xt72fq9q3c7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q3c7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1998-12-14 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 14, 1998 text The Green Bean, December 14, 1998 1998 1998-12-14 2014 true xt72fq9q3c7q section xt72fq9q3c7q *7¥’*~ 
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unt versity of Kentuwcky fI.ibrdri¢·S Sun? Newsletter     * "J   Decenzber‘I4," 1998 ` ws u
The Sprouting of a New Bean
D'd K ` . . . .
I you now that In The ACTS Committee has begun a new era within the University of Kentucky Libraries, by rediscovering
December, you can find... ,
an old one, The Green Bean. Its b a c kl
. Fmland Independence Day' 12/6' This time, the Bean is a staff publication, dedicated solely to the staff, sewing and reflecting the varied
· Human Rights Day, 12/10. interests of you, the University of Kentucky Libraries staff. We are such subject matters as; a recipe
(50th anniversary). column, a Dear John column (human interest) a "Wrath of Warth" column (humor); and many more. lf you
. have any suggestions on columns or articles, we would love to hear from you; we will need your input.
• Soot Sweeping Day, Japan,
wig, We asked Terry Warth, one of the early editors of the Green Bean, to look back and share with us some of
her memories of the Bean.
- Battle ofthe Bulge began, 12/16
(unofficial baffle of the bu/ges
begins 1/2/). Written by Terry Warth
· Birth of Beethoven, 12/16 As my dimming memory recalls, the King Library newsletter was always printed on vile green paper.
The young people in the Director's Office derisively called it “The Green Bean", and when that name had
become universally applied, they decided to use it as the formal title.
The Newsletter printed directives, news, and communiques that were important to all of us. Each issue
had a long list of library job offers from around the country (tempting us to leave?). Once when our budget
( :,,  L ( was tight, the director considered dropping the publication but when he discovered lie would have to send
A yvvv   , ,..t   each department a separate message, he realized it really wasn‘t worth it (before E—mail, of course).
  I   "W · ~ At one point controversy over the name arose. Since the newsletter was sent to others on campus and
f'_)fj C ’ r or around the state, it seemed undignified to use such an unacademic name. While I agreed, as a cataloger,
JQ   .»».· I j V - I was horrified at the suggestion of changing the name again. I think I've spent half my life coping with
  L.) i ” I ,. 4 f {_ .   y serial name changes. Imagine the aggravation of all the cross-references to be made, as some journals
  __—,A     il;)   _».», r 4 — would change their name every decade. To have a library itself perpetrate a similar crime was madness.
      * af S IV   ¢’‘» My nasty note went to the editor, Toni Powell, who actually printed it with the headline “The Wrath of
  1 4~t_`’, iii ./', r e /_`» , ( . Warth" and answered it in soothing tones of reason. A compromise left "The Green Bean"on the mast-
’ ‘°’' q ‘,,/   l_., » r ` head with a scholarly subtitle.
...When the Weather Outside is Fri ht ul...Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
lW——————1—~ by Pat Lloyd
Happy, Happy Birthday
U Phylhs JOhnSOm' 12/15 The library po/icy for severe weather (P/an B) is with night and weekend coverage. PUBLIC
· Joyce Taylor, 12/5 as to/lows: SERVICE UNITS SHOULD DESIGNATE IN
’ lf the University closes when classes are not in ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WORKING ON
· Kathy Franklin, 12/14 session and students are not on campus, the PLAN B DAYS.
. library will be closed.
• 4
Valerie Perm 1/1 (lf the Fayette County Schools close, and the
(...and many more) If the University closes when classes are in University is open, morning library staff
session and students are on campus, the meetings, e.g., Library Faculty SCT LCG, are
library will be open with night and weekend canceled in order to keep public services staff
coverage. in place.)
lf the University dela ,* asses or has earl i,.·
cancellation of classes. me library will be open

 _ University 0fKentncky Libraries - * :_ — · .—     , ·   _  j   *     V · -   5 ° ’ . Q - page 2
What’s News in Law? Great Recipes
written by Janice Cox
Hey, a few new sprouts have A new staff member has joined the Law Library Butterscotch ple
cropped up. Congratulations go team as cataloging technician. Her name is by Dawn Ga
. . ye
out to... Heather Harbett. She is a graduate of Lexington
I Community College with an Associate Degree in l Sllck real butler
. Rlck alld Came Gwen __ a new Offiie System;. This lil her fllfl elrperienlcel l/2 Cup llglll blown Sugar
baby gll-ll Magahl hom 10/14/98. WOl' ll’tg lll 8 l rary all WB 8 W9 COlTl€ BT. 4 Egg yolks, Sllghlly beaten
$l1€ WGS 21 l¤Gh€S l0¤Q Gnd Law Library Director Herb Cihak and Senior 5 1/2 tablespoons flour
weighed in at 8 lbs. 15 ounces. Library Technician Sharon Harrod's presentation, 1 1/2 cups milk
"Coaching the Non-Librarian: Do We Know Who 1 teaspoon vanilla
· Valerie and Peter Perry - is Pitching and Catching'?," was very well 9-inch pre-baked pie shell
e new baby boy, Stephen Estes, received and was impressive for its quality and Melt butter on low heat. Add flour and brown
born Ong/16/Q8_ He was 21 content. The central theme of their presentation sugar. Stir until smooth.
lhchas longy and Walghad ln at was that as libraries continue to be transformed Add milk and egg yolks. Stirring constantly bring
7 lbs 2OullCaS_ by technology, library administrators must to a boil. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and remove
continue to encourage and reward non-librarians from heat. Pour into baked pie shell. Top with
and it drew many questions from the audience. meringue.
du Meringue
4 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
y pinch cream of tartar
Did you know ln January you Let S Get OUT   Together Beat until stiff. Spread over ple filling and bake at
might look for... written by Terri Brown Bsildeirees umn
go en rown.
Banana Baal Day 1/11 The ACTS committee is revitalizing the GREEN
_ BEAN. This Green Bean is just for you, the Start. _
Classes B~‘>9*”» 1/13 it is to be Fun, enreareinine, ENJOYABLE Pumpkin Roll
Maltlh Luther Klhgl Jl. Uday, 1/15 AND INFOHMATIVE. lf yOU would like to assist by Est/7€‘l' Edwards
_ l with ideas, by being a reporter for your area or
NBYIOW NOWPQ Dal/. 1/16 team, or just by being on the formation committee, 3 8995 1/2lSP Sah
John Cl Blacklhlldgal 14th VlCB_ please contact JOl'lTl OLHDD Bl 1 CUP Sl-lgar U 1 tsp glnggr
President Lexington KY 1/21 lW€llJl¤¤@P0P·UkY·€d¤~ 2/3 CUP PUl’¤Pkl¤ Plus 1 tsp nutmeg
' ‘ ‘ 1 heaping tbl 1 1/4 cup confection-
W0lfQallQ Amad€U$ MOZBVL 1/27 How to place an article in the Bean: ers sugar
· Write, then submit to John at jwquinn@pop 1 tsp lemon NICE 1 ghziggg Cream
' ilélfilaéililf illlmlgiidbeyniglii a§E?°“` $(4 ¤¤¤.e**·¤¤r¤O$€ tw */4 cur butte
returns, no commands, such as all caps, etc. $;;l)b;l;l;am;Q/der 1/2 tsp Vamua
John and Mary JOB Qulm • The ACTS committee will review all material Q p
. E submitted for acceptance. lf you really have . . . .
C€'?l”a‘€d ‘*lj'll$§gW$ljlll'"¤ something great to Say, but don‘t feel comfort- Spezial g§§jU*;’lly5a'a‘a";L;5af'l;';;Ql';;'yfgll'"'ggl ln
amuversalyy V · ' _ able with yourwriting style, don‘t let that stop um km and lemon .UlC€ Cbmblne d lll lady
Celebrate with 3 mp abroad mls you. Send this info to me (t|browOO@ pop), and p p 4 I `. ry 9 .
4 . . . ents (flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, ginger,
$Umm€i· (MGVY Joe Says llseems I will see what I can do with it. . . .
lllw wl nutmeg) and add to pumpkin mixture. Place in 15
We are looking for: x 10 inch jellyroll pan (lined with wax paper).
Anything special going onlat ygur branch, Bayke in 350 degree oven for 13 minutes (lnrluntil
department, orteam, etc. oi ay moments, it ounces backwhen touched in the midd e .
memories, traditions, birthdays, anniversaries Tum Gmc a towel S ankle l/4 CU COnl€C_
Wedding Bells Rang! lyvelcllding and wolrk)', new babiras, grandblacbies llongls Sugar On mpymllnup and lm COPOl· com-
Dottie Wheat and Rob Aken were lilly il ;2;’§l€s’ rammg Oppo um |€S‘ a bine 1 cup confectioners sugar, cream cheese,
married 12/24/98. C V S' butter and vanilla. Unroll cake and spread filling
Llusl Send an hln you would llkg lo Sham Wllll onto it. Roll cake up and chill. Slice and senie.
f llo t fff lk.Th‘ b t t . . .
  -$?°$`¥·`€ ?~?i~'?? !¥@l~$’v€ $.K<.‘i:i.£:;i:i*::i";;.:$;r;~i2:::;;$2zi.‘:;“.:.ii;i;.Zzzgfziz. 
a good time. It will only be as good as we make `U H  g . ` _ f l __ I  
_ I , _ l please send by (’·Ill(1ll fri, eerliiards@ pt»p.u/tycrlu (Esther
It `''‘ let S make It Scmemmg to IOOR forward iO‘ Edwards). We will select one nrmoreiten1sfrn‘eur`li

 University 0fKeutucky Libraries - ~ °   » ‘ V - ~-   - ·`-A i ~ *     ‘ l $"‘*  L __ L  Page 3 .
Did vnu know". Holiday Doings . " _. i
The National Anthem of Greece Wm/En by Janice COX   1 __
has 158 verses. V T »
. . The Law Libra participated in the Circle of Love ' ` l l
No one ln Greece has memorized ry -
again this year, providing gifts for two children. _
all /5o Volsoo Many gaily wrapped packages were delivered to V
AH th I K V in _ P I the Student Center this week for distribution.
ecoc sin emovle up rr ,,
Fi¤ti¤¤ aio S/l/ok oo ‘/?2o· The Law School is hosting a Christmas luncheon The New  
at the Hyatt on December 18 for the Law School _ _
The Hrst National Football League and Law Library faculty and staff. Law Library Xouaokoo about u· You Woooa'oo about 't· Now
Championship game was 12/17/33. team members are also getting together at the os /'oauY oo'o_Too  _ioo_ooV‘/Sioooi
New York Giants vs Chicago Bears. home of Ebba Jo Sexton for our annual Christmas bv and for |'b'a'V S/af/· Too loiooi of the oowolo/`
(Bears Wah, 23 _ 21) iunonoon Wa Wiii all oooin/roauma our oiaiino ter IS to enhance communication among all library
anor Christmas oraaki stafia lt shfourid be a means of getting to laliow one
ano er, o s arlng news, ln orma lon an un
du "stuff", as well as be a forum created by and for
you—the readers. Send us a recipe, a poem, or
news from your team. Did something happen that
Chl'lStl71aS lll January? you wish to share with everyone? Let us know.
Are there issues you would like to see addressed?
'—ib'ao/ Book Sa/o and Eouiomoot Auouoo Questions you would like answered? Let us know.
The Library Mushroom Society will Oo January 8 aooroi too Uk /—lb"ao/ Wi/' held a This newsletter will reflect who we, the library staff,
meet in January. All members will book oa/o 'o too K'o9 L‘b'ao’· Abbroxkoatow _ are. Don`t let a small minority represent you.
he haiiiiou through rho Ciuh hows 5,000 books and other surplus research materials Hair, us maka mia a iun, iniormaiiiro nawoionor
buiiaiihr will berfor sale at greatly discounted prices. The inar onanooa as Wo Change pioao our iirai issue
sale will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and ioi ua know Wnai you inink
both days. Volunteers are needed to assist
with the sale. Please cal! Paula Pope at g
257-0500. ext. 2089 to volunteer. included in the
sale will be desks, chairs, card catalog files, filing
cabinets, and a number of oak chairs, tables and Dggr Jah);
Su/3; dis/(Sao dgaauoi I/St if tems to be auctioned An often comical and slightly irreverent view ofthe
can 8 Oub Om E in Qrbg a . library life we live in, as seen through the eyes ol an
  http;//www.uky.edu/Llbrarles/salellst.html. For more arrrsr known as Dear John
We have proud grandparents information on the auction, please call Gail Kennedy ' ’ `
to0... at 257-0500, ext. 2086.
—-————————-—— Dear John,
_ pai and Ron Lioyo _ rx, Vile don’t know ifrthis qualifies as somethingrto
Grahuuaughiah Emma karhryh, put ID your golumin ln tha Ghelian Feran, DSI, Ftalna
bam ioriiroar aha Cama mia   k _ O I was marrle on ovem er o on awsey.
. . l€C lt at. lt was held at the Fted Mile Clubhouse and she
this world 18 inches long and , .
. . says she IS soooo happy she could shout it from
weighing 6 lbs. 2 oz. . . . , . . i
(Ma Chrrsimas Pain AS you know, ID the University s organizational the roof tops.
Hy ‘ structure, libraries falls under information Thoy nonoymoonoo in Cancun ano aa Wo
· Mary Geyer- Granddaughter, Systems. Did you know that information- Systems unuorsiano ii, ii was absoiuroiy Wonoonuii
born 12/9/98_ 18_5 inches long has a really good web site? Featured this month Sionoo iovino irionoa
and weighing 5 |bS_ 2 OZ, is an anicle on a project conducted by Debbie '
r Whalen, a library science student and new staff D FV C rj , Thu C
‘ 2‘*“°§3"“§a“~‘§§€Ma{fii‘ ~·¤m¤€rl¤r¤€Ar¤¤¤eS¤¤¤ ri<=¤<>l¤s Pr¤¤e¤w¤ €’i'rrLC;‘§JfIi’$L42.2rr§'iir.i"§’.'?Z.,;r.r.rrr  ,V.».r
o" S": E"' me · lm 0* Semi ¤¤l*e¤t·<>¤S and Ar¤ii·V€S- Dem rl, 4 r al   are I'l/   rr al rrrr rr, r rrr,
l>¤i¤ 9/1/98 Making his nas rnaoa available via CD-ROM ina nanovvnnen ` ( I- g . ' . / " » g ’ ` ·
. _ _ _ i _ _ Marriage was like taking a barll. A/ICl'}'()ll 've been lll
Plame lei at 2l ‘“°““ ‘°"9 dew 0* ¤¤·<>¤ Seldler Brien Mr- ¤¤r¤ ·¤ 1840 ·¤ na rub mrtg the  ;i in   rmi
Bild weighing 8 |b$· 8 02 Maysville, Ky. The diary pages are very clear and _ _ 4 Y _
' ' ` - j() 'lllg (l.1`l((’, Nl .\`LU‘(’ CGI! $[160 ’_ (H' 1£’ CII ll'(’
_ Parry Hhmhaak _ quite beautiful. Check lt out. A// /* / / I k / '/ ’
_ _ Library slaffwllerl [say "Congralularionr". And bart
T dd ht b htt·ll k d/Lb ' /S ‘I/ /d ' '
Wlfl gl'Eil'l BVUQ GTS, Om p. WWW.Ll y.9 U l l'Ell'I€S p€CI3 ITISS FU y irislies to Ron and Raina DIl\t`.YP_\`. W?lll·./ What a wav
9/13/98` Thelr names are I/ai\`0ll C/lt?/{ on "Good Neilxr./" on the IS wah page, you to SIGN I/16 /1(}[i(/(1_\’ .YC[I.\`(ll1, II Sor! (Ur/}I‘lIlg.Y 11 new
Racbd and Robb/(ob \\'i//riailid.T(’\'(`l`(1/.\`/l{ll'If(J(IIlll'(’.T related to the lil2rar)·— J//llfliii//lil /0 ///0 /<’i‘//l U/`lf/]’P_t' Ho//f/f/,l`»i/'· f//l¢'·l`” i il?
ami see xvvcml_farrliIiz1rj?1c‘e.r. 7/1i.r web site is Muc/lo Happiriess Alwavs.
l1(ifililf(’I4\` wort}: a look. John _
Cllcok ll out at lzlrp.·//ir·ll·w,uk_y.edu/IS/IS

 University 0fKentucky Libraries ·  »» » l    *   ra ‘v.i ¤ t- · ‘ -r ·  e · ‘i4`— ‘ F * ‘·‘ · —  in   4*   ln·?» page 4 `
Dear John, leaderfrr available copies).
My WlfE`S parents will be with US for a couple of Non; a'by chance you were writing something that
WEEKS during the Christmas SEaSOn. I need to might be pertinent to the stajff pleasefeelfree to
find SOn1Eihfng to occupy them for a while. They submit it to the Green Bean. It will be looked at with
tend to wear me out when they’re here. great consideration.
What to do, what to do? Joint
  Dear what to do, (The views expressed here in are not necessarily those
  How about scheduling thenz a ltlltf (QIIIIE library? It ofthe Library, the Universiqy, or anyone else left on
will occupy their time; they might get the mistaken idea earth, other than Dear John.)
Judy Sackaul 1/9 that you are intelligent; you could sneak offto the
• Mary M0llnarO, 1/11 movies while their touring. and its goodhrr two days. Ck?
_ Frank Stangerr 1/14 The second day they’ll need to recover: ·
' Barbara G. Hahn, 1/14 Pr schedule a tour contact Esther Edwards in the A Specull Thank You
. Andy Spears, 1/22 D~te€t~r¥i Once br elim 257-0500x 2084- at We would like to express our gratitude ter ine
_ ""’“"l· holiday luncheon given for faculty and staff. So
' RICK Gareth 1/23 many have mentioned how thoughtful it was to
. Mary Vase, 1/29 T"'/—*”· have the time to get together with one another.
JO/"' And the food was exceptional. We feel sure we
can count on it next year, too'?
Dear Jehh_ Thanks again, Paul. It was really a treat for us all.
You might think this is silly, but I have a problem From ypur Staff
with some of the paper clips that are available
within the Library. Those plastic ones. Those {Aa
little, seemingly "nifty" colorful clips.
Well, first of all, they’re really not that reliable.
They tend to break rather easily. Another thing, is The Wrath of 1/$Q,¤r£h
it really necessary to have all those different _ l A
eelpre er paper Clips? Weprdrrr rr pe Cheaper, rp A sweatshirt, recently seen in Special Qo/lections
Acknowledgements have paper Clips in rust ehe eerery rhaype just a andArchives, was worn by one of the library staff
UK blue er Somgthing? volunteers. We thought it said a lot for so many
. Thank you for listening.
ACTS Green Bean Editors- Pérprgxed Over What Hrhqyr
Jehrr W_ Quinn Where? When?
Tam Brown Dah,. pa,p[h,.r,d_ I DON’T REMEMBER ANY HILL!
Thank you so much hrr your letter; and we do
ES1rl9f Edwards appreciate your sharing your thoughts with all of 1% (*9
hope more people will take the time to share ideas or
just asl; questions, and in that way allow me. Dear
WG would like tv 6`XWQSS Our John to help lrealiae it it rjtenjust knowing there is I
gratitude to those 669 T€P0Ti€T$ someone to vent your complaints to. orjust a   Ca enda
Irl this first issue, without whom this sympathetu· compassionate soul who is listening and _ ,
publication would not be possible: willing rn {wer support or share ideas that will allan- Jan ll ' Imroducmn IO HRS lm Onlmg Users
Janice COX _\'()H it} HOlf(?(’/ (Zl(}I1C. Jan   -   l _
Nm.,   rr. as auesti (,,,   in ·-,.a,~· lair *2 · AS$1¤¤m<·>¤t l°t¤¤aSS1¤g I
news eeye nntp paper arp; - jam 1; · $$S·¤hm¤¤f *°r<>¤<->jS·¤¤ Il
GE7-A LIFE I, an - tme anagemen
PBT Lloyd mm {fury Jan 13 - nelegation l
raw Wahh farm Jan 14 - Time Reporting
Jan 15 - Misc.‘Payments
Jan 2O — Customer Service
—— in addition —— Dear Jghny Jan 20 ‘ FRS 2
a vary special thanks for ls this e stan newsletter or everyones? Ja" 20 ‘ P'°°*?'d _ _ _
prpprreadrhg apes rpm Michael A Razeeq Jan 22 - Working in a Diverse Environment
Fraak Stangel Mrcruwr Jan 27 - Introduction to HRS for Biz Knowledge
(YOU {OO can be 8 pace r€pOn€r,,by F -YZre rebirth ofthe ‘j@epn   dedrpated to the rvtahf Jan 29 - IFRS 3 a
. dh US Our Emo/Q) (ll [IF 'llml [Wil- ll lll if lillllfll _\ »Y!¢1[TtlI€"lJ€V—\· prr more inj?rrmation about these classes:
lust Sen I Q y ' and distributed to the staff The ACTS Committee YOU can gall 7-9555 X IS}
]Jl[1lf if lt) pflill (’.1'il'(l C()[}lC.V, .\'If()lll(l (1II_\'()}f€ else lh'? — (Jr-
inieresretl in obtaining litem (check with your team httpzi/www.uky.cdu/Fiscz11Affairsh—lumanllesources/HRD


 99170 Snduwo