xt72fq9q3k5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q3k5v/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_087 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 087 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 087 1921 1921 2014 true xt72fq9q3k5v section xt72fq9q3k5v {j·
. Q /< ~.·
I F',
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
I Sweet Clover Project
junior Agricultural Clubs
·‘? 1
is  =`A .";"·;>'4*,*‘.. -*-2 ·‘ °l~ ·   ‘ i‘ ‘ '    
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.·   'EQ  "*3ef'»~`éil·z—i»‘·il= ”¥‘ it -: I      
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I in I ’ !‘—   .—¤·‘-W 1** r. w ’< ’  · - .r  
Lexington, Ky.
February, 1921
PUl\llSl1¢’·ll \\`0I`l{ (‘I`lI`l`l<‘ll
ml by ("l"*i’*'I`1\ll<*ll wl` lllv <'·¤ll·—:o nl` .\ul`lL‘\llllll'¢*. l`lll\'\’l`Fl\)` Oli 1{\'lllllk`k}`y
4 \\'1lll tI`1e·I'. S. lh·;»:1rt1m·u1 of .\;rit·uItur¤·. uml ilistributt-rl in l`ilI`lll•;I`—
MW Ul lrlv \\'Ul'l( pivvirlr-il for in ilu- .\ci of C<¤ll;1`cSS of NNY S» ]l°H·

1. 1111ys :11111 girls 1'1·11111 111 t11 18 )'t'111'S (11. 11g1- 1ll.1}' `
l1llt1L‘l`1Ll1{t‘ this ]11`(1jl‘t'1.
2. 1·]111·11ll1111·111 511011111 t;1k11 1¤1:11·1· l11l1'111L{ the 1i1=·
11111·t 111 th1· }`(‘i1l', 1111t 111t1·1· 111i11l .\111·i1 ist.
3. (`11l]1 1111~111111·1·s 1111151 il111’1lt1 1h1~ 1111-1·ti111;s 111. 1111-1
1‘1¤s111—1·tivu L‘1ll1)S.
1. '1`hvy 1111151 S1l1(1}` 11111 11·ss1111s 1111 "Sw1·1·t (`11»1·1·1"
given i11 this <'1l't'll1Lll`.
,   1‘:i\(‘1l 1111·111111·1· 1111lSl ;:1·11w 1 i1l'1't‘ (111 sw1·1·1 1·1»1·.·;—, {
‘ I`t111l\\\'1ll£ 11111 1111\·i1·1- (111 11is (’t111ll1}` il1Lt‘111.
6. I‘:11('11 1ll1‘Ill1)t‘l’ 11111st 111·1·11 il 1`1'1't11`11 i11 21 11.»11__ 1
which the L'(1llll1}' 11g1~11t. will s111~111y_ 11t` 1111 w111·l1 11.11;·- 1 ,1,.1
1111 the 111·11j1·1·t, sh11wi11;; t‘X}1L‘l1Sl‘S. 1·1·1·1·i111s 111111 1»1·»1.· 1 IH
T. 1‘:il(‘1l 1111·111111·1· sh1111l11 1`t‘1'\‘1\’9‘ th1· 111‘111it 1·1`»llll h;s 1 1111
p11,11~1.1. 1 im
‘ 1 .
S. At tho ('11)S\‘ 111 the 111‘11j111·t 1‘l1t‘11 111·~11111··1· >111111~1 1 111
111:110: {lll vxhihit 111 sw1·1·1 t‘111\`t*l' 11il}' 111 s111111· 1·11111;1g.· . ,,,,
fi111` 01· U111t’I' 1`:1i1· 111·1·1111g1·1l 1vl\1` this ]\ll1'}¤tlS1`. 1 Wi
9. I11 ll\\'&1l`(1111`_; 111·iz1~s th1· 1`11ll11wi11g 1111sis wil! 11·· 1 ,·;§'.
Gl'+)L11£‘$1 yi1·11l 111 1lil}'... .....   1111111111llS
Grcaitost 111*11111 ........ . .....   .. 3111 11111111s
Best exhibit .... . ...... .. ....   211 111111115 1
iiest I'€‘(‘(Yl'(1 11111111 111111 S1,1\1`}' 111` 1*11
the 111·11j1.~1~t ....... . ........ . ...... .. 211 11111111s 111·1
111, The []l'1(‘CS f111‘ 1112111 1:111111: 1l(1l`SQ‘ 11111.11*. 1'TL'., 1*
{0111111 111 the 1·cc111·1l 1)()()1{, 1111151 111.- 11s1·1l 111 1·s1i111;1ti1:}; 111
11. Two 1lisi111¤1‘cs1c1l 1:c1·s1111s 1111151 1111.·11s111·1· t11~· M11
g1`Olll1(1 211111 {1Q1Cl'Ill1llC the yield. 1111
Each 11101111101· 1111lSt sigh 1111 1~111·111l1111·11t ('i1`1'11 :11111 1‘·‘· 1111
111111 it 111 th1· <’()ll111)° 11;;1.~11t 111* 811111- t'1ll11 1t‘il11¤‘l`. '1`11" im
‘ CO11S€11t 11f the 1111111111 111* g11111‘11i1111 1111151 111- s1·1·111‘1·11 11=‘· `Wl
fore this is (1()IlU. ll
· \\1

__ Sweet Clover Project
Junior Agricultural Clubs
  I 'l`lll‘ l>l|_l"»’l> llli lll•° >\\‘l'*`l <‘ll¤\'*'l' lll`*l_ll'l'l 2ll`l‘ lll ll) (‘ll·
·· l’¤¤lll'2l}I-‘ ilu- gi··»u-iug- <»l' llri~ \'2lll|&ll•l<‘ l<'}Jlllll<‘ iu l{<'lIlllK'l{_\'Z ¢2»
` lull-au-l1 ilu- lu-~i 1m·1luul~¤»l`<·i1llu1-<- uml liumlliugs. uml ·3£» tu
. iu··u-u~·-1lu- iu¤··r·-~t ui` li1|l`lll |u»_x·> uml girls iu l,ill'lIl lil'i·. liuys
uiul u·ii·l~ \\lu»>l1-i\‘·- l`ui1l1l'ull_x· iu u|»]»l_v ilu- llll·|ll'lll2lllUll given
ri i1iilii~ l-ll'¤‘lll&ll' in }Il‘l»\\'lllg uu ;u·i··- ul' sw-4-I ('llI\'l*l' will mit
I-‘ l uul_x· liuw l•‘ill'll¢-nl lllllvll uluuii ilu- iu»~>il»iliIi¤-< ul Il1i< i·1·<»p lint
will lauxw- uuiiu-·l Ilu- suli»l`;u·1i¤»i1 u‘lii<·li <'<•llll‘\ l'l'l>lll uu <'ill`l1<‘SI
·· l·IiU»1-I ui ·l·· wi-ll \\`ll&ll<‘\'t‘l' is lll1¤l1‘l`l&ll{<-ll.
4 Su‘i··-1 rluwi- i< xx-i·_x· 1um·l1 lilu- ull`ull`u iu lll2llI_\' 1%-Alu-1-Is.
lnu ii will g·i··»u· uu lll2lll_\` wils \\'ll¢‘l`t‘ uliulfu l`uils_ lt gi-uws
lu-lu-1- tliuu ulliulfu wu xw-1-_v Iuuir ui- wi-I »·»il< if ]>lm-111_\· <»l` liim-
_ is pu-~·-ui, 'l`lii» 4·1··»]» lius llt‘<‘ll gimwii wiili \\'llllll<‘l'l.lll Slll‘(‘l“NS
; iu lil-uuu·l<_v uml <-l»i-wlu·r<-.
S\\`\‘1‘l <‘l¤i\’<‘l' l\ il \'illll{ll}ll‘ (’l`UIl lil ll>l‘ l.¢ll' lllllll`U\'lll§l' “`1)l`ll
r s··il<. lt i< u iiiiiwg-¤-11 Q`illlIl‘l'\‘l' uml \\`ll\‘ll pl·»m-il llll lllh llll‘ >lllllIl'\* lll. lllll`UQ`|‘ll illlll |ll`Q[`2llll\‘ lIlillI\‘l'.    
<-~]>·-··lull_v \'iIllliilll<‘ iu iw-i·luiuiiug wu>lu-il lumls l¤<-<·u11>¤- it gi-uws
1'2l]>l¤ll_\` uml Sllllll limi-ins u iu-l\\‘¤»|‘l{ nl. 1‘<>¤»IN \\`lll<-ll lu‘l[>N lll l<<*x‘]>
- ilu- wil lAl'Ulll lu·iug wuslu-il uwuy, 'l`lu- lung- l'<¤¤¤l$ grow  \\`Ul'l{.
__ TW-- l1u}u»1‘Iui1t vui-ii-Ii<-s uri- ilu- wliiu- uml Ilu- yn-llilw.
···· \\'1iiu·»wi-l-1 k‘l(l\`l‘l` multi-s u l&ll'g`1-l` gi-uwlli lliuu ilu- yl-lluw uml

I 4 Cireular N0. 87
is better for improving tl1e soil. Nome t‘lElllll that _vellow sv. »·`- · llt’
elover is better for hay beeanse it. llilS liner stems, Illll the wl;} ae.
variety will make good hay it` sown thielaly a11d ('lll _inst I·1·1`.1;». eil
it blooms. Aniinals 11ot ilt‘l'llSlllllll*tl to sweet elover hay  
pasture 111tl}' refnse to eat it t`or il ti111e bnt eattle, sheep illlrl l.· gt
will soon learn to like it. N4
The sweet elover pla11t lives two years. lt lllil_\' be pasniy- ¢ l»1·<
or elipped tl1e tirst year, bnt the lllll¢>lll4l 1 ·
be pastnred too elosely. lf
lf a seed erop is wanted, pasture tl1e sweet elover ;;z_·_i im
* June, tl1e11 allow it to prodnee seed. ifi
_ Sweet elover is 11ot a pest as SUllll‘ suppose. l1 ean I~~ i. lm-
stroyed by entting \\'lIClI i11 fnll llltltllll. it
Sweet el<1\'e1‘ does 1l(>t1 1‘eql1i1‘e as 1‘l<·h il soil as tha‘ tl? Ive
alfalfa. In faet it will grow (lll very poo1· soil proviileil Ik .,-1 lic
is present. It does well (lll poorly drained soils. l`lnI» 111e111I~-~:·~ tlie
are advised to nse eorn stnbble la11d for the sweet elover l1I`<>_l*"i giv
or land that 11eed not I1e plowed i11 order to ]ll2ll{t‘ a seed l~» E. 4
lf llI]tC‘ is not already present in the soil of the aere it sI1·»·.Y~i »
be added i11 the forin of finely {Il'1‘·‘~~?‘Y· · Slui
2lI1(l pour into it strong ll}`tl]‘t)t’l1llll‘lt‘ llllllI‘lilllt‘il aeitl. lt`lE11¤ Hm
_ is present ti11y llllIll)l("S ot' gas will be given otl'. lt` nnieh li111··{~
present the I)llI)I}llll{.1_` will be very vigorons, Inn when o11l_v;1
small antonnt is present it will be so slight as ro be seen IllY‘l— cm,
ditlienlty. lf no bubbles appea1· llIll{‘ is needed. lt` tl1<.‘ >·’?i wh

Swcct Clover Project 5
V N1 ylll , Nppllg li1111r &1]>]1l_\' {.§1'<>llll(i ]im0Sl0IlC lll. UIC 1*1110 11f two 10115 per
.. “-111 ;11·]‘1*2l|11iili$i{ i1 i1111> 1l11rs11il us s111111 us t|11· ;;1·1111111l 1-1111 110 111,;-1;-
l1··1'.1;·.. 1·1l ill 1h1· s[11*i11g.
hill ‘*7` SEEDING.
11l l»»;1~ lliskihg th1: li1111·s111111> 111111 1l112 soil will give tht: 111·1·egs;1ry
[11‘1·11z11*z11i1111 11l` the s11il 1`111* s1·1·1li11g. 'l`l11: s1·1·1l sl11111I1l ht: sown .
H\w._ ; 111·t111111·;1st 111 1l11* 1*:111: 11i` 11l111111 15 111111111ls 11l' h11ll1·1l sqm pgp
(lm   Em-t—111-21)111111111ls11f 1111h11ll1·1l s1·1·1l. (`U\'(‘l` |1y il2lI`l`1)\\'ll|Q' lightly
, 1.1,1,, with :1 s11il;1·-t1111tl1 i|ZlI`l'U\\'. ll` 11 (‘l1/`x`1‘l‘·S1’1"1i 1ll'iil is z1v:1ilz1l1lc it
,,I'   >l11111l1l liu llS1‘1i ill S11\\°i1l;I lil<‘ S1‘<‘1l il1S11*z11l of {llc l)1*(l;11]g;15L
my   111ml1111ll 'l`h11 Si|lll(‘ fllliilllilf 111' $1*1*1] sl1·111l1l l11· 11s1·1l in 1l1·llli11;;,
lm rh ly.11t·11l;11i1111 is \'1'l`}` i111]1111·1z111t 11111l sl11111l1l Illll l11* 111·;;*lr·1:t1—1l.
lf p1,»il1l1· gmt i11111·11lz111·1l s11il i·l`1¤ll1 :111 :1l1'z1l1`z1 111* S\\'1}(*[1 1·l11v01·
1i11l1l. l11 1111111)* 11l;11·1·s s111:1lI ]111t1·l11·s 11i` S\\`1‘1‘l 1·l11v121* 11121)* be
li in-° l`1111111l ;1l1111g 1*11:11lsi1l1·s 111* 1*z1il1*11111ls iil`11lll wl1i1·h il few l111111l1·01l
111111111ls (li: s11il 111:1)* ill? 11l11:1i111*1l. liso z1l11111t 400 ])Oll]l(lS 1'l1,‘1'
l~·   ;l1'l`C :1111l s11w _i11s1 ;1h1·111l 11l' 1h1· 1li>k 111* ll2ll'l'(1\\' \\`i1<‘ll the lz1111l
isl111i11;; I|l`O]lill'("(`l 111* 1l11· s1·1·1l 1·11v1*1*1·1l. This ]11*01·t111ti1111 is
1101·1·ssz11*_1* l1·11·z111s1· if 1l11· i11111·11l:111~1l s11il livs 1111 the s111*i`z11·1*. Ox-
I11|S1‘1l l11lll'i§ill $lllISillll1} l`111* (‘\'1‘ll ll $ll1ll`l ti1111·. tl11¤l1t11·11·1·i;1 may
ll: ]`1§` l111l1l lil(" s1-1-1l shmtltl
tl They l1ct1·c11t121l with (>Il(" of thc \'2ll'l1>ll< lz1l1111*:1t111*_v 1·11lt111*1·s 1111w 1111
·ml1.»;·1 t|11· 111t11*l;1·t. 'l`l11· 1li1·1·1·1i1111s 1`111* tl11· IINK) 11f 1h1~s11 (‘lllllll`1’S 115
11···f1-·t fIi\'Oll 1111 thc 11;11·l1~1=1l is l11111;1ht. 111 s1e11*t tho ]11*11_i1*1·l 11111· Nllllllill lm
l_m__ 5111*0 that it is g111*11l. S111111~1i11111s s1·1~1l is 1`1111111l 1111 thc 111:11*kot
IQIIAV, lhzit has ill g1~1*111i11;1ti1111 11[` 1111ly 23 111* $$111}. Tvsl tho s1‘1*1l.
Aim 1, i’h11·1* 201) soctls i)l1i\\4(](`ll l1\\`1l 11111ist l1l111t1*1*s :1111] l<1·1*]1 thc l1l111t1‘1*S
_m   i101\1‘1*1*11 two plates in il \\'ill`1l1 ]1l111·1*. \\’illL‘iI L‘i1lNl`l}` \\`il(‘ll
__<_1|_h $l11`0lllillg` i11‘$l'lIlS, R1·11111\'1* 1l|1‘ s]11‘111111‘1l S1‘1‘1lN 0\'1‘I‘_\’ 1l2l)' 0I` TWO
1- my Hl11l hoop il 1·1—1·111·1l 11l` tl11- 1111111l11·1* that s111*11111’.
ll1l•‘ f~
Gm ‘ S\\'l‘l‘i 1·l11v1—1*, when 1·11t 111, tho p1*11111*1· ti1110 11111l L‘2ll`L‘i`llii}'
U wil Vlll`@ll. lllzllivs liziy 1l1;11 ('(1lll11ill'l‘$ l`z1\‘111*;1i1l_\‘ i11 l`1‘1‘1li11g` \'2li1l1‘
i Wliil z1l1`z1lf;1 htiy, Swtwl ('lU\'L‘l‘ sl11111l1l l_10 1·111 l.11*l`111‘1* 1l10 ]1iilIllS

6 C1`1‘1·11l111· N0. S7
l1l1111111. I)11 1111l 1111sl111111v (‘lIllIIIg.!` <11· 1l1v s1:1ll1s will |11·1·1.11.:· yl., I
:1111l w11111l_1‘. ,\ I1*1‘1l \\‘:1s Nl1\\`II. l)l‘11_i•·1*l~ s' N Il.
Iillt‘1’ i11 tl1v }'t‘ill' will ('llllll‘ I11 :1 1·l11sv :1l 1|11· s:11111· 1i1111·. "
It is vnsy I11 lI`<|rll‘l'l is 1··111111l1·:1··l  
willl1v11111l·111l1t<·11111·v1·11i11g· its l‘(Il`l`(‘1‘IIll‘\N. I1 will gi1···  
i11tv1‘vsti11g‘. TI'llt‘ $I|II'_\' :1l11111I lllt‘ 1·11sl 11l' ;.IlI.II\\ilIl;:. :111 :11-::1 1 ·""
swvvl l’IIl\'l‘I' :1111l Tl1v111·11lit 1111 II11- IIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIILII.
Svlvvt :1 Nlllilll Nll<‘ElIl. :1l11111t 2 lll1‘ll<‘S i11 1li:11111·1··1·_ .11,~E ‘:
if sv1·111·vl_v \\`llIl :1 Nll`llII_!f (‘flI'lI. I11 111:1ll'l`2lIl(‘l‘ nf <‘IlI'IIl};` ll1v II2l_\' \\`IlII¤1l|l l11si11g· 1l11·111.
Clrnzrlziffnir. I)11 1111l svlvvl :111_\‘ Il1:1l SII(I\\‘$ _\`1'Il11\\' II`iI\-Il`. 111* :1*. _‘:‘
sign 11f (IlSl*2lS(‘, (I<*l‘2l_\'f 11111I1l 1,1· lII w·»1111wwl-
1 .;, w·I wiiln 1IIw {>I`<>_I··wI >Il¤¤III1I I¤w1·»I·I. III 1I1w >t<»1·_v IsI11Iw1‘wst—
  ` in; It lIl&I_\` I»w MIIII In ><>I1IIIwa1ti<»11.
...., ; .*Iwy1yz¢ .~f~/ {Inf!/M fur {ln Nfwy/.
I. II·»w I I»ww;Imw an wI11I» mwmI.wr·.
2. III»_I···i ·>II II1w ~ww.·1 wI<»vw1· I>I`¤I_Il‘<‘I.
V ZI. \\vII_\‘ I t'Ili¤>¢‘ II1w <\\'l‘I‘I l'I<>\`<‘I` ]>l‘~¤_I·‘•‘T.
I`II II I. IIl‘¤·]·;11‘;1II<¤11 <»II 1IIw sr¤II.
II- I‘ 2. S .-.·. Im-.
II. I`11IIi11g ilIltI w111‘I11g.
III`I_‘·I‘ T. ]I;11·I w<»1·I{ 1I¤·Ilt‘ I`<»1‘ _\`¤¤ll.I
II `‘``- . II. \\`|1:1I Im- ywur ;¤11nI>itiw11s us ex wIuI» mwmI»w1· for nwxt
l JU   _\`
IIIII lI121_\` Inw IIlIL‘l'(‘SIIllg`, Nwnd it wilh the 1'CL‘U1'tI b¢><>k.

 1 K
8 Ch1·uYur N0. S7
1\)<`f`(`I`(`)l('(` :
]{011t111·ky I;\l]I(‘(ill ITS, 4\{Il'i<‘lll{lll`ill l`:XlN‘l'ilIlt‘llI N1;1‘U·
].vxi11gt<>11, KCllIll1‘l(_\'.
.Extc11sio11 (`il'L‘lll2l1' Ul), (`1»}l1·g1· of .\{II‘i<‘lll[ll¥`<‘. I.¤·xi11g·. »
1"ill'lll<‘l'S` .l;\llI<‘]illS TSPT, 820 uml SIMS, I`. S. Dvpt. .\ue·]  
ture, \Va1s}1i11gtur1, I). (`.
` — on 1;
X 12111.