorado Ca ' Patties ht Ch?
111 11 1111 mendOus imle whole matter became of t the court and the diénhtthetf The dignity of szng agreed rules of protchtdh 35, the ht 1 met should t
1 ‘1 ‘ 1 30ft to th. ' - e re’ w . 1y 0 the - "Crflge b ' C the f . . '
1 1 1 11 the .1 C tnal 1nd . ere HOt tarn l » proceedm . Y I€lCl10 1111 - - or 00m ddlscret
1 1 1 1‘. 111 Case Ultll‘natelr 1] ge, Who In b ‘ ‘3 ted by broad ‘ gs u“tarrlv d ‘ C t‘hCVlSIOn ‘ h to“
1 ‘s 1 1" filmin t - t a OWCd photo - ToadCasts it ~ ‘ CE‘Stng. Th . 4 ‘t‘ 013th b 11 . - were vol. 1 . bt '
t 1 n , a gra h - ’ an ’tl e c . y a r=1l “”50 am PI
1‘1 1 ‘1 11 trial. e hthg and tebrOadCasting (hf thheé hlt-V Of the trial t hhe, ehhhheed the dig‘ etetlehjlth the D envcr h/tletrtrceheltelevlhonl forsuch cover
1‘ l 1 1‘1 1 t - . 0t
‘1', 1 11 t 1 An 6nc105ed b . The broadcasts did not ’ be TV and thle covera h the] he“: 1 10- D0 ever
1 1 1 1 1.11 of th 00th was built , SlOns of the . inflame the POOlCd. Arran ge tnals mut k th
1 1 1 11 11.1. t e court 100111 The telev- . 1D the rear t’llien 1)ch ] pUbllc. Anv inflamation 12215. photograph .1 tr‘ lgements to broadcgstt 1 htde ecove
‘ t 1‘ c t t 1 ~ L c “ c z 1 - 1 1
1 1 1 11 111 s atrons cooperated and p001 31011 and radlo S€€lrch f e ong before the trial be ,1 1“Id on motiOn Or a , arralgnment’ argu 0r 1 in make sur
111 1‘- 1 111 there Was a ‘ ' 6 films. Thus 01' truth was no . g‘h~ The in t hhy Other PIBli ' htetlt and other all
1 1 1 1‘ 1 fl . Inmlmum of ’ had trut] b “tote drffictilt ”St be made t1 mlh'thea' '
l . ‘11‘111 aShthg of lights w personnet N0 th t ecoine mOre elu ' ’ nor the De Irough the word htt aspossrble. C
1 t ‘ ‘ hltllh were lthSté—Illed and he seen, ho hOOdhghts ethtoadcasts- Editing and eshle heeehee of Sociqtiohttet Area Radio and Te]e th~et0t°t “111’thng m
l t ‘ 1111 s was hea ’ ‘ ho r1Oise of - POI Ions of . eeCting of h . ‘ “- llitial - VISIOHA-t 'bl
’ 1 : rd. m€1Chm the tn 1 t e COthCt . s 5‘ e.
1 1 1 1 1111 upon th There. was less apparent ffety been done carefill a to be broadcast had lodge of the particu1ar Wlth the presrdingl 11 Do mm
1 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 proceedings b th e ect pation 1 y With the acti - . Orlly throu 1 1 “NM must be -'
t 1 1 t1 :1: film and ta 6 h y e reCOIding on . Of a COHCerned ‘ V6 patthI- 2 gt he C("ordinat made1 tq‘hl’meht Wi
‘1 t . 111111 thg of the (hottutt he by the Written record evehhble fldViCe of theeetgthtttee ahd the pc t "Vt/heh the COtOIththtttl 1 h the court I
t 1“ 1 . ‘ ‘ - - ~r ' < r .
1 1 ‘ 111‘ 1‘ 1 the bench. tepOttet 3621th in front of lhtttee 13 the Denver A ht get. Thls COm— W1 thteelon’ make Certain that the ehthhed ‘ Your Obser'
11 1“ 11 111 1 There was no ‘ Vlsron Association whictfa Radlo and Tele— mrdo hot“ the Proceedings ctontthe hettehnh 1 "‘hhtahhhg 0
‘t‘l 131‘1 . 1 dreds called who thetghhh lutOT 0f the hurl- e ehhrhOOm CO—ordinatorehtihehy.apPOtnts lnve tttltteeuce themselves andeet thehdge 1 in the court 1
111‘ 1 ‘1" 1; 1 There w 3 “Qt heard of th 3.“ ”1 behalf of W 056 10b is to , 1‘3 eClulpment .‘htahge t0 1 access to the
. 1 11 1 1 . as no Person . 6 case. tlon d - - any member of th OPCHIHg of set “P prior t
11 111 1 .11 11 1ury box who did passmg thr0ugh the esmng COtlttl'OOm e associa_ cov . . Court. Explain to th . 0 the1 These self-i
. 11 1 1 termthtng wheth not have difficnlty in de That there may be ab eeV-etege" breteee ls ptahhed and if th €_1udge “that 1 have been 3d
1111 111111 11 put aside those tithe Cfiul d or Could not Court room action musttehte in broadcasting heclteehOhet modify the Plans toe ludge raises 1 Denver Metrc
ft 1.1 11 1 .. ers h €Ver t1 6 grant d IOHS. Al méet his . 1
1 _1 1 11 1 11 and read b 6 ad Seen h 7 rere has b C . H0 _ SO find 01) Demer a
11111 ' . . a Outth , 7 eard ' eena W wl ’ Ont fr0 . . tea
1 1 21111111 ‘1: , 13 failed to express qeneeee' .NO Venlreman had ttfith taste and acmgtzheht more Concern théether arral“ta"?monts are tohl: the tthgt 1 done m C010‘
.1 | '11 11111‘ ‘1 Each mi ‘ Oplmon about th t a“ m an o y In brOeldcastin ~.lhdg€ PCISonall - e .made‘hth tide for th
1 t 11: ‘ {.11 ‘ 11 . nd had been 6 6 Case. med' Y thet mass CO - g balllff y Or Wltll 111$ 1 6 t
1 1111; j 1 of inadmissible stimul Xposed to hundreds _ rum, and there has bee mmul‘llcatiOH 3 Al Cerk 0r 1 recorded. In
I. :t 11 ‘1 1 1 z . ' ‘ t ‘ ‘
1111: 1 11 111111Aftet a iury Was fi 3‘13}- 1h qll Such media when dh Ettore restraint HOno 1’W21YS“address the 111d 6 u 1 Into the editi
1-11 1 . ‘1‘111 1 hegan- Daily photo he y selected? the triql tethh com scene than Whea mg Wlth the 4 ztxtl et lodge.” g 35 Your' todate indie;
11 1‘ 1 H .1 1' 1 - S 4‘ e c e t - ' 7 t
«111 11111 11111 1 1 Prlnted and broadc ’ ttpes. El“(l films were "my Other 21SPCCt of crime ehheahhg With bail’lt vsays 35k PermiSSion of 1 1 be In news b:
111 1 111 1 1 the thirteen me ast, but in all the world Broadcasting Court or htlgation, ‘ 1 t0 see the indge in h' tle Clerk or limited there
111111 1 111 1 1 iur r n and WOIDCH CO . 7 the 001111.01 l’OOm events is . l . 5. DFCSS PIC 15 Cllambers_ b1‘ '1 1
1111 11.1 1 111 111 1 and alternate alone mp051ng the C'lre 1 of the court H Wlt 1m hCthie perly for Court. A 1 ,4 lthS, lav
“tt‘1 1111 111 t 11 any publicity of the a twete tlot eXIJtOSed to be ras been eXercised bt t1 ehee’ gre’clter 6 R the a must. coat and . mgtO Capitali
11111 1 1 was totally insulat dte ual trial. This group rOaClcasts in an effort toy toselproducing c0 ' egardless of how 0th 1 munication rr
‘1 t 111. 111 1 Cit€Ct. e from any oxtraneoris ard that will permit “Ind Ihamtfun a stand- C htt’ 3h radio and TV the may act h 1 some] in thg
1 11 1 111 1 11 1. Almost anticlim . broadcasts. < encourage future GShdUCt themselves with PStSOrlnel should presence of re
11; 1 i11 11' 1 by hVClr0c_VaniC ptroctS Sentenced, arid killed “ted for ABA Canon 35 hourt has substi— 7 16 cotlrt r0011]. 16 decorum . ABA Cano-
‘g‘tl 1 ‘11 1 1l 1 IOhn G’l , CSS. Proceedin ' ’ t e fOHOWin - " AtW'dys Stand 1 of he s t]
11 1 1 . i 1 1 1 Ibert S Case W Wlth . g3 111 Court Sl’lOtfld b g‘ Crlters t1 ‘ when the iud C 1 . 7 g 16 I
11 ‘ i“ 11 ! 11 ‘ eAtB etgumeht 3ml which? one Of the focii U hthhg dignity and deco e eehduhed until t1 te eehtt tooth and remaen etttdte 1 hhee’ for th
it 1 tit t he A C'mOn 35 a examin'ltion hh further ord tum' te lhdgo has a S 3“ “lg qutstion re 1
1 1 1 4 ‘ . ‘ ' . - s . . , 1 a l
11 1 1‘ 11 1 it the Canon may beThe argumeflts in favor gt thet ludge in any ceotuittt thte Court, if the tthzh the bCHCh Or has leehftthES he pohh‘h 1 “’lth by schol
1111 1t“ 11 111 1 1' EXPOSure of ehmhhthzed as fOllows' the PattiCular circumst Shah helieVe from my request tOT a pool' e Court rooni, ‘ the WOtdS of
1111 t 111l 1 11 1 lie mass informqtttehtt room activity to pin— or any POrtion thereohheee of a gtVCn case ttltihet he. filed With the co the‘ etteheethhtt 1 0t Social-psy(
1115 1 11111111"! the dignit ‘ 1°“ media detract PhOtOgraphs ‘ , that the takin t e Stahofl Operat‘ - tetdttht (”With 15 the r‘ r
“1* 111111 2 E y Of the “hut s from brOQdCaStt 1th the COUFt room e 10f Start Of any t ' l the In Court prior to the 1 exam h hhe
“1‘; 1-111. 1 ' Xposure - ' mg y ra ' . . ’ or he ‘ “21 sessio .- ‘ lrlation
1.“ 11 111 l ‘ subject t 1 thteht make Such pro - ptOC€edir1gs tho 0t teleV1810n of In the CVEHt f h 1 What i
1 1 .1 1 : . 0 “6 passions ceedlngs t1 WO‘hd detmct f COurt t'l e O a request to - S the
11111 1111;. 1 PHSSioned community of a preiudiced im- ttetteoh distract the wtitn tOth the dignity ti]: dttlt he COpied trOm a film hethdh he? 1 he of ChSCh
’ 1-1 I1 1111 - 3. EXPOSur ' 7 es 1rIlony d 653 “1 giv' - e 1"ny of t 30”“ trac', hm th
1 1 111 e 1 , e rad mg h such tc , Corv,
‘ 1 1 111 ‘ Search for the hihthete the calm, unhurried metehhhy 1tnteerfer: vtvhtth ehhtt’ 0t Otherwislce: tltpon the C0nvenienceh