xt72fq9q5129 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q5129/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1999 Vol.70 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 1999 Vol.70 No.8 1999 1999 2019 true xt72fq9q5129 section xt72fq9q5129 l . . . I i .-
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l. I“M‘saamwmum.Mai-MWW,cm.y....,..wt.w.,m..m”Vassar,“M.ai.w..a.,..w..i,....waidiwmmmdwm“some“. WWW .. .. ., . . . , , . , , F.
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,1 KHSJA begins third year i
. . N. Newspapers encouraged i
_ ~ ~ to s onsor oca SC 00 s i
; I"? 7'" ' 3“. * By LISA CARNAHAN their local high schools to ensure i
. A g R KPA News Bureau their participation in KHS‘JA. I
i . .1, ”(NWT Publishers at Kentucky news- "All of us at communit} news- I
g ;:.2‘ N“ ‘3 1 . ; liai- papers have been invited to partic- papers know just how tight the job
3 . .- u I; . . 1'? ipate in a membership drive for the market has gotten. We should do
: ' ~ ' . Kentucky ngh SChOOI Journalism evervthing we can to develop more
. w ‘i . . v
,; 1 _ a _ , 2 Assoc1ation (KHSJAI- ‘ homegrown talent. That s why I /
f: a» i - . . ‘T _ The first year KPA formed the think we should all pay for our
k ‘ hlgh SChQOI organization. free local high school journalism teach- ,
g , i! . ‘ . g ”a membership was offered to every ers‘ membership in KHSJA. Think
I t i ., ' . .. .7 g. ’ high school m Kentucky for a year. ofit as an investment in the future
’ iii“ A? V Thls was made p0ss1ble by the suc— of our business — like a good _ w
_ , . _ [a . 4 . cessful fundraismg drive involvmg insurance policy." said David / /
.3 . ‘ . .. .- . . * KPA member newspapers and the Greer, publisher of The Kentucky
Buck Ryan, director of UK’s School of Journalism and ASSOClate§ DIVISIOH- That yeah 1’3 Standard. Bardstown.
j Telecommunications (standing) works with Jill Lewis, a high school SChOOlS Signed up as members 01" "While schools have money for /
") journalism teacher from Corbin High School on layout and design. KHSJA. Last year, yearly dues of teachers to join organizationghke "/”\\
i ' ' ' ' - ' $50 per school was established and p - ' i \
, Lewns is a former reporter for the Corbin Times Tribune. KHS J A, there S often a lot of red
I" a total 0f 86 SChOOIS across tape involvedin getting the money ..
Summer workshop 21 success Kemumkmned KHSJA. That was W * '
” “KHSJA has met With early from 'oinin rofessional organiza-
' By LISA CARNAHAN July 29—30 for a training workshop success in its first two years and . «l, g p “ .. .. , ) -.
. , . . . tions. Greer added. Since hiAis
. KPA News Bureau sponsored by the Kentucky High we re committed to building on willin for exam le 'ust to deduct
. They came to learn how to teach a School Journalism Association and UK. that positive start," said KPA th IEHSJA p b‘ J ‘h' 0 , ‘
‘ high schooljournalism class or advisea It’s the third year for the “BaSiC EXGCUtiVG Director David T- f e sh me;n (frs le ms “82}
, student publication — or at least how SurViva-l COUTSG for Beginning Thompson. “Last year’s state con- drornt our .. :re Ota fawn“; “k9 ,
. to do it better. And team they did. The JO‘Jmal‘Sm TeaChe’S and 1‘ (”W 33 vention was the largest gathering Ti“ ever]: 3Y9 0 “’1‘ e 1‘“ '9? '
1‘ only complaint heard during the two teachers to the campus for sessrons of high schooljournalists and their 1 at" ma es 1t comp ete 3 pain-
. day workshop was, “We need more rangmgfrom bas1c layout and des1gn teachers in the state’s history with ess. .
2- time ,, to legal issues. 748 attending.” The recent letter to publishers
' Teachers from across the state The sesswns were taught by a mix Several newspapers have indi- outllning the mvttation for them
I gathered at the University ofKentucky See WORKSHOP, page 12 cated an interest in sponsoring See SPONSOR, page 12 . .
‘ C O O O ." .
State transportatlon offic1als hear medla complaints , _. - _v .. .
KT’A News Bureau “Newspapers frequently ask public officnals to stop passmg the 2.352;;
f Just how hard is it for a buck and accept some blame for a bad situation — and Codell did
j Feporter ttot get basic irlipforrrigtilotr‘; just that.” . . K
. mm a s a e agency 1n ran 0 . _ . . . _ :1: g '1; , of:
That depends on the agency. And w_ - - .. -- . ‘
' i what happens when responding to at the table and talking it out. They T. Thompson sent a letter to 1 . ' ' ' 1 _
. even the simplest of requests is took their own advice on July 26 Transportation Secretary James is v _-:
' treated like an act of Congress? and held a meeting with Kentucky Codell. outlining the deteriorating g}
Newspapers often editorialize Transportation Cabinet officials in problem. In it. he requested a ineet~ ?‘€“*”"i§
over conflicts between public offi- an effort to improve the strained ing. (‘odell accepted the imitation tzfifil‘hfi’gfifi‘fttfii . i
. cials and urge them to try the com- relationship between reporters and and met xxitli KI’A l‘t‘l‘ll’t'sl‘liiitl i".t‘ gasiégggshgg:
inon sense approach —— sitting down the department. fizzfiprtstigsil '
KPA I‘lxecutiw I)ll‘t‘('int' I);i\‘itl See TRANSPORTATION. page 9 2>W
. 2 i. a
h , I i' ‘- AJ‘ stJLS’z-‘fut'fl'dit’vi‘f‘a 2-Wei-345‘hi5fii6'mihhwix'5ix*'z"i“m " I‘ I A. ' T i .. i .. i . ‘ " i l x ' i ‘ f ~ ‘ "0;"-"7'.' pug-H. l}:$~y'~...~-'..‘s.'§,cn . nay/r . a.
i i I I ‘ . , I ‘ ' . s ‘ .‘V J « ' .. l ‘ ,
.. . \ l ‘ ‘1 . . > I. h, 5 ,. v ' w, p . ‘

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A Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. August. 1999 g3
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1 x 1 1 N. urn 111' I? \V wt ‘rn 11' *l lw the Flemint' (‘euntV . ~ ' ' ~ ~ 1 , . 7 ' l
Queen named 5170115 , ” 1,1. ‘-‘ ‘l‘ ‘1 ' ‘ _‘ ~ . , ~ - Yeager 101115 spnm stall 1,
l\entnek\ l n1\er\1t\ .11111l1.1.~w\'er:h ( h11ml1er 11H unnnt-ree. 9 ~ g
I ‘ . -‘ I * ‘ " , 1. 1 . , 1 . ‘ - w , - ,
CLlllOl' at Shelhwtlle mm: newmurmurmmzm W 11111.1.” wmh-m-d 1111 at Rtehmond chlstet l:
' . 1'1 -- \1 Flt-111111115 mrLr Gazette in 1951 , _ '.
l‘ll-“l WWW”- ~‘~ “All ‘.\'r1ter l ’l‘ ‘mll ll $le 1‘ 1 11m ll lrwm'tllx~ ~‘t l'\‘t(l '19 1t1l1l1~1ht r hm“) \ngm. 15 the new spurts l
1‘ _ ““1‘l' ,uv v,v«. , .1' t r1 1 _ ' ‘ 1. . l . . |~
(he Semmel Nt‘\\~ 1n Shelhxx'zlle 111,- X‘ ll“ \1‘11111 ll "" "'\“'""‘l‘ H'. . l _ ‘ ‘1 l .1 . . ”h 'l‘l ‘ wrltertnrthe Rtehtnnnd Regtster 1-:
'1 I V ll‘ ; l‘ l' \\l l‘ l' llll:fllt'> \\lll :‘url‘lx ‘»\‘.lll ‘Itllt' ~t'l111111 ”l I ll. ll'llMl 1lllt ' (11” ‘l‘\ (‘ l‘llr H 1A \Vlllt'ht'itt‘r H‘llth‘ YL‘lgt‘F I;
l 'l ‘ I \K \ .A l, x ‘ A I l 1 _ . ‘ ( ‘ ( l
“ 9“ _“‘ 1111 ‘ l l l” l‘ 1,“ 1rd 1~paper . V , 1:
3\ ”(Hunt 511.1,”, Mml‘r ‘11 1}“. [1111111 ‘ ‘~‘ ~ " ‘ ‘ . " t ('11\' ll 1tt'11 M pul1l1,\‘lkl.1llt\ll Illtl llt .llltlll I! In ”1111“ (‘1 iv (”x/I‘m“ (1(1ur(1(1ln I‘dngllsh. PUY' the past 1}) '1
“ > . . \ _ 1. _ . ,. "v e; 1‘ . - t '5. ,
l'lll\'°‘f‘_\1[\ \\'h1le JI EKI'. h, >t‘1tl .\len1l1er\ln[. 1111111111 .~ H11 1.1111. (‘l"1n1lw r prtl‘ltl nt B1llllruz't nmnths. \enger was the shorts l'
‘ .. .1 H1 ‘ ‘ 1. ‘> 1‘ , “.‘ , ‘ , . j-
.“ “is”: ter m“ lantern l’rnyrev‘ 115 .1 lltlllllt1lll11l1>1 1111 111.1 111.1t111111‘. 1111M. l 't” t 't 1111 r\' t r 0"an 1 Wm” :1t “11- (mutt (‘111111tv News 111 v?
-‘ 1 \' x ' \ 1 I * "1 1 , . »
"ll'tl'll‘ll't‘ll" \\ I‘ll l' lll'l ‘I‘t'rl'l* t'tl‘lwl‘ eltll11ll>1llltl Qlllllllhylllt‘l' f1[»11lt‘,~.\‘lt)llul5 .1ll( l . llt) kll. t. t _ t“) t( r, t < \Vllllillllfiltlfi'll. :
‘ ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' , .1 - ., . husmess when 1t 5 snltl but :1 new.<»
«1t the >t.‘1te\\1(le \t .mel ll: 1.1r(t> grunt» l . l t l' tl .,
, , mper ts suet 11 specm par (1 1e
' .1111.“ the 11:1111111 lt 1>11n .1tl11ttttt- l V , ,. y 3 . ,
U ‘ ' ) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ 3' ~ 1 t'ntnntu't1t\. Tllt‘\' (re the \'1>1('e nt the Cd . L” y lonlUtL
llllrhkfi LlLLILd plLSldLlll nrg;1111;f.1t1=1n mt the .\11t11>n;1l >1‘l1wtl ‘ t .1 ' l ‘ p ‘
. . . . mn1n1un1 v.
' ' \ I ) l l ’ \\ t. ‘ > V .
nt 111111011111 ussnttattnn 11111111111111.“ at Somerset papet .
ll? ttl ll‘tifll‘u r tllY‘t'v'ltlt" allt'wlllllllt w o (V (‘l l ) DCI]1pSC)/j()ins newrs ,J(1ff Neal‘ SpUrtS UdltUr for tllt‘
4 ‘ ' l ‘ A A e ‘ ‘
111:11X11111.‘ \t‘l"~l\’t'\ tn." thy, K.»ntt11~kx l anllng ll- » ltlln lLl H Somerset Commonwealth-Jnurn:1l.
Fit-lanl lyt‘lrtlfi .'\\\tt{lttlit:l‘.1 ‘A .l\ }]()I]()r\ DCI]I()I]\- Staft at LaGrzlnge has been pron“)th t0 {lSSlStant (‘dl‘ l
res-111M 'It’k'ltxll 1m \1111111‘1 »t 3h. ‘ ‘ ,. . . . 7 , tnr. Don Perry was prnmnted tn ]
\. , 1 .‘ . 1 . l’ , R ’l t r 1 1l l h r \1et0r111 Dempsemened the stutl g )t1rt< Lditur .1
m. 11;‘L' ; . 51- a: . t't‘ \' r-1 -: ~1 11>~ '\ ‘ . 1 .,' 1
‘ " ‘ "'“ L" l‘ l ‘ ” ' ‘ “ ~ ‘ l ‘ l ‘ at The ()ldham hm as :1 wrtter and l , ‘ , ‘
1\~~~;1t1t1wnt 111111111111111terx ntuell .Hltl ,lettn llentnn were hnn- )hetngr'tpher Neal has worketl at the
l I) ‘ V _’ ‘ 1 'l“ 'd Commtmwealth-Jnurnz1l for over
t _— ....__—.—.— t‘nlpbk‘) ‘5 d JUUrnJ‘lhnl gin-d. U‘ 15 year‘- and will “UVV h('lp in th(‘
l 6 en uc reSS ate ()l the lrant‘rh‘ltV of Lmnsx'tlle * . ‘ . _
. : 1 . . day-to—(lny npemttnns of the new» 1
where she mmored 1n polttlenl sc1~ “mm Ht Wt” «11th nverx‘ee d'1ilV l
Thelxenmtlu l’t‘t‘>\1l‘f“'§vll}:3«‘.l§:1' “11111 Menu: E‘» . . . ~ . _ . ' 1 . , . t V .
ente 11nd theatrtt 1l )(‘rl()rnl1lll((‘. 1 . t
l1>lu‘t‘l{‘t‘1\\zltlll\ l‘\ the hunt-Jo. l’rev bletmtlm'. KlJzu‘ltextm linterpnw ~ - - - t l x PNldUCth ”l the PHD”- H“ bl‘gim ‘
‘ 1111 k 1h *k P: \(r I11 Before Jmmng the ()ldham Era, she his ( 1rttr 1t lllt‘ p 1pt r 1% 1 spurn-
«wa‘. am e! U. ‘. t“\\ ' ‘ttt‘t‘ K . . . 1' "1 ‘ ‘ i ‘ 2 ’ 2 . L 1 1
.l‘ertmitml—vld» pesmgc hrmtt .1tl'r1111l-tert [nxmtz ‘14 ads fl lrt‘t’ltgtttt‘ “ i113“: ‘mfl ‘3)“, for ntpuncr
-' - 11 .- 1 -. .. 1. t» . usmess 1r.‘t. (tr-1's 't1m'1n .
l“ 4"" 1 “mafia“ "W“ i‘fi‘l‘r‘f‘“ WW? ‘inll‘-‘<‘Il« \l . 1‘ (ill l ‘ 1‘ Perry came to the paper utter l 1
1’mtm1htxr wt tum; 1‘3.th“3 9e 1 -. t v N " .' a r'121ne 11m severa 111111 mnr' ‘ v
. . 1 t , lL‘ .; , Vt \- )1, t 11 l\11>\(llbpr1n;¢ltmx lutmnt {.4 ~ , {\Vt) )W’HTS lit ll“? News-Journal 115 t '
ht‘l“1‘1lxl\\ th‘\\ ..'. K 1'11} tllln’: 111111. []('\N5pup(zr5 In k(‘lltllcky. . ‘ _ ‘ I 1 1
“mum K1 4111111 ”—1 ; 1;“...xsz M m 1 IRA ~ spurts edttnr. A nutwe (1t Metrenry . 3
l l‘ett\\'h1te,AndersenNeMN . ‘ ‘ . Luunty. he graduated-from Eastern ‘
llflf‘t‘t'7\ .md Inn-cm Engllhh nlUVCS tron] Cal hentucky Unlvermty 111 1991. Must
l\t‘I‘.?thl\‘»' tin» Awu 111111.11 Immu 1313 recently he was charged With  ' _ ' V '
P d 1 lultnNelwvn,DanulleAtlvm‘dteMessenger t0 Aldbdjnd neWSPdptr dunes of the Commonwealth-
.Tle (‘1‘1 . .
Ifimt mdlnytflntmfln11lm1k11yddrr \t1te1tl1r'e Dewey Enghsh, an assmtant Journal,
‘ ‘ " l” _ , managtng ed1tnr for news at The
1‘ ‘ 1‘ . Bennte lx'urx‘, lhet ourter-lnnrna. C . l l } b d . I
“um“ '11! 1 g «3 1 _' v . ' x 1 v ) l \
’1'. 1, "t” \t- ' , ' \ nurttr 11urnt1,‘111> ((n‘ n.1m( Campbellsvflle paper .
"W“ l“"”"“ ‘l"““l ‘ ‘m “m 1mm 111.111r..rd.1stttt>ttt.n manugmg t‘dlttlr ()t the Mobne 1AM.) ‘ _ .
V ,‘ ‘ \ V I ‘
. 1 11W Master LO-sponsors tundratser ,
£11.: llamas. mil,” 1““ S km“ .1 . Engltsh 1s 11 lurmer 1'1551st11nt The Central Kentuekv New»
lt'Tv‘Nt \ltitzilh, Bere11(1t1/en [nanuglng “(lltllr (it tho RUngtUr ‘1\ ‘
_ l t l t f' \ l 1' V t Journal ret'entlv en-spnnsuretl the
\ ‘1" 1 “E“ .Yxt y; l‘ x I 1 ) , 1 ., , ‘ . ‘ "
" ‘ rt. I,‘ . . 'v ‘1 .r . e k- ‘1‘ \. [5 gr l‘ “l L H ‘1 urn m“ “I 3' T11vlnr(.,<)untv Relay for I11te.
\tttm lute» M‘Pvm 911111 Mm.» Wt "" ‘ ' ”J." ' “m” ‘ ‘l‘ ’m before hts sttnt at the (‘J 11nd ' ‘ - ’ »
‘ R . t l t H t' The event rinses mnnev for the
e '15 er. 1e .‘ 1en 1 wars w 1 n r - t ,t — ‘
1 ”mm,” -\.\~nc1.1te\ ll2\1~~1nn i it ;l 1} 1. l1 B ',1'L Amenezm ( 11nt'er bumety 11nd 15 held
. . . - . 21 ( et 1n«r 11' 1e » z e '.’t‘ 1 ' - t 1 ,
li‘at :1<.m 7 Nu,- l'xx't'h; 1-, \lJIMltlY‘tl "~1\l«“m"“‘« n l R l V l ‘ 1n “7‘ annually One at the must suet-esstul
ll-i.1r~i.ttut.,1 l\.:1tutl‘. l.\lllk.llltllldl leiextstnn .\t‘W>‘ ‘lml 1 lH' ( lklrlt‘ll'li‘iltft‘r In 1
Mtssisstppt See PEOPLE. page 11
7)1~'*‘ttl .\.l‘.erf1~1n;Human
\’\11;1.11n .\l1t; hell. l ulv m i 13111111 l .Irrx l’mmlw l \“lt‘1;1ll‘lt llernltH edder . . . 1
, ‘ , ‘ 3}
1t . Semmdrs thl explam ( fAl S ~
. 1. .9 " t . , “Jeri \e'lx_11"1n,l\e11tt1t‘l\\ l’nst l
'e: 1'1;;11;t;11.1n;,1v'11.~.u::‘\;r1:11;>lnun-v ‘
‘ w '1 ‘1
< bet e ore released Se t 1 5
" llh-‘lrl" ‘ 11.111» l itlr1.l:e, lz'.\\1l111l['11‘l 111111.11 ()1 I SL1 b C °
£th1111”: 0:1 enslmrn \le~~e1tu--: l1~1111r1r 1'
. 1..11r~,1_‘,1;\n~,1111111111..” Kl’A 11ml the Kentucky 13:30 11,111. - Embassy Snltex ’ .
ills-Tl”; l- ,1 l‘ . ‘ lu-:\11n Hun/Utter» Department Ht I‘Itlumttnn 11rehnl 'l‘uurlsnt Burt-2111 ()lllt‘e
l‘hxm‘th 1 1llt‘.~t'll}llllllr>. \t‘ltwllllt'tl at 51x 'l“r1(l;1\'. Aug. 20‘ 1‘30 tn 31:30 .
.1 k ~ - v ': < - -- , ( v . L y» v r v . :
DnruthvAh-ntatln,Oldlun.11m lune» 1-. in.“ Awmmllwl; " H l.""‘* ” l‘” ‘ “ All“ 1" 11ml 1) nr (t entrnl Innet — Vt kl Snuth I
Kez‘tn ”ml‘rewwr‘murwaft Al“! J” “l” 3”" l“'l""”"r“ ”ll ("1111;111“ (entlnuinU l’tluettmn l
1—, [mutt Hmnx mm, l‘u' 1111111 Inn-111w nppurtumty t1. 111-1 11111111 thenhelvw ~ - , 1 t ‘ h, t t
Drama. 1’ , . l I , ( u111e1e1‘i""“' ' H (NM 11131-1111 \\ , l" 1 3:111 11111 Kentuekt l);1nt \'1llt1;;e
llt'rrylenmngttm, ”1115:1ch News Ra'thel\lc(.'1rtj., \tlwrtt-tnnj \wtd 1:” l ‘ “L H "' “ ll' ‘ J, l” l l “‘11,“, l"11‘l\' (‘llln'rls't'lllt'
Hell» Sh};er.\,lrdr5l1eel‘ unnlnmt» 1 -' H'- llt:l1 ; Lancaster, Pa, and I recently shared a lectern words and sentences work better, have to show readers show hard he practices.
' at a seminar, and he said something that helped After 10 years as a writing coach, I no how he grew so tall, how he developed his spe- '
me understand why he’s such a good editor. longer read, 1 rearrange. Every newspaper Sm”. cific muscles and his nimble moves
He recommended we all Edit everything we I see is a chance for me to learn a lesson. When WIN“ th“ writer meant W115- "in ”Mt :51th '
see, notjust the stories that pop up on computer I find a mistake, a lack of clarity or a ”(7,“.de Tim Duncan showed why observers think he is
' screens, but also highway billboards, bIUrbs on sentence, I immediately and automatically the leagues best. player. Witching 533 pointS. 1'6
restaurant menus, even notes inside church bul- think: “How am I going to fix this?" ”mum“ “”d ”V” “Wk-Y"
i letins. (In an uncharacteristically tender One recent Saturday morning, as I read a See EDITORS. page 5
l - i . .
Gannet announces ethical l Memory messages on Mac -
° - I b b1 'th Q . k
l l
3 gu1de11nes for newsrooms imay ‘3 PFC 6m Wl- _uar
l The Gannett newspaper group, ries and provide specific ways to i Dr T h ‘7 ‘Imt' I’li‘s’w‘r the“ 4MB
I publishers of over 70 US. daily correct errors and ensure accuracy. i 0 ec l Th; 9”” hi“ I’N’” ”Wm” 1“
l newspapers including USA Today, According to a Gannett press a , _ ,1 . ( "CU” ‘ “WW ""l’fi'm‘s' 0" lliNm‘s" ”r
i l announced in June a set of ethical release, the new principles were ! HOtllne I 3:: WIH‘H ”Hemlitlll‘s’ M (iv! Text W
i i guidelines in news gathering for all prompted by several factors: a desire l .“— l .0, 52”“ TV“ The WWI“ ”WWIHI
‘ ofits daily community newspapers. to support strong but honorable Tim Jones ’ work-around for this problem is to
The Gannett Newspaper investigative reporting; a deep con- Pl partition the drive into volumes
Division Principles of Ethical cern over public distrust of the . smaller than 4GB
Conduct for Newsrooms state that media; a need to address the increase Have you hilt] trouble WI”) Partitioning the drive will also
the division is committed to: in lawsuits focusing on news—gather- Quark )‘cpress‘gsz givmg out ”f decrease the size of its allocation »
' Seeking and reporting the ing methods and not on the truth of merrfizory) ”In"; . . h . blocks, which will allow greater ,.
truth inatruthful way. . stories; and the desire to alleviate . NICE-“FT t 33:] “:3; Zpfi‘é‘Xfi disk capacity. ()n a (SUB drive. ’ x
0 Servmg the public interest reader concerns about fairness and t0 ‘3 '3‘ “is” W” m " each allocation block ,5. 97KB. and
0 Exercisingfairplay accuracyofcontent. and 6 G15; Hard dr‘V“ 0“ a 9th block (”m (.Um.“n ”an Um,
0 Maintaining independence The guidelines will be circulat— Powermac G3! It occurred aft” “(10 A 2K8 £3“, woiild therefor
' 0 Acting With integrity ed annually to all of the company’s placmg 3 large number "I Ph‘m’h ”CCU , its ”w“ 97K allocation \\
Among recommended practices newsroom employees and will be on one page. I sent 3 “0“? t0 tl ‘kpyl .. U th _' . . (: Q’K \‘
are guidelines on the use of shared with prospective job candi- Quark and got this reply from Lisa ) ournianng ( n mdmm” ' J ,7
unnamed sources. The guidelines dates. In addition, the principles Bradshaw 0f Quark Tt‘ChniCill SUP- “nus? ) (I‘ . . .
also forbid lying to get a story, mis- will be shared with the public port: “T ".11er mmmlmmn ”I’m” /
statements of identity or intent, through the newspapers and in pre- “There is a known problem p‘llrtmnmng Pym” (ir'vw‘ “it” t” .
fabrications, plagiarism, misleading sentations at public forums and where this error czm occur inti‘r‘ Wm hardly“? ‘Mimnmmmm ”r /
‘ alterations of photographs and civic organizations. i mittently in QuarkXI’ress 3.32. it" mm‘m MIN"
1 slanting of the news. The guidelines (Reprinted from the Juli/August f running on a machine with a hard See DR. TECH. page 6
urge editors to be “skeptical" of sto- issue ofThe Publisher.) |
’ NAA guide shows students how i J Ob ShOp
1 Advertising Sales . .
to Create C as sroom newspapers The Spencer Magnet IS seeking an enthuse : 9:4 g. N
i _ _ _ , astic, energetic person to be our full-time 3:13” X /
A new education guide workshops Will be held early in the advemsmg sales ,epresematwe The “gm :‘i‘g ‘1.
deSIgned to teach StUdentS how to 1999‘2000 SChOOl year. “PFCSS candidate WIII help our newspaper grow With ‘- i‘. \\ '
- create a classroom newspaper has Ahead!” will be released by Oct. 1. our community by working With existing cus— .2 ‘3‘ i
been initiated by the Newspaper NIE Week 2000 will be held tomeis and finding new ones Must have §I "
: Association of America Foundation March 6-10, 2000. As part of NIE sales 5""‘5 and expellencev as we“ as 0'93' E. It
with additional sponsorship from Week, students participating in the “‘Zationa' and “me’managemem Sk'l's 2- i
the International Reading “Press Ahead!” program will take 0009““ “ms and eye Ior advems'"g .3': l-. .4
i . . . desagn a plus Must have reliable transporta— -‘ g .i W“ \\_~_w,.
g Assocmtion and the National what they have learned about news— fion Com “ . b I 3 WM
. . , _ . pensa on is ase p us commissmn
; CounCiI for the Social Studies. The papers throughout the year and cre- for 45 hours per week, Ma" resume ,0. The
i publication, titled “Press Ahead!” ate a classroom newspaper. “Press Spence, Magnet. p.01 Box 219' Tayimwne' Take advantage of KPA's “Job
I will be produced in observance of Ahead!” also offers five instructional Ky. 40071 or tax to (502) 477-2110 Shop” List your newspalxgrfiq 10!)
Newspaper in Education Week newspaper features deSigned to _ omningforjust $10. Or, ifvou an?
2000. encourage students and parents to General Assugnment Reporter 0 news. ,r h)f("¢i071(11 1 ,k» ,
The new publication and relat- focus on newspaper-related activi- City government. education. court beats for ’ «papc p . . T 5“ mg,
ed teacher~training workshops are ties. prize-Winning small daily newspaper I‘m“) opportumtws, 80nd (1.3.1170!
designed to foster a yearlong cele- For more information contact Resume and clips only to Editor. The infiirrnatwn. («70118002645121 or
bration of the use of newspapers in the NAA Foundation at (703) 902- Wlnmesm' 5““ P O 80" 4300- WWWSW- e-matl.‘ r'anurhanflllhpnrss.mm
the classroom. The teacher—training 1730 or e-mail: abboj@naa.org. KY 403924300
l ; \ .
I ' a i I
I . '1

Page 4 - The nentucxy Press, August, i999
, _________-_-_.____.__ -_.__-.__--.c-_,--__.M__--__--____.____ ‘.
Eastern Provress Wins Cl' V ‘1 ., t d - ' V = E
~~ c ~- l€llth Vd UC d V€Itlblng
[O C0116 C ’1 er award [h‘t " 1 ‘ b]
C d 50 V65 pFO CIUS ;
For the second year in .1 row iidVis‘i-r Libby Frans "()ur lt-ader— \"’” llhd th“ right “"liit‘ht'hmtl‘hl ;
the Eastern Progress has been ship comes from students who have Ad 0 ’c, ' and “‘P‘Tlmt‘hml' Skill ln ”thi‘r ‘
ndml‘d tht' bt’St “”n'dihl." n““‘>‘i>ii- gotten experience from internships . l s , fl . “hm-‘3 ”h” .YW Plnwlht 1‘ SPPCmC l
per in the 1998 Mark of Excellent-e at finch places as the Henderson w ”1,: problem which is important to l‘
Contest for outstanding i'ollegt-Jour- Gleaner, thy Grant (‘ounty News. #3, ’ your target audience, you can rely {
nalism. and the Appalachian News By John Faust ['5 on your experience and your news- ~
. , t. . . b'h . Nu?! m ,‘~ .V ~.~t tt ithi
The tontest is sponsored y t e Express." Raleigh, N.C. {alptrh re sources 0 pu ogc tr a
Somety of Protessmnal Journalists The staff this fall will be led by __ persuaswe message. .
lpr) and awards m“ be presented Don Knight, a senior from Want a sure way to create ads Unfortunately, m05t advertis-
on Oct. 4 in Indianapolis at the bPJ Richmond, whose internships that are noticed',’ Solve prohlems. ers don t understand the impor- »
mafia} gm ([11:10: ‘ , K. t -k ' include the Citizen Voice & Times That's right. Show your readers tance of'problems and solutions.
L'niver:it\'{')grstt::dg 55:52“ (and: it; in lrvme. the Lexington Herald~ hOW their problems can be SOh'L’d Puk fps“); newsgaper 31d hm" :
publishedtonce a week Each Sinner Leader and the Sun—Herald in Port and they W1“ hang on t" YOU!" “0 2‘s: eyxgmmlt‘seonogfo (33312238
had to make it through regional Charlotte. Fla. _ . . everxligordfi ‘ . .7 ‘d “Th f paper with anpa: for a :torLe which
~ud 'n with the to three entries in “The future ofJournalism IS -Lrt mbtem Stu-i e or ‘ ll' ) ' d " d D
J i1 g . , p ) . lth) ‘( ‘ assured‘" said Wendv S. Myers, mulation ofa problem Is far more 7‘9 5 ht-W ‘th .use cameras. 0‘35
eac region taming regiona (n’irs. president of SPJ “These are some of essential than its solution, which it call attention to any problems
and the first place Winner moung ‘ ' . ,' , ma be mere] a matter of mathe- faced by amateur or professmnal
on to the national com tition the fine“ entnes W8 V9 seen, and 1t y y . . to v - -
( pe ' , ‘ matical or ex erimental skill ” Of photographers. 1‘0 Does 't 9"?!th
“Our Staff is small but its ex 9- Signals to us that todav 5 college p ' v . , fl . ‘
. i ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ p ‘ ~ ' course Einstein knew little about how certain acmbbormh produce
rience is enhanced bv such pro— Journalists are ready to take on the z . . b tt h t , hqr) \7 D e 't i
‘ ' thi KPA. ‘ t i ' t2 serious business of re ortin the advertismg, bUt his words can eas- e er p 0 ograp h t 0' Deb l 1
grams a” t T summtr m (rn- ‘ ‘ " ” p g ' ' ' ‘ - reassure consumers that used
ship program." said Progress faculty news." lly apply to advertismg creativity. h b - d" N 5
~ The process of identifying a cameras ave een inspecte . o.
product’s features and benefits is It fact, does the ad give. readers 3
SN PA worksho for smaller 3“ "WW Step in Producing 8mg” :0 d? bW “t“
p effective advertising. People buy that merchant. NO- _
benefits. But not any benefit will .1th IOSt count 0f the ads Wh§Ch
newspapers set for Sept 12— 14 do. Mas to be the right benefit W“ F” i” W" W‘
L L o What gOOd is a benefit, if “*5 “6035» ...or “SOT all: your clothing 1
The SNPA Smaller will be entered in a drawing for “Ot‘mPOrtanttOthewStome’? nccds‘ if" {tr 8 your pamtmg
‘ H '. ‘ , ' _‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . .‘ . And what’s the best way to nee s. n trying to solve every
New spapers Committee is putting $100 cash and a free registration to . . bl h ff ‘
~. . . ‘ come up With a relevant benefit’ pro em, t 95’ 0 er SOIUtIOhb to no
the final touches on its annual the 2000 Workshop in Charlotte. F‘ f d bl! Th ’ h ‘ problems at all.
Workshop. which will be held Sept Items should be sent to SNPA at ”St! m a pro em. en 5 ow - u »
‘ ~ ~ the consumer how the roduct In reallty, the word all rarely
12-14 at the Sheraton Colony 3715 Peachtree-Dunwoody Rd, . p l d‘ t W'llI
‘ V ‘ ' 4 ou’re selling can solve that prob- ea 5 0 a true statement. ‘
Square Hotel in Atlanta. Bldg (M 5U“? 100- Atlanta, Ga y f d 1932 F d t th d l
The program will begin at ’3 p m 3034’) lem. "h a or a 9 ca]; :3 er
‘ “ ' . ‘- u we romisestomeeta om
on Sunday With a panel present-a» Registration fees are $195 for the JOhh Dewey bald, A PEObIGm p y l
“on ”1- great “(‘ommunity first delegate from a newspaper, well stated is half solved. Once See PROBLEMS, pages
Prnm(){1()n§ fur Synallpr $125 for additional dEIantGS from
Ne\~5p3pgrg " tht’ same newspaper, $100 for a l

The Monday morning program first~time attendee and $50 for 3
opens With a "(‘ost and Revenuv“ SPUUM‘ or flUPSt- A registration
M‘SSH'H 1w Norm Mt'hlullmn Al“, form is £i\'étll:tl)ll,' on our home page Vd rksh n hel
confirmed i> l’liil llaiinu of the New in http j’tttww “Um-”rt? I eo wo Op ca p
York Tiliitw Regional NI‘W'SPIIIM‘T Th“ “mm rate at th" Sheraton
mm w m hurw'd w. ‘W‘ W ”"“" “21' yoursta create ettera S
”Hm“ the Shh”) “niagimi m,“ fllt‘ or double, plus tax Rooms
ideas" to int'rmhr UH lilltlllil; ’l‘lli \hUHM l“. NINTH“ lit-fore Aug. 18 IE_ _

M‘Wld.‘ iir’iL'Timi izit‘lmlv-s wemvnis h“ “llnnmftm i :H'lelioo , .gi39!~i;v,i,;msz; .‘ “2"“ 33.309“. . i
:il “rill 1hr lnti-riiwt T“.lfl"r>lilll h’r‘” M‘ll”n_‘“ information. ”f” {5157‘ '_i:"¢vi[~‘;.i ' ‘, ‘
rwwntion fll\.t‘llvl'[liltl1lllll‘t illiil 1”” ( “rl'l‘i k‘dl‘mhrum' ”1 ”l" g H gmgnidnsw’h°" '2 _'

"‘ "i ‘.,4 -:'\;_ H “22., ‘ -'*‘" " -'
fii'TF’il‘lnl'l. ~p+“lllfi.iii‘~ ‘W zrhplm» 5.\l A'MH "1 “'4 “)‘t ”4“ ‘é “- ¢ . y”."£.‘7:. D ._ »
ll‘il'.1\\lli"litu llil "l’uv‘iiiiiiiy, ’~, ”I" d’ft. Mi . i
Triiiiizii: (in! i{«-;:ii,,' i: ii a . , , _ _ _ . 3’ V. ’
l"'i'l.‘4‘lili"i U "51‘ ‘- ' . I . . .

'l‘mwim. l“;_'ih~ umiii iirwikimt ' gt -
ruiiiiitutb ll\f.‘i‘\-~l ii» 'l‘iiiv iiiuiii o _. p i 0 ~ “ t
in: “mineral \“.~\Il.li in 'ill‘l"~ .1 cs“ Inuics "c - "

i' “for ml . l {1 i i ’
l,’ ‘r‘r‘t \Ii i ; . til lit: Hake tlmm-wuhimm Alaste program that is tailor-madefor newspapersl _
."U‘i "~"‘ 1’," " ylt'li l'\ l) - . t . i .
Uh n l, U} h hfr 1‘ 'i I“ .. _ .; , i .. ,. Basu‘s a] Layoutana’ Copyis getting rave rex'iews from p

» ‘ U i. I i \ ‘ 'r l i ' ' i ‘

(uirmlh, ,. (In 1“”le ”MUM“ - ,, publishers and ad managers coast-to~coast. *
Th‘. hmgmm Hm“, lmlm M f1 I“, -' r' i lt'saworkshopmotalectureYourstaffWillbeinvolved ‘
d m Mm {hp tn” Ari l’lf‘li> .‘ ‘ ’. ' > " ‘ fromthe start-workingonlayoutsgctting ad ideas and ,

In addition iv A full progrunr the . “ii. vmting mmtt'hftt’t‘th'ttheadhntts- .
mmmmui. has reinstated ”H. , r _e_-_ '7‘ findout how iotrain yourstaffihe qumkandeasy way.
“Take-Home Kit " All newspapers : LouAnn Sornson ”in!"(“day/orfn’h{WW/my“ i
, . - . ‘i- , , ,4 ,. . ’ . . . , . ‘
2r; :hufif‘drft”;:‘(tjii' “hailihzr‘ltli 7 > » , _ [Olin [mustAdz‘f’rtz‘slr‘ig’tSi’mzrzars . , W 1

(‘1‘ 6‘31 nnm‘m‘-pr‘:y I" r' “ ’ l ‘n‘; g , _ . ., PO Box lllhhl.Raleigh,NL 2mm,E<9lglttltl~2036
$1 . l e J t: a :- (arc _ i .

l n“! . ,_ . ‘ _‘ 4 {\nw'lghtl'h‘ mloniFv-iu A. liKhI\"‘\P'-V’l. I
disaster plan and other err-at '

' 'vi *w-800.223.l600
1(il(:{i> These Will be included ii. a f . mu“. 4- . “. ‘
“kit" for each delegate Participants . ,_- -e __ __ -,,_ H e _ _,, il '
t i ’ ' i

 l‘ ' .
I .
i ' ~ I...
l :5» .
t . ’ .
I The Kentucky Press, August, 1999 - Page 5 .
I. __..________________________..,_________ ..
I o o o o .
I .
I 1999. J ournalism takes heavy hits in public arena
I . I“TTWAM”TWO—TTWT WW7 _ fig—“1‘ IN‘ mm“ W clean “I; OUT act. Before the ASNE discoveries when our own staffs begin to ”Hm-W I .
II I PTBSSUIQ Issues I First came the results of a had time tosink in, we were hit with with the critics. We're in deep trou» ‘ .
I —--—-—-—-————-——— I nationwide study conducted by the the sobering results of a survey of tile. ‘
I I By Jerry Hilliard I American Society of Newspaper journalists conducted by the Pew The ASNE's credibility study
I. I & Randy Hines I Editors as part of a tlireoyearjour- Research (‘enter The center sum identifies several "niacro' problems I .
LI. I...__._._---__-____..___. ___._l nalisin credibility project. iiiarizced its findings this way; that simply cannot be ignored .