xt72jm23bw4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23bw4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1948 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 19, 1948 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 19, 1948 1948 1948 2012 true xt72jm23bw4x section xt72jm23bw4x ` ·A~"*i A. '
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Volume XVIX FEBRUARY, 1948 Number 1

 Kemucky Alumni Ufho Haw Einwcrf Their “L” Fw L0y¢ZZ¢y {QUAR
. I The November issue of the Kentucky Alumnus carried the announcement that the ___
Alumni Association was initiating an annual giving program, with which to establish ,
. 1 scholarships for worthy Kentucky boys and girls.  
_ This campaign, now being conducted by a committee of alumni, headed by John Bullock, . l
_ · ., ’28, of Cincinnati, is just getting under way and is being handled entirely by the committee, ,
with no expense to the association. Jomll
_ Checks should be made payable to the University of Kentucky Loyalty Fund, and are plum]
being endorsed over to the Kentucky Research Foundation, a non-profit organization of
University faculty and alumni, established for the purpose of accepting gifts to worthwhile A fguy
. , University projects. These gifts are deductible from the income tax returns of contributors. ip, total
` Y the
Z J . . . AND YOU! Wally F
.` ; ations w
om org:
i; 1 John R. Bullock ........,........,.......... 603 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio cky alu
  ` James S. Shropshire ........................____._,____.___, _ __.______ Rgutg No 4, Loxington, Ky ;1,];;r¥,’,;
  Smith D. Broadbent, Jr ....i.........s..______.__.._______ _ ________ _ _________,,___,______ Cgbb, Kontnoky · The sci
  , Mrs. John N. Browning ..................__._,___.________ ___Edgonqont Road, Moysvmo, Ky_ ixgtefr
  L. G. L. Tl'101T13S .............................,.__ _ ____ Ecgngrny PumpS_, Incq Hamilton, Qhjg isis Oils
.· 2 `t
¤ Class of. 1915 Scholarship Fund, Mrs. John S. Chambers, ,2521;.31
¢ Secretary .............................................. Russell Cave Pike, Lexington, Ky. ty Kent
, Judge Richard C. Stoll ............ Suite 602, Bank of Commerce, Lexington, Ky.  
  · D. D. Slade .................................................... 1014 Richmond Road, Lexington, Ky. incipal,
  Gene Bryant .................................................. 728 Bullock Avenue, Lexington, Ky. ,a;;?§,,
  E. V. Murphree ........................................ 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. ¤‘¤—9f—St¤
John E. Brown .................................................................................. Shelbyville, Ky. gsgy al
Alexander Bonnyman ...................... Blue Diamond Coal Co., Knoxville, Tenn. Agofgi
W. H. Dysard, Dysard and Dysard, Attorneys .......,...,.......,.......... Ashland, Ky. id yUn§
N. T. McKee ................ i ...................................... 6 0 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Egg? do
e re
J. B. Hutson ...................................................... 1424 K. Street, Washington, D. C. 0, and 1
' Mrs. F. L. Adams ................................................ 3014 Angeles St., Tampa, Florida Qiazigkv
M. S. Smith ........................................................ 60 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. niversit
W. T. Woodson ................................ 122 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois iggigu
R. O. McGary ...................................... 2015 Dilworth Rd. East, Charlotte 3, N. C. *9 first
(Continued on Inside Back Cover) igifgcg
iom 124
I ? Kenti
‘·‘*"-’*"' lCky, be
  ° i   i

 Z /2e Kmtzmlay H/ummm
-»* .
the  __.  ~ —
blish .   .»
. •   r
I k Xnnual Founders Celebration Held On Feb. 22-23  
loc , a__A.?._-.?.;___.._._?.. —
iiiooi • • • In view of the fact that February Qi
lommatlons Now ln Order for 22, me ,2,,,.2 gf the U,,i,aat2·s u
• ° • founding, fell on Sunday this year,
i are llumm Scholarshl Candidates _
nn Of 3 two day pI`OgI`3H'l of events WSS
. l d f th f ·th nual
Wh1l€ A four year, all—expense scholar- papers will then be forwarded di- §0z;1;;i;rS D21; eeiezraggg begining
utors. ip, totaling $2,800, has been set up rect to the student, and a personal _ h dd b d ast ’tO alumni
r the University of Kentucky interview will be arranged. Wit gt   10 WEESC L _ ine at
- · - · Y , OUISV ,
YOU luoirsiFAS§o¤i¤tioottth1‘o¤§h its Ky. High school principals are 'igégro aa gn Sunday and closing
JY? Y UH Commi ooi all lloml‘ asked not to lnake nominations for _` ` - " _ '
itions will be accepted from indi- this scholarship until a formal re- with 8 °°nV°°at1°n Monday mor? `
dual alumni of the University, quest for suen is made te theni by mg, Fébfuafy 23 at ten 8- mw m
om organized University of Ken- University effieieis Memorial Hall. (All times quoted 4 __
cky alumni clubs throughout the arg Central Standard.)  
“l’;'°lig_"‘}‘;‘l filolii i°l"“"li°alS Of Ken- T R B _ Chancellor Raymond lt. Paty, At- .
cy lg SC°°S‘ lt G h il fth Uniersity ·-
— The scholarship, to be awarded ° °     an a` aii Ea P 8 V ‘
·fore the beoinning of the fall System of G€Org]a’ was the con-
‘ _ ’ r i ‘ d . H` -
mester, will be granted on tna ASSH.   R€C()l”dS location speaker   Igloo ay vic;
isis of scholastic ability, character, subject dea t W1 e set
nseneiityy extie eun.iet,iei. active Several lwceks 'ago, Dr. Ts R. and future of a state universi y.
es end needy end Win be nnen te Bryant, assistant director of agrltcul- The radio pi-Cgi-am Sunday morn-
ly Kentucky high eennei graduate tural extension tat the Unlversltys ing, which Opened tha two-day
nnineted by en einmni eine, en Experiment Station, and a graduate Celebration, included a drama-
dividnei einmnue Or e high Seheei of the University in the class of 1908, tizod broadcast of the writing of
ineinei, ei, tn any nigh Seneei sent a number of valuable alumni ¤·On’ On, U_ of K_" by Prof, C,  
ednete in the eennny who may records to the offices of the assocla- Larnpgrty emeritus head of the Uni- ..
i nominated and snenseied by an tioli versity’s department of music; and
it-ef-state aluiyini Club er a Uni- The gift consists of the annual re- Troy Perkins, ’25, now   S. Consul
grsity alumnus living in same einer ports of the association in the early in Nanking, China. Music, and talks
ate. days of its organization, and early by Alumni President LeRoy Miles,
Aeeeiding te requirements as set issues of the Kentucky Alumnus. ’28, of Lexington, and other promi-
9 by the joint committee of alumni The Alumni Association is deeply 11611*2 alumni-
id University officials, the re- grateful to Professor Bryant for the Sunday afternoon the University
pient of the scholarship will be gift, and urges any other alumnus Wonnen’s (flee Club presented a
iquirod to maintain a standing of having similar material to send it in rnusicale, in Memorial Hall, under
0, ·and if he or she falls below that to the office for safe-keeping. the direction of Miss Mildred Lewis,
zerage, the scholarship may be Di; A_ M_ peter, iso, first niesi- which program was broadcast
ithdrawn at the discretion of the dent of the Alumni Association has 0V€i` Le>om 124 Student Union, University alumni. The convocation, Monday morning
F Kentucky, Lexington, 29, Ken- —;-—-i—-— at ten dclock, completed the
”"""’/lCky, lJ€ilO1‘C Ap1‘il l. Application GIVE GENEROUSLY! FOu¤d€l`Sl C€l€bI`Z-1tiOl'i.
.—-·-—-’ _ _._
* .

 · Warren C0unty—J. Preston Cl1crry-» ~ ' U
The K C I1tU C k y A I U m n U S Bowling Green, Ky. Th°Y Mad€_ It P"°s‘bl" _ M `
1  __é.._; Ci11"°**=Di>< Pk
University, at ~Lexingt0n. Subscription Navy York, N- Y·_Du“Ca“ $t0k•35—-500 GPDQGTGTLCGS (1 happy, evthusie Groups
to non-members, $1. Membership (Type Flfth AV€¤\1€. N· Y· Spiylt Tclmils amml all ll  
A) in the Association includes subscrip- Washington. D_ C_,.RuSs€]; C0x_1-yo N_ p _ g  
tion to the Alumnus. Uhle St., Arlington, Virginia present. Twelve ‘
. .  Detroit, Micl1.—Hem·y J. Beam—331 AS the other Students Tuul. qecial 1‘€\
Entered as Qecoml Class Matter at the Larchlea Drw€’ B“`“““g"a“‘· Mich` · ‘ `ff th iT} K l# H T! -Kentucl
I Post orrice :1} Leximlitoxxy Ky., May 22. Cl€v€lEmd' °hi¤—G=·S*¤¤ M°K°‘*1·H843 Umy ft mg a le emucm Al   ·
  ms, under the act Or Mm-ch   mo. Fake Av?¤¤€· C1<·=v··¤*=¤¤d· Ohm- Mus, a quarterly publislwd we Dlx P
<     P1{,Q}§$§;§°g,`*§0a§allE,Ei;§;°yPa_H°dg°S_u4 Alumni Association, has p1·i11te;°'-bythe
{ Helen G. King .........,.........,.............................. Editor memorial edition dedicated to perl 1892,
I · G. Lee licqniu ,....,........ I ....... Mz11m$e1· liclltor OFFICE SECRETARY luho gave their lives in Wolld Wl}; [End ’14;
l Mzugueute A[CL.ll|§llllll..A$SOCl2\.t€ E(1tOl J€.£l;;l?rl;llOnGll$;l€s_ 372 Woodland Avcq in Olde?. that Others molly haw Howevel
__ ' ` right and privilege to obtain vdude the
ExEcuT1vE c0M1vu;·TEEF t l I J J K t k_ tion. in a free country. ns for
V LeRoy Miles, Presi ent- irs Na icma cssc ones gn ug {gn · · . . .
Bank Bldg., LEXiI`lgt0[1, Ky, JQSSC H Jones ,07lC of the natiullls Tile I-]TUr'U€T$7·ty oif KCt7Lt1lCl\l] onejs •()] d
Mrs. John N. Browning. Vice-President- '_ _ ’ ' ' (L °`€CO"d 0]: the S€‘l"U1C€s um ihc (lfohlblt
HE;dg€"(";°“;{Bd·· 1;l’Ia5`SV;¥l€- gy- l 89 9"“at(’$t J‘m“"c*€7`$ who $€"U€’d US forces 0f her sons and daughtcrsasses f1‘0
. , X ` l` '·— ' · , . ' '_ . _ .
gliglptcll éggltl L;$§llg%ll_ gg; 3 ° Chawman of th? Rccollsmucllon FT now has printed the record of ,21eb1‘at101
James S. Shropshire, T1;easurer—-Royaster nance COTPOTGUOW with high dis` men and women who w€7'c imct, fO1‘
l BR;¤dél1?·R· N°· 4·L<‘>><1¤€f9¤·KY· l tinction during wartime and who Sewica leetlllgs
. . 11ve1y—U.K. Athletic Dept. (Tenn . th b. t S) t ll ’_
. ; expires 1948) was m 9 ca me GS. ¢€"€ My of There are 332 gold stars. Tnterest xr
Q I-l.pEésl’z;ll1g;l¢:;re—F1·ank[crt, Ky. (Term ex- C01”m119Tce uvider President ROOSC- names Shall nevlw be foygotl More form
; ’ mm Wn,. B1am-pmS, Kentucky ¤d$b¤¤`S· Ky· to Texas. Jesse Jones followed in a Source Materials in Higher Educahethel. O
n Marsmll Bam°S4BEaV€r Dam' Ky' later day and in finance, the oil busi- to compile the facts about the scrilly schel
. — , d women student "
CLUB PRESIDENTS ness and the development of Hous of the men an We hav
, Boyd COlmty_T0m PhlppS__Call€HSblll.gr ton, achieved fortune and influence. the University in World Wqr Illlmlon Sl
C‘T§iLL`i{"‘3‘m G H Me, Pm., He COM fm   hem   to E*“°gy “"°“” “°“‘ "°“""g "1¤ h¤pe
mn, Ky_ contribute much to other boys who $$0*168, Plflmlyltddl of ih? Semflkc this
Ch1ig§tlHl;{ C0unty—Jessc Keith—H0pkins- have gyeat futuyes but ynust face Ob- these '7l”I.C7'L. It 1S (1. Splendid TCCOme has
V] €· y· . · ·- rmtriotism and heroism whose ' .
Daviess _C0unty—Miltr¤d<=h¤g’
Bldg., Owensboro. Ky. ship fund to the University of Ken- outline causes a profoun sevpllle Yami
IiéggfggggonC?(Li{1*>,W11w¤·;, A. Taylor- mcky in Oydey that boys Of {fhg type of how deeply another gcncratwlell, class
J€f[€I`SOIl—-S3lTl.]\/12111]}..III——l0()9 1·—B¤¤ L€R¤y—1502 cum what M7- (md MTS. Jones have ··“—}·*"' C°1‘ J'
Broadway, Paducah, Ky. l ‘ _ _ Elltlll Copies VQ., Lexi}
Muhlenberg COul~lty_Ru$S€u O·N€a],_ dO1l(€ HL (L QGTLQTOILS (Mid bClll’}‘lC1(lI of lhc lvlcmollial .
Greenville, Ky. qifn Alumnus NOW Mrs. P.
l Nil)s\c$1g'l(g£ll¤1tl-..,Be1n1s S2lllllI€lS7*·Bl·l]·(]S· __LC:lli,llglOll Herald} Jalll 12) 1948 Available at $1.00 Each1I`SltP18C

ssible .  
, - ~ if
_igi,iit;;l`welve Classes Scheduled for June Reunions -.
md ZfT0ll1ADiX Plan Indicates i e i i_ F   iei`_"`iT`i;i” ”?”e_; °,
esti l*LS lGrenee ie Reunite Jesse Jones, Wife, Give UK ~T
Twelve classes are scheduled for • -
Totumiiecial reunions at the University         i
tucltu All Kentucky this year, acording to _ t t t i _ i
mi ure Dix nee, adopted eeme years A eeF>r°°°_ eeeeiereeie fund fer siisiiy °“s_ s “‘is“ °‘ s issiiiss
S pmmio by the Aiumni Association They University of Kentucky students in ee eee Yeei-· I _`
t d t ie: 1892, ,93, ,94, and ,95; ioii, ,12, agriculture and home economics, es- Commenting on receipt of the  
Ve ld°vi;i and ,i4_ 1930, ,31 ,32 and ,33. tablished by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. gift, President H. L. Donovan said, iii —`
OT} ih   th_ ii Ci t Jones of Houston, Tex., has been ac- "We are deeply grateful to Mr. and  
;i; we dowfiyelii Jin? agi Seeij ig? rggii cepted by the executive committee Mrs. Jones for this magnificent gift   T
am Mase fore Eigsses gceiebliltizng miie of the Board of Trustees. of $50,000 for scholarships for agri- -i
r · - _ . . _ I _ ,   a h ‘ · .:>.
eqrmqrlql ones or anniversaries, and does not The 13ig€St· gilt the Unix eisity euh Liié Eiid Oifle economies ·ThQ$Q  
te.r»r.· rrrohihit irrriirierei members er ieee ever reeeived fer eeneiereinner is °si°s iss Wiii iis s eieeeiee i° ‘
augliticrr-asses from returning for the June the awards were Qstablished by the mimy Kentucky bsys and girls who
~ortloy`;e1ebi—etion. The main reason in Tenee iineneier end nie Wife fer "’iiiiDii“i this eeeeeeeee Wiiiiiii, iis _
were thee, rei- scheduling special eieee eeve end eide Wee eneeei ie melee Eiis Q.i° siiisifi °°ii"s°· ii is s e
tastings is to crouio more goiioriii agriculture and home economics iiie t mg fer ML Jeneer Who Spent
tars "Titerest yin reunions and to bring their careers and who would net ee ms early boyhood in K€ntuCky’ to
terger, trore former Student; and graduates eeie ie eeeere e eeiieee eddeeiien i`si“siii‘°si` iiis i°'s°i’is ef iiiis sisis-
,,, Yet ack to the Campus during the most without assistance from these funds. The UmV€‘i`SitY is grateful to him
" ‘ is . . . . and Mrs. Jones."
record, gieautiful month of the year in Ken- Fmmei U· S· _S€Ci€taiy ef Com'
S and sucky. mercei and chairman of the Recon- —;—————
i iheiiu . V _ ._ struction Finance Corporation, Mr. ’ i
imc SacTisTll€ Dix Plain _m3dC imp fO1_um Jones lived in Logan county, Ken-         i
-rsity alumni groups all ovei the . . 9
eeeeees ·    ee     eeee   “‘;‘L’ “`   T§“i’ i’°r?i§°°"r;· il Military Surgeons    
’ imdels schedule the fact that when a G agucu ure Sc Oars ips W1 it ·
site ef iass rerreieh is pieerree on the basis gehkinevrin ee iinii geese iid- iiienee Cui Edgar Erskine Hume ,30 J
il W uwif five, ten, or fifteen-year anniver- C O ere ips}, en eee Oi` Ome . ` ’ i ne`
mimes airy Schedules, it automatically economics as the "Mary Gibbs Jones tive ef FI`imkf0Ft, lies b€€¤ unam-
;e part lrriugs book to tho campus groups Scholarshipsfi according to Houston mously elected Piesident ef the A$·
es. Therrhicli hart, boon Soporotod by five, Endowment, Inc., through which the s°°isti9¤ ef Military Surgeons of
names. in or iiftooii yoor intervals os gift was obtained. Recipients of the the United States- it
Q dam l;·udorits_ Tlic Dix plori briugs boolt scholarships will be chosen under The Army Officer was chosen No-
accomvllre classes which were ih school the direeiien ei the University and \’e¤ibei‘ 15 et ei meeting of the asso-
llis, whdgothoi-i Suoli os tho tibovo indi- only Kentucky boys and girls will be ciaticn in Boston. The organization is
·sity of lit€S_ eligible. Funds will be available at the oldest S€1`V1C€ association in the
de Weilree Aroma office staff wishes to the rele ei es»°°° e veer fer tee Usiied sietes eed ite inerneerenie
lis; Dt_;npi_€SS On You however that ii years, with not more than $500 going iiieludee Officers 0f the Army, Air
view eiiiiiwish to iiavii 3 Siieciiii ieuiiiuii   Ferce, Navy, U. S. Public Health
atc to asl; your Class this yosr, Wo will bo Miss Mary L. Didlake, 248 Market iiigéiil getegensd Administration,
he biimilad to handle arrangements for you, Ste Lexmgteiih 1895 um ee Army_R€S€rV€·
hel` Ediwhether or not the meeting is regu- Ernest L. Becker, 7 W. Front St., Celimel Hume was the f11`St K€¤—
itt the s€l.rly soboduloot Cincinnati, Ou 1911 ii-icklall to hold an honorary doe-
N Smi;h'We have compiled a list of class Dr. W. S. Taylor, 112. Cherokee Sigh? from th; ‘?'°r?°ni°€ m P‘ifiri$>
Wy ireunion secretaries from our files, Park, Lexington, 1912 i A dls 3 Hgegiiel O the American
mmmg fld hope that these secretaries will Di-_ Jolln S_ Cbomborsi Russell ca Gmy 9 I S end $ci€n°€S·
me s‘”i"i.kc this as official notice that the Cave pike, Lexington, 1913 The “i‘t“’€ Keiitiickieiii served in
'ldld Tccome has come for them to start E T Proctor Westview AVG but}? World Weis and has many
Vt ’U7hO$ei)r0ddi¤gv» their classmates about Nasiivilig Tenn. ’l914 'i Y`l11llt31`y Cl€CO1`3lilOl'1S. H€·S€l`V€d in
imd Smiiine i·eunions. The secretaries and i _’ _ the Eui`OPeen‘NOi`th Afi`1€3¤ thea-
g€”Ciiim_°'.eir classes, are as follows: 19§gi`S· A· E- Smiuii Wineiieeier. KY·· ter during the recent war, ‘
risc 0 CIV ‘ _ _ ·   ,
;frjiiC·;—9;>eW¤ii¤e» R R- i» Nee- Mr-e. Reier r. rvrerirewe, as rrerer-
'erald. lil V Ei dence Rd. Chester Pa. 1931 THE L
, . e * i OYALTY F N
__,, Col. J. R. Johnson, 127 Central Julio Blood, (lol Stratton, Logani U D IS
,ios ve., Lexington, 1893 W_ Vaq 1932 YOUR CHANCE
Uriiu Mrs. P. E. Kesheimer, 261 Lynd- Mrs. John B. Tyler, Laurel Lane, T0 REPAY ALMA M_ATERl
{Sir Euchirst Plooo, Loxiugtoui 1894 Lookout Mt., Tennessee, 1933

   l T L tC d() R dA 1947H °  
, A 3l’g€S l'0W Il €C01‘ li 0Ill€COHllllg Alum
A 2 Game, Tea, Dance, __  AA__A .. .q,,   _ ,_     ____A  AA  A _  
, Feature Events t—  VA -    A   ;V` _,VV_W__A__ A TA ._     gilbert
_   A record number of loyal Ken- A-ea;     ·'··V r ·—         .. ,...   wg  ___  
V   tucky alumni came back to the cam-   ·
l ‘‘’`· ~ —       tj _     AAA-;   A, .. ,»>·_   8 Ch1‘1
, pus on November 22 for Athe Ken-   A A .     AA  A V_V__ · ,    
A A tucky-Tennessee homecoming game, , » — iiA%_q_Ai, A       .A    _`%·    bgram
~ ·i ehtt etthehgh. they tetteh te eee their   ;   ·     — ·t°“e     . ill  Umm
_ g Wildcats bring home the bacon, 6,, _,_, ____       A·   -L_-»..a:,»,   ·,··   am N
t E many of them stayed in Lexington A " - ttl   Al ’.'“  -‘  dent
A   for the post-game festivities. V A ' if A ,_ ,   ~   ,_» z·      E first O
V Registration of all returning       itt- ·   `     C g     . ~ _  
` alumni, held in the lobbies of the Ale A Q et Lg AA CC        _AI1?;;\;;;
. ~ Lafayette, Phoenix and Kentuckian     A · ig" ;-  el-;_;.¥°`,_ ,’   "AA, . »  _  1 assoc,
hotels Saturday morning, from tent   A   ___`   i . gg "'   ''`_     i vving hi
to 12 dclock, officially opened the   , ,   ‘-ifzvéé       [ .``'  Qtficky-Cin
homecoming program, In charge of  A, *   AAA     A      ,i§:i0WnA
_ the registration booths were: R. H. 4C'         ‘_ I   ·   -A=AAA   A     r‘,. l· ‘  
A Hillenmeyer, ’43, of Cincinnati and   *` A il   ' °       A‘·AA,,;tA> · r A. =l A x  dstowj
, , J. S. Shropshire, ’29, of Lexington; {  °•   A ., ·.  `  ‘ f éeting 1,
' I , Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, ’29, Mrs. John   4C   ·`_,_,_ _ V l A VA `  I- HA an
  ; . R. Evans, ’40, and Bruce Davis, ’36, ··     C A _;     _. ‘ · _      
Y . C all of Lexington; and Grover H. A   ,i   A» ·· ,V.- ,   .__`     _.,,, ·  
I A Creech, '20, ofA Louisville and Miss C iq e.t'   CA   3   `°’‘‘· ·—:;l, ..:._,` "   T A.  
{ : ~ Margie McLaughlin, ’O3, of Lex-     Q   — .    ._._.,,; A .· `~=`V_ A   [   QA    
I ¥ C ington.   t   C C e ·      i  .,:2}% 
AZ i President and Mrs. H. L. Donovan C ` C  i ff
Af i entertained returning alumni and ,   .A .,.. .   ____V       .,   `   __,, 5 A A A A _‘  A
¤ » lrlmls at ¤ r€¤€¤ll¤¤ al Maxwell   ·‘`.         J       i ‘ JQ   
L C Place, following the game, and all A     g"’ \A_A.;= ._,.           i   V   it    ‘
3 organized house groups held infor-   A·           J "   ,A   AA
A ; mal open house, including the resi-   -»   CC     _C -‘e`   C jCC ;   , fj  
Q - dents of Patterson, Boyd and Jewell , '   ,     _A V    i J  ,
A t Brightly decorated lawn displays ‘   A   A     g i    ‘ ie AT  _ A __ 
` ‘ at fraternity, sorority and residence “ l   r Q', ` ,,     _     I V A;,A
Y units added to the color of the oc-    — qA`~»_ t  / C   e,Ai ·t ' ,_T .  gg?.  Q —C "
LA; - casion, with Delta Tau Delta win- ‘ A   [Ae" `Q L        
Q * · ning the Su-Ky trophy for the best       A to ‘•@   AW ’’‘‘‘»    
‘{ ` fraternity decoration, and Zeta Tau  if   A   _ A; L A A. A. _ eg  A'
L Alpha carrying off winning honors t `    teag r V_»”   , ¤ V hi A   · ‘·
j among the sororities.  gw   C   ti ,,.,, e , ` ' t . " it   V'._ ,
, A live Wildcat, the first seen on       Z C A -   -    
Stoll Field for many years, added to     ‘ § gt »  C ' C      
the excitement of the occasion, and     CC  hg, t   '_   _ § C  
C Kas brought to the campus by Glenn ‘   T     A A   ,  _    
‘ . Denham, ’46, of Wi liamsburg,  5:,,  , ‘~·....,.,..· ..__   _       
University alumnus. ,   `   °l;.,  2 ,‘  
Finale to the day-long program of '   . ) ' { . titty     
· events was a homecoming reception . At , ·      {  
A and dance given by the Alumni As- (   ,V_.   A · V, .    ii;  
sociation from 8:30 to 12:00 that eve- Ct "’  _;—  »»~V " it   _C       C  
· ning in the ballroom of the Lafayette   V ` __ »..,_ ». it A ’ I    » it     
’ . l I 7,  
iggg $8itgggavsh£)€i)(;r?h;r§;;;;lSi;;j AThe Alumni Association entertained alumni and former studenttif C___,   _
Lexington for the homecoming game, at an informal get-together and tit 
- 1_——;T_—_— Saturday Hight, N0V€mb€P 22, ill the. ballroom of the Lafayetbe hotel.  Pygsj
‘ Di'- _S¤m W¤¤‘1‘¢¤. ’36, f0l‘m€1‘ly of top picture shows a view of thc crowd from the orchestra platform,  b
. Nashville, Tenn., has established of- below, foreground, Marshall Barnes, (right,) of Beaver Dam, and J¤1lt.'·"* ’ y
flces in Lexington, Ky., for the prac-. Sidney B. Neal, (center,) of Owensboro, both of the class of ’24, zi~=MrS` C16]
,· tice of internal medicine. J. J. Jordan of Louisa. Standing
F- ,
i‘i•_.,· ·», .... . ..,... .,..3;, ..,., ..  . ~ I `

=/'*" ii . "Andy" Anderson is  
Hg Alumm Groups Meet In West city Commissioner  
fgj _ _ M_ J, ··Andy·· Anderson. former I?
{ O . _ i
  Bardstown, Loulsvllle University of Kentucky student,  
il   in Louisville, Bardstown vice president of the University, ad- ctiptain and Stellar player On the it
  ·   West Liberty held meetings be- dressed the group. H. D. Palmore, 14, FM1d?at basketball t°?am· new an  
._;;.jg.:¢ii _=o`i   e Christmas, for the purpose of of Frankfort, showed pictures of the msmance salesman In L?Xmgt°n· ·
  _’‘= jj,  inging the President’s legislative Kentucky-Michigan State football hss been electfsd to the City COm‘ .
   ?0gI`8m to HU fOI"ITl€1` students of game and the Ky_-Long [gland Um- In1SS10¤ of Lexlngton for a two-year U
  University. versity basketball game which was tcifn N _ j. _
    Manly III, of Louisville, played last spring in Madison Square Andre as he ls known to th°us‘   Y.
  of that group, presided at Garden. High school students were ands Of Kentucky alumm and fm"   `
      first of the three group meetings guests. mer students, has not altogether  
   i November 28, and LeRoy Miles, J. Blaine Nickell, ’23, attorney of abandvned his first 10V€» basketbnu-  
  Lexington, president of the gen- West Liberty, organized the meeting H9 is _nOW coach Of the Latin High L,
    association was the speaker. Fol- in that city, which was held at 5:45 tsnm in Lexington, `snd has ·Tnn1n·  
  ,_j ‘ wing his talk pictures of the Ken- p. m. on December 17 in conjunction tamed In constant interest in tn€ .;
  [tticky-Cincinnati football game were with the weekly meeting of the D1`0m0U0¤ of Sports PYf>€1"3n‘1;S f01`
  1,V-Ysljiown. Kiwanis Club. Dr. Maurice F. Seay, the yeuth of Lexmetoni Since his un- ,
- r_ ]g§Bemis Samuels, president of the University dean and registrar ad· d€1`gI`3dU3t€ days. h ..
.  Q`@§rdstown alumni presided at the dressed the group, and football films Mrs. Anderson 1S the former _
g Qeeting held in that city on Decem- were shown to the group at the con- Nancy Costello of COV1ng’f0n, 3150 3
._   11, and Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, clusion of the meeting. former University student.
i' is`.: °
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hotel}   President and Mrs. H. L. Donovan, were assisted in receiving at the homecoming tea, following the Ky.—Tenn.
ltfefmiiggme, by (from left to right), Governor and Mrs