xt72jm23bt60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72jm23bt60/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1920-07-jun1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-07-jun1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-07-jun1. 1920 1920-07-jun1. 2011 true xt72jm23bt60 section xt72jm23bt60 




     Index of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                   June 1, 1920.

1.   Report of the Business Agent.

2.    Capital Account and University Debt.

3.    Report of the President.

4.    Candidates for Degrees.

5.    Report of Committee on Engineering Equipment.

6.   Election of Officers.

7.    Budget for the Fiscal year, 1920-21.

8.    Cimmittee on Inspection.

9.    Changes in College of Arts and Sciences.

10.   Appointment,, Promotions, etc.

11.  Appointments of J. W. Carr as Director of Physical Education.

12.   Resignation of G. T. Wyatt.



Membership of the Board of Trustees



               Members of the Board of Trustees
                      July 1, 1,20.

 1.   Ex Officio Members
            Honorable Edwin P. Morrow, Governor of Kentucky
            Honorable George Colvin, State Superintendent of Schools
            Honorable Will C. Hanna, Commissioner of Agriculture
            Honorable James K. Patterson, University of Kentucky
 II.   Members of the State Board of Agriculture
            T. L. Hornsby, Eminence (1926)
            Senator H. M. Froman, Lexington (1924)
            J. R. Rash, Henderson (1922)

III.   Members at Large
            Richard P. Ernst, Covington (1c22)
            Robert G. Gordon, Louisville (1924)
            Richard C. Stoll, Lexington (1924)
            Rainey T. Wells, Murray (1922)
            James W. Turner, Paintsville (1926)
            Frank McKee, Versailles (1926)

IV.    The Alumni Members
            W. H. Grady, Louisville (1926)
            J. I. Lyle, New York City (1924)
            P, P. Johnston, Jr., Lexington (1922)

       Officers of the Board
            Honorable Edwin P. Morrow, Chairman
            Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman
            Wellington Patrick, Secretary
            W. A. McDowell, Treasurer

       Executive Committee
            Rainey T. Wells,
            Richard P. Ernst
            R. G. Gordon
            P. P. Johnston, Jr.
            Richard C. Stoll, Chairman

       Committee on Agricultural Extension
            Honorable Edwin P. Morrow
            Senator H. M. Froman
            Frank McKee
            T. L. Hornsby
            W. C. Hanna.


Minutes of the Board of Trustees

                   Office of the Governor

                                  February 27, 1920.

Mr. Wellington Patrick, Secretary
      Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky
          Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Sir:

      This is to notify you that I have reappointed
James W. Turner, Paintsville, Kentucky, and Frank McKee
of Versailles as members of the Board of Trustees, and
have appointed T. L. Hornsby of Eminence, Kentucky, as
a member of the Board to represent the State Board of

Very truly yours,

    Edwin P. Morrow




              Minutes Of The Board of Trustees

              University of Kentucky

                             December 30, 1919

              Memorandum for President McVey

My dear President McVey:

      For your information and record, I am giving you the Gov-
ernor's record of appointment of the members of the Board of
Trustees of the University as constituted after the passage of
the new law in 1918. I obtained this information to-day from
Mr. Carr, Assistant Secretary of State.

      1. Ex-officio members
           A. 0. Standley, Governor
           V. 0. Gilbert, State Superintendent
           Mat S. Sohen, Commissioner of Agriculture

      2. Alumni Members
           W. H. Grady, Louisville (1920)
           J. I. Lyle, New York City (1924)
           P, P. Johnson, Jr., Lexington (1922)

      3. Distinguished Citizens of the Commonwealth
          Richard P. Ernst, Covington (1924)
          R. G. Gordon, Louisville (1924)
          R. C. Stoll, Lexington (1924)
          Rainey T. Wells, Murray (1922)
          J. W. Turner, Paintsville (1.920)
          Frank McKee, Versailles (1920)

      4. From the State Board of Agriculture
           J. M. Elliston, Elliston (1920)
           Senator H. M. Froman (1924)
           J. R. Rash, Henderson (1922)

      The Governorts record shows that Mr. Lyle, Mr. Gordon, Mr.
Stoll and Senator Froman were appointed for a period of six years
which would make their terms expire in 1924; Mr. Johnston, Mr.
Ernst, and Mr. Wells were appointed for a period of four years,
making theri terms expire in 1922; Mr. Grady, Mr. McKee, Mr.
Turner and Mr. Elliston were appointed for a period of two years,
making their terse expire in 1920.



               Minutes of the Board of Trustees

      All these men with the exception of Mr. Grady and Mr. McKee
were appointed on April 27, 1918. Mr. Grady was appointed on
May 15, 1919.  No record was obtained regarding the appointment
of Me. McKee, 'but his appointment was earlier in the year of 1919.

      It will be noted that the distribution of the periods is
strictly in accordance with the law, namely that one alumni mem-
ber, one member of the State Board of Agriculture and two dis-
tinguished citizens of the Commonwealth shall be appointed each
biennium in the even years.

      The question might be raised as to the date of expiration of
the term of office of the members of the State Board of Agricul-
ture -- whether their term of office as members of the Board of
trustees is coterminous with the expiration of their term as mem-
bers of the Board of Agriculture. In making the appointments it
is evident that the Governor considered that such was not the case
for he appointed both Captain Rash and Senator Froman for periods
extending beyond the expiration of their term as members of the
Board of Agriculture. The Attorney General might be called upon
to settle the point, but it simplifies matters to assume that the
Governor's appointment of Mr. Rash and Senator Froman should stand
until the end of their regularly appointed periods as members of
the Board of Trustees.

      Mr. Grehan, former Secretary of the Board of Trustees, in-
formed me that no statement from the Governor was obtained at
the time these appointments were made. It wes, therefore, neces-
sary to consult the records a.t Frankfort in order to obtain the

      I desire to suggest that in future catalogs, the personnel
of the Board be printed as classified on the preceding page, the
dates of the expiration of term of office of Board of Agriculture
members being also given.

                               Very truly yours,

                (Signed)          Wellington Patrick

Secretary of the Board.



            Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

        AN ACT creating the position of member ex-officio of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

         Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of

         1. That the position of member ex-officio of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky is hereby created.

         2. That the president emeritus of said University shall,
so long as ne may live, or so long as he may desire, hold said
position and upon his death or resignation the position shall be
automatically abolished.

         3. That said member shall perform all duties now recuired
of other members of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky and shall in all respects have the same power and au-
thority now vested in other members of said board.

         4. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.

Approved March 20, 1920.



             Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

                        Chapter 42
           Acts of the General Assembly for 1920

An Act to create a Board of Trustees for the government, administra-
     tion and control of the University of kentucky; providing for its
     appointment, and repealing previous laws relating to same subject.

     Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of

     1. ia) The government, administration and control of the Univer-
sity of entucky is hereby vested in a Board of Trustees, constituted
and appointed as follows:

     The Governor of Kentucky, who shall be chairman of the Board,
the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Commissioner of
Agriculture, Labor and Statistics, who shall be ex-officio members,
and twelve men, discreet, intelligent and prudent, who shall be
appointed by the Governor of Kentucky. Four of each shall be ap-
pointed each biennium for a term of six years and until their suc-
cessors are appointed. One of the four so appointed shall be a
member of the State Board of Agriculture, one shall be appointed
from. among three alumni nominated to the Governor by the alumni
of the University, and the other two shall be distinguished citizens
of the Commonwealth, one of whom shall be appointed from each of
the political parties having the right to appoint a member of the
State Board of Election Commissioners.   With the exception of the
members of the Bpard of Trustees appointed upon the nomination of
the alumni of the University, no two membe.:s of the Board of Trus-
tees, who are appointed by the Governor, shall be residents of any
one county in Kentucky. All appointments as members of the Board
of Trustees by the Governor shall be made during the month of Jan-
uary in the even years. The Board of Trustees of the University
shall prescribe the methods by which the alumni of the University
shall make the nomination to the Governor of the three persons from
whom the alumni members of tne Board of Trustees shall be appointed.
Each alumnus shall be permitted to vote, but no alumnus shall be
permitted to vote for the nomination of alumni trustees in the year
in which he has received his degree. No member of the Board of Trus-
tees shall be held to be a public officer by reason of his membership
on said board. Provided, however, as soon as tnis act shall become
effective, the terms of the present members of the Board of Trustees
of the University shall expire and the Governor shall appoint twelve
members of the Board of Trustees, four of whom shall serve until Jan-
uary, 1920, four of whom shall serve until January, 1922, and four of
whom shall serve until January, 1924, and until their successors are
appointed. In making said appointments the Governor shall appoint for



            Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

each of said terms one member of the State Board of Agriculture, one
alumnus of the institution and two distinguished citizens, one of whom
shall be members of each of the political parties in the State having
the right to name a member of the State Board of Election Commissioners.
In cese of vacancies by resignation, removal or death, the Governor shall
fill such vacancies in the same manner as provided for the appointment
of members of the Board.

     (b) The Board of Trustees of the University shall meet at least
four times a year, as follows:

     On the Tuesday preceding the regular annual commencement of the
University, on the third Tuesday in September, on the second Tuesday
in December and on the first Tuesday in April of each year.

     Special meetings of the Board, however, may be called by the
chairman or by any three members of the Board, upon giving ten days'
notice of the meeting in writing to each member of the Board, but
at such special meetings the business to be transacted shall be
specified in the notice of the meeting.

     (c) The Board of Trustees shall annually elect an Executive
Committee of five, which Executive Committee shall have such powers
as may be delegated to it by the Boara of Trustees.  The Executive
Committee shall submit to the Board of Trustees at each meeting, for
its consideration and approval, a complete record of its proceedings,
provided, however the authority of the Board of Trustees to revise
the acts of the Executive Committee shall not extend to the rejection
of any valid or any authenticated expenditure of money by said Ex-
ecutive Committee.

     (d) The Board of Trustees shall have power to elect a vice-chair-
man and such other officers as it may deem wise, and shall have power
to make such by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent herewith,
as it may deem proper.

     (e) The chairman of the board shall appoint at the meeting in
June of each year an Extension Committee consisting of four members
of the Board of Trustees in addition to hamself to advise with the
Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Director of Extension on
matters perteining to the Extension Service in the State.

     2. Whereas, it is deemed for the best interests of the University
and of the State that the Board of Trustees be re-organized at once
so that the State may be better served, an emergency is hereby declared
to exist, and this act shall take effect from and after its passage
and approval, as required by law.



             Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

     3. Section 2 of Chapter 20 of the Acts of 1916, beginning at
page `50 of said published acts and continuing to Section 3 on
page 154 of said Acts, and Section 15 of the Kentucky Statutes,
Carroll's Edition 1903, which is all of Section 4636c Kentucky Stat-
tutes, Edition 1915, beginning with said section at. the top of page
2361, and including all Sub-sections and sub-sub-sections to Sub-
section 16 on page 2362, are hereby repealed. Sub-section 20 of
Section 4636c, beginning on page 2363 and ending on page 2364, Sub-
section 22 of Section 4636c on page 2364, and Sub-section 24 of Sec-
tion 4636c, beginning at the bottom of page 2364 and ending at the
top of page 2365, are also repealed.



Minutes of The Board Of Trustees

        A. 0. Stanley

        J. I. Lyle

        H. M. Froman

Exc.     R. C. Stoll

Exc.     P. P. Johnston Jr.

         J. R. Rash

         Rainey Wells

         J. M. Turner

Exc.     J. M. Elliston

         Matt Cohen

         V. 0. Gilbert

Exc.     R. P. Ernst

Exc.     R. G. Gordon

( Frankfobt

C 39 Cortland St. New York City.

( Lex.

( Lex

( Lex

( Henderson

C Murray

( Paintsville

C Elliston, Ky.

( Frankfort

(    t'

C Covington
   lt Nat. B1X. Bldg. Cin. 0.
 ( Louisville
    Paul Jones Bldg.



            Minutes of The Board Of Trustees

               Old Board Out of Existence.

Governor     A. O. Stanley, Frankfort, Kentucky.

President     H. S. Barker, Lexington, Kentucky

Honorable     C. B. Nichols, Lesington, Kentucky

              C. B. Terrell, Bedford, Kentucky.

              Frank McKee, Versailles, Kentucky.

              V. 0 Gilbert, Frankfort, Kentucky.

              "Mlatt S. Cohen, Frankfort, Kentucky.

  "t         V. J. Harris, Kevil, Kentucky.

              R. J. Bassett, Leitchfield, Kentucky.

              T. L Hornsby, Eminence, Kentucky.

              J. R. Rash, Henderson, Kentucky.

              J. L. Letterle, Harrods Creek, Kentucky.

              H. M. Froman, Ghent, Kentucky
              J. M. Elliston, Elliston, Kentucky.

              Fred. R. Ble.dkburn, Stanton, Kentucky.

              Tibbis Carpenter, Scottsville, Kentucky.
  if         William .. Cox, Maysville, Kentucky.
              Denny P. Smith, Cadiz, Kentucky.
              Richard C. Stoll, Lexington, Kentucky.

              J. A. Amon, Lancaster, Kentucky.
              Richard N. Wathen, Lebanon, Kentucky.

Judge         James Breathitt, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

Honorable     James K. Patterson, Lexington, Kentucky.

              James W. Turner, Paintsville, Kentucky.

              R. G. Gordon, Paul Jones Bldg. Louisville, Kentucky.

              George G. Brock, London, Kentucky.

              Frank Battaile, Lexington, Kentucky.

              J. Irvine Lyle, Nevw York, N. Y.

              John E. Brown, Shelbyville, Kentucky.
              P. P. Johnston, Jr. Lexington, Kentucky.
Doctor        Samuel B. Marks, Lexington, Kentucky.

    it        A. Gatliff, Williamsburg, Kentucky.



Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees


The order of business shall be as follows;

     (a)    Call to order.

     (b)    Reading of minutes.

     (c)    Approval or modification of minutes.

     (a)    Reading of minutes of Executive Committee and
                  Committee on Extension.

     (3)    Report of Committees.

     \f)    Business presented by President.

                  (1) General matters relating to appointments.
                      faculty action and University affairs.

                  (2) Financial and Business affairs.

                  (3) Buildings and Grounds.

     (g)    Report of Business Agent.

     (h)    New Business.

     (i)    Adjournment.



             Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees      June 1, 1920.

     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Tuesday, June 1, 1920.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in the office of the President at the
University at 12:00 o'clock, noon, Tuesday, June 1, 1920.   (The
April meeting of the Board having adjourned to meet on this date.)
The following members were present:  Superintendent George Colvin,
T. L. Hornsby, Richard P. Ernst, Robert G. Gordon, J. R. Rash,
P. P. Johnston, Jr., J. I. Lyle, Richard C. Stoll, James W. Turner,
Rainey T. Wells,-Frank McKee, a.nd W. H. Grady. Frank L. McVey,
President of the University and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of
the Board were also present.   In the absence of the Governor,
Mr. Stoll presided.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board for April were approved
as published.   The minutes of the Executive Committee since the
last meeting of the Board were approved as published.

     (1)  Re-port of the Business Agent.  The financial report of.
the Business Agent was read by the President and ordered received
and filed.

     (2)  Capital Account and University Debt.   President MoVey
reported to the Board the condition of the capital account and
University debt, as follows:

                      I. Indebtedness

June 30, 1916, net indebtedness after deducting assets ...   $100,687
June 30, 1917, net indebtedness after deducting assets . ..   114,994.
June 30, 1918, net indebtedness after deducting assets ...    108,801
June 30, 1919, net indebtedness after deducting assets ...    140,822
June 30, 1920, estimated indebtedness, $153,500, deducting
     assets will leave approximately a. net indebtedness of    63,000



Minutes Of The Board Of' Trustees

June 1, 1920..

II. Additions to Capital Account, July 2, 1918 to April 30, 1919.

                       General Fund

l 91 -1919

* 1919-1920

Real Estate                                ;
     Mulligan lot on Winslow Street...
     Four lots on Winslow Street.....
     C. P. Patterson lot on Winslow
        Street .........................
     W. H. Scherffius lot on Rost St.. :
     Payment on Mulligan bond....         :
     Embry lot on Winslow Street.          :

     Administration Building .
     President's house.     .............. .
     Neville Hall ................... . .
     Superintendent's house.    e.  .
     Clock and bell system ............
     White Hall.......................
     Green house ......................
     Home Exonomics ...................
     Automobile shop ..................
     Heating plant.
     Abattoir .......
     Live stock pavilion ......:
     Mechanical Hall toilet........... .

Equipment, Books, etc .............. ..

Eliminated for sales, and transfers to
     be adjusted June 30, but now car-
     ried in total .

Total for two years .............. :


32,463.51 :




4 , ,0 -04

140.054-05 :







            Minutes of The Board Of Trustees     June 1. 1920

II. Additions to Capital Account, jl           1, 191d, to April 30, 1919

                    Experiment Station

 ------------------------------------ ___------------_-----------------

                                         ;l91b_1919    :1919-1920

Real Estate Purchased.
     Experiment field in Paducah...... :    $155.00
     Grimes property on Rose Street... :          b,8S00.00
     Havenhill property on Rose Street :   5,350.00
     Graham Avenue lots transferred
        from University............... .                   $974. 00

     Refrigerating plant      .     .   :  4,602.50          19.bO
     Incinerator      .      .......... :    490.24         152.00
     Live stock pavilion.        .                :       2,131.4-
     Creamery.......   .      .     ...............          26.73
     Dean's residence                                     1................,:b42.55

     Equipment, live stock, etc.......    13,654-b7       3,bb2.37

                                        : 31,052.41  :   l,b0b.73
     Total for two years     .       .......             49.bbll4
 =__ = = _ = = = =  _ = = ==  = = _ = = _ = _ = _ = _ _ _ = _ _ =



            Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees      June 1, 1920

     (3) Report of the President. The President then presented
to the Board a brief report of the work of the year, as follows:

     The Board of Trustees

          University of Kentucky


          "In presenting this, my annual report to you, I shall
     confine my remarks tlo the main features.  I shall present
     a brief or longer report, depending on the time at our dis-

          "(a) Attendance.   The total attendance for the year
     has been 1,b24.   Of these, there were l,Ob candidates for
     degrees.   There were 32b women students -- the largest en-
     rollment of women that we have ever had at the University.
     It is also the largest total enrollment that we have ever
     had at the University with the exception of last year when
     we had with us the Students' Army Training Corps.    Out of
     a total number of about twenty-five hundred high scnool
     graduates in the State, we get from those who go tl college
     about 35%.   We ought to have between eight and ten thousand
     students graduating from the nigh scnools of Tne State instead
     of twenty-five hundred.   We  have in   tne State about 277
     high schools an' private academies that prepare students for
     college.   W7e have had this year 107 out of the 120 counties
     represented.   We also have students from 23 different states
     and one from a foreign country.   One hundred forty-four
     students in the senior class are candidates for bachelor
     degrees.   In spite of the comparatively small number of
     high school graduates in the State, however, the University
     has about all it can care for.

          "(b) The University Staff.   The University staff as
     at preseat is composed as follows:

          Administration officers ..................     8
          Instructors .............................. 131
          Experiment Station staff .................   73
          Agricultural extension workers ...........   79
          Clerical stff.......................... __
                         Total.. ~~~~~~~340



            Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees    June 1, 1920

     "(c) Housing of Students.   The situation with respect
to housing and feeding students gets worse all of the time
rather than better.   Boarding houses are beginning to vith-
draw from the field.   Prices are soaring higher and higher,
and board is likely to go up for students as high as $12, a
reek for.next year.

     "(a)  Teaching Problems.  The situation with regard to
teachers is growing increasingly difficult.   Men are leav-
ing us all the time, and we are finding it more and more
difficult to fill their places.   Instructors that we former-
ly paid $1,200 to $1,500 leave us and those who come in their
places want $1,800.  ,Ve are relying on seniors and graduate
students and our teaching staff is having to carry a. heavier

     "(e) Student Conduct.   Student conduct at the Univere
sity has been very satisfactory.   Hazing is gradually dis-
appearing.   Gambling gives us a little trouble, and I sup-
pose that it will continue to do so to a certain extent.

     "(f) Scholarshin.   Scholarship in the student body has
been very satisfactory.   A large number have maintained a.
standing of 2.7.   Over 5-9% of our seniors have attained a
standing of over 2.7.

     "1(g) Research and Publication.  Research and pubhlica-
tion is improving but is by no means what it ought to be.
The Experiment Station staff has been doing considerable
publication work.

     "(h) Miscellaneous Activities.   There are a good many
miscellaneous activities on the campus that may be mentioned.
Excellent work is being done in mining, but more equipment
and more help are needed.   Outside lecturers have been
given in greater number.   Extension courses are showing a
gratifying growth.   The growth of certain departments has
been marked, noticeably in Economics and Sociology, Art,
Music, Botany, Zoology, Romance Languages, Mathematics,
Anatomy and Physiology, and Geology.   Publicity work as
carried on through. the Department of Journalism bids fair
to be of service to the University.   Art exhibits and con-
certs have occupied a. larger place in University life.  The
campus playhouse has scored a decided initial success,
Matriculation lectures required of all freshmen were voted
a success generally by the students themselves. Departmental


Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

clubs and honor societies have increased, showing a. healthy
attemDt to make affairs of the 'main tentt compete with the
'side shows'.   The combined courses atre attracting students.
Certain new courses like the Phychology of Advertising, the
labora.tory work in Physiology, and the new courses in Bacte-
riology are deserving of notice.   The program in physical
education is developing.   Instramural sports, first aid
courses, out door snorts for Ywomen, high school tournaments,
all record progress,   The Reserve Officers' Training Course
is being developed under the efficient guidance of Captain
Tucker.   The Red Cross work has proven very successful.
The Model School has had a successful year and an able teach-
ing corps.

     "We need badly a museum.   Kentucky is losing every day
a lot of valuable things in the way of paintings and fine
historical material that are going to museums out of the
State simply because we have no place to put them.   We need
badly a building for agricultural engineering.    The Law
School has made good progress during the year.    It is the
best year that we have ever had.    It has a library of 10,000
volumes and a.n enrollment of about 100."

     (4) Candidates for Degrees.   The following list of can-
didates for degrees was presented by the President as having
been recommended by the University Senate.    On motion, which
was seconded and unanimously adopted, the Board authorized
that the degrees recommended be conferred.    The list is a.s

     C andidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Elizabeth Lamb Bettram
Alma Louisa. Bolser
William R. Campbell
Elizabeth Lloyd Card
Jay Lee, Chambers
Lucy Jane Cracraft
Nancy Elizabeth.Davidson
John Henry Davis
Lucille Minerva Dean
James Alexander Dixon
Ethel Constance Fletcher
Henry Enright Grehan
Lucile Lee Harbold
Martha Frances Kimbrough
Mary Elizabeth Davis

Effie King
M6arge.ret E. McClure
Elizabeth Glass Marshall.
Virginia Helm Milner
Zerelda Noland.
Ralnh Fred Peters.
Martha Hutchison Pollitt
Fan Donnell Ratliffe
George Thomas Robinson
Charles Obie Ryan
Dean Slagle
Edna Wiithers Smith
Nancy Bowman Smock
William  Carlyle Soward
David Laws Thornton, Jr.

J-ane l, 1920



Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

Katherine Olivia Tucker
Frank Waldo Tuttle
Mary Scott Van Meter
IMina Frances WNhite

June 1, 1920

Louise Will-
Alberta Wilson.
Leon Wise
Margaret Woll

Candidates for the egree of Bachelor of Science

John Paul Heasl
Cornelius Pufus Lisanby
Victor Frederick Olivier
Lora Lee Robertson
Lovel Feris Bush

Marion Brooke Sirague

Morris Vilcofsky      DIt             q 2t 3
Robert Donglas Wprth
Irma Frances Weutzell

C andidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
              Industrial Chemistry

George Childs Bauer
Lofton Voiers Burge

Eger Vaughn Murphree
William Yourish

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Linville Amburgey
Rupert A. Belt
Clyde Bland
Herbert Hobson Bennett
Herman Carman
Harry Roberts Cottrell
Grover Howard Creech
Jack Manning' Dorr
Joseph Lee Gayle
Raymond Harlan Gilbert
Anderson Smith Gill

E-wart Gordon C-odbey
Harlan Russell Halbert
Barry Lee Bounchell
Everett Edward Kelley
Junius Lewis
James Edward Parker, Jr.
Goebel Porter
Leo Ellis Steinbauser
Jesse Washington Tapp
Edwa.,rd Yancey Van Derem
Joe Alexander Wesson

Candidates for the Degreeof Bachelor of Science in
             Home IEconomics

Nell Alford
Marie Rodes Barkley
Katherine Florence Bell
Margaret. Tilford Bird
Lucille Carolyn Blatz
Kathleen Brand
Sally Henri Coleman
Virginia Halbert CrQft

Catherine AAdelle Denton
Grace Maxwell
Louise Carolyn Mayer
Dorothy Middelton
Louise Saiser
Ha.nnah Sarah Wealcley
Hattie Ell Wheeler
Edith Williams



Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees

June 1, 1920

Candidates for the denree of Bachelor of Science in
               Civil Engineering

Howard Clark Forman
Morris Forman
John Thompson Guthrie
Whayne Wilson Haffler
Neal William Knight

William Francis Marshall
George Allen McRoberts
John Caleb Morris
Albert Cornelius Ste-ohens

Ca.ndidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
           Mechanical Engineering

Jose-ph Harrison Bailey
Hervey Parks Boone
Jerry Bromagen
Davie Craik Choate
John Winston Coleman, Jr.
Edward Everett Elsey
Ulysses Victoria Garred
Charles William Gordon
Clarence Milton Hargraves
Charles Rose McClure

Joseph Stuart Misrach
Kenneth Rhea Nisbet
Russell Smith Park
Nick Thomas Puckett
Henry Clay Thompson, Jr.
William Mason Wallace, Jr.
Robert William Waterfill
Harry Theodore Weinshank
John Douglas Wood

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
               Mining Engineer ing

Thomas Leo Gorman

Lewis Wrilliam Morgan

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Hubert McGuire Blakey
William Coleman Brown
Holland Gaines Bryan
James Preston Cherry
Edward Settle Da.bney
George Dewey Downing
Eldon Stears Dummitt
Thomas Dillard Grubbs
Herbert Proctor Haley
Edward Everett Hardin
Oecil Hubert Heavrin
Herbert Eugene Hicks
Sue Kerr Hicks

George W. Hogan
J. Woodford Howard
Charles Alvin Lisanby
John William McKenzie
William Bryan Martin
Neville Moore
James Park
Edward Alexander Puryear
J. P. Goodson Reynolds
Edgar Everitt Rice
Neal Grace Sullivan
Orin Coomes Walker
Buford Williams



       M4inutes Of The Board Of Trustees   June 1, 1920

       Candidates for Advanced Degrees

         Master of Arts in Economics

Commodore Bascom Fisher      William Hugh McCord

       Master of Science in Agriculture

Jay Cook Grimes              Richard Clarenoe Miller

                 Civil Engineer

Hyman Fried

Henry English Read

             Mechanical Engineer

John Esten Bolling           Margaret Ingels
James Howard Evans