xt72jm23f514 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23f514/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1894-09 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 5, No. 1, September 1894 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 5, No. 1, September 1894 1894 1894-09 2015 true xt72jm23f514 section xt72jm23f514 ’ effi— :4 i a; l a r 3..“ :5; ‘1'» 52,13an It) 3; ' '

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VOL. 5. ' . LEXINGTON; KY., SEPTEMBER, 1894. ' NO I. ,: .
The Lesson of Last Yeahlworldour country—«all mankind ' f
. . ,Ourcountrysnian.” DO YOU WEAR ' i
. . ‘ . - -W.hen.-wc remember that last - i . i l ‘ ll”;
b Not long since I had occasion to year was remarkable for the searcity ,. ”I” fl , ' - M .. , . . l I, .
. C “II“ dense forestI early ”11th?“ofnioney,when all Europe was in z s , ,L' #21}? 5 t . I l ~
‘ morning, baring _qult_e an Edit-Uri?" financial crises, _ when‘ there was _ - l l , ' dill: . l
tion tor the bca.utI1esIol nature, "I de— harclly a bank in this country that l f 5.5.; ml? '3' . he 3'13.le fl l
teIiniinttad to TURF-m in IIthat tse(:lliiil-I.co~l.lm pay its depositors on demand, . , . . . , I .
et spo unti a ter s1 nris‘é, w1en whifitthe or f}, .1 - , 1» , ‘ . =’ l
, .. _ , , y o hut times wastie , -. » . . -
the shade; IIof mIng bcgfnziI. to die mat-01rd of ourmtm and mm, W, e sellyou Collars made of 1900 Linen . ;
away, am 10 en em or 0 le morn sal discontent was spread abroad we 7 ~ h . l
to appear in view, it impressed “me are astonished at the growth of an £01 10 CentSBaCh, 0051: you 150 and 200 ”L
as _L Il'wlimllfid 8900mm]? .. IAIll was enterprise that cast thirty—five mu; elsewherel' ”'1.- ‘ ,y i i
‘lf‘l'mt’ )nt “ithc beamingray:0f the lions of dollars, exclusive of private . , _ , .-
1:51“? sun I‘I'QSOd goofl’mommg t0 exhibits, when its success depended .. w
. t1(,(.LI>w-bathedtrees,1t awoke the on the patronage ofaApeople who I ‘ ' ; l
Full“ Tug] Slculmls {ll-03“ thel: pi“?— expected no returns other than the ' , i y
u rosy, ie squirres )egan 0 arc, 3,111“ N 1; ' "'~ r.
. . , pllVl u go o ooung on. I . . I?
the birds to sing, and each fallingr What do wt, learn from the tri- .~ 11’ 13, 15 W _ Maln St. l5
. lal- .‘ 'J '1 . .. ll
Lam o. d- D pace... l *
0 a y _ . . ( To answer this question we must - l l
10(18 way ofpttting lllC into the k its object s %
forest, and starting nature’s tenants .now - ' ' . A G F ' P .I ' ‘ l ‘1'
in search of health and sustenance, Our NationaIIIICOfngress decreed to ">1 00d 0 U nta l n e n u e '4.
'4 Each of these lower animals seemed commemorate 1‘3 ourt 1 CC“ enary . . . . . . . “1
ravenousin their desire for food; of the discovery of Amema by an With 14k Gold Peint, that Wlll give entire satisfaction, .
some were timid, some Were bold, exhibition of there sources of the . I
“Wk ““5“ $th The U; 2; ‘3; (limit llfivilillnli-nlilél (11$: - P R I C E: $ 1. 00 l
. strong preyed upon the weak, and p 0 ‘3 C ' '_‘ I l
' little sympathy was shown for the World, and prov1ded that such an . . gr
I vanquifihcd. Another dayamong exhibitionshouldl t? of a natioInal Fred. J. Heintz, Manufacturing Jeweler, . a
’ . these creatures would have been and internationa eiaraeter,sotiat - . . ,'
just like the one we saw. The con— not‘only the people Of our Union CHStom House Square. ’
- flict would haVe begun just as it a”? this fulfilling??? tiigisficilti'iztil g . . "I
had before no advancement no new “3101‘s a we ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' , I 1 M ‘ L 11 _, C 1 l
methods. , l The President invited all Foreign ‘ 16 i 0 0 1 Cy 0- l
“ . . Q . Nations to take part in it his invi- x,
But With t d ffirent. He ' . ’ .
1 mani IS 1 (J ’ , tation was alumst universally ‘ac- “—NIANUFACTURERS 0F—
oves and hates, he hopes and fears, t d
he)la .d bul 1w cepe- ‘. . ' ' ’
..f::.:“..::::::::.:1;;arm: n .0 “mm" COLLEGE “N” 3““) ""‘FWS- -
' l .‘ ’ M . h .. . ' ' heroes to pay homage to l -
ll‘thl kn. And 0 ll "1’ WOIShlp ’ . .- - -
tlie l:ssdns "tau it“: Withdulzgt great men, and to celebrate impor—l annerS' wor S 6 me S, ‘I,
great victory (if engCatioii of human tant events, mm the merchants Of - - . ll
effort of “mm, Yes’the grand Persia'.\v0Lild'Ir‘_iot be likely to carryI Overcoats for Officers and Privates. .
k. W-ttei-loo of Pgace as it proclaimeda their gOOdS ten thousands miles . - I
cordial welcome to the visitors of and ”bib” them, for the simple ‘ THE M‘ 0' ULLEY 00' '
’ ‘ . . privilege of adding glory to the nongt‘St. Hnd E. Hyenue, ~ ~ ~ Columbus, 0
every nation, 0t every dime, who iianie'of Columbus neither would: " l I
met to “ mm are votes on’wha‘t th - " ' . -
. had leai'iiedp and what they 11:31, the inhabitants of Congo Free State, _____———A-_—————-—-——-—-II I.
done ,, ‘ nor the New Zealanders circumnavi- U ' . . I
- . t - TO R BOGAE RT
r" When we see fwd] a ”St body Of: to celebrate the discovery of A'meri- j§§£§§§zafl V I G ' _ '
”ml" representing every F1353 ‘01 ca. Each nationdesired to shop its _/:‘Z§n>7g’lwfithi‘:l)l ‘
society from the humblest citizen to own. resources, its manufacturing {\fi‘,ft§lg&fl§ft MANU’FACTURINGJEWLLER,
J _ . ., . , , . '1": fix, Lag“; ' .*:~‘J,’,‘ ‘
“‘9 J ”51d?“ M 0m Union, from advantages, the quality of 1ts:isa1ae \WM g”??? I7 E. Short Street, 9 "
the Barbarian of Lahomcy to the hle products and it carefully con; \‘%"~}“F’§§X L _ t . - - _ .. K .
titled Prince‘of Furo )0 all min lin r . ’ . ..¢,R~=\\-‘.;'.t5t-nm-;tdl" as" CXIng on, Y-

' . ’ J 1 ’1 g ‘3 Sidercd the great question of profit \Qtw glad“; .1
together in peace and harmony, we and loss, before it decided to occupy DIAMONDS . WATCHES ANDlJEWELRY :
naturally; infer, that the time is aplace at the Fair. Ri-ZLIABLE GéODS, ’
near at hand when we can call “the It was Lord Bacon who looked ‘ FAIR DEALING AND BOTTOM PRICES.

 . . I .
forward with prophetic vision and travel a change of scene, for goods w_ H. WARREN. ' I JI A. WARREN" I .
f wrote; “tlnn‘eurc three. things which. itmakes, tlIieuhole. world ziariIcJIlffet - _ - - ., ~ - ’ .. ~ ' ' ' " " ‘ .
I“ make a nation great and-Bresierous, bringing e 1eap necessaries 0 i e, ‘ 7‘ 7 B G . I
a, fertile soil, busy workishglis, and and luxuries for all who may deerre arren r08.) rocers, . I
easy conveyance of men and goods them. In-transportatlon, the old -. . II CORNER HIGH AND LIMESTONE. ;II . i
from place to place; , . ' OIM way ”Ind tliIefIneW, “fr? $0?) I I. I - S
' W'hcn this was written Eliiabeth Slde bx ISIdC'I , , {hf} ”1,115,113 \fitii Staple and Fancy Groceries, Pl'Oduce and "
was Queen, the manufacturing een palace C‘“ CO“ I" ‘9 LOImlMII . a” . I II . I ‘1 ,
. ters of England were but modest the stage 0031011 Of‘i iGVZIwarIS-‘loOI’II ' I D1 GSSGd (Jame anleOUIItry. . i
. towns. Fame, honorand glory were “qth thstfacliiefihfldle a’llllhe 5:11:26; f . .. . I V I
. . . . " .. ,, - a rem J ‘ . ‘ . . y ,
(iiiinliiioefiaiiimGd £01 the sow” ocean steamer couldbe seen here, TEAS AND SPICES- , CIGARS AND TOBAcco. . I _ , i
. . the Nina. the Pinta and the Santa ..,. . _ 7 , . I
The Pilgrimshad gust landed at Maria there 1 ‘ j‘ —.-—-————-:--—-——-——— I~ II . , i
‘ Plymouth Rock. . » ' ‘ ‘ ' , . * d - t . STUDENTS " SUPPLIES. ‘ ' ’ 7"

. ’l‘he I’vel‘ornnition was yet to be. NOW7 in there we have 16:3“? . II . . I '. 1 ' , = . . , .IIII

1e. with I time fte“d¥rlg"t°“"h “.233 5,3: TABLETS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ~ . ~

? 9‘3? Wilfirmqg :1f,:‘;;:‘§“r?e;§:§; 233.512. t.i.§.?p1.i‘éeit tenet ~ EIiIE STATIONERY, SOCIETY, PROGRAMS v. ' ,

fittitlfi “0 m 3 '. 7 - That health is made general, . PRINTING AND BINDING 1 ~ - . ‘ l
, -. , . and that the comforts of life are for . I . _ , . . . , r
‘ , “The World‘s Colmnbian ltxposv I _ . -, . .. Call and See for‘Yourself. . . . .
. , ,. . all. We learn that the desne to _ . . =9, I, _ _
‘ tron was a great “0131“ SChOOI’ “nth excel is thespirit of the. age. ~ Transylvanla’ Pl‘lntlng .Company, . . . : v I
Glory limo“ for a .Ciims’ imd (may The educational "exhibit plainly 10 E- Main Sti'eét, . - .LCXington, Kentucky. ~ - i

. vis1tor tor-1stutchiIit. , It wasII. e set forth the greattruth that *the , . . .. » I _ _ _,I
. place where the \\ 1sest and most ad _ _ . ‘ b . , , —_—'—"—I . . . I

9 vanced could learn something from present generation is leaIinlng to e: y . . . _ I, . I _- l

2" the most prinIiti‘ve, where perhaps prictlcalI. I id f i Tl B I U 8 G raSS ' Stea m La L! n d ry -. ’l

7 . the exhibits of llarharism contained 4110i: 1‘15 l'91) ace 31103“ - ‘9 - f5 ,-_ . . ’- ‘ ' ’ ‘ ' '

i l suggestive lessons for civilization. good I'GBUHS Of “1011 schooling is “0' 52 E. VlNE ST. .1 LEXiNSTDN, KY. . .

(1‘ ‘ I The practical results ol'scienee and longer 3 mere speculation, but. 50 _ . » , . . ‘ '

invention, of art and commerce from “'0“ €3tfli)llShed that an IDSItltUtIOD . Specml rates to StUdCIltS- I. l
I their first rude attempt to their latest “431,10“ practical laboratorles ide WW I
. triumphs were all spread out as WQi'kShOPS for t1“? applicationI 01“, .. ,II 1 1 .
. they had necer, been incline“: Peace l’TiIFCiId}? taught 1n the recitation gm? :r III A III . IT I Q m ‘
and war, the agencies of progress 1'00“]; thus encouraging scientIfic [1:07 ii > g in}, f}: Li I {w 9““. @

' I and the instruments of destruction, 1‘0501U‘0hIfOI‘ I“113tI1‘1',0 'liears bytfine. AIM-'75 "‘5 ’ , i ' i V n W 25:13 I

. were illustrated in é’gvei'y (‘Ollet‘ij‘yn— question, experiment and answerIin . it" i IIIIIIIIW , fl «:‘fi-I SIII :\. . . .......

ii ble way. The history-not.-progress plImnnomcna.’? - 7 .. . v, @ ii- _ Ehihl‘d :3: “kg :4 iii: g. , "

A l was shown by practical example, Yes, an institution that does not . IIII . . ._ . 1 . I . I I I I .

i . the past along; with _ the ‘prescntIto Iafl'ord its student these advantages Agricultural, Blolcglcal, ClVIl .. LIIgIn‘LJOFIIIg, Much-tmcal I

E i brighten the ell'ect byeontrast. i V is unworthy er the patronage which Engll'leCl'lllg, Scientific, Classical, Veterinary, Normal . l"

i i The farmer could see the path it solicits when itpretends to edu— School and Commercial Courses. ' . . .

3 along which his predicchors had eate men and women to compete ' . I .

i moved for centuries, lie-'Tcould see with the practical emn'getic hustlers 28’F’r0fessor5 and Instructors-28 ’ ”It

til“ Padang? “1112131115 Oi: 1,1' oceuynu “0:11 the “mum“: 50110013 . . .f County Appointees admitted to free Tuition. Board in Dormitory $2.25, \j
10“ Md 1“ “1th and “(‘1 that d“ l he man who succeeds in life 15 in private families $3 and'Sl per week. l’all Term beg-Ins _ l
were dependent 0” the 1'98“” Of his the man, “'110 (lCVOtCS MS time, i on second Wednesday in September. For cata- 1‘
. labor. HUNT, til" fact W113 WW. CVl' energy and intellect, to one special - »» alogues and other inforn’iation apply to . I
dent that one of the requirements line of work. . 4 i , ‘ i . *

g I for a prosperous nation is “a fertile Not the passive, restful, “live, and JAMES K. PATTERSON PH. 1).? PRES. I
3 soil." ‘ let live” kind of a man, but the 5 I . -. , . '
The workshops (if the “701'“: ii]- active cnlodgment of 'a principle, , . . ' ' “i
i their gigantic chm-t to excel, made the man of ositive Minion-4 .WhQr M M 11 & L . . I

the greatest exhibits at the Fan-{the dares'to (lo :nything, iltI matters not C 1 an . . . a‘uerj . '
' useful and heautil‘ulwere comhimad how impossible it may seem, and -: ' I - . . . I . .. i
to make one grand display, to the push his way upthc moumin side, Th N c . B‘ k i i
credit oi" skill and energy. It is to. the} good which none bin; the ‘ 8 BW ream d. ery « .
important to know that the inanu- coura eons ever reach, . e . .. . III .
factoring of goods and “en-es 1m- WE“, d1 d we learn» from the Fair? . CORNER VINE AND Inna-.11 smears.
nishea employment to many, but We learned that invention and dis— . F h B d , d R H ,
. , the benefits chrivml therefrom ex- covery have made America the r: . rIeS rea an 0 S i
total {is tar as the habitation of man, realized ideal for the people of the Best Bread, Rolls and Cakes infill; CIiItIxt'. SIieleIkllrcad and Rolls ready cvury eve-
. and nothing better shows the pre- earth to admire, to respect and to . '1 1L 5 i i , _
gross of a nation than many busy follow. . . ‘v
“msliops. . . It little matters what we exam- ‘ W J H I' h & B '
“'i‘hIe Consequences of men and ine of the Fair the same great les— . g ' ' Wholeomlyand reta§dlglcrs in re:
gooi 5 'rom place to place” was one sons are tau ht_ Whether in the o ‘1 i ‘ i
.I the ewe W or mewtee eelaeeominnery or in the emery Stoves,-mearc, Pumps, Grates, Mantles, Haidwarc, Etc. I
City, for men it'means . counting of Fine Art, whether in the Electri- _ ‘- GalvaYliZCd Iron and Slate Work a Specialty-
lI()1ncs,i. Where It begms and ends. _ " H'fipecial attention paid to Students.
And now since the Columbian St (1 ‘ t h t . th W 1
‘ miracle has faded away its influence 11 en s W 0 pa ronizeg‘ ose Establlshed 1 851 .——-——-— j
is not lost, its strongest life is but who do fnot dpatrmlnze‘the CADET.
' now beginning, its glory will con- are not lucn S to :19 LAEET; d- E I I U I E R I & R 2 M E e N D.
7‘ tinue to be sung so long as the pres— $211128 :“i’ 011??“ “()1 pationue us. .
cut generation remains here to do ey are your ”en 8' ‘ hemlcals and . p
A h I I i h (i I‘ _ . g
It cum, and then as the grand Gil Louis Mulligan Chas. Vorhees Chemlcal APP‘“ atus. ,
max of the 19th century, it Will d L H 1 ’El 1 ft M d ’ t,
)ass into, histor as the 'randest an en ug'ies ' e _on ay _ 0 .~~- 7 ' -
Iacheiwment kndiwn to ma: attend a medical college in Louis- 2001 2079 209, 2119 Thlrd Ave"
A. C. NORMAN. v'ille. Success to the Bohemians. Cor. 18th Street,
-—-————¢-o—-——-——- : ——_-_ J i . ‘ P .
_ “I’m glad of one thing and sorry Mr. Sweeny, who is to coach our E.“ fi NEW YORK.
of another,” remarked Faulkner last f0“ balthhls YT”, has] arrive; but :5 — I I —— 7
Thursday. _ 1.8 not a e'to play a]: e 18 en erlng fl; Finest Bohemian and German Glassware, Royal Berlin and .
“What’s that?" some one in— from a sprainet an e. a}; u . . , P ‘ ‘ II . d [’1' t‘ B lane" ‘
quirpd. , , , _ . Messen Porclain. niest mnmerc a mum, a ( ,Ls .
“WelhI am glad tomorrow is Kid McCain is back again as big “ g and WCIEhtS) £0155 “'IICYQ’SE"POS: and Bi‘(;tf"r101031C”1 APP” -
Friday and sorry it’s not Saturday.” as life and twice as natural, ratus, Chemically Pure Aculs and Assay (mods. .
/ r . l

Wfiagwva—WW m_____—‘W_-_;._ ._ .mmmeww 4;;—
Tile Silt“ (one ,6 C'ldtl dents by the association was as Our football correspomlent failed Modesty doesnotallow us to say
( h ' i5 1 ' much a success as one would Wish; to present us the iowtball news In what we wrll do this tall. We have
' Published Monthly during the C0,,egi‘ Professor Roark’s addresswas es- time to put it 111- this issue oi the started out every year With the best
am‘ygflr‘ on,“ in interest of ev'ery pecially beneficial. The ice-cream CADET. But, the football wrll go team in the league, so we thought.
Department Oi the State College. was very palatable and ' all went. on anyway. And, it just seemed like we played ‘
H_,_,;-.,,W,“____.____ awav satisfied. , Last Saturday, at the Phoenix in bad luck. And every now and ‘
' . TERMIS' The meeting this year are being Hotel, the reyu‘esentative of the every now and then somebody else
gmnlififilhggi exceptionally well attended, and Athletic Associaiion of the State played in a little \\'01'seluek,andwe .
’l‘iirce Months............""......30c some big hearted new boy, asked if College, Central University, .Kcn- won, but it was not ourfault. This
hmglc Ugh-V""""""""""""loc we could not get a larger room for tucky University and Georgetown year we have had more hard work
‘ -..___fi___.,__.._,______._ our meetings_ We can truly say Colrcge met, and agreed upon a and less talk than usual, and the
' EDITORIAL STAFF- that there is now more interest and series of games of football, to be, boys don‘t have tobe , begged to
’ ~U WOODS' l. Irditors. - enthusiasm in both the prayer and played this fall forthe‘chtampion— come out and play. Now, if we .
h" C MEDOWMLL’ l ( gospel meetings than usually and ship of Kentucky. , i’ play ball this year with not qu1te so
i PAUL Maroon. what “’0 kWh is the élllllml't 0f the Centre 001}.qu did not join, the much “confidence," we might stand
' ' Correspondent Patterson Society. faculty and friends. league, preferring, after last years some show of getting third place, /
i J. v. FAULKNRR. T, R. DEAN.l experience, to keep on the outside probably second. We went begin '
i . CO‘TCSI’mlde‘1t Uhi‘mhocmy' W- ' . and lay for some of the outside by aiming toorhigh. -
x .. T- h- DEAN: The first game of foot, ball ‘next small fry. 1 The following is the seedule of ' '
U’rr‘wm‘dehty' M' C‘A‘ g f d , G t , ~~ s 0» Kentucky University was not in ames a'reed uJon b the Inter—‘
_.-. ..._ . ._._-_____.___ la ur a), eorge own “3 . . g g l _y. '
‘ Y, M, C. A_ ____.._.._,.__—y _ theleague 13ft year, but DOW 3095 collegiate Athletic Assocration: .,
PATTERSON SOCIETY. _1n,1n Centres place, :for better or ', October 6, b. C. vs, (7. (a at Lex-
worse—probably better .for the mgton, . " ‘
The State College Association —* lcggufl October 20, K. U. ‘15, G, C_ at
. l , . was represen ted in the Summer It, was with a feeling of almost 43It was only last year that George- Georgetown. '1
Shhml at Lake Geneva, Wis, llhls I'CVCI'ChCG that the 01d members 0f town made itseliii’elt in the league-.1 October 27, K. U. vs. C. U. at
'1 year by two inen'ibers while no other the Patterson Society again entered Well, it “made itself felt,” but “.0, Richmond. .
, association of the State was at all its beautiful hall after an ‘aljsencogjet it go ful‘. the '“m’it of a better ex—l November 10‘, (i. C. vs C. U. at
t rsprcsentcd there. The fact that we of three months, and they were pression. "W had better be kind tel Richmond.
’. ('.l('.Ull(,"tl our sister association in cheered to find it unchanged and these youngsters; for theV might] November 16, K. U. vs. S. ('7; at . "
. I‘,‘ this respect was duclongly to benev- that so many of our comrades had grow mighty some day and rise up Lexington. .
r J, ‘hhht i'riends t“ “'h‘hh we extend returned. ‘ "‘ l. - in their strength and smite us. Cen—‘ November 23, S. C'. VS C. U. at
' hearty thanks, assuring them that \Ve have now had two meetings, tral University will probably be Lexington. "
, . ‘ their aid was put to the best use and at each there was good attend- “much in it.” ~- We have always feltl We have just sworn in manager
. possible, and that enough personal ance. On‘looking around we found kindly towards Central University ‘ J. I, Lyle as Athletic correspondent, ‘
' ‘ hhheht ensued to the representatives that our number had suffered some since last fall. We love her for the but. we are almost too late to learn
, “fl 7' t(’1""“““l"l their help. thehll’hwhti what by the 1035 Of the “members enemies she has n'iade'. Still, welmueh news. After this, however,
,' morally and spiritually, is necessary who graduated last June, but all don‘t love her for heating us lastl “.0 will have all (,f the latest right
i at such aeonterenee. ' these have been replaced by new year. lul’ to date. _, _ . _ ‘
3 There were present there nearly men who promise to be progressive ‘ , . ._‘__
‘ three hundred oi the brightest stu- members. - . - , - ' . . » ‘
, dents of America’s. Amid all these The prospect for good work dur— ”J O H N T " M 1L LE R _ ,
l students risuch a thing as profanity ing the year is most encouraging. . » . ., ,
' was never heard, a thing so rare. There seems to be a con‘unenda- , ., . _ . g 4 .'
. LakeCeneva is COHCCdUtl t0 be the ble _spirit among the older members . g “ hhhihhle and Rethll Denier 1“ x -
’ most beautiful lake in the West to do their parts and thencw are H d ‘ I St I - - E't W
u’ And so encamped on the shores of anxious to begin. a r we re, r0 n, as ’. . C, i
l such a lake with such enabling as- Then, too, we have three gold H513 always in stock, Tackle Blocksyof: the latest and most hh‘
‘ . . _ . . . . - . , . ' proved patterns; Rope, bash,£ord and \V eights; Leather and Bubber
sociates and under the tutoiship of medals, one given by the soelety, Beltings; Rubber, Asbestos: l’lumbago, Cotton, “(th and Garlo'ck‘s’ ,
1 great and good men was almost an one by Mr. Crum, our patron, one ‘ Machinery Packing; Fairbank’s Scales, Lace Leather, _ Wove Wire, ,
Eden where no telnpter ,did enter- by Pres. Patterson, which are to be . Fence Wire and Staples, Wheelbarrows, Step Ladders, Boiler, Iron-s
Suppose, 1’03““, that \\'U occupants awarded in deelamatory and orato~ and Rivets, Bolts, Lawn- Mowers, '0th all at fair prices. ,
ol'thedon’iitoriesl‘ormedsuch aband. rieal contests; ' p -- '- . n “ - 3', ' ; 1‘32 W0 MAHN S’fl‘lfiflfljfl'f . .
Who would scorn sucha condition? Taking into consideration the Telephone ”8' ' l
' , Who would not feel like singing spiritof the members and theircen- __"—“’_——'—-———__-—_———_ i
V praises for it. if God’s holy name was tives presented by these medals, I ' . i
1 never taken in Vain and if all our can safely predict a glowing future ' '1“. .» O "S > .. '
, sports consisted of innocent fun. for our society and that she'will n1: - ' 3 , b I ~
This is possible. ways keep the exalted position she ‘ H .
The statistics show that a very has held in the past. 55 E. Main St. , , .
large per cent of the students this > * * - T. S. L. ' ' ' y
. year are ehristians. It is the aim —---—«>—— . . ‘ V ' Fine Photographs at Reasonable Prices.
of the association first to put, these Prof. Neville said that the Lord —.———'————'————‘————-—-———-—-——————-———-—
. to act in christian work, thus devel- made the world in six days and USE THEBEST '
oping them and making them rested on the seventh, but since .
i'ruitl'ul trees in the Lord’s vineyard that time there had been no "35‘ for l "l l I ‘
l.l alter lil'e as well as now, and sce— man 01' GOd- BUt we think if he en ary 0a 5
mild to labor in a discreet and com- could see some Of our military com- , . .. .t
mendable way to persuade the non- panics while the Colonel is I hOt SHELBYKINKEAD & BRO ' ‘-
t'lll'thlilllS to give themselves to around, he would think there was
Him who 1mg purchased all. yet a little rest for the wicked dur— ’ SOLE AGENTS.
'l‘ho reception for the new stu—— ing (h'lh hour. * Si N. BROADWAY
- .
x .

 M— _. __ _ __ ._._..A.n ‘
a . . ‘ ' . i ‘ :'
For choree Groceries you wrll find my stock complete. I am- also headquarters for . ,1;
‘ @1/ tm SIM» cma b C“? Cl/l/VLQ/ By placmg your orders Wlth me’ 7
/ ’ / I ~. .3
. JO 9 1 ° you can depend 011 gett1r.g ch-ry- , .E
J' 'I' I—IONAKER ‘ flung Fwsteass-I
8 and =10 W. Short St. - ,4‘3
mw__mmfi——wa*m fi‘ “fiwnw f7
- Couldn't Stand 11;. I took' ’em. I’ts the same with ; , p ,
Badger-’3 bitters. I knew very well i ‘
, ,. ' . . ‘ ,, until I read my own advertisement N EW YO R K 1
“let off writing plays, John? , . , ..\_
7' , ' that they;wereone-third water and , , y '
«Yes; havent written a play for two-thirds poison ._ But my ‘ad” . m p '.
two Years.” . “ ‘ . ‘ ' @ mg I (E 3
_ . . V‘ '1 .. - ’ h . fl ,, / .I.
“Don’t write any more comic p1 used em up :50 rghly that. I‘ was 0% 121/3 Gad), ‘~
9" , eonvrnced the mmute I read it that ' - . . 4
operas. .' ., ’ they were just. What I needed and T 1 ~ r -: - l - ’-l - i
No.” , g: y , . , V ’ :eeth extracted 200- vrtahzed alr adnnnrs- a.
.. . . . . so I bought em by the gallon. ’
“leen 11p writing cdrtorrals for Sinee then I’ve had'the rheumatism 4‘ ' > ’ : ‘ V
'l‘he Daily Banner?” blithisis lumbaoo cholerainf'mtum, ' 1 V . teled 1500' l
, J ,1 , U a) , 7 c J ' L 3 p _ / !
“021.3% more tbana MM. ago.” mumps, scasiekness, cancer, conges— OVER OPERA UOUSE- R; H- HODGEN, 13- D. 5- Manager- E
“W rlte any more revrew articles ?‘ . 7 . , . ’ . ' _ ~ .- . 4,.
“m. river it )1 tr 1 ' ,, tron of the brain, latty degenartron . x. 3
f ”.5 1 up L3,}, 0“" of the heart and a touch of the ‘
’ i ' \VrIte any poetry ? , _ , ——-—-—.——_—__.____——____mmm l
“ . , ‘ .7 V ,, smallpox. 011,1 ve got to leave off V . ' "J;
No, I m a reformed poet. 1 .‘ . 1 _ . . ‘ . , 7 F
“\Voll what ‘10 you do for a liv— tns a< vertrscment outing 01 die. _ X
"’ ‘ I *’ ' ‘ )X" 'Q ‘ r ' '.v " '.' , "“If r Vlily‘li’l i I
my, 313:3: (“1 Wow 1. met on in o t/dflflfifliflrIllylt’rl 9 A,
u ‘ ,3.“ V‘_-.\ .7) dz: ‘ , . . ‘
, 0,1” hurrtc :1(1\LIEIISL'II]CIlL$' “Indeed? How did it happen?" " V ' 9 7'
“Flml 1t profitable?" “ . . . ‘ .g-
‘ Oh, I m the advertisement . ”
“Ilnmcnsely. ltverybody wants . ‘ 1‘ _ ,7 . . y . . l
my “Ids’ 11nd I «111 ’em at my own “my 101 (yorlyers furniture em-V ‘ ' ‘ . l
, "" “' ‘ . n‘ f 'Dzr'l ' th 11 d . . ' ' '
price. I have more to do than 1 lifelfrli'tht (:nd{fldrmémuiwfulflfnilhe I i I ' Northern Bank BIOCk. 5'
can attend to, and money flows in _. . £ ’_ -' ’\ 1” F33" .‘ l _ _ ’ . i L
. u . l'l' __ . .. b , ' sllk unpoiter. rly adxeltrsements , V - «
pon mc 1x0 inels, ut Iye got to . . ‘ _ , . —————-__——_._____—___—__
. . ,, of these thlngs were so very graphic , ~ 1
give 1t UI)‘ and fascinatin that I ' ' d d 1 ‘ ' V
“v! . 9 Y?” U. r g r was in nee ; ; ,
(melt up. why. ‘ 11' , h ‘ f" 7 . . r , l
“Expenses too heavy ” to stoe I my onse .1011) top to bot-v ' '
“W1 ' L ‘ A '7 . tom with furniture that I Couldn’t I I S B I I I VI A \ ,9
. 1y? man, your expenses are afford to buy, and I was so~~hypno- ' ' ° 3 y ! '
nothing, except for pens, 111k and tized by my own :ulvn'tisements . . ‘ ; ‘3
paper, and at a liberal estimate these thalt'l colverlelg my ‘wife with diam- Wall Papal-‘7 W1 I‘lélCJW Sh adgs_ l
Will not cost you over't‘l a year.” :1“ 51“” bl S $0 531011 .1111] littfnt _, y
“Ah but you fortret that I am “1 an) “new ope €55,111 (0 ‘. 53:1 , ., ( . , v: ‘7' ,1 * w. , ~ 7 v v .'
We V101,,“ of my owgabimyy, hm I y my for y 0t! )3”?! inertia yer irarryeyaymu yam ., ,
“HOW’S that?” ‘ “Yes, Tom, it’s a terrible calami- '1'.
“Well, you see, 1 describe articles ty when aman falls a. victim to his ‘ V - . 3 ,
so beautifully that the minute I own. ablhtlesy 11, feel: I shall, 13m ' _ "_ ' g
I *
‘Vltl'?mnd the temptation to go fmfi merits andvdescend to writing maga- F RE E I See the elegant and USGflll ,1
buy 0111. NOW, theres Blancom's zrne poetry agarn.”—St. Lous DIS- 0 . .4 4‘
soup- I read my own advertise Imtch- . ' presents we present free Wlth one pound of :
ment about it, and got so enthused " ' ' , . 1
over the tremendous merits of the Remember! remember” » Tea 01' can 0f Baklng Powder. 1
soap I found it was such perfect The palmy days Ofyore’ .fi T C ‘
" ’ _ " ' When no one 'ever thought . ' ‘ a .
and absolutely excellent soap,’ that Of such. .‘3 thing as Signal Corps. GI eat Atlantlc & PaCl (y Ci]. 0. .'
I had to 30 and buy 51x boxes. Of And when we did not want to drill 75 E- Main.
course it's )erfectl worthless as 1 And did not have the sand ' ,

p I y a . _ .
knew until I was deceived by read- T0 5-ka outright 0“ every day - , ‘ ' ‘
ing my own advertisement. But We lowed the College Band‘ . ' '

, ’ —————-—-———_‘—_——'_—" ..
then my little boy uses it for blocks The COHCge Band I ,The cone“ mud! ' I
’ p . . , Where Faulknr r, 'Hughes and Foley . ~
to make playhouses, and so l dldn t ’play‘cd _ . - ' _,
throw it outdoors. But I’ve been Where Mulligan and Spears began, ‘ , . t 7, p
sick ever since I’ve been in the bus- Where Keiscr leafed and Rncker stayed. .The student S fr](‘ll (l
iness.” A countless throng has come and gone . for
“llm’v’s that ?” To every clinic and every land. ' ' '
“Oh, you see, 1 described Fogar- But I‘m“: 1““ 16:“ atndclimrl '
ty’s pills so glowingly in my adver— AS ( ear ab our ( LP“ 8 am '. . Boots an OBS. ‘
'. . y ' . The Band has gone so soon to Jolll ,
I y til-“011191“ that I gm) POHOCHX crazy ‘The hallowcd ones that went before. ' Iii 'e er cent reduction to all who mention this Ad. J‘
to try them. I 130“ng them by the Now, the only rest for those oppressed 6 cast Mall]. \ p I ‘
gross, and I’ve been srek ever smot- 15 to get into the Signal Corps,

 I 1 l
‘ .I . . V1
. Engaged 1