xt72fq9q513w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q513w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1935 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1935 Vol.6 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, March 1935 Vol.6 No.10 1935 1935 2019 true xt72fq9q513w section xt72fq9q513w 3‘ - ‘
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'W J P ‘ NTUCKY mess M .
. 1 JiJJ J . repare Entries Now r0 am" 1935
‘ ii \ J‘ i .
J “i“ " JJ Five contest ‘ r I935 P v J
: J13, ‘1‘ 5 W111 be 0 on r c
1 . ‘J‘J. 1, tucky papers in the annual; 19;: Ken— tors which Will be Consjd . . lze Olltests ‘
, J JJJJl J} 11:21:23 COntest and (Bach editor isnlfgs- Judging are Subject mattei'ledtllyr; 13%: for more than one of the ab
1 J in 1 and urged to 56nd _ ' Sequence COmmun't ’ ug The All 0V8 Prizes
s J'JJJ 1 for each contest hls entry in (diction, - 1y appeal, rhetoric . 'Amund COntest .
. ; J o . . . ty fi- . Every edit ~ . I
: » JJJ- 1‘ elude best TheSe ConteSts in- t t' uni ’ gu1e 0f 51399011 Dunc ~ or 15 urged t0 6 t ~ ‘ ‘
JJJ1 1‘ . au'amlmd news ua Ion): and vocabul , ' paper in this cont n er hls mu
; :JJ‘ , flollt pa ‘e - . paper, be“ fered . . aly- Pllzes of— eSt- There are -
JJ. J story, 21de EGSt editorial, best news third are-first, sliver set; Second and :xcillent IleWSpapers in the statemany 1 has
, 11:,J J tion est advertising COn’lposi- Eaéhceitificates, 1a: edltor is jUStly proud of his panid m0,
- Jill, 1 ' 1 contestant is '. “3- There are . . . 1‘0 - 'i. er
1‘ E'Jl J, ACCOl‘dlng to the am lect one editorial .requnhd to se- the SiZn of t no 16Str10t10I1s as to J p
. - JJ‘I J newspaper is eligibl Ended rules, no per between th dpltlthhed m his pa- tion V he paper 01" the circula EDO
I T - . e ,0 enter ‘3 a es 0f Ma _ ever-V One sta d ' ' an
,1]:‘]1 COHteSt in winch it h any and May 1 193 y 1, 1934, chance 11 5 an equal J
. 1J1? ,' fol. th 1 1 as won first place b , 5. The editorial Sh ‘ - In answer to the . , tere
,J'_.", Jj _ e p18ced1ng tWO yea e pasted on a sheet 01nd the l‘elative m ' questmn 0f J tun
'JJJJJ eehtor is eligibl ‘rs- A150, no the nt - 0f Paper With ems 0f the all-a
1. in, 9 unless 0 ation of DeWSpaper, e . 1”Ound J
I JJJH 3: :{d the 13513 mid—winter Irheegtlas attend‘ date of issue angafifitgfv IleWspapeh are Offered. th followmg comments SOS
» J J, . P. A. ng 0f the ”Canned” ’ _ S name. No G '
. 1 JJJ‘ J‘, 1 . _ v or Chpped Edl ‘ - eneral Ap e . . _ J hea
1 . JJJJ1JJ onihefeghlbit this year promises to b COnSIdered in this‘contestfrials Will be first requisite pofaiafigaspaThls is the 1 of 1
‘l o . e . i .J perad-
.i ,_ M J. 9 largest and b . Best News Sto 15 given the‘ . n this new
J 1 b“: COntest be- est sinee the At t ry Contest , lefOIe, the lar J
v , JJJ J - 33111 The c - . he request of centage. It . $9“ Per- b -‘
, J JJ, JJ Sum th' 0mmittee ls is- to . 1 a nUmber of e -_ Ems contribuit , 9%]
i IJJJJ, 1, be g ls call for the news a rs,_this contest is continued ‘ d1 best EEneral appear n.g to the are
’ J" J bl entered’ and as in th paptpers to petition thls year on th him com‘ l‘ect advertising dance W111 be cor‘ tho]
g 13.1: J] e prizes Wil , e S:Va1ua_ munit ne . e est com— ‘ an tGKt com os“ .
i JJ-‘J JJ and regulationsb‘fgo: 23:1. The rules considberedwzrgoégnt Tile factOrS to be gig—sligtjnd press work, andpa‘lilg? .lfngt
,J low. The , 0 Contest fol- par en, sentence a d m of headlines W e ' tea
. 1,: , papers Will b agraph Structure 11 toons and '1 - ' hlle car—
J J WJMXJ 1 Play at th - 9 put 0n dis- coheren ’ thouEht, unit 1lustmtlons contr'b ‘ mak
Ian, J 6 mlci-Summer me t- CB: VOCabulary th 1 y’ the attractivenes ““8 to tere
i J” J' All-Around c 8 mg' community servi ’ e ead’ and appears S and gOOd general
' "1!th E For Ellidance o' Ontest include- 1-] 0e Value. The prizes ' n98 Of a neWSPaDel‘ the ' cula
J J JiJ.‘E J followi - t the COmpetitoys th th' ' 'rst, Sllver set; second Slon 0f elthel‘ 0r both ' , omis_ larg
. l , J' Hg W111 constitute th e ‘ 1rd, Certificates Co ’ and against Will not count
, “,J. . ~ . e J. ~ ntes an ent , , and
r.,,JJ, J tages by which the neWs percen— quued to select the b t'oints are re— will not be ”f BlaCk type locals H
1 111,111 be scored: papers Will published between M est news story Sandwiched bCOtnSIdered a. may when m
‘ 1th: General a May 1 193 ay 1’ 1934 and . e W68n live news - OS
3 _, JJJJ1 J 106a1 new; SSBZigngg, 30 per cent; ed on ’a shiatEEZm story is to be past- EfalcanIdered detrimental to ‘thgtglg'rllll ery
1, 1 11% J 1 TeSDOndenCe, 5 per nzgniountry cor- tion of the “namfaohfer With the nota— on thslfiifince to heme advrtlsements J 5:113:
. t» " Wft' ’ . items 10 per § personal of is neWSPaper (1 page of th ' ay
,J , cent- 5118, name - 1 ate but e first sect .
J J 11.1 1 pertaining to 1118:5311”; new or news the Writer of otfhsdltzr ,and name of mg :12;: the front pages of four)?’ J guali
s -‘.;‘ ~ 1nd t c . Sory. o - S- ' ari
1,,1J J section Where . . “5 ry of weekly, sem,_ pen to
. 1 , JJJ,J 1 cent; general p355: 155 Published, 5 per ies in the staYEekly, and country dail— “1:31:31 Sewsz This means local items J :her
J J“. I editorial, 20 1391‘ ceht per cent; and 395‘: Advertisin deck nS lcks or more emphaSiZed With ere:
J L J,2“J . considered ' ‘- Factors to be Three - J g C°mD05ition eadsi 01‘ under lin feat'
J - J'JJJJ J in the SCOI'in 1 prlzes W111 be aw ranged in . e heads ar- ie
J 1 1=;§J J , appearance includ g Of general tucky editors i t - arded to Ken- 1 ‘ multiple columns. A180 ' s O
, J Wt“ page and l . e makellp of front best fun n hls comest: $5 for CPde‘S church news lodge m" borh
t: t; JJJ‘a J t make—up an;181018 pages, advertising best half-1:58 advertisement. $5 for pltal notes, births deaths 50111122118. htos— intel
:3 J' Jill , ‘ Colnposit' . ‘ ge advert' ’, Women' . ’ . no es ‘
1 j JJJ SChed . 1011, he (21 b lsement 3; S Clubs lte . ’ Com)
J, 1 J ule, lltera a hne 9519 quarter- , .5 fOr ms, secial, et -
J TJJJJ- J ity service, hezydlfimyllence, commun- mEnt. Factoriagti or 11355, advertise_ inlay be collected under 81mm; 27:11:11 SOup
‘ 1: M i trati0n51 tYpograph es Content, mus- type cOnt/em ty be JUdged include degs as outltned and be consid:red :n- may
‘ J f 1.111 J EaCh contestant y and press WOI‘k. 0f inustration pe arrangement, Value r thls d1V1SiOn. The word “1 ,, ._ ‘ days
1 ‘ Vii, 1J1 on . 1 15 required to 1 5, Selection 0 to be construe ' J . Deal 15 J con
3 ' NJ]. J e 1SSue of his paper F sale“ and decOl‘aitive mate ‘ f border mean d In this mStanCe to J n
. J J JJJ ,‘ J March, 1935, from Wh‘ ebruary aDd ment of the three f rial, and fulfiu- t .news from any part Of the coun- feats
, i ,1J1J1 J‘ J will Select the best 1 10h the judge tisinghmtenlm)n _ unctions of adver_ ty 01 community territory tribute ) ‘ten 1
1 ,- J,JJ1JIJ J Prices to be awardlgsue to be Judged. tion. The entrie Interest, and COHVic— 0 the place of publications 10’ i DBgle
I 3 E J‘JJI J J set; secofld and thid aggtgrst, Silver vertisements thatS :1: hushed to ad' beC§3§tyd GorrESpondencei 'This will $5 S
- ‘JJt JJ F ’ r 1 Gates, contest J . ve GGn set ‘ ge and SCOred ' - en
J . J, , l'ont Pa e 0 ~ ants Offlce - 1n me ~ . 1n favor of the
5 JJ., J.. Fact 13 ontem, mach' , Elther hand rlt of the item port
- .5. 1 J . ors to be Judged ‘ me COmposition or numb 5 rather than the l
, .1'1JJ1 ,J1 llne COntent h 1 Include head- Each - er and length . . An
w ; , ea contest 0f COntribut .
s'i. . . J, balance, make-ughne mheduleJ tl’pe Vertisement mi? may meet any ad- t Ftarm- News; This is news existed non
. ’J M ears, Press Work andn-am.e plate and War, May 1 193:lppeared during the min he “were“ of the farm“ and can- Towr
:JJ‘, JJ atnce and illustratiOns “1111:1135. :Ippear- each entry t}, be mzndt May 1, 1935; quirei’jenheglected. To meet the re— ‘ fi
‘ it. l 50W Value b “y: neWs of . “n Ed 0n a. sh a 5 Of this de . . it -
t :J: a. , , alance Symm cardinoard with th ~ m not he p artment 1‘3 15 W1]
', ,1 ;,J J JJ contrast. Each com’ EtryJ and the name 9 notation as to 06552“? to have items c011 t ‘ ““1301
t ’t" H to Select, 0 - “tam is required - Of the newsnaper d under One head as ec 6d h'
. J ,J, 1J - . “9 lssue of his ISSUE, and name ’ ate 0f items t " Often there are 13 D
, g, m J his flles of Feb Paper from 0f contestant hat warrant S - . lead
,1 «la-Jr J ruary and Ma OPED to Ever N ‘ Where th ~ . p 90131 headings. e.
5 JJ‘J‘" J from WhiCh the jud . rch, 1935, Each and y eWSpaper ' ere 1s little or no farm‘n
1 1.3» JVJJJ J1 best issue P‘ ge Will select the 9v every contESt is o e in the Section, the ch’ f . 1 g
1 .J , “1 1.1.} J Cl 01 1 - I‘lces to be aWard _ ery WBekly or sem‘ p n to the Section 1 16 industry of All
' Jul-12 J u 9- first silver set- ed 111- state The 1-week”? in the W111 be “Wide ' '
. J ~ ,’ v - place “301 In Its , Prof
i“3~“- J thlrd. certificat ’ second and o e news Story contest a1 - ‘ J '
S with; I' ‘95- p n to Country dail‘ SO 15 PErson June
1 _.‘ .Jw ,. B - . ' . 168. Ever - a1 Items: T ' l
t it Jl'f" . ‘J In ordefstoET-tonal Contest £21111: ged to Send in his entries goreditor relative to the movglnlci means news ’ the S‘
h Jig: eXpressmg innit-{3:36 the editors in side it: stmtmpEtent jUdgES frOm :1? Wréteups of indiViduails silt: 3315113233??? ‘ 31131
J, J . . . 1 y, initi ~ » a 8 will b ' enerl . . i - -- e
, , J: J. ,, leadelshlp 1n thj ath6. and c t e selected f0 a News. Thl‘ 1
, i ,;i J' ,J . s departm . on est and ever _ 1' each be th b 15 uHdErstoocl to A. N
,1 1 ,,1l>. J is the Ed't , Ent Whlch . . 1 y entry will b . at neWs of t e
A. J J, J |J » 1 01'5 Own att‘ . Un Its merlts *‘ 8 Judged ch S ate 01' national J to P
. ' J; JJLJ, JJ are of J . -' lactlve ri ' “at us ma - aracter Which _ r
:5 JJ J1 iJ .QJJJJJ J fered in this contest. Thep {:55 cihtest the biggest comm}: mils 1935 is Called upon to :egguntry newspaper J my 0
r: , ' ' ‘ 0 ~ ' '
r ' J J :Ji : J a - No newspaper shall b2 “1.6m Editorial: This de ghlze. - ' gestec
J i'J 2:,JJ‘ J ~ Bllglble subjected to th par ”1.91“ W“ be . ““10“
J :J 4:; e closest mSPection as J Seflt.
, :- lJ—vl 1 J °f th<
JJJ ~—..
1‘; . .

 I, ,_ . . =53, _ I
,I !a
. ;
. I , I ,
I March, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three . g. ,1 E”,
l . -' ‘
I ,.
' ' ' I v
. Brightenlng Up The Newspaper Wlth Features I.
‘.I M . .
s. ! By JACK WILD (N. Y.). Times, in a “Recollection De- munity, local celebrations, articles of :I‘,I
In the small towns and country com- partment,” which he instituted. historical interest, features pertaining ,- 51",
is ' munities, most of the news already “It was hard to get started,” said to the work or boys or girls, and sto- . 3 !
,y , has been passed around by word of Mr. Townsend, “but after the first two ries of business success. f,
d 5 mouth before it ever gets into the pa— weeks we had to increase our weekly “Features are to a newspaper what I]. 3!},
,_ ,3 pers. The fact that there is not quota of ‘speeches' from two to four or dessert is to dinner—only more so. : '1’,
,0 ,- enough fresh news available to main- five. The contributions proved to be You may get along fairly well without .33!
,_ I tain an adequate. degree of reader in- of interest to local residents as well as any dessert, but you cannot well get I f 33,!
,1 I terest makes it necessary to carry fea— to our clientele throughout the coun— by without features in your newspa- 3 ' .3 1I
,f I tures and departments of various try. Dignified college professors, men per," so asserts William H. Warren, 5 ,§!I
d ! sorts. of the cloth, and prosperous business Sunday editor of the Portland (Ore.) . ,'
35 Ordinarily, busy readers consume the ment have written about childhood Morning Oregonian. I." .II, .
, headlines and one or two paragraphs pranks, former school days, old—time “The regular news is your bread, .I
,e ‘ of news stories. It is indeed a big celebrations, and best of all, about meat and vegetables; and you have to g .- ‘3!
is ! news story which gets a reading from their friendships of former days.” use a carefully—garnered grist of this, ,I C-g!
._ beginning to end, but feature articles The St. Joseph (Mo) Gazette re- be your newspaper daily or weekly; ‘ l !
e ! are so constructed as to command cently carried a series of feature'stor— but, just as one likes some dessert or 3”,!
._ thorough reading. As well as enliven- ies dealing with highlights in history, salad occasionally with the day’s eats, " 'j‘i.‘
1’ ing the contents of any newspaper, written in modern style and run under just so does the average person like . 3!
_ features may be regarded as profit— spot news heads. The series is report- good features for reader interest,” Mr. . KI, I
:_ , makers, by creating a wide reader in— ed 0t have created an unusual amount Warren declared. - !I;
,0 terest, resulting in an increased cir- of interest. Tracing local families of four and f!
,1 culation, higher advertising rates, and The value of serial stories as news- five generations has produced a feature , ‘E
,_ ! larger revenues for both advertisers paper features was afforded some time of much interest in the Massena (N. I 15,;
,t , and paper. ago when the publishers of the Traer- Y.) Observer. It began with a. story ‘ . F!
,5 Features may be written upon al— (Iowa) Star-Clipper, one of the top- about a birthday party of a great- I
n ! most any conceivable subject, and ev— ' notch country weeklies of the nation, great-grandmother. Complete publi- ‘ :3,
ll ery community is richly laden with at a cooking school which they were cation of the affair, with names of . EI‘
3_ suitable material for discourse. There sponsoring, passed out questionnaires representatives of the five generations, , g
,s ! may be historical data, concerning asking readers what features they liked brought to light five other five—genera- , I ,.,
,’ quaint customs and traditions of an best and what departments they would tion families in the community. After 3 I 3:,?!
_ ! earlier day, lurking in every village; like to see added. Seventy—six of the printing stories of these families, the l}!
I there may be spots of geographical in- 160 questionnaires filled out said that Observer took up the matter of four— , , , 3:,
s terest nearby, which furnish excellent they would like to have a serial story generation groups and has had a reg- ‘ ' I:
h I feature matter; there may be factor— added to the Star-Clipper. Indicating ular flood of articles. The matter has
_ ies or like establishments in the neigh— their preference for the kind of story, included special stories relating to the , . ' E,
_ borhood, whose working are of lively 43 voted for romance, 11 for adventure, youngest grandparent, and the patri- lab
_ 3 interest; there may be a farmer in the and 21 said that the kind of story made arch with the greatest number of de- f it!
5’ ' community who specializes in crossing little difference, provided it was good. scendants. The result has been the l ' li,
a soup beans with water—melons; there Feature material must be something appearance of more than 200 names of ! ‘ , Iii!
_ may be a set of triplets born (nowa- better than filler, else ”it does not just- persons who never would have seen 5 ,
_ , days quintuplets) somewhere in 'the ify its name. It must have reader in- their names in print excepting in 1 $3.}
s ! county. The average editor’s field of terest equal to: 01' only slightly less country COI‘YESDOHdenCBI i : I 3'
o I features is without limitations, yet of- than, spot neWS- In the spring it is the fancy 0f 05' l iii!
_ .ten this department of his paper is SEVEN“ publiSherS have mentioned car Stevens, editor of the Quincy l ' gr.
y 1. neglected simply because he assumes the place timely short features and (Mass) Patriot-Ledger, to PUbllSl‘i a .'- I r!!!
his subscribers “know it anyhow.” Why freak stories have in every issue of any full page of poetry, making one of the I' 1!!
,1 ‘ .then does he trouble to print his pa- lieWS- 60115010115 newspaper. Certain most attractive of local features. It is - ; $13!!
8 l 1081‘ at all? weekly newspaper EditOI'S in California an annual event. Readers are asked I . ‘3!!! ‘
e ! An interesting column and circula- make it 3‘ point to find from one to to 00111311311139 verse and also to judge g! !
tion booster was discovered by T. H. three short boxes 01‘ features f01‘ page the various offerings, after they have . i!!!
i Townsend, editor of the Waterviile one, and a few newspapers pick up been printed. The m0st favored poem ‘ IV}!
_ \ M enough unusual stories in the course is rewarded by an appropriate souve- , I H!
- it will be considered necessary for the ofdthe week 1:) have selveial on thenti— nir, presented by the editor. Thls l , NH
5 . editor to show in this department of SI 8 pages‘ . ea ers aways apPreCIa e feature has had a hearty recaptlon . Ill
I . , . . . , , _ , the story With the unusual angle. In— amon readers of the a e‘. I : L I
1 his paper indivrduality, initiative and . - . ~ g . p .p 1 I . It};
a leadership , stead of using a novel little yarn un- Agam and again the importance of 3 _ _ -,,-fI!
,_ ' _ der a stereotyped head, it ShOUld be newspaper features is attested by pub- I .
, June 11’ Deadline dressed up a bit, bOXEdI 01‘ D1113 in bOlCl lishers of the American newspaper. In J I l3};
2 All entries must be in the hand of face. an article concerned with pointing out ' i
5 , Prof. Victor R. Portmann on or before So successful was a former contest the definite returns of this policy, Dr. “ . E‘,‘
! June 1. Entries can be included in for feature stories among country cor— George Gallup of Drake university, has , , ,’
5 ; the same bundle, but each entry must respondents of the Austin (Minn) this to say: _, 2,,
_ I be plainly marked as to the contest. Daily Herald, that the publication. has “Expense, after all, is not a vital , I ,!
',’ The package must be marked “K. P. since conducted similar contests. Al- factor in considering the use of fea- ' ? fl,-
; A. Newspaper Contest,” and addressed though correspondents were permitted tures, fer the direct return to be had 3;: L“:-
1 | to Prof. Victor R. Portmann, Univer— to choose their own subjects, confin- from their use much more than off- , 3' g‘II,’
r ' sity of Kentucky, Lexington. It is sug- ing themselves to matters of news or sets the costs, They are actual circu-. 1 ' .. l ,
! gested that the editor write a note pronounced reader interest, the editor lation builders and no intelligent pub- I ii; »
3 . announcing that the package has been offered a few suggestions: 4-H club lisher can deny longer that fact in the . ' l! '3 l‘
s , sent, to avoid d:lay and possible loss work or members, stories of interest face of the reader-interest studies I ,- g
, 0f the entries. about farmers, stories of town or com- (Please Turn to Page 6) l i ‘
l l 5in
i i It]?!
, .3 I
.: I531!
' '- Iitir ‘
33‘5“, IF; ll; ' ' . '-- "Er“ '7 . "l -‘ - '* Is“... .,. an, .. .ILII. who“; , ' _. , m , . , ,l , . ,‘A, .. R “44‘... ~. - ”'- TXI‘E’E" ' - I

 . 44:: f .,
‘ r; Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1935 . ‘ _ i
24 if“; 4‘ _ 4
344:4: 4 fenders in the matter of accepting 0b— 000. This is an increase of 33 1-3 per h;
jectionable advertising, yet we can do cent.” From this basis you can figure _
I444 I Keniuqu press much toward the solution of this your own establishments payroll in- A
. r‘ ‘14' . _ . 4 .
: I‘.‘II .~ _——. . . , problem by clearing our own decks. eiease. . 4
I . I‘I‘; . 0mm” Pixllzlicatizn 0f THE RENTUCKY Putting off the day will not bring us Write your Congressman and Sena— 3:34}
I 4I‘4I‘: .: “55 SSOCIATION any nearer to a solution of this prob- tors immediately protecting against ing
‘ 4 II4| 4 Vlc‘l'OR R. Ponnmx Editor lem. this measure and send copies of all edg
I' ‘4 Jack wnd Assistant Editor —————-— letters to the secretary’s office. 4 A
. 4 i4 ‘ ———————————-—-— GROW INTO THE CODE —-————-——— nev
5. 441; ‘ ‘ Printed on THE KFRNEL PFESS’. Depart: __ NEW YORK GROUP ACTS ON its
“ 4‘ ‘ merit 0f Journalism, vaerml 0f Up to the present time we have been AD PLAN 4 nm
434‘ ‘ Kentucky, Lexmgton trying to make the code fit all sorts — ing
4 4 . PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS of conditions. It seems more fitting At a dinner tendered by Joseph T. 4 par
‘ 4‘44 now for us to grow into the code. We Mackey, executive vice—president and . Ma‘
I ' ‘I ‘ - - can do a lot of readjusting of our of— treasurer of the Mergenthaler Lino- ‘
- ~~ . Rob ins PreSident _
. ~ 4 . Augustus 001101.431. Hickman fice practices and our methods of do— type Company, at the Engineers’ Club, I deg
. ‘4 4 John L. Crawford Vice-Pres. ing business 'which will fit into the New York City, Tuesdayevening,Jan— use
4’4 ;1 Times-Tribune Corbin code and which Will be of great ben— uary 29, representatives of printers’ at 4
~. III4‘ II J Curtis Alcock .........‘ Sec.-Treas. efit to Our establishments. ’Let us meet and publishers’ supply houses, service N
I ‘4 I4 ' Messenger Danville the changing world with some progres- organizations and advertising agencies cha
.. . I If ‘1 4; ’ sive changes in our own methods. discussed the prOposed plan to increase pm
4.15.: 3% EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE —~——-—— the volume of newspaper advertising. If t
. I4I.3: II THE TIME IS COMING Figures were presented concerning pris
444 4 J. p. Gozder, News-Journal, Camp- 4 4—- 4 A 4 m; nulrrnbec‘lr 0; Eezspaperdpfubhsgg: 4...,
it I ””5““8‘ “ham”; G- M‘ We“ 4 Trad? 5““? if?“ in .3321? yo...“ .anx‘iifiii: mitts...) e“
.I‘ 4 .2 Herald, Eddyville; J. L. Bradley, En- ‘85 on? een We 0 e - 4n. 6 4 P _ , _ T
.‘5 j terprise Providence; Vance Armen- generation the trade assocxation, and such publishers), and various ways in can
4 4 ‘ ‘44 f trout, Courier- Journal, Louisville; especially the press associations, will ' which a plan might be put definitely ‘ for
‘ . 4f Keith Hood Trimble Democrat, Bed- be the dominant factors in our eco— and successfully into effect were con- but
‘ 45.4 I‘ ford; Joseph Costello, Democrat, Cyn_ nomic set-up. Those industries which sidered frOm various points of view. is r.
I . I4|‘;4 I thiana; James P. Norris, Independent, make‘the most 0‘” 0f their trade 3? It was the: concensus Of those pres- prii
. 4 4 4 Ashland; Robert L. Elkin, Central soc1ations todayare the ones who Will ent that interested manufacturers 4 turi
: ‘ I. Record, Lancaster; Thomas R. Under- profit the “10547 in the future. In 0th“ should {lemy the most or havmg sev— T
4 4‘4 4 wood, Herald, Lexington; Russell er words keep your association mem— eral series of acceptable displays pre- 4 fact
4 ;' 444,, 4 Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, London; Joe bership alive. pared and submitted in the form of - plai
. : - .44 4 Richardson, Times, Glasgow. — stereo mats ‘50 interested newspapers. can
I ‘ '4‘ 4 __ SAVINGS THROUGH ADS the newspapers to contribute the nec- prir
I 3‘: .4 ‘ LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE PAYS SUBSCRIPTION COST essary space. And it was agreed that ing
I ~44 ‘ " Keen Johnson, Register, Richmond, ‘—‘— a bulletin be prepared Outllnlng a def- but
I; 1 II _; . chairman; George A. Joplin, Jr., Com- “Advertising pays subscription cost" inite campaign and incorporating fig- prii
g 4 4 'I4 4 monwealth, Somerset; Warren Fisher, is the heading of a boxed item appear— ures as to the probable cost of art ; prir
4 4 ; 3‘; Mercury, Carlisle. ing in the Hillsboro (Ore) Argus, an work, copy, production, stero mats, 4 call
I; 4154‘. 4 ‘ ——-————-—— ABC newspaper. The article follows: and so on, for submission to a larger 4 up
:i 11. 3‘41;— “That careful study and use of the group of manufacturers, with the rec— ‘ u ’
. -. i'r . . . . . - D
4 444‘ 4 THE PUBLIC ATTITUDE advertismg in the Hillsboro Argus Will ommendation that an active commit- ' prir
I} - 4 1.4; 4.4 4 _ ‘ pay one’s subscription many times over tee be appointed to launch the cam- 4 A
‘ j g; 3 Pumlsbers 5410““ know more #19011“ each year is evidenced by a. card re- paign definitely on its way. ‘ thei‘
5 E 4‘ 4: I g“? pubth: it“??? t0wa51d taggerusgig‘ ceived this week from a. Subscriber of __.____._ tere
:~‘ »: .4‘ isno nug osay a .epu 1c - - ‘
“ I 4 III?" I. I does or does not a rove but we should long standing. T136 card declared m FREEDOM OF PRESS we
5 . ‘. ~44 44 4 DP part: ‘As we do nearly all of our buy- IS IN JEOPARDY. Sem
1 .4 i 4 ~ “2‘” Xhidthffyddo gr ‘4: no: ”grove; ing in Hillsboro. We too find that we 4,;
2 i ,5?" 4‘ I an 5 cu n on e ren 0 ~ - —_
‘ 3 ‘ ; F though in connection with it. We SZVeraglrgor; 42:;‘m‘hethprlzzvzitigge We have always held that the free- tha‘
4 4 :4 ‘4‘. 4 have various thoughts expressed. Some 1:131”. n g ~ g e 410“} Of the press in America was .not incl
.f 54 ‘4 ‘~ people are clamoring for government ' in Jeopardy so long as the QOI’IStltu' 1;
4 ‘4 ‘ 3 control of advertising, some are ask- —“——“‘ tion of the United States was In force. 4 O I
4‘ 4-3 ‘3 ‘, ing for standardizations while others HOW THE 30-HOUR WEEK The following item appeared recently : 04’1“
» 4; ,4 . claim it is an economic waste. We WOULD AFFECT OUR. INDUSTRY in the Southern Newspaper Publishers 4 C “C
‘ "_ ‘4 4 :4 cannot laugh this attitude off because —- Association bulletin which makes us . F4191
I 44 ~‘ ‘4 .4 we are more or less vulnerable, There. is now pending in Congress a wonder: 11} ‘
‘4‘ 4444 4 1 .I Might it not be good business on our measure to enact a universial 30-hour “Under martial law declared in Lou- Clty
4 ‘ 4‘43 '4 4‘ part to begin a dEfinite and effectice work weck. Newspapers and job plants isiana at Baton Rouge on January 26 0f I
‘3 3444‘ :i ‘4 campaign to do our own regulating? in Kentucky are urged to protest this military authorities were empowered .VI
4:: ‘ ‘4; Should we not make it our business legislation. In particular to the ef— to censor the press and under that 4 “Sh
‘ 24444;: 5.; 44 now to purge all advertising of the fect of a 30—hour week upon the pub- power General Guerre issued the fol— :. Drll
5 . 4 44 untruthfui, the misleading, the mis- lishing and printing industry, the fol— lowing order: - Son
4 ‘ ‘ 4444‘ ‘4- II representing and the unfair advertiS- lowing statement from the Joint Na- “No publication, either by newspa- self
~ ' ‘_ 44 ing? A big job, indeed, but ours is a tional Code Authority is of interest: per, handbill, pamphlet, or otherwise, was
4 I4; 4 .. big and very important industry and “Under our division of the code, reflecting in any way upon the state fall
{ 4‘ 34‘; I: I‘ no job is too great to perform in its there a'r‘e 19,368 establishments. They or its officers, or tending to influence curt
.‘ ‘ I44. 4 protection against ultimate destruction represent, an annual payroll of approx- the public mind against the state or , pett
. ‘ 5 44;; or at least inimical regulation. imately $105,000,000. A 30-hour week its officers, and no article reflecting I 511%!
.‘ 4 . I454 44 While it is well known that the With a 40-hour pay basis would in- in any way upon the work of military com
'4 I. 4 I metropolitan papers' are the worst of- crease the cost of operation by $35,000,- authorities, will be permitted." 4 be“
‘ .mi‘ 34-. 4» > V
I» 14-: , I
I 4441, .‘ ‘I
I 2 .II . ' 1 ' ‘
‘ .‘k. ‘ I 4 ‘ . we...
.5; , .L _ .

 I 7777‘¥*n_—77—fi_—wh—~ 7 WWW"“7'"'“~ I «with; - : ,
I i I. »
7 . 7 1.71:, I
7 7 '
: March, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five e33; :
' I ‘ * i l
' . v V V V 7 2:331 ,
1:: ‘ Hutton Discusses Job Prlntlng At KPA Meeting . I .
.n- . At this period in our meeting we are when discovered or suspected to exist country printers are in the majority 7’37 I
7 to discuss “job work in a country should be boldly handled—to be meek and it seems to us that now is the 7 $7377 7
7a" newspaper shop.” A subject concern- you will never inherit. this printing. time to fight when regulations as to I {<77
757 ing which, I must confess, my knowl— We believe the printing office should hours and Wages are forced on us. Can I I? 37
all edge is limited. be a popular place for people to come, we not demand that competition to be 73337 777
. At the outset we should say every to be regarded as a sort of county in— fair must be on the single unit of I E7 777‘
I . newspaper and job office should know stitution rather than a private insti- reckoning? That there will be compe- 7 {I} .
7 its cost of production so as to deter- tution. It. should be an open place to tition enough to suit the government 577
l mine whether the newspaper is carry- hold meetings, a place for informa- in quality of work and promptness in ‘ .. 1:777
ing the job end or whether the job de— tion. If your office is well arranged, delivery. The 30 hours per week bill i 7
T- I partment is carrying the newspaper. you will have room for commercial before Congress today is but another 7 a, I
nd 5 Maybe to know this would help the job club committees, the baseball commit— weight, if passed, to pull down the I
70‘ I department. ~ tee, historical society, D. A. R., Fair country job office. 717 7
7b! ‘ The majority of Kentucky counties association, farmers, and other organ- And now allow us to ramble back 7'7' 777
777: use far more printing than one would izations to meet. In fact, make the into the past. We have been in the '37;
rs at first imagine. public feel that if they have to pull printing and publishing business a 77:77: 7777
703 No local printing office ever has a off a boot, the printing office is the long time. We have lived down eight ,1
795 chance to find out the vast amount of only place to go. The advantage in country weekly papers, a job office, 7 ,7‘17
ise printing secured from outside sources. this is obvious. Where these groups and one daily, and almost our own pa— “I7 '
g- If they could, they would be both sur- and others meet business is transacted, per included. One of our contem- I I
11g prised and chagrined. Surprised at news created, and printing planned. poraries was very ugly competition. .77
31's the bigness of the volume, and cha— The printer is consulted for printing. He had a habit of pricing our work for 7 I
ble grined at their loss. In passing, we would remind you that us though his plant was not equipped I7 I
7770 I The blame sometimes for this 1055 your business office should have the to handle such work and this was ser- $777
in I can be laid to the disloyalty of citizens air of prosperity, even though that ious. Our remedy was to price all of I 7
31y for sending out of town for printing, dame may not be on speaking term: his class of work shockingly low and 2.777777
711' but too oftehI we are sorry to say, it with you. not have time to do any of it. He
- is necessary to do so because the home While our Kentucky code of ethics moved his plant out from us because 7’ {7.777
35' printer is not properly equipped to for newspaper and job plants had de- we were “cut throats". We never felt "Iii
3175 I turn Out the work. manded what the N. R. A. code of bad about this gentle implication. The 77;; 77.777
IV- I This statement brings us up to the Fair Practice later made compulsory, man moved to a town needing print- ,7fj77I'7
'e- I fact of why large mail order printing we are by the recent ruling pushed ing facilities and is conducting a good 55737;.
Of ' plants have sprung up through the under the Franklin Price. The list is legitimate business and making good. 7:377
rs, I country. It is because, as country a scientific competition of prices based The scope and service we may offer - ‘ .
:c- printers, we have been found occupy- on the average cost of production for the public may go much further than I I
1377 mg printers’ space in the commnuity every job listed. The Franklin book is what we are able to produce fr