xt72fq9q4z86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q4z86/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1983-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, June 1983 text GSO Newsletter, June 1983 1983 1983-06 2019 true xt72fq9q4z86 section xt72fq9q4z86 / ffi‘LL CC {7.1" ‘Do NCT 6331146636
OX 11 1
JUNE 1985
Tresrdentml m 255699 Keith Elston: President
Elections are here for board positions with GSO. (More info inside). I would like to take a
moment to talk about what is expected of board members.
First, a board member should attend all meetings unless (s)he previously asks to be
excused. Good excuses include 1) extreme illness 2) extreme illness of close relatives or
lover(s) 2” dead: of close relatives or lover(s) 4) your own death——next of kin must
provide a death certificate and/or your body 5) other (at discretion of chairperson).
Secondly, each board member is accountable at each meeting for any committees (s)he may
head. This includes a report, if any, on all activities of those committees. Thirdly, and
most important, the ability to get along well with the other members of the board. It is
crucial to cur organization that we be able to discuss, maybe disagree, but still remain
friends. A board that is indecisive will never be able to serve the best interests of GSO
or the gay community.
Fourthly, these positions are not just titles! They require work. If a nominee does not
plan. on making a commitment to work. for this organization, then (s)he should xvithdraw
her/his name from the slate.
Lastly, I would urge everyone to attend this very important meeting on June6 and cast your
vote for the new board. Good luck to all the candidates.
In sometime or "any..." ”y On Monday, May 23, the Lexington Herald—Leader ran a front page,
person must fake the responsibility question-and-answer format interview with the president of 080,
losay‘lun.u” Keith Elston.
This is a great step forward for Lexington, G30 and the gay community. It represents a turn—
ing point in our battle to create and maintain a more understanding and peaceful environment
in which to live.
The article dealt sensitively with such issues as gay teachers, morality, legislation, coming
out, stereotypes, and the church. Let us hope that this is just the first of many articles ,
aimed at dispelling literally a lifetime of oppression and misunderstanding.
GSO is anticipating a substantial anti—gay response to this article and in the spirit of
Gay Pride Month, urges you and your friends to write letters of support to the editor of
the Herald-Leader. The address is: Letters to the Editor
Lexington Herald-Leader
Main and Midland
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
Let's not let this opportunity to show our Gay Pride slip away. Write today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
d5 GSO Ne edsYou! Q

All nominations shall be made from the floor at the June 6 meeting. No nomination will be re—
ceived unless the proposed nominee is present at the meeting and agrees to serve if elected, or
if proposed nominee is absent the nominator must present at the time of the nomination, a signed
statement by the proposed nominee certifying his or her willingness to serve if elected. Each
nominator shall, at the time he or she makes the nomination, make a statement of the qualifica—
tions of the person being nominated. -
A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election. If there are more than two nominees
for a position and none receive a majority, a second ballot shall be taken between the two having
the largest number of votes. Balloting shall continue until a nominee receives a majority. If
there is more than one nominee for a position, voting shall be by secret written ballot. Ballots
may be prepared in advance with blanks for the various positions to be filled and provide for
writing in names of persons nominated or for whom each elector wishes to .7 _ __
vote. Please plan to attend and cast your vote. It's important! I ! ! ! 1 E !! . ' ‘ 1|? '
l i
a ! f l V ‘
{Glen} [And Leibuen Deng} {AME ‘ :i H‘
. : 1!
U ' I : I
HHflGS "ESL/£10191 , . 1' i 1.
The Greater Cincinnati Gay Coalition will once again be presenting -,i . 1
"Gay and Lesbian Day" at Kings Island, as part of its Pride Week it I . '1'
Celebration. 1 g L“
I I 1 .
Set your calendar for Saturday, June 11. Discount tickets will I E's-"‘1' t
be available that morning from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (near the main V
entrance, look for the GCGC Sign). Discount tickets will sell HIDIHG
for $11.00——no reservations are needed——just Show up on June 11! ITIH A
We're asking gays and lesbians to wear red and plan for a fun and CLOSET
exciting day. GCGC will conclude Pride Week activities Sunday, WON’T
June 19 at the Fifth Annual Rally on Fountain Square from 2 to HELP'
3 p.m. There will be speakers, entertainment, and ballons. A funds
raiser will follow at Xanadu.
For more information write: Pride Week Committee, P.O. Box 19158, SUPPORT
Cincinnati, OH 45219. ‘ [[1 ‘83
W @581,” [KEEN
508 East Main Street QB @UIU AN AN
Lexington, Kentucky 40508
Tuesday—Saturday \
By Appointment Only
252—4595 \ f

d ' Z: .7
,1 The Division of Police and
$5 Caz Lfla fin Kentucky State Police are
1’ if; currently seeking informa—
P tion that will assist in
/ t f the development of the Lee
E 6 , E Haddix and Jay Reynolds
?’ 2 1 (EL/L. C E 20 ’Z i / ’Z 55 homicides.
f K k (/7 E An established series of
E ,/ \/ x171 to” anti/{C Z /:/l facts has been determined
2 will allow investigators to
SIMPfy fUT . . E accurately evaluate all in—
E formation received.
. A reward for information
RELAXED ATMOSPHERE leading to an arrest in
E} these investigations is
E W..— E being offered. Any infor—
. mation received will be
E Featuring considered confidential
if: , E and may be provided anony—
g (lye/[bud gill/(1’? (1)20, @0671! mously. A special tele—
E E; phone number has been
E / ; . - arranged for persons to -
E WW/Q/ m/tZ/k/p call with information
‘ : that may assist in these
BB! ENCH \\ investigations. That
[Elf E; E. telephone number is 254-
Sunday 10:30 " 2:00 o . m ' 7877 and it may be called
1le”. ,I 'éfl" g—E between the hours of 9 a.m.
W 'lllpuEEE-"QZJE-Py g? and 4 p.m. Ask for Dets.
T Sat 11-00 — 2-00 7 99w ' Borne or BizzaCk' .
USS. - - . ’Lr’/ % (55¢ 5+or i COIMPO3;+C"Dw:43 )
.DLNMB. v:.~>I._ z. .
n" a}! :
E Fri. & Sat. 5:30 — 9:00 . '- E ‘.
: {T » ,» . . HAVE YOU BEEN ms VlCTlM or: '
Reservations Accepted C ‘ :\,\ “.SSEEE‘ELAEEGEE”
? 2 2 OZ . BRUTALlTV
:3; 52 - Q , ' ‘-: BECAUSE YOU Ares GAY? '
Z .. ;; SUCH lNClDENTS?)
.. _ , .. .. 7. . . , ., . . W .
Your call will help NGTF lo docu-
C L A S SI Fl E D mam, publicize and combat
VlOlefiCG ogcunsl lesbians and gay
moles ncmonwde
professor seeking to share 2 room apartment downtown. 82?(mam:Ogigqolxuregs‘éwgme
house 01-” large apartment on Call Fall at 255‘4026- mrlngTEEgEPngegTsE/édggdvg
the east side of Lexington. $E$3§Z§E§3é9§3223
Call 1-606-623-5542 or the ._ _ . _ ,. molecommumfv
if? - €88 3-; NETFEBFSLSHNE
2 BEDROOM- Reliable roommate 3 With the ; Call;ol;tree8(:(;—221:I70446
needed to share apartment Gay ' MN mm )80 601
with paraplegic. Must be able . 2: I‘Toreomam'ga'fv'olme
to pay %rent I utilities & phone . 4 ,‘(pmmunlty : To obtam A.I.D.S. referrals
Ask for Zendell at 293—0886.. " . I E .. - - .. E
can C: +0 4 pm». Onla-

 V F , , .

\olulleybcllllu Inn 1 Ins Park! I. ! @®@%fl@j} 4 33>
~L *
z: *fvfl‘**¢‘ *¥#* 2%
”-J - L. x}
' fis/[acfioni 4,
4 , . . in ‘
flab: @5519)”: if
gga (Di/£51 c3215 0/ you
I jt’i d4 Magical! gouzngy
‘ gags €4 Uzi/l ggzougé fla/faafioni
fooééng gfau .
{Sag (VI/flat (you Can (Naaffy B5/
835 Winchester floaa ’
Pat WOO“ 255-3325 Corkv Corfiett

LESBIANIGAY J] «01': Eigzwawqegér
4 ,9 _
Between 300 and 600 registrants from A, QIWWW“ 277-6155
//~ \7’ 1.11;: mg 3,731.;
across the country are expected to “x; i<7>§83§§\ MHWENHMA
converge in Denver for the Fifth -. «4&1? - ‘55 ""‘ 2909R|CHMONDRD
National Lesbian/Gay Health Confer— 159"“:[3‘flw‘4‘53d269-6332 .
ence on June 9 - June 12 at the . A"%?W"H 1:75 .
Executive Tower Inn. The theme of - "/ ‘ ’ ,7 MgTQWWSHmmMWWM
the conference is "Health Pioneer— - 5“. ”om-hm
ing in the 80's" and will offer EAT'N OR CARRY OUT SUNDAY N°°"'”'""
over 40 workshops and seminars ad— - " ' ' ‘
dressing all aspects of lesbian
and gay health. Special interest Mythglggg 1‘11 1988
topics to be presented include
Sexually Transmitted Disease Ser-
vices, Alcoholism Services, HOlis- ONLY A VERY SMALL MINORITY OF PEOPLE
tic Health and Lesbian/Feminist ARE HOMOSEXUAL-
Health Issues. The conference will _
include the Second National Forum ApprOXimately 10% Of the pOpulation
on Acquired Immune Deficiency Of the U°S' 15' by self-definition, .
Syndrome (AIDS), as well as organ— homosexual “ 20,000,000 adults.
izational time for several national AbOUt 13-95% 9f the men and 4.25%
lesbian and gay health groups. Of the women 1“ the U-5- identify
themselves as predominately homo-
. sexual. These figures are based on
The Second National Forum on AIDS self—identification, however, and
will take place in conjunction with due to the stigma attached to homo—
the conference on Thursday and Fri- sexuality in our society, they
day, June 9 & 10. The Forum will could represent an underestimation.
bring together AIDS Care providers
and decision makers and will focus _—____________________
on the medical, psychological, so— “hill INNOIOVO I'll?
cial and political aspects of AIDS. “53;:L'fif::ldy::;:n':i:hm
.iiir ~"_
The conference is sponsored by the ' . I «v
National Gay Health Education Foun- ‘ ‘ y ‘
dation, Inc., the American Associa— e f. 2f ’ ‘ r
tion of Physicians for Human Rights, ’ H1 s
and the Gay and Lesbian Health Al— f. i i '”F . ‘
liance of Denver. L1 i ‘i‘i _ ‘
fi‘ - I{h f
' General admission to the conference ; {s h lrpy
is $50 with special discounts to ,‘g z! ' ’
students, senior citizens and those ,5 EH: ‘jglrthaay
who stay at the Executive Tower Inn. ' _5+{k éSt V
For further registration information a?' 6 3
contact conference coordinators
Dan Pfeffer (714—494-0293) or HIDING June 14
Fran Miller (415—653—3724) or write IT IN A
the National Gay Health Education (:UDBET ' <::z§§§;;z:>
Foundation Inc. at 5938 Chabot, MKDHPT
Oakland, California 94618. HELP! [09%
, mark ‘
Support Our Advertisers and Tell Them ’Q T
You Apprecmte Their Support of Us . o .

dignirv . '
Dignity/Lexington is official. Representatives [3 RV PROGRESS ana I
of Dignity/Lexington went to Toledo, Ohio in .—_—_________________
late April to request chapter—in—formation sta—
tus at the regional meeting. Courtesy of National M Times.
It was unanimously granted and now the chapter Harrisburg, Pennsylvania -- that
is in the process of organizing along the lines state's capital -- became the lat—
of offices, committees, membership, etc. The est City in the United States to
numbers are increasing and they constantly wel— prOteCt the rights of its gay and
come the addition of any man or woman who is ' lesbian Citizens When a gay rights
interested in the group. bill was signed into law by Mayor ,
Stephen R. Reed. The bill was
Dignity is a gay Catholic support group. You passed unanimously by the city
need not be gay nor Catholic to be a member. COL‘lnCil. It protects the rights
You only need to be able to accept the State— Of gay people in the areas of jobs,
ment of Position and Purpose of Dignity, Inc. housing, PUbliC aCCOIHmOdatj-OHSI
credit and education. Representa—
For more information write: tives Of NOW, as well as various
Dignity/Lexington gay organizations, testified in
13.0. Box 1984 favor on the bill.
Lexington, KY 40593 ’
In Arkansas, gay activists and
You may also call 269—8500 and ask for Mark. their supporters held back an ef-
The GAYLINE will also have meeting times and fort by state representative Travis
locations. Dignity meets on the second Wed— 13er to pass an anti—gay resolu—
nesday of the month for meetings. A liturgy tlon 11’1 the State's legislature.
and social will be on the last Saturday of Dowd introduced HR 25, a resolu—
each month. tion that urged college adminis—
trators to take "all lawful mea—
Be gay and proud with Dignity!!! sures . . . to stem the tide of
homosexuality on campus". Arkan—
\ !/ sas NOW members have been active
BOWLING LEAGUE TO K in fighting this bill.
FORM THIS FALL While Pennsylvania and Arkansas
GSO is looking for interested persons who would are leading the way this spring,
like to participate in a bowling league this gay rights measures are making
fall. headway in legislatures across
. , , _ , , __ . the country. Pro-gay rights bills
Jim-Wieoherslis organizing this actiVity in co— have been introduced in Califor—
ordination with Joyland Bowling Lanes, which is nia, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, .
currently under construction. New York, Washington and Massachu-
_ . setts as well as other states. In
Hopefully, there W111 be enough interest to form most of these states the major fo—
ateléiitrgieiezgz Gingiviieersgm feign if you cus is the protection of the civil
ar 1 e w i m re 1 orma ion, - -
call Jim at 29943352. Thanks! rights of lesbians and gay people. .
_ _ In Minnesota and Illinois, lob—
‘ _ bying on gay rights bills is just
WHQ‘NKQ $211103: :::1e‘ft:f getting underway. "Lobby '83" in
THE RED CARDINAL INN for hosting the "After the MinnieSOta 18 working with Mlnne
. . . sota s openly gay legislators,
Lily Party" to benefit our organization. It was Karen Clark and Allan Spear in
a tremendous affair and handled with nothing less th ff t t t a . ht
than excellence. You all are great. Thanks!!!! the e or O enac g y rig S
:- “ n
$5- 533” SHOW YOUR .
at; r . SUPPORT
flushing)...“ ' IN ‘83

O 0
Pl“ on Prlde The following agenda has been established by gay and lesbian groups in
Louisville for celebration of Gay Pride Week. All persons from around
’ the state are cordially invited and urged to attend. Come on Lexington! Let's show'em we're
here and participate!!! (All events in Louisville)
JUNE 19 6: JUNE 20 Film Festival Benefit Talent Show for Local Artists
An Evening of Gay Theatre Vogue Theatre (Location, as of publication,
U.of L. Theatre Annex 3727 Lexington Road unavailable. Will tentatively be
119 Barbee Street 9:15 p.m.--$$3.00 at one of the local bars.)
8 p.m.--FREE 8 to 10 p.m.--3§2.00
Interfaith Service Bar Nite--Louisville bars Dinner Dance and Roast
Christ Church Cathedral tentatively plan to offer Louisville Hyatt Regency ‘
421 S. Second Street reduced or no covers and 7 to 12 Midnight
8 p.m.—-FREE reduced drink prices. $15.00 per person***
SUNDAY, JUNE 26 *afiPfiICE INCLUDle A NOTE: A special invitation has
Otter Creek Gay Pride Picnic cocktail hour with cash bar been extended to Lexington to par-
Pine Grove Picnic Area at 7, dinner at 8, a roast ticipate in all activities. Also,
12 Noon to 9 p.m. at 9, and dancing from 10 Louisville has asked Lexington to
$2.00 Admission to midnight. Reservations meet them at Gay and Lesbian Day
BYOB (including beer) must be made thru the GLUE at Kings Island between 10 8c 11 a.m.
BYO FOOD HOTLINE (502)637-4342 by Let's send a strong contingency to
Soft drinks/hot dogs will be June 11. represent a united Kentucky in all
sold. activities! ! E !!
Sun ' Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
MAY 1983 3 m-—* -~——‘~-~-~—-»——7— ~7—-——a-Wfi w,
s M l w r i s s M JIULLW? r s; l GAY A.A.-8p.m. QGAYLINE-Y—Hp 30AYLINE—7-11pm .4
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 OFFICE 231—0535 251—0555
15 16 1/ 13 l9 20 21 10 n 12 13 14 15 us 2 —4218
22 23 24 25 26 2} 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
29 30 ll 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 f
31 .
cso urn-«mm. ,. him—“ff“ ‘72:?“ “—I” " '
5 030 POTLUCK Swarm/mow: 7 8 Eirfiléfifi'"8p'm 9W le‘dLédfrgslr l chY a: LIBBIAN
- 26 ‘8 00
i_._ l ____ ._-i __ -,
l2 l3 l4 1 SGAY A.A. , l BGAYLINE ] 7GAYLINE ] 8
8p.m.-OI'TICE —11 lm 7—11 on
2 ’-218
._ Flag Day
l 9 ZONEHI‘ING 2] 22GAY A.A. 23 MERLE 24%2111‘8 250M DINNER
223-4598 8a.m.-—OFFICE cso PRIDE PICNIC DANcs—roursvlLLr
26 STATEWIDE 27 28 2g“ 30:__.__ “PR?“ OF“ I —_ ,
PICNIC-0mm CK. 8p.m.—OFFICE 7-11 -- %\
‘ ‘ - ! 12