xt72fq9q2m5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q2m5w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1955-06-aug2-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-06-aug2-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-06-aug2-ec. 1955 1955-06-aug2-ec. 2011 true xt72fq9q2m5w section xt72fq9q2m5w 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Comrrmittee of the Board of
Trustees, August 2, at 12:00 Noon.

        The Executive Committee of the Board of Trust.ees of the University
of Kentucky met in the President, s Office at 12;00 noon, Tuesday, August 2,
1955, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Harper Gatton, Dr,
Ralph J. Angelucci and Smith D. Broadbent,  Vice President Leo M. C! .-rnber-
lain and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Committee.

        A. Luncheon,

        The meeting was called for 12:00 o'clock and luncheon was served in
the office of the President, The members of the Comrnitlee took up the busi-
ness on the agenda at 12:30 pO m.

        B. Robert P. Hobson Made TeoraryChairman.

        Vice President Chamberlain expressed the deep regret of the members
of the Committee and of the University at the death of Mr. Guy A. Huguelet,
Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Executive Commit-
tee. He suggested that some member of the Committee be named to serve as
chairman of the meeting.

        Upon the suggestion of Mr, Harper Gatton and the unanimous consent
of all other members of the Committee, Mr. Robert P. Hobson was appointed
to serve as temporary chairman.

        C. Approval of Minutes.

        On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the meeting
of the Executive Committee of February 8, 1955, were approved as published.

        D. Financial Report.

        The Vice President, Business Administration, made a financial report
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1955. lt was suggested that, since the report
was for the fiscal year, it be put into the minutes. The report follows-





July 27, 1955

Dr. Herman L. Donovan, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Doctor Donovan:

          Submitted herewith is the
cal year ended June 30, 1955.

financial report for the fis-

           The realized income from general sources amounted
to $8, 570, 725. 60.  The University did realize its estimate of
$8,496,052. 95.

           Departmental appropriations approved for general
fund purposes total $8, 715, 804. 20. Expenditures and encumn-
b ranc es amount to $8, 6 20, 6 75. 22 of the approved appropriations,
which is 9 8. 9 1% of the budget estimate, leaving an unexpended
balance of $95, 128. 68.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Frank D. Peterson, Vice
                                       Business Administration


University of Kentucky
As of June 30, 1955

      ASSE TS

A gric u-Itural
Expe riment


Current Funds:
Gene raIt
Cas 1-ni Bank
Petty Cash Fund
State Allotments:
  Current Year
  Revolving Funds
  Inve nto rie s
  Deferred. Charges
  Accounts Receival

  Total General

  Cash i mank
  Petty Cash Advs.
  Inve stments

  Total Restrict.
  Total Cur.

Plant Funds:

Revolv. Funds
Due from Other
Gov L.Units

Total Unexp.


29,949. 88
40,000. 00


297,641. 55
52,666. 20
39, 209. 32

$   98,0Z9.45
    10,000. 00

$ 47,916.46


28, 219. 62

175, 895.79
50, 000.00

28, 219.62
971, 141.83
297, 641.55
52, 666. 20

$ 1,036,256.32   $  530,601.53  $ 47,916.46  $ 1,614,774.31

$   868,666.04   $  119,463.74  $129,573.62  $ 1,117,703. 40
      6,557.46        1,700.00      5,800.00        14,057.46
    79 7,964. 74     15,000.00                     812,964.74

$ 1,673,188.24   $  136,163.74  $135,373.62  $ 1,944,725.60
$ 2,709,444.56   $  666,765.27  $83,290. 08  $ 3,559,499791

$    57,041.75   $               $             $    57,041.75
  3,056,820.38       78,660.17                   3,135,480.55

    275,000.00                                     275,000.00

$ 3,388,862.13   $   78,660.17   $             $ 3,467,522,30

Investment in Plant
Constr. Autihor.
Fixed Assets


Other Funds:
Cash    ank
Notes Receiv.
Inve s tmen ts

$ 3,783,499.13



$ 3,783,499.13

32,143,454.87    3,459,501.31                  35,602,956.18

$3 5, 926,954. 00$3,459,501.31    $            $39,386,455.31
$39, 315, 816. 13  $3, 538,161.48  $           $42, 853,977. 61

   Loan          Endowment          AencL

$     5,381.15   $    4,534.12    $ 99,700.63  $    109,615.90
     24,765.36                                      24,765.36
     75,500.00      Z00,759.33      15,967.19      292,2226.52

Total Oth. Funds $  105, 646. 51

$  205,293.45


Total Assets

$   426,607.78
$46, 840,085.30





University of Kentucky
As of June 30, 1955



Current Funds:
Petty Cash Liab. $
Res. for Encumb.:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Res. for Inventories
  Other Liabilities
  Unapprop. Surplus

40, 000. 00  $  10,000. 00

246, 540. 19
24, 734. 56
297,641. 55
52, 666. 20
374, 673, 82

193,929, 66
   220. 25


$    50,000.00

47, 9 16. 46

326,451. 62

488, 386. 31
24,954. 81
297,641. 55
52, 666. 20
701, 125.44

    TotalGeneral  $ 1,036,256.32   $  530,601-53  $ 47,916.46  $ 1,614,774.31

 Res tric ted:
 Outstanding Cks. $     6,432.52   $               $            $      6,432.52
 Due to Other Funds     1,331.44                                       1,331.44
 Restr. Bal.        1,665,424.28      136,163.74    135,373.62     1,936,961.64

   Total Restr.   $ 1,673,188.24  $   136,163.74  $135,373.62  $ 1,944p725,60
   Total Current    2,709,444.56   $          27   $183,290.    $ 3,559,499.91

Plant Funds:
Res. for Encumb.:
  Current Year    $ 2,623,702.03   $   43,195.00   $            $ 2,666,897.03
  Prior Year          384,907.69       11,500.00                    396,407e69
  Approp. Bal.        380,252.41       23,965.17                    404,217.58

    Total Unexpend. $ 3,388,862.13 $    78,66017   $             $ 3,467,522.30

Investment in Plant:
Due to Other Govt.
  Units           $   2755,000.00   $               $            $   275,000.00
Bonds Payable        7,451,000.00                                  7,451,000.00
Net Invested       28,200,954. 00    3,459,501,31   $            $31,660,455.31

  Total Invest.   $35,9Z6,954.00   $3,459,501.31    $            $39,386,455.31
  Total Plant     $,3,816-.1       $3, 538   1.48  $             $42,853,97761

                       Loan            Endowment       Agency

Other Funds:
BaL. as- -to PriA.$   73,356.01   $   201,616,64  $             $   274,972.65
Bal. as to Income     32,290. 50       3,676.81     115,667.82      151,635, 13

   Total Oth. Funds $  105,646.51  $  205,293.45  $115,667.82  $   426,607.78




Total Liabilities


         University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1954 and ended June 30, 1955

             General Fund

Es timate

to Date

Division of CoU re e8
ducational an  eneral:
   State Appropriations
   Federal Grants (through the
   Student Fees
   Endowment Income
   Sales and Services and Rentals


 Auxiliary Enterprises


Agricultural Experiment Station:
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)
Sales and Services

       Total-Experiment Station

Agricultural Extension Division:
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)

       Total-Agricultural Extension


Plant Fund:
iebt Service Income

      Total -Plant

      Combined Total

$3,485,850.00   $3,485,850.00 $

   131,465.60      126,873.08       4,592.52
   808,000.00      849,734.95      41,734.95*
     9,644.50        9,644.50
     25,000.00       23,366.20        1,633.80

$4,459,960.10   $4,495,468.73 $    35,508.63*

$  367 ,538. 00  $  362,840.27 $    4,697.73
                      9a 72%

$4, 827,498. 10  $4, 858,309. 00 $  30,810.90*
                    100.64 %

$  607,400.00   $  607,400.00 $
   524,115.30      524,115.30
   450,000.00      493,861,75      43,861.75*

$1,581,515.30   $1,625,377.05 $    43,861.75*
                    102u 77%

$  681,050.00   $  681,050.00 $
1,405,989,55    1,405,989.55

$2, 087, 039. 55  $2,087,039.55 $
                    I 00. Oero

$8,496, 052.95  $8. 570, 725. 60 $  74,672.65*
                    1 00U. 880%

$  166,831.00   $  166 ,831.00 $

$  166,831.00   $  166, 831. 00 $

$8,662,883.95   $8, 737, 556. 60 $  74,67Z.65*
                    100, 8b

* Realized in excess of estimate,





     For the Carrent Fiscal Period which began
       July 1, 1954, and ended June 30, 1955


ture s



Divsion of Colleaes
Adn.- & General:
Gen. Adm. Ofi e's
Student Services
Staff Welfare
Gen. Inst. Serv.


$   89,314. 35  $   91,410. 84  $     481. 95 $  2,578. 44*
   197,151.44      196,878.95       2, 879.05    2,606.56*
   65, 000. 00     58,69 1. 61                  6, 308. 39
   101,084. 12      81, 100.31     4, 816. 79   15,167. 02

$  452,549.91   $  428,081. 71  $   8, 177. 79  $ 16,290. 41
                               96. 40%

Instr. & Research
       Ar  omne Ec on.
   Arts & Sciences
   Co mimerce
   Enginee ring
   Graduate School
   Org. Act. Rel. Edu
   Adult & Ext. Edu.


 Other Ex ensex
 'Oj77^r.Mn. Planit
   Auxiliary Enterpr.
   Working Capital


 Total-Div. of Col.

 Agr. Exper. Station

 Agr. Exten. Div.

Combined Totals

267,424. 91
  2n,717. 25
  149,943, 16

$ 246,342,39
   185, 662.46
   1i ,131.37
   11,474. 18

$   2, 662. 39
   14, 638.33
      228. 43
    2,984. 93
    1, 704. 00
    1,024. 13
       20. 60
       588. 81
    4, 057. 00
    2, 882. 78

$ 18,420. 13
   8, 014.64
      63. 97*
      85. 53
   2, 59 8. 59
   4,324. 76
   1,653. 27
   29.164. 20*

$3, 22 0, 816. 19  $3, 153, 311. 41  $ 39 839. 52  $ 277, 665r 26

$ 989,453.00    $  858,175.13   $  65, 158.83  $ 66, 119. 80
   340. i64. 64    319, 549. 30    46, 876. 13   26, 260. 79*
   715,000. 00     73,966.33*     86, 32522Z  62, 641. 11

$1,404,618.40   $1,103.,758.10  $ 198,360.18  $102,500.12
                               9 2. 70%5-  
$5-3 077,984.,50  $4, 685, 151. 22  $ 246,377.49  $146,455.79

t!,550,780, 15  $1,408,177.60   $ 193,929.66  $ 51,327. 11*
                              103n 31%
 Z,087a039.55   $2,039,123,09   $  473916,46 $

$8,715,804.20   $8,132,451.91   $ 488,223b61   $ 95,128.68
                               9 .9

*Negative Figure.






   For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1, 1954, and ended June 30, 1955





Division of Colleges

Retirement of Indebted-

 1 st W. P. A. Bond
   Issue           $ 36,915.02

 2nd W. P.A. Bond
   Issue             15,902.41

Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue  24,914.25

Audit-Field House Issue 59, 185. 01

Lib. & Serv. Bldg.
   Issue             44,679.02

Stad.Add. Issue      22,018.07

Dorm. Rev. Issue
   (456 Rose)         7,786.41

Jour. Bldg. Bond Issue  15,916.75

Dorm. Rev. Issue (476
   Rose)              4,124.93

Stud. Dorms. U. K.    14,083. 64

Stud. Dorm. -Kappa
   Sigma              9,544.01

Stud. Dorm. - Lambda
   Chi               11,804.07
Stud. Dorm. -Phi Sig-
   ma K.             10,109.01

Stud. Dorm. -Pi Kappa
   A.                 9,539.54

Dorxn.Rev. Bond 1952   52,432.75

Dorm. Rev. Bond 1954    427. 87

Lib. & Serv, Bldg. Res.  34, 007. 54

Dorm. Rev. Bond 1955    5,240.79
TOTAL-Ret. of Indebt. $378,631. 09

$ 36,795.00


15, 821. 75

21, 045. 00

57, 866. 19

36, 885. 00

21, 862. 50

$   120. 00


3,869. 25

1,318. 82

7,794. 02

  155. 57

4, 390. 63

15, 826. Z5

4, 037. 50

13, 007.50

3, 395. 78

  90. 50

  87. 43

1X 076. 14

6, 503. 75

3, 040. 26

6, 503. 75

6, 503. 75

5,300. 32

3,605. 26

6, 503. 75

52, 432. 75

  427. 87

$306,412. 94

  3, 035. 79

  34, 007. 54

  5, 240. 79
$ 72, 218. 15


- w




   For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1, 1954, and ended June 30, 1955

Division of Colleges  Approp.





  Dicker House An-
  nuity            $

  Norwood Hall Fire

  Men' s New Dormitory

  Service Building

  Fine Arts Building

  Journalism Building

  New Science Building

  Sprinkler System

  Six Small Dorms.

  Women' s New Dorm.

  Men, s New Dorm.

  Cooperstown Apts.  2

  Holmes Hall

Total-Construction  $2

Total-Plant Funds -
Division of Colleges  $3

Ag r. Exp . Station  $

Combined Totals    $3

230.68     $

15,911. 25

2, 568.25

3,69'7. 19

2, 156.47

7, 938.69

3, 300. 00

4,443. 32

81, 871.67


$      230.68

15,911. 25

2, 568. 25

3,697. 19

2, 156.47

7,938. 69

3, 300. 00

4,443. 32

30, 3 81. 23

,800,000. 00

40, 000. 00

  43, 104. 03





'962,117.52   $ 30, 3 81. 23  $2, 623, 702. 03 $  308,034.26
                            89. 60%o

,340,748.61   $336,794.17     $2, 623, 702, 03 $  380, 252. 41
                            88. 62%

 9 6,926. 22  $ Z9,766.05     $   43, 195. 00  23,965. 17
                            75. 27%

,437,674,83    $366,560.2z    $2,666,897.03$   404,217,58

                            88. 24%




            University of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1, 1954 and ended June 30, 1955

Restricted Funds:
Div. of Colleges
Agr. Exp. Station
Agr.Ext, Division


Loan Fund:



Endowment Funds:

Sub total

Combined Totals


Disburse -


July 1, 1954     Receipts         ments            June 30, 1955

$1,69 2, 383. 20  $2, 751, 130. 86  $2,778,089.78 $1,665,424.28
   124,206.45       252,204.63       240,247.34     136, 163. 74
   135, 345. 34     127,576.11       127,547.83     135, 373.62

$1,9 51,934. 99  $3, 130,9 11. 60  $3, 145,884. 95 $1,936,961.64

$   73,316.01    $        40.00   $              $   73,356.01
    29,959.98          2,350.54           20.02      32,290.50

$  103,275.99     $    2,390.54   $       20.02 $   105,646.51

$  201,616.64     $               $              $  201,616.64
     3,049.03            917, 78         290.00       3,676.81

$  204,665.67     $      917.78   $       290.00 $  205,293.45

$   88,320.43     $  593,726.93   $  566,379.54 $    115,667.82

$2,348,197.08     $3, 727,946. 85  $3, 712,574.51 $2,363,569.42



                  University of Kentucky
         For the Current Fiscal Period which began
           July 1, 1954, and ended June 30, 1955

Receipts and Transfers:

General Income
Plant Income
Restricted Receipts
Loan Fund Receipts
Endowment Fund Receipts
Agency Fund Receipts

Total Receipts

Expenditures and Transfers (Including

  General Fund Expenditures
  Plant Fund Expenditures
  Restricted Fund Expenditures
  Loan Fund Expenditures
  Endowment Fund Expenditures
  Agency Fund Expenditures

Total Expenditures

$ 8,570,7Z5.60
    166,831. 00
  3, 130,9 11. 60
       9 17. 78


$ 8,620,675.52
        ZO. 02

$15, 366,707.28



        The report was explained in some detail, and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, was ordered received and placed on record.

        E. Candidates for Degrees.

        Vice President Chamberlain submitted a list of candidates for degrees
aft the August Commencement.  He stated that the list was subject to the approval
of the University Faculty and to a last-moment check by the Registrar, s Office.
He recommended that the Committee approve the list subject to approval by the
University Faculty.  He stated that the Faculty would meet at 11:00 ot clock,
August 3, to consider the recommendation.

        Members of the Committee expressed the opinion that they saw no rea-
son why the list should not be approved, subject to final confirmation by the Uni-
versity Faculty, and authorized the final list inserted in these minutes as repre-
senting the list approved by the Committee. The list follows:


            Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Arthur Eugene Abshire
Reba Helen Adams
Ben Brooks Ardery, Jr.
William James Ashbrook, Jr.
George Caden Blincoe
Audrey Anne Brenneman
Nelson Faircloth Britt
William Allen Carter
Lucia Helm Collins
Luther Monroe Danner
Baxletta Jo Elliott
Charles Joseph Hellmann
Patricia Leu Idleman
Marie Joyce Hamrick Kenney

Peggy Ellis Lowery
Neil Thomas Lowry
Braxton Nelson McGraw
Harold Leslie Mann
Marjorie Apking Rhodes
John Evans Richardson, Jr.
Lucy Ann Scheibe
Charles Byrne Severs
Walter King Sibbald, Jr.
Constance Estelle Leen Sly
Lewis Eugene Wash
Elza Whalen, Jr.
Glynn Ray Wilson
Don Murray Young

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Joseph Andrew Anderson
Leon Wilson Bowman
Elliott Enha Chung
Charles Dana Combs
David Albert Feld
Kenneth Byron Hatfield
James Malone McGruder
Gayle Alexander Mohney,Jr.

Jacqueline Surratt Partin
John Russell Schmitt
William Edward Schreiner
Jarnes Kermit Sexton
Robert Franklin Sexton, Jr.
Bernard Allen Sleadd
Billy Howard Smith
Richard Conrad VoLl



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
             in Journalism

James Lee Anderson

Kenneth Floyd Burns

           Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

Charles Allen Neal, Jr.

          Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                      in Meda Technol

Marjorie Bailey Daugherty
Donne Gail Hopper Evans
Janet White Harberson
Doris Jean Oldham

Ellen Moreland Stark
Jane Ann Stockton
Susan Stark W 1tz


  Candidates for the De ree of Bachelor of Science
                 m7- ng -r~c-dr 7u i e- '  

Reid Vaughn Bacon
William Ronald Bailey
Glenn Stone Bromagen
Oren Brannaman Clore, Jr.

Carl Ledford Culver
Oval. Ray Morgan
Robert Leo Sympson

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
              in. rome tnmic s

Goldia Maxine Joseph Blanton
Beuledith Cornett Combs
Charlotte Fullerton
Kaye Frances Goldberg

Mary Burge Helm
Patricia. Louise Moore
Hollie Fay Wicker
Nancy Sue Wilson


Candidates for the De ree of Bachelor of Science
            1n ivi.l Enineering
              -_-.u_ : L  

Kenneth Norman Berry
Samuel David Hutche son, Jr.
Rolla Russell Jefferson
Dennis Harry Jones

Robert Larry Jones
Carl Brice McGuire
Earl Goodwin Ot Nan
Cecil Lewis Riley


         Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
               W    t    i   ai  ne e ring

James Douglas Holiday

         Candidates for the De ree of Bachelor of Science
                   in Me chanical Lngineerm

Jack Edwin Burnett
Marvin Edward Gaines
James Albert Isham

John Clark Leachrman
William Jones McCarty
John Joseph Shutkufski

            COLLEGE OF LAW

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Carl Wilson Morgan

Don. Suer Sturgill


Candidates for

Corinne Dowell Allen
Clifford Eugene Barker
Beverly Marie Bower
Josephine Regina Brennan
Robert Livingston Burton
Anthony John Chiccino
Anna C. Clark
Mary Kathleen Devine
Lucien Wilson Downey
Floyd Robert Hall
James Edwin Hardin
Lenora Faye Holcomb
Charles Hayden Hooper
Theodore Cha rles Kirn
Walter McDaniel

the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
    an cticaon

                 Curtis Leon M.cNece
                 Olga Wan Eva June Maggard
                 John Christopher Mills
                 Fannie Lou Morton
                 Hazel Walls Pash
                 Ira Lee Pittman, Jr.
                 Virginia Ann Day Powell
                 Eugene Cecil Sanders
                 Emogene Hackney Scott
                 Connie Jo Smith
                 Leora McKinley Smith
                 Susan Jane Stiles
                 Sidney Ellen Stone
                 Lona Jones Taylor
                 Lowell Dean Williams


Candidates for the Deg ree cf Bachelor of Science
               Fn ocrmmerce

Martha Ann Blom
William Bedford Campbell
Robert Grady Cobb

Cleo Cornett
Forrest Vernon Dean
Jack Nunn Deming


Malcolm McNeil Dickson
Robert Lyndon Graham
Maureen Frances Hargadon
Kenward Kilroy Harris
William Clark Hedden
Linvel Jones
Robert Anthony Mason
James Baron Maynard
James Everette Moore
Norman Landolt Schott

Lloyd Dorman Siler
Theodore Thomas Snith
Jack Milton Steinberg
Jake Martin Sutherlin
Larry Gillespy Taylor
Kenneth Victor
Frank Kelso Wassom
James Evan Yancey
Glenn Ervin Youngrman


Candidates for the Dree of Master of Arts

Shirley Marie Baker
Ilse Wagner.-Jauregg Bulmash
Kenneth Winfield Burk
Margaret Yukiye Con-hagen
Loren Kenneth Davidson
Donna Gail Dot:son
Donald Lee Hochstrasser
Shin Yong Lho
Samuel Manuel Miller

Sally Hill Poundstone
Manning Irl Rose II
George Herbert Sanderson
Bett.ye Deen Stull
Ann Gaywood Talbott
Paul Strather Taylor
Richard Laverne Troutman
Johan Edward Wiltz

Candidates for the -Degree of Master of Science

John Shih-,ya.o Chiu
Rodney Malcolm Hays, Jr.
Ralph Allen Hovermale
Lillian Beatrice Hutzler
June Dolores Iben
Leroy George Jackopin

Leoa Kaufman
William Norton McNerney
David Ward Maners
Barbara Jones Mashni
Joe Fallwell Mock
Martin Joseph Walsh

           Candidate for the Deg~ree of Master of Science
                - ~ ~ ~  , , , ,. __1.iib

Edward Karl Distler

          Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
                         in Ag riculture

Leonard Doyle Brown
Herbert Cecil Gary
Joseph Liston Evans
George Francis Fries

Marvin Bond Horton
Willie Solomon Hutson
Ronald Edward Phillips
T'homas Leslie Riley




           Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science
                      in Home Economics

Iosetta Morris Steely

          Candidates for the De ree of Master of Science
                      in Givil n ineering

William Hobert Sammons

Alfred Joseph Graves
George Land, Jr.

           Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science
                    in Electrical  .inee rin

Clarence William Padgett

          Candidates for the De ree of Master of Science
                   in Mechanical Engneerln'

Orville Watson Stewart

            Candidates for the Degree of
                          in Education

Alfred Douglas Ahrens
Peter Flanders Ayer
Esther Rosella Ball
Luther Beatley
Bert Arthur Bennett
Mary Talbert Black
Marian Dolores Tucker Blythe
Elizabeth Nevill Botts
Crawford Bradley
Clarence Brown
Mary Finney Burt
Georgia Carson
Joann Robertson Chenault
Virginia Spillman Clifford
Douglass Carrington Cochran
Paul Jones Coop
Dorothy Elizabeth Cooper
Margaret Bruce Cruise
June Elizabeth Daugherty
Maurice Dick
James Oliver Dingus
Ruth Gertrude Eckardt
Stella Atlanta Edwards
John McAdoo Evans
Luther C. Evans
Marie Watson Everidge
Everett Hayes Fairchild
Mary Martin Musgrave Gates

   James Franklin Thorpe

Master of Arts

Donald Norman Giles
Roscoe Toni Godby
Alvina Frances Griffin
Hughland Harris Gumm
Royal. Alvon Hall, Jr.
Chester Arthur Hammons
Johnetta Nelson Hardin
Roxie Turner Harris
Arthur Robert Hawkins
Alice Katherine Hill
Charles Bethel Honeycutt
Andrew Noah Hopkins
Landon Hunt
Emory Horace Hutchison
Alice Heiss Hutton
Donald Edward Jones
Hazel Patrick Kazee
William Allen Lancaster
Betty Pennington Lastinger
Jesse Morgan Lewis
Odie Belle Lewis
Vivia Mae Lobb
Charlotte Slone Madden
Edward C. May
Deril Kent Mays
Maye Wiley Mitchell
A rnold Molle tte
Bernice Smith Moore


Susie Myrtle Moore
Patrick Edward Napier
William Wesley Peavyhouse, Jr.
William Kirtley Pennebaker
Clayton Edward Powers
Minnie Lee Ragland
Helen Haley Reyes
Mark Franklin Rice
Sanford Thomas Roach
Charles Hudson Robinson
Mildred Rader Rowland
Charles Hal Rupert
Kyle Pershing Scott

          Candidates for the E

William Ray Bingham
Dock Cornett
John Edwin Floyd
Rufus Varon Halcomb
Rolla Bascom Hendrickson

Frances Lee Sebree
Betty Allyn Shaw
Leila Ann Sherman
Doraleen Isaac Smith
Harold Carter Smith
Ruth Wineland Snyder
Dellazine Miller Spillman
Carl Bascom Spivey
Orville Lowell Swearingen
Alice Margaret Chapman Tackett
Newton Stone Thomas
Matilda Earl Todd
Lucy Mathews Walls

)egree of Master of Science

In Itucation

                Alexander Taylor Hensley
                John D. Holbrook
                Grady Eldridge Hundley
                James Reid Woosley

          Candidate for the Degree of Master of Business

Robert Lowry Able

          Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
                       in Library Science

Ellen Claire Allen
Louise Childers Bedford
Albert Andrew Howard

Polly Jean Lynd
Dorothy James Sharpe
Mary Poe Webster

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Music

Mary Joanna Clark
Priscilla Jane hepburn

Donald Wesley Ivey
Robert Knauf

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

Maurice Alton Clay
Palmer L. Hall
James Walter Loyd
Donato Bernadez Pableo

Berthold Grey Pauley
Harry Magee Sparks
Charles Vincent Youmans

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Lilialyce Sink Akers
Carol Hamrick Ammons
James Curtis Bevins
Roberta Day Corbitt

Herbert Edom Hall
Jack Willard Jessee
Louis Joseph Maradie, Jr.
Clisby Carey Moxley




       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the candidates for
degrees listed herein were authorized approved, and the Vice President
of the University was authorized to confer upon each the degree to which
the candidate is entitled at the August 5 Commencement.

       F. Easermrent to City of Scott Street Right-of-Way.

       Vice President Chamberlain read the following communication:

                                              July 14, 1955

       Dr. L. M. Chamberlain
       Vice President
       University of Kentucky

       Dear Dr, Chamberlains

       This will confirm my conference with you concerning changes in
       Scott Street.

       The City apparently has a forty-foot right-of --way on Scott Street.
       Ten feet of Lhis right-of -way is usually taken up with sidewalks.
       There is currently an e:xcisting sidewalk on the north side of Scott
       Street but none on the south side, The City proposes to put in a
       forty-foot street, comning to their curb line on the south side.
       This has the effect of using up all property now owned by the City
       on the south side of Scott Street which at some future time might
       provide space for a sidewalk,  T have agreed that if and when a
       sidewalk is constructed, it will be done so by the University of
       Kentucky on University property, along the line owned by the Uni-

       At the nor-theast corner of the intersection of Scott Street and
       South Upper Street, there is a bulge in the corner to the extent
       of 8. 85 feet. The City proposes to extend the sidewalk now exist-
       ing on the north side of Scott Street straight to the intersection
       of Scott and South Upper Streets,  They propose to put in a new
       curb and pay all costs incident to this change.  I think it will
       improve tihe appearance of the intersection and improve safety
       conditions there,

       I have discussed this matter with Dean Dickey of the College of
       Education, Mr. N. R. Elliott, landscape architect and Mr. E. B.
       Farris, Chief Engineer..  With your approval, I have notified the
       City to proceed, A sketch is attached hereto evidencing these
       proposed alterations.

       Very truly yours,

(Signed) Frank D. Peterson, Vice President
         Business Administration



      Mr. Peterson, Vice Preaident, Business Administration, discussed
the proposed rebuilding of Scott Street and the granting of land on the north-
west corner of the intersection of Scuth Upper ard Scott Streets. it was
further explained that a part of the sidewalk on the northl side of Scott
Street would be rebu.lt and the curbing adjacent to the road would be replaced
by the City.

      Members of the Committee being advised that it was to the best inter-
est of the University and of the public, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, a strip of land 8. 85 feet w-Ide, tapering to 0 width on Scott Street
and on South Upper, was ordered given to the City of Lexington for the purpose
of improving the width of exsting Scott Street from 31. 15 feet to a maximum
of 40 feet and for the further pu'rpose of straighten-ing the sidewalk along the
south side of t'he area known as the site of the Ccolege of Education.  The
plat and profile scale was ofdered made a part' of the. agreement.  The
Chairman of 'L s meeting was authorszed to execute the deed easement for
the University of Kenru-acky.

      G. Federal EmployEes Group Insurance Coverage for -Cooperative
Extension    oers neE

      Vice President Cllamberlainu presented to the members of the Commit-
tee Agreement between t.e indeed States Department of Agriculture. Federal
Extension Service, and th'e r nv.ers.ty of Kentucky Agricultural Extension Di-
vision, HIe explained ti-at tte Agreement provides t1hL3at extension employees
having Civil Service st tLs -nay contract for life -.nsurance in the amount of
their annual salaries.  he   versity, from Federal Extension Funds,
agrees to contribute one .haf t-.e premiurm paiid by the employees.  He read
other provisions of the Agreement and upon the concurrence of Frank D.
Peterson, Vice President BuFs0nres Admipnistration, and Frank J. Welch,
Dean and Director, Extension Service, recommended that the Agreement be
executed on behalf of he )ni.verrIty of Kentucky Agricultural Extension Ser-
vice of the Un-iversity of Kentuckvy.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, theAgreement was
approved and aut-horized eXecured en behalf of the University of Kentucky.

     H. City of Erianger Asses-ment far Sewer Approved.

     Vice Presidentl Chambe .laizi expl~ained that the University of Kentucky
(History Departrmnent ) by wailll of Nlrs. Alice S. Haltam under date of August
10, 1948. received a number ef -o'.! in arid near the City of Erlanger. The
Executive Committee of th-.e Board of Trustees at its meeting July 16, 1954,
accepted the provisions, of tLe vrijl and did in due time take possession of
lots 32 to 36, 43 to 4tk and 61 to 73 inclusi.ve. second addition to Hallam
Heights, Ecrlanger, KYv

     The City of Erlangeer has decided to bui.ld a sewer servicing the above-
named lots and has made an asse-sn-:ent against t1he abutting property owners.



The University of Kentucky land ha