xt72fq9q319c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q319c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-06-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 25, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 25, 1940 1940 1940-06-25 2013 true xt72fq9q319c section xt72fq9q319c oesi uopy Mvanaoie


iWPn Student
uf.J & Operated






Of Editorials
lumn ef rtrsonal Opinion




Editor, Summer Kernel

'Yankees In Loifoi'lGRASSTOUR
Will Be Presented TUESDAY, JULY 2
Students, Faculty,
Staff To View
At Friday Convo
Stock Farms

Wc, who have lived through the
wild expansion of the Roaring Twenties and have seen the comeback of
America during the Thirties, are apt
to take progress and growth as a
matter of course.
A streamlined
version of "The
Particularly is this true if those
who are behind the growth do not Yankees in London" will be presentpush themselves into the limelight, ed by the New English players at
or, as is : aid in the newspaper world, the second convocation of the Sumfor themselves. mer Session to be presented at 8:25
"beat the
o'clock Friday morning in Memorial
Able school administrator that he halL
is. Doctor Jesse Adams does not beat All second hour
classes will be disfor himself. He is con- missed so
the tom-tothat students of the Sumtent to do his own job, pushing his mer session may attend the convobeloved Summer Session, rather cation.
than himself, into the public eye.
Under the direction of Harry
So, the result is that the growth Pearson, the cast of "The Yankees in
of the Summer Session has been London" include Bruder Ziegenhag-etaken as
routine procedure by
Pauline Ziegenhagen. and Kate
those who have even give it a Pentzer Stokes. Mr .Miller will althought as a part of that which we so take part In the play and Miss
call "progress." America is the land Stokes will enact two roles.
where things expand, so what is
The play, time of which is the
more natural than that a school present, deals with the exaggerated
should increase in size and impor- conception Engishmen and Americans have of each other.
During the last 12 years the Summer Session has grown. From a CAPACITY AUDIENCE HEARS
sturefuge for a few course-failin- g
dents and faculty who either needed
Before a capacity audience which
the money or didn't want to leave overflowed into the isles and foyer
the of Memorial hall. Dr. McVey, retirSummer Session has become an in- ing president of the University, delivered, in his official capacity, his
tegral part of the University.
Today more than 2,100 studentU final summer schol convocation adare enrolled for courses. The Sum- dress Thursday. His subject was
mer faculty, numbering some 230. "Light in a Blackout World." Dr.
has among its members some of the Adams presided and introduced
most outstanding educators in the President McVey.
the hundreds of
It is a mistake to assume that the summer school students, gathered
Summer Session, like Mrs. Stowe's together in the opening convention
of the 1940 summer session, to folTops-- , "just growed."
Dr. Adams on low the call of the great German
the matter recently and found. I student, poet,
think, seme explanation of the Sum- scientist, Johann Goethe, for "Light,
more light!" and to follow the prinmer School's success.
It can be traced directly to an ciples of the democratic concept as
outlined by the great American.
office in the Education building
Thomas Jefferson, President McVey
the office of Dr. Adams. To his urged that the people of America
planning and direction, with the help push aside the blackout, and push
of his two able assistants. Billie ahead to new frontiers.
Whitlow and Mrs. Joe Bosse, belongs
speaker defined the purpose
whatever laurels should go for the of Theblackout as a "covering up of
the activities ol men" but said that
And there's nothing mysterious or
this idea of a blackout had been
about it. The
carried into the minds of men, hamof the Summer Session lies in the pering their eyes, and dictating to
(Continued on Page Three)
, them what they
should believe.
There is a tendency in a land
like ours to seek some sort of escape procedure from the realities of
the day, and we have even begun to
question democratic procedure," said
By Patricia Hamilton
Dr. McVey, at the same time pleading for the adoption of a more
More than 850 Summer Session democratic concept, which, in its
students, faculty and friends throug-c- d true sense, encompasses "opportunand
the lawn at Maxwell Place Wed- ity, free education, Page free
nesday afternoon for President and
Mrs. Frank L. McVey's annual welcoming tea. This year it was also
a farewell party for it was the last
tea of its kind over which the
will preside.
Mrs. McVey. who has welcomed
more than 170,000 guests to Maxwell Place in the 17 years she has
been its mistress, said however that
her teaing days were far from over.
A picnic for the students, faculty,
She loves to entertain and already
is planning parties at which she and staff of the Summer Session has
will welcome her friends at the been planned for Friday at Johnmodernistic house where she and son's Mill, Miss Rebecca Van Meter,
Doctor McVey will live after their hostess of the Union announced yesterday.
retirement July 1.
The first person to whom we passFeatures of the afternoon will be
ed a large plate of cheese sanda baseball game, badminton, horsewiches was Prof H. P. Guy of the shoes and swimming.
commerece college. He was talking
Cars will leave the Union at 3
to Dudley Johnson who came from p. m., and anyone interested in athis home at Sparta. Tenn.. to take tending the affair is asked to sign
commerce courses here.
at the Union information desk by
Wants N Trouble
noon Thursday.
We had quite a chat with
A charge of 75 cents will be made
Martin, Lexington, who is in sum- and will include transportation, supmer school in order to finish his per and swimming.
pre-lawork sooner. He says he's
studying law mostly to learn how
to keep out of trouble, which, in
our opinion, are words of wisdom.
A little card in a metal frame
pinned to the necktie attracted our
attention to Frank Kroger. He is
here for the conference on probaWith Dr. Edwain A. Lee, professorfction and parole, which will last of education at Teachers' college,
through this week. Those little name Columbia university, as instructor,
tags are mightly helpful in getting an intensive short course in educaacquainted.
tion administration opened yesterWe stopped to have a few words day at the Summer Session.
with Nellie Farley and Irene
The course, which is listed as Adwho mere sipping iced tea and ad- ministration education
miring the garden. Miss Farley is taught daily in
fourth and fifth
from Henderson and Miss Brown hours in the training shool audifrom Shelbyville. Both are in the torium. It willl close July 3.
College of Education. This is Miss
A native of Indiana and a graduFarley's first matricualtion at the ate of
the University of Indiana and
Session but Miss Brown is Columbia, where he received his
a returning student.
doctorate. Dr. Lee is recognized as
They went to look at the roses one of the leading educators in the
and we went to pass some sand- United States.
wiches to George Simmons from
other short
Oregon who was talking to Prof.
Charlie Anderson of the engineer- courses will open July 5 and coning college about engines. Mr. Sim- tinue until July 20. They include
mons got a private pilot's license the following:
College of Agriculture:
through the CAA at the University
of Louisville where he went last 1.2. and 3 hours, three credits, Kinwinter . He is taking business Eng- ney; Farm Dairying, 1, 2, and 3
three credits, Morrison;
lish and meterology.
Dairy Cattle Feeding and ManageFrom Port Rica
Rosa Luisa Stefan! and Milagros ment, 1. 2, and 3 hours, three credits,
Gomalez have come from Porto Ri- - Ely: Special Problems (hi Farm

Assembly Planned
For Second Hour
In Memorial Hall


Summer Session will leave Alumni
gym at 1:15 p. m. Tuesday, July
2, according
to an announcement
from Prof. L. J. Horlacher, assistant dean of the College of Agriculture and chairman of the committee arranging the tour.
Anyone interested in making the
trip is requested by Dean Horlacher to phone University 86 by 4 p.
m., Monday, July 1. Transportation will be supplied for those not
having cars. Those with extra
places in their cars are requested
to notify Dean Horlacher.
The tour will proceed out north
Broadway, past historic Transylvania, the first college west of the
Alleghany mountains, and Eastern
State hospital to the Newtown pike
on which is situated the municipal







... of


the new English
Harry Pearson,


above. The group will pres-


ent a play at convocation
Friday in Memorial hall.

Social Hour Billed
Wednesday Night



An open house to be held at 7:30
p. m. Wednesday will be the first of
a series of social affairs which the

Union has planned for students,
ulty and staff of the Summer



Guests may play cards, ping pong,
checkers or dance and refreshments
will be served.
Mrs. Preston Johnson will review
"The Young Melbourne" by Lord
David Cecil at p. in"., Monday, in the
Music room after which tea will be
Open houses will be held at 7:30
p. m., Wednesday, July 3, and Tuesday July 9.
An old time movie thriller will be
shown at 7:30 p. in., Wednesday,
July 10, on the balcony behind the
Union ballroom. The title of the
show has nut yet been announced.
Dancing and a reception will follow.
All of the activities are under
the direction of Miss Rebecca Van,
Meter, Union hostess, and there will
be no charge.

Among the farms that will be
visited are Coldstream, owned by C.
B. Shaffer; Walnut HaU, one of
America's most famous standardbred
farms, owned by Dr. O. M. Edwards;
Spindletop. with its carriage collection and pure bred stock, owned
by Mrs. M. F. Yount; Faraway,
home of Man O'War and War Admiral, owned by S. H. Riddle; Charles T. Fisher's Dixiana, Joseph E.
Widener's Elemendorf, Mrs. Payne
Whitney's Greentree and the C. V.
Whitney farms.
Dean Horlacher is being assisted in arranging the tour by the following students: William Newman;
Vernon James, John R. Watts, W.
D. Kelley,,and Carson Castle.

He Urges Training
For Board Members

Dr. N. L. Engelhardt of Teachers
college. Columbia university, addressed students of the educational
clinic at a dinner Wednesday night
at the Union building.
Speaking on "The importance of
the State School Board in Promoting
Educational Interest," Dr. Engelhardt
told the 50 persons attending the
dinner that "schoolboard members
need to know the meaning of education in our democratic society.
Public education has the power to
keep or destroy our democracy.
"I consider the school board as
being one of the strongest agencies
for the preservation of our democracy by teaching those who have
control of our schools to understand our problems better.
"The time has come when school
board members need to be trained.
There are recognized
and policies that need to be followed.
School board problems are becoming of greater importance every
Dr. Engelhardt was introduced
Phi Delta Kappa, graduate men's by Prof, L. E. Meece, executive
honorary education fraternity, will secretary of the Kentucky School
give the second of its weekly lunch- Board Association and a member
eons at 12:30 Wednesday in the foot- of the University faculty.
ball room of the Union. Dr. Frank
L. McVey, president of the University, will be the principal speaker.
Candidates for membership in the
fruWnity will be nominated at a
Second in a series of five vesper
business meeting immediately following the luncheon, it was an- services for Summer Session students will be held at 6 o'clock Sunnounced yesterday by W. Gayle
day afternoon in the amphitheatei
Starnes, president of the organizaof Memorial hall. Young people of
the First Methodist church will be
Mr. Sternes, who is in charge of in charge.
the arrangements, said that about
sixty are expected to attend.


Here and There


Mc-Vc- ys

Phi Delta Kappa
Johnson's Mill To Be Meeting Planned;
Scene Of Outing-

McVey To Talk


Methodist To Lead
Second Vespers


Columbia Professor Teaches
Short Courses In Education















A. Lre

total of 2,117 students, a
new record, had signed for
classwork when the regular
registration period closed at
o o clock yesterday afternoon
in the Administration buildA

Union Music Boom
To Be Open Tonight

Henry P. Chandler,
' Head Of Courts,
To Give Talk
Henrv P. Chandler, director of
the administrative office of the U.
S. courts will address participants
in the courses and conferences on
probation and parole at a luncheon
meeting of the Kiwanis Club at 12:15
p. m.. today at the Lafayette hotel.
Mr. Chandler, formerly president of
the Chicago Bar association, will
speak on the work of his organi
zation and its relations to criminal
Thirty-tw- o
federal officers, 38
state officers, and seven special students are enrolled in the conference,
according to announcement from the
office of Dr. Vivien Palmer head of
the department of social work which,
in cooperation with the United States
probation system and the division of
probation and parole of the Ken.
tucky department of welfare, is con
ducting the course and conference.
Monday the group went to Louis
ville to inspect Ormsby Village, the
and Jefferson
children's home at Anchorage.
Dr. Arthur E. Fink, professor of
social work at the University of
Georgia, will address the members
of the conference at a luncheon
meeting at noon, Friday, at the
Lafayette hotel. His subject will be
"Community Stakes in Delinquency
and Crime."
Doctor Fink, a graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania
which institution he received both
.his A.M. and Ph.D. degrees has been
connected with the Guild Guidance
Clinic in Philadelphia, is chairman of
the Georgia chapter, American Association of Social Workers, and has
published a book. "Causes of Crime."
He will address the conference today on "Treatment of the Individual
Other lecturers slated for this
week are: Ray L. Huff, superintendent. District of Columbia penal system, "Parole Preparation," today,
"Parole Selection", Wednesday;
on Page Three)

Teachers To Hold

Following the baud concert tonight the Union Music room will be
open for the weekly program of
vocal "or instrumental recordings of
the world's great masters selected
from the Carnegie music collection.
Besides the weekly program held
from 7:00 to 9 p. m., each Tuesday
the Music room is open at the following hours:
p. m.; Tuesdays,
p. m.; Wednes2
p. m.; Thursdays
Fridays, 12- -4 p. m.
During these hours students may
hear selections of their own choice.
Dr. Alexander Capurso. executive

Supper, Reception, Concert
Set For Tonight On Lawn
West Of Union Building

Plans Lectures
Dr. Thomas Greenwood, lecturer
at Birkbeck college. University of
London, now on leave in the United
States, will teach a three-cred- it
short course In the Philosophy of
Education from July 5 to July 20.
To be taught the third and fourth
hours daily, the course, listed as
Philosophy of Education No. 200 .is
expected to attract educators from
all parts of Kentucky.
Dr. Greenwood Is a graduate of
the Universities of London and
Paris, and Is editor of the "Philosopher." a London magazine. Author
of a number of monographs on
philosophical, scientific and political questions, he is a former Rocker-fellresearch assistant, a Bronze
medalist of the University of Liege
and an Officier de l'lnstruction
Publlque of Paris.
For the past twenty years. Dr.
Greenwood has been connected with
the press of the world as a political columnist and correspondent. For
five years he was editor of Euro-pres-s,
an international political and
feature service.



linguist and educationist, Dr.
Greenwood has added to his acaknowd
demic profession a
ledge of international political and
social conditions.
He has interviewed leaders of
many nations and governments. He
has covered most of the League of
Nations meetings, the disarmament
conference, the Indian round table
meetings, the London naval talks,
the World economic conference, and
the Little Entente meetings.
Dr. Greenwood comes to the Summer Session from the University of
California where he served as visiting professor.
Another course to be offered at
is a three-cred- it
the same time, July
course in the Seminar in Administration (Education 221b) to be
taught by Lindley H. Dennis, executive secretary of the American vocational association.
More than 1.000 letters have been
mailed from Dr. Adams' office to
school leaders in Kentucky and the
south advising them of the two special short courses.


Four Get Degrees
At Wisconsin


Seniors who expect to complete their work for graduation
in August, and who have not
made application for degrees,
are requested to do so on Thursday, June 27. This applies also
to all graduate students completing their work for graduate
degrees in August All applications should be filed in Room
8 of the Administration Building.
As the Commencement lists
are made from these cards, it is
very important to file an application at this time.
Leo M. Chamberlain



Dr. Greenwood







Concert Thursday
First in a series of summer session band concerts wilf be held at
7 o'clock Thursday night in the amphitheater behind Memorial hall.
Charles V. Magurean is director of
the band. The program has not been







London. England,
short course in
the Philosophy of Education July 5 to July 20. The
course will offer three, cred.


will teach a



Content, Not Form,
Matters, Editor Says
The following editorial was punt
ed in the Thursday. June 20 edition
of The Lexington Herald:
"Andrew Eckdahl. Kentucky Ker- -

nel columnist and editor ol the sum-mer Kernel, announces that 'edi- torials are dead' and that a column
of personal opinion will be publish- ed in that newspaper instead of
editorials under the heading. Instead of Editorials.'
We trust that both civilization
and editorials, which at times have
been a bulwark of human freedom
and of community advancement,
wil survive Mr. Eckdahl's pronounce- ment.
"This should not be interpret-- 1
ed. however, as being a brief or an
apology for the decadent type of
editorial and editorial page. Mr.
Eckdahl says that columns have succeeded editorials in influence. This
is particularly true in regard to national and international affairs. It
proves, in the opinion of The Herald, rather than disproves the essential need for editorial expression. A
column is nothing but an editoral
published as a column. Lippman.
Kent. Mallon. Dorothy Thompson.
Hugh Johnson and others are editorial writers.
Arguments over whether editorial
writings should appear in editorial
columns, on the back page, on the
front page, or where, seems to us
to be the point. The form without the substance is void.' Those
who discuss such things are concern
ed, evidently, with location and typography rather than content.
"Every column in America, whether syndicated or locally produced,
is an evidence of the fact that there
is a need for expressions that can go
beyond the limitations of The Associated Press type of reportorial
recording. As a matter of fact, with
news distribution having reached
the point that It has. many persons
are acquainted with what has happened before they sit down to read
a newspaper.
"We have never believed, however.
(Continued on Page Twot

prominent ;

central Kentucky club woman, will
review "The Young Melbourne" by
Lord David Cecil at 4 p. m. Monday.
July 1, In the Union music room at
the second in a series of social
hours to be held at the Union. Tea
will be served.

was graduated
summa cum laude from the University in February with a major in
She began work on her
master's degree this last semester.
A student at Bryn Mawr before
her marriage, she resolved in 1937 to
receive a university degree.
entered the College of Arts and
Sciences as a junior and was graduated one semester before her son,
Phillip Preston Johnston Jr., who
received his A.B. degree in June.
Mrs. Johnston was elected to
membership in Phi Beta Kappa,
scholastic honorary .during the past
year. An active worker in Christ
church of which she is a member,
she has served on its vestry and
as president of the Women's Auxili- 9 TV

6-- 8

p. m.

A buffet supper followed by
a reception and band concert
for students, faculty, staff and
friends of the Summer Session will be held at 6 o'clock
tonight on the west lawn by
the Union building.
An especially prepared supper will be served cafeteria
style from the Union cafeteria
where guests may choose their
own dishes at prices to suit
themselves or they may bring
their own picnic lunch if they
prefer, the social committee

From 7 until S o'clock President
and Mrs. Frank L. McVey. Dr. and
Mrs. Jes-- e E. Adams, and Dean and
Mrs. Thomas P. Cooper will assemble at the west entrance of the
Union building to receive the guests.
The band, under the direction of
Charles V. Magurean and composed
30 Summer Sesof approximately
sion students, will give a program of
light band music from 7 until 3
Arrangements for the party ai
under the direction of Dean Sarah
Holmes and the members of the
social committee which is composed
of Dr. Jesse E. Adams. Miss Margaret Warren. Miss Rebecca Van
Meter, Prof. R. D. Mclntyre. Ml--s
Jeanettc Scudder. Dr. Morris Scher-agDr. Margaret Ratliff. Dr. Amos
Eblen. Dr. O. T. Koppius. Thomas
Hankins. Dr. Alexander Capurso and
Dean L. J. Horlacher
They will be assisted by Mrs. Mar,
garet Crutcher and the following
Bernice Payne. Sue Ducan. Barbara Boweri. Margaret Bunch. Viola
Young. Lula Gardhouse.
Holmes. Delia Blevins, Doris Hutchinson. Mary Sydnor.
Wolf. Martha Camack. Rankm Harris. Nancy Or re 11, Elizabeth Gasser.
Elizabeth Durrett. Miley Dubbin.-- .
T. A. Amburgy. Dr. R. B. Fulks. Mr.-.James Fitts. Baily Cherry. Richard
B. Frank. George MtGilL Benny Nelson. Scott Osborne, William Hund.
Hunter J. Peake. Billie Blandforct.
James Williams and Charles Nirmaii.

Noted Club Woman Billed
For Book Review Monday
Mrs. Preston

Light Program




Band Will Play

Thomas Greenwood

Four University graduates, two of
them members of the faculty of the
chemistry department on leave of
The department of business edu- absence, last week received advanccation will have its annual steak ed degrees from the University of
fry from 9 p. m.. Thursday at the Wisconsin.
The faculty members, Charles F.
Lexington Water company's picnic
grounds on Richmond road for bus- Krewson and Robert H. Baker, redegrees.
iness teachers and their guests.
Tickets are on sale for 50 cents The other two, Maurice H. Meshaw
at the office of Professor A. J. Law- and Wildan P. Thomas, were award
rence, head of the department in ed

Students To File
For Degrees
On Thursday



Steak Fry Thursday

Offices Will Close
At O'Clock




White Hall, the office of the dean
of the college of Education and of
the dean of the College of Commerce
and must be secured by 10 a.m.,
will be
provided for those who do not have
The party is conducted as a cooperative enterprise with committees
in charge of food, transportation, entertainment, and tickets. Chairmen
are: Food, L. C. Fowler; tickets,
HarBeginning Monday, July I, all Solon Gentry; entertainment,
University offices will close at 4 vey Oats and Miss Mary M. Beard;
and transportation, E. R. Holley. Apo'clock in the afternoon on weekdays and at 12:30 o'clock on Satur- proximately 100 students are expectdays, President McVey announced ed to attend the affair.
The enrollment of business teayesterday.
The University post office will chers in the Summer Session is the
be open from 7:30 a. ni. to 4 p. m. largest in the history of the Union weekdays and from 7:30 to 12:30 versity and about twenty states are
on Saturdays, Miss Carrie Bean, represented.
University postmaster, said yesterday.



23. lyiU

ing. This number was 119
more than the record of 1,998
set last summer. Still to regThe tour of Bluegrass stock farms ister are those who will take
which is heid each summer for stu- the short courses that open
dent?, faculty, and staff of the July 5 and close July 20.


Out Every Tuesday





120 Poultrymen

Attend Short Course
The 16th annual poultry Jhort
course at the Kentucky College of
Agriculture closed Thursday afternoon, with Dr. D. C. Warren. Kansas
State College geneticist, as one of the
principal speakers at the final session. W. M. Insko Jr.. in charge of
the University poultry section, spoke
several times during the week,
ways of improving Kentucky's $25,000.(100 poultry industry.
A review of the week's work was
given by the staff, and an examination held to cover the work in
and flock selection.
one hundred and
twenty poultrymen from 35 counties
were present at the short course.


Events Listed
Following is a list of extrabe heid
on the campus during the
Parole officers will lunch
with the Kiwanis club. 12:15
o'clock. Lafayette hotel. Henry
P. Chandler wiU speak.
Buffet supper and reception
for all Summer Session students. 4 o'clock. On lawn near
Union building Band concert
to follow.
Meeting of secondary school
principals. Educational building auditorium. 7 p. in.
Open house at Union building. Cards, checkers, chess aim
other table sanies. 7:3U p. m.

curricular activities to






Courtcty Lejlngton Leader

Band concert in Memorial
hall amphitheater. 7 p m.
hall. 8:25 a. m. All Summer
Session classes dismissed.
Luncheon at Lafayette hotel
for parole course students. 12
o'clock. Arthur Fink will
Vesper services in Memorial
hall amphitheater, (t o'clock.
Book review and reception
in Union building. 4 p. m. Mr.
Preston Johnston will speak.
S- hool
Bliiegrnss tour. 1pm.

� Tuesdav, June


Page Two
ment has an assignment to a large
daily, several have obtained positions on large metropolitan papers in this area, several are
going into the printing end of the
Ninety per cent of the January profession, one has taken up court
reporting, some arc doing specialized
and June graduates of the engineercollege. 65 per cent of the Jan- publicity, and some have gone on
uary and June graduates of the Col- county newspaper staffs.
lege of Commerce, and 65 per cent
ol the June graduates of the
department ;have obtained
;,obs in their respective fields,
to reports from these departLysle V. Croft, director of stuments at the University
Engineering graduates have been dent personnel and holder of a
placed in jobs in 10 different states, major's commission in the United
including Kentucky. Indiana. New States Army Reserve Corps, will go
Pennsylvania. to Fort Benjamin Harrison July 1
Ohio. New York. Illinois. Michigan, to conduct classification tests in conand West Virginia. Seventeen of nection with Citizens Military Traintie 38 graduates listed have re- ing Corps camp there.
ceived jobs in Kentucky, the others
This is the first time that the
'1 having gone to the states named.
procedure ruis been undertaken in
In the College of Commerce. 54 peace times, and it is being done
were listed for placement and of now for the purpose of developing
this number 31 have already been this phase of mobilization plans.
ctfoied jobs, ranging from retail The work will be done under the
Merchandising to wholesale selling, auspices of the War Department
accounting, credit work, stenograand the Fifth Corps area, as a try-ophic work, and other commercial
procedure and will be the only
li'ies. It is hoped that the others one Of its kind undertaken at this
ill be placed before the end of the time. Accompanying llajor Croft
will be Maj. Anthony Thompson of
Thirteen of the 21 June graduates Lexington: First Lieut. J. H. Cavins
from the Department of Journalism of Lexington. University of Kenhave been offered jobs, some of tucky graduates: Second Lieut. J.
them going to Michigan. PennsylE. Hernandez, member of the Univania. Texas. Illinois and Indiana, versity faculty, and Lieut. Richard
and some staying in Kentucky. One Elsler of Louisville, and an enlisted
ot the graduates from this depart staff.




Croft Will Conduct

Tests At Camp

Summer Faculty
To Meet Friday


A meeting of the Summer
Session faculty will be held at
' 3 p. m. Friday, June 28, in the
assembly room of Lafferty hall.
Dr. Adams announced yesterday.

National Stars Will
Swim At New
Castlewood Pool


Ligon, Crawford To
Lead Discussion
A meeting of all secondary school
principals will be held at. 7 o'clock
Wednesday night in the auditorium
of the training school.
Dr. A. B. Crawford, president of
the Kentucky association of secondary school principals and Dr. M. E
Ligon. special adviser to the organization, will lead the discussion.
Topics for discussion will be questions of organization and of a program for the Kentucky Educational
Association meeting in Louisville.
All principles attending the Summer Session are urged to attend this
meeting. Dr. Ligon announced


Pro-All- y

meeting to organize a chapter
of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies will be held
at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night in
Room 205 of the Union building.
George Herman Kendall is in charge
of arrangements.

Hotel Lafayette



A swimming carnival in which
several nationally prominent aqua- tic stars will participate will be
presented, open to the public, the
nicht of Tuesday. July 2. at the
Castlewood municipal pool.
was made
This announcement
Jxiturday by Sherman Hinkebein.
Leslie B. Baynham.
who was sponsor of a similar event
staged last summer to mark formal
opening of the castlewood pool.
Mr. Hinkebein. former captain of
the university's famous "dry-lanteam, will be in charge of the show
and the carnival will be staged under
the supervision of Miss Anna S.
Pherigo director of the city recrea
tion department, operator of the
municipal pool.
Most of those who will take part
are members of the Lakeside Club
of Louisville, coached by Bud Sawin.
who has guided several of his pupils
to national prominence in aquatic
A leading member of the Lake
side troupe scheduled to appear here
is Miss Mary Moorman Ryan, present national senior women's cham
pion in the
free style test.
She won her title last July at Des
Moines, achieving at the age of 14
the first national swim champion
ship ever taken by a Kentuckian.



Continued from Page One)
of editorial
writing gets anywhere. An editorial
that actually proves a point may be
of value. An editorial that explains
the background, historically
otherwise, has value.
"The editorial of force and effectiveness will live, of course. Too
many newspapers are publishing
substitutes Instead of Editorials' in
their editorial columns. That is
why. no doubt, some observers may
jump at the conclusion that editorials are dying.
A campus puuilLH'.iuu.
probably will not suffer from some
fanciful variations to suit the taste
of the boys and girls, may the good
Lord ever bless them, who prefer a
tin lizzie painted blue and white,
with an Egyptain license p'.ate. no
top and a horn that sings. 'How
Dry I am!' to any form for travel.
"While Mr. Eckdahl has asked for
no advice from us. we shall continue
our custom and give it to him s
freely as If he had solicited it. advising him as we do Herald readers, governors, president, football
coaches, dukes, premiers, generals
and others. If w