xt72jm23f587 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f587/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1988 text GLSO News, April 1988 1988 1988-04 2019 true xt72jm23f587 section xt72jm23f587 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from the AIDS Action Foundation
President Reagan submitted his Fiscal The Central Kentucky Council for Peace
Year 1989 (FY89) Budget to Congress on and Justice will host its annual media fair and
February 18th. It called for $2 billion in dinner at the Maxwell Street Presbyterian
domestic spending for AIDS; $1.3 billion of Church at 180 East Maxwell Street, Saturday,
which was recommended for Public Health April 9. The media fair is free, and will start
Service activities (FY88 equivalent funding is at 3:00 pm. Several films and videos on peace
$925,609,100). and justice issues will be shown. "The Word
The remaining $700 million does not is Out," a documentary by and about gays and
represent an additional financial commitment to lesbians; "The Secret Team Behind
the AIDS epidemic; rather, it represents other |ran-Contragate,"; and "Women for America,
government obligations and includes the for the World", will be featured in the
federal share of Medicaid and Medicare afternoon.
expenditures, and budgets within other Following the fair, 3 Mexican dinner will
departments. An estimated $500 million of be served at 6:00 pm. The cost of the dinner
Medicaid/Medicare funds currently pay health is $5 for adults, and $2.50 for children. The
care of eligible persons. The increase in after dinner entertainment will be provided by
cases will increase these costs in FY89. Ann Braden of the Southern Organizing
Do not be confused and think the Committee for Economic and Social Justice, and
President is recommending a 100% increase! comedian Jerry Moody. Tickets are available
The FY89 budget still does not go far enough through April 2 by contacting any of the
in undertaking the level of effort necessary to council's member groups.
bring this epidemic to an end.
Five CLSO Board positions will be filled Q, a Columbus gay publication, has
at the annual election scheduled for the June decided to suspend operations indefinitely.
Forum. Candidates for secretary, treasurer, The newspaper stated that publication may
and three at-large positions are being sought resume within the next several months. As a
by the nominations committee. Candidates will result of E's folding, Cincinnati's CayBeat
be announced in May. Those interested in has announced plans to begin circulating in
serving on the Board should call Edwin the Columbus area.
Hackney at Comp Care during business hours,
233-00105, or Esmerelda at 266-0757.
On March 2ch the federal government III employees are to continue working as
implemented a policy banning discrimination long as they can perform their duties.
against federal employees with AIDS. The Managers are obligated to provide other
directive from the Office of Personnel employees with information and counseling. but
Management requires that PWA's be treated may take disciplinary action against those who
like any other employee with a serious illness. refuse to work with AIDS patients.

E] Please send me a free introductory
issue of GLSO News and information We've got both good news and bad news
on GLSO. regarding the April CLSO Coffeehouse and
Dance. First the good news, which is actually
El I'd like to become a voting Member great news: the Reel World String Band will
of CLSO, including home delivery be honoring us with an encore to their
of the GLSO News and discounts fabulous 10th Anniversary Concert, which
at GLSO functions. My Membership many of us attended on February 27th. Those
fee of $10/year is enclosed. of us who were there already know the special
atmosphere fostered by Reel World, whose
[:1 I don't wish to become a Member but music, as described in one of their flyers, is
please send me the GLSO News each "traditional mountain music influenced by
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. Texas, Kansas, and Kentucky roots, and their
songs cover a wide range of political and
Name: social issues." We consider ourselves very
fortunate to have another opportunity to hear
these talented women perform, and are pleased
Address: to offer those of you who missed their earlier
concert a second chance to hear them.
As we said, however, that's the good
City. St, Zip: news. The bad news is that for the first time
in our short history we are going to have to
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111471 limit the attendance at the Coffeehouse and
Lexington, KY l#0575 Dance. We hate to have to do it, but we
really have no choice. The church can
comfortably accommodate just 175 people, and
judging by the crowd at Reel World's February
GLSO News is published monthly by the concert, we expect to be filled to the rafters
Lexington Cay Services Organization, Inc. with fans eager to hear them again. Our first
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services step toward handling this delicate situation
Organization), Box 111471, Lexington, KY l$0575 was to sell tickets for the April Coffeehouse
Steve Savage, Editor during the March Coffeehouse. But don't
Brian Throckmorton, Copy Editor panic if you didn't get one - there will be
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar tickets available at the door on April 15
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda beginning at 8:00 pm. Arrive early, though,
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist because tickets sell for just $11.00 each on 3
Additional Contributors: Dave, Craig, AVOL, first come, first served basis — and when
The Advocate, NGLTF, UUA, DSA, WSJ, they're gone, they're gone.
NYIC, NYT»; Typists: Dave, Craig; The focus of the evening will be Reel
Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesetting: Matt; . World's much-anticipated performance, but
Layout: Dave, Craig, Brian; Mailing: Bill; we'll still have the usual three hours or so of
Courier: Barry; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, dance music after they've finished up. The
Gerry, Craig, Daniel, Dennis, 8 Jonathan. band will begin playing at 8:30 sharp and will
treat us to tWO l45-minute sets, which means
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are that the dancing should start about 10:30. By
those of the authors and do not necessarily the way, the band has asked that there be no
represent those of the Board of Directors. smoking during their performance, so be
Submissions are welcome. All submissions forewarned, and please cooperate. And while
become the property of GLSO and must include we're at it, we have another bit of information
the full name and address of the author. to pass on. Unfortunately, we've had 3
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The complaint from the church that some garbage
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any is being left on the church grounds after the
submissions (including advertising) to meet Coffeehouses. Let's do our best to pick up
publishing requirements. afterwards so we'll continue to be welcome
The placement of advertising in GLSO News there. Lately the church feels like home, and
does NOT denote a person's sexual orientation we'd hate for the Coffeehouse to have to move
nor a business's customer preference. elsewhere. Well, gotta go. Hope we see you!

from NGLTF

Two conferences of interest to gay men
and lesbians will be sponsored by affiliates of Lesbians, gay men, and supporters will
the Unitarian Universalist Association in April. return to the streets of Dubuque, Iowa, on
Of most immediate interest is the 5th Annual Saturday, April 30 for the Second Annual
Unitarian Universalist Gay and Lesbian Lesbian/Gay Pride March, following last year‘s
Concerns Conference of the Ohio—Meadville event, at which marchers were harassed and
District, which will take place April 29-May 1. pelted with Obscenities, epithets, and eggs.
Registration fee is $25 ($30 after April 22) and Dubuque police officers took no action to
includes all food and events, including the intervene while anti-gay counterdemonstrators
dance. Home Hospitality is available upon nearly turned the peaceful price march into a
request. riot.

The 11th Annual Ohio-Meadville District "This year will be significantly
Theology Conference will take place at the different," said Ginny Lynns, a Dubuque
First Unitarian Universalist Society in organizer of the march. "We're inviting people
Marietta, Ohio on Saturday, April 23. This from the Upper Midwest region to stand with
year's theme, "Living with Courage in the us and show the Dubuque police and city
Face of Death" will be addressed by the administration that lesbians and gay men are
conference's keynote speaker, the Rev. Mark here to stay."

DeWolfe. DeWolfe, an openly gay man living The National Gay and Lesbian Task
with AIDS, has been the minister of the Force enthusiastically endorses the second
Unitarian Congregation of South Peel in annual Dubuque Lesbian/Gay Pride March.
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada since 1982. Privacy Project director Sue Hyde will speak

Call the Interweave number listed in the at the rally, scheduled for 1:00 pm in

Directory for info and registration forms. Washington Park. "We urge lesbians and gay
men from the surrounding states of Illinois,

“ Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, as well as
lesbian and gay citizens of Iowa to rebuke

DIONNE WARWICK AIDS FOUNDATION bigotry and prejudice and march for justice

, _ , _ and freedom in Dubuque,“ said Hyde.

Singer Dionne Warwuck, havmg already
contributed more than $1.5 million for AIDS '
research from her hit single "That‘s What _
Friends Are For," has announced plans for GAY WORKSHOPS AT KIRKRIDGE
forming a foundation to raise money for AIDS
education and health care services. Several workshops are planned at

The first fund-raiser for the Warwick Kirkridge, a mountain retreat center in
Foundation will be held in Washington, DC, in eastern Pennsylvania, 85 miles from New York
June and expects to feature Warwick, Gladys City and Philadelphia. “The Suffering and
Knight, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Whoopi Healing of Men" will be conducted June 2-5.
Goldberg, Robin Williams, and Lionel Richie. The workshop is designed to deal with the

wounds men experience during their lifetimes.
On June 16-19, John Fortunato, author of
M, will lead a workshop
entitled "Gay, Lesbian and Christian," along
Books. musicandgiftsby, for, with Virginia Mollenkott, author of |s_t_he_
and about women. Non-sexist WM. Finally, July
children's books. New age 22-2”, "AIDS Grief and Healing," a workshop
music. Black women's literature. for professionals, volunteers, and loved ones,
Lesbian and gay literature. will be held. For more information on any of
Mail 0,710”, Special Orders, these woBrkshops,PAc108nt1a;:t Klrkridge Retreat
Gift Cem‘ficales. Center, angor, 0 .
7/19 ' Ask about our SAVINGS CARD
Bookstore ‘ COM'NG
MAY 6th
4l12 Ilnmillon Ave. Clnclnnatl, OH 45223 (513) 541-4198

Monday, April 25th, The Showroom at The Bar
Doors open at 9:30 pm. Performance at 10:30 pm.
$3 Donation to benefit the AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
, f v ., , "The character and
7‘ "This guy is
.,»... g slightly beyond great"
__ . . .Where It's At


"One am You can't
it afford to miss"
...Muchael's Thmg
' . WK,’ ' "1

' 1 v "A bit at the lce

. . v , ', . Palace"

' . ‘ ::‘=.-,::“'5.:E;= . //I\"fv

...The Advocate
i9 ..’ fi‘éin’Q An excellent guest
" ,fiW/S’; ---DaVId Susklnd
i . ' #:$\“x%fi
' - ' fi/Wffi‘é

Is it time to renew your Dignity
- - membership? Is it time to become a member?
For only $25 you too can become a member of
Dignity ($20 for students, $145 for couples).
Yes, folks, that's right! For only $25 you too
can be a part of this wonderful organization.
Dignity-Lexington membership entitles you to
DIGNITY/LEXINGTON the newsletter at no additional cost, national
P.O. Box 19840 Lexington, KY 40593 mailings, the chance to participate as regional
and national members. Join today!
FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT Thanks to Great Moments restaurant for
helping us celebrate our 5th Anniversary in
When I die and am reincarnated, wonderful style! The food was great!
(imagine a Dignity president mentioning such a Thanks to Kris 8 Shirley back from
word) I want to come back as a miniature Columbus and Judy from Dignity-Philadelphia
schnauzer cared for by two gay men. for being our special guests. Thanks to all of
Between my housemate and |, our us there (and those there in spirit too)!
schnauzer, the Baroness Ilse Von Bach (Ilse Thanks again, Great Moments.
for short), gets more needs met in a day than
most of us do in a year. Considering that as
a schnauzer I would get my neck rubbed NGLTF CONDEMNS
daily, get to sleep wherever and whenever I US COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS
want, go for walks in the park, and have all
the Puppy Chow I could throw down, well, On February 12th, the US Commission on
who could ask for anything more? Civil Rights passed a resolution calling on
But perhaps the best thing about being Congress to enact legislation requiring the
a schnauzer is that I would get to love two federal collection of "hate crimes" and
men unconditionally. While that could be publishing such data on a yearly basis. The
labeled as an interesting fantasy, it is more of original resolution, however, contained
a wish. The ability to love is a gift. I am language concerning data collection based on
often envious of my schnauzer. She doesn‘t sexual orientation, as well as race, religion
get miffed at catty comments, an inappropriate and ethnicity. Commissioner William Allen
remark, or an unwarranted course of action. stated he was not "comfortable with the
She just loves. And while in many instances language of sexual orientation prejudice . . .
loving like she does could be unhealthy, l I would be much happier if it were not there."
believe I would be a better person if I could Rather than pass a resolution with a "sexual
do that as easily as she. Ilse gives back as orientation" clause, the Commissioners
much, if not more, as she gets. _ approved an amendment substituting the term
My schnauzer is also a teacher. I hope "hate crimes."
that you and I are as fortunate as she to have Kevin Berrill, Director of the NGLTF's
what we get from what we give be so Anti-Violence Project, called the Commission's
wonderful. I hope to see you at Dignity soon. action "a revolting act of bigotry - a slap in
In peace, Keith the face of the lesbian and gay community. It
is shocking that the Commission cannot bring
APRIL DIGNITY CALENDAR itself to support the collection of anti-gay
violence statistics despite the fact that a
Tuesday 5th 7:30 Liturgy at Don's, recent Justice Department study concluded
299441458 that gay people are probably the most
Monday 11th 8:00 GLSO/Dignity Forum, frequent victims of hate crimes. We can only
at Comp Care Center, infer that the Commission believes that
call Keith, 269-81117 violence against gay people is less
Thursday 28th 7:30 Rap Session at reprehensible than violence against other
Keith's, 269-81117 groups."

‘ Esmerelda's Parlour. Her name was left off
P because we weren't sure if she wanted it
j included, but we had several inquiries as to
,I 9 who had written the article so we wanted to
,. /‘ smerelda 5 Pal-10 thank her and give credit where due.
" 3'. r Secondly, I want to say, both for myself and
‘\‘.((\ for Esmerelda, farewell to one of Esmerelda's
a!‘ dear friends and founding mothers. With
“5 great reluctance we must finally accept that
4 "! Laura Joans really is moving on, and having
accepted that, we wish her and Anne all the
best as they embark on their adventure in
_ Atlanta. We shall miss you! Finally (how I
Well, folks, spring has sprung, and we do go on!), I suppose I should introduce
are once again being serenaded by the familiar myself. My name is Debbie; Teresa and l will
sounds of bat hitting ball and ballfield banter. do our best to keep Esmerelda's Parlour afloat
And guess what? Esmerelda has her very own now that Laura has left. We'll need a lot of
softball team. And as if that's not enough, help from all of you though, because it's a big
there are all sorts of other things to look job. If you would like to be involved in the
forward to this spring. Yes, our baby production of Esmerelda's Parlour, please let
Esmerelda is doing pretty well for being less us know. Believe me, we'd love to hear from
than a year old. Esmerelda's Sunday Socials you!
[a.k.a. the Lesbian Potlucks) continue to
thrive - if you have not attended one yet, LESBIAN PASSION GROUP
give it a try; it's a great way to meet some
really nice women. In addition, Esmerelda's If one of your favorite topics is "lesbian
Parlour has become established and has proven passion," you may be interested in a new
to be a wonderful forum for us; we would love discussion group that is in the works. The
to have even more participation from all of group is to be based upon JoAnn Loulan's
you. A new discussion group is also in the book Lesbian Passion, which was reviewed in
works (see related article), and we're working last month's newsletter. Although the
on some other possibilities as well. specifics such as time and place have not been
In addition to Esmerelda's activities, settled upon yet, the general concept behind
there are all kinds of community-wide events the group is beginning to take shape.
coming up - so many, in fact, that it will be Participants anticipate approaching the subject
tough to take advantage of all of them. What on a chapter-by-chapter basis, devoting as
a nice dilemma! CLSO's Coffeehouse and many meetings to each chapter as are
Dance Committee has pulled off quite a coup necessary to cover them thoroughly. Some
and will present the Reel World String Band as chapters may only take one meeting, while
the featured performers at the April others will take three or four. And that's
Coffeehouse 8 Dance. In May, GLSO will be just fine - there's no point in rushing lesbian
hosting its annual Kentucky Derby event, passion.
which rumor has will be a mock Anita Madden The first step in assuring a successful
party on Derby Eve. Oh, the possibilities! group is for everyone to have a copy of the
The Southern Women's Music Festival will be book, or at least have access to a copy. It
taking place Memorial Day weekend in Georgia. can be ordered at Sqecial Media, or if you're
Quite a few local lesbians are planning to make lucky, you may even find a copy on the
the trek down south, so give some thought - shelves. The price is $10.95.
you may decide to join us (see article for more At the risk of sounding like a broken
information). Then in June, Gay Pride Week record, enough simply cannot be said about
will take center stage - more to follow on that this book. Those women who have read it are
next month. As you can see, there's an quoting it constantly, and probably driving
exciting Spring ahead, so get out were, get everyone else up a wall. The solution, of
involved, and grow with us. We nee you! course, is for everyone to read the book and
Before signing off for this month, there join this group - just imagine the discussions
are a few loose ends to tie up. First of all, we'll have! If you're interested in such a
we would like to thank Teri W. for her group and would like more information, call
wonderful article on separatism in last month's Esmerelda at 266-0757.

by Debbie
For the Gayline, that is. To date,
Last fall I joined the GLSO Board of there are still no women on the Gayline - the
Directors, which is composed of four officers male volunteers really are desperate! Women
and six at-large members. I became its third frequently call the Gayline and want to talk to
female member. Being involved in the inner a woman. And they should be able to! In an
workings of GLSO has been a wonderful effort to attract women to the staff, a woman
experience. It has also been a real eye has been recruited to help with the training.
opener. Although not a political organization, if you can find an evening each month to sit
we are politically aware, and thus experience at home and talk on the phone, or if you're
occasional bouts of frustration when we are simply curious about what is involved, call
unable to take action. We do what we can, Esmerelda at 231-7985, or the Gayline at
and I am learning a lot about cooperation and 231-0335 for details.
working within the system.
In addition to the excitement of working S.O.L. GROUP FORMING
with the women, I have gotten a great deal of
personal satisfaction from working with the A new group is forming in Lexington's
men on the Board. I really like these men! lesbian community. It's the "Slightly Older"
Their ready acceptance of me a d their Lesbian [S.O.Ll group. The group is forming
respect for what I say has been gratif‘ying and for lesbians (140+) who avoid bars, require
has given me a real sense of community. | anonymity, and enjoy socializing in private
know that ideally I should have expected no homes. The first potluck and social will be
less, but in reality, I didn't know what to held on Sunday, May 1. For more information
expect. I've found my contributions do and directions call “Modine” at 269-8670 or
matter, and I really can make a difference. "Phoebe" at 255-76145.
It has also been rewarding to aid in the
strengthening of the connection between the GEORGIA FEST '88
women's community and GLSO, and to see both
groups benefiting as that’ bond continues to It's that time of year again - finally!
grow. The women's community has made great The 1988 Southern Women's Music and Comedy
strides in strengthening itself and, through Festival in Georgia is right around the corner.
those efforts, has made a real contribution to Expanded this year to five days, the festival
GLSO. And believe me, our efforts have not starts at noon on May 26 and runs till 3 pm on
gone unnoticed. In fact, it was my May 30th.
involvement in the GLSO Coffeehouse and Set on 200 beautifully wooded acres,
Dance Committee and in Esmerelda that accommodations include pitching a tent or
resulted in my position on the GLSOVBoard. staying in a cabin [they hold 12-le women,
Now, with the GLSO elections rapidly bunk style). The ticket price of $125-135
approaching, we have an opportunity to make (sliding scale) includes camping, music,
that mutually beneficial connection even comedy, crafts, swimming and tennis, dancing,
stronger. Five positions, including Secretary workshops, and vegetarian food. Showers are
and Treasurer, open in June; I hope several available. Rumor has it the water is even
women will be interested. Unfortunately, one warm!
of the positions being vacated is held by a Some of the musicians performing include
woman, so we're down one before we even get Cris Williamson, Tret Fure, Alix Dobkin,
started. Nevertheless, the men and women on Deidre McCalla, Tendre, and Rhiannon. But
the Board have expressed their receptiveness music is only a part of the festival. There
to having more women on the Board, so let's also will be comics, theater, a film festival,
get going and make a move in that direction. and keynote speakers, one of whom is JoAnn
l have volunteered to be on the nominating Loulan, the author of the book everyone is
committee and am already on the prowl for reading, Lesbian Passion.
willing and able candidates. Such a Imagine camping, music, entertainment,
commitment obviously is not for everyone, but and 2,000 lesbians to help you enjoy it all.
if you think you might be interested, or have Don't miss out!
any questions about the commitment involved, For more information, including how to
call Esmerelda at 266-0757. Hope to hear from get a flyer to send off for tickets, call
lots of you! Esmerelda at 231-7985.

Dear Aunt Mary: I am 18 years old and live Renowned sex therapists William Masters
in Somerset, Kentucky. I am very lonely, and and Virginia Johnson released a book on AIDS
feel really isolated. I don't know any other last month which was immediately attacked by
gay people and don't have anyone to talk to. experts in the field. Previewed as a cover
I would like to meet people by attending some story in Newsweek, "Crisis: Heterosexual
of the CLSO meetings, but do not have any Behavior in the Age of AIDS," implies the
way of getting to Lexington. Do you know of virus can be spread by casual contact,
anyone who lives in Somerset and who comes declares the transmission rate through blood
to Lexington for your meetings that might be transfusion seven times higher than current
willing to give me a ride? I would also like to estimates, and warns "the AIDS virus is now
have someone to exchange letters with. Can running rampant in the heterosexual
you help? community.” The conclusions were based on a
survey in four cities. Two cities showed a
Alone in Somerset high incidence of the virus in participants who
claimed they were neither gay nor addicted to
Dear Alone: Most gays remember only too well IV drugs.
how isolated and lonely they felt while they Other researchers denounced the work
were in the process of coming out. Most say as a gross exaggeration and criticized the
they thought they were the only gay person in scientific methods used in the survey. The
the world. Once they came out they were controversy led to revelation that Dr. Masters
often shocked by how many gays they found is trying to develop a product to prevent
all around them, people they came into contact heterosexual transmission of the AIDS virus.
with every day, but didn't notice before. You Although conceding he isn't qualified to do
are never alone, believe me. Many people drug research, Dr. Masters received $25,000
have gone through or are going through the from Ortho Pharmaceutical last October for
very same thing you are. research into a spermicidal jelly. If
Now, lets see if I can be of any successful, Ortho would market a product
practical help to you. Readers, if any of you using his formula. This prompted questions
live in Somerset or nearby and come to any of about the authors' financial interest in
the GLSO functions in Lexington and would promoting AIDS hysteria.
like some company on the trip here and back, _
or if any of you would like to correspond with
this young man, please contact me so I can ORAL HISTORY OF THE STONEWALL RIOTS
put the two of you in touch. Good luck! from Michael Scherker
Aunt Mary An oral history of the Stonewall riots is
planned for release in June 1989 to help
THANKS TO GREAT MOMENTS celebrate the 20th anniversary of the riots.
Participants, witnesses, police officers,
CLSO would like to thank Great Moments Stonewall Inn employees, journalists, public
Restaurant for donating the dinner-for-two officials, and other interested and involved
prize for the winners of the Know Your persons who were present at the riots in June
Valentine Game at the February Coffeehouse. 1969, are being sought. People who were not
Kathy and Teresa had a great time, and loved at the riots but whose lives were directly or
the food. dramatically affected by them will also be
Great Moments has something for interviewed. Photographs, fliers, clippings,
everyone. Besides great food, they have letters, diary entries, and any other
shows for your entertainment. Wednesday documentary material on or generated by the
night is ladies' night [but not limited to Stonewall riots will be included. The author's
females) with special drink prices and a proceeds from the book will be used to create
version of "Win, Lose, or Draw." a fund for gay archives and historical work.
Come on out and show your support for Please contact Michael Scherker, 135 Amersfort
the newest hot-spot in town - Great Moments. Place #6A, Brooklyn, NY 11210, 718-160-681“.
You'll have a blast.


from The New York Imperial Court

On the last Saturday in April New York
City television cameras and enthusiastic crowds
will gather outside the Park Avenue entrance 'FRESHENS YOGURT
of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to witness nobility FRESHENS YOGURT
and the creme de la creme emerge from
limousines and carriages. The hotel's doormen '
will hold back astonished onlookers as they bid
entry to countless bejeweled, coiffured and
resplendently clad individuals headed for the
rooftop Starlight Ballroom. "Casino RoyaleII is .
the theme for the gala, an evening that last @ ‘&
year made history and dollars for gay “VI
charities. ii I . ‘ .

Hosted by Their Majesties Emperor l '-' -‘lI
George and Empress Sybil Bruncheon, ‘ "— 4”
co-presidents of New York's Imperial Court, Fm
the night will consist of cocktails, lavish V ———————
dinner, dancing to a complete orchestra, and a \ 4' ' - I THEFLAVOR RUNSDEEP
lively Monte Carlo style casino. Featured I - ' I “GHTWWWMOFWGUSS!
entertainment will spotlight Jimmy James as I. 6 lntroducingarichnew
Marilyn Monroe. The "Introduction of the I - fl ' /" “5‘95?“53“°“~F'°5he“5
Debutantes" will allow a closer inspection of -I ' . f . PremxumYogunblends
anyone who wishes to be formally presented as ‘2' F—-&*~ ,. ciegmyvamhuéyogfufi
their names and titles are announced by the ‘ ' A REBZE .I‘I wueg'pfiiictggrodsm
Master of Ceremonies. The emotional climax of " , ‘ *- lag/j HairsAndthelastbite
the evening will be the coronation of the new J ~~ ' ' /‘ isasflavorfulasthefirst‘
Emperor and Empress of New York, whose .- '- with‘lzthecaloriesof
identity is a closely guarded secret eagerly ©\ I ‘ premiumicecreamlFor
awaited by millions throughout the realm. 77 alighttreat.trya

This year's ball salutes the ‘ LI“? Freeze~~-I§55th3“
accomplishments of Charles Lu'dlam, founder of N». " ZOOcalones!
the Ridiculous Theatrical Company, who
contributed a unique vision of iter and I
glamour to our community before is death c I

. Tickets are $150 per person general chase price at our flew Diep l whenyoupiIIE-hagseaynnysizecup

admissmn and $200 per person for table Freeze wilhlhis coupon. Otter ' or cone at regular price. Oflar
seating surrounding the dance floor and stage. n‘ohl val'i'il in combination with I :13: valti1d in combination with
' ' o are ers. 0 e10 ers.
ionizezflessrf Ernie: fiercest: couvnmmme/aolsa ; coupowwesslsolsa
fundraisin activities have benefited both local
and nationgal gay organizations. Proceeds from {i1,:;:n";n_::g43£} I IiiamA'ifi-igm
the evening will go to The People with AIDS "mm ' "w”
Coalition, The Human Rights Campaign Fund -
AIDS Campaign Trust, The New York
Gay-Lesbian Community Services Center, and
the National Gay 8 Lesbian Task Force.

A "Debutante's Guide" to the evening is FRESHENS YOCURT
included with each formal invitation. This
booklet describes all necessary information for FRESHENS YOCURT
attending a Royal Cotillion Ball.

For an invitation you may telephone
212-222-2999, or write to: 1000 Gowns, 315
Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10025.


Three openly gay Lutheran seminarians On Jan 20th the City Commission voted
have been unanimously certified for call and to ignore a proposed ordinance to prohibit
ordination in two separate but related actions discrimination based on sexual orientation.
by Lutheran church authorities. One of the Membership in the Citizen's for Human Rights,
seminarians. Jeff Johnson, was reminded by the local gay group, more than quadrupled in
his examining committee that church policy the last three months as the gay and lesbian