xt72bv79tn8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79tn8d/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 5, December 15, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 5, December 15, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt72bv79tn8d section xt72bv79tn8d T0 Editors: The
i ¤¢-= in this b¤ll¤ti¤ THE UNIVERSI I Y OF KENTUCKY Entered as second ,
·S prepared f¤¤‘ the   ,,,__  ._,. ,_ , M_ _,._. ,. ~ _ riass matter at the
press and is released     U     hi" . e post office at Lex-
for publication on   ``''     " .'   ‘_r___ ington, Ky.
receipt. .9     il,   ~ . ·* 4
December 15, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. IV. No. 5
~ _ Seventy-four Stgdents Seven of Ten Ag. Entries Characters Are Chosen Leland Author of Wildcat Basket Ball Al,
Not F rom Kentucky Wm m Poultry Show For Robin Hood Opera Important Tax Work Prospects Inviting
Report has been given out by the Seven of the ten entries made by Characte1·s for the cast of Robin Simeon E. Leland, assistant profes- Basket ball prospects for this sea-
_ ;`€g;Stl`;l` totftlf I-mV‘°’1`§1tytif   the College of Agriculture, University Hood have been selected after careful sor of Economics, University of Ken- SOD lll`9 €XC€€dlllglY g00fl llllll G0&€l1
uc `Y M O_ t G dPmO}`1m°} €_¥_   I of Kentucky, at the Ohio Falls Fan- consideration of voices and the oper- tucky, has written a book oil "Tax— Buchan predlcts ll champmushu) team'
students enlolled in the institution _ y X _ t_ P It Sl 1_ h _ _ _ _ _ Last yssi- ms Wiidcsts were known
this year, only SGv€_my_fOm_ have been c.els [ ssocia ion I on ly 10iV,.\V1lC etta will be presented by the students ition inbiseliltucliyll which has giust as one Of the Strongest teams in this
rsgistsrsd fronl Outside igsiitliciii-_ ix as held in Louisville duiing the of the University early in January. ‘§€11 llll ls dll. ull €l llé 2lll$Dli$€$. Section of the Coimtryy and lost me
Twenty-four states, including Ken- week of December 7, came out win- The parts will be taken as follows: OE the Uvvellslti   Gila 93 u Sggies game deciding the championship by
tuclty, and two foreign countries, Rus- mis according to the Opinions Of the Robin HOO(i_ Csimii Cs,-my and John 9 m(;E1°Og1;lz;‘é)S1SaI;$d ln; 1:1 1 stil ge; the close margin of one held goal, -
_·   ·_ _ _ _ _ _ line tsoiogypuu   ,.
Z1? ;€3d§;S$;;$;a’ dm mtnéscmgd m Judges. In the list of prizes were in- Curry; Sheriff Nottingham, Neal Sul- by the institution fm. the benefit of h lely Hall el mst wars letter mem.
` 9 - . i · . » . . , ave failed to show up. The old let-
cluded three firsts, two thirds, one livan; Sir Guy Gilborne, J. F. Der- students and others interested in
According to the regist1·a1·`s bool’s _ _ _ _ ter men who are coming out fo- - -
- the number Of Students Bumucd h_O;_n fourth and one fifth place ribbons. ringer; Little John, L. Brooks; \Vil1 Sllcll Sl1lJ.l€€t5· tics am. Burnham Hayden $5;;,;;
. . . ‘ » i ·
cms,. swiss is ss {snows; Indiana, The three first places were won by Scarlet, Crawford Anderson; Friar The “’0l`ll ls lleltllel 3- hlSt°l`Y ll0l` Lavin, Ridgeway, Ze1·foss, and Shank-
twelve;,Ohio, twelve; Tennessee, nve; three of the four White Leghorns Tuck, Tom Riley; All-en a Dale, Mar- 8* Crmcisni Of we lex System of the llll-i Wlll1€l111 Will also be out again.
_ Oklahoma, four; Virginia, four; Flor- sent by the University, the other re- garet Smith; Dame Durden, Lucy iflzgziulsugflshgiglgigllgillioiigii ggaigsé Besides these ¤1¤¤v11¤ have already
ida, four; North Caro ina, New Jersey, . . f th 1 Om Wm .. . . . . ` made their mark in University basket
. ‘ .1 h· 1 · - . -. . · —
Pennsylvania, Texas and Georgia, céwmg Ou} Dfme _ B1 mms Sum ’ A1ma'b91’ Justma Hem and Ot taximon and mx ¤€f<>¤1¤ m l'*€“‘ ball there is awealth of new material
three each· Alabama California Ot the Umversuy entries Were: An- Roxana Trimble; Maid Mm`izm’ llallha lucky as they have evolved out Of the ihcludiug about iiftee nstars from vari-
iiiinois and West Virginia, two each; cona cock, third; Wyandotte cook, iMc(;lui·s and Sara, Piper, These various systems of boards, commis- ous high School teams throughout the
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, third; Wyandotte pullet, fifth. The dlisraetei-s will be supported by a very Slolls alld agents Wlllcll ·llilV€ flll1€ll0¤· state.
Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi and sdusstisnai sxiiibit sem; to the Shyy strong chorus which ranks Withthat id m aha Past- Tlléfg ll? also Sllemal Athletic Director Boles has not com-
lZ?§$§.‘I°Z’.E;.?.‘§Z.‘”§E.g.2‘“..EE" .§I{° by the POM D Bpaf me 0* me   Of --Y l~1-¤¤-»¤l¤-- ¤1-·--·--i-   M ..i’£i'ffis,1Z$?§§l°‘l.i».b?§..1;‘g..§”1,.,,,,lE.§ §§iiii. ““’ “*§i‘“"$, °‘ gmijiitbgl a 1
· , ·   `_ I D _ _ _ _ _. _ . . V, . WG 0118 as een su mi e as
tralia, one each. One hundred and velslty dttracted (‘O1TS1_d€w‘b1e 3‘tt9n_ Liilngtcin m Hamm? Zing m_??ZBi_ H to the State of Kentucky, of taxation follows; _
Seven Kentucky Counties have sem tion among the exhibits of poultry f P19fD1£gra1n__;S;l1i§1 E aglmlgec It and public H11=l11C€, the S€11€1‘3-l D1'0D· Jan. 12——Kentucky Wesleyan at Lex-
· ~¤l·€S·=¤t=l*lv¤S- no Students me   f°°"S ““°‘ °“““` "‘““"‘“‘ . $.....€`°..l rf.T§?fLL SSS t{Ll,..Zil§”°ZLA my “"‘· mi “‘h"“* ““°€   2* l"°‘ ingm-
eorded from Adair, Allen, Clinton, A total Of mom than LOGO b“`“l$= ’ A , Posed lllcolllé tax and the Ploleel of Jan 15——Cumberland College at L .
Greenup, Jackson, Leslie, Lyon, Mar- Coming from all Parts Gl K8lltllcllY» Herndon EVg‘nS’_nl&11FLg€r Oflast Yams centralized administration, besides a ingtonl ex _
tm, Metcalfe, Monroe, OWSiBy’ Powell and surrounding states, were compet- St"°HB*` p1`°d“°U°n* I? Stagg nliuiaéiei study of the relationship between state Jmi ggmgincinuati at Ciuciuuaw
and Rowan counties ins f¤1· 1w¤¤rS at the S11¤w· The °°St“““"S md S°"““y W °‘*“‘*= and Federal taxation as one of the im- Jan 29_A,,b,,,.,, t L - t s
I ——————— designed and planned by Caml Sax€’ portant factors affecting tax reform F bl 6 G a Bxmg On.
.......L.. V · e . — eorgetown at Lexington. —
. . head of the Art Department. .
· · · C l F tctnlty Professor Leland has made a close Feb. 8—Centre at Danville
Alumni Arg Or antzgn Ommercla ra - _ _ ———-—————-— _ `
Th hg ut thg State Installed for University H h. M d H d investigation and survey of me tax Feb. 14*G€O1`g€tO\VH&t Georgetown
roug 0 · utc Ins a· e ea O _ system of Kentucky as compared with Feb. 21—Vanderbilt at Lexington,
' ' Delta Sigma Pi the wading pmfsg of College ASSOCl&tlOH other commonwealths, and it is only Feb. 25—Cu1nberland at Williams-
As a result of a movement on the _ j ‘ _ after Such Observation and study this burg _ .
· part of the Alumni Association of the sional fratermty m °°mmG1`C€* has m' . . . L . M ` G I I
T _ _ ! _ V v V _ smiled 3_ Cimptm. at the University At a -meeting of the Association of he rhas put his Work before the pub- Feb. 26—Tennessee at Knoxville
_ UmV€YS1ty_ Ol kmimcky lo- °1g"Lm_Z` of Kentucky and ten msu have been Kentucky Colleges and Universities, lic. Persons interested ill this Study Feb. 28—Vanderbilt at Nashvill·_g_ __  
lug ¤ll1111111 Clllllsilll §V€1>’ €0l*lllY lll initiated mm tha Ol_,gamZ&tiOH· held in the Little Theatre, at the of the tax problems of Kentucky may Mar- 3—Cent1‘e at Lexington. .
‘- 1<¤¤¤¤¤l