xt72fq9q2m24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72fq9q2m24/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1895-02-jul30. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1895-02-jul30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1895-02-jul30. 1895 1895-02-jul30. 2011 true xt72fq9q2m24 section xt72fq9q2m24 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,July 30, 1895 - page 24

     The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky met in " adjourned session, in the
Presidents room, at 1 PM. July 30, 1895.

Present:                        Dr. R. J. Spurr,  Chairman
                       Messrs. Buell,
                                R. A. Spurr.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read.

      The entry of $E2550O.O0 on line 2, page 10 was

      On motion all the minutes excepting that one referring
to Prof. Paul Wernicke were approved.

      Mr. Gathright offered the following: viz.

           " Resolved that the employment of Prof. Paul
      Wernicke as contemplated by the report of the
      Committee on Salaries be understood to be and is,
      that his salary shall be $1500.00 for his first
      year's services, and increased each year by $100.00
      until it reaches $1800.00 and at the end of five
      years under the rule of 1893 the salary shall be
      $2000.00 the five years to count from the
      beginning of his services. "


* MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,July 30, 1895 - page 25

     Mr. Hindman offered the following

          Resolved that the sum of $1600.00 or so much
      of that sum as may be necessary be and is hereby
      appropriated for the purpose of putting a second
      story on the building now under construction for
      the use of the Mechanical Department.

Ayes                                    Noes
Dr. Spurr,
R. A. Spurr,

      On motion ordered that the resolution, contained in
recommendation No. 3 of the report of the Committee on the
President's report, be modified to read as follows:

           Resolved that the President be and he is hereby
      authorized and directed to take the necessary legal
      steps to remove from the buildings or grounds of
      the College any refractory or lawless student or
      other person whose presence either in any of the
      buildings or upon the grounds may be prejudicial
      to the discipline and good morals of the

On motion Recommendation as amended was approved.



     On motion recommendation No. 5 offered by the Committee
on the President's report was approved.

     Gen. Buell offered the following:

          Resolved that so much of recommendation No. 6
     as provides that the President shall report absentees
     be stricken out.

          Resolution lost, President voting Aye

      It was moved that so much of recommendation No. 6
as provides that each member of the faculty shall in turn.
lead in conducting the Chapel service be stricken out.

      On taking the vote a division was called for, one of
whom was the President of the College. Five voted in favor
of striking out. Six voted in favor of not striking out.

      Mr. Gathright offered the following amendment to
recommendation No. 6 Viz: that it shall be the duty of
the Secretary of the Board to keep the record of attendance
by the faculty upon chapel services, and make report to
the President.


      On motion recommendation No. 6, as amended was
approved the President only, voting in the negative.

      On motion recommendation No. 7 made by the Committee
on the President's report was adopted.

      On motion recommendation No. S made by the Committee
on the President's report was ordered stricken out.


MIN1TjES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,July 30, 1895 - page 27

      On motion ordered that the amended form, of the
report made by the Committee on the President's report,
be adopted as a whole.

     The following was submitted through the President of
the College.

                      Lexington, Ky. June 26 , 1895.

      To the Board of Trustees:


           I hereby resign my position as assistant in
      Entomology and Botany in the Experiment Station to
      take effect July 1, 1895.

                               Very respectfully

                                 J. S. Terrill,

      On motion Mr. Terrill's resignation was accepted to
take effect July 1st 1895.

      On motion

         The report of the Experiment Station was referred
to the Executive Committee with instructions to take
necessary action and to report to the Board of Trustees
at its December meeting.

      On motion ordered that recommendation No. 1 of the
report of the eommittee on Salaries which provides that
the salary of J. H. Wells be increased from $1000 to
$1250.00 per annum, and recommendation No. 2, which provides
that the salary of J. R. Johnson be increased from $500.00
to $750.00 per annum be adopted.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRIUSTEES,July 30, 1895 - page 27-28

      Genyl. Buell submitted a report of the Committee
on Military Instruction and College discipline, which was
received and filed.

      On motion the report was made a special order for
10 A. M. July 31st.

      On motion the Board adjourned to meet 9 A. Yi. suntime
July 31.

V. E. Muncy,  Sece               R. J. Spurr, Chrm.

      The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
at 9 A. M. suntime July 31, 1895

Present:                        Gen'l. Buell
                                Mr. Bird
                                Mr. Gathright
                                  " Gooding
                                  " Hindman

      The minutes of the previous meeting were read and

      President Patterson offered the following Resolution
which was unanimously adopted.

           11 Resolved that the Board of Trustees in
      accepting the resignation of Prof. J. S. Terrill
      assistant in Botany and Entomology in the Experiment
      Station desire to record their sense of his eminent
      fitness for the position which he held, his dili-
      gence, his industry, and his uniform courtesy
      and gentlemanly bearing."