xt72bv79vq7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79vq7f/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1940 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; vii, 12 leaves, 28 cm; Included bibliographical references; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81cc books English Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Alleghany Association text Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Alleghany Association 1940 1940 2015 true xt72bv79vq7f section xt72bv79vq7f   “   ’~ “|\\\\\\\“\\}\\\\\\\ \\l\\\\\U\\\\‘~\\\\
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— i tix I Inventory of tho Church Archives
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Q I f Southern Baptist Convention
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§ gi .3} ` North Carolina Historical I
{ Q ‘t° _ Records Survoy Projoct i
` Q _,r Division of Professional .
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{ ; Q? Work Projocts Administration
F gv tgt Ralaiqh, K. G.
Q E QQ March l94O i
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  1,  The North Caroline historical Records Survey Project
  ]  Division of Professional and Service Projects
    Work Projects Adxemiiiistration
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  j  Sponsoreo by
  fj  The North Carolina Historical Commission
    rz. c. s. mbie; chairman
   ,~ C. C. Critteriden, Secretary
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   jg The T~1orth Carolina kietoricel Rec-ords Survoj Project
§   March 1940
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Ai WPA Historical Records Survey Projects Q
i Sargent B. Child, Director Ag
§ Dan Lacy, Regional and State Supervisor jg
y Colbert F. Crutchfield, Assistant State Supervisor f
* A
I    tl
_ Division of Professional and Service Projects {
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner &
* Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor {
, May E. Canmbcll, State Director §
F. C. Harrington,‘Comnissionor 4
Malcolm J. Miller, Regional Director “
· C. C. McGinnis, State Administrator *

4  '
ii The Historical Records Survey program is one of the many valuable _
ji and permanent undertakings of the Work Projects Administration. One
ji division of this work is the Church Records Survey. The Federal Govern-
_4 ment has recognized that in the field of history churches and their
E; organizations occupy an important place. Under the program as planned
ij the work will extend to every religious body of every creed in all the
A states in the Union. 4
vi Of particular interest to Baptists is that part of the program
fi which concerns the Baptist associations and churches of North Carolina.
22 This work is already in progress and will be pressed toward completion.
Q Under the direction of an able supervisory staff, located in Raleigh,
yi one or more workers is assigned to each association. These workers make
lg a careful and industrious search for all church records, printed or in
`& manuscript, minutes of associations, and any other materials that may
i serve the purpose of the Survey. with this material in hand the editorial
Q staff prepares a short sketch of the association and its constituent
{ churches, which is published in a separate volume.
j Those who are interested in church history will find these volumes
f most valuable. For both the association and each local church is given
Q a complete list of all records that have been discovered and from which
{ the sketches have been constructed, with a statement of where they may U
i be found. For the association, the time and place of its organization
p are given with a list of its charter churches.- Some account is also
p given of the officers, especially the first and those of the present time.
Q For each church a like care is exercised in giving essential historical
{ data, such as the time and place of constitution, the constituting
é officers, the location and character of the houses of worship, and the
{ growth or decrease in number of members.
i This work is comprehensive and will be invaluable. It preserves
d from loss essential facts about our churches. Every one who is interested
Q in our religious history will greatly appreciate it. It will be most
T helpful also in creating an interest in preserving church records, as
E emphasis is placed on locating and invcntorying the old and rapidly dis-
{ appearing records of the churches. No reader of those sketches can fail
il to recognize the great significance of organized religious bodies in the
.§ life of the nation.
T Author of History of North Carolina Baptists
and of History of Wake Forest College
i _ y
§ Wake Forest College
Q_ Wake Forest, N. C.
{ March 29, l94O
M ·

y The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1955-
ig 56 as a nation-wide Works Progress Administration project for the
A "discovery, preservation and listing of basic materials for research
A in the history of the United States."l Under the national direction of
QF Dr. Luther H. Evans, the Survey undertook an extensive program for the
{ inventory of state and local archives, early American imprints, church
jg archives, and collections of manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of `
GQ the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act passed June $0, l939, the exist-
[§ ence of the Survey as a single nation—wide project sponsored by WPA it-
VQ self was terminated August Bl, l939; and the work of the Survey was con-
Q tinued in the individual states by locally sponsored projects operating
ri within the national NPA Historical Records Survey Program. Dr. Evans
Fg continued to serve as Director until his appointment as Director of the
{7 Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress. He was suc-
y ceeded on March l, l940, by Sargent B. Child, who had served as Field
Q Supervisor since the inauguration of the Survey.
:  -1 `
Q The North Carolina project of the national Historical Records‘
j Survey was established February l, 1956, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden,
{ Secretary of the North Carolina Historical Commission, as director. Untilr
Q November l9$6 the Survey operated as an autonomous unit of the Federal
t Writers' Project, directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkman. Dr.
5 Crittenden resigned as State Director June Z0, l9§7, and was succeeded by
% Dan Lacy, who had previously served as Assistant State Director. The
g work of the North Carolina unit of the Historical Records Survey has been
Q continued by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project estab-
A lished September l, l959, and sponsored by the North Carolina Historical
jg Commission.  
E The lpygntpry of the Church Archives pf_North Carolina is one of a
t number of bibliographies—of historicalihmterials being prepared through-
W out the United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey Program.
Q A separate section of the inventory will be devoted to each denomination,
fj or to each subdivision of a denomination which affords a publishable unit
Lg within itself. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the
'; records of the Allegheny Association, is such a unit of the Southern
,i Baptist Convention, with which denominational body the Allegheny Associa-
Y§ tion is affiliated. Field work for the inventory was done by Nr. Roscoe
'E L. Billings. Entries were written by Mrs. Lucy F. Hartsfield. The
=§ inventory was prepared under the supervision of Mr. Joseph T. Chosnutt
E and was read for the sponsor by Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of the
Y North Carolina Historical Commission. Editorial comments and criticism
{ have been furnished by Donald A. Thompson, Assistant Archivist in
Q charge of Church Archives Inventories. The Survey is indebted to the
;“ l. Works Progress Administration, Operating Procedure No. N-2, Revised
J July 2, 1957. r

 tl North Carolina Baptist State Convention for supplies used in this publi-
,e cation; to Mr. M. A. Huggins, Secretary—Treesurer of that body, for his
ij interest in and support of the work; to Dr. G. W. Paschel, of Wake Forest
{ College, who read and criticized the inventory; and to officials end
Q members of the Allegheny Association, who generously co—operated in the
xg work.
li The Survey gratefully acknowledges the co-operation and support of
f Miss Charlie Huss, State Supervisor of the Research and Records section of
Q the Division of Professional and Service Projects, and members of her staff. ·
I ! l
{  Merch Btn, l94O
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1, 2 ~
in l. Many of the reference materials in this publication are contained
{fi in the Wake Forest College Library, Wake Forest, N. C., which has
yl been designated as the official depository for non—current records y
;g; of the associations and churches affiliated with the North Carolina l
gp Baptist State Convention. ‘
iw  E ‘ `
W3 l
l·§ 2. The full names of persons mentioned in this inventory are _iven if I
\  } . . . . .
lei this information was available.
R; l
lf? 3, The information appearing in this publication has been obtained }
ly; chiefly by Survey workers through personal interviews with pastors
ri and church clerks. It has been supplemented when possible by re-
Mj search in available printed and manuscript sources. Computations ’
pj of membership and dates of constitution of churches have been ob-
iw tained from printed minutes of this and other associations to which l
it- the particular church has belonged. Q
l  . , . . , I
.2 4. Occasional reierences may be made in the entries to churches not j
d included in the inventory. In such cases an entry for that church ;
K mentioned will normally be found in the forthcoming volume for the
éi denomination or denominational unit to which that church at present .
* 1
j belongs. q
Q 5. Gaps in the records listed for some churches are due either to the
Y fact that they were not kept, were destroyed, or were simply not
§l found after a careful search by workers. I
Q 6. Longview’Baptist Church (entry li) was located in Carroll County, F
rj Virginia, near Galax, but has been included in this inventory be- `
it cause of its affiliation with the Allegheny Association.
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hi Most of the churches in the extreme northwest mountain section of ‘
E, North Carolina affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention belonged, _
kl prior to 1886, to the New River Association. This body consisted of d
M, North Carolina and Virginia churches and was associated with the Virginia Q
tf State Baptist Convention. The North Carolina churches in Allegheny and A
pi Ashe counties withdrew from this association in 1886 and created the 5
wi Allegheny and Ashe Association, affiliated with the Baptist State Con- N
tl vention of North Carolina.? By 1896 this body had more than 2,000 mem- ,
hl bers, and due to its extensive area a movement arose to divide the associ- '
tgt ation,# In the association•s meeting for that year a committee was
Ml appointed to formulate plans for organizing the Allegheny County churches ;
tj into a separate body. The report of this committee at the 1397 meeting 1
%* was, after considerable debate, accepted and the division approved.5 |
{Pd  ' {
&§ Pursuant to this action of the association seven churches, New Hope,
hg Liberty, Sparta, Belleview, Chestnut Grove, Laurel Springs, and Callowayvs
W, Chapel, withdrew in 1897 from the Allegheny and Ashe Association to unite
'J} with Galena and Brust Creek churches from the New River Association and
g the newly constituted Tolliver•s School House Church to form the Allegheny
d and Grayson Association.6 "Grayson" was included in the name of the
f§ association due to the fact that Callowayis Chapel, Galena, and Brush
lTl Creek were located in the adjacent Virginia county of that name.
Ki Since the organization of the association many changes have occurred
Q in its membership. Newly constituted churches accepted into the associ?
 -l Q ation have included New River, Pine Fork, and Vaughanls Chapel in 1898; ·
M E •-——-·—-—-*-·-······*···""""" , . .
YE 1. J. F. Fletcher, History of the Ashe, North Carolina, £2d_thelE§i
,{ River, Virginia,~AEEociation§, Raleigh, N. C., 1955, p. l02, here- y
yi C after cited as Fletcher, Ashe and_New River Associations. \
1 ,i    2. ibm. . io .
W l 5. Ibid., P 9 ;
tw 4. Minutes of the lOth Annual Session 2f_tho‘Allcghany and Ashe Baptist 3
Y Association, heEd7Eith`Brushy Fork Church, Ashe CEL, N. C., lst,
ti ` 2nd 5rd' l8?€T*jp. ld. ' _. - E
gt 5. restarts; ieee and New River Associations, p. 109; Minutes of_th2 I
tl OrganizatieH*of“the-AllEEE§§£;and Grayson Association, held with the `
xi BaptiEt"ChHrch?et*§parta, Allegheny County, N: Cf, Friday, November [
  ‘   ]TB`<)’], n. pt-; 1897, D- 3- I
tj 6. Minutes of_the 0rganizatien.ef_the Allegheny and Grayson‘Association,
5; held with.the Baptist Church at Sparta, Allegheny County, N. Q.,
Ei Friday, Novombof EEE, 1897, H- pj, l$?7, P¤SS1m· _'
Vg 7. Minutes of_the First Annual Session oi_the Allegheny and Grayson
V, Baptist Association held with Brush Creek Baptist Church, Grayson
Y  E7>`tTn't'y'f  , j_, _€j_, Engg, l_S_§j_§, n. p., 1898, p. 3. Minutes
H ?E?di§§_AlleghEny‘and Grayson or Allegheny Association are hereafter ,
V! cited as Minutes, with the session number. All minutes of the
i association are listed in full in the bibliography. I
I \
‘ l

  " 2 " 1
A 1
Q Fairvigw in l9O0;8 Peak Creek Mission Point in 1912;9 and Scottsville in I
Q 1926. hfngview Church, admitted in 1905, was also probably newly con- ‘
Q stituted. Other additions have come from adjoining associations.
% Pleasant Grove Church was received from the New River Association in t
H 1905, 2 and from the Stone Mountain Association to the iiuth came Mount l
ij Carmel Church in l910l$ and Laurel Fork Church in 1925. E
 ‘ .
_1 In 1909 Brush Creek and Pleasant Grove, in Grayson County, Virginia,
ga were dismissed to rejoin New River Association, Galena, also located in
Q Grayson County, was not represented at the 1909 meeting and it is to be
ij assumed that it joined New River Association since it is not listed in
Q the Allegheny Association minutes thereafter. Following this action the i
,q association dropped "Crayson" from iti5name and assumed its present title
,f as the Allegheny Baptist Association. other churches have simply
yl ceased to be reported as members or the association and probably became
isi - defunct near the date they were last reported. These churches, with thc
td dates of thc‘last minutes in which they were reported, arc: Tollivcrvs
ij School House, 1897; Belleview, 1898;‘Ca1lowayvs Chapel, 1900; Fairview,
ti 1902; Vaughan*s Chapel and New River, 1905; Longview, 1906; Peak Creek l
V1 Mission Point, 1912; and Laurel Fork, 1952.
ll The membership of the association has remained relatively constant, \
jd showing a slow growth. In 1898, at the first annual meeting, the con-
TQ stituent churches reported a total of 575 members. By 1900 this had ‘ l
A risen to 426, but after the withdrawal of the Virginia churches in 1909,
Q it fell to 515 in 1910. By 1920 it had increased to 562 and by 1950, to
pf 482. The reports to the 1958 session showed a total of 478 members.
` i
W The organization of the Allegheny Association is simple. Its work-
11 ing body is composed of all ordained ministers serving its churches and
1} not more than three messengers elected annually from each church. The
T§§ 8. Minutes, Third Annual Session, p. 1.
@1 9. Minutes, Piiteenth Annual Session, p; 1.
Qi 10L NEEHHZE5; Twenty-ninth,A£nuHl”§§ssi2n, p. 2.
21 ll. Minutes, Slrthlhnnual Session, p. 1. " _" A
  iz, 'i"6i“d`{`?`Le“1?
1 Ezekiel Blevins; Cherry Lane, N. C. -—-——-—— 1906 1
1 Rev. E. Blevins, Sparta, N. C. --——--——-— 1907 1
i` Rev. J. F. Fletcher, Sparta, N. C. -—-——— - — 1908
1 R. L. Doughton, Laurel Springs, N. C. —~————— 1909
11 W. L. Hoppers, Whitehead, N. C. ———-—-——-- 1910 ;
  -—·········" ~
. 17. "Constitutions,“ Minutes, Forty—first_Annual Session. The constitu— ‘
Y tion is also to be found in the minutes of most other sessions of
1_, the associations. 1
1 18. Minutes, passim. .
1Q 19. Minutes, passim. 1
;v ··*··"‘ **"""‘ 1
1 1

F * 4 r .
it W. F. Doughton, Laurel Springs, N. C. ————-——— 1911 ·
rt Dr. B. E. Reeves, Laurel Springs, N. G. —---- - - 1912-19
.Q Rev. S. L. Blevins, -—---- · -.-....... 1920
_ John M. Cheek, Sparta, N. 0; ------.- - - - - 1991-26
I Rev. W. Franklin, Whitehead, N; C. —————-——— 1927
W. F. Doughton, Laurel Springs, N. C. ——~-—-—— 1928-33 1
` J. F. Blum, Whitehead, N; C. -------~·--· 1934-35 F
c F. W. Royaiycherry Lane, n. c. ------.--.. 1956-38 ,
· A. 0. Joines, Sparta, N. C. —--—»-------- 1939 1
The following men have served the association as c1erks:2O {
J. M. Wagoner, Whitehead, N. C. ——--------— 1897-98 _
W. F. Doughton, Laurel Springs, N. C. -—-—-——— 1899-1902 s
T. R. Windsor, Independence, Va. ——-—-————— 1903
W. M. Wagoner, Sparta, N. G. ———-— - ------ 1904
J. F. Cheek, Whitehead, N. C.‘ -—--------—- 1905-1906 I
H. C. Edwards, Laurel Springs, N. C, ~——-— - — - 1907-13 ‘
W. F. Jones, Furches, N. C. ———----———--- 1914-18 ·
J. F. Roberts, City, N. C. --——-—- - -——-— 1919 -
W. F. Jones, Furches, N. C. --———--——-——— 1920-22
Kemp M. Estep, Whitehead, N. C. -—----—-——- 1923-24
N. C. Teague, Sparta, N. C. --—--—---—-—— 1925 c
W. B. Reeves, Whitehead, N. C. -—-—--————— 1926 l
W. F. Jones, Furches, N. C. --—--———---—- 1927-29 {
J. L. Underwood, Sparta, N. C. ---—--—---- 1930-32 6
I. T. Fender, Whitehead, N. C. —--—-----—- 1933-38 N
Van Miller, Laurel Springs, N. C. --------- - 1939 I
1. LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH, 1881--. Whitehead, Alleghany
A County.
Constituted 1881 by a part of the congregation of Old Union Primitive Q
» Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. J. J. Honeycutt. A member Q
A of New River Associaticn, 1881-86; of Allegheny and Ashe Association, Q
L 1887-96; received into Alleghany Association, 1897. First building, Q
I 1881--, a one—room frame structure, 26* x 36Y, with plain-glass windows; {
Q dedicated 1881, rebuilt 1910. Church membership in 1884, 77; in 1897, Q
] 21; in 1907, 60; in 1916, 77; in 1927, 76; in 1938, 73. I
J Record Book, 1904--. 1 vol. Includes minutes of the church conferences, 1
list of charter members, constitution of the church, and financial records. L
In custody of church clerk, Kr. I. T. Fender, Whitehead.
Church Register, 1904--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls and record
V of baptisms, marriages, and deaths. In custody of church clerk, Mr. J.
V T. Fender. ‘ 1
1 Sunday School records, 1910-11, 1930--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls l
lf and list of officers. Kept at church. `
1 e
é 20. Minutes, pessim. W
X `

 . 1
ei 1
· 1
- 5 1 2
. z
2. NEW HQPE BAPTIST CHURCH, 1881--. 10 miles west of
Sparta, on Highway #221, Alleghany County. 4
Gonstituted 1881. A member of New River Association, 1881-85; of l
Allegheny and Ashe Association, 1886-96; received into Allegheny Associa— 1
tion, 1897. Present building, 1881--, a one-room structure, 569 X 409, E
with plain-glass windows; dedicated 1881, repaired 1900. Church member-
ship in 1884, 26; in 1890, 49; in 1900, 57; in 1910, 56; in 1920, 75; in {
1950, 82; in 1938, 37.
Record Book, 1881-96. 1 vol. Includes minutes of church conferences; {
membership rolls; articles of faith; church covenant; and short sketches ‘
` on certain outstanding members of the church. In custody of church clerk,
Mr. D. F. Jones, Stratford. ‘
Sunday School records, 1955--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, lists
of officers, and financial records. Kept at church. ,
5. MT. CABTEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 1884--. 1 mile southeast '
of Cherry Lane on Highway #24, Allegheny County. I
I Constituted 1884. A member of Elkin Association, 1884-97; of Stone Q
· Mountain Association,‘l898-1909;‘received into Allegheny Association ’ `
1910. First building, 1884-1914, a one-room frame structure, 26¤ x 50*, j
seating capacity 150. Present building, 1914--, a one-room structure 4
with plain-glass windows, seating capacity 500; dedicated 1914, repaired l
1950. First resident clergyman, Rev. J. A. Jordan, 1384485. Church ‘
membership in 1884, 9; in 1910, 44; in 1920, 61; in 1950, 55; in 1958,
, 56.
‘ Church Register, 1884--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, names of
2 those excluded from the church, record of deaths, constitution of the g
; church, and biographical sketches of certain members. In custody of -
I church clerk, Mr. Sowell Woodruff, Cherry Lane. ‘ Y
*9 Sunday School records, 1900--. 4 vols. Includes membership rolls, lists 1
of officers, and financial records. Kept at church. 2
4. SPARTA BAPTIST CEURCH, 1884--. Main St., Sparta, *
Allegheny County.
Constituted 1884. A member of Allegheny and Ashe Association, 1884-96;
received into Alleghany Association, 1897. First building, 1884-1925,
a one-room frame structure, 50* r 40V, with plain-glass windows, seating
capacity 500.4 Frescnt building, 1925--, a brick structure with plain-
glass windows, seating capacity 500; dedicated 1950. Church membership ,
in 1897, 24; in 1907, 24; in 1915, 15; in 1927, 57; in 1958, 106, ·
Church Register, 1897-1910, 1920--. 2 vols; Includes membership rolls; 1
list of pastors, constitution of the church, biographical sketches of
certain outstanding members; and financial records. In custody of church ‘
‘ clerk, Mr. T. R. Burgess, Sparta. _ · ·
Sunday School records, 1925--. 1 vol. Shows attendance and collections. i
Kept at church. I

- 6 -- 4
_ Springs, Allegheny County.
Constituted 1891. A member of Allegheny and Ashe Association 1891-96;
received into Alleghany Association, 1897. First services, 1891-97, held 1
in school house. First church building, 1898-1932, a frame structure, ¢
42V x 28*, seating capacity 300; destroyed by fire; Present building, #
1933--, a brick structure with plain-glass windows, seating capacity 300;
dedicated 1933. First resident clergyman, Rev. D. J. Harris, 1891-94; .
Membership in 1891, 6; in 1897, 14; in 1907, 59; in 1917, 53; in 1927,
70; in 1938, 67.
Church Register, 1899--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, constitution :
of the church, record of members dismissed, deaths, and financial records.
In custody of church clerk, Mr. W. F. Doughton, Laurel Springs.
Sunday School records, 1930--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls and ,
financial records. In custody of Mrs. Van Miller. ”
6, TOLLIVER'S SCHOOL HOUSE, 1897. 5 miles northeast of _
Sparta, Allegheny County.
Constituted 1897. Locally reported that only a few services were held ,
and that there was not an official organization. However, it was accepted
into the association in 1897 as "a newly constituted church."21 First ' V
resident clergyman, Rev. James Shumate, 1897. Church membership in 1897, W
2]-I l
No records located. , b
7. CAILOWAYVS CHAPEL, 1897-99. 6 miles west of Sparta,
Allegheny County.
Constituted 1897. Dismissed with other churches from the Allegheny and ,
Ashe Association in 1897 to organize the Allegheny and Grayson Association. ,
Became inactive 1899. Church building in which the congregation worshipped ,
was used also as a school house and is now known as Rock·Crcek Schoo1.. {
First resident clergyman, Rev. J. O. Burchett, 1897. Church membership .
in 1897, 20.
No records located. _
8. CHESTNUT GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH, 1897--. 5 miles east
of Sparta, Allegheny County. g
A Constituted 1897. A member of Alleghany and Ashe Association a few I
· 21. Minutes of the Organization_o£ the Allegheny and Grayson Association, N
‘ held ¥H}ETthe Baptist Church at_Sparta, Allegheny County, El E},
¤ Friday, November 5th, 1897. n. p., 1397- 4

i I
-7- E
‘ I
months in 1897; received into Alleghany Association, 1897. Present
building, 1897--, a one-room frame structure, 50V x 40*, seating capacity
200; dedicated 1897, repaired 1910. First resident clergyman, Rev. D. J.
Roberts, 1897. Church membership in 1897, 16; in 1907, 17; in 1917, 55;
in 1927, 54; in 1958, 19. 1
Record Book, 1897--. 1 vol. Includes minutes of the church conferences, 1
list of charter members, constitution of the church, and financial records.
In custody of church clerk, Mr. Wayne Edwards, Sparta.
Church Register, 1897--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls and record of
marriages. In custody of church clerk, Mr. Wayne Edwards.
9. NEW RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH, 1898-1905. i mile west of
Nile, Allegheny County. —
Constituted 1898. Became inactive 1905. First resident clergyman, Rev. U
James Shumate, 1898. Church membership in 1898, 15. ‘
No records located. -
10. PINE FORK BAPTIST CHURCH, 1898--. 5 miles southwest
‘ of Whitehead on Highway #18, Allegheny County.
Constituted 1898. Present building, 1898--, a one-room frame structure, I
28* x 40¤, seating capacity 200; dedicated 1898, repaired 1925. First -
resident clergyman, Rev. C. Blevins, 1899. Church membership in 1899,
29; in 1909, 58; in 1919, 45; in 1950, 25; in 1958, 52.
Record Book, 1898--. 1 vol. Includes minutes of the church conferences,
and name of pastor delivering each sermon. In custody of church clerk,
Mr. C. S. Wyatt, Laurel Springs. i
Church Register, 1898--. 1 vol. Shows names of members and how received
into the church. In custody of church clerk, Mr. C. S. Wyatt. ‘ j
Sunday School records, 1925--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, lists {
of officers, and financial records. In custody of secretary. Q
11. VAUGHANVS CHAPEL, 1898-1905. 7 miles west of Sparta, 8
Allegheny .‘’ County.
Constitutod 1898; probably disbanded 1905. First resident clergyman,
Rev. L. D. Vaughan, 1898-99. Church membership in 1898, 18.
No records located.
12. LAUREL FORK BAPTIST CHURCH, 1905-52. 2 miles east of ¢
Laurel Springs, Allegheny County.
Constituted 1905. A member of Stone Mountain Association, 1905-24; re- 1
ceived into Allegheny Association, 1925. Congregation disbanded upon ‘ Q
destruction of church building by fire, 1952. First resident clergyman, y
Rev. E. Hardy, 1905. Church membership in 1904, 16; 1921, 51; 1950, 42.
No records located. J

- 3 - J
13. LONCVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH, 1902-6. Exact location
Constituted 1902; probably disbanded 1906. First resident clergyman, Rev.
R. K. Johnson, 1902. Church membership in 1902, 8. y
No records located. 1
14. BELLEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH, 1909--. Furches, Alle- A
ghany County. W
Censtituted 1909. Present building, 1909--, a one-room frame structure,
30P x 40Y, seating capacity 200; dedicated 1909, extensively repaired `
1920. First resident clergyman, Rev. G. M. Reeves, 1909-12. Church
membership in 1909, 21; in 1919, 37; in 1929, 50; in 1938, 47.
Record Book, 1909--. 1 vol. Includes minutes of the church conferences, t
list of charter members and financial records. In custody of church ·
clerk, Mr. Fred Pruitt, Laurel Springs. ' '
Church Register, 1909, 1913--. l vol. Includes membership rolls, 1913--,
and also record of deaths, 1909. In custody of church clerk, Mr. Fred
· Pruitt. u
15. PEAK CREEK MISSION POINT, ca. 1912. 5 miles west of l
Laurel Springs, Ashe County? _
Exact date of constitution unknown. The church was represented only at A
the 1912 session of the association. The congregation did not own a `
church building; services were held in private homes. Church membership %
in 1912, 50. ,
No records located. ·
16. SCOTTSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, 1925--. Scottsville, Q
Allegheny County. Q
Constituted 1925. Present building, 1925--, a four-room frame structure, E
V 30* x 40*, with plain-glass windows, seating capacity 300; dedicated 1925. ‘
A First resident clergyman, Rev. B. L. Coffey, 1926-29. Church membership
_ in 1926, 17; in 1938, 41..
i Record Book, 1925--. l‘vol. Includes minutes of the church conferences,
i list of charter members, record of organization of the church, and
I financial records. In custody of church clerk, Maggie Nuckolls, Scotts- -
§ ville. ‘ ‘
E Church Register, 1925-—.‘ l vol. Includes names of members, with date ‘
, received into the church, and record of deaths. In custody of church
* clerk, Maggie Nuckolls. ` y
Q Sunday School records_ 1925--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, lists y
i of officers, and financial records. Kept at church. I
A 1
E 1
it  T

I.   _S_ources
A. Alleghany and Ashe Association
Minut_e_s__oi`_ the‘lOth Annual Session gi; the Ashe and Allegheny ‘  
Association, held with Brus_h