xt72fq9q3m0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q3m0g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, September 21, 1963 text University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, September 21, 1963 1963 1963 2014 true xt72fq9q3m0g section xt72fq9q3m0g 4 *&#' .
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  VS.   TECH defense even more rugged than that which has lerl the
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The l1our of decision arrives tonight with history-laden Oui} Sglrlluln COD C;L{n§(KfOr thi pmt mn QCQTNI F
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, would-be football giants the principals 111 an enactinent m_(ip(mm( m Hom H Us l` pmm U tl? lwintli 0
I , _ _ _ _ 1 _ 26 luglily-talented sophoinorcs ill](l the experieiiced leader-
designed to post PIOOT as to what the luture l1olds for each. I , { 14 1 H TI 3C t I I _
i Both the visiting Gobblers of Virginia Tech and Ken- mm O ( Uliiul un J S dn mint on mlm uh Again
1 1 1. - 11 V . . but boast 11l(l1'C playable deptl1 than was the case at anv
1 Lucky s Fearless 1* orty have sights set squarely on this one i_ 1 _ U lg?) _ ‘
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as the big test ol ambitions for ]9G3 and picking the favor- Im fmmg K _) Umplibu _ _
. . . 1 lxentucky leads lll thc series. 2-l-2, which resumes after
ite by any proven standard IS dilhcult. 71 I
. . . . a L. - wi ;  
Surinoiiiiting all the usual factors that go 111to forecasting M U IDSL
is the psychological incentive that will drive the rival head  —;——-
coaches and ll1C‘lT]l)CYS of their staffs in quest of victory that
\11r11111.1impsi-11a11111111»my(miie Ocaiaaii ar   oily? 111 €°VER·N¤w U¤·*¤*S·*v 0* K¤¤*¤¤'` Of K•?¤i¤€kY Aihlclics AS$0¤‘l¢¤li0¤
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a sophomore can break into the top 22. The \Vinged T R€¤1`€5€**t€¤l [0* N¤¤<>¤¤1M\’€·`¤S1·¤g by
. , _ , Spencer Advertising Co,. New York
offense admittedly IS more explosive than a year ago and
1963 KENTUCKY WlLDCATS—Fronl· Row (left to right)-——Equip. Mgr. Buster Brown, Asst. Head Coach Matt Lair, Coach Dave Hart, Ed
Stanko, Talbott Todd, Ken Bocard, Vince Semary, Perky Bryant, Jim Bolling, Tom Becherer, Bob Garretson, Coach George Sengel, Coach Ralph
Hawkins and Head Coach Charlie Bradshaw. Second Row—R0dger Bird, Darrell Cox, Bob Kosid, Phil Pickett, Howard Keyes, Jim Foley, Gerard
Murphy, Mike McGraw, Gordon Thompson, Lloyd Caudill, Coach Bill Jasper and Manager Max Schwartz. Third Rcw——John Schornick, Tony
Manzonelli, Clyde Richardson, Denny Cardwell, Jim Komara, Tom Chapala, Jim Miles, Bob Brown, Jack Dunn, Ernie Walker, Jesse Grant, Giles
Smith, Coach Jim Carmody, Coach Ray Callahan. Back Row-—Rick Kestrier, Ed Smith, Bill Pochciol, Bill Jenkins, Doug Davis, Basil Mullins,
Herschel Turner, Frank Brockardt, Sam Ball, Bob Ashworth, Rich Tucci, John Andrighotti and Rick Norton,
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BERT T. COMBS   1;_VV= ,   » .
Governor of Kentucky _’     _ .
I  _~' l   ,
Closing out 0 four-ye0r term 0s Governor of the Cornmonweolth of Kentucky, Bert Th0m0s
Combs is 0ble to look bock with 0 speci0l degree of pride on 0 distinguished c0reer of public service
th0t corried him up through the r0nks to the choir of chief executive.
The 52-ye0r—old public servont, who in his copocity of Governor 0lso serves 0s ch0irm0n of the
University of Kentucky Boord of Trustees, beg0n his c0reer 0s 0 l0wyer immediotely upon gr0du0-
tion from the UK College of Low in l937 0nd loter entered po|itic0l life when he become city 0t-
torney of Prestonsburg. He next held the post of Commonwealth Attorney for the 3lst judiciol dis-
trict of the st0te ond from l95l to l955 served 0s 0 judge on the st0te’s highest tribun0l, the Court
of Appeols.
l-lis distinguished bockground olso includes service os 0 c0pt0in in the Judge Advocote Gener0l’s
Deportment 0nd he w0s the recipient of both the bronze st0r ond the med0l of merit during Army
During his odministrotion 0s Governor, 0n office to which he w0s elected in l959, the Stote of
Kentucky hos mode outstonding progress in m0ny fie|ds—inc|uding educotion, ogriculture, industriol 1
development, highwoy construction 0nd soci0| welfore.