xt72jm23bt7k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23bt7k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-17-dec10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-17-dec10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-17-dec10. 1917 1917-17-dec10. 2011 true xt72jm23bt7k section xt72jm23bt7k 

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              MfUTUS OF BOARD OF    TRUSTEES,

              CALLED MESTIN  DECmM-2   10, 1917.

         The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met
 in a called session in the Trustees' room at noon with the follow-
 ing present: V. T. Harris, H. I. Froman, J. M. Elliston, Tibbis
 Carpenter, R. C. Stoll, Dr. James K. Patterson, R. G. Gordon, Frank
 Battaile, Z. Irvine Lyle, P. P. Johnston Tr., Dr. Samuel B. Marks
 and President F. L. McVey.

         In the absence of Governor Stanley R. C. Stoll was elected
 chairman and presided. On account of the urgency of the business
 to be brought before the Board and the severity of the weather which
 prevented certain members from reaching the city on time, Bar. Harris
 moved that those present resolve themselves into a committee of the
 whole to pass upon business brought before the body and report the
 seae to a subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees for final
 ratification. Seconded by Rr. Elliston this notion was adopted and
 the members present went into a committee of the whole.

         The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

         Reading of the minutes of the Executive Committee was dis-
pensed with.   The following report by President Ivicvey was then sub-

                                       December 3, 1917.

     To the Board of Trustees,
          University of Kentucky.


          I am making a brief report to you about the activities of
     the President's office since my assumption of the position in

          I have met with the Executive Committee four times, have
     held general sessions of the Faculty the same number of times,
     have been in conference with the University Council three times.
     In addition to that, I have attended a meeting of the Vocational
     Education Board at Frankfort and held a general conference with
     representatives of the Normal Schools in regard to the course
     of study to be worked out under the Smith-Hughes Bill; have also
     held a conference with the Advisory Board of Patterson Hall. I
     have been in conference with the Governor regarding University
     matters twice, and have met numerous committees on various matters
     relating to the welfare of the University.


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              Minutes Of Board Of Trustees         December 10, 1917

     Of the sixty-nine points made in the report of the Probe
Committee, twenty-four have been accomplished. Some of the
points were admonitions, so that the number remaining to be
worked out is not so large as would be indicated by the figure

     One of the pointsof that report was the organization of
the University under a constitution. A committee was appointed
to work this out, and after study of the constitutions of other
institutions, a tentative constitution was presented to the
Council and finally, after some modifications, brought before the
University Faculty. The Faculty unanimously adopted the instru-
ment after the reading and discussion of every paragraph, and
recommended it to this board es the instrument for the government
of the internal affairs of the University.

     Rules and Regulations for the government of the business of
the Board have been drawn up, and are submitted at this meeting
for your consideration.

     A committee has been appointed, whose object is to organize
the stenographic service of the stenographers on the campus and
to make it more effective and satisfactory.  This committee is
now making a survey and will report to me in a few days the
necessary steps to be taken to bring about such an organization.

     I have also appointed a committee on Nurse and Infirmary.
Considerable illness has prevailed in the dormitories and very
little provision exists for the care of students.  The University
ought to have a nurse and infirmary. The expense would be com-
paratively small, and would protect the University against possible

     During the time at the University, I have had numerous con-
ferences with the Business Agent, ivr. Peak, and steps have been
taken to bring about the coordination and union of the two business
offices. Some necessary changes will have to be made in the forms
and books, but it is hoped that the transfer can be accomplished
in the course of a few weeks.

     I have also to report to this Board the recommendations of
the Executive Committee concerning the Dean for the College of
Agriculture. I trust that the action of this Board upon this
recommendation will be favorable.

     In looking at the needs of the University, I think they may
be classified in two groups:

     First, the coordination of the different departments and their
organization into greater unity. Steps are now being taken to bring
this about, but it will take some time before the whole thing can
be put into smooth working order.


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           minutes Of Board Of Trustees           December 10, 1917

     The second thing is the need of more funds, both for
capital and for current expenses. The plant of the University is
in a bad condition. It needs many repairs and considerable addi-
tions. Very few of the buildings are provided with adequate water
closets and toilet facilities, and some of those are very inferior,
badly lighted and unsanitary. They are in fact, in these days of
sanitation, a reflection upon the University. The first thing to
be done in this direction, therefore, is to place the whole Uni-
versity plant in first class order.  The second thing the Univer-
sity needs is a heating plant. As thiings are now, many of the
buildings are inadequately heated in the severe weather, and there
is a waste of coal and added cost of heating, due to the inefficien-
cy of the existing plant.

     Besides this, the University should have more income for its
current expenses. Salaries are low, and many of the departments
that should exist in the institution are not to be found here. In
the field of Agriculture, expecially in the College of Agriculture,
there is yet much to be desired. As an instance, we have no de-
partment of Farm Mechanics, and other evidences of the deficiencies
in the College could be pointed out.

     'Mhen it comes to the College of Liberal A.rts, there is no pro-
vision for instruction in business education, such as Accounting.
Vie have no Department of Music, a thing that every university should
have, especially in view of the call for instruction in the public
schools in this field. The Department of Education is only partially
manned, and the new demands that will be made upon it by the Smith-
Hughes Bill, from which the University will receive some money,
will require additions to its staff. Other instances could be cited,
but these will illustrate the point.

     When it comes to new buildings, the University undoubtedly
needs an auditorium.  It needs a Farm Mechanics building; it needs
a stock-judging pavilion; it needs new dormitories and a University

     Just how far the University should go in asking for these things
in the coming Legislature, is a matter I have not yet been able to
determine. I would suggest that the whole question be left to the
Executive Conmittee, who can be kept in close touch with these
problems and with the general financial situation in the State.

     In closing, I may say that I think there has been some change
in the spirit of the University in the last few months, and there
is a more hopeful view concerning its future. It seems to me that
there are great possibilities here in Kentucky that ought to look
forward to the development of a great university, that can be a
constant source of helpfulness in the State.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                                   Frank L. McVey




               Mqinutes of Board Of Trustees          December 10, 1917

         On motion of Senator Froman, duly seconded, the report of the
President was approved and ordered made part of the minutes.

         With reference to that part of the President's report which
advised the introduction of an adequate heating plant, President
Patterson said in substance:

          It seems to me most urgent that a heating plant for the
     University, adequate to its needs, be established at the earliest
     possible moment. I am thoroughly in accord with President iieVey's
     views with reference to economy in various branches of service
     in the University. Looking over the list of employees of the
     University I find no less than 35 stenographers, clerks and sec-
     retaries whose salaries in the aggregate cost the University no
     less than $25,000 a year. Wdith other such improper expenses I
     think it not unlikely that the aggregate figure would probably
     reach $50,000. I believe our expenditures along this line ex-
     ceed those proportionately of other colleges between 50 and 150%.
     Economy will be the watch word of the next Legislature. That
     Legislature I believe will give us the money we need for substan-
     tial and proper purposes but if it becomes apparent to them that
     we are wasting money I believe we will encounter difficulties in
     getting funds. I have every reason to believe however, that the
     forthcoming Legislature will be liberal in its attitude toward
     the University. I believe President MoVey, as his report shows,
     has grasped the situation fully and I agree with the suggestions
     made in his report.

          At the conclusion of his report President MIeVey recommended
the appointment of Thomas P. Cooper, Fargo North Dakota, as Dean of
the College of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station.

          In commenting upon the recommendation of Mr. Cooper for the
position here mentioned, among other things, President IvIeVey said:

           Wzhen some of the big men of the Northwest were taking up
      the question of bettering the agriculture, particularly of
      North Dakota, they looked around for a man to take charge of
      that work. They had collected :,5O,000 a year for three years,
      and in that time they hoped to make a practical demonstration
      of what could be done in the way of creating a greater diversity
      of crops and a better tilling of the soil.

          They asked Dean Woods, of the College of Agriculture of the
     University of Linnesota, for the best man that he could recommend,
     and he said: "The man you want is Tom Cooper." Cooper had been
     assistant agriculturist, in charge of farm management and demon-
     stration work in the Agricultural College, and was one of the
     experts on cost of production for the U.S. Department of Agri-

           The Better Farming Association engaged him as Director,
     and in the time that he was associated with this work, an
     immense improvement was brought about.


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            Minutes Of Board Of Trustees            December 10, 1917

            t~hen the three years were completed, Zr. Cooper was
     elected Director of the Experiment Station in the N\lorth Dakota
     Agricultural College, and since then he has been carrying on,
     with increasing success, the work of directing extension and
     experiment research work.

           Regarding him, AZr. Bradford -iKnapp, Chief of the Division
     for Extension Work in the South, says: "I believe he is the
     kind of man who wrill make a success in Kentucky. If you are
     fortunate enough to get him, I shall feel a degree of confidence
     in his administrative ability to handle men and problems in your
     State, which I think will settle such difficulties as may be
     apparent in the Institution."

           IMr. Arthur Rogers, a well known man in the Northwest
     who has extensive business interests, states that Cooper has
     done more than marvelous work in North Dakota, and "I do not
     believe there is any one in the country who could have done
     what he has done in the way that he did it. The State will be
     a severe loser, and I am sure Kentucky will be the gainer. He
     is an agreeable man with fine disposition, and it is a pleasure
     to have him around.t"

           mr. Cooper is a member of the Board of Directors of the
      North Dakota Farmers' Institute; member of the American
      Association of Agricultural Scientists; American Academy of
      Political and Social Science; Society for Promotion of Agri-
      cultural Science; American Farm Management Association; member
      of the Cosmos Club of Washington. He was born in Pekin, Illinois,
      1881; graduate of University of Minnesota; married Miss Essie M.
      Burgan, of Minneapolis, June 8, 1912.

          President McVey further said that the salary proposed to be
paid Mr. Cooper was $6000 a year and use of the Scovell house on the
Nicholasville Pike as a residence, and that his understanding with Mr.
Cooper was that he would arrive and take up his work early in January.
President McVey then called for comments.

          Mr. Stoll - When your committee, appointed to recommend a
president for the University to succeed President H. S. Barker, first
met Dr. MeVey in Chicago, it suggested that he look over the situation
and recommend a suitable man for Dean of the College of Agriculture
and Director of the Experiment Station. He did take the matter up
and I happen to know that he has very thoroughly canvassed the field.
Fe has had the matter under consideration ever since he was elected
President of the University and I believe that his judgment in this
instance is safe.

          Dr. Patterson - I wish to say that as an original proposition
I would prefer a Kentuckian for this place, believing that a Ken-
tuckian would be better acquainted with conditions in the Commonwealth
but I am quite willing to accept the recommendation of Dr. hicirey in
this instance. I believe the President should have the initiative in
all appointments because this gives the institution organic unity. I
am willing therefore to acquiesce in the judgment of President McVey.


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                    MInutes Of Board Of Trustees          December 10, 1917

            Mr. Gordon then moved the f ollovwing:

            Resolved: That the recommendation by President McVey of Thomas
P. Cooper to be Dean cf the College of .4griculture and Director of the
Experiment Station be concurred in and that the salary of the said Thomas P.
Cooper be .$6200 a year and the use of the Scovell home as a residence but
that the said Cooper shall pay as rental for the said residence the sum of
$20O a year.

            Seconded by Mir. Lyle this motion was adopted unanimously by
a viva voce vote.

            President MecVey submitted the following recommendation from
Ezra L. Gillis, secretary of the faculty, containing action of the faculty
on the granting of certain degrees.

                                           December 10, 1917.

To the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky:

      The faculty of the University of Kentucky in session December 7,
1917, on receipt of evidence that all requirements for graduation had been
satisfactorily complied with, respectfully recommend the following persons
for the degrees indicated below:

                       Bachelor of Arts in Education

                          Sterling Day
                          Vaught Mills
                          Myrtle R. Smith

                       Bachelor of Arts

                          William T. Lafferty

                    Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

                          Berthus B. Mdcjnteer

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                              Ezra L. Gillis


            On motion duly seconded the recommendations of the faculty
affecting degrees were adopted by unanimous vote.

            President McVey then made the following recommendation of fees
for admission to schools and colleges in the University, the moneys accruing
therefrom to be converted into the general fund of the University.


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                   Minutes Of Board Of Trustees          December 10, 1917

 1.   College of Arts and Science.
           $12.50 per semester.

 2.   Engineering College
           4?l5.00 per semester.

 3.   Law School
           $25.00 per semester.

 4.   Student Activities
           $ 4.50 per semester.

 5.   Abolish Diploma fee
       Law Library fee.

 6.   Breakage fee returnable
           $ 2.50 per semester.

 7.   Dormitory
           $ 1.00 per week, University to furnish sheets,
                  towels and pillow cases and launder them.

            78%o of student activities fee to go to athletics
            12% to Kernel
            6% to Y.W.l.C.A. and Y.M.C.A.
            4% to Lecture Fund.

 A laboratory deposit fee in Chemistry.

           President Patterson moved that the recommendation of President
McVey on schedule of fees for entrance into certain colleges of the Univer-
sity be adopted; that this order go into effect with the semester beginning
September 1918 and that all moneys accruing therefrom be converted into the
general fund of the University.  Seconded by Mir. Gordon, Dr. Patterson's
motion was adopted unanimously by viva voce vote.

          Under section 9 of general order of business before the Board
namely, "establishment of dispensary., President McVey explained that it
was desirable to have a nurse on the grounds to cooperate with the director
of Patterson Hall with reference to dormitory students and for the purpose
of giving them proper care and treatment in case of illness; that such nurse
should have the advice of a physician who would spend not less than 3 hours
a week at stated times at the University. President MecVey said he believed
that such step should be taken now and said that the expenses attached to
it for the remainder of the University year would be about Q650.

           Commenting upon the advisability of such step Dr. Marks
      of the Board made a statement in which he said he heartily approved
      President IvIcVey's recoimmendation and that he believed the wisdom of
      such action would be apparent the first time any contagious disease
      made its appearance because proper and prompt attention invariably
      prevented serious results in cases like these.


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                  Minutes Of Board Of Trustees           December 10, 1917

          On motion of Senator Froman seconded by hr. Gordon this
recoimnendation was adopted by unanimous vote.

          With reference to the suggestion under section 7 of recommendation
of fees, namely "dormitories" the Board indulged in some discussion with
reference to the payment of al.00 a week by dormitory students inclusive of
the item of sheets, towels, and pillow cases furnished and laundered by the
University. It was the sense of the Board that if it were- found that such
service could be given at a price less than a dollar a week the same should
be done. It was impossible in this connection to reach any decision as to
the actual cost of sheets, towels and pillow cases on account of vacillating
prices incidental to the Buropean WAar.

          President IMcVey's reason for suggesting this innovation was that
 the University might be in position to enforce regularity in matters of
 cleanliness and sanitation of beds etc.

          The Board of Control of patterson Hall then submitted a report of
 conditions financial and otherwise affecting the conduct of that dormitory.
 On motion duly seconded this report was accepted and ordered filed.

          Itr. Lyle called attention to the fact that the Board of Inquiry
 recommended in its report last sueraer that the dormitories should be razed
 at the end of the academic year. He said therefore that he desired to call
 the matter up at this time that it might not escape consideration.

           Mr. Gordon said he thought it advisable for the President
      to consider the matter in all its phases and make recommendation at
      a subsequent meeting of the Board concerning disposition of dor-
      mitory buildings. Attention in this connection was called to the
      fact that a recent decision of the Court of Appeals sustaining the
      contention of the University in the imposing of certain fees upon
      county appointees, which to his mind settled the question of razing
      of the dormitories but that he believed the President should give
      the matter consideration in order to ascertain whether these build-
      ings might not be used advantageously for other purposes.

           Thereupon Mr. Gordon moved that the President's attention be
directed to that section of the recommendations of the Board of Inquiry which
referred to dormitories with a request that he make specific report at the
June meeting of this Board on the dormitory question.

           Seconded by Sir. Harris, this motion was adopted unanimously.

           Rising to a point of information Senator Froman asked for views
of the members of how much money the University would ask the forthcoming
Legislature to appropriate for its use.

           Chairman Stoll requested President idiicVey to outline any plans
he might have formulated touching this subject.


- 92 -

              Ivinutes Of Board of Trustees             December 10, 1917

          President McVey in response said that assistance for the
      University should be sought in two groups:

           First: Under the head of capital account, appropriation
      to meet the expense of a new heating plant and such repairs on
      buildings as will put them into efficient service, aggregating
      approximately $190,000.

          Second, Current expenses. Under this head the President said
     that there should be an appropriation for the library of about
     $5000 a year, as the present appropriation is inadequate; $3000 a
     year for care of grounds; $6500 a year for maintenance of a business
     department to train accountants etc., which the University has not
     at this time; $7500 a year for development of new fields of mining
     engineering, especially in Ceramics; $5000 a year for Summer School;
     $7500 a year for current repairs; approximately $20,000 a year for
     increase in salaries.

          The President said that the chapel which now seats only about
     400 should be elaborated so as to seat about 1200 and that this
     change would cost approximately $6000. For upkeep and apparatus he
     said the minimum should be between $15,000 and $20,000. In round
     numbers therefore the President stated that needs of the University
     would call for the expenditure of between $360,000 and t4A00,000 for
     the biennial period.

          President MicVey said that he had not gone into these matters
     sufficiently to do more than give approximate figures at this time.

          At this point Mir. Lyle moved that the new rules and regulations
of the Board of Trustees and those relating to government of the faculty
be read, discussed and acted upon section by section. Duly seconded this
motion was adopted and the reading of the rules and regulations of the
Board of Trustees was then taken up as follows:


                               OF THE

                        U-NIMERSITY OF IWIU1CKY

                        I.  GE1NURL ORGANIZATION

1. Board of Trustees.

          Within the limits set by the State Constitution and the organic-
law the Board of Trustees exercises all final jurisdiction. For the proper
use of funds appropriated by the General Assembly, the Board of Trustees
is responsible to the people of the Commonwealth of -Kentucky, from wqhom
they derive their authority. The Board entrusts the execution of all its


              loinutes Of Board Of Trustees             December 10, 1917

plans and policies, together with the internal government and adminis-
tration of the University, Experiment Station and Extension work, to the
President and faculty, and such other officers as it may select. The
Board to that end has authorized end approved a constitution of the
University in addition to the regulations which it has established for
the conduct of its meetings and the expediting of University business.

2.   Constitution of the Board.

         (a) The Board of Trustees shall consist of the members authorized
by law.

3.  Meetings.

          (a) The Board shall meet semi-annually on the Tuesday preceding
the Commencement in June and in December, and such other times as it may
be called by the Chairman.

          (b) Upon the written request of three members the Chairman
of the Board shall call a meeting.

          (c)  A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board.

          (d) The Secretary of the Board shall issue written notices
for all regular and called meetings.

4.   Officers.

          (a)  The officers of the board shall consist of a Chairman,
Vice-Chairman and a Secretary.

          (b) The Chairman shall preside at meetings and in his absence
the Vice-Chairman shall preside.

          (c)  The Secretary shall keep the minutes, notify members of
the meetings and provide for the publication of the minutes.

          (d)  The officers of the Board shall be elected annually for
one year at the annual meeting in Tune.

5.   Committees.

          (a)  The Committees shall consist of an Executive Committee of
members, a Committee on Buildings and C-rounds, and a Committee on Extension.
The Committee on Buildings and Grounds will have general charge and super-
vision over the plans for construction and repair of buildings, and such
general changes in the grounds as may be made from time to time.

- 9S -


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                 Minutes Of Board Of Trustees           December 10, 1917

          (b) The Executive shall meet once each month of the University
year in the office of the President and at such other times as may be
necessary upon the call of the Chairman.

          (c) The Secretary of the Board shall act as the Secretary of
the Committee.

          (d) The Executive Committee shall have general oversight over
the financial and business interests of the University and shall possess
the same powers as the Board during the interim between meetings of the

          (e) The Committee shall keep minutes of all transactions and
these shall be read at the meetings of the Board for approval.

          (f) The President of the University shall attend all meetings
of the Executive Committee and of the Board of Trustees.

6.  Order of Business for the Board of Trustees.

          The order of business shall be as follows:

                  (a) Call to order.
                  (b) Reading of minutes.
                  (c) Approval or modification of minutes.
                  (d)  Reading of minutes of Executive Committee
                        and Committee on Extension.
                  (e) Report of Committee.
                  (f) Business presented by President.
                              (1) General matters relating to
                                  appointments, faculty action
                                  and University affairs.

                              (2) Financial and business matters.
                              (3) Buildings and grounds.

                  (g) Report of Business Agent.
                  (h)  Newr Business.
                  (i)  Adjournment.

7.  The General Officers of the University.

          The general officers of the University are the President, the
Business Agent, the Treasurer and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.
The academic and educational officers are the President, Deans of Colleges,
Registrar, Dean of hlen, Dean of Women, and directors of stations and
departments, whose duties are defined in the Constitution of the University.

                    (a) The President of the University.

          The President of the University is the expert adviser of the
Board of Trustees and chief executive officer of the University and the
laboratories and stations associated with it. It shall be his duty to for*-


- 95 -

               Minutes Of soard Of Trustees         December 10, 1917

ulate policies and make recommendations in regard to appointments and
expenditures of money for all manner of purposes, all of which is to be
presented to the Board; and if the Board rejects the FIresident's -recom-
mendations, he shall make others for their further consideration.

     The President shall be elected for an indefinite period and shall
hold office during good behavior and satisfactory service.

          The official recommendations and communications on the part of
any officer of the University shell be sent by him to his immediate
superior, i.e., by a member of a department to the head thereof, by the
head of a department to the dean of his college, by a dean to the President.
The superior administrative officer shell when so requested transmit such
recommendations or communications with his own comments and recommendations
thereon to the next higher officer.

         He shall prepare the annual budget for presentation to the Board
of Trustees and Biennial Report to the Legislature.

         (b) The Business Agent.

         The Business Agent shall keep the accounts and business records
of the University, including General Fund, Experiment, Extension Divisions
and Trust Funds. Hie shall collect all moneys due the University, whether
from security or appropriations as presented by law. He shall give bond
in the amount of a15,000.  He shall submit to the President of the Univer-
sity a weekly cash statement, and a monthly statement of finances and
departmental accounts. He shall keep a complete inventory and valuation
of all University property. He shall prepare a semi-annual report.

          The Business Agent shall keep the accounts of the moneys in his
custody in such separate funds as shall be indicated by the Board of Trustees;
or as are desirable and necessary for the proper and systematic accounting
for the moneys coming into the treasury.

          (c) The Treasurer shall be elected annually. He is the guardian
of the funds of the University and shall honor requisitions upon funds
when signed by the President and Business Agent. He shall make a semi-
annual report to the President of the University. He shall give bond in
the amount of M50,000 to the University for it.

          (d)                                           .

          The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds shall have charge of
the up-keep of Buildings and Grounds. He shall recommend to the President
employees for service in the University, and shall superintend them in their
work in buildings and grounds. He shall certify payrolls of such employees,
prepare plans and specifications for construction and repair.


- 96 -

              MF~inutes Of Board Of Trustees        December 10, 1917

8.                    APPOINTM    .

           The Board declares its purpose that all appointments in the
University of IKentucky shall be made strictly on the basis of merit.
The Board of Trustees stamps with the strongest disapproval the slightest
reference in this connection to any political, religious, fraternal or
family influence.

          No member of the Board of Trustees and no relative by blood or
marriage of any member of the Board of Trustees, or administrative officer
of the University, or of any member of the faculty holding the renk of assis-
tant professor or higher, may hereafter be appointed to.any position in the

          No alumnus or student of the University shall be hereafter em-
ployed as a member of