xt72bv79vw03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vw03/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1982 1982 1982-09-10 2020 true xt72bv79vw03 section xt72bv79vw03 #Wfl
KEN I UCKY “435::
(I m iii-L" Aspicyme
{H '4 Herbs and spices have long been used
J ‘glgplri in cooking and medicine, but some even
( f [K use them to Cut corners with the food
\ bill and to help lose weight. For a closer
look at seasonings, their origins and
-“ J uses, see page 4
Vol. LXXXV, No. 23 Friday, September 10, I982” An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky
—__—.——_—__————__—- -
FRIDAY President calls for budget amendment
.mimemm. Reagan urges tax cuts, school prayer
- - ________— that many of his longtime allies called it—this summer. students, faculty and patrons of
80h”, board OffiCIOIPIOOdS ”"1060!" By MWHAEL PUTZEL have accused him of neglecting. With mid-term congressional cam- Kansas State on the 95th birthday of
ASSOClated PMS Writer In_a speech at Kansas State Uni- paigns beginning in earnest across Alf Landon, a former Republican
LEXINGTON — Harold Steele, vice chairman of the Fayette vefsfity, Reagaiiitrepeatled his m the d caueraitry, one‘tpresidentitliil aide (glpgaemor “(1.1936 presidentialcan-
County Board of Education, pleaded innocent yesterday to a $maf:fllc%sak:tl?:aun$$mefily :aohservatfiersi‘s ying to ne up eventtehtxazsbanlegctli‘i:frigging:
charge 0‘ shoplifting 'OOthOS'e and COId “”5 0' 0 FOOd' MAM‘INITAN, Kan. — President clear that children can hold volun- In recent weeks. many leaders of lues.
town supermarket in east Lexington. Reagan launched his fall political of- tary prayer in their schools." the Republican right — the bedrock The president then headed for To-
A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Sept. 29 in femchidfhtgfiyrewdumdhgcatgxtz‘t: HF :35: 7651mm? his 3:390” for 0f Sagan“: climb t? $EF$$HFY £59333 by helicopter for adprivate
Fayette District Court. Steele, 49, was released on his own mu .. a anti-a r 19" .695 ation a 9998‘ — ave it mm? .0 e a. "“5' per-person reception an a 31m-
and make that whole 1 w uzzle ' . . ' '
.ecogntmnce. , or a tax system mg 83nd? and {féfiamfii‘fifit‘l’tmki’i‘md‘t’t’ilfiflit "iii KS‘iEi‘uitfcm‘ér‘ifSi‘iéé ififTéEfinanmd 2335: 333°3t?“kabn‘;a‘i's $53532?
FOOd'OWN employee Randall Marshall '0” POl'Ce he 50‘” fairfor 811-" Congress to create deficits in peace- the controversial social issues that Party.
Steele conceal a tube of toothpaste and two packages of The residrnt who just won a time. he set aside while pushing for his From Kansas, he was to fly to
luncheon meat. sloo-bill‘ion tax ’in c rease over the A year ago, Reagan won the larg- economic program. _ Ogden, Utah, for a private meeting
"I'm in a state of shock," Steele said. He declined fur- next 1 years, did not specify any est tax cut in history, one that re- The presrdential aide, who asked With a dozen Republican state chair-
ther commem cuts and simplifications He also did duces indiVidual rates by 5 percent that he not be identified by name, men from the West.
' not sa when he wants'them other over three years and prevents said Reagan would undertake an in- Before returning to the East. Rea-
than czlli them a “goal on the ho- “bracket creep" due to inflation in creasingly active travel schedule gan planned a visit this morning to a
Bomb victim cooperated in investigation rizon " n8 “Effie?“ u“. t . fed 1 “13‘1in “Pg? "‘9 ”PV- f 8913”] rermon cannerydthattl minutel 3:1-
‘ u res mg cu s in era eec ions w1 campaign 5 ops om are recipient an vo unteer a r.
Reagan used the occasion to reaf- revenues and burgeoning deficits led New York to California. He also was scheduled to address a
LEXINGTON _ Jack K. Daniel, 0 coal broker who lost both firm his commitment to school pray- him to embrace the $1001,
The letter said Daniel had "met continuously" since ‘ '“ 3" .
March 22 with state and Internal Revenue Service agents i ’ ‘_ '
investigating "questionable coal tax shelters . . . syndicated ( Q ~ " - "
on Kentucky coal leases" by individuals and corporations in 1'“ ‘ y. w
the Chicago area.
Neither Koch nor Beshear would comment on the Leviti- ,_ W J. _-,
cus case. Miller said authorities hoped to interview Daniel if " 1 _ -,:, §
his condition improved. ““‘ , . ' wwfi 4'“ ;
Daniel was in serious condition at the UK Medical Cen- ‘
ter, where his legs were amputated Sunday night. ’
_ ‘" .;_ 1. ‘ '
House reverses budget bill veto . ' ‘
WASHINGTON — The Democratic~controlled House yester~ _. . é v
day dealt President Reagan his first major reversal on a tgwsvem
spending measure by overriding, 301-117, his veto of a ‘ i r, ,2. "3:! it“:
$14.2-billion bill he calleda"budget-buster." 1 ,‘N Q ,1 3 ~' ‘ , i
The vote sent the bill to the Republican-dominated Sen- 4‘ ‘ ’3“ :3; V, ' 65“” «gigfisfi ‘ g 1-;
ate. It was the second time in nearly two years the House ,1.» "I§;,.e,:§3‘e€.‘ :Q-iifiifl, ‘ I "‘ .{f
has overturned one of Reagan's vetoes. ”was fifil§emt 4‘; 2 ~‘ if m 3- ‘ ;
Just moments before the tally, House Speaker Thomas 3‘3 3 it g“. »_ . gt“- .
P. O'Neill, D-Mass.. appealed to Republicans who originally g 3‘55 e? who .. _ .1“ ‘ ~“ 3' g” 15
. .. . .. ..* ’ , s1: . . t _. . sh
supported the bill to stay with your conscrence. Demo- i ‘ g, " 4 ‘ p t f ‘ 3 ‘ Q
crats assailed the veto as reflecting a desire by the GOP to ' . ‘ ' I. :5 *~ ‘ g f . "
spend more on the military and less on social programs. ’-.. g. . t: l * " _ ;
Reagan's veto message referred to more than $1 billion 0 0 sin vm HOOK/KernelStalt
contained in the measure that was either in two earlier bills seiflng It up
that he vetoed or that Congress agreed to cut last fall. ‘
In all, the Sl4.2-bi|lion bill was well below the adminis- Celeste PhimPS' a telecommunications SOPfiomOFe °"d Lady Kat demonstration yesterday. The Lch K°l5 PIOY the second game 0*
tration's request. But it contained about $9l8 million more volleyball player, prepares to put one up during a Press Day their season at7z30 tonight at Memorial Coliseum.
for domestic programs and $2.1 billion less for defense."
Among the appropriations Reagan obiected to was $217 -
million in student financial assistance and $26.5 million for ’0 W" rep aces s a 9 po ’09 ea 8
handicapped education.
—————By SY RAMSEY matigéiédeuéhfifh ctgntended Welch mansrlist commisswner within three The governor said the theme of
- - . . ex 'sau ority. mon . the entire reorganization "is to sim-
U-s- launches firs‘ pnvat. rocket Associated PMS Writer The net result has been a civil suit Wellman said his aim is ”to elimi- plify life. It was getting too compli-
by association members in Franklin nate politics in the state police. get cated over there. They were using
MATAGORDA ISLAND. 1.1.. __ The firs, rocket ever —-—-——‘-——‘—“ CircuithurtagainstWelch. . us on the-same team'and‘make sure Welchasastraw man.“
launched by us. private enterprise blasted off flawlessly FRANKFORT — Gov. John Y. mgfcgggfufildmfié‘flfhag {383‘} evgzyoi’vnne‘fiatgeaggffigtyé lice be Wellman. who leamed Wednesday
from this coastal island yesterday and flew a lO-and-one- ENVY“ Jr. ”5th transferred action. and when it came, the gover- came too politicized in redint years night while in Arkansas that he was
half-minute suborbital mission before splashing down in the gage? firm y ml‘ilsfslilon‘zflclffa :2: nor decided to reshuffle the state p0. and that the agency‘s image has suf- lsizlflgesmirfiogfafifi: $33811 sathjehfh :9“
Gulf of Mexico. :. n . lice. feredasa result. . . . .
Cam ll and installed Ad. Geri. . . of command. ust as in militar
“Everything looked perfect. It went right on down the Bfllypfillmaninbothposts, J Welctl; who had been Humane $66: f The governor .praised WCICh. a service, J y
pike," said Donald K, Slayton, the mission director and a‘ The governor said that Wellman, 000. a “F “6’“ more it any ormer FBI (”manna honest, etlu- ,
, d who still retains his milit . ob other cabinet secretary. has agreed cal and good at organization. Wellman. 49. was born in Ashland.
””9 °5"°"°“'“ . . “has a free ha d t do whaat‘rhe has to accept a reduction, Brown said at He said Welch had served the goal is a Morehead State University
Conestoga l, a 37-foot rocket, climbed to an altitude of to do" n 0 a news conference, but the exact of scaring “people who had been graduate and first was appointed ad-
192 miles, arched over the Gulf and separated from a Brown saidhetook the steptoend amotmthasmtbeendecidedyet. ‘ abusing state government for justant general in 1977, then reap-
dummy payload that spewed 400 pounds of water into bickering between many state offi- l Vilma; double £05]th wrlitic; years and thereby reducrng corrup mlizteddléy Brownin19f79.
beca e p01 ion. a ’tion to his three current
space. ceis and troopers and Welch and as . 9 use. es .. . . . . , ,
. . .. _ . .. . comnussroner Job is temporary. He has Just about orgamzed him- posts. he also 15 director of state air
The laund‘ by Space Servrces '"C' °f America W“ a V"' :ufimlgff “Sh and independent Wellman said he hopes to find a per- self out ofa job.“ Brown said. transportation.
tory for private enterprise," said company founder and 93/32,! who had ultimate authorit
boarshchaigman c(fag/‘id'Hannah, a liouston busines‘sman. ’ over state police, became secretary _ _ I I
IS 5 owe a a group a private inves ors can ge ofthePublic Protection and Regula- P I h d I I t th ff
together and launch a rocket in a responsible way and well tion Cabinet. He succeeded hacy 0 Ice ea p ans Invo vemen WI 0 Icers
withina commercially feasible limit," said Hannah. Fannterbugho resigned to return to to B he uld t , d' t t I be
H h . . . . . pnvae mess. _..___ __ rown co no resign as a Juan genera -
' 2m.“ .smds; doze: 0" C?TIP°m?s has? expressed "‘1 Campbell will be reassigned to a By SY RAMSEY cause he was in leave from the federal government for
eres . in usung . o p ace so e ites in or it to monitor or “high position“ in state police, the AssociatedPressWriter thatspecific purpose.
wells In remote srtes and to search for oil and gas deposrts. governor said. at Wellman‘s discre Tdd? alt .mltee-doriented personsl‘l't'Wellmgn said
ion. _________.___—. " y l ri new responsr iiies an a new
Brown announced two other team."
moves that a r to be a ainst the FRANKFORT — Talking to Bill Wellman. the state‘s What Wellman also inherited is a turf problem among
ppea 8 , y
State Police Professional Associa- adJutant general and now justice secretary and tempo- state police that caused officers and troopers to defy
\ / tion. an aganization that had nesist- rary state police commissioner, evokes the image of an Welch and eventually file a lawsuit against him. It fi-
\ ed Welch's authority and that the Ashlandcountry boy whomadegood. nally prompted Browntoclean house.
w governor blamed for causing the re- “1 have no political ambitions whatever," he said. Until then, the Q-yearold military official was con-
_ cent unrest. “Alllever wanted wastobeadjutant general.“ cemed largely with raising the Kentucky National
He said he is ending the clieckoff He made it in December 1977 by appointment of then- Guard to full levels. which he has done, and also rui-
/ \ system under which hundreds of as- Gov. Julian Carroll. He stayed in the post in December ning the state's air transportation division to the satis-
sociation members paid :50 annual ism thankstoGov.John Y. Brown, faction of legislative oversight panels. which he is try-
dues. As for polities, there was a movement to get him to ing to do.
And Brown said he is suspending run for lieutenant governor a few years ago, but well- He acknowledged candidly that he was none too famil~
"I" 0""090“ W". '0 P""Y WNW Wl'.‘ ' M!“ l" "'0 all power of the state police internal man indicatedhewasu‘t interested. iar with state police matters, especially the specifics of
. -. mid 00:. Tonight wIII Ire partly cloudy wItIt a low In trial board, whose decision maiths Nor did he lobby for the justice secretary tearlier the recent controversies. and gave a hint of his methods
the mld bOe. ago indirectly touched off the latest this week when he was informed he was in the running of leadership.
tomorrow wlll b. cloudy and mor. humld wIth . controversy. to succeed Neil Welch. who the govemor made public "It's not a touyi military approach,“ Wellman said.
chance of ”my“... ‘.V.'°P|". In the afternoon and That board had dismissed Maj. protection secretary in a reshuffle of state police and although his subordinates report he can be a hard-nosed
evenlno and it Matt In the mid .03. wull'm Favors for allegedly lying the 1‘15"“ post. . taskmaster when necessary 1 . .
about an mcrdent. Welch had re- The governor offered the post late Wednesday night lmtead. Wellman said. he does everything possrble in
imitated Favors, infuriating the as- and Wellman new home from Arkansas, after stressing akind way to obtain cooperation. “and then. .

Ker no" I
Assistant Am Edison Copy Deeli
SGA should not sponsor visit by SI “
As nearlyevery Kentuckian knows, Har~ opposed to that. We are opposed to promot-
vey Sloane is laying the groundwork for a ing individuals or parties.”
run at the govemorshlp hext year, a run he SGA, however, is spending students’
aggcted to make official sometime in late money to advertise Sloane’s visit here. Jim
r. Dinkle, SGA president, emphasized it will .
The Louisville mayor although currently an not be Si ' Sloane a ption or an limmmuIm.ii...rc-iminty,animrmfifiilflr"zi' "on2lmmllMutual-outwmlm- «(maywuynvycmq"{quay/w, ,
. ’ . V1118 rece y pay- v ' ‘ ‘ - v V v “
unannounced candidate, has already gained ment for his appearance. V 1". m TDOL-ITI CAL. ' O V. ‘33“ '
the support of Bobby Richardson,_the speak- But even one nickel of SGA money spent ? 3. . ' . l’LAYGPO UN D O . ’3'
er. 0f the House, who earlier ,thls summer on Sloane’s appearance violates the stan- .‘él . O. O , o o . é‘
said he would serve as Sloanes state cam- dards its committee has set for other cam- ' 2;. .. . . .‘V v v'. o o ‘3} l
paign chairman after thls_fall s elections. pus organizations. In short, SGA is telling ‘13.... . 0.. o. 0. §‘
Other politically powerful inleiduals have campus organizations, “It’s okay for us to do ’. 4:. . ‘ . . ' o o o g
gathered around Sloane in recent months. this, but you can’t,” almost as a parent ‘2’.’ n .o “ "é’
There 3,5 evcna fledgling “Kentuckians for wouldtellachildnottodrinkor smoke. .3" l‘ , . . WV o,‘
Sloane committee. SGA should stop and turn back the pages 8 , , ' ‘ §. 1,. ‘9 7 . 3’
. . . . ‘ ’0 - \‘l ( § “
The Student Government Assoc1ation Sen- of history, to when then-busmessman and gu- V . i. (n. ,c, ’ A é; I . Q « ‘3‘.
ate voted this past Tuesday to sponsor a bematorial candidate John Y. Brown and his .‘ g, W3, . . Q t'WflQ Af/ZVWWS. 2:}. .
mid-October appearance by Sloane here. The friend Muhammad Ali helicoptered to cam- .3 ‘ " 9 . . @‘VQ ' %L~—:" fl} 9% C“ of
appearance Will give Sloane an opportunity pus for a Student Center Patio performance if: MR / . . ‘,A@K'$ “w a 47‘7ng
to encounter a substantial block of voters, before 1,500 screaming students. Brown was i' " .~ I I. ‘ ~ [7"ct’fl3 4' ‘ ’fi "' m, /‘3
and it also _w111 give him an opportunity to at his political best that afternoon, prom- ;, WW . .. ’0‘ (sift; f 3%]. 3’
test the politicalwaters inthe Rluegrass. ising the throng a better Kentucky, a better ’5) u. . o ‘557/77 «,3? Q} g
The mechamcs behind his appearance UK and NCAA championships in both foot- 1; GRWPS ¢ . . / {MA '/% o ‘7:
smack of hypocrisy, especially in light of the ball and basketball. . 1 ,3 , o ’0’. / \ /\ / /‘ o ‘5
flap caused by_a piece of legislation passed The students ate it up and voted heavily .a‘fi ' ,~ 0 o . / / \ \ / \4 ‘.5‘
bytheSenate this summer. for Brown that November. Three years og’lfy/“I' .5’ 9‘ O O ‘ / 9* .\ ‘\_ ” ’\/ "A. ‘i"
The governing rules of the Student Organi- later, their University is dismally worse, and .5 .41; :1 _ > ‘ ' / ”Q‘ ’ / V "\4 g
zatlon ASSlstance Committee, winch aids the trophy cases in the football and basket- i ;’ 'é’ . 0. {fi‘ /' ’ .‘ “‘r 73'
needy student groups, prohibit the use of ball coaches’ offices are still empty. .g. g/ Q. . 9/ . . . ~ >‘\ :4
SOAC funds to conduct politically partisan or Jack Dulworth, senator-at-large, said 't} 0 $64» , A . .‘\ (7,... .A Qv‘fi ‘
secular events. SOAC_’s definition of a politi- Sloane has been invited to campus because ‘3. gr 3 ‘7’. ‘\’ Til" .. V .""u;,/ E’
cally ’partisan event is one that promotes a of his stature as “the second most politically 5" .a g ’ 0' v . “W m .6 94!”), ’ 13‘
party scandldate or ideas. _ powerful man in the state of Kentucky.” His h‘; . g’- A. eé‘Q‘WNb" 9 § .j'fii”. EN
Tim If‘reudenberg, Arts & Sciences sen- speech, Dulworth said, will lean toward a '3’ "co-ll" {7 4’ . ,flpylxni’c A .iurgm‘» f?
ator, said the rules were constructed in that discussion of state issues. . ”7.91/45 “C” - ‘31.”;de 37 (Wkgfifliib
manner so the committee would be able to A discussion of state issues from the sec- @181 KY " Wits — . ~"' “ "
avaid spending SGA money, raised from stu- and most politically powerful man in Ken— '
dents, on events that might not be accepta- tucky? That sounds likeacampaign speech.
ble to the general campus. “(An event) may And SGA shouldn’t be asking the UK stu-
preeent a paint of View,” he said. “We’re not dent body to pay for it.
I h Id b I fl . C A I A
ix Fines s ca 9 e In lean Ir at
‘5’: /' .This is the second 0! a tWO-part 82- versial ideas surrounding air pollut- with cardia'espiratory diseases. purchase of the right to pollute the
W {lift fm\, ”98 0" air-Pouutwn- ls‘italu‘e factzfaizmtheghgreemtia: Dirty aircauses aggravation of ree- air. The owner of this right-topol-
. ‘4, .~ v“) M‘ Q“ i ‘ In 1981, President Reagan calmed air pollution are document; in the girmatory immndmmeuemphasema, :fihizzuilldorhapfi-t $815333: if:
_ , - 3, 4A i; r / .- ,, an uproar when he solo hoes come lita'atune: 4,000 people died in Lon- The Clean Air Act of mo is cred- dustry.
c;— . /7 most of the 811' pollution [roblans don, England in 1952, 65 people tied ited with saving $21 million in [rop- If one inducer reduces emission,
V l a “k We have today. No alvironmental- in the Meuse _Valley of Belgium in erty, crops, and health care costs, his license to pollute over the ceiling
; I WELCQ _, , lsts climbed atop {I GEO-feet power 1930; and 20 died in Donora, Pa. in and saving 14,000 lives. The act is up level could be sold to another pollut-
0 and, TO ME v“ ‘ plant smoke 5W3“ 1" Madisai, ind. 1948. for renewal by Congress. The Clean er who wants to expand or it could
‘fBEIRu‘ in 1m to ”St ”Fid- rain “mug: — Air Act ambush fines as a meth- besaved until its value increases.
T ,V _ gfifig‘zdéonde mm: from . od of erifacing current. air stan- This system would require little
.fux .t (-c ,3. on... an”; o m“ o stealins ' m a“? Wall... amt-is 2‘; semen"; surest; 3':
_ . . . _ y e mar e .
,, . WUSTAXES . -' CV or ’fl- b11110“ °f dollars worth °‘ ayncul- . ‘. FR"? degrading the standards, this lower- The more rights available in one re-
,m‘ t i ll WORK“, x. . _ . ' . ,r/// em products annually. theNailonp; : - ingairquality. gion, the less valuable they would
4._‘\ h“ TW'W ' 75-h” 4’. ,l, 7 . ,._‘L _ 11/ 1'77 , 3‘0: 1143 Assessment Named-get! - VafiOIB governments of the world be. Also, if there were no demand
A . c, ,r- !' - 10-9} -. - ,... ‘ report. Ozone ——'—_—_— have employed two baSlC types of for pollution rights, there would be
fig when hydrocarbons from “*9 Acute, high levels 0f 811' POHUUOH measures to enforce clean air stan- no incentive for voluntary reduction
fuelreact WiththGSlhl’S rays. are considered potentially fatal to dards; regulatim and econonfic ofpollution,
Despite "'9 anotlonal ""1 contro- the eltbrly, newborn, and persons sanctions. Most pollution laws are “Economic Approaches to Air Pol-
I I ' based on " hypothetical ”single lution Control,” by Armin Rosen-
ax I s ows o e or stren t ene econom smokestack emissions ofsulfur dl- cranz_, which appeared in the Oct.
03%;: hydrtgarbm pTal‘tlcultgt?. 1981 issue of EnVironmgint, outlines
y 5 mm ws a reg- many important princi es like the
To hear the minions of the New “friends" who opposed him so vehe- ductivity. They thus threatened to costly expenditures that do not nec- ulate anisions quantities is consid- ‘offset’ policy currently in use in the
Mt tell it, you’d think passage of mently this year claimed credit to hinder long-tam economic recov- essarily enhance national security. cred a weak incentive for corporate USA. The purpose of the offset poli- ‘
the $98.3 billion tax increase had year ago for the ”me Revolu- ery. Despite numerous convincing cri- research and development on de- cy is to prevent a lag in industrial
crippled the Republic and struck a tion;” nowtheyhave divorced them- Naturally, many legislators tiques, the MX missile, the 8-1 vices to control pollution. Regula- developmental areas where compli-
mtrtal blow to the president’s abili- selves from its consequences. Voters scrambled to the defense of their' bomber and the Pershing II missile tions do Mt generally Pic-1““ incen- ance “nth 3". quality standards ls
ty to govern. On the contrary, it shouldnotbefooled. to I factors, spo . _ to name i examples _ have tlves todecrease ernisslons below difficult. The policy allowsa new
holds out hope for a strengthened -——-———-— Adam Smith neckties, “The Wealth all bllt been approved in the rush to alemmg’? I’m-d °" "”3 ”nut“ 3” 9““ a" area 'f it ”9°"
economy and shows mat Romld of Nations” tucked under their funnel money to the Pentagon. Dem- mm ":3 “me, °g;,““,;°':c 8" 9°” ”“5“” ”mm“. and “’95”
Reason can transcend narrow mter- NEW aims. There is a rich irony when ocrats must confront the Reagan ad- we] 9‘ °°“ ea 5 ° sepa' "‘3 ”flute“ ““1““ "m em‘ssm-s
ests. For better or worse. Reagan Rep. Jack Kemp of New York in- m ' tratiui on wasteful defense Mining economic Sm, into lemfilW°m w “set the add”
has more than two years to serve, vokee Keyna (“You don't raise program before worthy entitlement air Mt laws allows “mega” to log? pgpAomi'bubbl , be '
and hit} me!“ cOll‘llmrtment is en- taxes in a recession”) or when Re- programsarefurther gutted. control pgllution t -eff t' durie thesCart e xxx-em 8-“
WW- . publicns rise on the floor of Con- be - Th chm a cos ec lve ng - er_ inistratlon
The tax bill and the attendant bud- to defend, edly, the in- Tl should be no mistake: The sis. us, ea smoke stack is not and allows an indmdual industry 5
get reconciliation bill contain some The fact is the tax bill plugs some terestsof“theaverage American.” president. the Republican Party, Ti? mgmuyt b‘.“ "m“, “2‘33”“ mmfl‘m t° .be. ‘9‘?"
regressive features and many egregioln loopholes that benefit only ’lhep‘eident didn’t letthesecom- and, yes, the conservatives who a sm stac .8" "11mm for mined based.” overallemlssions m‘
spending cuts that will further hurt the richest. it also l'epeals some of merits go unremarked, correctly claim to have won the election, are “3??me V“ “e: t ““3“. °‘ “WW“ smoke?!“
the elderly and the least privileged the business giveaways passed last pointing out with a touch of his own the princi' 'pal architects of our our ‘1' “ne‘i’l. °°°"°"?‘c ““9 “mm“ Each .9?“ ‘5 hem“
of the country — $128 billion in summer — it Iowa's the investment unintaided irony that the tax bill renteconomicdistress. 5!” or _contll'o "'8 pollution emis- treated as though 't ‘5 covered by a
Medicare and $1.9 hillon in food tax credit, reduces depreciation de- leaves intact three-quarters of last The same legislators who advo- sions em“ oans_ and grants for bubble. ““3 allows mm“? mt"
stamps, to take two example. lts ductions, m out “a“ mm year'shugetax cuts. cate a balance-budget amendment W control equipment, talles on effectivenesslnreducmg pollution.
not po-ible to accept the pendent leasing" and eliminates the accele The administration still refuses to (but oppose even the mildeet tax 8 "r (:0th .°f “‘1' “mm“ ”a“ “pee” one‘ New Jersey
asapaladinofequity. rated cost recovery system. Far yield on me matte, and its stub- measure that nudges us toward $33. .lilkld 111% to pollufte. Chemicalplant ‘0 realize a “mm ,
But at least he, and the congres- from repraenting free-market capi- homes may spell the downml of one), and the same commentators t] I“ e on: an s or 0‘ 815 "who" dollars. DuPont e?"
81ml .Repnhhcam who backedhln, talent, there measures distorted the president. The $175.2 billion de who propose government interven- mummflmfma' ”f, f, “:9 9°C“ the “we ”we” ‘° mm!“
have lmPhCltly taken resPOnSlbillty capital allocation and impl’oved the fense authorization bill now winding tion into the pivate lives of citizens cos ym "2319'”?- sua 'yd " ”‘5 removal 0‘ “We?” emis-
for the state of the economy. His chances for profiteering but not pro- its way through Camus contains (while deaylng' economic interven- thatpfide: estagainst an 3: “-3- snons at a co“ 0‘ ‘5 million com-
-5_1:A_EJ 35"; A creation of Gene Roddenberry By Padralc Shlgetanl “m f“ me ”we“ 3‘ ""3 “I” try lit more. flflflyugituaii" pimd gill” min-bubble concept coat
,zrevmvmvr 5E5 iF You CAN 1 GOT ONE or THEM we mean ON R p h." laid bare the" m” “mm“ m on to die consumer anywayv Signing or a removal 0‘ only
. , , L ' '
CONTACT THOSE MERCHANT CAPTAINS SIR euT UMM UMM gar; 02% WAS duringthetaxdebate. — again the public pays. While Economic controls for air pollut- :—i—~
\ , Some, such as Kemp, are so taxes on e fuel’s sulfur content is ion will probably be highly func- ~
\ 7V , , Q blinded by the glare of supply-side paid by the industry producing the tional as a complement to govem- ' ’
' , V/ — ' [c . o ., dogma that they can in good faith product, it too is passed on to you merit regulation. Some
99 . «:11 r” i ‘ w , crow about sticking to their prin- andme. disadvantages of such controls in- :4
1r . ' . . ! ciples.'l"ol- others, the only discern- There is, however. a very econom- clude the possibility that market ~ »
" , , y . t y, is / lbleirinmpleisexpediency. ic method of controlling .pollution: rights to pollute may actually guar- g,
/ J/ ’ “.7 p g x, i; I , @182, TheNew Republic Inc. «mlhlgengnm'll'gtable licensee": antics pollution up to the fixed level
1"" . 2, . po e r. s amounts to an an advantage postion for eiust- ..
f 51/ ‘ “’6‘ 5; ingsoir'industglvu overnewpolluters. '
. . . q—T - u n e a antages include the pos- .
l I . . .
,J , 1%? 3i Opinion POIICY com um one economic ococoocc t
04/77 our» THEY 7': as I k A I A l b gambit“; ”gum developmgnt, ’-
, ,. u I ways OUR ATTACKERS utur Poop. su mml letters to the Kernel should . . , . °.°mpem'°" '
5M0, 04/77 0‘” 9 Do Ng‘éAT-hhgiw who may ARE scoufi/AgéfstJg LIVE ’1‘.“an send their rename?" typed and double-spend to “Ml"“mwmlmmt'veww ,
W . BilatéocT-WY ABOARD’ i WANT To the edltorlol edltor or In Journalism Iulldlng, UK, While ”mm” 5mm?“ CW“
t E HEM are re r465! tealuton. Ky. eases-eon. "We memo“ Swami! '0 °°"' ,
‘ '. "A. “ Letters should be limited to 250 words or lose. "'01 pollution, 't “PM “13° ”5““ i“
A, \ end oplnlone should be llmllod to .00 words or lose. “5‘3 0‘ WWI “we“ being passed
, 1 " “—1 . \ ertere must Include tholr non”, addressee, 0" ‘9 consumers. Either way . clean
\ ‘ _____—- " .5 .— fig 9,) telephone numbers ond tholr molore. closelfleotlone air !3 99“.“! a project “Nth in-
, g —‘ ~ ". or connection wlth UK. Identity wlll be check before vesting “L
’0'”, / S j rJ\ The Kernel reserves the rlghl to edit for grom-
. ‘ W , , .' . “‘3' nor. :lo'rlty and length end to ollmlnoto llboloue 10hr: l“fr“: led a sxicologyrg'rad—
. ,_ ‘ \ / ‘1’ . m'".. uaee entarl pr ucero eeca- 1,;
v F“ i \ IR . /_. (I . E “‘ - _ mmmy ble'eSclenceNewsllne. ’4‘
" /

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL filthy, m 10, I“? - 3

H b8 . 0 la f ersat Wt flavor
______.. help reduce calory intake, said Ann . . . fully”??? may offer some ”lid c to t. .d
ule. KADABA Hertzler. food and nutrition special- mm Wee-

Specie'Pmlects Edit“ ‘5‘ at the Unive'sity 0' “sewn-Ce “'9 Fifi-Feeds Coop buys herbs rea IVE IDS 8|
lumbia. :éiésésizézééiiizisi' €532. ‘iiiiiiiégégiiizsé235225.25322252522232... ‘“1523225eisisizéaéiziizz- ..;;:;2§3§5§5iE2Eéiii?$353252Eisisisisizéeéiisiiis and spices In bulk and sells them by -
. “The calories in herbs and spices iii hegemdufltsmeénhbe: to W In use, storage
on far less than in breedings, bat- S m . mu eeper _y
Flavor i. the soul of feel one tee. cranes. sauces and fried - “0m “8 "In“ 8 emery store." said -
herbs and spices are the soul Of fle- foods" i'g‘ziiiiiiééiig221i???駧§€§§§i§2§2:;2;.;:; :iiiiizigégéééiiié35;? “’3" S .' 0'“ my" .mdlmm' ‘0' "‘9 0f SGBSOIIIIIQS
vor. {32325332335 "15222332325355; 2 §E§E3E33§§5§5§3I,'*1?=5,_azi§52252535235355333§ s;2gEgags;25553sizisEaEzisisisiriiiréaéaésgsis local cooperative. “You can come
S isésézéi“ 'isésisézéeisieie. isésésisé here and get a very small calamity ——
- ~:~:-:~ ,;,¢.;.;.;.;.;. .;.;.;.;.;.;.,‘7...:_:,:,:,:,: , 3.3. ;.;.;.;. ”NI s.KADABA
Caraway, peppermint, tarragon, age 532323: :3. isizésésézézizén =2§2§2§z§2555;233:5555; ‘ .;.;:;:;:;:;:;:;.;.;. ;:;;;:;333‘:;E§E';. gagsgzgg as‘inuchasyou Wmt- . lPro' tsEditor

cinnamon, nutmeg —— historically, gigigg egg; 'igégégigzgzgz. . .gas;z;zaasaségiégigégigégéi 37¢.” siséziiigizii'aiéiéés MT. .sésiiizézézézééééf éiéiiéés 1‘ Y°!‘ “’3'“ a quarter Ounce, Y°u 39““ 3"“

conflicts have been wa ed and conti- gigég‘ $555 , ‘335§§§§§§§§5§z§5§3§2§2§siz its,» 3:;:-=.I‘E:i;5:,. s:::5:::;:;:;:~:::l:: . ,. . -‘~‘~:::-j:-:~:; Elli ; can buy it and pay five cents.”

nents discovered over8 these herbs 252%: iii' 2252532 31?} W 33332532222255??? he. 25225222123:z:3:32:5:3:5:3:532?23332323355523333333‘3“ i‘iiiiéiéii iii 5 DOV"? said WES“Io and WWW —_“‘“_—_—- -

and ices Toda the continue to Hertzler also noted a coeteevins 522:2: ;E§E§?i?23£?:-- o I iiiiééiiiisézésiz‘eis $2» ..ég‘sgigigsgsaz 22:22 are the store’s most popular herb Herbs and 891m have left me"

add $1avoi"fron)ihthel¥itchen to the value: “Cost savings are realized by iéé‘z‘ziiééiiii ~ . soil-e ,, iii? : sellers. For Spices. cinnamon powd- "m" °“ “Md ”5”” 5‘3““ With

medicine chest because of their reducing the number of ingredients ' [3311523221 =22. ' erranlts first. He attributed the pop- Merco P0103 trips to China and

- - in preparation and by the possibility Eiiiiiiifiiiiii??? :§?§§§€E§5§E§5§3§3§:. .iEiiiiiiiiiiéEéEéiiiéi . ~ I , 'g;_:.3:§ iéiig;§_ ularit of such od ts to th - continuing to the present with the

health and cost-savmg benefits. , . . foods f 33:33:333335535 E;Eg;g§g;:_:§:;;;:3:§:; “ "'"new5:35:333:525:33:53:;:3;3:335:35233333552352, W 3323;: :5;:;- . . y . w “c e "se Unitw State as the world’s lag-sat
Herbs add versatility to lives. slid g‘sgfifnnfigflnexl’m‘“ °' éééééiiiizieéiéséié e 'géiiiégégééiéiééiiéiéiiiiiiiiiéiiziiiéiééi , f mlfi'fiffifl" e - .0 k spice buyer

Mary Witt. UK extension s in let - . . iiiéiiiiiéééieiéizi . szisis' .225; E . Peope are in coo - . - . .

in home horticulture. “Peopltelce set ““5“” at"'“P‘n‘i‘ the ”“13"” ‘ , J 2, , m it; = ms at home and having food taste “cm“ ‘9 ".‘e Amman SP!“

- - of herbs and spices to those health pleat-.... a, ...; -. ‘22-: really good The like to use herbs Trade Association, $2 million

Ell-ti?- (gafmd tas'trl'ngy'tl: :3;qu and CWt'S‘iVing benefits. “People I ‘ :"",”......a:::;:e:s:::z:2:z:::3;z:z;22$sizizg55:22:32:22353233333232??? and spices to flavgr food." pounds 0‘ 35 t0 49 different Spicjfi.

special"! ' ' ' mo