xt72bv79vx5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vx5k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1995 1995 1995-01-25 2020 true xt72bv79vx5k section xt72bv79vx5k  



1 1



WEAIHEB Put/1111111111
10111111. big/.1 near 4/); clear

‘ {mug/11. [111." in 1/11' wonky/1-
.\‘mnty tumor/11:1; li/g‘li near 4/).

SHIRTS / ‘/‘1' II '1'/1111111 [1(1’1' 11” 1111’ 'lt'll


jammy 3 5. 1995

y’a l e.
- 1 I ‘ (1 1.1 .

111'1‘1‘1'1' I 111/11111'1'1‘1 111 Rim/1 . Ire/m 1111111411! 111 f/ 1 ° ” 2 ' ’ 6.

i '/ Z 1.1'.Ii.1.'1'1..' 9 \’ 3

”3 ill, Stun; [11113 i. ' 1 y 1 , 1 g 1 ,,, 5







By Stephen Trimble

I‘.1‘1'1/111:‘1' /".I'11111‘

11Pr1"s111111t( lintoii 11' .is hop

1111'1111‘1118L11102.1111111I11LH'11111c's be 111.1tly 1111.1r‘tisan among l'K's t fb p l- [I la . 2 ,~ fl", 7-, 1
between Repiililic.~1n. .11111 p1iliii1.lil . 1111'11111-11 students. Oge / 67 0 e 7 72 VO [7 I 1‘.? , y
Democrats through his State of Hand 81111111111. president ('1' By Terence HUM 1111' in our 1111\1'1111111'1‘1' 1111 111 l
1111‘ L'Hiwn address list night. 111' the (.ollece Republic-ans. said 1.1111‘111/1'11/5111 walking" F i i ‘ ,
seemstohavesucceededat L'Ix. after the address that some of i ' i

Students and e\pc11s. both coir

111 ilciiiocracy.

thought it

11111 (Ilinton's appeal seemed 1o

Iliat's why I 1"
was .1 wonderful 1

(illniiut's conservatiyelike con:

\\ ASHI\(.‘ It)\ In .1

Pr 51116121 ‘We 1111/! 2007/?

I 111‘ UPIICJVLII \‘1 It'llgfl‘ii I“ IIIL'

Republican elec




seryative and 111 1‘1. .1 - meat .1 ' .ll 11'1" - . -
11 . I " ll 1 "1 {PL} ’1 \1 “1:11 \ 1"1 [0“(lll’lnl’ 1 political drama “as'11-.11111‘1111‘1111'1111111!Ilit‘pt‘cs ;
'ci‘e 1111 1r1'ss '1 11111 ' 1" t ii'i ‘ ' .1 " " . 7 " , - ~ ‘ ' ‘
. I ‘ I,“ I IL" _ ' 1‘ ” ‘ “t” I '.‘ 11111 I unseen lor ~11) idem s State 111 1111' L 1111-11 i
dent s 111-Inert last 11111111. I heir “11111121111111! \1 ill. and 11 he runs 1 , . 1 - . '
. 11 . I 1 l 1 I l l l l years. Ircstdcnt .iddr'ss from the 111111111'111 ,
res) 111s1.'s range 1 111 .i ' .. 1| '1" i1 '1 ~1 '\ . :1 ' '~ ' ‘ '
I‘ ‘ 1 1 1 111111.11 s 1 11s 1 1c.111 11y 11 11 t 11 (.linton went 5;“. ““1,- .\eyyt (”“13" 11 took y

to releyanl. and sincere to humor:


l]c"s 111111111 be on

(\rk 1

111st t\\11yc11

before '.1 1118'

trusting Repubr»



guel to the striking silence
that 1111611gjrt‘t‘lt‘tl(:lii11(111111111]

“()ne oi the most iiiipoi‘tant in ‘H1, 8.11111oidsaid. lican Congress tli1.'(1()P. 1

[hilltr8111111Ll8Lllli iiitlii' L 8. .no .\Iany‘ 111 Saintord and l.ep l'.1.st nighti and .\f one point, Republicans i

matter how diui‘st :1 country. we pert s let-lings 11 ere shared by‘ appealed for eyen booed. .\bout :1) U: them f

; . ‘ can all “Inrk tog1th1't‘. .\‘m’ .\latt V'mfi L k “PM.“ . . common Cllmon left before (111111111 finished talk I

JOSEPH REY AU 11mm: I.eppert..1 history itinior‘ and (.lititon s11111d tairly 11111111 1 ground to make 1111.1. Senate .\laioritv Itader I
"WHIP” ”I ll“ (““93“ 111.11‘ks11‘11111a " K political “I" rt :‘drainatic change iii our etono 111111 Dole saiil afteryxard that

MAKING II BRIEF? l’ “1111111 or 1111161111111»! 11 1111:1111: 11 I111), .. 1111/1111 1111'

[111'111111111‘1‘pe'e1/1 11.1 [11117 11f11 11111101111117)emotion 1111/1 (.112111'111'(.1 'mml.

De1111 icrats.

"'l'hat's one of the basic units

and .1 1‘11111111111111ations authority

.8'1'1' REACTION .1111 2 L.


12-11911868 ~11 2




turns himself in

By Perry Brothers
Newt Editor

A man accused of stalking and
assaulting a female resident of
Kirwan lower turned hitnself in
to police 111st before midnight on
Monday, police say.

Police issued four warrants for
10-year—old Brandon .\Iattingly
1m Friday. after his ex—girlfriend
who currently is under police

residents returned to their rooills.

Police later learned the suspect
checked himself into the L'K
Hospital Friday night. complains
ing of kidney probletiis. .\lc(:o-
mas said.

Before police could serve the
warrants, .\Iattingly left the hm-
pital at about .1 p.111. Sunday,
although both L'niyers‘itv and
county police requested that he
be detained police say.


NEWS/{111‘ ({y‘

NATION Simpson camera
03181188 alternate jlll‘fll'

1.1“ \\(il.ll\ 1.1‘111
and 11‘11111pltd bodies in ‘liiilini.




.8111.ps1111 111111111111 .1
1111' pi1tui‘es 111 \11

111.111. flashed on .1111111'11'11'


.111. 11111 111111'111'1s 1'::'\

\iiiipson .1111

s 111'1111


111! i'iii's


11111'11 Vlt'i1lt


'l'1 1111?]?

[11111111 1111111

l\)-111.1111 ( 11111

‘:1' {1:1181'

cutor.\l.irci.1(.laik'soperiii‘m s1.111111('11’. |1r111 ‘lt.

wisps .11111 s11l1s 1111111 1111' (11111111111111,
.\loiiients betoi‘e the
case to iuioi‘s, 811p1'i‘i111 1111111 _I

ili'lci‘is'.‘ ‘11.

11.11...- 1

1 .
1st11111111'1. 11s

.il'ct‘ 1'11

pulled the plug on the couttroonr’s ti'lc' 1111111 teed

protection, filed a complaint yyith (. handler \IL111(1(Cn1Lr1111I: because in .iItei‘iiate iiiro." 1.1.1:. 1111.11. $11,111: 1'.. ii
L Is police at 4:03 that afternoon. eials would not comment on why she leaned 1111'\\.11'1l 111 her seat.
:\t 102.11) that night, UK police the man left the hospital. Follow in;i ItI 1's 111-1 1814111. I >111"1s1 \11111‘111".

were called to Kjrwan Tower by a
resident adviser who reported

.\Iattingly, who was living with
relatives before surrendering to

Robert Shapiro1111'1111'11111hayt'1111'111'11111s1."1..1p1'1i

ing statement broadcast

seeing .\Iattingly run past the the Fayette County Sheriffs Ito tl1ei1 t‘et‘esscil court for the 11.11 and v.11! hold
front desk, UK Police (Ihief department. allegedly began .i heating toiiior'oyy morning on 11111-11111 to oust

\V. H Mc(. omas said yesterday.

Ihe Kirwan Iower RAs are
familiar with the man, McComas
said, because of his alleged histo—
ry of abusive behavior toward the
female student.

As UK police attempted to
seal off and search the building
floor by floor, someone pulled
the fire alarm and the building
was evacuated, .\IcComas said.

“\Ve believe the fire alarm was
a diversion so he could get to (the
female student)." he said, adding
that students on the sixth floor
said they heard someone cotne up
the stairs, partially open the door,
reach in and activate alarm.

Although .\Iattingly did not
make contact with the female stu—
dent, he remained at large after

stalking the student si.\ months
ago, .\IcComas said. He was on
probation at the time of his

He pleaded not guilty at 9 a.m.
yesterday morning in Fayette
(Iounty District (Iourt.

At press time. he remained
incarcerated at the Fayette (loun—
ty Detention (Ienter under .111
$11,501) full—cash hail. said Sgt.
Rick Qualls of the Sheriff‘s

At ‘) a.m. on Feb. 3, .\Iattingly‘
will appear before the court to
face a felony charge of first»
degree stalking and three misde—
meanor charges, including
fourth—degree assault. terroristic
threatening and harassing coin-


TI‘IIStBBS approve

- - .
| sures to keep Palestinians out 111 Israel.
' Palestinian leader 1.1sser \ratat said Rabin's)
By John Kelly ket Showc' '.'1st I 1st 11. igger( ontest. attat ks on Israelis sabotaged his cIIot‘ts to take con— 3

Bmmwell isfirst
black VPsz'nce ’82

By Jennifer Smith
5111]] i H ’rm'r

Fitzgerald Bramw ell did not
understand the precedent set yes-

Bramwell was definitely his top

“He‘s the best, broadest candi-
date in my‘ mind," \Vethington
said. “Dr. Bramwell has risen to
the top."

Alumni trustee Mari-an .\Ioore
Sims said she thinks Bramwell is
“more than qualified for the posi-



SUPER SACKEB P01111171! .\‘1‘1'1'111‘1' 11711112701111 ( 1'a_y. mam-11111111 Kentucky (iroa'n‘ [for ”1114'
ger1‘11mp1'ti'ti'1m. trill 111/11' [1.111 in 1111' national context today.

Student hopes to bag a win

(Iii/11,1111» I‘.'1/Ii'11r

11' he wins. it‘s likely



john (iay yiill
becoitie the only L’Is' student not we it‘inH
blue and v1 hit1 11.1111111‘s and bouncing a
round hall to be showcased on national

GREG E‘NS [Kerrie/11,113



1111' state contest also netted (ray .1
$2111) cash pri/e from K(i.-\ and '.1 8*(11)
scholarship from the (Iampbell's 8oup
(.oiiipany‘. said Tonya Renfroyv. director
1111' K( i.'\.

'I‘hat's .1 lot more than (1.11
expected to get out of his fiist

1'\ ('1'


A guest spot on (1118' “The
Late Show“ with David I.ets
terman will likely await 1f ~

teen-age job.
In the summer before his


the caiiiei‘a.

Clinton makes MOVE to stop tBl‘l‘fll‘istS

back at .\lideast terroiists tesii'i‘
la\y raising money in th1 1 mod

(i11111'1‘11l1l1111\ ed \\ iretap». 11.111

(lil'y l1'y

stares 1111

President ( 111111111 struck

their assets 111 .\1111'1‘11‘an banks and 111111111; to .1111


111' used 111 the

campaign; and one .1diiiinistt‘.1!i1-ii iitticial youed to

find new means to block contribiit


terrorists from entering the country.
()111'111 1.8 indiyiduals yy host .1ss1is 111-1‘1'11‘11/1'11

at iiii1lni1 *-

, .- . , '. 0 v
,OJ 9:. 11....- co .. r.



When you're on t”
town Wit" the {Vane/r or,
A's first c aus- al: 1“»:

Let me get; my 91b.

11; y.

Arrests by UK police: glass door to a fire hose cabinet shat-

Jan. 15:
VJeremy L. Mosby. 19, 1386 Finney
Road. drivmg under the influence.

Jan. 16:
VMichael Stiegelmeyer, 18, 3272
Edgewood Road, warrant assist.

Jan. 18:

VAndrew Stanford, 18, 103 S. Mor-
gan St, Glasgow, Ky., driving under
the influence

Complaints filed with UK police:

Jan. 15:

VThird—degree criminal mischief: a
baseball-sized rock that damaged a
vehicle was found on the floorboard of
woman‘s car in Kirwan-Blanding
Complex east parking lot.

VSecond-degree burglary; items not
removed taken from unlocked room in
Kirwan Tower.

Jan. 17:

VTheft by unlawful taking less than
8300 (misdemeanor); unsecured bicy-
cle removed outside College of Nurs-
ing building.

VThird-degree burglary: items nol
listed taken from office desk on the
1 fit floor of Patterson Office Tower.

Jan. 18:
VThird—degree criminal mischief:








It '5 Simple, It '5 (‘lieap and It '5 Sweet!
‘3 ‘17ie ads uri'liappeur in R" "1) spot coior on
‘fzitzciiuy, jfi’firuury 14.

'Deadfi'rre is :W'Iittiduy, fl'bmury L3 at 3pm.
(ear/i additiunul word is 25' cents)
(‘11![257-2871 0r
Stop by the Kentucky ‘Kernef to pluce your ad:
,‘I'iliout t/iejitrm lie/0w and‘maiiit wit/i your



': . . . _ . =1)
* c u'c/r 0r17tiiutcrcard/‘L’Lcu number (induiie 7/}
' expiration date) by fifebruary 13. ,/;

Moi/'10 026 (jri’fian f/riitrnalis‘im ‘Blify, if “1
Lexington, Ky 40506-0042. . f
\ _~._


Send a Heart Line
in tfie 1?an W’ ,«sw
(jive t/iils' ‘L’aléntine’s ‘Day a pi'r.s'0r1a[ touch by S
placing] 11 persona/"twirl l/ie
Keri rue/(y Kerriel‘ ( ‘liLs‘sif i'eiis.

feted on the 19th floor of Blending

VSecond-degree criminal mischief.
Chair thrown through Window on 121h
floor of Blanding Tower

VTheft by unlawful taking more than
$300 (felony); bicycle removed from
Sidewalk of Peterson Service Burld-

Jan. 19:

VFourth-degree assault; suspect fol
lowed 24-year-old female complainant
to the rear of the Thomas Hunt Mor-
gan Building alter traffic dispute. Sus-
pect slapped the woman in the face
several times. spit in her face and
pushed her.


Jan. 20: l
VThird-degree criminal mischief, I
suspect punched out three or four l
ceiling tiles and broke a ceiling light in l

82 Haggin Hall.

Jan. 21:
VFirstsdegree arson; Kirwan Tower







VT heft by unlawful taking more than i
8300: car removed from Comnton- i
wealth Stadiums Blue Parking Lot 1
Broken glass found on the ground 1
where the passenger door would 3
have been. i


8500 offered for tire information


(:ttlllpus police are offering a
$5111) reward for information lead—
ing to the apprehension and pros—
ecution of the person who delilt—
erately set fire to an elenitor in
ls'irw'an 'l ower early Saturday

l\'csidetite life director l)el)o~
rah lla/ard said the cash reward is
a ioint project hetweeii her office.
housing and L'K police to catch
the arsonist.

"\Ve want people to take this
seriously," Hazard said.

“The damage was minor now.

hut it maior the tteV'

Hazard said the police want
specific information on the indi—
vidual that could lead to an arrest
warrant for someone to claim the

’l'he hulletin does not mean
officials helieye the fire was start
ed hy a his student or residence
hall resident, lla/ard said.

Police art treating the incident
as a firstsdegree arson. a felony in

The fire forced Kirwan 'liow'er
residents to evacuate the huilding
for ahout half an hour.

may he



7]? NAME:












”s“-..-_‘———s.____—-———A—, .‘ as- . . .





<~.,<—-v.-. v.


.._. - a-..»

: i
P L'tAr/‘u" 21.. /.i’/r.‘._ 3W
‘........Q.....C....'.............O..C...‘U.........'.-........... .................'...............................‘.......I........
i -
t r
I I ' l l I . d and press thirst: W ‘ '7 7 ' l \n t“\ll.| .irountl.
.717] Alli!!! teams." , ‘L'K UK vs. Tennessee ; int‘t'ritrxt- fur [lit- “The first tirnc you tr} to m or
777(1), 720t l][l}](l[€ gaunt] [only “”1er T; in lrm. l l l\\]il m-rs'» limk .i (c.1111. that's ulmn (ton) gut
,, , t: ‘ MIN. 3, . ‘1. l til ll» llt‘;tt' upset."
UK, “They don't A‘lpl)‘ I] [M l 'lit'lll '1 ll if,
S 7.855‘Il7.e hLlVL‘ .1 lot ()l‘ i "l lt «litln't
p tlcptlt. .mtl tlt.it\ Probabflétglezrs-Z‘ a?) SEER)“, E in it tlx.” lx'lrtulm "0188:
.By Brett Dawson reall)’ to our " ‘ , : ' l -. ill "I lL' \t (Illlt'tl 'l’itinrr said there 1\ .ilmut .m
l ‘1"""" [WW advantage." “.41, . w i ll illl lllll .r git-.11 fill pent-m chance that tomanl
lhat's [)l’lr ’-3 '1‘ j‘ “ r 4’3 4‘- l "tll, Inii ltl\ plat ~lart‘tl l’rrt'Lctt Will not play in



























i . ”0“”‘3‘ ‘trnpping. ”Jim“ maril} til the l ’ '_ ; (rs lrmr \‘tm. tonight‘s game. l’r‘it'kctt sprainul
" ”Clm‘“ _ 'I 7 “h“ .‘V"” “l“:‘l (:‘JIH‘ illlhmlduc neserves'l.'.~’ .. .. 1' um \lrr [ltL‘ nit-iliil collateral ligament HI
5 ”'01" #1 le‘k Pllllltl"0'-|Cl1t‘tl L l\ llt't‘JUNL‘ of. their , . ~. ~ in a; . ’11 |_’ t'll. it his left klM’L‘ in practice on Smith}.
‘ tram. _ \.l\l ltlllltltL‘l'\. ln . \‘.ll'll.l in. . lrrrl- "l lust t‘.llltt‘ tl mm on HIV l1 ut
“lien the fifth-ranked \Viltl’ t-nntmst ml (‘11 l :«. in ' ( .intl rttllL‘tl it the “rung nil.“
Ml“ (”’3‘ ("ll Southeastern (I‘m’ [it'\\t‘t‘, [’K lms l I- ill" 1 )"\t'ii' l’r'it'ltctt \Jfll \t'stvrtln. “:lt's nut
hirsute) PIJX lit“ 1"_ It‘lllk‘\‘f‘k' mnc })l.l}(‘l'\ Tennessee (7’7 2‘4 SEC) > h hill lt-rrt' \L'r‘lrllh lull rim full \lH'lnfs l (.111
— , 1'4) [0”]ng .tt :4“. twin"! \th.) pl.” .11 lt‘.|\[ }, Pfflhahlfl Slanf’l‘i ”‘1 ”ED nn, :1: illli'llilt rump. It‘s lust .i \liulrt sprain."
l" ‘00 l’lk‘nlY "l ll- Mill “”h Tim” I” minutes .1 i ‘ ' l‘iriirrr \«t milling In fact. l’r'rt‘Lutt \(‘L'lHL‘tl sure
”“26“: \. ’lllnILLl'N C ”It In“) garlic, Irilt'liitlilng l ' w ill: l‘lvx' walk it. :lmt Itt' \\tlrtilil}platpttinrylit { l}lltlll
‘ “ 1' ‘ sown \\ HI \.I\ ; 'w l ... n 1‘\\.i\ tn. [LII Illni) an t 1L‘ "
Rul’l’ \l‘m‘i'1"”l14ht“”l“‘ PM” .isrrmm .l\ Ill. I I ' ’ xii. tun .- llh‘ “in nnlt .‘l \Iiwlit k’lltlllkl‘ mt tlrIJLt
that features only \t‘u‘ri trl.i_\t'r\ Still. .1\ l }\ R958W8§ " ”MM“... 4, L k happening. 2
.itt'rngtng ‘ll’l'l’l‘. “111”” ”1 ”H” [Hunt jJtIJr'tl _lt.‘ll 5 ’ ' I Mn :nrl lzu .il “\\'cll:l1c'w tlrt' gm \tlttr In rlws
'llt'N ””01”{INKSPIAKH‘T'N l‘ tlll‘llL Sheppard pmnt ‘11 the tlct'isirrns." l’r'iukctt \Jhl
lilrvlitlnlltrm, \urnt L‘tl nut, t'.it ll. ; TV. "t l:' \\.i-» lu'llt'l V \ [1t kt‘t ltlllt‘r\ \\lll lit' llt‘ltl
PM" lllt‘ I” “1 tutm (.111 will ; i that l.t\l ‘.L‘.ll',u l’ttt'stlat t'rrr ~turl -rif t'tlxt‘ts trr tin
i “W”? llk‘ \Ul‘lt‘l’t‘ll l1.i\L‘ the plums L, ,. _ A; l’rti'iw or“ "l lt'K tuir's ‘Sl‘l lttlll‘llillllit‘lll. ll):-
‘ t.ll‘Ill)L‘rI}lHSflllilnll). ”Lt- tln- L'Htll‘l .11 out .1 \l ruin-tn tnurnt-t \Hll lrt- llt‘ltl in \tiint.i
l’llt‘miln- .IIllllt'. lii \1 l. tat-K ll lt.'ft"\‘-"t' “M'ur‘ lr‘rrrn.\l.irt"n‘ttti \l.ir'r. l1 ll.
w 'l‘hatlcncs [H]. "\Vt-‘ur l)|.l\k'll iv rl‘m tlm \tl'l 11.. l It'l-llL‘ 41‘ hr lrrn‘t \mt \‘L‘Ck‘\ luttt-H \trll lit' t?
“”h "‘ players ri‘riglit‘xt- lull l_'. l*. l l inn .1 it in it [x' l1“\ ‘ " .\It‘l‘.llil'l.ll (:Irllxt'lllll .Ill ‘ hm \
.i‘x'cruglllg ‘l‘mmc‘ sewn or t‘lfiiltt of lllt‘ll‘, :1” r'l tlr \\' i‘t til i .ll\ wnntlml lumL tit; \ttrtlt-nt tickets. ulmli
(“git t11lnutcs,;1ml iIitnutt-x." Slivlrrmrrl x1111 “l: tlrr'H :- mi. . .m'rl AM 11' t. l'\i'ill rlu". int‘ltitlt's tit kits for «\rrf. ltlltl'll.f
Hill} IIIIIHL‘ PIJXL‘W O'Neill t‘ixt‘ rrtrtlilnt lllll flux flit-v. llrr'. :1 \‘w! limit: l" l" ..r‘ t'wrl‘l ":r' tltt‘lil 11.1mm wists \l ‘ll. \lllilt'lll\
m‘t‘m . . ' 'HI ‘ lit'sut't‘cxsfttl." l" gimtx tit ~ “ .1 1111.; lrn \Hll lw .tllmtt'il Milt tlllt' lliLt‘l
ll‘”“f~’h L l‘ “3‘ Jl’l" l" “I” m “it (hits tyin‘t .ittnrl r1 «mi 1.1mm “l“!‘f 1.1 r . .tliviii til] lumkuplcu‘. .
t [\ntru'illc .1 \t‘JVH] tum “till lh“ lttl)k the \Vols. ll-Hlll'. ln \.ll_i\l '31. \. 5.1 llr.’ '11 ..l 1:: zl=i\ \‘.t‘<‘l\ Stink-tits \xrll lic L{I\L‘ll \(tllt'llt‘l\
l ‘itmt' Itiifmlicr, it \Uitllltl £1GC «Ilmjill l.l\I time they i.ittul l « - lll'» . ‘ . 3.1: l . ll. and will he able to tid- tlit- \irilt’l‘rt‘t 2.3..
mm“: C ”r “f4 ‘t l" W "”"U‘Jh l"" ltcatl UMIL'h. Kmrn H‘\r all. ll' ”\\» l. l‘.' '1‘! lll t' ! .‘zli\lllllit! 1“ luck UP [chh at the (yt‘HI‘Ll’lJ . . all
l l'ltll\>”l\~ __ lit'lpctl his Hamlin-vii ...rtl ' .rr til: \‘1r.;!1‘.t\ ~. .nvig" l)w§‘l\ Home. the \I[(‘ orthc (lilillHlHt'ltf. ON THE WAY UP""’\‘1(.5'.7*"/*' H’
i . hlmlm M“. l“””"“"" ““1 nccr .rn Uliwl Ill Cit .. l~ .- _ : “ 1 rr .7 = \‘tlllil.'., 111.1 “t"ll .llit‘ [le titkt-t uttrw “ill "1"... 7“” “" ‘ ""’ '
l ‘muth ("H-”I'm" 5”“ m” I" .13" l” \f L.\.\ 'l nur‘rurrit-r‘i w " :ln l.’ x lit " tlrlll:‘\ .it't't‘pt \'l\.l.,\l.1\1t‘r('.li'llUl't.t\l1. L“ ‘I' "V" 4' " ‘
' ._ , , , __ , 7
UK. an»; rind guard Tony Delk has turned up his game a notch since Southeastern
Conference play began thllfl. a Tennessee native, rs averaging 18.7 points per
11" * SEC play He is cmrhg off a 24-point outing against Vanderbilt. Ten-
UKSI‘IHLS l.“ :; ~7~"’1ggt.ftlt1€i Shane Carries and Shane Williams have combined to srnk TENNESSEEM’ {.1 .-
v w t' W wtrirnters s<‘1lartr‘rtsseciSc-ri. , v
‘ . moutcuunr T
Team statistics " ' '
Delk :5 a’ y U 1' player can give: the Wildcats matchup problems. it‘s 7-foot center Steve Carries l mam statistics
Hamer The tumor is hitting 54 percent of his shots. and he is the focus of the Vols' 1
UK Opponents cleanse Thetob of guarding Harrier wrll fall mostly to UK's centerplatoon of Andre j UT Opponents
, Pundit and Mark Pope
.452 Field Goal Percentage .382 ‘ 453 Field Goal Percentage 3?»:
.703 Free-Throw Percentage .716 m .644 Free-Throw Percentage 653‘
.335 Three-Point Percentage .232 Tennessee doesn‘t have much to offer from the pine. Thanks to injuries and a num- 347 Three-Point Percentage :‘
88.5 Points per Game 67.6 . ber of departures Tennessee:- s top reserve is Alico Dunk. who averages just 2 4 65 1‘ Points Per Game . . 4
1 przmts per game UK‘s depth could be affected slightly by a knee anUl'y that could ' 2
42.6 Rebounds Per Game 384 1' 1.13.2; forward Jared Pucker". OUT of the game 36.4 RCDOUHdS Per Game 4 4
15.5 Off. Rebounds Per Game 15.3 1 8 7 Off. Rebounds Per Game 4.4
19.1 Assists Per Game 11.0 m 14 9 Assists Per Game V; 0
15.8 Turnovers Per Game 22.8 , The last trme Tennessee coach Kevin O'Neill faced UK, he and his Marquette 15 l Turnovers Per Game 1 3
5.5 Blocks per Game 51 Pope souad knockee ot: the Cats. elrmrnating them from last season's NCAA Tournao 2 4 Blocks per Game 5
10 6 St I P G 7 5 merit UK holds a 11858 advantage in the series wrth UT, including a 70-14 edge I. y .
~ ea S er ame ' an games played in Lexrngton UK has. won three in a row against the Vols. whose 6-4 Steals Per Game l" *
58 Wins against the Cats are more than any other NCAA team. l
. utdoor Sale!
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