xt72jm23bv99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23bv99/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1915-09-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1915 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1915 1915 1915-09-16 2012 true xt72jm23bv99 section xt72jm23bv99 Best Copy Available





State University of Kentucky




University Begins Year
With Bright Prospects
More Than 900 Matriculate on First Two Days of School
and Many More are Expected Before End of
Whn the doors of Buell Armory
were formally thrown open Monday
morning for the beginning of the
annual session of the
University, a large crowd was waiting
to matriculate, and It was after 6
o'clock Tuesday night before the registration ceased. A total of 918 were
registered in the two days and this
number is expected to be considerably
augmented before the end of the


forty-sevent- h


The matriculation was carried on
very systematically, very little trou-"bl- e
being experienced by the students. After matriculation, the students were able to find out about
their courses, classes, et cetera, from
the representatives of the various
who were "'seated around the
Various changes have been made in
several departments, both in courses
and faculty. The College of Agriculture has added courses in vegetable
gardening and in floriculture.
greenhouses and gardens at the Experiment Station will be used by the
students this year more than ever before. Two additions have been made
to the faculty of this college. N. R.
Elliot, from Ohio State University,
takes the position made vacant by the
resignation or Fred Hofman, who accepted a position with the Bureau of
Markets Department, of Washington,
D. C, and Dr. Philip L. Blumenthal,
graduate of this University and of
Yale, has accepted a position as chemist at the Experiment Station.
Candidates for degrees in this department who have not done practical
farming work, will be required to
work on the farm at least two summers before they can graduate.
The College of Law has added a requirement for entrance that all stuyears of age
dents under twenty-onmust have one year of university
work. In this department two additions have been made to the faculty.
Reuben B. Ilutchcraft, Jr., graduate
of Transylvania College and of the
.Harvard Law School, will be instructor and George DuRelle, of Louisville,
will deliver a course of lectures on
"Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure."
In the Arts and Science College additions have been made in the Chemistry,, English and Journalism Departments. .1. R. Mitchell, of Westminister Collie; William H. Staebner,
embark College, and A. H. Waitt, of
havo been added to the Chemistry
went n8 professors of elementary
(Continued onPage 3)





Freshman Hair Not to be
Cut This Year, Is the
Faculty Rule


Beloved Wife of President
Emeritus Passes Away


antl-hazin- g


Blue and White Team Has
Best Prospects in Years
Strongest Preliminary Offerings Yet Made For Football
Work on New Barker Field Number of
Trying For the Team.




The many students of the University, members of the faculty, officers
of the administration,
friends and
acquaintances were grieved to hear
of the death of Mrs. Lucella W. PatOct. 2 Butler College, at Lex- terson, which occurred at her resilngton.
dence on the University campus last
9 Earlham
College , at
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. BronLexington.
chitis, contracted a few weeks ago,
Oct. 16 Mississippi A. & M.
was the cause of her death. Mrs. Pat
College, at Columbus, Miss.
terson is survived by her husband, Dr,
Oct. 23 University of the South
James K. Patterson, president emer
(Sewanee), at Lexington.
itus of State University, and by a
4 Oct. 30 University of Cincin- sister, Mrs. Lucy R. Yost, of Green
natl, at Lexington.
ville, Ky. She was 80 years old.
Nov. 6 University of Louisville,
The funeral services were held at
at Louisville.
the Patterson home on the University
Nov. 13 Purdue University, at
'.campus Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
the Rev. Edwin Muller, pastor of the
Uni- 26
First Presbyterian, Church, and the
versity of Tennessee, at Lexlng- Rev. Dr. Charles Lee Reynolds, pas
tor of the Second Presbyterian Church,
conducting the services. 'The Inter
ment took place in the Patterson mausoleum in the Lexington cemetery.
"It seems to me that only a very
The loss of one of Kentucky's most bad run of luck could prevent State
noble women was deeply lamented from having one of the best football
through the local press, and In reso- teams she has ever had," said Dr.
lutions adopted by the Alumnae Club Tlgert, the popular University coach,
and the faculty of State University familiarly referred to among the student body as "Tige," the other evenSaturday afternoon as follows:
ing after coming in from the new Bar"Whereas, It has pleased an
Providence to remove from our midst ker Stadium with his large squad of
Lucella Wing Patterson, the beloved prospective Wildcats.

On September 6 a letter was sent by
the President of the University to each
male member of the. Senior class, and
one to the parents of each male mem
ber, emphasizing the seriousness of
the offense oC hazing, which includes
and stating the penalty
for any Infraction of the
to. the' stunde. v The
dents follows:
Lexington, Ky., Sept. 6, 1915.
"My Dear Young Friend:
"At the coming session of the University, you will be in the Senior
"The object of this letter is to call
your attention to the fact that the
faculty has passed a stringent rule
against hazing of any kind, and especially against that form of hazing
which consists in cutting the Freshmen's hair. I also wish to remind you wife of James K. Patterson, president
that, last year, when certain young emeritus of State University;
men In the dormitories were reinstat"Therefore, be it resolved by the
ed for the offense of hazing, it was faculty
of the State University that
done upon the promise that hereafter 'we extend to Doctor Patterson our
all sorts of hazing would be banished
.sympathy In
sincere and heart-fel- t
from the campus. That was the con- this sad hour of his bereavement.
tract signed by all the students In the
"For many years his stay and helpdormitories.
mate, she brought into his life the in"Frequently, when students have spiration
and charm of a gentle womgotten into trouble In the University
anliness, the hope and steadfastness
and been punished, they have appeal- of purpose of a Christian character.
ed to me, as President of the Univer'Gtent'ie, kindly, patient, actuated
sity, on the grounds they did not know only by noble purposes, a gentlewoman
the existence of the law for the breach by birth and education, she left an
of which they were punished.
Thus abiding impress
for good upon the
far, I have always helped them out of lives of man
generations of stutrouble, but having obligated myself dents,
and into the atmosphere of
to the faculty to carry out this rule, It
(Continued on Page 2)
will be my duty to see that the law
against hazing la enforced next sesSTAFF MEETING.
"I hope you will return to school' in
The first meeting of the staff of
good health and spirits, and with the The Kentucky Kernel will be held Frifull determination to assist me In the day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the
enforcement of all lawful discipline Journalism Department rooms in the
on the campus and to uphold my hand basement of the Main Building. Plans
in everything for the good of "State." for the year will be discussed and
"I hope you will not consider this in details of the system will be worked
any way, a threat, but that you will out. It is absolutely imperative that
feel that it has come from my heart each member of the staff attend this
meeting unless prevented by someand for your benefit.
"Hoping to see you soon on the cam- thing unavoidable. This is the most
pus, I am
important staff meeting for the year.

No. 1.




Park, Thomas, Reed and
Wright Play Season
With Lexington


Dispatch to the Kentucky

PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Sept. 14.
James Park, former Kentucky State
University athlete, of the St. Louis
Browns, won his third successive
game, defeating ctr la a1 team here
today, score 12 to 4. Park allowed
only four hits and struck out three
The ability of Kentucky State Wildcats to make good outside of college
amateur circles has been amply demonstrated during the past summer by
the records of "Jim" Park, Ad Thom
as, "Rasty" Wright, and "Biscuit"..
Reed, all of whom have been playing
professional baseball this season, and
who have decidedly made good. All
of them were members of the Lexington Ohio State League team, which
was a contender in both of
races in that league, and the K. S.
U. boys were among the best in the
whole circuit.




points to a bright
year," continued the "long logician."
"We have a splendid field undoubtedly one of the best in the South. The
material at hand is excellent; the athletic committee is backing us more
than ever before and besides all these,
It seems to me that the student body
pitchPaul Gossage, the
is taking greater interest than in for er, who was a student In the Law Demer years."
partment last year, but was prevented
Track suits and scant football out from playing on the University team
fits are In etfdenpe every afternoon because of his professional
among the, forty fit SSty warriors who spent the summer as a member of the
are bravSng,ho spell- ifv,arm weath- Charlotte (N. C.) team In the North
Carolina League.
er and gainely cyjmJpg
kicking, passing ap"d te. otheVpe- - . "Jim" Park was purchased by the
llmlnarles Cpaclu'TigSrV" add .Mils as- Si.. Louis American League team for a
sistant, "Squirf eU; vTltttle 'ark. putting p'rlce said to be one of the largest ever
the men through. The'lJiiiyfersUy 'qnjf aid for an Ohio State League player
Coach Tlgert are fortunatVln securing and reported to them during the lat
the aid of Tuttle and Jim Park, who ter part of August. On September 7
will arrive soon from St. Louis to he pitched his first game In the
take up his duties at Kentucky State, majors against the Cleveland team,
who for the past four years have been with one of their strongest plt.ners
responsible for many a Wildcat vie- - opposing him and as was expected of
tory on the gridiron as well as in him won the game, by the score of 4
other branches of athletics. Park at to 1. Not only that, but the game
quarter and Tuttle as halfback have went to eleven innings, and "Jim" was
probably never been surpassed In their responsible for the victory by slamin the eleventh
respective positions on the eleven and ming out a
certainly never before ns all around and drivlnng In two men with the
winning runs. During the game he
athletes and stndents.
Everyone is familiar with the win- struck out six men and allowed only
ning powers which the head couch two bases on balls. This remarkable
(Continued on Page 2)
(Continued on Page 3)
split-seaso- n






Meet Me at



(Continued from Pago 1)
tho University at largo sho brought
tho spirit of raro helpfulness and true
"I3o it resolved further,
that a
copy of theso resolutions bo spread
upon tho minutes of the faculty and
that copies thereof bo sent to tho
press of tho city."
F. Paul Anderson, Charles Joseph
Norwood, Walter Ellsworth
Arthur M. Miller, William Thornton
Lafferty, Joseph H. Kastlo, Alexander
St. Clair Mackenzie, Clarence W. Mathews, Committee of tho Faculty.
Illustrative of the public sentiment
in r
rd to the beautiful character
whicl Mrs. Patterson possessed, the
Lexington Horald published the following beautiful editorial Tuesday
Mrs. James. Kennedy Patterson was
of tho old Kentucky
school. She was not known personally among a wide circle. Her sphere
was in her home. Cultured, reserved,
of lofty dignity, and with womanli
ness of the highest order, her influence
was felt among all who knew her.
She had a gift, not always found
among wives of public men. She kept
away from such of her husband's affairs, as were necessarily matters between him and the public. Many
men have been made by their wives,
and the judgment of many others has
been warped by advice from a
wife, not informed on all the
iactu, or informed only on the half
facts told by the husband.



Whether Mrs. Patterson represented
a type in Kentucky that is or is not
disappearing, she was the type of
woman that can be well followed by
the girls of the present generation.
There was beautiful and companion
able devotion between Dr. and Mrs
The students in the Uni
versity, who knew her, loved her.
She maintained an intense devotion
to the University, from behind the
scenes. The early history of the Uni
versity holds a place for the influence
of Mrs. Patterson, through her loyal
faith in her husband and his cause.
Further tribute was paid to her by
the Caledonian Society, the Woman's
Club of State University, and the
three literary societies through resolutions.
"The literary societies adopted the
"Whereas, Almighty God in his in
finite wisdom, saw fit to take from Dr,
James K. Patterson his loving and af
fectionate wife, September 10, and,
"Whereas, Dr. Patterson has dob
so much for the literary societies of
the State University of Kentuckyt




A Scream from Beginning to End

J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager.




Go Where the Go's Go.
Admission 10c
Children 5c

Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures

Symphonic Orchestra

"Whereas, we, tho literary societies
of tho Stato University of Kentucky,
feel kindly and graciously toward Dr.
Patterson and his family for tho fath
erly guidance and invaluablo assistance ho has given us, now,
"Therefore, bo it resolved, That we,
tho literary societies of tho Stato University of Kentucky, extend to Dr.
Patterson our heartfelt sympahty in
his bereavement, and,
"Bo it further resolved, That a
copy of theso resolutions be sent to
Dr. Patterson, a copy spread upon the
minutes of the literary societies of
tho University and a copy sent to each
of the city papers and the 'Kentucky
Kernel' for publication.
"Union Literary Society.
"Patterson Literary Society.
"Phllosophlan Literary Society."


Francis X. Bushman is coming to
the Ada Meade next Sunday, September 19 in his first release on the new
Metro program.
"The Second in
Command" has been chosen as this
screen sovereign's first vehicle and
from reports that have come in from
the East it rivals anything that has
been shown here.
wJtr- The natural 'interest that attaches
itself to any war drama in these days
of military unrest is heightened by
the appearance of such stars as Mr.
Bushman and Miss Marguerite Snow.
The battle scenes are strikingly realistic, the action is fast, well balanced and plausibly handled. Don't
fail to see this
Incidentally, the vaudeville shows
at this pretty little playhouse are literally knocking them off the seats.
Every act a hit See them.


Theatre patrons who are looking forward to something out of the ordinary
in the forthcoming appearance of that
powerful and amusing comedy-drama- ,
"Kick In," at the Ben All Theatre Friday and Saturday and Saturday matinee, will not be disappointed.
fame of this Willaft. Mack masterpiece has spread throughout the country and.eve'nydnjB fseagefcto witness
the Iay ;whhJh .oa,used Buch a stir In
York.thaV'.th.e Republic Theatre,
whereat. Was proddc'd ..by A. H.
JVpods'was filled p,ifs capacity lim-it- s
at 'every. performance for an entire
year. "JKIok" In" was admitted by an
unanimous press to be the most human, convincing and realistic dramatic picture ever placed on the stage,
and its coming to this city should
prove to be an event long remembered.

(Continued from Pago 1)
performance for a "rookie" pitching
his first game in tho big time circuit
attracted a great deal of attention nnd
assures "Jim" of a placo on the St.
Louis team.
Commenting on tho victory under
dato lino of September 7, the St. LouIb
Republic says:
"Jim Park, of Lexington, Ky., who
failed to join the Indians last April
because of a broken collarbone, pitched and won his first American League
game, 4 to 1, today, but it was as a
member of tho Browns. Incidentally
his debut went eleven innings. To
make his victory especially noteworthy, it was against Willie Mitchell,
who generally has but to warm up to
beat the Brown.
"The rookie, however, outpltched the
veteran portsider and proved decidedly effective in the pinches. Not only
that, but when his teammates came
through in the eleventh with the run
that placed St. Louis in the lead, Jim
to right
himself plastered a
that drove in two more runs and made
it a cinch that the Browns would win.
"It was a real hurling duel that Bill
and Jim treated the 600 fans to. Each
allowed but five hits during the first
nine innings. Each was possessed of
good control. Had both been afforded
perfect support, not a run would have
been registered prior to the eleventh

On last Saturday, September 10,
In"Jim" pitched four and
nings in a game which St. Louis won
from Philadelphia by the score of 8
to 4, and although he does not get
credit for winning the game he had
pitched a good game before being
taken out and had made one hit and
driven In one run. Big league pitchers
evidently have nothing that can get
by "Jim," and if he can keep up this
hitting streak, together with his natural
ability as a pitcher, he has a brilliant
career before him as a professional
ball player.

Before going to the St. Louis team,
Park was one of the best pitchers in
the Ohio State League maintaining an
average for the entire season of
about .800, and playing a brilliant
game in various positions in the field

where his record was perfect, according to the records that are available.
His chief weakness while playing on
the Lexington team was his inability
to hit with any degree of regularity,
his per cent being less than .250, but
since he has been under the care of
"Branch" Rickey at St. Louis, he
seems to have overcome this difficulty. Park will return to the University where he will be assistant football coach and Y. M. C. A. secretary
this year.
Ad Thomas, who joined the Lexington team shortly after school was out,
also made good and after Park left
was one of the best pitchers on the
team. At the first of the season he
lost many of his games, all of which
were by close scores, but later luck
began to break better with him and
lie delivered a largo per cent of wins.
Tho Fool What is matriculation?
Twice Ad pitched winning games
Tho Wise Guy Matriculation, my which started tho Lexington team on
friend, is tho art of asking the great- i winning streak after they had dropest number of questions and taking ped several games In a row and none
the largest amount of money in the of tho other pitchers had been able to
least possible time.
stop the opposing teams. That siz


OPEN 10:00 A.

zling straight ball and that quick
throw to first base which are well
known to Stato fans wcro used by
him during tho summer with great
effectiveness and contributed materi
lly to his ability to win his starts.
Ad, who is the only one of tho four
Wildcats who were in professional
ball this summer who would other
.vlso havo been eligible to play this
lason will be greatly missed from
hurling staff next
tho University
Reed and Wright were as good in

their respectlvo positions as any players In tho Ohio Stato circuit Reed
joined tho team in June and played
the remainder of the season first as
third baseman and later on second,
and as substitute catcher. In his ear-


Hair Cut



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Opposite Phoenix Hotel,






When you contemplate
securing Life or Accident & Health Insurance
ask the K. S. U. student,
representing a conservative, Boston, Mass., Company to submit a proposition.

You need the Insurance. He will appreciate your Busi-


Address 406 City Bank Bldg.

double play.
These men have all shown that
they have unusual ability and one can
safely predict that they will be heard
from before long in higher positions.
The fact that Kentucky State can turn
out such
athletes and gen
tlemen as these have shown them
selves to be is a strong recommenda
tion for the school.

Slsler, the Michigan star pitcher
who played here last spring in right
field for the Michigan team, has been
playing star ball with the St. Louis
Browns, "Jim" Parks' team all summer. After pitching several games
for them, of which he won a healthy
percentage, he was given a
first base, in which position he has
been playing ever since. He has made
a record by his ability to hit the ball
at any and all times and is touted as
a coming winner. In the double-heade-r
which St. Louis played against
Philadelphia last Saturday, he got five
hits and a sacrifice out of nine times
at bat.


College Stationery , Engraving
and Die Stamping, Frat and

Dance Programs


N. Limestone







ly games "Biscuit" was guilty of making a number of errors, but with a
little seasoning he overcame this unfortunate habit and played a good
steady game. His work on second was
sensational and showed that he was
naturally best fitted for playing this
difficult position. He was right there
with the stick, too, getting the credit
for breaking up the long Fifth of July
game which was tied in the eleventh
inning by his long drive to right field
for two bases. The crowning achievement of his season's work was his ability to steal bases which he learned in
course of time, and it is reported that
in one game he stole home. This report could not be verified although it
is believed to be true.

"Rasty," who was signed up by the
Cleveland Americans
before school
was out, reported to them about the
niddle of June and after a short try-owas returned to the Lexington
team for some more seasoning before
taking a regular position with the
major league team. "Rasty" may not
have been ready for the majors, but
he sure did make them take notice by
his work with the Lexington team. In
his first game, he beat out a bunt to
Irst and without stopping continued
on to second base, which so startled
the opposing players that they allowed
him to reach the second sack In safety. When the next man up singled
"Rasty" repeated his performance, and
after reaching third which was all he
was entitled to on the single, stretched
it into another base and reached the
home plate in safety to the surprise of
the fans and the opposing team. During the entire season he batted well
and was a terror on the bases at all
lines. His most sensational performance was in one of the last games of
the season when he came in from deep
right where he was playing and
scooped up a ball which had been too
hot for the pitcher or second baseman to touch, and handled it with
sufficient rapidity to break into a

M. TO 11:00 P. M.

Lexington Ky,

(Continued from Page 1)
lias always been able to Inculcate
into an athletic organization under
his direction. Remember the Freshmen team of 1914.
Tho passing of Park, Tuttle, Hite,
Scott, Downing, Bailey, Roth and others marks tho practical destruction of
last year's team. An entirely new
backfleld will have to be built up, and
positions in the lino are by no means
Of the old Varsity men who are
back this season Captain Shrader
stands at tlte head. He has not been
out for practice in the afternoons because of other duties, but has been
seen in the mornings booting the ball
50 and 60 yards.
Dig "Pats" Thompson, with his 190
pounds, is cavorting around In characteristic style. Ho is faster this
year than ever and Coach Tigert says
he is seriously considering playing the
big man on the end this season.
Maury Crutcher,
star and
for the past two years a Varsity man,
will be out soon.

Franklin Corn, of Harrodsburg, another last year's linesman, is out again
with his 185 pounds solidly built
around his massive frame.
Karl Zerfoss, who was used on the
end and in the backfleld last year,
will try for a position on the '15 eleven.
Coach Tigert is basing his optimistic forecast concerning a winning aggregation largely upon the Freshman
team, all of whom are in the University again.
Outstanding in the bunch, and about
whom has been much anxiety concerning his matriculating this year is
"Doc'j Redes, ,who has decided to
cast his lot again with the Blue and
White. "Doc" could not resist the
call of the blood in spite of the press
of business in which he has been en-- J
gaged down in Mississippi.
Kinney, of the Freshman team, and
Bart Peak are men whom Tigert can
call on to relieve Rodes.
Jimmie Hedges, always a popular
favorite along the side lines, is also in
college but has not yet appeared for
For backfleld positions will be
one of the fastest and most
powerful men In college; Gumbert, of
Richmond, who has appeared In several Varsity games; Britton, the big,
massive fullback on the Freshman
team, who hails all the way from Colorado. "Tlnk" and Charley Haydon,
the Springfield ends, and "Red"
Spaulding, a townsman, who did
guard duty for the Freshmen, will
work hard for places. HIckerson, the
big linesman from Somerset, is here
but due to an illness this summer is
not in the best of shape.
Server, Freshman tackle last year,
is out booting the pigskin 60 or more
yard. In the kicking department the
coaches say they are admirably
Dempsey is about 17 pounds lighter
than he was last year, as he only manages to tip the beam at 185 or thereabouts.
Simpson, former Lexington High
School star, who played guard for the
Freshmen last year, weighs about 185
pounds at present and is in good
shape. "Red" Eubanks, a substitute
lineman last year, who weighs over
200 and who came to State in 1914
as "green ns a gourd" as far as football Is concerned, should develop into
a good man this season.
MurSlierley Clayton, a
ray, Ky product, is back for a position and work In tho University.



Almost anything that can bo said
about the new arrivals, who are football hungry, is only problematical at
Those showing up well in
practice aro:
Clements, of Morganfleld, who has
starred on tho high school team of
that place for tho last three or four
years and who weighs about 200
Vandoren, a
built and strong Cynthlana high
school man.
Nat Aaron, of Liberty, Ky., who
will weigh 165 at present, says he is
almost 10 pounds underweight.
These men are line material and
another who is expected to bIiow up
soon is Tapscott, of Owensboro. To
describe him would be to say he la
enormous. Ho weighs more than 200

For the backfleld the most likely
candidates of the new men at present
seem to be:
Mcllvain, a Cynthlana boy, who will
weigh about 165 pounds. This man
is highly commended by those who
have seen him in action for Cynthlana
High School.
A teammate and the other half on
the Cynthlana team last year is Poln- dexter. He weighs about 10 pounds
less than Mcllvain, but is lightning
Clarence Davidson, the best man on
last year's Covington High School
team', which "mopped up" with nearly
all the high school teams around Cincinnati and the northern part of the
This man weighs only 155,
but is as wide as he is high and solid
as an oak.
Paul Spann, one of the best men
that Shelbyvllle High School has ever
produced, is a man similar in build to
that of Davidson. His weight is practically the same.
Many others are out, and probably
the best "find" in college has not
been referred to here.
of Mt.
E. E. Bogie, a
Sterling; William Duncan, of Owensboro, who is pronounced by the large
Davies County contingent In the University to be the best football player
in the state, are other possibilities,
who, the coaches say, may come in.
Crutcher promises to induce Heick,
the star center on Manual's eleven
last year, to come here.
"Chicken" Park, "Turkey's" brother, is expected to come out soon, as
is another brother, George, of the famous Park family.
Karl Zerfoss also has a "kid"
brother, George, in school, who is
larger than Karl and is said to be
good pigskin "stuff."
Butler College will be here October
2 for the opening game.
It will be
the dedication game of the new Barker Stadium and Judge Barker will
in all probability be called upon to
make a speech.
The new field is a beauty. Besides
the addition to the new fences and
the bleachers which have been erected, a new press box which will accomodate the Kentucky Kernel, Lexington
Herald and Leader and other representatives, will be erected before the
first game in the center and at the tdp
of the new bleachers on the south

(Continued from Pago 1)
chemistry, and E. F. Ellzey, of Mississippi A. and M., Is doing fellowship
work on the same subject. Derrell
Hart, graduate of this University, and
who lias been doing summer work at
Columbus, has been added to tho faculty as assistant in English.

"Tho unqualified success of
Then one
tho honor systom during Its twenty
sees the professor's newspaper tucked
years of existence has been due to a
carofully under his arm and one by
manly spirit and high sense of
ono they saunter out. Sometimes
throughout tho undergraduato
tlloro is ono left on tho platform readbody. To outsiders this mothod seems
ing carefully from some material that
almost too ideal to exist, but to thoso
ho has brought along to pass an hour
of us who have experienced its adH. G. M. Stack, of Brooklyn, N. Y or more, but as a rule there aro no
vantages thero is not tho slightest
succeeds Dr. W. L. Anderson as physi- faculty members in tho Princeton
doubt of Its success. The honor syscal director. Several changes will bo classroom for a conslderablo period
tem Is sincerely believed In by ovory
mado in tho gymnastic work this of each examination.
Princeton man, and as Princoton's
year. All individual work will bo
As to the students
tho honor sys- most sacred tradition, It Is an institudiscontinued, everyone being required tem gives them absolute freedom.
tion of which wo aro Justly proud."
to do class work. Strenuous work They aro permitted to go in and out
will be superseded by gymnastic games of tho room whenever
and light calisthenics.
Sometimes they go to their dormitory
The cafeteria will be In charge of rooms to read tho morning mall,
George R. Smith, a member of last sometimes they take timo off for
year's graduating class.
luncheon in the midst of an examinaSchool Books and Supplies.
Tho only change in the Military De- tion and then return to resume work
The University Book Store.
partment Is that there will be an ex- on the questions.
Quite frequently
Lunch Counters and Restaurants
tra company for those who work, two or three of them go away for a
Kresge's 5 and
which will drill at the fourth hour.
walk to "dust away
W. F. Oldham.
Tho business office has been moved tho cobwebs." In the room itself one
Metropolitan Restaurant.
across the hall, tho postoffice now oc- frequently sees a whispered chat in
cupying the entire office where the one corner while two or three stuOrpheum.
business office formerly was. Tho dents take a few minutes off. There
Ben All.
postoffice this year will be used as are few students who do not leave
an information bureau, in addition to the room at least once during the
Ada Meade.
its regular business of handling the three or f