xt72jm23ck4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23ck4g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1977-10-21 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 21, 1977, no. 200 text The Green Bean, October 21, 1977, no. 200 1977 1977-10-21 2014 true xt72jm23ck4g section xt72jm23ck4g _  JY- I
____________................................. 2
l0/2]./77 NO. 200  
24 October — ACTS General Assembly (see note). · Q
25 October - Poetry Reading by Robin Morgan and Kenneth Pitchford - i
Seay Agriculture Auditorium, 8 PM (see note). 5
27 October - Aimo Kiviniemi, Tenor and Viola Kiviniemi, Piano and Q
Kantele. Lecture recital of folk songs of Finland {
arranged and edited by Aimo Kiviniemi and art songs {
by Finnish composers, Yrjo Kilpinen, Seppo Nummi and j
Jean Sibelius — Noon in the Gallery, King Library Q
North (see note). §
28 October - Administrative Council Meeting - Place to be announced - i
8:30 AM.  
28-3l October - Seminar in Graphic Design at the King Library Press Q
(see note). E
, Current Exhibits: Foyer, King Library North - A Tribute to Vladimir j
Nabokov. Also display of Recent Acquisitions (through October). g
Gallery - Department of Special Collections — Four Modern Designers: Q
John Dreyfus, Stephen Harvard, Adrian and Joyce Wilson. For infor- {
mation about the designers, see Seminar note.
Contributors to this number: Ellen Baxter, John Bryant, Amelie Charron, i
Wanda Dole, David Farrell, John Gray, Faith Harders, Claire McCann ’
(Editor), Mary Ransbottom, Bob Turner and Paul Willis. ;

   — 2 —
1 Editor's note U
Q Many thanks to Terry Warth, our guest editor, who did a fine job
y editing the last two issues of The Green Bean. I
2 Seminar in Graphic Design At the King Library Press
Four persons prominent in book design and production will be giving Q
lectures and workshops at the university 28-3l October. The public
lectures are as follows: i
i Friday 28 October: `
` 9:30 "Creating Books for Children Young and Old,"
Q lecture by Joyce Wilson, Classroom Bldg. Rm. ll8
{ ll:00 "Living by Letters," lecture by Stephen Harvard, _ A
»» Classroom Bldg. Rm. ll8 f
i Saturday 29 October:
Q 7:00 PM "The History and Practice of Book Design,"
Q lecture by John Dreyfus, Classroom Bldg. Rm. ll8 .
{ Reception following in King Library North.
Monday 3l October:
" ll:O0 AM "The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle: and Adventure g
in Early Book Design," lecture by Adrian and Joyce
_ Wilson, Guignol Theater
, Mr. Dreyfus is typographic advisor to Cambridge University Press and
“ Monotype Corporation and chairman, Printing Historical Society
l (England). He is author of many books on the history of design and
r printing, and has also had numerous design commisssions for Cambridge
y and the Limited Editions Club. He designed the NEW ENGLISH BIBLE.
K Mr. Harvard is a calligrapher and designer at Stinehour Press, Vermont,
one of the leading quality printers in the country. He is also the
author of a book on the typographer Christopher Plantin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are designers, authors, and proprietors of the
  Press in Tuscany Alley in San Francisco.
K Kiviniemi Recital
Several years ago during a sabbatical leave from the University of
· Kentucky, where Aimo Kiviniemi is Professor of Music and Associate
Director of the School of Music, Aimo and Viola Kiviniemi traveled
in Finland and studied the country and its music. ;The study was
made possible by a grant from the Kentucky Research Foundation and
V the "Musikitiedotus Keskus" Foundation of Finland and it concentrated
on examination and collection of folk songs and Finnish art songs
of the 20th century. The Kantele, a folk instrument which has a
2000 year old history, was a natural adjunct study, since it is used
today as in the past, to accompany the folk singer.

From this music, the Kiviniemis are presenting representative portions E
, of both folk songs and the art songs of Finland.
During the past several years the Kiviniemis have presented lecture
recitals of Finnish music at twelve colleges and universities. · ·
Regarding one such lecture recital a review in the Louisville Courier- T
Journal stated: ;
"Kiviniemi has turned his interest in the music of his
parents' native land to excellent use, discovering and Q
making available to us this almost unknown repertoire, I
and a fascinating repertory it turns out to be ....,. a
grateful 'thank you? to Mr. Kiviniemi and his family i
for our original and very satisfying evening. The g
research and presentation of the material is an excellent
sample of the kind of research the taxpayer should seek
for his investment in our system of higher education."
ACTS Meeting g
There will be a meeting of the Assembly of Clerical and Technical 2
Staff, October 24 at 2:00 PM in the Gallery, King Library North. 1
LSO Minutes Q
The Library Staff Organization held a meeting in the staff lounge, Q r
Friday, October 14 at 2:00 PM. Members of the nominating committee é -
to select candidates for 1977 executive officers are: Karen Boucias, r I
chairperson; Jeff Sauer; Gail Kennedy; Harry Gilbert and Robin ;
Barnard. Ruth Vaughan will continue to serve as Ombudsman until 1
the first of the year. {
The guest speaker was Ellen Altman from Indiana University. She Q
spoke on the topic "Women in Librarianship". Refreshments were i
served. I
The United Way, A Status Report 2
The United Way Team for the Library has been a productive one
indeed. Last year, we had contributions amounting to $1,699 5
with 63 donors out of 158. This year, to date, we have collected f
$2,138 with 93 donors. This is an increase of over 20% in donations J
and 33% increase in total number of donors.
I would like to thank the Team - Terry Birdwhistell, Evelyn Evans, g
Vivian Hall, Cheryl Jones, Judy Sackett and Frances Williams and y
all the wonderful donors throughout the Library. There were ‘
several donations well in excess of $100.00, which gave a huge
boost to the effort, but regardless of your donation any amount
helps. Thanks for caring. i
If there is anyone who would still like to give, please contact  
John Bryant, United Way Chairperson, or any member of the Team. g
J.B. i

 - ig - `
Spools! Spools! Spools!
Please don't throw away those heavy cardboard spools from the l
I.B.M. paper rolls. I've found a home for them. The Childhood _
Lab in Home Economics can use them for all sorts of things.
Send them as they become available to me at the Chemistry—Physics
Library. Due to lack of storage space we would like only 50 to s
75 spools. When the quota has been reached, I'll notify you. ‘
Ellen P. Baxter
On behalf of 70 little people
in the Childhood Lab and the
Day Care Center.
Fines and Copy Service Monies
Beginning Monday, October 24, all fines and copy service monies i
_ should be brought to Bill Short in Administrative Services,
" third floor, King Library North, rather than to the Director's
Journalism Reading Room Telephone
The Journalism Reading Room now has a telephone. Marie Copeland
may be reached at 3-2568.
Robin Morgan and Kenneth Pitchford, husband and wife poets who
are active in New York City feminist politics, will give a
reading of their work on Tuesday, 25 October, at 8 PM in the
Seay Agriculture Auditorium. Refreshments will be provided by
the Library Associates.
Ms. Morgan is best known for her editorship of SISTERHOOD IS
POWERFUL and has authored two books of poetry (MONSTER, and
LADY OF THE BEASTS) and a book of prose. Mr. Pitchford has
written three volumes of poetry, including COLOR PHOTOS OF THE
ARLIS/NA Will Meet
The Kentucky—Tennessee chapter of ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society
of North America) will hold its fall meeting in Nashville, Tn.,
at Joint University Libraries, on Saturaday, October 29. The
meeting will include a business meeting, a visit to JUL Special
Collections and Art Library, and an afternoon tour of an historic
home. Additional information and a copy of the agenda may be i
obtained from Wanda Dole or the Editor.

 - 5 - ;-
P ¤
I Council on Library Resources has grants in aids available to mid- ` E
career librarians who have potential for leadership in the library  
p field. The award range is $1,800 and the application deadline is
1 November 11. {
Professional Vacancies i
Head of Reference —— Substantial professional reference experience;
preference given to candidates with advanced degree and/or super-
visory experience. Available February 1, 1978.
Asst. Director for Public Services —— substantial professional ry ·
l experience, preferably including one position as head of a major
public services unit in an academic library. Available July 1, y
` 1978. g
A If interested, please see Faith Harders; application deadline for g
both positions December 10, 1977.
j LT II Circulation (Reserve) S
i If interested, please see Faith Harders.
Assistant Catalog Librarian, College of Charleston, South Carolina. Q
Application deadline: December 2, 1977. Available: immediately. I
Salary: commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Serials/Documents Librarian, College of Charleston, South Carolina. A
Application deadline: December 2, 1977. Available: immediately.
‘ Salary: commensurate with qualifications and experience. s
Assistant Director. for Bibliographic Operations, State University of
I New York at Albany. Application deadline: November I, I977. Available: _
Position now vacant. Available: November l, 1977. Salary: minimum, $i9,000; `
maximum, $2h,500. .
Library Systems Analyst/Programmer, State University of New York —
at Albany. Application deadline: November 1, 1977. Available: I
after October 15, 1977, (now vacant). Salary: $16,300 — $23,177. I
Cataloger, Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, Missouri.
Application date: December 1, 1977. Available: February 1, 1977.
Salary: negotiable.
Acquisitions Librarian for Economic Growth Center Collection, Social
Sciences Library, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut. I

 Application deadline: November 18, 1977. Salary: from $12,400
per year depending on qualifications and experience.
Head Catalog Librarian, East Asian Collection, Yale University j
Library, New Haven, Connecticut. Application deadline: October 31, a
1977. Salary: from $16,000.
Reference Librarian/Yale Medical Library, Yale University Library,
New Haven, Connecticut. Application deadline: November 15, 1977.
Available: immediately. Salary: base of $11,350.