xt72bv79vw28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vw28/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1983 1983 1983-11-09 2020 true xt72bv79vw28 section xt72bv79vw28 l
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mm; 1‘ “a.” .; . Established 1094 University of Kentucky. tum, Kentucky Independent Sine. W7) Wednesday Mambo: 9 mo
. _ , , ,, , ,. , _. , ___———_———_______._________________a_____.. .__.__.___ __._ ___..__. ._____.__..__._
By EVERE‘I'I'J. MITCHELL ll ' ' be elected governor of the state of keys over to her"‘ The crowd », 2;. ‘5, l . ..
9 Senior Staff Writer and KemUCkytn she sa'd screamed 3 WM “Y” i — Ct;ll:‘lll’b:l "that. ”0‘ t: :trl‘giizj‘
monwanaivnmson ELECTION '83 Democrats also triumphed in the Joe Prather, chairman of the it.- Mr! mac in”. «c vh' .m
SeniorStaffWriter other major constitutional races Democratic Party and of Democrats . . ” now up ”not tum: .. lxl'ulru'f‘t‘rt‘twt
' With Attorney General Steve Be» Together in. attnbuted (‘ollins' win ‘ ‘ and l m twttltitln‘ in: wt. \ to to mt
.LOIJISVILlaE —.Kentucky made —_ shear securing the post of lieutenant to her election strategy which began _ it? ‘ 3 out at - wt, \Ju Thought wit, a,“
lustory last mght With theelectlon of She also said she has done as governor and Jefferson County (‘om- With an active primary, “where she " . i ‘u\ ,itm Mn 3 m, in - :1 .,,r
its first woman governor. Martha much as she could for her cam- monwealth‘s Attorney David Arm took her message to the people and ' - tic-it tum, H21!“ wrrrxii1L‘. 3.2.4,“
Layne Collins announced victory paign. “Now I have a game plan strong winning the attorney gener- brought forth her platform " “v.4,“ ”,1 M. n. .,,., 1*”. mm.
ger her Republican opponent State and I‘m just going to follow it." And al's race. ”We then continued to trv to build ’ Krllttlt l‘». ,| hm” 3,213,. . ‘ ,
n. Jim Bunnlng' just a few minutes that plan canted Collins to victory _ _, , upon that message we had. taken to ' h, . ,. f ' h I I ' M
afterheconceded. “Tonight is the end Of a hard Although Collins mild she “Odd the people. tried to increase our tr- m ' ”:1 l- - t. . . .
H . . n . . . . not predict 8 Victor} margin over , » tot. \\ trnlitt‘t tl'rl \tNII‘N ..
How sweet it 15, Collins began fought campaign and tomght is a her nent because "I'm ust a gamutional efforts, tried to work ' h" ‘1‘,” Am, 4nd,.“ -,c,. M. ,
her Victory statement at the Exec- new day where we as Kentuckians can (1193: and I de l with [Jhe . with the camps of Dr «Harvey-l \ ' itm-t “Mm. W“, W. M“. w. .LH',
utive Inn West Hotel. Flanked by can hold our head high and assem- sues" she did 53' v: t da , or}: Sloane. Dr tGrad)‘ Stumbo.“ he = ‘ ' glut urgittiimiim mt at. m; J
family members and the Democrat- ble for the rest of the nation and as . that h ouldha S 8f to) m t said “And it seems to have worked 'g good tuifllk'qv .4 “my”. m,“ ‘ “i
- ic ticket members, she continued: semble for a new day for our own :13 s eB‘i‘in - :58, gspzrcen well." 3“ \ wait; hi im- 3 I ' i
“We did it. But let me tell you some- try where no one is limited by race. ge 8:”?! ning bl ’ p?“ Prather said (‘ollins' laH‘ounty ’ 2‘ .- .7 ~ 7 Pt .iiu-r r'liilut ll'tll‘ki 6 il‘
thing. I didn’t make history. We creed or gender and where people cent t e votes ta ulated ”‘56 cam ign helped her take the n‘to 2 . - ‘ ~‘ [I ‘ I‘m
. . p.m.. she had a 9 4 percent margin P3 ‘ MARTHA I .n Ni (1)”.le WW 1 ml" "W"- W in“ W
made history. And I thank you very can count their vote solely upon over Bunning (”89 513“)“, margin ry in the election "There is hide all con ttu- it-aow and ,r l .lutn t tr
much. . qualifications, experience and abili- ' ‘ doubt that traveling 120 counties has a l'zoeount) campaign because- lllt' iii-w flint l would]? i lun- Nut in.-
Earlier yesterday during a press tytogovem,"shesaid. . Gov. John Y. Brown Jr voiced his helped a great amount in the rural Kt‘ntux‘kliln is )llhl as tit-serum of priu' that i hut-.2 will in. om" 2..
conference, Collins said that “I had “Tonight we have finally an- support. for Collins: “Governor Col- areas where they can identify with rt-iirt-si'iiuititut its .lnulht'r Kt‘lllln‘kl lakt- tic: ”H‘sufio' .lil HXl‘r this
most of the butterflies Saturday and swered the remaimng question of has — it‘s got a good ring to it,“ he her.“ he said "They believe that an and Martha i.l_\llt- 1 ohms ti.- “A“.
Sunday. this campaign: Yes, a woman can said. “Should I hand my helicopter she believes in them This should he lieu-smut tHl i l\~ , ..
a t B Bunnlng concedes to Collins
2. I b” ,
2. 2 ' , . . or o o
W” ' 22...... ' ' \ ‘ sees new be innin for t
_ . ’4... s , g par y
y g '2 flaw”: a? I i . , , - _.___.______.-__._._____.-,
”(I . "" 1:2 . ‘ ‘1 C 2.. ‘ 35T%:¥?$IZ“ALLNER t'liitul l’rt-a\ «in iitldiltu‘ of t nllim- .
.r’" *, ' 5:“ a; ,,2 “'7“ 1, mor [l r \lt‘itlr\ l-‘orgt \‘llli l .tuigrutuidtr
.- - #4». t 2 w - ’- % | andJOHN vosxun. ELECTION '83 \in tuiiuu on ttuit i tutti her all
., , i O ‘ ' .. V ‘ News Editor the hit-st as it t‘lilll‘ll of till‘ i tuiiiiioti
' , ., " ' ‘ ' _ , 2, * “fl““h
' ' ’f‘ 4 ‘ A. _ , a "This is the beginning tonight,“ Bunning saioht-and his wife Man Forg) [Illntfld nut that toliim
” ”a i l mg"? n!“ State Sen. Jim Banning said last both had enjoyed UN' campaign would haw to lilt‘t' mam tough is
~ ' f t“ of .. “/f f . ~ 4 , night with tears in his eyes "This is “And we're going to have fun maybe xiii-s including with lllllll'i and high
’ ” ' "/1: . .2 / 2‘ ‘ the beginning of a new Republican next year. tflX‘iJUN' we have a t' .\ Wit) problems lll .t titttmlh lumk
I ( . ”"w/ it, . a party in Kentucky." Senatt-ract-iicxttttar' hesaid rtipt \ta‘llt‘
, " ' , a" if ‘ f Speaking to a crowd of several The eight months he spent cam \lu- \ tit-tiiiiti-it got hm anti itit
, 2. , u . j.” l . ' 4 . l hundred supporters at llexmgton‘s palgning vu-rt- tough. he said. "but utiitortu-t tic-mid
' /" :2 :3 ' Campbell House Inn. Bunning am sure as God made little apples, wt-‘ll l-..-ir|ier in the turning rllfl'i had
,4, .2 _ i; 2/2 ceded to Martha Layne (‘ollins in betuicktourymrstrom now' said the \oto-r tut'tintlt it: flv‘l'iir
1" 2 , Z”? ’ “ the 1&3 gubernatorial election at Hunning‘s concussion came about t'ountt uas not tunic i doom ..i
. in}; 3 i 1,433“ * 9:05pm, oneandone half hours after cam ways rather NHF .t ttiu virtwt tiirti
4,2“. . .1: g ” ‘ “Please accept my Sincere con paigii manager Jim ”out had an out lit-said
. ~, . j 2 J \ gratulations as the governor of the nounced that the ram- was not yet .1!” opponent Md ‘ hm, _mr
,. . ‘ ‘ at '. + ’ ‘Vn. Commonwealth of Kentucky 0V" , ,‘ ( ‘. .
- .: a said Bunning, reading a telegram ‘Thtsont-s jilsl lit-gun, hesaidat running Nddfl'i” NW, “amt.”
,4;- ,. that he. sent to Collins “The people 7 w p m Brown, litiiininat \ state tit-rut ,v-trr
. 5, "i1 of our Commonwealth have en- Host said the Republican vote in u")
,/ trusted you with their future. Guard the 5th ltistritt wits very encourag Hunnmg 5 main t‘tmrr'rn thrmiidl
s . ; éf/W’C ‘ ‘ itwisely " lng llt- \llti the northern Kentucky out the campaign was to ut‘hlP\t'
- fl; 2’ At the same time, Bunning said he turnout \h'lf‘ t’l ’ virtual landslide ' name rwognition ‘tfltm'ldt' 5hr
f ,6” 4 ‘ may campaign in the 1% Senate At H 4.3 pm Larry Forgy, chair \c‘lld he started wn hard iiiiine
race and the 1987 gubematorial man of the state Republican party. dlalt‘h tint-r the printan llrtmn
. ' ' . _ _ . .iuit'sriults kc-tneiwil!’ race. said. "I think .liiii Running has at said
Jim Bunning stands With his Wife, Mary, as he announces his concessmn to Martha Layne Collins in the urn tell you right now, I'm not quitterl htnm-lt u-r} well In ”115 ltepn-smtatm-s from Stool-nu. [0f
gubernatorial race last night beforeacrowd of his supporters. goingtoquituntil we win,"hesald. campaign Wiwn told of The Aw. m “m. , .
- mm“ (3 m wd th
Freshman elections i . a pus "0 5 ga er
' - ‘ l ' d
. f' f , ,2 4M to vote on e ection ay
1111“] 16d because 0 a, ,2, W w. v 2222-2— 4- 222 2-
1 .V we}; , {1%,} 1‘ . ~. Staff Writer
. . . >- 1 , ,fi. "a  ,: . I
cam al I] VlOlatlonS ., _ 5’ 1-"? Students around campus came out ELECTION 83
, g4 l a" 4 ' in droves to vote for their candidate
' ' _:2; ”f ’ '~. in vmterdax‘selwtttm _
Q 2 V' 2 ‘l A i ' -
BySCOTTWILHOIT Skeens and Greenwell “clearly ' 4 ., ‘3 “a; . ‘ At “5 pm: ”’7 "0“? "‘d m" ”m“ "Y" m '"dmu"
AssociateEditor stated that the interim between i 1”" ~ ” . 2' a (fast at ”w Newman (enter L”! am'mompflmt' mu",
deadline expiration and turning in of mm; .. ,... .;_. . ,.. 4 , " .;. . year, only about loo pmple voted Brian LaTonzea, a Republican and
The Student Government Associa- expenditure forms was partially , 2,55 V the” “comm“ '0 Ruth ('Omm' 3 ”mm mayor-mg m “mm“. "It!
tion‘s Judicial Board overturned this spent campaigning." '1“ ‘ '1 7 ' Who CMkm ‘" ”mm“ "”90“ meeting, 3‘“! h' "’(‘d '0' 80an
year‘s freshman elections, disqual- Upon hearing the decision of the 5:7,. "' ’1‘ " ,2, 1; The ,StUdem turnout was very mm" ' W' m WW“ '3' 0"
ifying theelected status of two can- Board, Skeens said, “I would say is ' " ,4, ._.V ' 5? Us gmd‘ (”mm ”M M the .10 “u Nu" governor
didates. that I am more disappointed than be 2, 2 c ; dents interViewcd at the Newman The lndependmt voter: Ibo up
In an opinion released yesterday, anything else.” She. said she was '3; 2 ’ 7“”- . '- . rem” “" “ppm!“ Bunniru and "m Running
the Judicial Board ruled that Sen. surprised by the harshness of thede- :32... 22 T 3 ' m‘l'l‘““'°“‘“'°”°”‘m . ‘m "" 'Wmi. m" ‘ ”m
atorelects Karen Skeens and D cision. ,:.3..,,;,,-:. j 3,22 “ff-h f““" ,3” . Six of the to students were Demo- 1 to going for Running. Bill Gngga,
Greenwell violated election rules as But she added that she will proba- ‘7‘"; r , ’ 9”“ b‘“ m” '°“’ °' ”m“ “m" "" a “'m ”mm" “'d H' "k” h“
'bed by the SGA consititution. bly run for an SGA position next fr ' 7.2.2,; a . - 4 ' (ollim Two of the students were ideas. and Martha Layne- is rumung
The decision overturned an earlier year. a " , _ 2 ‘ leptlhiflan and two Independent away fromthetasua ’
ruling by SGA’s freshman Elections Relaying the comments, David ' . . " All four voted for Running Nobody Running LI 3 lot more decmve.
Board. Bradford. SGA president, said the 9. cast a vote for .‘sick Mctubbln, who be said. Martha Layne evade- the
Controversy surrounding the elec- Judicial Board ruling was too a. "m as my (mum ”med Party mm
tion began when the Elections Board strong. “It was clearly an infraction 2 ' f i ”imam" KG“ Bartram. ' hum” ”m‘
ruled that Skeens and Greenwell had of the rules." Bradford said. “I (‘usunnuuuu xcinctsmv 5mm,“ voting varied u mat ltu Who In In [W3 said he - '
failed to turn in their expense re- think it was rather harsh because G db So t D. dents t'dst thl'lr ballot airing party chose Running tart-am: I like Bun»
ports by the deadline along with a $5 thegirls won bysomuch. 00 ye, IS er ISCO fines. although some crossed over an: aédeaanon the lotntdery 1hr: mgi
fili do it. “What reall bothers ’ that - - ~ ' ‘ . m "‘ y 0'" "‘0'" ‘ ‘" V” "“
1n}: Epist' d 'ded to the '15 ' )l’ d me Is Sister Cindy Smock, Wife of‘ Sidewalk preacher led Smock "I‘m a Democrat and I don't want inthentatethatraimnwu-y‘
. 0‘: ion Board. 061 . . 811' WWW ma e an innocent and a former disco queen, prosclytizcs a crowd of more M rtha u (0“ u, .. [)0 Bart 1 off ed h
Withhdd “‘9 69PM“ bin “0‘ to dls' mistake,“ Bradford said. than 200 in the free speech area of the Student Center yestcr- A a . yne I m. m". n ' ram ado c"- a cameo
qualifytheelectionresults. With the overturn of Skeens' and da 2 id Stein, a biology )uf‘llOf. said l on .(OUIMH I want sure the had
Kenny Arrinston, an unsuccessful Greenwell's electiors Ithe first and y‘ "mm ”an" ”0‘" "3“" "n a" m" "" hen",
candidate who placed third in the second place winners), the third and primaneat, but “’32 he a not there -—-—~—.-2 2—_~—-—~
race, appealed the decision but was fourth place candidates advancedT- "2‘ the “eke“ i
denied a hearinc by Joy Herald, wo candidates, however tied for e or n ”no “mm“ mm for w "My .NSIDE
ElectionBoardchairwoman. fourth place. The SGA senate will 32:5 mm” M mm "my “m".
Arrington then appealed to the Ju- now have to decide between Scott ' . -
dicialBoardtonirhis 'evancu. ' "I voted for (011W and grab.
m Judi“ on , med MXJCamandmpy Webb. Research makes UK, professor says my ,0, fl, 3,, m ,m, M
Boarddlsqual thoughArmngton could notbe De tau ,(-r”m M n “numb-ohm
SkeemandGreenwell. reached for comment, McCain said By KENZIEMNSTEAD Lacy has helped UK get two xi. mm“:“' 0 4h- - ‘15."; a... i. u. u i. a. M
The ruliru was based on a provi- he was shocked by the decision. StaffWriter tional Science Fund-tion grants, we ”find '3 m“ ' ' ‘fi-‘fim . »
sion of the SGA comtitutlon which “It‘s a real surprise to me," McCain two Ford Foundation grants and a gg‘tasam: he Sud ! Coll ”quad-4.1."),
states that “failure tosublnit the ex- said. He was not aware of the deci- They are behind the scenes. They $500,000 Agriculture International “bin“! [33' l V tam mi:-
penditure shall be gram for dis- sion until contacted by the Kentucky don't receive very much attention Development pant Lucy and five 3"" 'm ti ”no?!” . ‘ '1 h. - in ”7 m h n
qualificationofthecandidate.” Kernel,hesaid. from the University community. other faculty members are involved ' mimlnty 2;.“ II p0“ '0 “amt-m."
worn the prwistm. the Judicial The Judicial Board also ruled that Yet. they mean so much to the Uni- in the AID grant. "All six people are 1“", “u " "‘5 ' a“ 9"" 4. ,. , 4;,
Board based its decision on the case Joy Herald was “remiss in her du- V68“! One 0‘ these hilihly reapect- coprincipal investigators." he said me]: at Marth- '
d Rachman v. Galm.in which the tin“ when she famed to Mr Ar- ””112”!th Lacy. 'm ”mu are I’Q- l m.. I :u'K' TY ‘ 2»:
Boardsaid,“1‘heaeverityofthevio nington‘s objections to the election, The University, which received reamtedinthegrant " ‘m" "I “a." m” 'xl'o '
lation as affecting the outcome of according to Article 1x of the Con- nearly $36 million in extramural Lacy said the pants have allowed “.0 Dante. t “g“nim “
any election shall be construed to stitution. grant: during the past year, is the University to lure additiani (M I 62., m m. m:
mean my violation 0‘ the rules Herald could notbereaehed for amalgthemtopreaearchmiveni- Malidfkdtymtwom- we“ gamut”
whateoeva‘waeverimlgnlficant." comment. tieainthecomtry. is are hired W yam," be m ;
Hachnmn v. calm it decision u- Bradfwd wouldn't go so far as to Lacy. a marcher, aid thue said. Themwp UK tnin grad The slut-nu who voted for But mauflu‘ 4
mod by the Judicial Board. In- criticize Herald’s actions. However. mm and march Valed- help note. also!!!» Umm'v'n III-tor m-TW'V“ m ‘° "’ M “I'D-flim- ,.
swa'edaeballaigemadeby Flo betid “yuimumm tbeUnlveI-Iityaccomplhhmeditl goals.heuid.lieaddedtlntthe 6°03!" 2u-‘lr3wal 3
Hackmanagalmtbrewcalnuchr- mm mg. for . hearing they pi-innrygoalsuaruearchlmtltu- mwmmlitydteach‘ “I'm strictly for Bunmng and a.~,~nd~ ":;
tigthelflafruhnannutor dec- Whey-antenna." tion: toprovide imbue. lie-aid mmmmmm Glam Algle, a political m )u- fiufifiuflg
hall. The board "lid in favu' 0‘ Bradford said he may appoint themany cant: help the University nice familiar with their W "W aria NEW-53m ”1"“ I WW- .hfi-“fic
Gains. both Steel and Cromwell to poai- retiree lt- raearch W and mm cal m conduit and I‘ve been n _ t, . {”1“
The Judicial Bond a“ tilt halvithinSGA. widaiitaminou'tainfiekh. Sammy-.25 following Micky politics. and WW

 r . t i
' \ \ \
2 - THE KENTUCKY KEINEI. Warhead-y, m 0, 1.3
e e e e e
[1' Political science professor loses election bld'
is Tichenor narrowly wins 5th District position
I I By ALEX CROUCH —————-——-———-—' . .. . 3
Senior Staff Writer i :. " W
I a ”4 .WWMWg
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council 1 '
25¢ races yesterday saw voters reject political ELECTION '83 L: ' I '
scienceprofessorWilliamE.Lyons’bidfora _ fi
, council seat and narrowly return former stu- . :5 .
Will buy any drink in the house. The Lle demgwmw‘l’m'fllqmfim‘ _— i .
, . f d , k . . Lyons lost the 4th District race to State ham ~ -
ill serve. rozen run 5, speCIalty drinks, cream Farm Insurance salesman Dick Perry. Pen? Results of the other Council races were as ‘3.
drink h' h ball WMWWWW '6‘“.- . follows: .. r ; 3
' S, '9 S, Ly If; 11%;?“me s ?c;$smiwt; lst District — Edgar Wallace, 541, Michael C.
° ° ' . ,, ' . 81“,, ' Rankins, 710. Although Rankins won more
0.0.. a beer and wme. said.‘ Hepushetl lumeme. There more rtlo votes, Wallace will serve because an earlier flow. , ..
. To any lady for only gecfivfiwfi‘firt‘gwmggé “c“ “3 ° court decision invalidated Rankins“ candida- iii «
0 000 y ‘ ' cy. Ranklns Will not contest the deCiSlon. 4-5,, new , ;
' o 2 5 c til echm to a a whole lot utter." aw 2nd. District — Charles Jones, 702', John "‘"M .
I‘I , , cially in some precincts, he also said. Lyons WWW" 1,430. , ‘ Mess f
‘ j t. T at 3 LCdIO I NIQI‘I" made no predictions about Perry’s probable 3rd ) [gitnc‘ '” James (iardner «unop l , y Q
C- ' TONI“ ? ‘1 S‘QPdS‘ Thu” "° "mm t° me a 6th District — Charles Damrell, 922-, J.H. 7- gasses?“ ‘
C . AT THE Judgment, he sald. Comm 2 2% t . N. .X. n;,.¢:fi1*..‘<.v\’« is“,
- ' 'l‘ichenor won reelection to his 5th District 7th bistrict ~ Joby Gastineau. 2.244; WILLIAM LYONS
seat by 22 votes, gathering 2,959 votes to his James ESEnbOCk. 480-
opponent Fernita Wallace's 2,937. 8th District — David Bulinell, 2.594; Kath- 11th District — Tom Fields, 1,713; William
teen Hughes, 687. Faris, 1,288. ,
, Wallace, however, was not satisfied last 9th District — Bill Rice 1,889; Roy Durbin. 12th District — Carol Jackson, 2,482; SF. 4
M .. _ . , ' ' evening and was waiting for a more mm 3,286. Hedger, 845. ,
. . a” . , ~ ‘ plate count of absentee ballots. 'l‘ichenor was 10th District — Barkley Blevins (unop- Eight Council incumbents were returned in .
, not available for comment. posed), 2,309. yesterday‘s voting. ,
' ' O O O
0'“ Th I t I f ‘
me! 9,90, ree po 1 ma selence pro essors -
I H U R 5 DAY give their views of yesterday’ s race
IS UK DAY. ,ymmmm ______________ ..
, Staff Writer
‘ . , L I '
i TROUSERS' SKIRTS- Gmllmn “Republicans must capture Democratic votes to win E ECTION 83 ‘
1, SWEATERS. SPORTCOATS smeall in this state," Malcolm Jewell, a political science pro- _—
NOV 17 lessor, said when Martha layne Collins. Democratic nor. “It‘s clear she's not as popular as her running
' ' nominee for governor, was declared the winner of the mates,"he said.
mm election. None of the professors said any part of her platform
‘ gag? “Republicam gain votes when Democrats are split: in helped her win. “Nobody noticed her platform," Canon
this electiontheDemocratic party was united.“ he said. said. She ran a deliberate campaign not to offend any-
. EACH “Bunning ran a pretty good campaign but could have one, he added. .
‘ magnum: % done more to get the issues out," said Maurice East, Jewel] said neither candidate ran issueoriented cam- .
another political science professor. Collins ran a wise paigns,
2 PC SU'TS ‘ ., campaign and only had to avoid making major blund- Collins won because of her party identification and be- ,
PLAIN 1 PC DRESSES ers,hesaid. cause this is a Democratic state, East said. “She pro- .
aggggig," , Brad Canon, a political science professor. was not jected a good, positive feeling about Kentucky," he
""““”““ surprised with Collins‘ victory. He said he thought it said.
17 was interesting that she ran well behind Steven Be. Her personal style appealed to the voters, Jewell said.
nOV. shear, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant gover- Even though she refused to take a stand on the right-to
work issue, she still had the support from industry, he
i . EACH D R d B said. '
_ Collins will have support from the legislature because
SHlRTS r. aymon urse the Democrats are in the majority, but East said her
' - - effectiveness de nds u n the uali of the team she
LAUNDEREC TO Presudent of Kentucky State Universny puemgemer, 9° 13° q ty
R PERFECTION. FOLDED ' Canon said she will be flexible because she has not
OR ON HANGERS WI“ be on campus taken any specific stands on any of the issues. Collins -
1 HOUR CLEANERS demonstrated good organizational skills in her cam-
TOD A Y paign. which she may be able to use in her administra-
31:21:12“ 31173“? merging" tion. Jewell said.
croiiieadisnoppmg cn imiienlill'aii" °° . East said more people are interested in public educa- '
3:333:33” '83” “mm 1'00 P'm' Old SIUdeni Center tion than higher education, so Collins addressed educa-
EACH Topic:1’rqngfer of black; from “I9 tion problems on the primary and secondary levels.
“We will have to get her interested in higher education
5 *0 r 3 . 1 9 white universities to predominately black and bring heralong,"hesaid.
0 Canon said neither Bunning nor Collins had much to
insfl‘hlflonh 0 an '0 bll say about higher education. He said there‘s been little
P P" c indication that her administration will increase the
"‘ Sponsored by UKSGA and quality of higher education, but she will maintain it.
~ As long as primary and secondary education do not
‘ d daily OMSA ”WWI“ AdVlm Comm'lfee fully overshadow higher education, Canon said he is not
serve S nday worried about her views on that issue.
and all day u .‘ Beshear, winner of the race for lieutenant governor,
is “in the catbird seat for the governor's chair in four
In years." Canon said.
" an GIVE PLASMA Jewell said he believed the election returns raised Be-
w 0 ~ ,, , .' FOR A LARK shear‘s stock. He was a strong candidate, a liberal and
. t 1 _ .. __ .-- _ _"_ _ _. __ a big winner, he said.
6‘ etc Irea 'Lexington Civic Center. ' RESEARCH PAPERS ,
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.— 3" U ' 1‘" gig-213‘ ,7 :' i .
fifi ‘5 ~ ’72. _- _ i, , -. _ BUSI ness Maiors
a I- . ". I i‘Jm: -': I .L i ‘ , ”ii-.559; .77 F1 Sh t
.. g _ . I: - _ ”=7; 1:; j;- t ,,
U '1... . ._ r .;;-g;._;._., --. ct‘ \ 3.:gg;5_.-:::.-..:-.. u 0 S Freshmen and Sophomores
V .aif-rz-rz-zf-‘a-;-;;.i.i:i;-::‘~.~:.-;-:-:-'~'."-‘~:-t=-:-'-‘.ran-14.33;":‘7 dim“ :‘ Will be given l0 UK StUden'S AdVIs' n9 c°n*.r°n‘°s For
..'_ .. _' if: . 5?:7f;':f_'_-f;;_i'5.2:; "'7 Faculty, Staff and their spouses at the Student Advanced Registration
0 Health Service Medical Center) Annex 4
Dinners include euddlne or eelotln and choice M on beveroec (except milk). ACI'OSS Rose Sl ( from Ul’llVGl‘Slly HOSpllOl 'h N 10".
a LEXINGTON: 131i) Russell Cave Road ' "r" °"'
‘ ' 286 Southland Drive 7‘30 PM Com ‘03
E RICHMOND: Eastern By-Pass Wod., NOV“ ‘6 8‘ Thurs" NOV. ‘7
Illmfi'qlllmh Ill-Icegrlgnlln ‘0 A-M- '2 P-M- Sign up in Room 227
= SAVE UP TO $3 87: SAVE UP TO $3 47 :SAVE UP TO $4 07 = muggy siudpm with ,hp hmm, I”. 34.0., Commerce Building
I 2 for . 2 for I 2 for I Faculty. Staff. Spouses and UK Students
I $ 6. 99 . $7 I $ 9 I without the health fee. $700 '1/66 ,
I I -99 I .99 I /' deteat Mchbin haw been selu‘lui m points“
SiaffWriter ELECT'ON asserted that the t‘itizem l'mon wvllplaced indmdimh inn “a. \ium... \t.i til-(W “Ht -! .
Party slill has strength "The [immiedsruimiimflfib .t,~x...‘. 1..“ .t :z..:....- .ill' .imii
While all the media attention _ party isn't dead ’ he said "ll l Mcthbhin “.15 (hr Hist ..t-.; i:.. in" Us " ’1- lint Va ti! 4‘
was “mad {0 the Collin-W mg the (mm unlit“? Pani' ‘10 gel2percenl. it Willcontinue date in throw m, hat min u,.~ pm: i * u" ’.'-.\ ' i. r \r\rf{lvrlm\
race, a third candidate patiently call attention to rising utility Mcfiibbin called himself a can “.31 are,“ ”in.“ now”; ”3,. , ,4“: . at: my 3.: “on “w .
waited in front 0‘ the wmm "as" . d’dat" for the ”‘ermfi WIE' illisignatm net-tied so his iwm '~" .. ‘ H‘. ~ lick \li-iti- ..g 7hr v
forlastnight’selectionresults. He said the party thought the He 531d he when, the mam could app“, m W. mum w...“ _ .i. - . . I
Nicholas McCubbin, a Lexingtai best means to bring light '10 the” part) canmdau-g paid llltl't’ auen the Sept lSdt'adlilM' y u ‘ ,. . \f ht . ‘ ' V
attorney, may not have received cam was to place a candidate on [10010 the whiny: of political or“, “8 t‘flllt‘d his t‘Jlllpdtgl‘. {in \ '. ‘ “~‘IH‘4 'i .I'i " l 1:, 'i \J:I. .it- a
as mUCh MD? as the other candi- thegubematorialballot mzations than to the needs of the Lens i'mtud Pam Mo on)» \,.u: " “‘ . "f ‘ "‘ “W“ “""‘ 4‘
dates but he took himself just as Although McCubbin ran on a ordinaryi-itizen he “am“; m our” on“... WM... " “4"" ‘ -"i ,
seriously. third party tiCKEL he comiders in an inierlé’“ with the Ken merit hack to the proph- 'l‘lk' _.;.~t llu‘ ik‘lLtllJ'.‘ l’.ii'\ ll.“ '
“I have accomplished what I‘ve himself a Republican first and lucky Kernclon Sept 2. Mct‘ubbin of his platform um iiiai'f‘iig . or. .. on: 4 wt . .is
tried to do.” McCubbin said last foremost. ‘ said (‘ollins and Running were not t} rates arm» mounts . A . a. mu ,t odious.- iv. t f
night inatelephone interview. . “Itm continuing onvin the .Re' the people's ('hou'e “l am a can He said he would stimuli: :i...ii - . n. on: \t;~ own. ii...
That 8031 began With StabllSh' publican party.’ hesaid “Tomght didate for the “orking people in dutor) interchanges i-i imm ll‘ iw’i .w. p...“ .u-. \u mu \\ Hit i “an
s ' ' ' 0
0 "IS 12C" UBBIN (I)
(tiiiiiniied from page one ’ ' . _ ‘ w ' . , ‘
. 5“ ,_ s; . I‘m :11 ltuiitmig \.i.-l .ii' iit.iint.!\ it! «it .i \..ii .'.z. in.’ .Lt'!.“.! 3m! t
(,‘ollins' three-tiered platform I 2 ' i tlf'.illi‘ .i-tiizs.limrliiiiixitx prim-w v' 't r..." it» i-Hi night»-
‘18!“ Stated that She would work 0" inl' '* .. ~ * .;. _‘ ' ' ' inll‘ H's...‘ tumult-ii! oi llii- iiiflu nfiii .i'wq
rovin the ualit of education in j ' ..it Hi m» “l' is“! i-«iiili- ti! .iii ll" . 11' A... hi it .I'.iN it
p g q y .. . l
S-P- Kentucky, bringing MW jom and “1‘ 5. I ' 'Pii' .M 3" ;»:.i l‘\ til‘. «.tliiptts “Q" Li. .." i-- .‘ "n \'.i3r .l". \v'l\1'iv\
. dustrial development to the Com- ' . . ...:i or m. minim to .m nimiim «mix '-~’i vii-we» mt w
d in monwealth and changing the struc- ' q :..i-.;.- ii;..rg:iw 1.5.
tureofhercabinet_ COLLINS (D) ‘l ii.\..; "sinuous! fligii I” to .“i pvt in: ...~m.-i (47‘, Am \umiiLirx mi
"i'm concerned about education V ‘ i'ti' “i ”it “Hutu“ W1" m-m “i «‘2'»! in 5.“qu “”“i't'lwww
as 1 am about many things,” she ‘1‘0’4 i'-I.t::...t‘.g H“. Mauro-s vat-re “sin-m“. tax ”1 _,i .3“ h “A.“ lmrl A“ K ".r
said. "i see education as an invest- _‘ " ‘ t MW I'm ”Ht-HHI-ilii‘lw pm, .mx in. .iu lintw' liil tr... lll'l\ .Iiltl ..
ment,not anexpenditure.” .‘4 pt‘l’t‘t‘lll it Ar; \ Alllt \.itl'l\i\a~1f lilt‘ millilitb Mimi-r \A lit-ii um: Hr .u-ii» plop-nu!
Some of the rams to im ove with; imnm lM’Ntttl .‘l..l.’li'.tt'ill’- o lltniitttfl «illlli .igi- iii .i:
' the quality of gtfation in thepsliate _...--:=~~'> .. ~- " " ‘4 » l" “”7"“ Ulml‘u‘ “'11in um .ii. .I'll‘ll‘ilil lii itll Kv'li'in in s «tiny
include com tenc testi for tea- {I ,.___,..,...;j--:.. _. .' ‘ . ' .. ;- :v..t :. mull \lltl Imw (i.tl!t'?l oi: n.3,,
chers and Fs)i3udenils andngremedial V .. my illt‘\liit'll' oi llit‘ midi-iii mm Hullllilig\ oily-r in...“ fun "it...
" - helpforsomesmdents- Bl iNNING R 5 intuit. ilhiti; \t‘i'iitiiiiip: 3v out You; .iii ilhlt‘i .Illllliili ioiiiirli-iit .
~— "l don't have a program per se," with --~ .U'-‘.iri"t'4l :t lldlltl\ tfnui tisliiig mil Itiviif law (iii trm lk‘rx
she said about higher education, llii \iiiti‘ss iii lliil‘iniligs I.Illlpii\ Hr «in: hul siiH-ii' l,||\ill‘ mus
“like 1 do for elementary .and sec- 423,51] inimithui. is.» lxilsli-rixf li\ Lii‘gi- for liiglii-i I‘llll'dlitlll \iii iiili hr siili
ondary, simply because we don’t 4.3.6 pl‘rt‘t'lil Litiii‘: sum-«ii' of tin- lulllllllfllt“ port .iii illlllllllt'l‘. llilllt‘liii t.u for
.- know how much money we are going ~i..vi.i- .,, mum ”in. ..imi. m .iiw m-nim i.
ung to need and we don’t know exactly ::‘-:-;(:-:;v:‘:;: -.1;-':1.'-I:-: :..v::-:‘:1:-:\-:-:I'3:I:1.I:I'-.1:1:i:l.»;t::.-.»22:13:,-‘::;.,.;,:_:,:,.t.: ,1 “d"! lliillllllix \‘l‘ll h" ""“l‘1 “K“ ”him
how much moneywehave. W WMWWM _ mg.” \‘mimh i... lilll‘itidtfl tlt'lllltlt‘m mint ii-guinim .i iiu- lwm-tui «s
il‘m ”We Will be working with the +AMA. H; .. . ”mm H“ iiil'li'li'lkl as {M A” ””1, Mimi,“ “P“. h, “a“ t, alllmugh ll'
non . . . . Hun». . _ W . . 9 _ .g H
Come“ on H1 er Education and lithi \"llt t lllt‘il lli :flxtiul iiimliiuf .in iiii. .Aimii. p.4\\
my- they have donegha very comprehen- are going to have better higher edu~ is not the only way it) have qualll} campaign llt’lli “dildl'll (‘tl‘llttii'fi'l i ii. --\Tti'ii.i-5\ lilipli'\\l'¢l iii Mir ”0- .il\t> \.|ltl lu- would in lo n‘iiril
sive study with regard to the needs cation students," she said. “That education Sure. you have got to man for greek orgunimtions toi llai lil‘illllllii .m «tiniigtwid m- vii-ii- .itiii- I‘l’ glut'rillill‘lil .Ilkl «to 5m.” uiih
lm- oihighereducation.” will cut out the need for time and re- have sufficient funding, you have group. she thinks toiiipiis tillll lti .-.~i..iii.\ii on ittnipm and til it»- aim! lN- mom llir imiiiumur Hair")
She said she wants to increase re- medial work.” got to have good salaries so you can paigning worked well although \llt' \l.ili‘ in! \nitl of WM“ “1 “MMHHHMH
be- search and high technology in the Another important issue facing get good professors. you haw got to said that when the students itil ltiiii Hi- \dltl llit'llill‘l". of lilt' l h‘ org” \l.iii,\ iirntili-iiix uill in”. N.“
N ‘ ‘ onomic develo ment have facilities. but ualitv education ning cam us (‘lia iii-r and llt'l' group nimiioii lllll’lltl 'n ikll‘lll‘lpilll' lll itii- tut-M \ gnu-rim; m ihq- nrxt Mu-
state and ospecmlly at UK. Kentucky is ec p q , p l
be She said an emphasis on elemen- and the creation of new jobs. she can also be effective by setting goals were ”ihrtming things it.“ it .im wont Hilltiuiigli llt'\l to... “Him m”... y... mu: m m. ”mum“... Mr
- tary and secondary education will said. andseitingsialidards ” forth at the t'lld, ii \l.tlll'tl gi-tliiii' ti.i\i~::t \t't‘l‘. flit l.l\l of our gioiiii fll