xt72fq9q4116 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q4116/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1999 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides Kentucky Football, 1999 image Kentucky Football, 1999 1999 1999 2015 true xt72fq9q4116 section xt72fq9q4116 ? V • · `
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bmed for 4,016 rushi1i`§_and_rece1v1n; ardsd       VVVV;gVi-; V jg   I V,  . I €   _ < V ,
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  ` ` ` _. V V `V · ‘ T . ` winning toi1chd6w`gifl§§_; " E  
Q - - ‘ — . - V season vs. Indiana. Tlie . V  V
V · ‘ ` ° Kentucky defense scored    
` · - six times during the _ 
· i ‘ ~ - 1998 season.  
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I li Shown here tracking down a Penn State runner in the Outback Bow] are three key defensive
y returnees — strong safety David fohnson (Q, Iinebacker Snedegar (179, and cornerback
l   Eric Kelly (20). Kentucky? up—and-coming defensive unit should continue to inqzrove in 1999.
V AV; _ · _ _ V built around speed, quickness, and a thirst for
_ f=. ' _·   ·· • A new stadium expansion. the big play,
,:1 ·   |999 F()(7FR7H.|. ` . is · · n -
L   ~   A_ I. _   The Next Mission for Kentucky football is
v` _ A   V ' °A new Ojjzensil/e [ine. for the defense to continue its progress while
V `  1 { »   · Q "i { Coach Hal Mumme develops replacements for
‘ ·~   t g,,..A   ’ A New if 0-172 I4 uzli wide 7”€L`€iZ/672 the ‘98 offense that enerated more ards and
A Q;. . _V {A ,, S g }’ S Y
it ' ‘ V   °   .- { _ more points than any team in school history.
‘ l `    i`   'A new kick Fetuffleli One part of the mission is accomplished
  ` V _°·" f""**iQ\  _ ` already - the selling of season tickets. Even
V V `i*· {F"   N ' A new quarterback. though the expanded stadium adds 10,000
t V,;·*·";,l V     A"   SEHIS, the CXUH tickets \’V€[`C qUlC1(.ly SI`l3pp€Cl Llp
'  if  here will be plenty of changes with the by an eager public that is captivated by
—   F if A _ i I   University of Kentucky football team in Mumme°s exciting style of football.
j I the coming season. Having played in the Outback Bowl last sea-
all the UIIVEF Fortunately, however, not everything will be son — Kentucky`s first New Yearls Day appear-
g Halfback Anthony White and new. Several familiar faces return on UK’s up- ance in 47 years - the Wildcats now have their
  linebacker jeff Snedegar are and-coming defense as defensive coordinator sights set on consecutive bowl appearances for
  leaders of the 1999 Wildcats. Mike Major has patiently constructed a unit the first time since 1983-84.
  Hentuckg FuutbaII|999

 1 1 Monte ltiormatton The University `
 11' l i1 1 1 1'9  ·¤ ha pi-·   - · r T
tt- I mtml   _ V_ _\ V i   itah o regs .........,.....,....       ·`_`· lUmv;rsrty(t>h1jenw2ProfileVV ........ lg?
· {EE T' { 4 one rrectory ............... , »‘ 1 , ` ‘ resi ent ar es et ington r ........ 1
W .
, . . °   Primary Media Outlets ............. 218 ’ .— A Athletics Director C. M. Newton ...... 135 ·
Th 1999 U f K . H ' ·_ . ' - .
 HIE Nm Hl$S1\\  Fmstbttn Megilgzstizlisis piagiiizd .1 1 l UK Radio/Television Networks ........ 220   1 UKAA Administrative Staff ......,,... 138 t
V by the Univetsity of Kentucky Ath_ Maps ....r,..................... 222 UKAA Coaches/Year-in-Review .,,.... .141 —
i letics Association, C. M. Newton, Hotel/Airline/Car Rental Info ......... 224 UKAA Support Staff ................ 142
_ _ _ , C .; · Tite Ilutiook 7 e 7 , _ The lhstory and Tradition
g;;1:w;?;l;v¥;V;:;'NT§yc[g;gikiy   V:   Quick Facts/Roster Analysis ,........... 6     fi n i History of Kentucky Football ......... 144 it
Downing, Susan Lax, ]0;rCg Baxter,   General 011110015 ··~·---·-·--··· · ···. 7 V_  S7 UK FootbaIlTraditi¤n; ,,,__________ _147 5 
Nés price Atkinson, and Bind SnttOn_ V , ,,‘’   Position-by-Position Outlook ........... 8     " QS   Retired jerseys .............,...... 151 `
· N Principal photography by Team I3 _;'r’q*£ Y Offensive Depth Chart ............... 12   Honors .......,........., . ..,... 156 V
G C0Yi€ Ph0i0g1'¤P1\}% including V Defensive Depth Chart ,.............. 13 Wildcats in the Pros ................ 162
D évld C°y1c’ J°$°Ph Rey Au’ Mlck Alphabetical Roster ...,....,......... 14 Kentucky in the NFL/AFI. Drafts ...... 164
YS Chek Helena Ham *1 ack Mm-dand’ Numerical Roster 16 Kentucky in the Polls 165 1 
V "Q David Robertson, Breck Smither, _ ````````'`````'``'` · '''`''`'''''``' 1
os and Km wycavcn Bulletin Board ......,.............. 18 Kentucky vs. Ranked Teams .......... 166 —
2 Additional Photography by UK Geographic Roster .................. 20 Bowl Game Summaries ........,..... 168 ‘ '
. Q News and Public Relations, NFL  
tg Photos, National Football y 1135 [jogging   me iigmpds
t i +S ;(;;|tnd3Y101;'QK A1t3€h1V€$» d t V ` I U *5 ng Head Coach Hal Mumme ,,_,,,,,,.., 22   Individual R€C0l’C1S ................. 174
V LE Kcn;lug;:;D;`:;;;n€:;c;F,};¤,€t Hi   i 5 VV Mumme`s Year-by-Year Record ..,...... 25 i 3 1 Team Records ....... . ............. 178
A Ai Graphic design by Jamie Bukcit in ik   QB Success Under Mumme ........... 26   A _ i A NCAA/SEC Records
~'§ Printing; Host Cnmmnnieatiene @$11). .1 Conversation with Hal Mumme ........ 27 4%.1,2   Held by Kentucky . ,.............. 181 .
E "Mummeballll .......,....,......,. 28 When Was the Last Time ............ 183
Q Additiorjal ¤0P1€$ of ¥1'l1S Assistant Coaches ......... . ....... . .30 Career Leaders .................... 184
Q P“1?11°“"°“ maY be Plfmhilscd bY Strength Coaches ...............,... 40 Longest Plays ..................... 188 1
mail for $15 each, which includes , ' .
K . Football Support Staff ...........,.... 41 100-Yard Rushers .................. 189
Q postage and handling. Order from: _ t
Media Relations Omec, Univetsity 250-Yd. Passers/100-Yd. Receivers ...... 190 ~
  of Kentucky Athletics, Memorial ma Players $O0·T¤€1<1<¢ Club ---·······......... 191 j
§ Coliseum, Lexington, Ky., 40506.   Returning Players Profiles ............. 46 Opponent Game Highs ............. 192
_ E   »% 1999 Signees ...................... 82 Year-by-Year Statistics ............... 193
Q ‘ Commonwealth Stadium Records ...... 194
D     1 Year-by-Year Results ................ 196
® V   All-Slime Coaches` Records ..,........ 197
® UK vs. All Opponents .............. 198
xi August 8; Sunday UK vs. Major Conferences ........... 199
Q Freshmen YCPOYY   T11¤11¤11011¤111$ All-Time Series Scores ....,,.....,,,, 200
R J5] Ax _- Louisville .........,............... 90 All-Time Assistant Coaches ........... 202  
August 10, Tuesday   '_2;7·` 1 Connecticut ....................... 91 All-Time Lettermen ...........,.... 203 1
i an Fitst {tcshman Practice   Y   Indiana .......................... 92 All-Time Results ................... 208 1
Florida .......................... 93 Season Openers, Homecomings ....... 214
xlé Arkansas ...................... 94 SEC O TV G 21 ' ·
August 1 1, Wednesday ' ' ' pcnm mcs ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ° B
South Carolina ..................... 95 Night Games . . . 216 1
¢= 1’¤¤<=*¤¤S term t...i.i.... State ‘`‘`‘‘‘‘‘``‘°‘‘`‘‘ 1
.................... 96 1
` G: Georgia ....... . .................. 97   1118 Next M18810|I
August 12t T11l1l'Sd3.}’ Mississippi State ,................... 98   The Next Mission .................. 225 .
_._p UK Media Day at vamicrbiir ........................ 99 @@1. UK is Unique ...,.......,......... 228
COT1'll'I1OI1W€altll Stadium Tennessee ........................ 100 Freshmen Play at UK .............., 230
= Why the All»Americans Come to UK . . .232 .
·   · 1898 ht Iieview Attack! . 255
1 August 13, Friday V . . pi _ _ ·····- · ~···~~··---·······
First team practice kt, ng Game-by-Game Reviews ............. 102 Nike, Summer Camps, ]V Team ....... 234 V
Q   \•g§V,, Game-by-Game Starters ............. 109 Attendance Records, UK on TV ....... 235 V
E 4; $,1 _   Statistics ......................... 110 Practices Limit Injuries .............. 236 1 `
Auglglst       Superlatives ...................... 112 Playing in the SEC ................. 237 J
Qlt C ans ala; gt   Game-by-Game Statistics ............ 113 Nutter Field House ................. 238  
Ommonwc [ ta lum Honors ......................... 1 16 Commonwealth Stadium ............ 241
Q Records Set in 1998 ................ 1 18 Nutter Training Center ....... . ...... 242
August 20, Friday Departed Wildcats ................. 121 UK Strength Program ............. . .244
V K1C1(Ol'T 1..L1IlC1'1CO¤ Walk-ons Earn Scholarship at UK ...... 246
GJ .  it   The Southeastern Conlerenco Medical/Equipment ................ 247
Q.; °"` " History of the SEC ................. 126 CATS ...............,.......... 248
August   WCdIl€Sd2.y , El? 1999 SECS h d   I2-;   I V I I 
Ftrst day of Classes t M; L c e ut ...........,.... i \ 1 ram`12 Houng Library ............ 250
1: V 1 , ,V  1998 SEC Statistics/lndividual ........ 128 Cats That Care .................... 252
'¥¥···=|— *i¢~» 1998 SEC Statistics/Team ......,..... 129 The Entre ren ` 1 S ` ` 254
rd S t b 4 S I V I p euna pint ...........
Egulgxgllcr t ’K a kay All-Time SEC Standings ............, 130 Commonwealth of Kentuclnr Profile .... 256
IT* C a entuc Y Lexington Profile .................. 257 .
What the Pros Say About UK ......... 258
i Hentucltg FunthaI|l§Q9 1 

 . . . . r—··—r
1       of the University of Kentucky Football Media Guide is a comprehensive A  1*  1*    i ll I  f' 0
source of information for media covering the Wildcats. Additional information or photos can be i, l nrim ~...;
_'  obtained by calling UK Media Relations at (606) 257-3838. Our fax number is (606) 323-4310.     `T   I ?
  _ Telenlrune Ilrrectnry I E1
_ Daily/Weekly SEFVIGES phone. On game days, interviews will be granted · min msslu
` only after the conclusion of the contest. ‘ g ,
‘ MDIIIIIIY Press l:0IIlBI‘BIlGE Telephone interviews are available to the media T€l€Ph°¤€ Dii'€Ct°l'Y — Ama Code 606 I
. i University of Kentucky Coach Hal Mumme on a “call-back” basis only. Individual player tele- Academics (CATS) · D I · · · I ·257_1897  
will conduct a weekly press conference each Mon- phone numbers WILL NOT be grven to members , , , a · r _
1; day during the 1999 football season. The press con- of the media. Players are instructed NOT to con- Adqumsmmon ''‘‘‘'’''' 257-8000
1  ferences will be conducted in the Wildcat Den at duct interviews when contacted directly by tele- Business Office ·····-··-· 25761-25
i Commonwealth Stadium. Media members may phone. The UK Media Relations Office will Compliance .... . ........ 257-8604 _ _ __ —
V access the Wildcat Den at Gate Three of Com- arrange for telephone interviews at a time most Equipmcm RO0m_ _______, 257-6522 IV .
monwealth Stadium. i l ' convenient for the student-athlete. . pootball Oggcc __________ 2576611   ~
The opposing coach rs usually available via tele- The university dormitories, dining halls, team Markctin and Promotions 25743022   `
1  phone hook-up. Selected Wildcats football players locker rooms and team training rooms are considered ,g ` ` . ` _ t  
i  will be available at the press conferences. private team areas. These areas are OFF-LIMITS to Nuttall Field House ''''‘’' 25777122 V- -
The weekly press conferences will begin on Mon- the media unless accompanied by UK Media Rela- Tlckct Office ············ 2574818 Y   .
1 i day, Aug. 30. Press conferences conclude on Nov. 15. tions Office personnel. Training Room. .......... 257-6521 t _ V
i Y No press conference is scheduled for Oct. 25, which \Y Video Omcc ____________ 257-5137     -
is the Monday prior to UK’s open date. 1 N `•§~ · __·___ _ _ _ _ _ _   `
The press conference schedule is as follows — { F Z },   S Wclght Room 257 2672 -
lunch is set from 11:30 a.m. to noon; Mumme C •’*¤       '
I press conference from noon to 12:30 p.m.; UK  iuffgsf     ,
player interviews from 12:30 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. 'f'4”lLE|1(‘ ® _ $   "j
Sunday Telecnnterence Internet im Mqula ;   _4`»i A I I  
V UK Coach Hal Mumme will conduct aweekly The official University of Kentucky athletics         _
1 Sunday teleconference following Wildcats football internet site is wvvw.ukathletics.com rd
games. The teleconferences are up to 30 minutes in
i length and begin at 5:30 p.m. ET. F8)(·0II·l]EIIl8|Iii _ _ Q =
Media members can participate in the telecon- University of Kentucky football statistics and REII8ViGlIII   V (
ference by dialing a MEDIA ONLY telephone game notes are available to the media via fax-on- A_m;,-m,,;,4D/ an ·· f _|1|
number which can be obtained from the UK Media demand. Contact the UK Media Relations Office Mega, R,h,;,,,,_,   ,1 L_   , I
Relations Office. The Sunday teleconferences will at (606) 257-3838 for the phone number and OFFICE: (666) 257_3838   if  
begin on Sept. 5 and run through Nov. 14. No tele- access codes. HOME; (606) 2696814   _' ”
conference is planned for Oct. 31, the week of The Southeastern Conference football statistics is if  
UK’s open date. and notes also are available via fax-on-demand.
The teleconference is broadcast quality Please con- Contact the conference office at (205) 458-3010 alt
tact the UK Media Relations Office (606) 257-3838 for the phone number and access codes.
for further information. _
1 Fuuthall Practice   in
1 SIJIIUIEBSIEIWI GHIIIEFGIIGE SEI'ViGES Kentucky football practices are open to the f`i"  `    ' `mnymculy
1 The Southeastern Conference Media Relations media, including photographers and videographers.     U . ·_ Media Rtbtivm Dinner :
Office, headed by Charles Bloom, offers a variety of Media members should contact the UK Media   i F b U Ca
services to the media throughout the academic cal- Relations Office, (606) 257-3838, for practice times. ii /I out 7 uma  
Cndar year. 1 _-  iv OFFICE: (606) 257-3838
l Statistics and league standings are available to GENE sBI'lIiC8$ 2   HOME: (606) 2716976 =
l the media on a 24-hour bulletin board. Media ASL ‘
members can access the bulletin board via comput- Press BOX A I
er by a telephone hook-up. For parameters and fur- Credentials for working media and photogra-
ther information, contact the SEC Media Relations phers for Kentuckyis home football games should =
Office at (205) 458-3010. be directed to Rena Vicini, Assistant AD/Media I 6,1.4.
All SEC head football coaches are available Relations. . {ii    G;
. each Wednesday via a teleconference. Each coach is Requests for media credentials — season or sin-   ii 6 i ‘
_ given a period of seven minutes to address media gle-game — should be submitted in writing by As-‘¢•¤¥¢¢¢ Director     =
»  questions about his upcoming football game, The sports editors or sports directors of accredited media OFFICE: (606) 257-3838 ` » is , `*
° starting date and telephone number will be avail- outlets on company letterhead. Requests for season HOME; (606) 263-7825   ` 
  able to the media by contacting the SEC Media passes should be submitted no later than August 9.  
  Relations Office. Requests for single games should arrive at the UK . , 37
Video highlights by satellite are offered on a week- Media Relations Office at least one week in advance. I ri
~ ly basis through the SEC Media Relations Office. A The University of Kentucky follows guidelines :
30-minute satellite feed, which includes player inter- set by the NCAA and the Southeastern Conference
views and highlights, is available to television stations in issuing credentials. The UK Media Relations €
1 each Wednesday. For further information, contact the Office attempts to fill each accredited media request.  
SEC Media Relations Office. Season credentials will be granted only to daily _ 1  
_ newspapers, radio stations, and television stations that T _ Susanlax
I wiiIlB8iS Pl8yBI‘ ll1IBI‘\IiEW$ cover the UK football program on a regular basis — i.e., · , i Arsrlrmnr Medi: Rzbzimu GJ
All player interviews must be coordinated weekly press conferences and all home games. Because ‘ ’ Dimmu-/Fporlmll Comm.-;
· through the UK Media Relations Office. Players are of limited space, season credentials to radio Srati0r1S will V OFFICE; (606) 257-3838 =
available to the media during game week, Monday be limited to one per station (sports director).   HOME; (606) 266.3538
through Wednesday. The best times to conduct inter- All credential requests should be sent to: Rena ( I  
views with the players are at the Monday press con- Vicini, Assistant AD/Media Relations, UK Media
I ference or after practice. Interviews will be conducted Relations Office, Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Q
at the Nutter Football Training Center or by tele- KY40506.
 { Hentuchg FuothaIIl999

 ' A  [I    [I 9 PMID GPQIIEMIQIS letics director. Four phone lines will be made  
` m;.,h ‘ Photo credentials will be issued only to available, including two in the locker room area,  
é   I T     accredited media outlets — daily newspapers, at a cost to be determined by Mike Dodson of  
E § specialized publications and television stations. Host Communications (606) 226-4678. 2
mf Nm msslu     Admission to the Commonwealth Stadium side- Networks wishing to install additional tele-  
. lines is by a combination of photo pass and arm- phone lines, either in the press box booth or  
V wx band. Photographers must sign in and present their locker room, can do so by contacting john Fuller  
. _ S “‘ credential at the UK Press Will Call table, located of the UK Phone Services Department at (606)  
“ Jammnapk  P between gates 11 and 12 of Commonwealth Stadi- 257-7727.  
Director ofPubli¢arivn.¢ " P _ um, [O Obtain an Umbandl  
OFFICE: (606) 257-5838   1 ` Pnsmamc interviews  
HOME: (606) 2936528   r MENS PBPIIIIIQ UK Coach Hal Mumme will conduct his  
  Media parking at Commonwealth Stadium postgame press conference in the \X6ldcat Den,  
I is available on a limited basis. Requests for park- located under the north grandstand in the UK  
ing should be made when submitting press football office complex. Mumme begins his  iii 
and/or photo credentials. The media parking postgame press conference approximately 15  
area is located in the Yellow Lot on the south side minutes following the conclusion of the contest.  
if _.; of Commonwealth Stadium. The Yellow Lot is The media entrance to the Wildcat Den is locat-  
    accessible via Alumni Drive. ed in the northwest corner (nearest flagpole) of  
· 1·   Ad'”i”'i’”“'i”'A"i’“”' Commonwealth Stadium.  
  OFFICE (606) 2576838 PFBSS 00ll The Kentucky locker room is CLOSED to all  
V iT` HOME: (606) 7346261 The Commonwealth Stadium press box is for members of the media. UK players requested for  
WORKING media members only It is located on interviews are brought to the Wildcat Den fol-  
the West side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth lowing the conclusion of Mumme`s press confer-  
_ Stadium between the upper and lower grand- ence. Interview cards are distributed in the press  7
stands. The media entrance to Commonwealth box during the second half of the contest in order _  
Stadium is between gates 11 and 12. for members of the media to request Wildcats  
i   The photo deck, radio booths, television players. J: 
_gm0rp;,,,,gmP;,,, * i ` booths, coaches booths, and VTP booths are The visitors` locker room is located at the  
OFFICE; (606) 257-3333 located on the press box level of Commonwealth southwest corner of Commonwealth Stadium. A  
HOME: (606) 266-1605 7% _ Stadium. All can be accessed via the press box press conference area is located just outside the  
9 elevator. visitors’ locker room entrance. The visiting coach  
_ and players generally conduct their respective  
MEIIIB Wm 030 post-game comments from that area.   V
Appropriately requsted media or photo cre-  
denrials which have not been mailed can be Stats ill! sum  
obtained at the Media Will Call table. located The UK Media Relations Office will provide a  
', ' - - between gates 11 and 12 of Commonwealth Stadi- complete pregame packet (includin facts sheets,  
` ‘   um. Media Will Call opens two hours prior to flip card, and game program) appfoximately 30  
Mtdm Rtbmam Asmmm kickoff and closes 15 minutes following kickoff minutes prior to kickoff A complete running play-  
OFFICE: (606) 257-3838 , , , , _ r,
HOME: (606) 255_2895 by-play drive charts and team and 1nd1v1dual SIHIIS-  
f TEIBDIIDIIGS tics are made available at the conclusion of the  
` ·i _ The Commonwealth Stadium press box is contest. Quotes from coaches and players of both  
1 equipped with eight courtesy telephones with long- teams are also provided.
distance capabilities for use by the media on a first- A FAX service is also available. Statistics and
come, first-served basis. The UK Media Relations play-by-play may be accessed after the game via  
Ofiice strongly suggests each media outlet with dead- fax-on-demand. Contact the Media Relations  
Rugapnackgll line restrictions should order its own individual tele- Office (606) 257-3838 for details. in
Mui" R'[*"i°”—‘ A’-”i"”"' "'i phone line. Members of the media wishing to order i_
OFHCB (6061 257*838 phone lines can do so by contacting john Fuller of FIIIZIIPB SDIIEIIIIIE · 2000
HOME: TBA the UK Phone Services Department. His telephone ffmtdiivf}
H number is (606) 257-7727. Please order phone lines
. at least one week in advance. SCPP 2 L°uisVill° Away
Sept. 9 South Florida Home
napmnnum   Sept. 16 Indiana Home
Limited darkroom facilities are available in the SEPP 23 Florida AWQY
· Commonwealth Stadium press box. Photogra- S€P*· 30 Ml$Si$$iPPl AWQY
___"   phers wishing to use the darkroom facilities should Oct- 6 Smith Carolina H°m€ I
,f Mad.}; R,[u;;.m,.A,,.;mm; make arrangements with Tony Neely of the UK OCR 13 U>¤i$i¤¤¤ smc Awa