xt72jm23c81r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23c81r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-07-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  2, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  2, 1940 1940 1940-07-02 2013 true xt72jm23c81r section xt72jm23c81r 100 Tel. Student
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The Kentucky Kernel





olumn of Personal Opinio
Editor, Summer Kernel


Dr. Frank L. McVey, for 23 years
president of the University, retired
rom that position Saturday.
The growth of the University during his tenure stands as testimony
of his achievements.
Compared to
this solid example of his worth,
flowery words of praise teem idle
And it has never been my policy to
Iran toward the flowery side.
President McVey has been a good
leader. During his time of office.
Uie University has grown in size, in
influence and in respectability.
He has shaped the University of
Kentucky to fit his definition that:
"A university is a place:
It is a spirit:
Men of learning.
A collection of books.
Laboratories where work in science
goes forward:
The source of teaching
And the beauties of Art and Lit-

The center where youth gathers
to learn.
It protects the tradition.
Honors the new and tests its value:
Believe in truth.

Protests against error and
Leads men by reason
Rather than by force."
During the four years I have been
at the University I have, on ocasion,
disagreed violently with the views
expressed by President McVey.
But I do know that he has done
one thing. He has presented a way
of life, a philosophy, that is admirable.

Whatever has been my opinion of
Presidents McVey's views on individual matters, I know that I
can find no better philosophy to
guide me in the Journalism profession than his admonition to:
Not being as pontifical in my
writings as the majorityof the editors of the country, I feel wholly
inadequate to pen the glorious and
moving words so apropos for a
Day column.
6o I decided to let my readers
have the real McCoy.
Youll find it on page 2 of today's
Kernel. It's the declaration of Independence.
How long has it been since you

read it?

Here and There



Of Editorials

Two Presidents


Although he was in Washington.
D.'C. when it happened. Dr. Thomas
Poe Cooper officially became President of the University yesterday.
There was no ceremony of any
sort held, of course, due to President Cooper's absence. He has been
in the national capital for several
days on business in connection with
the college of agriculture, of which
he has been dean for the past 22
Officials at the president's office
said Doctor Cooper was expected
back in Lexinton today, and will assume office immediately.
Yesterday also saw another change
of tenure:
Dr. Frank L. McVey.
President of UK for 23 years, officially became President Emeritus
McVey. He will continue at the
University in the capacity of professor of agricultural economics, and
will lecture and do research work,
Maxwell Place, home of the University's Presidents, was being vacated late yesterday by the McVeys,
who will reside at their new home
in Tahoma Park, off Nicholasville
President Cooper or rather Acting President Cooper has told the
Board of Trustees that he will serve
in that capacity only until a perma- nant head for the institution has
been selected. He was chosen by the
Board at a meeting early last month.
the selection being announced on
June 7, day of the UK graduation
Doctor McVey and President Coop
er have worked together for over a
quarter of a century, both coming to
Kentucky from the University of
North Dakota, where Doctor McVey
had served as president for several
years. President McVey came to
Lexington in the fall of 1917, and
sent for Doctor Cooper the following






Bluegrass tour,

second annual
M anTheevent that proved


activin last year's
ities, will be conducted this afternoon, beginning at 1 o'clock at
gymnasium. The tour will be
completed by 4 o'clock.
Anyone wishing to make the tour
but not having a car will be provided with transportation if he
L. J. Horlacher. who is in
ports to Alumni gym by 1 o'clock,
charge of arrangements, announced
The dean also urged that students
with cars report at the gym by 1
with the arrangeand
ments committee by taking others
with them on the tour.
He emphasized that the tour itself would start promptly at 1:15
Farms to be visited include Coldstream; Walnut Hall, famous for
standard bred horses: Mrs. M. F.
Yount's Spindlefop; Castle ton: Faraway, home of Man o' War; Charles
T. Fisher's
Greentree. owned by Mrs. Payne
Whitney: the C. V. Whitney farm,
and John Hay Whitney's Llangollen.
Ed. Note: For description of Faraway farm and complete history of
the famous Man o' War see Joe
Jordan's story on page 3 of today's
The route of the lour follows: Assembly point South Limestone and
Euclid. Cars face North on Lime or
west on Euclid. Cars leave at 1:13
p. m. Go north ou Lime to Maxwell
turn left to Broadway, then right
on Broadway, following U. S. 27.
Continue north on Broadway past
Transylvania College to Fourth
Street. Turn left on Fourth and
pass the Eattlrn State Hospital.
Turn right on Newtown pike 'sign
pointing to airport.)
Proceed north on the Newtown
pike. Pass Coldstream Farm owned
by C. B. Shaffer. Stone fence 3
miles long. Note Spindletop Farm
on the left. Cross Ironworks pike
and continue on Newtown pike to
entrance to Walnut Hall Farm,
owned by Dr. O. M. Edwards.
Enter Walnut Hill and follow
road, turning to the right past the
mansion to the stallion barn. Park,
see Standardbred stallions and hors
This is the greatest
Standardbred farm in America.
Many champion trotters and pueers
are produced here. Return to the
stone boarding house, turn right
and thru the woodland pasture.
Turn left at office, pass the yearling barn where annual sales are
held. leave farm and turn left on
Ironworks pike.
Drive east on Ironworks pike and
enter Spindletop farm on. right.
Owner. Mrs. M. F. Yount. Drive to
museum, park cars, and inspect the
exhibit of carriages. Reverse, leave
farm, and turn right on Ironwork
Cross Newtown pike, note Castle-to- n
farm on left and continue east
on Ironworks pike to Russell Cave
pike i Jot em Down Store
Left on
Russell Cave pike to Huffman Mill
pike. Note Dixiana Farm on right.
Turn left on Huffman Mill pike to
Man o' War and War Admiral.
Park. Return to Russell Cave pike.
Continued on Paije
extra-curricul- ar

Are Planned
For Period























of the Pennsylvania state
department of education will
teach a short course in education administration from July 5 to July 20. Some 15 other
short courses are being offered at the same time.

New President And Family




ing People

Second Dance
Billed Saturday


Swimming Class
Meet Fridays
At Castlewood

" To





People Said It Was Good And
They Did Shell Forth Rubies
Now it came to pass in the reign
of Franklin the Spender that the
solons of a certain country known
as the United States did become
sore afraid when they contemplated
the armed might of the nation.
For they heard of wars and rumors of wars and of a madman of
of the east, calleth Adolf, whose
hordes advanced in horrible metal
monsters that crawled over towns
and trenches and hi screaming birds
calleth Messerschmitts. And he did
treat warrior nation and peaceful
nation alike.
And they heard of rumblings in
the west where a race of men call- eth Japs did make noises liken unto
belligerents, and they were crafty,
sinister men because they had slant-eye-

Those Without Cars



Most of the same aquatic, aces were
brought here last year also by Leslie
Baynham. who at that time provided
for the show as part of the formal
opening of the new Castlewood
The carnival proved so
With L. H. Dennis of the Pennpopular that Mr. Baynham arranged
edufor the Lakeside band to return and sylvania State department of
present a carnival under the super- cation as instructor, a short course
vision of Miss Anna S. Pherigo, city in education administration, listed
'playground and recreation director. at 221b, seminar In administration,
The event will be open to the public will be held July
and seats will be provided for sevThe course will be offered the 4th
eral thousand spectators.
and 5th hours daily in the EduAmong the Lakeside stars are four cation building auditorium and will
girls who comprise an American
give three credits.
relay team and each of
It will deal with such problems
whom is a star in her right They as: The place of vocational eduare Mary Moorman Ryan, Ann Hard- cation in the total program of eduin, Lois Thompson and Helen Erhart cation; the underlying philosophies
Acting President Thomas Poe Cooper, left, became head
Miss Ryan is the present national of administration and supervision
of the University when President Frank L. McVey, right, senior women's mile champion, who of vocational education classes: the
was retired Saturday. Formerly dean of the agriculture tat the age of 14 won last July in the kind of vocational programs to ofbig meet at Des Moines, Iowa, to fer; vocational education's share in
college, Dr. Cooper spent his first day as president, in
bring the state of Kentucky its first plans for national defense.
national swim title.
Approximately 15 other courses
Miss Hardin is the national senior
during the same perwomen's long distance champion, will be offered
August at iod.
having won her title last
A graduate of Columbia, Mr. DenClementon, N. J.. She holds the
American record for three miles, nis has since 1934 been executive
Home-Lo- v
having covered that distance in one secretary of the American Vocational association. He was formerly
hour, 20 minutes, 15.7 seconds.
Miss Erhart is the national jun- a teacher and supervisor of schools
and has been
champion, holding the in Pennsylvania
In a big homey house behind a ior
row of geraniums on ground ad American record in that event of specialist "'- is agriculture education
32 seconds flat
rip rrr it. Of public
She also
joining the Experiment Station farm
Southeastern senior titlist at 50 and instruction in Pennsylvania.
Second dance of the Summer lives the incoming president of the 100 meters and the Kentucky
He is past president of the Vochampion.
cational association, past president
Session will be held from 9 to University. Thomas Poe Cooper, his
Miss Thompson won the Missis- of the Association of State Directors
12 o'clock Saturday night in the wife and daughter, Catherine. There
open free- of Vocational Education,, and was
sippi Valley
The Campus they have lived for 22 years, since style event
at St Louis, also has to the first president of the Pennsylorchestra will play. Admission he became dean of the College of her credit the Southern
junior vania Society of Vocational Eduwill be 50 cents a couple. A Agriculture and there they will con- championship at 50, 100 and 200 cation.
meters freestyle and in the
He is a member of Plii Delta Kapspecial program Is being ar- tinue to live.
pa, Alpha Zeta, and Phi Kappa Phi.
breasts troke.
ranged for the affair.
We went out to see Mrs. Cooper
In addition to exhibitions by the
Another promnent short course
yesterday afternoon to find out how champions and several colorful and to be taught during the same perit felt to be about to become First artistic water ballet numbers, the iod is Philosophy of Education 200.
Lady of the University. She wasn't visiting troupe will present a com- with B. Thomas Greenwood of
home when we arrived but we were edy diving act by Junior Jones, Uni- London, England, as instructor.
made welcome by Julia, the cook. versity of Kentucky football star
Dr. Greenwood is a lecturer at
Roy Batterton Jr., a graduate of who has
served the family for 12
by Miss Birkbeck college, University' of Lonthe University, will leave Friday for years. She opened the folding doors from Louisville; an exhibition
Philadelphia navy yard where he of the living room explaining that Barbara Cook, pretty Purdue Uni- don, and is prominent in the field
who holds the national of philosophy and international reversity
will begin a
course at
they were kept
when the famchampionship, and a
the marine officers' school. After ily was away so shut Butlius Caesar junior diving a special breaststroke lations.
record try in
Dr. Adams yesterday expressed the
completion of the course, he will be
over match race.
hope that a dinner could be arassigned a regular tour of duty with wouldn't feel it his duty to take
event will ranged during Dr. Greenwood's tenCompeting in the match
the job of head of the house.
the marine corps.
be Patty Aspinall, sensational 13- - ure at the Session so that the facBatterton received his B. S. de- of Bullius is an important membera year-ol- d
mermaid from Indianapolis, ulty might have a chance to meet
the Cooper household. He is
gree at the June commencement.
and Harold Munbrun, national jun him.
was active in the R.O.T.C. while black and white bulldog.
breaststroke champ, al
Still another course is Adminis
Mrs. Cooper and Catherine soon so from the Hossier capital.
attending the University.
tration education C228b to be taught
carrying packages.
Little Patty, known as the only Dr. Edwin A. Lee, professor of eduCooper had been purchasing addi- girl in the country who dances the
tions for her antique collection. Her butterfly kick for more than half a cation at Teachers' college, Columspecialty is old glass and she was mile, is America's reigning breast-strok- e bia university. The course will be
taught daily at the 4th and 5th
frankly thrilled over some lovely
champion. She holds the recSandwich glass plates that she had ord for 220 yards on that stroke, the hours.
Other short courses to be offered
just discovered.
standard being three minutes, 11.8 July 5 through July 20 are:
Her other hobbies are art and seconds, and also has a mark of one
College of Agriculture: Tobacco.
who were Fifth Columnists and were music. She studied to be an ar minute, 25.4 seconds for 100 meters 1.2 and 3 hours, three credits, Kintwo minutes. 55.4 ney; Farm Dairying, 1. 2, and 3
teacher and has studied voice, which and a record of
Red, called it good.
may take up again next
seconds for 200 yards.
In the province of Kentucky it sheshe has time. Catherine winter Another speciality just added to the hours, three credits, Morrison;
too is
Dairy Cattle Feeding and ManageRuby if
was liken unto the days of
Tuesday night program will be a
the Forgotten, when the people did interested in music, her field being demonstration in handling a canoe, ment, 1, 2, and 3 hours, three credits.
Ely; Special Problems (in Farm
pay three pennies, sometimes calleth piano, i
Reluctantly we changed the sub- to be given by Wood Craig of Louis(Continued on Page Three)
rubies, for every dollar's worth they
ville, who is a Kentucky. Red Cross
did buy, or of the days of Happy ject from antiques to discover how chairman and secretary of the Ken
the Singer when a man did shell Mrs. Cooper felt about her new tucky division of the Amateur Athout 20 rubies when he spendeth a duties. Appreciative of the honor letic Union.
dollar on amusements or to bask in conferred upon her husband, she also realizes its responsibilities.
The barkeeps of that province are simple folks," she said. "We love
were sore perplexed about how to our home and our simple pleasures."
If you want to be absolutely cor- -r
collect the tax. One did raise his She hopes that they will be able to
rect. it's Dr. Jesse E. Adams SR. now.
prices. Another planneth to bounce get away for a few weeks this sumYou see, the Session director's
a little more foam into a mug of mer lor a vacation at their Minnefourteen-year-o- ld
son didn't like
brew and to lessen the size of his sota cottage on the shore of Lake
his own Christian name and he
mixed drinks so that prices would Superior.
Catherine, their only child, has
thinks his father is a pretty swell
stay the same. And another, a caufellow.
tious fellow, spake and said he would completed her freshman year at the
Her major is home
So Saturday he went down to
Dr. L. A. Brown, head of the biowait and see w hat happened.
But the men who vendeth the economics. Pretty and intelligent, logy department at Transylvania, see County Judge W. E. Nichols and
more potent drinks, those that come she shares her mother's interest in will be the speaker at a luncheon had his name legally changed from
in flat bottles and tasteth like fire. antiques and often accompanies her meeting of Phi Delta Kappa, hon- George Robert Adams to Jesse Earl
orary education fraternity, at 12:30 Adams Jr.
did immediately raise the price of on her searches.
Dr. Adams, highly honored by the
We asked Mrs. Cooper if she Wednesday in the football room of
their goods 15 cents on the pint, and
whole affair, accompanied his son
many people were unhappy.
would use Maxwell Place for enter the Union. His subject will be
to the courthouse.
He explained
as a College Professor".
Cigarettes, those fragrant white taining.
"No," she said, "we will
Dr. Brown has made quite a study that the boy had preferred the
sticks that curleth forth smoke, did have parties here." She hopes to
Increase in price from one to two have a tea for Summer Sessionists of the life and work of Constan-tin- e name Jesse Jr. for the past two or
Rafinesque, eminent botanist three years and had been called
rubies on the package.
but has been unable as yet to make
that by members of the family.
and zoologist who taught at TranAnd the men who runneth tiie definite plans.
Court attaches reported they
sylvania from 1818 to 1826 and did
little dark houses where one may
extensive research on Kentucky flora could recall no similar
seeth the likenesses of the goddesses
incident in Fayette county, alLamar and Sheridan and Gar bo did
and fauna.
though changes of name in cases
immediately up their prices so that
Dr. Virgil Payne,
25 cent tickets selleth for 28 cents,
of Alpha Nu chapter of the frat- of adoption are not rare.
Dr. and Mrs. Adams are the parand 27 cent tickets for 30, and the
No classes will be held Thus ernity, will preside at the meeting.
40 cent ducets costeth 44 cents.
Initiation of new members for ents of another son, William, who
day, July 4, in observance
And the people saw and paid and
Phi Delta Kappa will be held at will receive his A. B. degTee at the
Independence Day. it was an
calleth it good. For they wanted to
3:30 p. m., July 10, and will be fol- University in August and who plans
- lowed by
nounced yesterday from the ofstop the madman Adolf and the
a fish fry at Caslewood to enter Harvard medical school in

All members of the education
fraternity are invited to attend the
meeting, an announcement said

To Be Provided



of the Alpha

And in the north was man nam-et- h
Joe, the Red, sometimes calleth
Uncle, who was a bad man and not
to be trusted.
The solons talked among themselves and spake thusly, "Let us
build ourselves powerful fleets 'and
many metal monsters and flying
birds so that we can stop this madman Adolf or the wiley Japs or the
sinister Joe."
When the people of the nation
heard these words they were heartened and did applaud the solons,
except a few who were named Fifth
Columnists and who were liken unto
rats and colored Red.
And to pay for fleets and tanks
and flying birds the solons did levy
We missed the first Union hop a heavy tax on the vices of the
as well as the first open house but people, and they set July 1 for the
Bert Greenwood of West Frankfort day to begin collecting these taxes.
Eck-duh- L



L. H. Dennis .


Joins Marines

It would have taken more than Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi
intermitent showers to throw a wet will be held at 3 o'clock Friday, July
blanket on the supper and reception 5, in Room 131 of the Education

held Tuesday in the Union for Summer Sessio rusts. The band moved
inside and the party went right On.
Alpha and Omega
And among the near-50that filed down the cafeteria line
was Mildred Summerville, who, as
a freshman in 1917, heard President
McVey give his first convocation
speech "Chapel talks" they called
tliem then and, as a graduate student this year, heard him make his
farewell address.
We learned a number of things
from our conversation with Miss
Summerville. who is now principal
of Marion high school. She didn't
pay much attention to that first talk.
"Freshmen don't do such things,"
she said. But she listened closely
to the last and liked it
Housed again in Patterson hall
where she lived during her undergraduate days, she says that the
greatest change on the campus seems
to her to be its appearance with
all the new buildings springing up.
There was a war going on in 1917,
too. Miss Summerville says that the
tension among the students seems
less to her now and then.
This summer she is enrolled in
the College of Education and is tak
in)! work toward her master's degree. She received her A.B. degree
in the College of Arts and Sciences
with a major in English.
Nurse Commutes
Another person whom we talked
tu at the reception was Mrs. Martha Stewart, who commutes every
day from Winchester to attend a
class in psychology. While she is
working toward her A.B. degree,
she is carrying on her regular duties
as public health nurse in Clark
county. Mrs. Stewart, who received
her nurse's training at Riverside
hospital, Paducah, has been. enrolled
in three Summer Sessions and frequently attends lectures and entertainments at the University. She was
at the Union party with her nephew. Kernel Editor Andrew


will have their
second opportunity to see nationally
prominent swimmers in action here
when the Lakeside Club troupe of
Louisville and assorted guest stars
present a free swim carnival at 7:30
o'clock tonight in the Castlewood

June Graduate

Kappa Delta Pi
Will Meet
A business meeting




Pool Tonight




Informal social dancing will be of- fered from 7 until 8 o'clock each
Monday and Wednesday night in the
Women's gym as an extra activity
of the recreational program under
the supervision of Wilda Knight
The dancing period, which is the
result of popular request
ill be
open to all Summer Sessionists. Mrs.
Knight stated, but is primarily a
practice period for those enrolled in
the course of social dancing. Am- plified recording, which will furnish
the music, have been made possible
by Marjorie Hall, instructor of the
regular class.
Also to meet the request of a num- ber of students, a class in formal)
gymnastics has been added to the
recreational program. It will meet
from 2 until 3 p. m. in the Gym annex and will be under the direction
of Prof. M. E. Potter, head of the
department of physical education,
and William New. physical education
instructor at Male high school, Louis
The time and place fur the swimming class has been announced as
from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. on Fridays
at Castlewood pool. Members of the
class are to meet at the gym annex
promptly at 1:30. Mrs. Knight said;
and transportation to the pool will
be furnished.
The class will be under the direction of Miss Helen Robbins and Mr.









Following is a list itt extraplamiett
for the coming week:
Bluegrass tour.
Starts at Alumni gym.
Phi Delta Kappa meeting.
12:30 o'clock. Football room
of Student Union meeting.
Student Union open hon.se.
7:30 o'clock.
Holiday Classes cli.siiii.sM-i)- .
Kappa Delta Pi business
o'clock. Room 131. EdiKiif I'.n
Dunce and bridge party 9
to 12 o'clock. Student union
Vesper services.
Memorial hall amphitheater
Tuesday, July 9
Student union open house
d m.

curricular activities











v.-- -







Q,r' oirt Kor


Activ ities Listed

"Raf-inesq- ue



Son Takes Father's Name
So lCs Jesse SR. Now

Biologist To Address
Phi Delta Kappa

No Classes
On Thursday


Students Will Assemble
At Gym For Annual Trip
To See Farms, Horses

Thomas Poe Cooper Becomes SWIM FEATURE
Acting President Of University FEMININE STARS
Show To Be Held
While He Is In Washington
At Castlewood

On Friday

Patricia Hamilton


2. 1910

kaeffirass Tour Planned
New Head Expected
To Be Back
On Campus Today

Out Every Tuesday



Jesse E. Adams Jr.
Jesse Jr., a student at University
high, lelt Sunday night for eight


� Tuesdav, Julv


Page Two

Excerpls From The
To Stage
Declaration Of Independence
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary
for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers
cf the earth, the separate and equal stations which the Laws
of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect
to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare
the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be
that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty,
and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights,
governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
towers from the consent of the governed. That whenever
any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established
should not be changed for light and transient causes; and
accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are
more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to
right themselves by abolishing the form to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design
to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right,
it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome
and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate
and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation
till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended,
he has utterly neglected to attend to them
He has affected to render the Military independent of and
hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out
their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace. Standing Armies
without the Consent of our legislature.
He has affected to render the Filitary independent of and
sujerior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constftution, and unacknowledged by our
laws ; giving his Assent to their acts of pretended legislation :
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: ...
For imposing taxes on us without our Consent : . . . .
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most Valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our
In every state of these Opression We have Petitioned
for Redress' in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince,
whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People.
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British
brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration andsettlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have
conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow
these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the
voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore,
acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation,
and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in
War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States
America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to
the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the pood
People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That
these United Colonies, are,' and of Right ought to be Free
and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all
Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and
ought to be totally dissolved ; and that as Free and Independent States, they have the full power to levy War, conclude
Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do
all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of
right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with
a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and
our sacred Honor.

Water Carnival Tonight

JULY 17-2-0
Senator Crawford,
Spindletop Winner,








The outstanding feature of the
ylcond week of Cincinnati's 1940
season of summer opera is the first
appearance in this city of the most
celebrated of living tenors. Giovanni
Martuielli. This famous Metropolitan artist is scheduled to appear in
three operas this summer.
fiirst of these will be "Samson and
Delilah." on Tuesday and Friday.
July 9 and 12; he will sing the role
of Samson. Bruna Castagna. whose
luscious controlto was heard during the first week in "Aida." has
the part of Delilah. Other roles will
be sung by Nicola Moscona. Joseph
Rcyer. Lorenzo Alvari. Lodovjco
Oliviero and Wilfred Engelman. The
conductor will be Wilfrid Pelletier.
making his first appearance of the
o)era cf the week is
Verdi's "Rigoletto." always a prime
favorite with summer audiences
Lat season's .sucussful cast will be
irtually duplicated this season:
Lucille Meusel. petite coloratura soprano, in the role of Gilda; Jan
Peerce. golden-voitRadio City
Music Hall tenor, as the Duke;
Robert Weede. also from the Music
Hall, as Rigoletto. The opera will
be repeated Thursday July 11.
Puccini's violent romantic tragedy.
"Tosca." will be heard Wednesday
Mid Saturday July 10 and 13. Pre- ti'Med several times in recent sea- koi:s. its popularity
has mounted
teadJv toward the level of the


other familiar Puccini operas. An
unusually attractive romantic team
will be introduced: a.s Tosca. Carolina Segrera. one of the most beautiful young artist now on the operatic stage; and as Mario. Armand
Tokatyan. well known to Cincinnati
audiences for his past performances
ol this role. The somber role of
Scarpia. a masterly characterisation
in the dramatic a.s well as in the
operatic sense, has been assigned to
Angelo Pilotto. who has already essayed the part here successfully on
mere than one occasion.
Fausto Cleva will condjict "Rigo
let to" and "Toca."
Reservations for these performan
ces may be made at the Opera
effices at 8th and Walnut, Cincinnati, or at the following locations:
Hast and Amen, Heaton-Store, Columbus, Ohio; Martens
Concerts Inc.. S3 Monument Circle, phone Lincoln 8921, Indian- polls. Ind., Hamilton Music Store.
phone 1765, Hamilton. Ohio; Urban
Schnurr. 114 N. Main St., Dayton.
Ohio. Reserved seats range from
75 cents to $2 00; boxes $2.50. General admission tickets, purchasable
the night of the performance at the



Garden alter

'7:15 P. M.



and 50 cents Exchange tickets may
be purchased in groups of 11 for the
price of 10; these boock range from
.S7.E0 to $20.00.
Admission to the
Zoo Garden is included in the price
of all tickets. Performances begin
at 8:15 P. M.
Key We.--t. Kla.. has an elevation
of only II feet above the level of
the sea.




