xt72bv79vw6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vw6m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-07-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 02, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 02, 1987 1987 1987-07-02 2020 true xt72bv79vw6m section xt72bv79vw6m  





Lady Kats basketball team gets a new coach
who is anxious about starting. Page 9.



Roselle’ 5 leadership qualities marked by diplomacy

Editor- in~Chief

o matter where UK

President David P. Roselle

travels. whether it is Hong
Kong. Tokyo, Rome or Virginia, he
is always as close as his computer.

Take a few minutes to type a
message on a computer and he can
return it within the hour.

For Roselle, 47, the former
provost at Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, the
US. Postal Service has become
obsolete. He receives most of his
mail by computer.

Electronic mail is only part of a
computer revolution that Roselle
says could create opportunities for
UK and higher education.

“(Oomputersi are an extremely
educational issue,“- Roselle said in a
recent interview at the King Alumni

“I believe that the learning
process will be directly affected by
the availability of computers,“ he

said. “I think the way society will go
is that larger numbers will own

I think we ‘ll reach a day when
computers will be so prevalent in
college education that it will be
necessary to get computers in the
dorm rooms of the students."

That day has almost arrived at
Virginia Tech. where Roselle is
given credit for computer
innovations on campus.

During his tenure as provost, Tech
acquired a $9 million supercomputer
from International Business
Machines Corp. and a $16 million
campus communications system to
handle all telephone, video and
computer data transmissions.

Since 1984. Virginia Tech ‘5
engineering and business freshmen
have been required to buy personal
computers in order to qualify for
financial aid.

Persuading students to buy a
personal computer was not a
burdensome issue at Virginia Tech
and should not be for UK either if
the University chooses to do
something similar in the future.
Roselle said.

See ROSELLE'S. Page 3

SGA director seeking
to oust cabinet official

Managing Editor

Tai Doram, the UK Student Gov-
ernment Association executive di-
rector for Community Affairs, is try-
ing to get Secretary of Education
William Bennett to resign.

“He ins continued to make cuts
on higher education" Doram said
“He thinks no money should be
given to students became they
spend it on nice cars and expensive
universities — that they' re wasting
the government‘ s money.

Doram began his project as a rep-
resentative of the UKSGA, but be-
giming in the fall will use his posi-
tion as- Southern Regional
Chairperson of the American Asso-
ciation of University Students as his

So Doram went to Washington,
DC. to address several committees,
senators and congressmen to ask for
Bennett's resignation.

“I told them that we have no con-
fidence in Ids ability as an adviser
for higher education." Doram said
“We‘re trying to start a chain reac-

Dwain also said he has received
letters of suppat from other offi-
cials and several universities includ~

ing Vanderbilt and Rochester Uni-
versities. In fact he said he hasn‘t
received any letters of nonsupport.

Specifically Doram said that Sen-
ators Wendell Ford and Mitch Mc-
Connell and Congressmen William-
Natcher and Chris Perkins had been
“bending over backwarrb to help

Doram said he also contacted 00n-
gressmanlarry Hopkins who “was
not as helpful."

However press secretaries for
Ford and McConnell said they were
not “bending over backwards to
help.“ Natcher and Perkins could

While John Chambers Ford's
press secetary. would not comment
specifitu on Doram or his project
said that Ford does "commend the
student body for beirg active in
thirgstheybelieve in.”

Chambers also acknowleaed that
Donm had met in Washingtm with
some of Ford's representatives.

McConnell‘ at press secretary. M J.
Singland. said that the senator had
received a letter from Doram es-
plaining lss came and they had ac-
knowlefled receiving it but no

“All MOP/Kernel SM

UK President David P. Roselle meets UK employees Tuesday at reception in the Student Center.

Radio station allocated
room in Student Center

other action had been taken by ei-

Pam Pearlman press secretary
for Hopkim, said that they had re
ceived a letter from Doram and
asked for more information

Doram, she said. never sent the
information and canceled his Wash-
ington meetim with Hopkirl shortly
before it was scheduled.

While Doram did say he doun't
expect his actial to came Bennett
to resign. he dos think it will affect
support of the Reagan admin'stra-

"This is goirg to show how the
Reagan administration cars for its
students " he said. “Maybe Bullett

won’t resign, but maybe there will
be more money set saith fa" stu-

Arts Editor

The Student Activities Board has
allocated room in the Old Student
Center to Radio Free Lexington for

RFL has also reached its financial
goal of $7.500. making it possible for
UK and the city of Lexington to
match that amount of money over
thenext three years.

On the recommendation of SAB
President Lyme Hunt and Frank
Harris, director of the Student Cen-
ter, Room 106D. a large storage
area used by UK Kopy Kat, will be
renovated to fit RFL‘s studio and of-
fice space needs.

“We're really excited about the
space they‘ve given to in.“ said
Mark Beaty. RFL‘s program direc-
tor. “It has more room for our needs
than anywhere else in the Student

The storage area. which RFL will
share with Kopy Kat contains Hm
square feet of which about 750 will

ment of Miller Hall will continue to
be used for the station's general
manager and directors of public re—
lations, news and music.

Adapting Room 1060 for RFL use
would require constniction of an out-
side door in the west wall of the Old
Student Center, to allow 24-hour ac-

Room 1060 was not the first
choice of either SAB or RFL.

“The possibility of using the stor»
age space had not occurred to us in
our first meetings," said John
Herbst, director of student activ-
ities. “Upon further consideration.
the space seemed to satisfy the
needs of the radio station.

“Its benefits are numerous.“
Herbst said. “The room was not in
use by any group, plus it is next
door to the student organization of-

The space also has the advantage
of its own heating and cooling units.
making it possible to regulate the
temperature of that area without
having to heat or cool the entire

be med for the construction of two buildirg Herbst said.

studios and office space for pretax-


In addition to haviru a home for
itsstudios, RFLisnowastepcloser

tion, information and trainirg de-
RFL‘s current offices in the base-


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. July 2. 1987

Tax reforms allow students to earn more money

Contributing Writer

The tax reforms created by the
Reagan administration and- passed
by Congress in 1986 will allow work—
ing students to earn more money
without paying federal income

However, James Allgood. of the
regional office of the Internal Reve-
nue Service in Louisville. said stu-
dents whose parents claim them as
dependents on their federal tax re-
turns will not be allowed to claim
the personal deduction on their own

Allgood said that in 1986 single

students who earned $3,560 or less
could have claimed exemption from
federal income taxes by taking the
standard deduction of $2.480 plus the
personal deduction of $1.080.

In 1986 their parents could also
have claimed them as dependents
and deducted $1,080 from their taxa-
ble income.

This year, Allgood said. the mini-
mum amount of earnings under
which students may be able to claim
exemption has been raised to $4,440.
An increase in the standard deduc-
tion to $2,540. and the personal de-
duction to $1,900, is responsible for
the higher exemption figure.

“But if their parents claim them

as dependents on their tax returm.”
he said, “students will not be allow-
ed to take that personal deduction of
$1,900 from their own earnings."

Allgood said. “This is the most
significant change in the new tax
code affecting students."

He also said the new tax code was
“more complex.“

Students should “take the time to
sit down and calculate exactly what
their earnings from work, as well as
unearned income like interest and
dividends, will amount to in 1987,"
he said.

The next step to take in preparing
your taxes for the 1987-88 fiscal year
is to inform government agencies

Repairs on tower ahead of schedule

By (‘llERl (‘tlLLlS
Contributing Writer

The construction work on the 23-
story Kirwan Tower is running
ahead of schedule. with the comple-
tion date targeted for Aug. 16.

UK undertook the rebricking job
on the building this summer due to
safety concerns when exterior
bricks began coming loose. Wooden
canopies constructed in the fall of
1985 have guarded against injuries
so far.

The repair of Kirwan Tower will
cost $1.2 million and Blanding Tower
an estimated $1 million. Work on the
latter should begin next summer.

Removal of the bricks took a little
less than two weeks instead of a
planned three. Workers labored
seven days a week to push ahead of
schedule. Earlier work included
building a gravel access road to the
site and constructing a fence and

No tax dollars are involved in the
repair. The money for the project
comes from the renewal and re-
placement fund — fees students pay
for living in campus homing.

“We really didn‘t have a set bud-
get planned when we began the pro
ject . . . but it is more than we esti-


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Two construction workers remove bricks from Blending Tower as

part of a $1 .2 million project.

mated as we began taking the bricks
off." said Jack Blanton, vice chan-
cellor for administration.

Brick replacement is anticipated
to take seven weeks and be com-
pleted by Aug. 1. Painting and wa-
terproofing the renovated exterior
will not be completed until Aug. 16.

The scaffold and fencing will be
taken down by Aug. 19.

Lichtefeld/Massaro Inc. of Louis-
ville is the contractor who won the
bid for the repairjob.

"We haven‘t taken bids yet (for
Blanding Tower)," said Penny Cox,
UK housing director.

about how these changes will affect
you by filing the W4 and K4 forms.

The W4 and K4 witholding forms
tell an employer how much state
and federal tax to withold from pay-

The deadline for filing the W4 and
K417 forms with the government is
Oct. i.

“If you don‘t file by then.“ Al-
lgood said, “your employer will con-
tinue to withold the same amount
based on last year‘s tax table. which
may lead to surprises next April.

“Students who don’t file in time
may end up bringing home less of
their paycheck, and on the other

hand they may come up owing taxes
next April," hesaid.

David Stockham, director of stu-
dent financial aid at UK, said
according to a report in March, of
the nearly 17,000 UK students who
applied for financial aid for the 1906-
87 school year, approximately 14,000
were classified as dependent stu—
dents. reporting that they had been
claimed as dependents on their par-
ents‘ income tax returns.

Stockham also said estimates indi-
cate that of the 85 to 90 percent of
those students reported some earned

July 4th festivities
kick off this afternoon

Contributing Writer

Lexington begins its celebration of
the nation‘s birthday today with
opening ceremonies in Triangle

Mary Wathen, an administrative
aid to Mayor Scotty Baesler, said
the ceremony will begin at noon and
will be the prelude to this weekend‘s
lineup of holiday events.

There will be an apple pie baking
contest beginning at 7 tonight in the
Civic Center Shops, followed by a
street dance on Main Street in front
of Triangle Park from 8 until mid-

Tomorrow afternoon the excite-
ment takes to the skies over Lexing-
ton when hot~air balloons lift off at
5:30 for the bare and bound chase at
Jacobsen Park on Richmond Road.

Helicopter rides. food vendors and
musical entertainment from Pete
Conley and the Dixie Band will be
on tap before the race.

Then at 8 tomorrow night the Lex-
ington Philharmonic will perform at
Transylvania University, in a con-
cert featuring patriotic music.

()n Saturday the starting gun for
the Bluegrass 10.000-meter foot race
will sound at 8 a.m.. and runners
will start in front of the Downtown
Motor Inn on Main Street.

Arts and crafts booths, food ven-
dors and live entertainment will line
the sidewalks beginning at 9 am. on
Vine Street. and yet another race.
the Waiters‘ Race, will begin at

The annual Fourth of July parade
will begin at 2:30 p.m. at the inter-
section of Main and Vine Streets.

The K-93 Fun Festival, featuring
five country music bands on stage.
begins at 7 p.m. and lasts until 10.

The bands scheduled to play are
The Bandit Band, Doug Breeding
and the Bunch, The Greg Austin
Band, Joshua Cooley and Stampede.

This year‘s fireworks display ex-
plodes at 10 p.m. and, though they
should be visible from a distance,
the best place to be when the rock-
ets are fired is at Masterson Station

When the noise from the fireworks
dies down at 10:30 Wathen’ said
there will be mimic in store for cele-
brants until 11:30.


00d &Fun





10:30 p.m.






In Imperial Plaza/Waller Ave.




Use the Kentucky Kernel's Ads

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 Continued from Page I

“I think what should happen is
that we should try to build an
attractive computing environment

. that students will want to buy
them.” he said.

That approach worked well at
Virginia Tech. said William E.
Lavery. Tech‘s president.

"1 Requiring students to buy
computers i could have easily turned
negative." Lavery said. “but with
his approach it turns out that
everybody is looking forward to
buying their own personal
computer. "

oselle began his
administrative career as the
dean of Tech's graduate

school and research and graduate
studies programs — a period he said
was very exciting.

"We set out to put renewed
emphasis on graduate research and
to make a larger. better student
body. Those were exciting days." he

In what some call Roselle‘s first
success as an administrator.
enrollment in Tech‘s graduate
program increased during his first
year as dean from 2,933 in the fall of
1979 to 3.119 in 1980.

Enrollment peaked during
Roselle's years as dean at 3.233. in
the fall of 1986. Virginia Tech
enrolled 3.716 students in its
graduate programs,

Roselle became Virginia Tech‘s
provost or chief academic officer in
July. 1983.

What makes Roselle a successful
administrator. his colleagues at
Virginia Tech say, is his experience
as an administrator and as a faculty

After graduating from
Pennsylvania‘s West Chester State
College in 1961 with a bachelor‘s
degree in physics, Roselle earned a
doctorate in math from Duke
University in 1985.

In 1965. Roselle met Louise
Dowling while working as graduate
student at Duke.

The two met about three years
earlier while Roselle was working as
a teaching assistant in a sophomore—
level calculus class at Duke.

They did not begin to date until
1965 when she entered the gradute
school at Duke and he took his first
faculty position at the University of

Roselle married Dowling of
Manhasset. N.Y.. on June 19, 1987.

The Roselles have two children.
neither of whom will live with them
in Maxwell Place in the fall.

Arthur. 16, will be a senior at
Woodberry Forest School and
Cynthia. 15. who will be sophomore.
attemb the Madeira School. Both
private schools are in Virginia.

Roselle left Maryland in 1988 for a
better research mam at
Louisiana State University.

Virginia Tech offered Roselle a
position in 1%. but he rhelined.
seekirg a better ruearch program.

However. he kept in touch with
administrators at Nb and finally
took an assistant profusorship there
in 1974.

s a student, faculty member
or administrator. Roselle
says he has aijoyed every bit
of higher education.
“I've just enjoyed higher
education." Roselle said. “College
was fun. Graduate school was even


The Roselle tile

Birth date: May 30. 1939.
Hometown: Vandergrift, Pa.
Wlfe: Louise. 42.

Children: Arthur, 16, will be
senior at Woodberry Forest
School in Virginia; Cynthia.
15, will be a sophomore at the
Madeira School.

Education: Doctorate in math-
ematics. Duke University.
1 965; bachelor’s in physics,

West Chester State College, 1 961 .

Professional experience:

University provost. Virginia Tech. 1983-1986; dean of research
and graduate studies. Virginia Tech. 1981-1983; dean of the
graduate school, Virginia Tech, 1979-1981: mathematics pro-
fessor. Virginia Tech, 1974-1986; mathematics professor. Loui-
sima State University, 1973-1974; assistmt mathematics pro-

fessor. LSU.

1968-1973; assistmt mathematics professor.

University of Maryland. 1 985-1968.

Salary: 3120,00010rfouryears. Benefitsmcludeahomemo-
mastic help, ioborolated expenses, health insuance. one month
children. Enjoys listening to country and western and classical





more fun. It was hard. but it was
enjoyable. I‘ve enjoyed my time as
an administrator.“

It was not until Roselle joined the
ranks of the faculty that he began to
appreciate the pursuit of academic

"As a faculty member I‘ve
enjoyed pursuing scholarship, as a
student I was just trying to pass the
courses." he said.

Roselle 's experiences as an
administrator. faculty member and
student give him keen imight into
what a university is about. said John
Wilson. his predecessor as Virginia
Tech‘s provost. now president of
Washington and Lee University.

“He knows what a university is.
what it is for. why it is. and where it
comes from.“ Wilson said.

“He understands the importance
of academic tenure and academic
freedom.“ he said. “He doesn‘t have
to be persuaded about the
importance of faculty. He doesn‘t
take the faculty for granted.“

Jarol Manheim. president of
Tech‘s faculty senate, agrees with
Wilson‘s assessment.

"He‘s got a good set of
administrative skilk in that he
understands the nature of the
university." Manheim said. “He can
talk to faculty and he can talk to

Others at Virginia Tech and UK
describe Roselle as quiet. soft-
spoken. thoughtful, intense,
confident and tomb. He’s not afraid
to deal with turmoil or make tough
decisions. Wilson said.

One difficult decision came when
Virginia Tech revised its 1oo-year-
old honor code.

Roselle‘s willirgness to listen to
concerrs and handle the situation
more as a "diplomat" than as a
“dictatorial sort" made it easier to
make the system less stringent on
offenders. Manheim said.

Roselle handled the system 's
revision by applyirg modern
society's standartt — “that ifone
makes a mistake it doesn‘t have to
be the end of the world.“ Lavery

Another dilemma Roselle was
instrumental in resolving as provost
was a 15-year debate over Tech ‘5
quarter system. Beginning in 1988.
Virginia Tech will move to a
semester system.

“He‘s quiet and tough. Don‘t be
deceived.“ Wilson said. “He can
make good. tough. independent.
administrative decisions without
dying inside."

Even if there is controversy
surrounding the decisions Roselle
makes at UK. Manheim said. people
will still respect his choices.

“People will learn to respect his
judgment.“ Manheim said. “He‘s
not a glad-hand politician type. He's
a seriors person that deals at a level
of thoughtfulness and ideas.“

While Roselle tends to shy away
from describing himself. he is not
bashful when it comes to discussing
higher education. UK in particular.

efore Roselle is ready to

discuss where he wants to

take the University. however.

Kentuckiars want.

“I have a fair number of ideas of
what I would like the University of
Kentucky to try to accomplish,“ he
said. "What I want tobe sure is that
my ideas mesh with the people
whose opinions are much more
important than mine."

This willingness to seek other
viewpoints is what makes Roselle a
successt administrator. Manheim

"He's very easy to work with." he
said. "He‘s a quick study. He‘s
somebody who looks for better ideas
and tries to implement them.’

One group Roselle will likely seek
ideas from is the UK faculty.

ln meeting with faculty members
on his tours of UK’s beximton
campil. community college system
and the Medical Center. Roselle said
he fomd that faculty want to be
more involved with administrative
decision making —— a philosophy he
agrees with.

When Roselle begins formalizirg
his agenda. it will be the faculty‘s

KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. July 2,1987 - 3

Roselle’s leadership qualities marked by diplomacy

wishes. he said. that will take

“l think it‘s the faculty's
responsibility to set the agenda for
the l‘mversity and to define the
academic courses. the research
programs. things like that. Their
responsibilities lie in those areas."
he said.

Roselle said he believes a
university's faculty is of paramount
importance. Without a successful
faculty. he said. LTK could flounder.

That is why Roselle places
emphasis on recruiting quality
faculty members.

"Faculty recruitment A as all
personnel recruitment v is the most
important (goal I. it really is." he
said. “It is just awfully important
who you hire. Whatever your job is.
it 's awfully important who you have
to serve on the faculty.”

acing $4.5 million in cuts

from this year‘s operating

budget. with an additional
$2.7 million frozen until October.
Roselle may find it difficult
attracting quality professors to UK.

The projected average salary for
faculty at UK this year is $38,500 ——
$3.700 behind the projected average
salary at UK‘s benchmark
institutions. Average faculty pay at
Virginia Tech is 541.000.

“One is never pleased by any kind
of budgetary problem." he said.
“One, especially someone who is
aggressive as I am. wants to get out
and accomplish things and do things
and make programs better.“

“One can't be happy about this
situation. one just can't be."

During fiscal 1988. which began
July 1. the University will not
increase money for operating
expenses. No money will be
allocated for program improvement.

Despite the state‘s gloomy
economic forecast in the face of a
$130 million shortfall for fiscal 1988.
Roselle is still ready to move
forward in his first year as

Roselle says he is not sure about
the need for a special session to
remedy the state‘s budget problems.
but he is certain about one thing.

UK should cam its own support.

“1 think in the final analysis that
you‘ve got to gain legislative
support for the University on the
basis of people thinking that the
University is doing a good job."
Roselle said.

pparently he was able to

convince both federal and

state governments as well as
corporate sponsors that Tech was a
quality educational institution.

last year Virginia Tech ranked
49th nationally in research funding
from all sources and seventh
nationally in money obtained solely
from industrial firms.

Roselle does not take credit for
much of Virginia Tech‘s fund raising
in the private sector. saying “it was
the times."

But the former provost should not
be discounted in find raisin at
Tech, Lavery said.

Roselle did not work much with
Virginia ‘s legislature. but he still did
his homework and knew how to
make contacts for march money.
Lavery said.

Roselle‘s contact with US. Rep.
Frederick Douche. D-Virginia.
helped win Virginia Tech a “limo
grant for its college of medicine. he

When it comes to raising money in
Kentucky. Roselle said he prefers
being the 't'niversity's ambassador.
not a politician.

"i don‘t think playing politics is a
correct role for the head of a state
agency. which is what this job is."
Roselle said.

"I think my obligation is to
present as straightforward and as
clearcut a way as possible what the
program and the policies and the
needs of the l'niversity of Kentucky

For L'K to be successful with the
legislature. Roselle said he will have
to promote the faculty‘s
accomplishments — both in
research and educating students.

“The more the faculty
accomplish. the better placement
the students get. The more students
that graduate from the University of
Kentucky and open businesses and
do well improving the economic
environment of the commonwealth
. . . make it possible for people to
want to help the University. "

n order to ensure academic

excellence for UK, Roselle said

he believes faculty should be
thoroughly evaluated and
admissions standards for
undergraduates toughened.

At Virginia Tech. professors are
evaluated by alumni, students and
other professors. Roselle said.

These evaluations are a part of
tenure and salary decisions.

“Generally. faculty have
responsibilities in the areas of
teaching. service and scholarship.
and I think that faculty should be
evaluated for promotion. tenure and
salary increases." he said.

Faculty. however. are not the only
ones who should be held accountable
for academic excellence. he said.

To achieve excellence not only at
UK but at high schools around the
state. Roselle said Kentucky's
flagship university must send out
the signal that education must be
taken seri0usly.

he way to make that signal is
by increasing admissions

“One wants to have the message
sent out across Kentucky that the
educational attainment appropriate
for entry in a selective admissions
program." he said. “is an important
issue. because once you do that you
cause the whole secondary program
to be taken more seriously

Higher admissions standards.
Roselle said. also free wofessors for
research instead of tying them up
teaching remedial courses.

Roselle‘s pursuit of academic
excellence will not take a back seat
to college athletics during his tenure
at UK.

"Athletics are an extracurricular
activity and the curricular activities
should be the utility of the

Roselle, who enjoys runniru and
golfing. said intercollegiate atNetics
are beneficial for the University, as

”It‘s a good thirg to play. it
creates intact in the school.“ he
said. “But it‘s only good if it is done
fairly and enhances. not detracts
from. the reputation of the

When the rules are broken. he
said. action mmt be taken.

"My line is drawn anytime the

Sec “ELLIS. Page ll


 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. July 2, 1987

Singletary begins move
into new life and office

Senior Staff Writer

Former UK President Otis A. Sin-
gletary not only added emeritus to
his title yesterday but he also
stepped into a new office.

Singletary will be working in a
special office designed for him be-
hind the Peal Gallery in the north
wing of M. I. King Library, said
Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for

Cost for renovation of the office,
which formerly was a one-room of-
fice for three library employees.
was more than $20,000, said Blanton.
The Physical Plant Division spent
about 45 days renovating. he said.

Singletary. now a history profes-
sor. will be taking a six month leave
of absence before beginning a book
“about what's happened in higher
education in the last quarter of a
century," Singletary said. UK will
be a “sort of test tube" for higher
education in the book. he said.

Singletary is the first incumbent
professor of the Ashland
Professorship of the Humanities, an
Ashland Oil endowed position.

Singletary also will be working on
the development area of raising
funds from private contributors.

He has not decided whether he
will make it back to the classroom.


P‘oia pta' '

“I'm going to keep the future open
on teaching.‘ he said.

Singletary said that he will keep a
low profile in Lexington for awhile
because he thinks it‘s “good to let
the new man settle in."

Renovation for the office included
building over a door which led to the
rare book collection, a new side door
leading outside, dividing the one
large room into two rooms and fix-
ing the door to the Peal Gallery so
that it opens only from the Peal Gal-
lery side. said Paul Willis. director
of libraries.

Space for Singletary‘s office was
available due to a new type of shelv-
ing. Willis said. Compact shelving
has been purchased for the rare
books collection room. said Willis,

“This lrare books collection
room; is a place to maximize our
space.“ said Willis. The compact
shelving allows the shelves to move
on tracks so they can be pushed to-
gether. leaving only one aisle.

“In the same square footing you
get more space." Willis said.
This shelving made enough room for
three private offices for the employ-
ees who shared the space behind
Peal Gallery, Willis said.

One advantage Singletary will
have with his office location, Willis

Former UK President Otis A. Singletary browses through a book in
his new office in the library. Singletary retired Tuesday.

said, is that he will be able to work
with material in Special Collections
which is not supposed to leave the

Willis said he thought the library
was also be the ideal location for


Singletary's work with fund raising
because “we serve the whole com-

“I don‘t see that (the office) as
being inconsistant with what may
happen to this building," Willis said.




Members of the Lexington and Louisville polo teams played for the Calumet Cup last Sunday attheKentucky Horse Park.







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Staff reports




Pharmacy appoints interim dean

The College of Pharmacy named William C. Lubawy,
assistant dean for academic affairs. as its interim dean
Tuesday afternoon.

Lubawy succeeds Joseph Swintosky, who has served as
the college’s dean for 20 years.

Although Swintosky’s retirement as an administrator
became effective yesterday, he will continue to work in the
college as a faculty member and a researcher in the field of
drug delivery systems.

The year-long search for Swintosky's successor has been
narrowed to two candidates.

One finalist for the position is Joseph Fink, 40, an as-
sistant dean in the College of Pharmacy, said Peter Bosom-
worth, chancellor for the Medical Center.

Last year Fink served on the committee searching for a
new vice chancellor for student affairs.

The other finalist is Jordan Cohen, 44, is currently
serving as a professor of pharmacy at the University of
Southern California‘s College of Pharmacy.

He is chairman of the pharmaceutics department in the
college and has a yearlong fellowship with the American
Council on Education.

UK President David P. Roselle has met with both can-
didates saying it is a “win-win” situation, according to
spokeswoman for the Medical Center.

Bosomworth said it will only “be a matter of weeks,
not months" before he expects to receive a recommenda-
tion from the search committee.

Associate director