xt72fq9q5622 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q5622/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 2005 2005 2005-10-05 2020 true xt72fq9q5622 section xt72fq9q5622 NEWS



UK offering free depression screenings tomorrow


Get the scouting report on South Carolina football,
and read why family counts for UK's team PAGE IO


Wednesday. October 5, 2005

Police chief
search still

Full-time job open for almost one year

By Megan Boehnlre
m: Krurucxv new

UK is aiming to have a new chief of police ready to
step into the position by the start of the spring semes-
ter, said Ken Clevidence, UK’s director of public safety,
who is overseeing the search.

UK originally narrowed its search to seven people
last spring, but when three of those candidates accept-
ed other positions during the selection process, Clevi-
dence said UK decided to reopen the search this fall.
New candida tes now have until Oct. 21 to apply.

“We had folks drop out to the point where we felt

we didn’t have a fair representa-

" tion of what was out there.” Clevi-

l thouqht dence said. “We had some quality

we'd kHOCk candidates but didn’t have enough

. . to make it a good pool to select
this out in from." _

UK began its search to fill the

two or three position after former police chief

Fred Otto III resigned a month af-

months and ter he was reprimanded in Octo-

ber 2004 for getting a UK police

have a new employee to help him with course

' ' work for his doctoral degree at
ChlEf, DUt It Eastern Kentucky University.

h asn't Clevidence managed the posi-

tion himself for nine months he-

worked out fore naming Capt. Kevin Franklin

as the interim police chief in July.

that way." “I thought we’d knock this out

in two or three months and have a

new chief, but it hasn’t worked
out that way,” Clevidence said.

When Clevidence sought Pres-
ident Lee Todd’s go-ahead to name
Franklin as interim chief, he also
requested permission to hire an executive search firm
to aid in broadening the search.

UK is now in a contract with Waters-Oldani. a divi-
sion of The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. The group
reopened the position late last week, posting it on the
company‘s Web site.

As of Friday, five to six new candidates applied,
said Lance Broeking. the director of finance for cam-
pus services at UK. He's working directly with the
company as UK’s appointed project director.

Waters-Oldani is also posting the position on other
Web sites, mailing information about the position to
their contacts and visiting industry-specific seminars

See Search on page 3

UK diversity
out of

Group has lacked leader since June;
diversity recommendations on hold


President Lee Todd's lgmember diversity commis-
sion hasn’t met since the beginning of this past summer
because it hasn’t had a leader.

In a campus-wide email sent last Friday, Todd said
he wants to immediately appoint a new chair for the
President‘s Commission on Diversity and charge the
group to aggressively pursue recommendations devel-
oped under the leadership of former chairwoman De
neese Jones.

Todd announced this and two other objectives in re
sponse to recent criticism stemming from a 40 percent
drop in black freshman enrollment this year compared
to last year’s class.

Some of the commission's recommendations in-
clude defining UK’s position on diversity, establishing
an award to promote and recognize diversity, providing
incentives for departments and colleges to recruit and
retain diverse faculty and working with city officials
and community groups to promote diversity

“The president has been talking to several people
throughout the campus about how UK can best move
forward," said UK spokesman Jay Blanton.

Stephen Voss, associate professor of political science
and a member of the commission, said the group hasn’t
had a chair since Jones, who left to become dean of the
college of education and human services at Longwood
College in Farmville, Va., in June.

As a result, the commission's Sept. 20 meeting had to
be canceled due to a lack of leadership. he said As head
of the group’s campus environment subcommittee,



director of public safety



Celebrating 34 years of independence


Students counter pro-life caravan

By Clay White
m: xrurucxv «mu

Standing outside the White
Hall Classroom Building yes-
terday. Kathryn Hogg, an Eng-
lish and women’s studies ju-
nior. leaned forward and
placed a condom in the pocket
of a male student passing by.

Hogg and a contingent of
her fellow students stood in
front of a table containing
pamphlets reading “Condoms
save lives!” and “Making Sex

Safer.” A poster taped in front
of the table said. “It is About
Life. the Life of the Mother."
Hogg is a member of Stu-
dents for Choice. a newly
formed prochoice organiza-
tion on campus. The group
handed out condoms and liter-
ature at an information booth
yesterday in response to a pro
life campaign called Reproduc-
tive “Choice,” which drove
trucks around campus Mon-
day and yesterday displaying 8

foot-by-22-foot pictures of
aborted first-trimester fetuses.

“We’re not pro-abortion,
per se." Hogg said. “We just
want people to be informed
about the decisions they make
about their own bodies.

“We don’t think that some
one else should do that for

Hogg said the group wants
to use information. and not
scare tactics, to get its point

Ellen Sawyer. a communi-
cations junior and another
member of Students for
Choice, said the group is “very
grassroots." With seven mem-
bers. the group formed Mon-
day to refute the Reproductive
“Choice" campaign.

“We decided to meet to in-
troduce a pro-choice voice to
refute the very large prolife
voice on campus," Sawyer

See Response on page 3


Senior goalie now diving for soccer shots
after childhood dreams of dodging enemy fighter jets

By Chris Miles
THE xmrucxv mun

As Andy Gruenebaum
pitches his F-16 Fighting Fal-
con hard to the left, he can al-
most smell the exhaust times
of the stinger missile that
whizzes by -» just barely
missing a direct hit to the
cockpit — through his oxygen



He's sweating.

His aircraft begins to slide
into a barrel roll as he maneu-
vers it out of harms way then
sets it even again and watches
as the enemy missile explodes
in the vast blue sky in front of

“That was a close call,
Maverick." Gruenebaum


an m
Goalkee er And Gruenebaum, a fifth-year senior, is leading UK’s defense this season. Selected as the fire-season defensive player of the year
SA, Gruenebaum has logged almost 5,000 minutes in goal for UK in his career, and he

for Con erence

hears from his .3 .

wingman over

his earpiece.

He knows it

was. He knows he just es-

caped almost certain death, if

not for his cat-like reflexes.
This was what senior UK

men’s soccer goalkeeper

Andy Gruenebaum figured

his life would be before he

graduated high school in
Overland Park. Kan. — that of

- a fighter pilot.

“My favorite movie is ‘Top
Gun,m Gruenebaum said.
“My brother and I loved
planes. My mom even sewed
us each a flight suit for Hal-
loween one year.

“I always wanted to be a

See Soccer on page 3




as 200 career saves.


Men’s group looks at women’s safety


A new men's group has emerged on
UK's campus with the goal of making a

difference regarding violence
against women issues.

A small group of four resi-
dence hail directors launched a
new organization called
MAVAR@UK — Men Against
Violence and Rape at UK — to

include men in the process of

reducing violence against
women on campus.

"When men work with
women, they together play a
significant role in decreasing
the amount of violence against
women." said Brandon
Williams, one of the hall direc-
tors at Kirwan Tower.

Similar programs have been started
at other universities. such as the Eastern
Kentucky University’s group Men Advo
cating Responsible Sex. Williams said. He

said it’s time for UK to do the


“And my chal-
lenge is to the
male faculty,
staff and

The four hall directors were
motivated to make a change af-
ter hearing Dorothy Edwards.
director of UK Women's Place,
speak about violence and rape
earlier this semester.

The group approached Ed~

“It is important to know that most
men are not violent." Edwards said.
“Most men are just as offended and out-
raged as the women. And my challenge is
to the male faculty: stafl‘ and administra-

tion to step up and support these men."

to step up and
support these

Dorothy Edwards

director, 0! lom's Hace

wards with the intent of getting
involved in educating men
about the responsibilities and
roles they have in combating
this problem.

Edwards said male involve
ment in this issue is long over-
due and she’s thrilled about this
organization's initiative.

Edwards said since men typically
have more influence on each other and a
better understanding of the male culture
than women do. she believes this new
group will be a success.

Bill Wood. an intern at Women's Place

See MAVAlt on page 3


Next meeting: Mlesday, Oct. 19 at no p.m.









m: z | Wednesday. Oct. 5. 2005




Continued from page 1


which reported directly to the com-
mission on issues surrounding stu-
dent diversity. Voss said no one in
UK's administration approached
him about his subcommittee‘s

“Has the president ever talked
to me? No." Voss said. “We didn't
hear about a timetable for when a
new commission director would be
named until afier this controversy

Blanton said the fact that the
chair position hasn‘t been filled
since the start of the summer isn’t
out of the ordinary.

“The summer isn‘t the best
time to elect positions or form com-
mittees." Blanton said. “It’s diffi—
cult to complete this process when
so many faculty are away from
campus or not here full-time."

Blanton reiterated that Todd
wants to move forward as quickly
as possible. but he said it‘s more
important to pick the best person
than to pick someone quickly

The new commission chair will
have a president who is willing to
work with them to make UK truly
diverse, Jones said.

“We met twice a month. but he
would meet with me anytime i
wanted." she said of Todd.

Jones said ded was very effec-
tive in doing work with committees
that had never been done at UK.

“He focused them all into a free
standing group, which is now the
commission." she said. “He was a
visionary and very effective."

Jones said the importance of ‘

UK understanding that diversity is
not just bringing in more black stu~
dents. but that it's also about estab-
lishing a sense of cultural compe-
tence. or what she referred to as
what an institution values.

“Once this (cultural compe-
tence) occurs. all areas begin to be
addressed, including race. gender.
etc.." Jones said. “You have to set
up the institution and put a culture
in place so students can do more
than simply survive. but strive.“

She said Todd understands this,
but added that he can't do it all.

“The entire university must
change.” Jones said. ”UK has a
tremendous opportunity to move
forward in a dramatic way. and I
believe they are poised to do so.‘




l'\i\ li|(\l'l'\ mv Kiwi ( l\'\'

Selected crimes reported to UK police

Sept. 28 through Oct. 3
Sept. 28: Theft from building reported at the police sta-
tion at I p.m. after a woman said she had her wallet
stolen from WT. Young Library on Sept. 26.
Sept. 28: Suspicious person investigated at the UK
Chandler Medical Center after a white male was report-
edly begging for money in the front loop at 6:26 pm.
Sept. 28: Suspicious person investigated after a white
male armed with a rifle with a white sock over it was
walking toward Kirwan Tower at 7:17 pm.
Sept. 29: Theft from building reported at Patterson Office
Tower after complainant said a black male was going
through her desk and fled when confronted at 1:30 pm.
Sept. 29: Suspicious circumstances were reported at
Kirwan IV after a black male was witnessed soliciting
females to be in a film at 6:47 pm.
Sept. 30: Marijuana usage investigated at Haggin Hall at
12:51 am.
Sept. 30: Alcohol intoxication reported at Seaton Center
after a man was witnessed asleep in the lobby at 5:19
Sept. 30: Criminal mischief reported at Sigma Alpha
Epsilon house at 11:45 am.
Oct. 1: Security guard reported suspicious circumstances
at Memorial Coliseum at 6:08 am.
Oct. 1: Suspicious circumstances reported at 330 Waller
Ave. at 9:58 am. when a female said she was approached
in her car by an unknown male at the intersection of
Cooper Drive and University Drive and advised her that
he would be following her.
Oct. 1: Suspicious person investigated at Jewell Hall at
8:53 pm.
Oct. 2: Assault reported at the lobby of Kirwan Tower at
2 an
Oct. 2: Criminal Mischief reported at two vehicles parked
at Sigma Alpha Epsilon house at 7:37 pm.
Oct. 2: Theft of automobile reported in the E-lot beside
the Student Center at 8:45 pm.
Oct. 2: Bomb threat reported against UK Chandler
Medical Center emergency room from a call made from a
St. Joseph Hospital pay phone at 11:03 pm.
Oct. 3: Criminal mischief reported at the Student Center
after an individual threw a rock into a meeting room win-
dow at 9:06 am.
Oct. 3: Theft from building reported at Kentucky Clinic at
9:14 am. after someone broke in over the weekend and
stole contents from a safe.
Oct. 3: Traffic hazard reported on Rose Street after truck
with pictures of aborted fetuses on it was stopped in the
Oct. 3: Traffic hazard reported at Medical Center when
same vehicle from before with anti-abortion messages
stopped in roadway and blocked traffic.

Compiled by staff writer Megan Boehnke
E-mail mboehnke®kykernel.com









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Continued from page I


fighter pilot." he said, a
dream he always had grow-
ing up. “It was my dream to
see the world high above
from the cockpit."

At least one member of
the Gruenebaum family
chased after that dream: his
brother, who is now an aero-
space engineer.
Gruenebaum. on the other
hand. despite a love for fight-
er planes. never wanted to
join the military.

Now in the fourth year of
his career. Gruenebaum has
played almost 5.000 minutes
and tallied 200 saves as goal-
keeper. earning mention
among the nation‘s top defen-
sive players. He notched six
shutouts last season. and he‘s
continued that trend this
year with four more. He was
recognized before the start of
this year as the Conference
USA preseason defensive
player of the year.

“Andy is a great kid.“ said
men's soccer head coach Ian
Collins. “He works hard and
has a great passion for the


Continued from page i

and a graduate student in the
School of Social Work. said
the task of solving campus
safety issues need the involve-
ment of everyone on campus.

“Violence is an issue for
everyone. not just women."
Wood said. “It’s violence


Continued from page 1


and conferences.

“Most job postings tend to
just post the job and let peo-
ple just sell themselves to the
job." Broeking said.

“The executive search
firm takes the opposite ap-
proach. They try to sell the
position to quality candi-
dates around the country and
try to recruit the best person
the country has to offer." he

Broeking said he hopes
Waters-Oldani will have a list
of about 10 to 12 semi-finalist
candidates screened by the
end of this month.

These ap'plicants will
then visit the campus for an
interview with UK’s advisory


Continued from page i



The Students for Choice
booth attracted a variety of re-
actions from passing students.
Krista King. an English junior
and president of the UK chap
ter of College Democrats. sup
ported the group's efforts.

His teammates will back
up his stats.

“I think he's the best
goalie in the nation." senior
defender Thomas Senecal


His fighter pilot dream
sent Gruenebaum diving to
avoid missiles. but shots on
the soccer field keep him go-
ing in the same direction.

"On the field he has the
best reflexes I've ever seen."
Senecal said.

As a goalie. Gruenebaum
must always be on his toes in
the box.

“I like to dive around.“
Gruenebaum said with a
shrug on why he became a
goalie in the first place.
“Plus. hockey is too expen-

Hockey is tops on his list
of favorite sports.

“I don‘t really have a fa-
vorite soccer player."
Gruenebaum said. although
he easily throws out names
such as Beckham. Ronaldo or
Pele. “But how about Martin
Brodeur for the (National
Hockey League's) New Jer-
sey Devils?"

Senecal said he and
Gruenebaum get into con-
stant battles over the
Senecal‘s Washington Capi~

against people."

Williams said the topic of
violence against women is
slightly intimidating for a
man to listen to but this orga-
nization may make it easier
for men to speak about the is-
sue with other men.

“We want to come across
as nonjudgmental.“ Wood

The group’s Web site will
provide an outlet for men to
find answers to frequently
asked questions or to anony-

committee. That group cre-
ates a short list of two or
three applicants who will in-
terview with Todd. who
makes the final decision.

The company is also
sending letters to original ap-
plicants to see if they are
still interested, Broeking

The original pool includ-
ed three candidates from
UK‘s police force. as well as
the police chief at Mississip-
pi State, who took a position
at West Virginia University;
the police chief at the Uni-
versity of Texas at Austin,
who took a position at the
University of Tennessee: and
the assistant police chief at
the University of Cincinnati.
whose current interest is un-

“I think it’s important
that they have either direct
experience in a high admin-
istration position on a uni-

“It’s great to see.“ King
said, “The pro-life opinion
tends to get overshadowed by
zealous conservative thought.

“We need to constantly be
offering up alternatives to en-
tice a healthy debate on cam-
pus so that all issues will not
be so black and white,“ she

Other students. such as
Matthew Vied. a secondary
mathematics education junior,
opposed the group.

“They are using the justifi-


tols and Gruenebaums‘ Dev-

Gruenebaum sees his
tenure at UK as one of the
best experiences in his life.

“As a fifth-year senior.
I’ve really had to stick with
it." he said. "But it really has
been the best thing I‘ve ever

Gruenebaum came to UK
for a visit shortly before his
high school graduation. and
one game instantly won him

“I loved the passion that
was here at UK." he said. "I
remember I came to see a
(soccer) game and it was
wild. The coach ended up be-
ing kicked off the field. there
was constant excitement
from the students and we
ended up pulling away with a
great overtime victory.

“That‘s the kind of inten-
sity that I love." he said.
“That's why l came here to
play soccer. I‘d never change
that. even if I could.“

His stats make it easy for
his coach to praise
Gruenebaum. but Collins
said his words are genuine.

“Andy has been great to
work with.“ Collins said.

Over the summer.
Gruenebaum played for the

mously submit questions of
their own, Williams said. It
also offers links to topicerelat-
ed literature to be used as an
educational tool.

“Literature shows that for
young adult men. all-male
programs facilitated by other
men discussing the topic can
be the most powerful form of
intervention for changing
men's behavior and atti-
tudes." Williams said.

Alan Berkowitz. an inde—
pendent consultant who helps

versity campus or (experi-
ence) in a police organization
in a city where there is a ma-
jor university where they
have to deal with issues rela-
tive to students. faculty and
staff." Clevidence said.
adding that such experience
is not a formal requirement.

Franklin said policing 3
university campus is much
different than policing at a
regular department.

“We have a much more
intelligent population than
the average department is go-
ing to run into. and educated
and informed people will ask
questions and expect an-
swers." Franklin said.
“That‘s something a police
chief will have to respond

Clevidence also said he
wants a police chief who will
work with the issue of un-
derage drinking. citing the
deaths of two students relat-

cation that it's for the health
of the mother." he said. “I was
just curious how many times
abortions actually happen to
save the life of the mother."

Vied also disagreed with
the handing out of condoms
and literature on birth con-
trol. instead of educating peo-
ple on the serious conse»
quences of sex. He said abor-
tion should not just be seen as
an easy way to opt out from
facing the consequences of


Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2005 I Puss 3


Des Moines (Iowa) Menace of
the United Soccer Profession-
al Development League. a
summer league only a few
steps away from Major
League Soccer and typically
reserved for college players
who can‘t be paid.

Gruenebaum led his team
to a first-place finish. posting
the lowest goals-against aver-
age in the league.

“That was a great experi-
ence for me." he said. “It was
fun and challenging.”

This season. he has con-
tinued defending UK‘s goal.
UK is off to a 3-2-3((H-1 Con-
ference USA) start. But come
May. when graduation rolls
around. Gruenebaum will fi-
nally have to say goodbye to
the team and school he loves.

“After this. I would like to
try at going into Major
League Soccer and play for a
professional team." he said.
“It would be challenging. but
I think I’d be up for it."

After growing up dream-
ing of flying F-lb‘s around en-
emy missiles, the MLS may
not be so much of a chal-
lenge after all.

cmilesm kykernel. com

universities design programs
to address health and social
justice issues. wrote some of
that literature.

"While only a minority of
men are violent." Berkowitz
wrote in an article. “all men
can have an influence on the
culture and environment that
allows men to be perpetra-


ed to underage drinking in
two years as evidence of its
relevance on campus.

“In both cases, I got the
call in the middle of the
night and had to call the
president and tell him." he

“We lose students con—
stantly around the country
because of that issue, so
we've got to take some action
to reduce that kind of irre-

Clevidence said visibility
and cooperation with stu-
dents is something he wants
from the new police chief.

“What we want. more
than anything else. is a po-
lice chief who is highly visi-
ble on this campus.“ he said.
“He has got to be closely in- -
volved with the folks at stu-
dent affairs."


Kevin Franklin, acting po-
lice chief at UK. said the de-
partment has received a few
complaints from people of-
fended by the Reproductive
“Choice" campaign trucks.
but he said they are breaking
no laws and “only practicing
their First Amendment rights
to speech."

“Just because something
is offensive doesn't mean it's
illegal." Franklin said.


Taylor Poole,
an integrated
strategic com-
junior, handed
out flyers out-
side White
Hall Class-
room Building
to present an
viewpoint to
the pro-life
tions that
took place
Monday and







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mu I Wednesday. Oct. s, 2005


eck mental health for free

By Lauren Allen

It‘s that time of year when
midterms. homesickness. and
the weather make UK stu-
dents bluer than normal. and
for some students. those feel-
ings go much deeper into the
realm of depression.

To help students cope
with these feelings. the UK
Department of Psychiatry
and the UK Counseling and
Testing Center are sponsor-
ing a free screening for de-
pression from 10 am. to 3
pm. tomorrow in the
William T. Young Library

The free screening is part
of National Depression
Screening Day. a nationwide
program designed to provide
information about the signs.
symptoms and treatment of
depression. bipolar disorder.
anxiety and other mental
health disorders.

"The screening is not in-
tended as a diagnosis. but to
identify symptoms and help
an individual assess whether
they should seek a more
thorough evaluation from a
mental health professional.“
said Mary Bolin-Reece. direc-
tor of UK's Counseling and
Testing Center.

By taking a simple. confi-
dential screening test. stu-
dents are given “a quick ball-
park estimate," said Bolin-

The screening isn’t just
for students it's also open
to the public. According to
Tina Bryant. a psychologist
at the UK Counseling and
Testing Center. the screening
consists of a five-minute
questionnaire. which will be
scored after participants are

"Depending on the score.
the individual will be offered
further resources if needed."
she said.

“Depression is a highly
treatable brain chemical dis-
order _, you don't have to be
depressed." Bolin-Reece said.
“There are ways to fix it so
you don't have to live your
life feeling down."

According to the National
Institute of Mental Heath.
depression affects men and
women of all ages and races.
One in four women and one
in 10 men will experience de-
pression at some point dur-
ing their lifetime. Two-thirds
of those suffering from the
illness do not seek the neces-
sary treatment.

The National Mental
Health Association said
women 18 to 45 years of age
account for the largest pro-
portion of people suffering.

Bolin-Reece said symp-
toms vary with each individ-

“A more serious symptom
is thoughts of death." Bolin-
Reece said. “or considering

Todd Cheever. a psychia-
trist and UK College of Medi-
cine assistant dean for stu
dent affairs. said screenings
are ofien the first step in get-
ting help.

“Sometimes, people mis-
takenly believe symptoms of
depression are part of a 'nor-
mal life,” he said. “That's
not always the case and it‘s
very important to talk with a
doctor if you feel depressed.“



If you go
The UK Department of Psychiatry
and the Counseling and Testing Cen-
ter are sponsoring a free screening
for depression tomorrow from 10
am. to 3 pm. in the Young Library.




Symptoms of

I Persistent sad or anxious feelings
I Sleeping too little or too much

I Weight loss or gain due to a
sudden change in appetite

I Losing interest in once-enjoy-
able activities

I Feeling restless or irritable

I Struggling to concentrate, re-
member or make decisions

I Decreased sex drive





Legal music downloads are on the rise

By Charles Duhigg



Over the last six months.
sales of music over the Inter-
net and via mobile phone
downloads have tripled inter»
nationally and grown by 169
percent in the United States
compared to the same period
one year earlier. the Recording
Industry Association of
America and the Internation—
al Federation of the Phono-
graphic Industry reported.

But those sales were not
enough to offset a declining
music market. The value of
music shipped or downloaded

in the United States in the
first half of 2005 fell by 2.7 per~
cent. to $4.98 billion from $5.12
billion in the previous year.
according to the RIAA. Inter-
nationally. IFPI tallies show
that sales of recorded music
fell 1.9 percent. to a retail val—
ue of $13.2 billion.

Legal music downloads
still account for only a tiny
fraction of music sales. In the
first half of 2005. legal digital
sales accounted for 3.9 percent
of the US. music market. and
6 percent of the international

But, even increased legal
downloads may not be enough

to buoy the industry. Some
music companies have pub-
licly bickered with Apple
Computer Inc. over the com-
pany‘s iTunes rigid pricing
policy: 99 cents per song. In
the United States. iTunes ac-
counts for 82 percent of legal

“Record companies were
built by charging $12 for a
CD.” said Mike McGuire. a re—
searcher with Gartner Media
Industries. “Now people can
just buy one track for 99 cents.
Even if you sell more songs.
the revenues are smaller. Mu-
sic labels will need to become
smaller and flatter to survive.“





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