xt72fq9q2w34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q2w34/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Bourbon County--Directories Kentucky--Bourbon County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Bourbon County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Bourbon County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt72fq9q2w34 section xt72fq9q2w34   {Ig   IInIummmmmInman    
V; I EI EILIE5 LI"l5"l?LlE B ,  
    “ I   GUIDE TO  
 ` I I C   
I I Compiled for
A I     a BY THE I
I A C ` D

.Ail    §‘£$3i"§"i ·s»§` XQEFWUCKY    

1:?2“@_#’§E_§§S{§il‘4' ·,é` §{E·N`!`UCKl
By The
Wer Services Section
— Service Division
I U.S.Work Projects Administration Irmal_Civic Activities: Sponsoring-essay contests for children in National I
Defense and Americanism; milk fund for undernourished and tubercularichildé wif V
ren in school. _
Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical nssistence, Sewing» ,
and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First nid, Pre— _
paration and Serving of Food, Child Care, Recreation, Collecting Books, Typ-
ing and Ctne ·x·’‘ Clerical nssistance, Interviewing.
Local Publications: Zone. `· · »-
7 Welfare Builiirg, Paris. Founded 1917. Chairman, Mrs. Durant Whipple, -
Stoner nvenug, Paris. Telephone 108. Secretary, hrs. Virgil Chapman, Dun- C
can Avenue, Paris. Telephone 50. Executive Secretary, Mrs. h.·K. Griffin,- ·~ g
Fifteenth Street, Paris, Telephone, Office 904, Home 695. Terms indefinite. ,
Membership: lll9. Qualifications, annual subscription of enc dollar or over.`· _ Q
Committees: Disaster Relief, Mr. Harry M. Mitchell, Cypress Street; Surgical Z
Dressings, Mrs. Edwin K. Thomas, Georgetown Pike; Production, Mrs. Fayette Q
hrdery, Sr., Lexington Pike; Junior Red Cross, Mrs. E. K. Rico, Mt. Airy ~ {
Avenue; Home Iursing, Mrsn Tollie Young, Houstsn nvenue; First nid, Miss _ E
- Agnes Clay, Cynthiana Pike, all of Paris. ` " ` 'i— ~~~ - 3
Purpose: To assist in the event cf emergency, disaster or any`crisis.' L~ L
Normal Civic Lctivitics: Courses in First nid and Highuay.Safety, nid School .~ C
lunch program for indigent children. Service to members of U. S. nrmed Farces.
Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Pre eration of Surgical Dressings,_ 4 `
First nid. Interested in Child Care. V - _ °
Local Publications: None. . .
ment kdministration}, c/e Cvuitv e‘.· ngent's Office, Courthouse, Paris. Founded
1955. President, H. M. Rosebcrry, H. P. Q5, Paris. Telephone l9l. Secretary,
Ch ries White, R. R. gt. Paris. Telephone 2405. Terms expired nugust, 1942. I *
Membership; 967. Qunlificaticns, participation in jrégram if n. n. A. I L _
Committees: Livestock, Crops, Soil Consenvation, Community. ~ g
Purp se: Exocutirn if N. g. 4. ;r;gram. ` p I if ~ - E
· N vial Civic nctivitiesz None. $
m C

 P · 3 ·
5 Bourbon County Agricultural Conservation Association(Continued)
E Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Motels and Other Metals,
Q Teaching Classes of map Reading ond Sketching._ Interested in Auxiliary Police,
g ._ . TTF . _ . . _ . . . . ···- ` ·"*‘7T""""‘?'*"`*?' . . .
{ Air Lnid Warden Serv1ee,_C1vilian nircraft morning Service, nuxiliary Fire
Q Protection, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair Service, Motor Corps
Q Service, Ambulance Service, Discussion Lenders, Public Speaking. ` `"` .
j Local Pwbiicaticms; none,. _` _ ; " _ NSA " ·~ .. r
Q BOURBON COUITY COMMUNITY COUNCIL, c/b George L. Doyle, Paris. Founded 1940.
é President, George L. Doyle. Telephone 694. Secretary, Raymond Turner, Paris.
{ Telephone 55. Council inactive at present but could be quickly restored in ·`
f the eveit of`emergency. V ` 1
·§ Membership: lOO. Cpen.to residents of the county interested in the welfare "
Q: of the cemmunity._ ·
$ Committees: Nutrition, Mrry E. Collins, P;ris.~ R
Q Purpose: Nutritional education. Promote preserving ;f food, etc.
R. Norm l Civic-Activities: Co-sponsor of movement for new·hi;pital in Paris in
.§ conjuncticn with ecmmunity health program.
§; Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Laid Vhrdcn Service,
gé Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Pr`tection, Preparation
tf and ¤crving of Food, Child Care, Recreation, Public Speaking, Consumer Protect-
g ion Activities. A. . _
i Local Publications; None. _ `I" i
i BOURBOH COUNTY EXTENSIOI SERVICE (U} S. Department of Agriculture; Extension
i Service U`of K), c/o County Agent’s Office, Ceurth use, Pcris. Founded 1925.
E President, Wesley Florence, R. R. #l,'Paris. Telephone Sh whan 2231. Secre-
§ tory, Mrs. Eleanor L. Thompson, Paris, Telephone IOS-VL Executive Secretary,
`f P. R. Watlington, Crunty Agent, Paris, Telephone 732. Terms expired Junuary,
Q l94l. ‘ ’ — V
E Membership: Farmers and othergmrsons interested in the improvement of egr-
Q iculturol pursuits.
; Committees; None. V
,# Purpose: Educational work in developing all phases of the county's agricult-
§ ural resources. `
§ Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with 4-H Clubs for improved production
ig of tobacco, crops, live stock and Boil.
I1  `

 - 4 - T
Bourbon County Extension Service(Continued) _ _ Q
_ Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid_jarden Service, »
Civilian Aircraft Earning-Service,·Auxiliary Fire'Protection,_Salvage_Demo- _ L
lition Service, Emergency Repair Service, Motor Corps Service, Ambulance A
Service, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance,
Preparation and Serving of Food,·Co11ecting Books,_Discussion‘Leaders, Pub-
lic Speaking. · ' r `
Local Publications; None. d;‘ . 1.
BOURBCN CCU if YALE QtREAU'State Farm Federation; American Farm Bureau Fed- s
I \ I _ _.
eration), c/o county Agcnt’s Office, Courthouse, Paris. Founded 1950. Pres- »
ident, E. I. loseterry, P. P.-#5 Paris. Telephone 191. Secretary, H. YL {
Snell, Y. Q.-fo, Paris. Telephone 5711. Terms expired January, 1942. `
` Membership: 11*. Open to farm operators and farm owners. Q
Committccss Linostock, Crops. . { {
Purpose; To improve agriculture and living conditions among farm people. V' A
Nornal Civic Activities: Cooperating with County Extension Service, A. A. Q
A., Collection of Metals, Eomc Food Production. `-— . .., _ A Q
Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Metals and Cther Metals. g
,. lnterespod in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid}ThrdengService,rCivilian Aircraft Q
Thrning Service, Emergency Repair Sorvice,_Notor Corps Service, Ambulance 3
" Service. Rei Cross Assistance, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking. i
Local Publications: None. Q
BOUQBCN CTUQTY 4-H CLUBS (State and Rational 4—E Clubs), c/c Cunnitv Agcnt's {
0fficc,·Courthcuso, Paris. Founded l930. President, Kendall Keller, 1. R. Q A
W5, Paris. Telephone 2461. Secretary, Bessie Burris. R. R. pf, Paris. Tel- _ ·
cphonc 818}. Worms expire l9é2. Z v_ ‘ -
Mcmbtrshipcd55. Gpen to rural boys and girls 10 to 20 years of age, partie- ¢ “
ipatin; in some farm Home Economic project. 4 Q l
Schools- Paris; Ruddlcs Mills; Litt c Lock; Centerville; Killcrsburg; forth _ l
yiddlstomn; Clintonville; western High, Paris,(Colorod). A ' -. -
- Purpose: Training youth in approved methods of production in agricultural * t
products. ‘ . . · `
ronnal Civic_Activitr;s: toopcrating with and assisting in livestock, crops, . o
clothing and food pyojncts. A 4 .
e - _ _, { 1
C ‘”‘“ ’; · » - _ `{ Y

 3 .
2 Bourbon County 4—H Clubs(Continuod) » Y
{  »V
g Dofcnsc'Activitios: Lngagcd in Collccting of Scrap Nctals and Othcr Nctals,
E lntcrcstod in Auxiliary Polico, Air Raid Uardcn Scrvicc, Civilian Aircraft
§ Waruing'Scrvioc, Auxiliary Fire Protcction, Motor Corps Strvicc, Ambulancc'
VQ Scrvicc,=Scwing and Prcparation of Surgical Drcssings, Rod Cross Assi:tancc,~~
i First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food, Collecting Books.
Q Local Publications: Nona.
i GCURIQY CCC*“Y HJALTH AID TELFARE LEAGUE, Wclfarc Building, Paris. Foundcd l
§ 1925. Trc»idc1#, T, C. Wolvcrson, 525 Fithianuivcnuo, Paris. Tclcpbonc 726.
Q Secretary, Mrs. bllll&m T. Baldwin, 70E High Strcct, Paris. Tglephcnc 96l.
{ Ex2crt*r: Fccrctcry, Mrs. H} K. Griffin, Fiftccnth Stroot, Paris. Tclcphono
g Officc, QCQ, Yom; $$5. Terms indefinite.
Q Mcmbcrsliyz EOC, Opcn to all persons milling to aid in the finuncinn of thc -
F  lc {}.LJl71‘i ~
{ Committucs: Mono,
ii Purooso: Hoalth and wtlfarc of thc community.
 *7 ......-£....-   ... V
ié Iorral Civic Activitics: Sponsors maintcnanmzand wsdical carc for indigonts.
’¥ Dcfcnsc gctiviticsg Enqoqcd in Serint and Prcvarution of Cur¤ioal Drossinms,
:» -i....li--i...i...- -.;;:;-...i ~ L ¤ C —
·§ Rod Cross Assistancc. lntcrcstcd in Ambulzncc S:rvicc, Fospital CHQ Clinical
li Lssistrnco, Child Caro, Tyying and Cthcr Clmrical Lssistancc.
E Local Publications: Mono, ` _ ~ -` L
 , '{ ‘
5 Sorvico, National Fcdcration of Home Bakers Clubs), Q/o Homo Demonstration
*  ·~ · · l ¤· ·¢ U-. .-~·¤~-- ini. rw
ji Agunt·: Oifico, Courtbouso, Paris. Tounuod l9c5. l .ulu¤At, nic. L. G.
i Young, Hain Struct, Paris. Lclcphcnc lG9. Secretary, Kr:. Tdssl Cl rk,Jr., _
l· R, R. tl. Cfrlisl . fol; bono Little Dock Zfil. Turn; indifiait . Txccutivc
·_  M » p H
Z5 Sccrotary, Irs. Fury R. ‘y'" Collins, Homo Dcmonstraticn L; mt, dzris, Torn Ex~
g pirc l9&2.
if Hcmbcrship; 255. Opcn to mhitc fvrm vomtn irttr stud in hott improvtmcxt. ’
E Committccs; Rccrc;ticn, Mrs. Z. L. Fitzpatricr, R. T. j5, Euris; Citiztn—
ii Ship, Mrs? R} 1. Gudgcll, 1. Q.»y3, Loxington; Food Prcscrvation, Yrs. J,
5 M. Locr, Millcrsburg; Home lmprovcmont, Frs. J. is Balls, R. P.-LZ, Paris; "
{ Sj©aIcr's Bur uu, Miss Myra Nichols, T. L.»g5, Minis.
Eg Pufposc: Rocrcationul (nd ;ducaticn l yrojrvms for firm Cawili s.
E Ncpngi Civic Activities; Q@ox;r;ti;g (ith Eid Cross, fssiutin; in iroduotion
YQ of garmonts and surgical dressings, functioning in civic activitics.

 L - 5·- I
Bourbon County Home Makers Association(Continued) { B(
I r~ G(
Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, · P
Red Cross Assistance, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertaine 5
ment, Recreation, Library Service, Qollecting Books, Discussion Leaders. I N(
Interested in Child Care. _ "
· V C<
Local Publications; None. _ "
if P1
BOUQDFX <”JZF? WJZICLL ASSOClATIOH(American Yedical Association), c/o Dr. · Ni
- » »» ~ -. - . . ·-·. . . -- . \
B. H. Fli;cr;»r, Daris. Founded i90b. President, Dr. William Davis, north . _ ·—
Middletown £cle¤Lct; 1151. Secretary, Dr. Goerge M. Jewell, Paris. Tel- -} D,
ephonz F4?. Terwr c;piri January, lS45. U Q jj
Members4iy. L,. dye; tn resident licensed physicians. ~; 9,
l , Si
· Committee?. Fort. ` _Q 4
Purposc· Ec promote the advancement of medical science in all its branches. g ·*
Normal Livjc Lctivities: Tone. -§ Bi
` S d is
Defcns»ncp:vities; Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, first Aid. ·§ nl
Local Rnbiications: Lore. .F MG
...;......;_. .._- —.... . .—.....—..-.. ' I  
· ‘ 1 f . i Cc
1 DCUZBCT CC TTL ZRCGhESoIVE AbSCClLTlON,404 Main Street, Paris. Founded 1941. g §"
l , .. . -U i ..,_ . i . ., . W <, ‘•
‘~ President, Zim yilner, reoples weposit Bank nuilding, Paris._Sccretary, Ed. { Pi
luehslor, Paris. Telephone el. Terms expirel942. · _ 4 V .
i Pu
Membership: SC. Open to residents of Bourbon County by invitation and elccte It *`
1011. - ` _ ·:  UC
4 _ _ p _ Y _ _ I _ _  v jj,
Commitc©o;· lnddstrv, henry Santen; dospital, Raloh QSlSODg Hiikway, Si Bed- p
ford; fob ree, Keller Larkin; Rural Police and Fire Vxotectioi. Clark Walls, D,
__\ V · · ' Q,
all of larzs. _ V EQ
W * , . . , , _ _,__ ’ ir
rvrposc: Go promote more civic irtorest and setter trrdc conditions. J
. . . r . . . . . · I To
hor el Qirnc Activities: Promoting new county hospital, setter highways, » · ` i~
improved trbacco conditions, conntv police and fire protection and crcat— J
_ ing more intrest in new industries. · · ’ ·· g BO
. Deions< ‘,·~ Activities: Alntorestod in Auxiliary Police, Air Laid Warden Service, F_
Civilian Aircreft'Jarnin; Ssrvicc, Silvagc Demolition Service, First Aid, Q
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Petals, Public Speaking. T
Local Funlications: None. e
1 $

   ... 7 .... .
§ BCUMBOY COUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIATTO , c/B Dolic Tindcr, Xorth Middletown. Found-
j od 1920. Prosidont, Dclis Tindor. Eclcphonc 2151. Secretary, irs. Hoy Rushmcycr,
Q Paris. Tclcphonc 815. Torms cxpirc l9&2. ‘i ‘ ‘ · C
it ngcmbcrship: 75. Opcn to tcachsrs in   county schools. ‘ Q . “
T Committoos: Hons.
§ Purpose: Forrstion and cxocution of class room policios. S it S
E Normal Cinis Activitics: Mons.
* . . . ...\ _ . N __. · n ¤ · »-_ ·
Q Dcfor c -:t1¤it;c~. gngogud in toning and Prcpsrstion ci Suréiccl crossings.
Q Intcrostec lr L ·.:1 1 Frost Assistancc, First Aid, Preparation ond Serving of
§· Food, on 11 Circ, Entcrtsinmcnt, Collocting Books, Public Sposking, Typing
_? and Other Clcrirsl L¤:istnncs, lntcrviowing, Toaching Cldssss in Mcchuniocl
if Skills Iccdcd in Ucfanso lndustriss.
 i ‘ s . ,
ry ~Locsl Pub;; ¤t;ons: Mono. L
 . ""?'_""’“*"" "` "’ """"*"
ii BOY SCCUYS OF AKERICA, TROOF¤#GO(Hstional Loy Scouts of Amorics), SOG FithF
$7 iun'nvcnuc, ?nris. Founded 1925. Frosidcnt, C. T. Fsrics, EOS Fithisn Avo-
TS nuc, Paris. Tolophonc 83l4J;Torm indcfinitc
V} Mcmb0rshi>: 18. Open to bovs l2 to 18 vosrs oblo to moss Scout tosts.
»_,, Q __________,______l_ - J . A.
Q Committocs: Trcssurcr, Dr. Pglmcr Byers, 1004 loin Strcct; Advancement, T;
g S, Arnspcrysrg Trsnsportstion,`U. C. Dolby; Fublicity, Jiu Betts; ull of
§V Paris.
g Purpose lcuth wclfcrc. U
Q Normal Civic Lctivitics:. Coopcrcting with civic orgnnizstions, assisting
W in Highwsy Szrcty Patrols, distributing for chsrity, giving first cid.
i Dofonsc nctivitios; Engsgcd in Auxiliary Policc, First nid. Collcction of
g Scrup"N;tsZs nnd Othcr Mctcls. Intcrcstsd in Rod Cross Qssistwnco, Colltct~
Q ing Hooks, Signal Scrvicos.
j Local Publications: Nono. A
E BOY SCOUTS OF nFERICn TROCP·#62(]stioncl Boy Scouts of nmcrics), q/o Irosby~
é tcrinn Church, Paris. Foundcd 1329. Scout Uustcr, F. A. Scott, Box 276,
g Poris. Tolcphonc 436. Term indsfinito. · ” V
Q I mborship: 38 boys and 5 lszdors, Open to boys 12 to 18 yonrs of rjc, ublc
Q to pass Scout tcst ind roquiromonts. · · · · ,
 ' ._ r , . M
E Committcos: Troop, J. C. Yickerscn, Tgin Strcct, L'TlS• ~

 - 3 - _
Boy Scouts of America, Troop=#62(Continuod)_ _ S . . . J D;
Purpose: Cheroctcr building and citizenship training. 3 PL
r V · — - __v· ._   _ . T  
Nornol Civic nctivities: Assistance in all civic activities snd when noodcd,
"""’i"‘  ·
during U1S&StGT conditions. r .» _ C in
Defense Activities: Entered in nuxiliori Police god Cross Assistance, First
... ... .,..i......-. .... ..__.......   ’
nid, Collection of Scrap ;et2ls and Other Metals. Troining For Red Cross DG
T nesistcnce, First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Foed.‘ Interested in Civil- in
inn ,;*7r,r Fi `icrning Service, Auxiliary Fire Proto ction, l.-iotcr Corps Scrvicc, (
HosoitaZ cnd Clinicul Assistance, Collecting Books, Signal Services, imrsing TO
’ ..J
Servic,., » . ,
Lec;T `·hl.c;ti¤1x; “Thc‘Eoglet" (monthly). GT
, * Mr
" r` ,.
` ,,   T, .   -, . -     ...-s . .- .. . . . ·- ,, ii M10
DoSIuj&; .yy :R3:£5SiCAnL ;Orn4'S CLU5(Jotior&l FCQGTCtlOH Business cnd_rroi- · St
ession J Ttm n'; Clutsl, c/e hrs. Derces hillis, Shakespear Pike, Paris. Found- e
ed lQ25. £rc;idcrt, hrs. Dorcas Willis. Telephone QSOE. Secretary, Elizabeth Q kh,
Stewcrh, Vine Street, Paris. Telephone 545. Tzrms expircd Juno, 1942. ` f fw
Ncmhcrsbio; 77. Open to business or professional women of Leod standing. - Q CQ
Cemmittoes: International Relations, Judge Juli; Thlshg Public Relations, Mrs. g ly
Clgrn nrnoldg Music, Elizabeth Stermrt; Health, Helen Terrv; Educational, (
( Ix~nc gloxandcr, all of Paris. · _ . _ l · (_ ? Pu
~ ..   we Ch:;;rite.bl·; work. A   3,70,
Nornel Cirie Lctivitics: Contribute time and effort towmrd all civic and c®W@” Q Doi
unii@*iu"ojcets. é Chg
i ` ___ ( rea
Defcnsc Lctivities: Interested in Sewing and Drepcrition of Svrgicol Dress-v e
ings, {od Cross hssistdnco. ` Loc
Local Qutiicztionsz None. . it
` l Y LTC
(o la;.
DQUVITTDS CF 4NERlCn* EWNORUTTCT, JELlMn JL? qCE CHnFT3? (State ond Eotionol Qi]
Uoefcty Daughters of nmcricin Devolution), e/e Iunc;n Tavern, Paris. Founded
l8OQ. fcgont, Yrs. Edward L. G mbill, Pxris. Telephone 772. Recording Secretary ( TCH
Liss lar; TZ Shropshire, Route y5 Paris. Telephone 4l50. Terms expire Sept- o `
cmbcr, lG&Z. * ( _ V pu;
' ’ i. —-—..
Nemtcrship: l55. Linool descent from one who Env; cid to the nmericnn couso Ihr
in the nmrricon Levelntion. j ' COC
Comnittcos: *hr Relief, [rs. W. K. Griffin, Fifteenth Street, Pdris; National Doi
Defcrse Thru Patriotic Ldueetion, Irs. Stcnlcv S. Dickson, Torth liddletevng _P Ci;
Qm»riccnism, [rs. Felrn D. Hezclrigg, Mt. Airy nvenuc, Paris; Conservation, -j cli
( Yrs. 4. S. Thompson, Duncan ;v;nrn, Pdris, Use of Fleg, Mrs. Edwin Kirkpatrick, X and
. Ijt. Airy nvenue, Paris. °
1 Y

 ; A - 9 -
i Daughters of American Revolution, Jomtno Johnson Choptor(Continued)
§‘ Purpose: To promote Americanism, preserve historical records, rolios and
T sites. _ ` _
3% Hnrnsl Civic Activities: Cooperating with organizations engaged in sowing,
teaching first aid and naking surgical dressings.
@ Defenso_Activitios; Engaged in.Scwing and Preparation of Surgical Dross»
f ings, First uid. Interested in Zed Cross Assistance, Entertainment.
E Local Pulli¢*Wi;ns; Year Book.
3 GIRL SUCK`? T"CSP CCRPITTEE, TRDOP l~2—3 (Girl Scouts, Incorporitod), c/o
g Mrs. Clpy Sutn;rl;;£, lll5 Main Street, Paris. Founded 1952. Prcsid nt,
_Q Mrs. Clay Sutherland. folephono 582. Secretary, Sue Ludlow, l5Zl Cypress
` 2 Street, Paris. Iolcphono 4ll.Tcrms expire l9é2.
Ld- 1* _
$ Membership: Z5. Open to éirls"fron lO to lé years and able to pass tenders
{ foot test. "
{A Committees; Financial, Mrs. Clay Ward, Stoner Avenue; Transportation, Mrs.
Y E. Y. Thorns, R. 1. #5; Fersonnel, Mrs. H. D. Didice, Stoner Avenue; Pub~
s. y lioitv, Mrs. Virgil Chapman, Duncan Avenue, all of Paris.
€» Purpose: Character building. » . ,
ip Normal Civic Aotivities: None. - . _
1- 5 Defense Activities: Training for First Aid, Signal Services. Interested in
.Z Child Cine, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Eetals, Entertainment, Rec-
¥ reation, Collecting Books.
_§ Loosl Fuolioetions: None. ` _
A f LIC 5 CLUL 7} PARIS (lnternatioral Association of lions Clubs], o/o Dr. S.
f D; Rickman, lsris. President, Dr. S. I. Rickman. Eeleolonc GLS. Seoxetary,
. f Gilbert Lytle, Paris. Telephone 26S. ferns expire Jw-e, l9io.
—FY E Pomtershipg l7.`Represen tativos of business and proiessions in Paris.
`, Purpose: Service to tLe oonmunitv.
E ibfnal Civi Activities; Furnisnes glasses to need; and cones to the blind.
’ Cooperatos with civic org—nizations in jencral service work.
. Q pofensc Aotivitios:Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid `krdon Service,
_ .§ CiVilian Aircraft larning ,"', Service, Auxiliary rire Protection, oalvagc Qcm~
.g olition Service, Red Cross As;istsnce, First Aid, Collection of Scrap wetols
5k:   ZINC Othe 1* Io tals , Entertainme nt, Public Sp€L*&}€j.11gg·
Q tccal Publications: None.

 · l0 · A ‘
A   ,7   . . . . Pe
NASSIE QEOLIAL HOSPITAL, Paris. Founded 1915. President, Charles P. Cook,
704-706 lsin -.'P_ Street, Paris. Telephone 207. Secretsry,`H. S. Redman, 208 s No
Houston Avenue, Paris. Telephone 1097. Superintendent, Miss Lillisn Purcell, A ET
V Puris. Telephone 569. Terms indefinite.
. . .· D¤
rcnbership: 5. Bourd members appointed by the Lever. . TE
Committees: None. ; 5Oy
C Fi
? Purpose; Circ for indigent and hospital promotion.
Lorne} U?vLc Activities: Conducting City Hospital. A —~
Defense Activities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Preparation _. PU
cnr} 5;r_ rjl_;"; cj] Food, Ch;»_]_d Care, llGSC=3.1’°Cl1 i:LSS1SJC€L1’1CC:. ` FEW
; . it l. Z. ,- , r · Q me
» Locul rutlirucic r; sono. , E
` i lien
T ,.   ,,.. ..       W, .. . l .. “ im
PARI1 Cxnnsns LF CCnnmuCu m» `»‘r ° I A A 2
Purpoeaz “r;ining·ycuth in apprevod methods of production in agricultural _
f}YHt[ds. ‘ " , · r V Q
. 4 4 I
l Norma} Civic Activities: Cooperating with and assisting in livestock, crops, g 1
Ei`~F·L1‘·E§§"?H$"??¤T¥E1`{§~7:ETj'§cJcs. · Y V l · _ - y.  1
De OU,© nctiviticc: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals. = ]
ii?-j?L'$‘i§E1"§`IG>E"§1.i , in mis ar:¤.mm senses, eiviiim sire;-srt Q ‘
v Tlltfnfvbtrvicc, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Motor Corps Service, Ambulance ,
Q Service, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross_Assistanco, r $
q First gid, Collecting Books. S 1 3
4 . _ . i
le xL Publications: None. Vid "l“ “ "· l
`”“h ’"*m-**—”—‘m_~ Q U
.3Tr“’S UUXILIARY OF T`C PnRlS PRESBITERl;T CHURTE(Uoman’s Auxiliary Presby- ·i L
t»yia‘ Chtrch, U. S. A.), 2/b hrs. Edward 4. Casliek, ill Fast Eighth Street, `
Earls, Ftteidcnt, Mrs. Edwurd A. Caslick. Iclcpnorz EGG- Secretary, Mrs. ` C
J,yr;`>w Harlan, Robin Veal Apartment, Paris. Terr: cxwiro April, 1945. —
Llmtor;hlp: Cpcn to women members of the Presbyterian Church. —
Cowmittoes: Religious Education, Susan Hrnrrd, Foreign Yissions, Mrs. Sims _ Y E
hdl? rg gssemblics Home Mission, Mrs. Lillian Halav, Syncdical and Presby—. j
t,rian ions Mission, Vrs. Buckner Tbsdford, Jr.; Christian Social Service,
Jrrc harsh, all of Paris. _ I
Eurgisc: To promote spiritual life. v . . B
. Qggynl Civic Activities: Providing funds whereby the Auxiliary was able toS©¤d C
two boys to camp and one girl to college. “ "" ·. -
r I
Dofcnsc_;§tivitics: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, —
Ltd Cres: Assistance. g
Eegal Publications: None. _

 { · 15 ¤
_ WOMEN'S CLUB OF BOURBON COUNTY (Kentucky Federation of Wemen's Clubs),
E Memorial Building, Paris. Founded 1920, President, Mrs. Clay Sutherland,
_Q South Main Street, Paris. Telephone 882. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
; · T B. Woodford, Jr., Stoner Avenue, Paris. Telephone 457. Terms expired 1941.
l Memhership:l85. Open t; women interested in cultural improvement, must be
· approved by membership.
_bv Committees: Junior Department, Mrs. John Craig, Clay and Kiser Pike; Music,
l A Mrs. Edvard U. Reynolds, North Kiddlctown Pike; Community Service, Mrs.
~ William I. Telb tt, Clifton nvenue;·Literaturc and Art, Mrs. Burnett Winters,
{ Second Street, ell of Poris.
, ;‘ Purpose: Developeent'ef moral, mental, physical ard civic improvement in
= the c oznaznn; . i   .
gi Normal Civic Activities: Sewing for hospital; send Christmas teys and liter-
A. ature to mountain children: presentation of musical oronrems and claws,
 V J ._ L uu » .L _
E Defense nctivitics: Engaged in Sewing and Preparaticn of Surgical Dressings,
? Red Cross Assistance. Interested in Ambulance Service, Hospital and Clinical
I Assistance, Discussion Leaders Public S eikinr Tvninr and Other Clerical
: rs s J -  
_“ Assistance.
Q Locel Publications: Year Book .
`3 hon's Christian Association), Ol? Main Street, Paris. Feunded l9l5. Pres-
‘ ident, ;. L. Burley, 329 West Eight Street. Telephone 646. T