xt72bv79vw51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vw51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1986 1986 1986-02-04 2020 true xt72bv79vw51 section xt72bv79vw51 ____—________—_—______—__________—.—________—_——————_
E B fififi.“ ‘ v - Established 1094 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971 Tuesday. February 4, 1986
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Senate OKs N SA conSIdering '
A, I ‘ “a?
. ‘; '7'", 3 4 { 4—4~ ‘4, 4'
curriculum it." t .. * ‘ r ~ endin ex loration
9 l. ‘.‘E : ~ } .' ~ -1' ' V ' I
. ‘ 0' ' __, a, - . ‘ w .
planfor 88 . 3 ,. ,. é - .
3 .3. . - ,. o tantic cean =
e ‘7 "/v’ nit-‘1‘ ‘0 I . V I i ‘ AV :‘v-‘M ‘4. ‘ ' - ' '-
/ . ‘ I I Y t 'z - t .“ " - ‘ . i-
New requlrements .. /l - . ' --———.~.....,., . m.» - b 4 “,4 , ,. 4’ _ B) "‘RR‘ I“. KUSENTHAL “am P ROgGI‘S and lill'lllf‘l‘ “5”.“ ,‘ .‘z '4 I . .
. "’ " Associated Press nautNeilArmstrong ' ,. . ., , ’ -
paSS unanlmOUSly ,. The interim NASA lioai'd set up to I '. ‘

-, . ., ,- 12.3. 4 CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. — iniestigate will no longer exist. said - ’ -. . - '
fly-CYNTHIA AJ’ALORMO 4 . 4 " * 4 f Pathologists are examining human White House spokesman Larry ' 4 ’.
Assistant News Editor ’j." ’ ' remains recovered ft om the Atlantic Speakes The board is headed by .' 4. . ,; ',

, , 4 to see if they are those of Challeng- .lesse Moore. an asstx-iate admini.» - j . ~ 7‘ ‘,
After three years of planning, u 4, ‘ , , er's astronauts. sources said yester— trator of NASA. and includes the di ‘4' . j' '4,
writing. rewriting and amending, 5' 333i..- _ i ’ ,, , , fist,“ . ’9 4 w "‘ dean‘sA d h d reojtorhs ofllhettx'chnnedy Srtalceltkhtet' i if :‘jf '.-.
the eneral education ro sal es— 4»: any is .4 , ‘ .. ., . .' sai it as recovere no an t e Aars a Space ‘igit ('en- U" “,
tent; passed its last tesFl. p0 y “4 1‘? f . .3 _ " 4. ~11 «a *3” '“ shuttle debris so, far from the ocean ter in Alabama ’- _ ’.4‘14' ." it
Debate of the proposal‘s amend- 4 4‘ My 4 . . . , ,r ' bottom despite six days of searching Whether the human remains were :4 ’4 414 . '
ments took longer than the vote on ,4“, W33; :‘3 ,,, ""11?“ 3-4 3' . -.,,4_ with sonar and robot submarines. washed up on the ll‘;l('ll('\ or tound .4.- 3 ‘_ ,1)”, 4;,
the total package did as the Univer- 3.443%? :Q "s " m 44?; f 4 4‘4 Two promising “targets." the Space 'dl sea. the sources would not say , - .,: ‘ I ,;
sity Senate voted unanimously to ac- 4 4444 . '. t» 3 ' " R ‘ agency said. turned out to be the old They would not sax when the to ' _ - ., 4
cept a revised version of the Swift “mg4 , 4 ,4”! . A? . 4;, 4, 4444 E wreckage of a helicopter and a light mains were found .\.-\>.\ would iiei ' - ,‘ . '4.
committee's general studies curric- my“?! 4 4...» . '4 - :, , *1}. airplane. _ ther contirninordeziy the report .. 4 ~ 4
ulum. 3.3 $.44, ” ' 4,, ‘ *4 , That leftl? other potential targets At the White lloure eei'eniot‘i} in- 3 4 : 4 .'
When senate chairman Bradley ' 1, ’ ,, .54; r', i -' , 4, ,4, 4 - ,, r x about 15 miles offshore where photo- trodueing the new board \.\_\'4\ ilt'lr ,_ . ’
Canon called for a vote. no one ex- 354$!" _ g“ ,i:. " .. .' ‘ “\ graphs 24in radar indicated that mg director \iiliian: (li'ahan. re , ‘.' _ '._
pected a unanimous decision. With ' m . ‘ .4 ' 1.“.ii‘fir-W 4'44. 4 », «\4 large objects hit the water. NASA tused to comment Iilr’t‘t'll} on the . . _ 1" '-
that result. the senate gave itself a "" 4 ‘ $4 , {’45 filth " A» "‘ w , ’ . \. sa‘d , , report , 4 , . .4 . _ , ,,
roundofapplause. , ’2, 4, _ \ But With the sea yielding less de "(in the issue ot human remains. _- j. , 4 3
Louis J. Swift, chairman of the ~ '4" r .3 ' . ’ 1 ‘ , ‘ ‘~ bris each day. officials weighed cut- all i can tell you at this point is that ' ;
Swift committee, also received a 13:23,!“ 31...». “*" ,, "if. \\, i '3. tint-’3 back On the search 0f the ocean we are sensitive to the issue oi per~ _ ' . ~ -
round ofapplause for his'mput, , «r: s... 7' ’ "‘ 7“;‘»Vv““'-'44;“,:_“j‘4444 ' fish-t . \ 4 surface The Navy was pulling its Millal effects and lo the l‘t‘mttll‘ls~ ill . _ . . 4 .
Professor of English Robert He- ‘ f . -, 4,4 "“ 13”“ 244,! ' ,4. ’_ .. ships out at the end of the day yes- the astronauts " he >ulfl ‘\\e hate ‘, ' . . '
menway, also a member of the com- ..,x 3:... ' 3 _ ”:4 ‘4 ~ terday. leaving the sea sweep to the plans in place to treat them with - 4 _ -
mittee. called Swift. “The one per- 1.4.“... ._., Q , 3, 3.4.... '34 4 4 (‘oast Guard. which also was re» great dignity and great prime-3. an _, ' » ~ ~
son who always saw light at the end F" , 'f i A“ ”‘ - '4; Wm 9w?” . 3. " "r new" ‘4‘, , \ Viewing whether to continue propi'iatc to the l‘t'.~p€‘t‘l that we '. ‘ . ~.
of the tunnel." and “the key to the $53” ‘33- ‘é‘h - .353.“ "v ' 7'.‘ , - i \‘ ,The sources. who 590k? 0” condr have “"1th H - . ‘ ' . - '
Proposal‘s success." . mvr- 5&3gre . ,. . 4 _ 4 ,~ 4‘2, 1 z i '53; ‘. “9n they not be identified. would not The agency acknowledged in e ‘ ‘
Swift said he didn‘t anticipate the 4 .. "“17. 4 “; 1,, ‘~ ‘4 4””, “2?,“ disclose how many remains had days earlier that one tione section 4 4 ‘ '. -.
unanimous decision. He added that 4 ‘. .3.. , ‘ T ' 1‘, :~ fight“; ~17» 12.4 w ° " 4‘ been found or what they were but washed ashore. but has never said ,-
he was very pleased with the way ’1 ‘ . ‘4 '« 1’33 " i. og .4 4’3. x_ ;4 \4 \, said they had been taken to a hospi— whether it was identified as coming . -
the senate council “gave everyone a . .: “,4 2.. . g Jr 4 , _-" , 55:4}; .33,” , ,7 2' s4 tal at nearby Patrick Air Force from an astronaut lt cautioned that .
chance tospeak." ( . 4 w? j ' ‘ . , ‘ 4 44,4; ‘~ 3.)“ ‘4'; “4P5 ,4 Base lobe preserved and studied. the bone could be that at an animal 4 4 4 ,
Some facultv members submitted ' Qt“, ‘ .‘w: ». . ' .v. 4‘ Seven astronauts died in the space or remains from missing fishermen _ ‘ _
amendments and recommendations , '9", WM,” 4i, . I. «e 4,41%“ '311$ shuttle‘s explosion a week ago. and and other people , ' V ._
to the council prior to debate by the . 3.x»;- 4 . .. .« ' .41.- gig,“ . 4 f‘ 4 11* .414 parts of the shuttle have been found _ 4 .
full faculty senate. The council re- ‘._» " a *" . 3’ 3 44/1444”, ~ _ 4.x , 3": " as far away as‘ 220 miles north of "They did not l‘t‘ll'lt‘U’ yer} much . , ‘
viewed them and some were imple- _‘“4 “WM.“ ,4, 4,44 ' 44, '44, 4 4,444.44 .4, 4 kennedySpacetenter. 4 debris ‘_\('.\l(4l‘tl.':i4\ . then- was a drar '
mented in the final report submitted [.43 gr 4 l t, _\ g3». '1 . As we move away from this ter» matic (let-line trom the tilt) before. 4 4
tothesenateforfurtherdebate. may W“ .534»; “ V i .333 .. “l”? da-‘I‘ We must devote our en- sald 1“ (‘md’i' "“““’ 5”“ps'”‘ ”i '
Once the package was on the floor _ 4,3, ., . 4 .7 m ergies to finding out how it hap. the Coast Guard "it they have the ‘ , _
for senate debate. additional amends QIYOWIN'KunelSlofl pened and how " can be prevented same km“ "l re-‘Uli‘ ““135 “h?” .
ments and revisions were made. Chivaliel‘ from happening again," President they have an expanded search ' - -
“Some amendments strengthened Reagan said yesterday in unimmg a tirela and) twol days in a rowi ott\et‘4\1 '
» 4 ~ ‘ 3 . ‘ _ , . . , commission to investigate t e cause itte de ris icing retriever . tien , '
goregrspozfimgfie serioml) im John ,Bodey, o busnness .8. economicds iéesh- ble, 0 fine arts freshman, when they come 0f the catastrophe independetitly of think tonight they'll mt“, a hard look 4 .
“The senate council did exactly man, '5 Up m arms wnh h's mend L‘" 0 am. uponopuddle on the" way '° class. NASA. He said it would he headed at ‘do they need all these re- . - 4
what should have been done." he- by former Secretary of State Wil~ sources'." “ '.
said. “I was glad with the enormous
amount of debate that was allowed . ” . - ’ '
3...... an s c eer ea ers o ra y suppor or e ucation ,
mitted by various faculty members. ’ . . .
but only four passed. Only a few , , .. , , , , , _ 4 ' . 3 '-
changes were made in the package 1;) SACHA Ill-:VRUOMI-ZN Hunt and (iov. Martha Layne (01- 56A PreSident John Lain said stu. tives from each fraternity and soror- llornback said "1 know we ll time a ‘ ,. ' .
submitted to the senate by the coun- Managing Editor llns. , . dents who ride the buses will be ltyr, toattend the rally. good student attendance. 4 4 , . ,
cil. The curriculum will be imple- L’Ks pep band and cheerleading given blue and white shakers dor Vice President for L'niversity rela- Hornhack said each university in . ' ’ .
mented in 1988. Free transportation and a festive squad Will be among those perform- nated by the athletic department. lions Raymond Hornback. who has the state is trying to L1!" Il.\ own rep . ’ ,
swift said the real value of the dc- air are among devices being used to mg and four buses will be available and information on how to send a helped coordinate the rally from the resentatives to attend the rally, and 1 ._ '
bate “provided the entire academic draw people to Frankfort to rally to tiansport students from the Uni- letter supporting higher education to Lexington area. said he expects hopes l'K will him he largest -' 4 , * ' 1
community with input on what our support for higher education tomor— iersity to Frankfort. their state representative. 4 about 1.000 [K representatives to be crowd. ’ ' ' , ..
undergraduates should have." row. The bus rides. organized by the The doors of the convention 'enter at the rally and encourages all stu» ,The [K l)'d.\l\('llI.-il 4.11. e against ' ,, ' 3
Under the newly adopted proposal. The Kentucky Advocates for High— Student Government Association Wlll Open at 4:30 pm. and master of dents and faculty members to at— \andcrbilt was l‘t‘\\‘llf‘v‘ d to t‘. _, ,4 ‘, 4‘ ’ ,-
all students will be redrawn to take er Education rally, which starts at 3 and the Student Development Coun- ceremonies at the rally will be Lee tend. p in so people could .ll id both ', , , ». -, 3
at least one year of a foreign lan- P-m in the Frankfort Convention cil. are free to students. Buses will Stevens. the amount“? on Ashland . . , , “Em“ ' 3 ' ' f‘ ‘ 1 i, "
guage unless they had two years in Center. W“ feature pep bands. leave at 4 pm. from the Student ()il‘television COmmerCialg “If we dont attend something like lhe rally is lit-in; towel ”Uf- it} .‘ .V .‘1 .
high school. Cheerleaders and speakers such as Center and will leave Frankfort (am said he expects about 300stu- this. we have no one to blame but the advocates and ill! 1 .i (ll ull ,_ ' ;,~ ,3 4, .9.
SceCURRICl'IlM. page former North (‘arolina Gov. James about6p.m. dents —— including five representa- tllll‘St‘lVOS it we ("Mimi get SUPPOTL lllghvl'hducatlon ’ ' .' 4 ‘7.
. I . 4‘ .:‘i:-i~:“>‘“ _. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘i . i j '
eurosurgery C 311' . , . ,. Open house to detail , , . A ,
_ . .3 4464‘s,, ‘, “with .- -, .’ 44, .1“ 4; . l
.14 . who? ._._.3.,3, a... “44W: ,1 4 . 4 I ,_ 4 44,144
new head of surgery - g travel abroad programs
- 3 ' ., 23‘1““.
1* _ ‘ ' a: Iii MELISSA FRYRI-I.\R signed to let students know the pro . "1137.3: ., ’
t K M “.3. 2* s (‘onlributing Writer gram is auiilable ‘Students don't ’_ 3 3'.“
a e en er I“: 3?:2 ,4” know we extst " The pi‘ogratii \\1ll H 4' ' _» (2'
, , . . . . . ' - " ’ ‘ :3: The office of international pro— “let students know you can go ovciv ‘ " 3 »". 1- 4.‘ 4',
3) h.\lt..-\.l.\ Itl:-\Ll-.Ml’3\1‘l .haCh dlv'§lon has a Charm“ who . ..,._ grams will hold an open house to- seas." he said "\le can do things " . ~‘ .5
SemorbtaffWriter Wlll work With \oung to improve the 3.3 mom)“. for students interested in t’orthem." , 4 .4 4 _,
, 4 development , 0f the department. ‘ working or studying abroad. Bettez said students are invited to “ . ‘ '
,Dr' Byron toung 53,” h's _p,re' Along “1th his new 905m?" as d,e' The open house. from 2 to 4 pm. come by the oliice and see \\ hat pi‘o- ' 4 , -
vnous accomplishments in medicme partment head, \oung said he will ;. in 102 to 118 Bradley Hall. will ac- grains are available Stall members ' ' . . i -
-— most notably his leadership of the continue asthechairman of the neu- . quaint students with programs de- will be available to adxise students . . ‘ '4 . 3
neurosurgery department — WI" en- rosurgerydivismn. . , . signed to assist those who wish to individually and to help them tind a .
hance his new role as head of sur- “My experiences as head of neuro- . work. study or travel abroad. said program which will he llt'llt‘llt'lal _ ,i
geryatthebKMedicalCenter. surgery will certainly help. Young David Bettez. associate director of both academicallx and pi'l‘slttldll}. . ‘ ' . - .
Young was recently chosen to suc- said. This new posmon “Just deals 33 the office he ‘and ‘ - . 3
ceed Dr. Ward Griffin. ,who left for with, abroader spectrum of surgical i 4 i 4 4 For students who are interested in ‘ ‘
another posmon, as chairman of the disciplines._ .4.“ 444444444. 44,44,444“ working abroad. Bettez said the pro- ”444,4 _. .
surgery department. He was se- \oung said the department of sur- gram can help to find temporarv ”'14. ,
lected from ,among several accom- gery has expanded and will continue Dr. Byron Young has been appointed head of surgery at the UK work. mainly in the summer. in ei- g4; .: j 3‘ . ’
plished lnleldtlalS all over the coun- to expand With several new pro- Medical Center_ Young, formerly chairman of the neurosm'gery {her “semi—skilled or unskilled 3 “5.3.; 43%;; . 4 4
ll‘)’ ,who ”We‘ll?" the posmon. grams. The heart/lung transplant department, has been with the Med Center since 1974. work."
MedicalCenterofficialssaid. program and the trauma serVice Work permits can be issued for M550” "Iron Eagle"
_A faculty committee made a “3‘ “1" ,5°°“44be new additifms ‘0 4th on research." he said. "The new do both," he said. “I enjoy the clini- Ireland. New Zealand. England. features 900 much bad oct-
tional search “M4" the UK, Board 9‘ hospital 4W9 are developinga hlgh’ faculty members recruited will cal part (of medicine). but now 1 France. Germany and Costa Rico. ins and not enough action.
Trustees rendering the final dect— '3', SPeC'ai,|Zed trauma program that probably emphasize research.“ want to try the administrative he said. adding that it is a “cheaper F0 l DIVER
Sion.Young,said., , WI“, proytde 81" transportation for Young said he is very excited part." way" for students to go abroad be- r 0 rev cw. see '
The. posmon WE", require YOURS '0 patients. Young said. , about his new position. “I am Young was born in Kentucky and cause they “pay the way while SIGNS, P09. 2-
coordinate Elma” for the 5993' ”We are “45,0 expanding the can- looking forward to the challenge of has lived here most of his life. He they'rethere.” pm, UK running bud:
rate dismpltnes ‘9‘, the surgery de~ cer Program he §§ld~ The depart- developing the new programs." attended Transylvania University as Students who are more interested Ado d‘ ted
partment. The dtwswns of surgery ment Wlll be recrultlng 13 new fac- , an undergraduate and graduated in studying abroad can study such George ms, . a in:
include orthopedic surgery. neuro ulty members along With Six others But he says he “'1" have to cut from the m Medical School in 19654 areas as language. literature or po- well in his rookie sooson
surgery, urology. general surgery. to function as base seientists. be down on the time he spends on clini- , , 4 , liticalscience.hesaid. with the New York Giants.
pediatric surgery. cardio-thorauc added. 4 cal practice to fulfill his obligations toung has been at the 12h Medi- There also are some UK programs For the story, see m,
surgery and plastic surgery. “I want to put a greater emphaSis as department chairman. "1 want to cal (enter mice 19:4. that are associated with other Ken- Page 3.
lucky schools and include visits to we My. , .,,__, ,. ..
T d l t d t d . d ‘W, t . t such countries as Austria. France. “WE? ”W“ Mam ' . r?
o ay as ay 0 mp , avon on ranscnp 3.3mm. M. . § . - . ,.
Students are often able to study in ‘ W” "" ‘ ‘ “ ' '
5“" "P07“ in which the class is listed and fill a 50 percent fee reassessment. Mc- Students who drop after today. but the" fields~ b‘" 39",” recommends M m "P““d '0
out a drop card, said Margey Mc- Quilkin said. before March 6. will also receive a ”"3‘ “men‘s ‘3'“ “"‘h "‘9" ad“? Wit today and continue
Today is the last day for students Quilkin. assistant registrar. They Students can change a grade on fee reassessment of 50 percent. Mc- "3 and see What courses meet the" tonight. HM today will be
to drop a class without 8 “W" ap- mist then go tothedeanof their col- tion or file for a repeat option in Quilkin said. requirements. In the mid .0. and lam to-
pwlns on their trampt- it also is lege and fill out an add/dropslip. their dean‘s office. McQuilkin said. Bettez said mostof the programs M b. m
the last day for students to change 4 are ”reasonably priced and good op- M 50-
their grade option and the last day 4 If students are stlll unsure wheth- The registrar‘s office will be open portunities." A 00 percent chance of
tomefonrepeatopum, ," the" 8m“! 01101186 from full- er they want to drop a course. they from 8 am. to 4:30 pm. To avoid Office staff members also assist W m tomorrow
time to part-time became of a drop. have until March 6 to decide. but lines. McQuilkin advises students to students who want to travel abroad m on 0W Md. in the
Students who Willi to drop 8 students can take their add/drop after today a “W“ will appear on “start early“ and “avoid the lunch less expensively.Bettezsaid. ‘Ma
cane should go to the department slip to the Gillis buildim and receive their transcript. = hourf Bette: said the open house is de-

 - i r
Am Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
+3: 3"“3': ‘ is 33¢” ’ a; T.‘ ... '. .:.:: 1. . . ... . » ’ 15.73:“:
1} ::F35;;5E::=::¥§§§§5§§;:="If “-... = ‘ a, ';:._ efiW§§ " ’ ' ’ .;.j51=i.-' . ' . . .. , , -.:;...1:'. WWW,
' ‘ 9 ' . \
am O-lS ag e over eating .
.3. V I. It. ' "I- xifiA
‘ . B3 5“," WARD _____——— some doing, but not when there‘s a come the next Matt Dillon — which. f ~ ~ ‘ { , "i
specialProjects Editor baset'ul of high school kids. They by the way.is nocompliment. K' 3i) , It . *i
REVIEW simply stealit from their parents Gossett — by far the best of this 3 , I ‘3 - h ‘
You just can‘t help but wonder if — —_ I It's bad business to give away the lot — failed to make his character .1” 3 i «3 . ' ' ‘ ' t
Sylvester Stallone really knew what ending of a movie. so let‘s just say come alive. which would have been ' 3 ._ ’ V {
hewas doin . .3 .3 . it's an allout assault on common almost impossible considering what 3 "" u; 5*
Maybe thge re was no way anyone out. He is takenhprisoner. tried and sense he had to work with Making mat- *3 . ..
could have forseen where this sentenced "Idem ’ .3 ,. 3 But common sense is rarely a dic- ters worse is the fact most of the ac- \3‘.‘ -. “ ‘3. I
lL‘imbo-fied movie industry was NO! surprisingly. none 0f um ‘5‘“ tator in Hollywood. and movies like lion and characters are supposed to ‘ 3‘ .
going m- that ,1 was going to come to too well h‘lth ‘hlb ‘1‘8-38ar-01Llsoni “Iron Eagle“ aren't necessarily sup- revolve around hit“. .. . a . ,
”“3 “iron Eagle." a recent m. Doug ”“50" ('edF‘9k’- 33 re 0 posed to be believable, just action- 130591“?me “W?- anyone who ‘1:
Star Pictures release about a bov sorts who likes to drive m5 r ed‘con- packed The problem with this really 80qu eXPIOSlOUS and may- " »,'
. I I- who steals an F-lfi fighter jet and vertible reCKIQSSl-V on the A" .l' orce movie which runs a full two hours) hem can Stlu get a k't'k Wt Of “Iron . ‘3 - .. “x 3..
, ‘ base and learned how to fly a Jet be— - . - . Eagle.” i a, i
. becomes a man . _ is that the action shots are few and ‘
‘ v- As adventure flicks g0. “iron fore he learned to drive. Doug ‘5 painfully farhetween. Suggestion: get some friends to .3
. ' . Eagle" is by no means the worst. or If“ least Hollywood “0“,“. have? “Iron Eagle“ does have its mo- gether 50m? 3“?“an for a six-pack 5 ‘t‘ . ’ a
. . It's nothing more than one big hell?” he ‘5‘ a free. 5pm") h o merits. like when Doug single-hand- {“8th for this film ' tlt'lt‘e the m.°mm"°n.i.unnauus,me.
. I cliche. which isn‘t necessarily in and l'keb to carry m" mm" “1 'm edly blows up an air strip while tunathalftheprice. _ . .
I ‘ ' . of itself bad But the makers of this wherever he goes blasting “Gimme Some Loving" out After his father is taken hostage somewhere in the Middle East,
. . . particular cliche seem to have for- we learn that Doug was not ac- of his tape deck ifor ostensibly sen- "Iron Eagle" is ”(mink ut (.3083 Doug Masters (Jason Gedrick, left) teams up Wm, regired Col.
. 3 . gotten 7 or perhaps never knew 7 cepted to the Air [voice academy be- timental reasons). But fun scenes rouds (ind Normpam Cmvmas. Chappy Sinclair (Louis Gossett. Jr.) ,0 cook up an unauthorized.
/ , ~ ‘ \thl 11 1> that can make one work. cause 0t 1"" ‘1"“des‘ but that ms don‘t make “P for lines that range Rated P013. dangerous and highly improbable plan to free him.
. ' .': ' ’ . The movie lacks the overall slick- grades were iuw because ht‘ CUt from the desperately overbearing
‘ A 5 , no» and smoothness that can make school to play in a fllght SlmUIatO"- iReagan “don't take shit from no P ' I I: ha k
I '. . - ' ‘ a runof-the-mill action/adventure Now there's irony for you gimpy little countries _ why do you u some aug ‘ ¢
. . . .. t'lickalot of fun to watch Well. neither the State Depart- think they call him Ronnie Ray TONIGHT (TuestY- Febo 4I Into your Ilfall
' ' ' The movie begins promisingly ment nor the Air Force can do any- Gun‘?“l to the incredibly mundane. . , ,
. 'i‘ enough. whei. two F-le flying over thing for t‘ol. Masters. so Doug out all of which seem strategically (Lhoxlngton ’ Bast 3‘" 7“”: UP "I". Laxlngton gloat Radio Station
‘ j . ' . some unnaiiic' Middle Eastern ists the aid of retired (‘ol. (‘happ_\ placed to hammer some point or /‘ “The World Famous"
" -‘ country are intercepted by four Sinclair iLouis tiossett Jr to at- otherintoyourskull. WquFM
I ' .. ' MiGs and a dogfight ensues — not tempt a daring completely iinbelie- 1" TWO KEYS TAVERN & — .A_._.- C
. . - the most exciting of dogfights. but vable and Ihtvl‘ttuglll) predictable \ Ilcid script is made even worse 0
- , , fairly stimulating, visually Speak- rescue. You'd think that getting the f.) had acting all around. Gedrick s ‘ Bring‘ You ”0,0
mg Une of the Americans escapes. intelligence and equipment Doug 'n't‘ll around for a couple of_years LAUGH TRACK LIVE 9-‘Ia.m.Coma Early lily8
but (‘01 Ted Masters i'I‘im Thomer- an]? Chapp': riquire A Inclutlllingthlttl now, and l; he keelps'afipearittlitgbien / (Top Comodians performing every Tuesday Night) 3.00
\. , . . . - - 116.- 3. wou a e "1 . l‘k t , us mi -
. - - *“n '5 “hm do“ and “med ‘0 ha” in “ “me“ I t “ m‘ ' e " one 8] g Tonight's Comedians: Jim Gillioce-from NY: Trip WingfieId-from Alanta
- - - Rick Tompesta-from Ohio
. - . Trombone rental at Center tonight m M"'-'°°~'"°"“ mum-
. — “T
' . Stattrt‘l’ort’ in the Recital Hall of the Center for versny and his doctorate in music at ()M ' e smoo . e 0 ' I 1
' ' . . me i... L'K- H. i. man... an associate , draft beerm a bottle. . Q... t
. The State Of the U110" Address professor of music at Florida State l.--————-—~—————————————‘-’
. isn’t the only free entertainment _ . lini‘.m.sm._
available this evening. \0 stranger to this area. Drew ‘
- Trombonist John Drew will per- eamed his bachelor s and master‘s The performance is free and open
form in a guest recital at 8 tonight degrees at Eastern Kentucky L'm- to the public. \l’
0 t' T F' -
' $3233" 3 .- , ‘5 ‘ ' ————-—-—M' AST'K 21:21 2 Holds Your S of bum.‘
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 . i l .
Sports Editor
u Assistant Sports Editor
33>} .. , .. .. . :;.>:;.:-,-:.:..... .. - -.;.--‘.-:;.::V1,-:i=5521':-3:E$:-:'¢5;-Z:.<:li§i -/>:-‘-;;:'-««”.\:-yi-':=3:=--=‘15:11:; \awn-1.1.1.:....:v.v.~::::¢‘:-_-“:.,:.:.:-,:--:-,-..,.;,.«,ra - . - 1 .3 .. - . . 4:: . - 1~ .. ”’l 42:19:22,111? , ,~ -‘ t
'3! .. '1 . . , .' 1.: ’.*»§§i§§t§f§a%$.i;:te .. - . 3‘ 1 ’1 -{I:i';-'--'~.:':a§l ~15s®t~1§m§t 53‘
Adams finds niche 2e ,. " «=1 2 SIDEUNES
' w z '1 '3'“ If '3 i w
- . ° 3 e 3’6 . ‘53 Q. ' ‘ Eh Staff and AP reports
1 . ., l
, in first NFL season a. .1 ,, 1 =
3 : v ' . \ / I w 9 r - ' " '
1 .2 om n wrm t -
ByBRE'I'I‘IIAIT playing a backup role to halfback , .1 3' . . ‘_ 2 r ’ “,1! ... e S S team bea S Vanderbilt 1
Staff Writer Joe Morris and fullback Rob Car- 1*»- t _ \I: t . ‘_ _ . ,
penter, Adams still contributed to . .- x #3:. --“~’ 4‘, The UK women s sw1m team upped its record to 6-3 with h. " . ,
He wasn‘t sure what to expect, but the Giants' 10-6 season in several ’ . ” a). ‘3 ’5 {it a record-setting 85-65 win over Vanderbilt Saturday. . ' .
that didn't keep George Adams from ways. ,1 ' .i ; ,.- _ ' , Senior Meredith Wingard set two varsity, pool and . 3‘ '.'.
making a place for himself ‘h his “l‘helped them 0Ut because I “/35 _ ' I < . 1:31,..- 1" dual-meet records. winning the 1,000-yard freestyle in 2'
rookie season of professronal foot- coming out of the backfield catching A g We 10:42 48 and the lOObutterfly in 58 60 .. 1 « .3 .
hit” the ball, and came in When they . I a", i i i. v. '1" .. Q NanC' McMillan set another record in th‘ 200 butt rfly '. ‘ ‘ " ' 5"
Adams, a former star running needed me to block because I'm big- ‘ 17;;- ej, "'\ a , _) ‘ 7 ‘ c « . '. - 4 -. _,
back at UK. was a first-round selec- ger than Joe Morris," he said. ”I g 3 ‘1’ ' , wtthatime DRAG-43- . _ _ ‘ . .' .2; 3'-
tion of the New York Giants in last could come in and pick up a blitzing ,3 . a _ v ., m The women’s team swtms against nationally-ranked f. ' - ".3,
May's National Football League linebacker because of my size.“ ’W"? 1 :3 5.9a, . 3 ‘ .i: Cincinnati Feb. 15. .2 . ‘1' ‘
draft. He helped the Giants reach While a senior at UK more than a q 1" _ ' ‘_ . ‘ 4., ...KO - . . ,' .2".
the playoffs before losing to the was year ago, Adams rushed for 1,085 1 ’ " 1,1 " 4‘ - '2 9' j ;‘ t
NFLchampion Chicago Bears,21-0. yards and scored a school-record l4 4'... at. . 3 .- ' ; I.- 1
Now. Adams is back at UK taking touchdowns. In his four years as a ‘ , ’ 32 C00] cats drop two games over “eEkend , .3 x , ,2,
classes this semester to finish up his Wildcat.he rushed for 2,779 yards. , x ;,’" .. , ‘ .- : _~'-',‘.'.'
degree in therapeutic recreation. .He “1 think he could have played a lot ‘ " ' ’, The UK hockey club 10st two games to Ohio L'niyersity :1}: "£3111“;
lives in Lexington with his Wife, more." said UK football coach Jerry In... _ . Ii 3 in Midwest College Hockey League action this weekend in .' i-'."i'."r'_t'.
l.ynn,and their son.D‘Andre. Claiborne. “Joe Morris had to wait ' AlANLlSStO’Kem-lswfl Athens Ohio .g' _, ._;.’1‘.'
u" “fax pretty mucha big adjust- five years to get to where he 15‘ In his rookie season with the New York Giants, former UK run- ., ' 3'7; 7, ‘1
tnent 10? me coming thto the NFL George Adams has the ahthty t0 ning bock George Adams gained 498 yardsinabockup role. UK, now 5-8-1 0n the season, 10st the first game ll-S _ ; ' ,"
and getting adjusted to the guys who play." - - - 1 on Saturda ' Keith Kocan led the Cats in 'OrlllL’ with two 7 " ‘ ‘3 'w” 51'
had already been in the league,“ he Looking back on his first NFL sea- Pest and my body W'“ be “dlueted ‘0 News? ‘f they weren t, they . )' . . . 5L ‘. ' ' . .1 '1 C'- fi'". 5
said. "They are already established son. Adams said the number of lt~ _ . wouldntbethere. ' goals, Wh'lc Mark Shupe, John Bedu'ega'd and lxarl We" "3‘31' 5 1
and knew what was going on. 1 games he had [a play that was his Adams said going to tilt' prot‘es— ’Although 'Adams was in New ka each scored one goal. Beauregard, Jim Miller. Paul \W. -‘ 77,-“,9 5‘}? -.
didn‘t know what toexpect." biggest personal adjustment. Count- sional ranks and not beingI the star \Ork. he still followed the fortunes mann and Rick Newman were credited with otie Lixxlxl - ‘ - '2 '
“ll‘s mental." Adams said of play- ing four preseason, l8 regular-sea- player wasjstomething that t00k time (fli'l