xt72bv79vr22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vr22/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2003 text GLSO News, December 2003 2003 2003-12 2019 true xt72bv79vr22 section xt72bv79vr22 ., -V GAYand
r m e g. s o are we
Wm. Kemucxy December 2003
A publication oi? the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 11
Edd n (‘6 Wow Another Note
W smsm Another Note is pleased to announce its
upcoming Holiday Concert on December
SisterSound is gearing up for a fabu— 7th at 4pm at Woodland Christian Church.
Ious December concert. If you have yet to Suggested donations of $8 at the door will
finalize your holiday party schedule, save benefit AVOL and Moveable Feast. Vlfith a
Saturday evening, December 20th, for mix of holiday favorites, some old and some
”Holiday Rock" at 8:00 at the UK new, Another Note will provide an evening
Singletary Center for the Arts. The con- of fun and entertainment for all ages.
cert will include selections from many gen- Another Note is a non—audition men's
res of music in celebration of this season choral group in its 7th season of entertain-
of holidays. Come in out of the cold ing the GLBT community and friends. For
weather and enjoy the evening in the information about the concert or the group,
warmth of friends. contact director Steve Johnson at 859
For the first time, a CD of the concert 233-1730.
music will be available the night of the
show. Holiday Rock - the CD - will make AVOL EVGVH'S
the perfect stocking stuffer or last minute
gift for those on your shopping list. Dec‘ 1 Worlb AIDS DA“ page 3
Also, with this concert SisterSound is -
changing from reserved to festival seat- WOL HOW SW88
ing. So come a little early and choose the KPOL’s annual Holiday Soiree will be
SPOt YOU want. held on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at Club 141 at
Tickets are available in advance from 141 w, Vine St. This is a free event and
any SisterSound member, or call Toine at donations of non-perishable items for those
276-0753. Tickets can also be purchased in need appreciated. ”.Conflnued page 3
at the Singletary Center box office (257-
4929) in advance or the evening of the j
concert. Prices are $15 regular, $10 for GLSO
students and seniors, $5 for children. . will be signing up new
SisterSound will welcome new mem- . ‘f 2004
bers again in January as we begin work- , sponsors or .
ing on music for our May concert. For during December
more information visit our web site at g -
www.geocities.com/sistersound or send call B111
us an e-mail at sistersound@hotmail.com. ‘ 253-3233

 __ (Pufific Lib'raty Wefiomes gLSO Ways
\. . ' GAY and by Thomas Collins, GLSO President
LESBIAN I would like to thank all of you who responded so effi-
335-: SERVICE ciently, eloquently and quickly when the library pulled
.. ORGANIZATION The GLSO News from the community information
Lexmgton, KentUCKY tables. We had phone calls and emails from many
straight supporters in our community. A special thank
TQLSO MEWS you to library employees for their support.
Once I learned of "the ban" on Wednesday I tried to
Volume 18 Issue 12 get in touch with the new director, Ms. Kathleen lmhoff.
published monthly by She did return my calls but, unfortunately, I was away
The Lexington Gay from my desk. She left me a message stating that she
Lesbian was headed out of town and for me to contact Mr. Greg
Service Organization Davis. I went to the library and met with Mr. Davis in per-
389 Waller Ave. son Wednesday evening. I am of the mind that this con-
troversy was unloaded into Mr. Davis' lap with no fore-
Editors warning. I believe he was unaware that The GLSO I
News and The Letter were pulled. Mr. Davis was very
Mary Crone receptive to what I had to say, genuinely concerned and
Jackie Cobern promised that he would look into it and get back with me.
Board Members I left town early Thursday morning and called that
evening to retrieve two messages from Mr. Davis. He
Thomas Collins, President stated that he had spoken with the chairman of the
J03" Branon, Vice-Pres. board, James Lee, Jr; the director, Kathleen lmhoff; the
Clayton Dobson, Treas. assistant director of Human Resources, and Susan
Mary Cf°net 5‘1"“ Brothers He said that The GLSO News had been pulled
Jackie Cobern in error due to the assumption that The Letter and The
T°m C°""‘.s GLSO News were distributed by the same entity. He
Sarah Martin . .
Ginger Moore was very apologetic and very Sincere. He also stated
Terry Mullins that The GLSO News [5 welcome back onto the distri-
Ben Saylers button table as soon as we can get more copies to them.
I am pleased With the library's de0i5ion. Currently, we
GLSO Annual Dues & only place our newsletters in the main branch down-
Newsletter. town. Now that this has happened and we know that we
will be welcomed with open arms, i will work on getting
individual - $15 copies to all the Lexington branches for their tables. We
Couple - $25 also plan to put our brochures in libraries, both in
English and Spanish.
Opinions expressed in the GLSO It would be great if some of you could write or email
News are those of the authors and Mr. Greg Davis, Mr. James Lee, Ms. Kathleen lmhoff
fh°engies°gsgflydIre§335nfi22i$§§eag and Ms. Susan Brothers and thank them for welcoming
welcome and staff reserves the right The GLSO News and why you think it is important that
‘0 edit SmeiSSiWS arid advertise‘ they continue to do so. Again, thank all of you very
ments as well as the right to reject
much, I cannot express how much your support has
meant to our....your....organization.

 Community Maw
:11 from page 1 DJ Drag will be spinning your WORLD AIDS DAY EVENT‘
3n favorite R & B and Hip Hop hits. Sunday Nov 30
my There Wi” be information abOUt Various Congregational Observances
nk HIV/AIDS available. There will also be
good food, door prizes, and a drag show. 7 pm: World AIDS Day YOUth Speak,
to For more information call AVOL at 859 225- 00mm“ Gmundsi 343 585'" “'9“ Street
fl 3000. 10 5 Monldafy, Decembedr [12
am- m: normation an esource
:1: B I N“ 0 Fair Univ 2f Ky Bluegrass Care Clinic
ar- . ' . 6 pm: Video and Panel Discussmn,
Night at the Dunbar Center at Fifth and . .. ,,
n- Upper. This is a free event with free food 6:45 pm: Reception & Faces Of AIDS
:e- . and prizes for the winners of each game. 7 pm A Service in Remembrance & Hope
’0 There will be no cash payouts. There will 8 pM (Immediately Following Service):
I: be lots of fun and a grand prize for the Candlelight Vigil Phoenix Park
,3 Bingo Champ. . . Sunday December 7
For more information about this event, . . . . .
at 9.15 & 11 am Unitarian Universalist Church
contact Aunsha Hall at 859 225-3000 or . . . . .
le 859 338-8951. SeNice. a dramatic and spoken meditation
we on the struggle with AIDS in Africa.
an Art Exhibit Planned Men Of All Colors Together
;: Bob Morgan is in the planning stages KY Men of all Colors Together
le for an art exhibition that will happen June (MACT) is a local chapter of a national
a d of 2004. The title is Gypsies, Tramps, and gay multiracial organization which fosters
ri- Thieves / 100 Years of Sailors, HustlerS, a supportive environment where friend-
“. Drag Queens and Wild Chi/d8 in the ships and partnerships can be celebrated
v e Lexington Underground Art Scene. free of racial and cultural barriers.
n- In addition to his own work, he is draw- Our December meeting will be a
ve ing from the collections of Sweet Evening Christmas party in Richmond on
19 Breeze, Henry Faulkner, John Warner, Saturrday December 6 at 7:30 PM. This
i/e John Ashley, Joanne and Jimmy Gordon will be a “build your own pizza” dinner
in (the amazing jimberly) and many collec- with hot mulled wine, mulled cider and
tions of the departed and anonymous. other beverages provided. We plan to sit
ail The show will center on works of art— around a fire and sing some songs of the
)ff painting, drawing and photography that season.
19 were inspires by these muses'. If you have Limited accommodations for the night
at any material that should be considered will be possible for those driving long dis-
ry please contact Bob Morgan at Gallerie tances. For directions or information,
as Soleil, 363 west short, phone 233-0890. email MACTky@aol.com. call 859—351-
4453 (Jon) or see www.mactky.com
— GLSO page 3

 Sistahs in The Life People for Unity and Fairness
Sistahs in the Life is a support group for People for Unity and Fairness serves the
Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. Join needs of gay and lesbians in rural Central
us for provocative discussions about our Kentucky. Our mission is community build-
lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm ing; we Will work to unite gay. lesbian,
every first Tuesday and the Pride Center. bisexual and transgender people.
For information contact Joan at 859 539- We welcome the support and member-
2657 or email Jweslie@aol.com. ship of any individuals. We meet weekly
_ . for business and discussion. For informa-
Lexmgton Lyons Lew/Leather Club tion, contact Adam Tubbs at (859) 803-
The Lyons Club conducts business 1130 or email CUFCKY@ao|.com.
meetings once a quarter, on the second .
Monday night of the month, at 8 pm at the Reahtg Bytes
Pride Center. We also get together for Reality Bytes isa new Coffee Shop and
brunch on the last Sunday of every month Internet Cafe that has opened in
at Mia's at 1pm to share some fOOd' drinks Georgetown. They are located on Frazier
and laughs. . Court, between 84 Lumber and Wal Mart. If
of til-22%? Sifggrgusniinbe a Pride Patron you enjoy a variety of specialty coffees, this
IS the place to be. They serve cappuccmo,
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth eSpreSS°' lattes and fine herb teas“
For the computer buffs, you can pur-
The Central Kentucky Chapter of chase time to check your email or to play
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth games. There are computer classes
(KFTC) invites your participation in their offered as W9” as repair services.
work. Leah Ottersbach is the organizerfor The owner is planning to show movies
the chapter and coordinator the chapter's Of interest ’0 GLBT fOIkS on every other
anti—discrimination work team. Recently Sunday afternoon from 2 until 5- For more
member of this work team went door to information C8” 502 853-5090
door with Fairness in Richmond We help
bring Tim Wise to Lexington recently and 0
are also planning a workshop and commu— Reahtg Bytes
nity forum on racism some time in the near 107 Frazier Ct, Georgetown
fUture' , Internet Cafe and Coffee Shop
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth 502 863-6090
also has economic Justice and enVIronmen-
tal justice work teams. Their work includes Offering Specialty Coffees: Cappuccino,
the Lexington Living Wage Campaign, sup- .
porting the efforts to the GWS solid waste Espresso, Lattes and Fine Herbal Teas
worker's to gain hazardous duty pay and Computer Gaming & Classes
retirement, and opposrngIthe destructive Computer Repair
mining practice of mountaintop removal In N
Eastern Kentucky. Some Sundagg 2-5 3
You can contact us at jlyn- . e ~ ,
jenks@msn.com or at 254-3585. GLBT Mov1eg v
GLSO page4 _______ WM“ ____ n _.1_, D

 he ' r
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whiz? 6%5/6
ieS ,,
if; A Concert oftsczasonaL Music i;
are / flan/L SlStCYSOl/Uyld/ ,
Laxmgton’s Woman’s Chorus 'i
Satyordag {moan/119m” 2f), 8pm 9
l/LK Sawla 737 Céhtcrfor the Arts 7
P f Ticket 50712565: $15 regular cw/quigsion
, $10 studentg and gamers '
, 7* » $5 chi/(dram
: . Tic/(zit: are mica/[ab Lefrmh / 7
g the 511143 05qu Centerfor the Arts Box qfwc 7
7 (8&9) 257*4192A9
7 wwgwcitias.com/5£sfasomzd
:2 GLSO Page 5

389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
Gaymes Mgfit Regular; M
New yell”? Eve Discussion Group Wed at 7
at tfie W Center Xena- The Second Season
Are you tired of sitting home alone on Third Sat 1 - 4
New Year's Eve? Have you had enough of I Lesbian Video Night
the bar scene? If you're looking for a dif— Second Friday of each month at 7pm
ferent place to spend New Year's Eve, stop
by the Pride Center. We'll be hosting Gaymes Night
Gaymes Night on New Year's Eve begin- 4th Saturday night at 7
ning at 8 pm. until past midnight. Monthly Coffeehouse and
Bring your favorite game, snack and ; Men’s Night Out ‘
beverage and hang out with your friends. will resume in January f
If you don't like to play games, join us any- ' ‘ - - -
way. We are always having interesting dis- YANG; YOU/V6 ADUH‘ [VIM/7' GROUP
cussions on topics like politics, movies and _
sex. Stop by the Pride Center and ring in Andrew Hyde who has been the coordi-
the New Year. nator of a young adult group, has recently
moved to another crty. Another group for
LESBIANVIDEO NIGHT people in their 20’s is in the works. They
have chosen the name YANG which stands
Join us Friday, December 12 at 7:00 for Young Adult Night Group.
pm. for Aimee 8‘ Jaguar. This 1998 There will be a planning meeting at the
German film tells the true story of two Pride Center on Thursday, Dec 4 at 7 pm.
women, one JeWiSh and one German, who They are thinking of having one weeknight
fell in love in Nazi Germany during World discussion and one weekend activity per
War II. This film is unrated, but includes month. The January GLSO News will have
sexually explicit scenes, some violence, more information.
and scenes of the aftermath of battles. We
will most likely view it in German with 40+ Women’s Group
English subtitles.
All lesbian and bi-sexual women over 40
[8". M888 and GGIIIIEI‘ ltlllance are invited to attend our regular meetings
http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA and social events. On December 20th we
LexDGA is a peer discussion group for plan to meet at the Pride Center at 5, go to
anyone who transcends gender norms or is dinner at Bancock Hoiuse and then to the
questioning their gender identity. (trassexu- SisteSound concert together on the 20th.
als, intersexuals, effeminate men, mascu- call Ginger ( 276-0673) by the 18th if you
line women,drag kings and queens etc.) are planning on joining us for dinner or for
We meet the first Saturday of each month. information. We are making plans to go to
Family and supportive allies are also a Robbie Bartlett Concert on New Year’s
welcomed. For info call 859 273-0785 or Eve call or email ggclr@hotmailcom for
email kellindel@hotmail.com. ' , , '
more information.
GLSO Page 6 W

h ‘ .

W. Free» HlV Prevention Bingo Nitel
en“; Free Food!
They GRAND Prize For Bingo Champ!
ands .
tthe ’f . "Wilt.-
per ' " ‘ '

Saturday, December 6. 2003

7 pm to 10 pm
r40 Dunbar Center, Fifth and Upper
lngs for more information contact Aunsba Hall
:1: (859) 225-3000 or (859) 338-8951
the '
onu An HIV Prevention Event Sponsored by
' or
o to
, | X

:1: AMSUI.
_— GLSO Page 7

 Sputum? gamma Unitarian Unlversallst Church
. The UU Church of Lexington welcomes
lntegnty visitors at any time. Worship Services are
Integrity, a group for GLBT at 9:15 and 11 am every Sunday. There is
Episcopalians and friends, invites you to a Child care and religious education for young
Christmas party on Sunday Dec. 14 from people K-12 during the second servrce.
Church at 2025 Bellefonte St. Bring a On Dec. 7 our World AIDS Day Service
candle and a dish to share. Call Rev. will be a dramatic and spoken meditation
Sandy Stone at 2777511 or email on the struggle with Aids in Africa.
stmintegrity@yahoo.com The Sunday before Christmas, Dec
21st, will honor the Winter Solstice. This
St Mycfiaf‘l'fie Martyr is a great opportunity for any interested
. pagans to see how we celebrate the
fl Wew Cflumfif 01’ Lexington changing of the seasons. We don’t burn
St Mychal the Martyr has services sage in the sanctuary anymore, some par-
each Sunday at 10:30 at 1350 Eastland ents of pre-school children that attend a
Dr. with Rev. Kenneth Waibel performing SChOOl here during the week expressed
mass, St Mychal is a member of the concerned about the lingering smell.
Orthodox Catholic Church of America, a Our Christmas Eve Service will be at
national denomination that is gay support- 6 pm on Dec 24. Come sing carols and
ive. The OCCA performs blessings of gay participate in one of the more traditional
unions, and ordains women to the orders services you will find at the UU Church.
of Deacon, Priest, and Bishop. The Women’s Spirituality Group will
The Church is one of about three meet on Dec. 5 and 19. Onthe 5th we will
dozen offshoots from the Roman Catholic engage in Spiritual Play, making “medita-
Church, and is open to married, divorced tion” beads and decorating pillowcases for
and single individuals, welcoming all per— the women’s Hope Center. On Dec. 19 we
sons regardless of the blessings or prob- will have a Solstice Celebration call Mary
lems of their lives, Crone 266-5904 for info and directions.
_ ‘ Welcoming all people equally: Gay & Straight
' _ ' Men & Women,
' - Married Divorced & Single
' 1350 Eastland Dr, Lexington, Ky
' (859) 389-9418
ghee Oatlwdox @atlwlie @luweh or? ail/needed
“A Church for the New Millenium”
W WTTTT‘ -_, ’ T A___._________m

 ‘Ch 3———-——————————————*‘—‘_————1
'e is 33 _ v , :. i «- . ~ 1
“”9 Ht ' ' 5 A . ,. ' ~ 1
'ice. 1‘ V ’ . , ’ I v.1 1" ' 3 ”My 3, 2.4g ' ‘ i
Vice 3 - - . - , W; '3
3‘ . ‘3 3. ,—.;;r*-az ‘2" " . , ‘ x f 1.. . ; t 3
Dec 3 V g , ‘Hw‘tl‘n 11.333 {:2} If"; ,.:;.%’I , 3 3 , _' 1-1“;
sted 3‘ ' ' ‘ ” ' “ “ _v 3
the m i
par- ‘7 , I”? .g‘ .239 3
‘ ,ZS‘ (-wyx’ g "441'“ 3 ' _ /”' ' 3,! 3: ¥l§§;{?25‘:, 3’5: 35,23! 3
I‘ “A - - , '
e at 1 3 _ i
and I The Impenal Court of Kentucky, ‘
anal l3 Moveable Feast—Lexington, & Kurt Gohde ‘
33 present
will 33 ’_ _ ..
' I [if "I — ' l3?" - h i ‘O
W'” 3! )?ny- _i(z7(a ,
ilta- ii - I
s for H A Calendar for 2004 3
) we Ii . . _ '
nary 13 The best hohday gxft of the year, available at.,.. ‘_
5 ‘ 3 Paisley Peacock The Bar Complex '
' 3 371 S. Limestone 224 E. Main St, 1
3 253-9228 (see Kenneth) 3
t 1 .
33 Posh Salon 8: Spa CD Warehouse i
33 2573 Richmond Rd. Ste 240 Euclid & Rose 1
33 269-POSH / 269-7674 254-9196 3
3i Pride Center of the Bhlcgrass Movcablc Feast Lexington i
‘ 339 Waller Ave. 472 Rose St. 3
3 3 253-5233 St. Augustine's Chapel (Basement) 3
3 . , , 252-2867 3
33 Silvcrado Jewelry 6: Gifts !
3 171‘) N. Broadway Suite 7 . - . l
3 3 299-2100 Any Imperial Court Board Membeu 3
‘3 0r purchase onlinc at http:/mcntuckyjmncourmgg 3
U 1
ii Proceeds benefit Moveable Feast [mington 3
._._ _________________________________..___._.____._______——
GLSO Page 9

 6.5250 Walla/deer ofuuuzds @anquet 2003
2 ,2. Wfi‘- We?» g , 2, K 2,,
E to $601 W .2: filfifé%i‘»%fit§’?§s.“ a K
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. 1'“, j?- I z , fix. a, , , “H , ,_ 5": , ‘. _
i- ' 9 .- 2st» 56$ ' '-
, , J 2 ,5: 1- ,3, ,J .
Joan Brannon presents . .2 fi z.
'A , ' Jam ~\.‘ ' ' y, “,3 2
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Source AwardtoAVOL . 32172; I 7. ,1 _2. _ . -
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gaffe“ Larry Wins , :. sMary Dull/Id Cupps receives awards from Jim
23, *2!; 2,: . r» . ' '
t3”? W? Crone With ,U ,5, arlum:Center Dic enson, Bluegrass Fairness and from
5,;v,.“'_:~:_:'~' £23,714: _2,, . (€233,455, -. , ,_ _, :V :.. , ,1 .. r" 3;, :9; 21.1“.
' forCullure ,w-‘Awurd Sky ”Edma"! l
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BI” Chandler keeps the “is, 2:21;: ,5, ' ,1“- *' ”2?“ «£3? :»
program running , 2' .. it. ,5. » ,2, f5 a ,-
smoothly ~ » .
GLSO gage m . . , __.,.,.,,._.._.,,,,2...“...__..,.,.________ . .. ..

 W m «mm mm 252-3014
A Charity Organization
2008 Pride Mouth Sponsors
Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
TheBarCompIex ..........................255-1551
224 East Main Street
Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
Promoting equality for all people
Pride Patron
Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408
GLSO News Sponsors 2003
Diverse music for all women
I Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
§ 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
g Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
Jim Seeking a Diverse Congregation
Debra Hensley Insurance ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
‘ 1513 Nicholasville Road
WindyKnollFarm .............................299-741o
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
Rehearsal every Sunday
_ GLSO page 11

 , I a; . _. We \ «sew,
Call number In . m m « HAPPPV
Directory for y; .- e ce m e r , .- V .. V r
N. ' - y ; :
Information. NA “GIADAVS
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 GSA 7pm 2 3 4 6
' ' 7 pm Sistahs in The 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm YANG Young Pride Center Open 10 -3
Meeting at the Pride center Life . Pride Center Prlde Center Adult Night Group 8 Pm LDGA meeting
may be abbrevrated to “PC 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Planning Meeting - 7:30 pm MACT -see
9 (Call for Plice) Pride Center 91969 3 D b C i
pm-1 Club 14 - pm un or en er
Call for Place may be KPOL’s Annual Soiree HIV Prevention Bingo
abbreviated to Ca” For info. call 225-3000
7 8 9 1 0 1 2 1 3
9:15 & 11 am UU Church World 7 Pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group ["5" ,1 ,-,-;;,,,, ., ,3 Pride Center Open
AIDS Day: Africa Services 8 pm AA Step Study 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' w,“ g, . ”I 10-3pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place) ~
the Martyr 7:30 pm Galy/Lesbian AA
6 SisterSound Rehearsal (Cal for place)
7 pm Dignity Call for place
7 pm LMC Rehearsal, St.
Michael's Episcopal Church
14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 9 , 2.9
9:15 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Prl e Center Open 10-3pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal Meeting, Pride Center 8 GPrjfe Emir/x (Call f°r P'aCe) 1 -4pm XBNA - Second
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, 8 pm AA Step Study Pm aY es Ian _
Landsdown Presby Church (Call for place) (Call for place) Season Pride Center
6 pm Imperial Court PC GLSO NBWS 8 Pm SlsterSound
7 pm LMC Rehearsal, St. Michael's . Concert -
7:30 Soulforce Deadline UK Singletary
21 22 23 24 25 26
9:15 & 11 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study _ . 6 pm Christmas Eve Pride Center P%Ze Center Open
w t S I t' S ' 0 Hi I 7'30 pm Fa'rmss’ s l uu cn h 10-3
m er 0 s we erwces ( a or p ace) Pride Center 9W Ge _ "rc Closed 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. 7 pm DIscussuon Group (Call for place)
Mychal the Martyr 8 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA
7 pm LMC Rehearsal (Call for place) Many
Happy “mod Chn'stmas Joyful
Chanuka g? Kwanz
28 29 31
92V1V5 & 11 am 00 Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 8 pm New Year’s
OTShlp Servrces
10:30 Sunday Mass, 8 pm AA Step Study Eve Party -
St. Mychal the Martyr (Call for place) Pride Center
6 pm Imperial Court PC
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Olrnderan lokoing fohoruse mate to T431” T4123 Gamma
j assist with driving and other tasks in i (mg 996; oftfie Season!
'j' exchange for free rent. South end
of town. Call Al at 260-7703 Beautiful princesses, evil witches,
:2 _ .. .. ., ...._,...l: three bears, two ugly stepsisters, and a
PARTICIPANTS NEEDED big bad wolf make Faerie Tales 2004 cal-
We are looking for couples to partici— endar a must for any Christmas list.
pate in a study of advance planning by Brought to you by The Imperial Court of
same-sex couples. We would like to con- Kentucky, Moveable Feast Lexington and
duct a brief interview with couples who artist Kurt Gohde. You can get yours 5'“
have some or all of the following advance The Bar Complex (see Kenneth), Mias
planning documents: awill or living trust, a (see. Kevm), CD Warehouse (Rose 8‘
power of attorney for health care (or health EUCM): PPSh Salon 8‘ 893’ Moveable
care surrogate), a living will, and a power of Feast Lexrngton, or The Pride Center Of
attorney for finances. the Bluegrass. See page 9 for more
If you and your partner are both 25 or places to pick one up. '
older have been together for 2 or more You can also order calendars online at
years, currently live together, and have www.impcourt/kentucky/ or by calling
some or all of these documents, please 859.258.2997. Calendars are $15 or make
contact us via email at e.riggle@uky.edu or your shopping easy and get 10 for $130-
phone (859) 257-7880 Onllne orders Shlp QUICkly. ($2.95 S&H)
120 South Upper St
Lexington Kentucky
MaribethTolson 40507
We would love to cater 859.455—9905
your next event.
GLSage 14 7 7 7 _

sday‘ ' IUb
Wedfie Vine St _ Lex'141
; K P ® l 9 t
i - *
e G G
. o1 9y ones
. C
Food ‘Dreg Show ‘Door ‘PflZeS
An HIV Prevention Event
. Sponsored by KPOL’s Annual
D] Drag will be spinning I Club 141
your favorite R 87. B and 141 W Vine Street
Hip Hop Hits
Speakers I Donations of non ~perishable
HIV/AIDS Infomation items for those in need
_ appreciated
Come early For More lnformaion Call
AIDS Volunteers 859 225-3000
GLSO Page 15

 , BROWN many others immigrating here from all parts
. a, of the world.
' * The L9“ Discovery 0i Rodriquez credits Richard Nixon, "the
i , America dark father of hispanicity," with coining the
' ' - term Hispanic, a concept meant to include
' , I By Richard all people from Middle and South America,
I . ’ ROdrlgueZ Cuba, and other Caribbean Islands. He
- - ' Boo/r Review and points out that no one is Hispanic in their
i i ‘ Ref/gefiong country of origin; they become Hispanic
MUM” mumctu by may ”one here, where we seem to have a need of
""""""' constantly changing terms of group identity.
Richard Rodriquez is an editor at Rodriquez’ parents were described as white
Pacific News Service in San Francisco, a on their citizenship papers "by an unimagi-
contributing editor for Harper's magazine, native federal agent."
and writes for the Sunday opinion section "The price of entering America,"
of the Los Angeles Times. He appears Rodriquez writes, "is an acid bath, a
regularly as an essayist on the News Hour bleaching bath - a transfiguration- that
with Jim Lehrer on PBS. He has written burns away memory."
three books; his. latest, "I write about race The "melting pot" image
Brown, The Last Discovery in America of America, less popular now
ofAmerica, is one thatlhigh- in hopes Of under— but still favored by many, has
Iy recommend both for his mining the notion Of never adequately reflected the
observations, ideas and - - .. pressure put on immigrants to
. . race in America. . . ,, .
questions and for his unusu- set aSIde their culture. ACId
al writing style. bath" names that socialization process that
It was during an interview with Bill forced immigrants as well those brought
Moyers on his weekly show NOW con- here in chains to hide, reject and/or feel
cerning this third book that l learned that ashamed of their cultural heritage. To some
Rodriquez is gay. I was very pleased, say- extent this has happened to the majority of
ing to myself "Oh, he is part of my family, our ancestors, as the experience of assimi-
too." This claiming connection is an inter- Iating, becoming "white", has left many of
esting thing that many of us do - particu- us with little knowledge of our heritage or
larly with people we admire. How we see the culture 01‘ our ancestors.
ourselves as part of particular groups, how Rodriquez writes, "Race is the sine qua
we seek connections across difference or non (literally "without which not", meaning
because of shared difference, and how we "essential aspect") among American trans-
struggle with diversities are all issues actions. Without race we wouldn't have
Rodriquez explores in his book. music, movies, prisons, politics, history,
"lwrite about race in America in hopes libraries, colleges, private conversations,
of undermining the notion of race in motives. Dorothy Dandridge. Bill Clinton.
America." He notes that America has tra- Race is America's theme - not freedom, not
ditionally seen its racial makeup as black democracy (as we say in company)."
and white, ignoring the presence of the , I am not sure quite how all those items
brown skinned people, many a part of this fit together, and that is one of the pleasures
land before the white man arrived and of this book. ...continued on next page
GLSO Page 16 '

 ts Rodriquez's writing is full of startling obser— tive attached to them. For today's young
vations, poetic paradoxes, and fascinating queers and lonelys these songs must seem
1e combinations of metaphors, memories, quaint and campy and not useful. But they
‘e and tangential associations. It is certainly were never campy for me - for us? It
ie not a book simply about being Hispanic or became necessary to distance ourselves
a, about race and racism. It is about hetero- from memories of a solitude so comic, per-
l? sexism and classism, about beauty and haps, and yet so rich and so holy. Once you
i” hope, and in the largest sense, it is about have fit your own emotion to these words,
“5 America, our history and our potential, the words will forever after find your emo-
Of It is difficult to convey the beauty of tion; will, at some unforeseen time, explain
3" Rodriquez' writing, so I will end with a your emotion to YOU. unbidden."
Te longer passage about growing up gay and
T" lonely in America.
.. "In my youth the musical comedy solil- “VI-g.- .I u .
. oquy was the perfect vehicle for blocked 55555,:- “@555 Keep the love you flnd'”
a homosexual emotion - self-effacing 5553.? ' ‘ Get the love you want.
at epiphanies, reconciliations to disappoint- ”jés‘éica Bollinger LCSW
ment. Vows. The song about how much I
e . ' . I I . I I
I Iove mm b‘” he ” ”ever ”10"" 't- Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
W And he never did." I f ‘l _ _ 'd
’5 "Musical comedy songs were more real COUp es, am'y’ md'w ual
ie - .
to than my life because they were articulate imagoconnectioncom 859—552-6533
'd and because they had ligaments of narra-
ht I -
5 B uegrass Fairness
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GLSO Page 17

 Pop The Question
Wonb Finb
Cneateb by Reinette Jones
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