xt72bv79vz6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vz6q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-02-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 2005 2005 2005-02-22 2020 true xt72bv79vz6q section xt72bv79vz6q Tuesday

February 22, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree. Subsequent Issues 25 cents.



Celebrating 33 years of independence

Freshman guard
makes defensive mark
Page 8


Targeting Top 20: Residence Life
provides positive atmosphere
Page 6









Above: ESPN college basketball commentator Dick Vitale studies statistics before UK's game against Mississippi State on Saturday night at
Rupp Arena. Vitale was covering the game as part of ESPN's College Gameday. Below: Vitale appears on one of several ESPN's live broadcasts
from the Lexington Civic Center. Vitale, who has covered college hoops for 25 years, was one of the main attractions for fans.



Story by Jeff Patterson

Photos by Jonathan Palmer

The Big Blue sea parts as seven officers escort him
to the stage. Once the crowd catches a glimpse of
the boisterous broadcaster, they reach a fevered

Chants of "Dickie V. Dickie V" fill the room. As
show time approaches, the applause crescendos.
Dick Vitale, the voice of college basketball, signs
autographs for the sport's groupies. Then it gets
really loud. The show starts.

"It's kind of like walking in every arena with Elvis,"
says Brad Nessler, Vitale's broadcast partner.

fter 2’) years of energizing the sport with catch»
phrases anti youthful enthusiasm. the 65-year-
old Vitale still gets goosebumps. And tipoff is
still an hour away.

This is ESPN College Gameday Saturday night in the
lobby of Rupp Arena. right before UK and Mississippi
State take center stage.

“The game's the easy part." Vitale says. "i couldn't
hear anything (host Chris) Fowler was saying."

The calm before the storm

Three hours before the game. the arena is virtually

The lights are dim.

More shockingly. Vitale is silent.

He hides in a dressing room to read notes and statisr

“Oh boy. i need to see what they are going to ask me on
the show." Vitale says.

As the clock clicks down toward tipofT. the ease wears
off. The hyperactive announcer has returned.

Before going on air. Vitale turns to Nessler, his play
by-play announcer and friend. to take away the anxiety

“He‘ll put me in a comfort zone.“ Vitale says.

So. how does anyone do that?

“I tell him to calm down." Nessler says.

Luckily for Vitale. he still is bouncing off the walls af-

ter a day of travel.

For the past two and a half years. \‘itale has spent as
little time on the road as possible. He would rather be at
his Lakewmd Ranch. Fla. home with his wife. Lorraine.
than travel up and down the interstate.

ESPN pays for a commercial plane ticket. but Vitale
pays a little extra and flies on a private jet instead. He
uses extra income from speaking engagements at about
swim a pop and his seven books to help fund the dif-
ference. But it's all worth it.

"It's been a godsend." Vitale says.

When he does stay in a hotel. he makes sure to relax
before the game He draws a “nice. hot bath" before read-
ing all the stats and information about the teams he'll be

“I like to s‘ll alone and just have total concentration
away frotn the phones." Vitale says. “There's nothing bet-
ter than sitting alone in that bathtub."

No big-timer here

Whenever he walks by. fans have to look twice.

Then they flock toward him.

Vitale doesn‘t mind he never has.

its two hours before UK plays. and Rupp Arena is al-
ready loud. Students in the eRupption Zone display their

See Vitale on page 4



Students raise
funds to honor

fallen soldier

UK student Jeffrey Scott died in Iraq;
scholarship will aid engineering majors

By Becky Hall
in: KENTUCKY kcnuci.

For UK engineering professor Paul Goodrum. the “cheer-
ful presence" of one student defines his memory of a class he
taught a few years ago.

While other students may have been asleep or distracted.
Goodrum could always count on Jeffrey Graham to pick up
the spirits of others in the classroom.

“He was one of those students who always gave a smile no
matter how bad a lecture was going." Goodrum said. “He was
the type of student who makes this job worthwhile."

Graham who was killed Feb. 19. 2004. in Iraq is being
honored with an engineering scholarship commemorating
his achievements as a soldier and
member of the UK community.

Graham graduated with honors
from UK in May 2003 in civil engi-
neering. He was also a member of
UK's Army ROTC program. The
ROTC has a room called “the Gra-
ham room." dedicated to Graham‘s
memory and containing many of
his military awards.

Two of his fellow civil engi-
neering classmates. Lee Carlisle
and Ulric Kulik. cofounded the 2nd
Lt. Jeffrey C. Graham Memorial
Scholarship in August 2004 to hon-
or Graham‘s achievements at UK
and his sacrifices as a soldier.

“Jeff didn‘t get to pursue his
dreams as an engineer." Carlisle
said. “This scholarship is a way to
provide the opportunity for some-
one else to carry on the engineer-
ing dreams he didn‘t get to fulfill."

Kulik said he admires Graham’s dedication to his country

“He had the option to stay here but he wanted to go (to
Iraq)." Kulik said.

“Jeff did something for us. so we wanted to do something
for him."

Graham was offered a desk job in the United States after
the unexpected death of his brother Kevin in June 2003.

But Carol Graham. Jeffrey Graham‘s mother. remembers
her son telling her. “‘the only thing worse than a country at
war is a soldier not at war.”

While serving in Iraq. Graham told his family of his de-
sire to help rebuild the war—torn country:

"His dream was to help rebuild the roads. bridges and
buildings in Iraq." Carol Graham said. “He loved serving his

See Soldier on page 2

“This scholarship
is a way to
provide the
opportunity for
someone else to
carry on the
dreams he didn't
get to fulfill."

Lee Carlisle
Colounder of the 2nd Lt. Jeffrey
C. Graham Memorial Scholarship


UK'smedical center
offers hepatitis study

By Jeff Fichner

People with hepatitis C may qualify to participate in a
study with investigative medicine at the Chandler Medical

The program. ldeal Study. is designed to test whether
smaller doses of a common treatment. interferon. for he—
patitis C may be as effective as larger doses currently be-
ing administered. said Dr. Alvaro Koch. an assistant medi-
cine professor.

“There is some infor-
mation from previous
studies that raises ques-
tions about using less of
the drug interferon to
treat hepatitis C and get-
ting the same results as
larger doses." he said.

The Ideal Study is
sponsored by the Schering
Plough Corporation and will involve 2.880 patients at 100
CS. study centers.

Koch said Schering-Plough contacted UK because they
were aware of the medical center's work and believed it
would be an ideal location for a test center.

Patients will participate in the study for a year and
must meet certain criteria.

Most importantly. Koch said. patients must have never
received any form of treatment for hepatitis C. to be con-
sidered for the study

if accepted. patients will begin a 12-week screening
phase to see if they respond to initial treatments. If there
is no response. patients will not be permitted to continue
in the study. Koch said.

Those who fully respond will continue treatment. how
ever. as will partial responders. who will be retested after
six months to verify treatment response.

The major downfall of interferon is side effects. Koch

"The goal is to determine whether a smaller dosage is
indeed as effective. so patients can continue using the drug
for longer periods of time due to reduced amounts of side
effects." he said.

Koch said the study benefits those diagnosed with he-
patitis C because it is a way to get free treatment.

“A problem for many people is that Medicare doesn't
cover hepatitis C medication. and the treatment can be
pretty expensive." Koch said.

Koch also said the study may curb drug abuse problems
in Eastern Kentucky.

“We are working to help unveil the hepatitis C problem



About the study

For more information, call 323-6423.
and visit wwwidealstudycom and





 PABEZ I Tuesday, Feb. 22. 2005


Authhomsondead at 67

By Martin Well and Allan Lengel
nit nsmiicrou Posr

Hunter S. Thompson.
whose life and writing. vivid
and quirky reflections of each
other. made him one of the
principal symbols of the
American counterculture.
shot and killed himself Sun-
day at his home near Aspen.
He was 67.

Thompson was a practi-
tioner of personal journal-
ism. pouring thoughts and
ideas onto the page in a style
that was vividly his own and
that brought him cult-like sta-
tus and widespread recogni-

He was the author of
books on politics and Ameri~
can society that were regard-

journalists and other students
of current affairs in their ir-
reverence and idiosyncratic

Among those for which he
was famed are Fear and
Loathing in Las Vegas and
Fear and Loathing 0n the
Campaign Trail.

Part of what made for his
outlaw-seeming independence
and his defiance of conven-
tion appeared to be an affinity
for the drug lifestyle. which
limited his appeal to many

Tricia Louthis. a commit-
nications specialist who

spoke Sunday night on behalf

of the Pitkin County sheriff.
confirmed that Thompson
died at his home of “what ap
pears to be a self-inflicted
gunshot wound."

She said the shooting was
reported at 5:52 pm. but de—
clined to say who made the he

Further information was
to be released by the family.
she said.

Sheriff Bob Braudis said
in a brief telephone interview
that Thompson was alone in
his kitchen when he shot him-
self with a handgun. His wife
was at a gym at the time.
Bmudis said.

Thompson was known for
a style that he described as
“gonzo journalism.“ :1 form of
“new journalism."

It was rooted in the idea
that absolute fidelity to the in-
disputably factual and prov-
able did not always provide
the best avenue to truth.

instead. gonzo journal-
ism" and its practitioners
suggested that a deeper truth
could be found in the ambigu-
ous zones between fact and

“Objective journalism is
one of the main reasons that
American politics has been al-
lowed to be so corrupt for so
long." Thompson told inter-
viewers in a characteristic
pronouncement on both insti»

“You can't be objective
about Nixon." he said. "How
can you be objective about

He was born in Louisville.
and after a wild youth en»
tered the Air Force. accord-
ing to one account as part of
a parole agreement.



Continued from page i

in Eastern Kentucky. be-
cause one of the biggest
causes of hepati-
tis C is intra-
venous drug
abuse." he said.

There are no
specific statis-
tics on hepatitis
C in Eastern
Kentucky. and
Koch said it
would be helpful
if UK could pro-
vide information
on whether he-
patitis C is indeed a prob-
lem in the area.

A study is also being
conducted for those people
who have already received


“It is impor-

tant for us to
get the word
out about the

Dr. Alvaro Koch

assistant medicme professor

hepatitis (‘ treatments but
did not respond to treat-
ment. Koch said.

That study is called
Metro Trial and is spon-
sored by Vertex Pharma-
ceuticals. He said it is de-
signed to address dosage
concerns as well as inves-
tigational drugs.

UK is receiv.
ing full funding
for the Ideal
Study from
Koch said.

“It is impor-
tant for us to get
the word out
about the study
because this is a
great opportuni-
ty for many peo-
ple seeking treatment." he

newstu kykernel.com

ed as groundbreaking among



Continued from page i



On Feb. 19. 2004. Graham was killed by an
improvised explosive device that detonated
seconds after he spotted it and warned his
troops. His actions saved the lives of many
men in his platoon.

After his death. the military awarded Gra-
ham the Bronze Star and Purple Heart.


Graham and his personality left the same
impact on his family as it did his friends and

“His smile lit up a room and he was very
charismatic." said Melanie Graham. Jeffrey's
younger sister and a UK nursing junior.

“Jeff was pretty much happy all the
time." Kulik said. “He was always in a posi-
tive mode."

Goodrum. who taught Graham in two
courses. said he was a strong engineering

“He was always appreciative of what
we‘re trying to accomplish as educators."
Goodrum said.

“I felt like i lost someone in my own fami-
ly." he said of Graham‘s death.

The only challenger to Graham‘s love of
engineering and the ROTC was UK basket-

He and his brother Kevin once painted
the NCAA tournament bracket ton the wall of
their apartment. The two also built stadium
seating so they could watch games on TV
with 50 or 60 friends. Melanie Graham said.

While stationed in Fallujah. Iraq. Jeff
turned his camp into a UK basketball haven.
He decorated the camp with UK memorabilia
sent to him by family and friends. Carol Gra-
ham said.

At night he would write “Go Big Blue!" on
the dry erase board so it was the first thing
his men saw in the morning. she said. Two
months before he was killed. Graham was
able to watch last year‘s Kentucky-Indiana
basketball game on TV in lraq.


'A tribute to Jeff'

The 2nd Lt. Jeffrey C. Graham Memorial
Scholarship is still in the fundraising stage.
The goal is to raise 310.000 in two years so
the scholarship can be endowed. meaning it
will be offered every year.

If the monetary goal is not met. the fu-
ture of the scholarship will be unclear. said

vSharon Townsend. a marketing specialist in

the Office of Engineering Advancement.

So far. fundraising efforts have raised
$7 000 since August 2004. Carlisle said. Engi-
ne ering societies civil engineering firms and
private citizens have all contributed to the
cause. he said.

Other fundraising efforts are being orga~
nized by the UK College of Engineering.
Townsend said. She said efforts to encourage
donations for the scholarship fund have been
included in engineering publications. The of-
fice has also sent appeals through direct mail.

Letters asking for support for the scholar-
ship will be sent to Graham‘s classmates and
young UK alumni. Tovmsend said.

The scholarship criteria have not yet been



About the scholarship

Donations for the 2nd Lt. Jeffrey C. Graham Memorial
Scholarship can be sent to:

office of Advancement
25] Ralph G. Anderson Building
College of Engineering
University of Kentucky 40506



“We’re just honored they would want to
remember him that way." Carol Graham said
of the scholarship. “It would mean so much
to Jeff."

The scholarship is fitting because of
Jeff’s love for his major and his school. his
sister said.

“I think it‘s such a tribute to Jeff: it keeps
his name there." Melanie Graham said. “It
puts a personal aspect behind the scholar-
ship. and that may inspire people."

newsm kykernel. com





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The Links W. Stuckert (Career Center hosts a
l)t’ltai‘ltltt.’lll of State information session that will
t'JVI’ students an opportunity to hear about fellow
.‘tllllb for undergraduate and graduate students as
mil as the fall internship program.

Location: Room lOl. Stuckert Bldg.

Meet representatives from the UK Study Abroad
()fl‘tt‘ and from programs in French. (lerman.
Classics. Arabic )9 Islamic Studies. Japan Studies.
Chinese. Russtan Studies, lewish Studies. Hispanic
Studies and members of various international
Student ('itganizations. including the Muslim
Student t itganimtion.

location: Room 230. Student (lenter
Refreshments served.


An hourrlong teature documentary written and
:o produted by Daniel Smith. UK History Dept.
tells the powerful story of personal moral courage
that transtormed hrs-emboro. NC. and the natior.
at the dawn of 'hr luritix civil rights movement.
l-ebruart l. Wot) was the day that {our North
(Laroluia AM students sat down for service at
Wmlwotth'n lunch coun'cr and in doing so stood
..r for the rights oi all back men and Women.
Location: Stdtiet.’ lfetiter Theatre
Refl'eshments served.



Visit www.as.uky.edu/geekweek/
for events a. list of open classes.


The poems presented will be original student
compostuons. (Totiie and help celebrate the tnusu'
of the spoken word!

Location: (lats Den in UK Student (.enter tlower
level of old Student tienterl

Refiteshments will be served.


How do toreiisic investigators on (Si do that! By
“reading" bones. scientists tan detererw what an
animal ate. where it lived. how it moved. etc. We
can read the animal‘s etoiogy and behawor right
oil the bones. This will really be a lot of fun.
10cm: Thomas Hun: Morgan Building tcorner
of Rose and Washington Streets‘t. Parking: Please
use the parking structure at the end of Hilltop


lhe Department oi t .eoloyntal Scte mes presents ar.
Open House. Hantison actixtties includv glow :t lllt
dark minerals; the “ant larm;” videos of active
volcanos; and guided tours of the mineral and fossil
collections iii the iludtiali Museum in Bowman Hall.
lactation: The Slone Building, 2nd floor {on
Washington Avenue). Parking: Please use the
parking structure at the end of Hilltop




 ; Wye ‘3

15:3? . (A: ..:
M%‘+m Thanh—v age-m6




Leslie Hollerman. left, and Greg Thompson Jr.. right, perform a short step dance routine outside the Main Building yesterday. Below is a list of today's

Geek Week events.

February One: The Story of the l
Greensboro Four, film screening. l
Student Center Theater, 2 pm. i

Center, 7 pm.

“The Passion to Say It Out Loud!"
Poetry Slam. Cats Den in the Student l

“Reading Bones," Dr. Jim Krupa,
department of biology. Thomas Hunt
Morgan Building, 7 pm.


Israel frees Palestinian captives

ByLaura King
to? XNEELEniits

freed 500 Palestinian prison-
ers Monday. the first such
mass release since Palestin-
ian Authority President Ab-
bas took office last month.

At checkpoints in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip.
tearful Palestinian families
greeted prison buses carry-
ing the freed men. Some of
the men stepped off the bus-
es. dropped to their knees
and kissed the ground.

Prisoner releases are seen
as one of the most crucial
means by which Israel can
bolster Abbas‘ credibility in
the eyes of Palestinians and
build on the momentum gen-
erated by a peace summit
earlier this month in Egypt.

Few issues galvanize


In the last decade. the pub-
lic has seen a series of high
profile drugs designed to treat
everything from diabetes to
heartburn banished from the
market. and it was widely be-
lieved early last week that the
painkillers called COX-:3 in-
hibitors would succumb to
the same fate.

But when two Food and
Drug Administration panels
narrowly voted Friday to al-
low Vioxx to make a coine-
back and for (‘elebrex and
Bextra to remain on pharma-
cy shelves many doctors
and health-care activists re-
sponded to the decision with

Just days before the vote. a
flurry of medical studies
demonstrated that each of the
medications was inherently

8v Pelee Risks

Palestinian public opinion as
the releases. Palestinians re-
gard the prisoners as nation-
al heroes. and Abbas
would risk being
hounded out of office
if he were unable to
secure the freedom of
large numbers of
those behind bars in

But freeing pris-
oners is a political
risk for Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel
Sharon. who is under
enormous pressure
from conservatives over his
plan to uproot Jewish settle-
ments in the Gaza Strip and
parts of the West Bank. His
Cabinet approved the with-
drawal Sunday.

Some families of Israelis
slain in Palestinian suicide
bombings and other attacks


dangerous. capable of raising
the risk of heart attacks.
strokes and a wide range of
other cardiovascular prob—

Dr. Jeffrey Drazen. editor
of The New England Journal
of Medicine. wrote an editori-
al that perhaps it was time to
end the problematic pharma~
ceutical run of the drug class
called (‘()X~2.

Nevertheless. proponents
who pleaded with FDA pan
clists to keep the drugs spoke
of patients who need them to
heat back chronic pain.

Dr. Mark Fendrick. a pro-
fessor of medicine at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. said that
despite the controversy. judi-
cious use can help sidestep
potential dangers. "Now that
the FDA panel has noted the
potential for all COX-2 in-
hibitors to increase the risk of
adverse cardiovascular

“l was so
afraid I might
die away
from my

lsmail Amassi

released Palestinian

fought an unsuccessful legal
battle to block Monday‘s pris-
oner release. Although none
of those freed
was directly in
volved in attacks
on Israelis. tele-
vised scenes of
prisoners jubi-
lantly raising
their manacled
hands in the air
were wrenching
for many in Is-

“()ur loved
ones are buried
in the ground and terrorists
are being released." said Pni-
na Eisenman. whose mother
and 5—year-old daughter were
killed in a suicide bombing at
a Jerusalem bus stop in June
2002 carried out by the Al
Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

For Palestinians. the

homecomings were fraught
with emotion.

“I am so happy to be out
of prison." said 43-year—old
Ismail Amassi. who was
jailed in early 2002 after be-
ing convicted of membership
in a terrorist organization.

“I could hardly picture
any more what my wife and
children looked like. I was
so afraid I might die away
from my family"

In the northern West
Bank town of Jenin. one
Palestinian man was killed
by celebratory gunfire.

Monday's release was the
largest since 1996, when Is-
rael freed 800 Palestinians
under the terms of the Oslo
peace accords.

An additional 400 prison-
ers are to be let out of Israeli
jails in the next three


events. their use should be
limited to individuals at risk
for stomach injury and those
who are at low risk for car-
diac problems."

COX-2 inhibitors. initially
dubbed super-aspirin. prevent
the stomach ulceration asso-
ciated with aspirin.

(‘ritics Friday were less
diplomatic. charging that the
drugs entered the market on
fast-track approvals based on
small industry-run studies
that were not strong enough
to spot the dangers that have
unfolded. Troubles linked to
Merck's Vioxx and Pfizer‘s
two drugs. Celebrex and Rex-
tra. are emblematic of med-
ications that are fastiracked
and overhvped. experts said

“These are weapons of
mass destruction." said Dr.
Sidney Wolfe. director of con
sumer watchdog Public (Titi-

on‘mthekmarket again

zen’s Health Research Group.
referring to the drugs. Wolfe.
one of the most vocal critics
of the pharmaceutical indus-
try and the FDA. said the de-
cision to leave COX-2 in-
hibitors on the market “defies
common sense."

Two FDA expert panels
heard testimony about the
medications from proponents
and critics during a three-day
hearing last week. and while
the panels” vote is merely a
recommendation to keep the
drugs in pharmacies. the
FDA. which has final word.
generally abides by its advis-
ers‘ conclusions.

Vioxx. voluntarily with-
drawn by Merck in Septem-
ber when heart risks first sur-
faced in a cancer prevention
trial. was never banned by the
FDA. Questions remain about
how the agency will re-evalu-
ate it in the near future.

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2005 I PAGE 3

. .s =1?



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VISIT rue wee an: we swam stuns on
To Post Youa own tilt: EVENT.

ctr-'"ia’io' \ '1 appear ”a 2574.67 ”7' "m r ""1”"M'it"


(last 6 00 PM, 429 (oliimhia Ave
UK leadership Fair, 41 ill ‘V . - .
Hiv 4"'-S‘ 'r'w'e
leftist Student Union Meet nq R 00 PM
Student (enter )Ifl
Opor-tion Motivation .1 ‘
4 Maw-v- s-imm
Woodson tortun Soviet 1 i'

. on - e


Dalian Kim-ms it m “V .-_ m ..

., en'r"

fobru‘ry on. The Story ot the

Grmobow Four, .' 'r- -"\‘ \n. 1w ~ . r vw
Mr ,,.F

UK Berean Bible Study 8 00 PM Student

Center Room ltl

Am i le-neos Geot- Wuli, '.
iv~~p-.« .rv .,.~t

UK Ammo (‘iih Meet nq 6 00 PM (enter
Theater Student ( writer

UK Nort-iiilture (luti meeting S 00 PM Aq

North greenhouse riassrimm

UK Curt-en Thumb Meetnq 700 PM Student

Center Room ‘06

the Doc-ion to Say it Out ioud' (poetry

Ilw'). too UM

UK Fem inq ( luh Meeting 8 00 PM Buell

Armory’fiarkei Hall

lntonutlornl [nrnvogonut '. iI' i V

e . .‘Ir' sww- 1"in

Baptist Studont Unions presents ' INT '

PM, 419 (nliimhia Avr

ii . I;

i ‘0‘ is."



Baptist Student lln on s Inql s" L. iwewat it"

‘Ihe Pork", 9 ()0 PM Baptist Student

(enter on Columbia Ave

WiIdWater( ats Whitewater Club

Meet-rig, 8 00 PM, Johnson (enter Lobby

lutheran Episiopal Campus Ministry

Worship Servrre. S 0S PM

AGS Ambassadors present A "Pro

Protonional Four", A an MA m... .. , w

\r , t.-I\‘ .vv rt-r

Art; I Snenccs (not: We“: ‘. i
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UK Colleqe Republitan Meeting, 8 00

PM, Commons Market Room 306

Todo Sobr‘ Mi Mud" (All About

Moth-r), ntli‘ PM .x' v. , ,

A .it t it ”'v‘

Eycwnnou Yustimony m the

(anom' / ml “M 2......14,.\~.,,,....

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UK Water Ski Club, 9 00 PM, Commons

erm itihA

UK ludo ( luh urartiie S 00 PM Alumm

(tym loft

lavender Sm iety Meeting 7 )0 PM

Student Center Room 228

(at s For Christ Meeting, 700 PM,

Student (enter Ronni no

Central KY I'CA Meetvnq 8 00 PM

Upstairs in the Commons Market

Table Fianraise. Frenrh Lonvprsation

group lot) PM, Student Center Room


Comody (luv-n. H on eiv

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Barit si Stiiiio nt ileum s ‘veshman Imus
Group Meetinq 7 to PM dim stillinihia Atie
Tho Amour-n Rod ( ross Disaster Blaster
zoos~ ..

UKlamhda i In PM Room )ll Student

UK ( l in!) itqt ill) 700 9M ln'uisrw (enter
(limhinq Wall

UK Fenrinq ( luh Meet iii) 8 00 PM Rur‘l‘
Armory/Barker Hal.

UK Ph. Alpha Delta Pie Law Meeting S 00
PM Student (enter Room 10S

lhe Well 7 00 PM Student (enter Room
Arts a. Suomu Good Wool.

t I i " i‘
Einstein a. Beyond Luturo Servos.

IV! «g, . .,
Attutu on tho Nut: of law in Amalia.

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(RU 7 10 PM Wii'sham Theater Student

Wont lorlin Blues Mr tohmann '

(S‘ P'Ps'nts ‘Syrwiqy R 00 I‘M (SI
Build nq turn!” at Woodland and (olumbia
Tutunnq rum-v ( tty Youth 6 i0 vrvi omnm
Why time is Iolntlvo Alb-r1 [inst-in o
Ans-ling Your ' ~ I" ' ~ . w v i~


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Wesley Foundat-on s Fm us Worshp Meeting
7 )0 PM Student Center (enter Theater



Friday Night Live ‘ 1‘.‘
)4 l
Student March Against AIDS In DC,
7 00 PM, Washington DC

ICF Dinner and Fellowship, 7 00 PM, l
St. Augustine Chapel. Rose ST.
Physics Spectacular. F (ii ”.4

in: i. Astny.£‘ru,.u. . thy-1L1”: 1......

Salsa Class, 3 00 PM, Martin Luther
King lr Cultural Center, 124
Student Center

Chinese Folk Dance Company

h (tit PM \ oqieta',

Chunk-l Reaction Aflra~ ‘i
.i‘ i’ a
UK Hockey Vs. Indiana, 1200 AM,




Lexrngton Ite Center l Mo'nlng Juliet), ;
' ‘i .17 t












Feb. 22, 2005

7im Wiseman
Sports Editor



Continued from page i



affection for the bald hoops
legend with T-shirts declar-
ing “1 love Dickie V." The
posters say the same, as do
the fans.

“The kids have kept me
so young." Vitale says. “I'm
65, and I act about 12."

With the ESPN crew. he's
no different. He places his
arm around his co-workers
and treats them like his best

“Dick is a very personal.
upbeat. positive person.“
says Ray Tipton. ESPN's pro
ducer for Saturday night has
ketball games. “He's not
afraid to let the character
trait show everywhere he

~ “It rubs off on people. It‘s

That’s why the majority
of fans adore him.

“Kids can know they can
take time to come up to me.
and I‘m not going to blow
them away," Vitale says.

Fans line up to get his au-
tograph and have their pic-
ture taken with him. Vitale
always obliges.

“He’s a college basketball
icon." says Patrick Barker, a
geology junior.

Vitale autographs a pic-
ture of him interviewing
Rick Pitino in Barker‘s Ken-
tucky Basketball Yearbook.
Even though there were al-
ready 60 autographs in it. Vi-
tale‘s stands out from the

“It was a nice addition to
my book." Barker says.

On one end of the court.
UK junior forward Kelenna
Azubuike swishes shot after
shot as he warms up with a
friend. and no one says a

On the other end. Vitale
is the main attraction.

“A lot of my partners say.
‘They treat you like a rock
star. man.’ " Vitale says.

Passing the rock

Vitale‘s work on the mi-
crophone is minuscule.
What he's really proud of is
his charity work.

Working with the Jimmy
V Foundation has become a
calling for Vitale.

Recently: Vitale led a
pledge drive seeking 31 mil-
lion for the cancer research
foundation named after the
late Jim Valvano. the North
Carolina State coach and
broadcaster who died of can-
cer in 1993.

The V Foundation asked
20 donors for 850.000 each.

With Vitale's influence.
sports personalities from
Duke head coach Mike

Krzyzewski to ESPN studio
host John Saunders emptied
their pockets.
“1 like to use my name in
a positive way." Vitale says.
Now that the foundation
reached its goal. they still


Women's golf stays in 11th

After 36 holes. the UK
women‘s golf team remains
in 11th place at the Papa
John‘s Collegiate Golf Tour-

Freshman Beth Felts shot