xt72bv79sf6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79sf6d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1948 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 19, 1948 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 19, 1948 1948 1948 2012 true xt72bv79sf6d section xt72bv79sf6d   i A
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Aff R· Bqllock, ’28 (left), president ef the alumni, extends greetings t0 D_r. Frank L. McVey at the unveiling of a
‘_ P°*'tY§lt 0f the University’s president emeritus on August 9. '1‘0 the_r1ght are Dr. McVey and President H. L. I i ·
 n0V¤H, 14. The portrait is the gift of Alexander Bonnyman, 0f Knoxville, Tenn., loyal University alumnus. .
4  ume XIX NOVEMBER, 1948 Number 4 _ ,

X • l'U.H
' .  1 13
c C ) ) [ , NOV.
2 }l€]/ 1207% IELZWQELZI 2 }Z€l7'   lime   W 1  z Arrange
X  ‘ Never let
· The l$laL3—`19 Loyalty Fund campaign is now under way. Mr. J. Stephen \\Tatkins, of  ¤;1:lm°m‘
1 . . . . . e exec
  Lexington. a member of the alumm executive committee has accepted the appointinent ot  hmm, ASS,
President Bullock as chairman of the drive for this year and you will be hearing from him  ,5,,,,, Of C,
V T before long. V 1 exington, (
Last year`s initial campaign was successful. not only from a standpoint of funds col-   day fm- oid
lected but from the point of view of alumni interest. Do not let this project lag. lt is up to   c the cam
. . . 1 i' f t
you to make it a continuing success. l  lmida OO
‘ First and
agenda is a
1  erved in tl
V ga, . [ // I .  ent Union
· ‘  :00 p. m. a;
    _)/ °  andwiches,
‘ 1 1 id—day sna
` - A V . ·, .· - . - .  llalumniw
, H. L. Donovan .......................... Manw ell Place, Unix eisity of Kentucky, Lexington nergy Sta
. 1 A n1
Ethel hlorgan Niles ____________..____,_______...._,_. T-66-61 Hickam Village, Honolulu, T. H.  estaurants
- . . n  d th 1
1 Nlrs. Brooks Coons __..,___....__.................... 140 Westgate Drive, Lexington, Kentucky  :,_g,,,;;°SE
Donald Donahue ............,...,............. _ ............i................... 72 Ranionia, Buffalo, N. Y. Q " uch PY€f€Y
. V R. XV. Leake, Jr., ................................r............ 301 XV. Main St., Danville, Kentucky _ ai  This ,,,,0,,
i ~ Robert I-I. Swope ........................................ Brock—lV[cVey Co., Lexington, Kentucky i 1  lumnlfmdi
_  re urging y
, T Charles R. Gilmore ............................................ 1006 N. Denver Ave., Tulsa 6, Okla. p  hg facilitief
— Judge E. R. Denney .................................................................. Mt. Vernon, Kentuckv  dmlmstram
·  nough to st
l Dr. R. L. Kesterson ‘ ii us be cna}
. A Fairmont Hospital, 15400 Foothill Blvd., San Leandro, Calif. 1  BHEUS in tl
· _ _ 1  ar mg plac
_ F Jack R. Scharstem .......................................... 321 YV. 6th St., Covington, Kentucky  eiguyg mm;
L i L. 3 Martha B. Rich ............................................................................ Columbia, Kentnekv i if ms and}
. i "  0 the stadiu
i C. L. Arnold ............................................ 2815 Bronson Blvd., Kalamazoo, Michigan  he game. 5
B . . . . . . .  ·°k 'll
1   J 0l\11 R B11ll00l< .-.................................. 603 Dime Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio  , dejvmlbebj
1 hliltoll S. Smith .................................................... 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N, Y, V The game
‘ _  nd ` d·
Mrs. Irene L. Downing ......... . .......,_....___._______________ R. F. I). No. ]., Nioholasvme, K); ,  entH;1,T;,€,\i
(`l1i11‘l¢’S “Tl!il€ ....»........................................... 260 Gregory Ave., 1Vest Orange, N. J. =  Omg to all
v_ _  vests. facul
1 wtor E Muhcey .....»...~...».................................... 1»>41 Howard Ave., Pottsville Pa. niversity 8
° . · .,- . . . _ , 1 t (
L- Sinirrler Rzmsdcll ................................ 1·»=> \ ernon Ave., Louisville e, lxeutueky   at M_
_ V , evem
St<‘]lh€‘11 A- R¤1l)1€’1' ----·-------~----·4·-.-....................... No. 6 Halsey Place, S, Orange, N. J.  on will ag,
. , ·> 
. Eh Al\<'li<”1`Ill?Ul .......................................................... 2017 E, 38th St., New York (git}-  ,,ggm,g1Ig,¤r
V Hrs. John N. Browning .............._.........__ _ _.__________.____ Edgeinont Road, Maysviilg K}-_  afayette hc
V  E Oh hand
 ?¤¤€, and
' .’•  those W
  ’, d reminisc

l .
` · h G A l ` D F ° '
l  IUHC , 21II1€, 621, ZIHCC, OI HOHl€COHllHg l
· l
Nov. 13 Activities Louisville Names N · l
I l Arranged for Grads New   S€CI`€i§&I`y CVV MCVCY Portrgut  
i . Never let it be said that there was ,_   P1‘CS€HtCd To U. K. I
. i e dull moment on Homecoming Day! _ _   . ‘ " -4
i i The executive committee of the » A ZVA , , Alexander Bonnyrnan
t  inmni Association, under the lead- .   , r V=‘. A i   IS DOUG? of Gift
H  rship Of Carlisle My€1_S, Jr., :48, Of     ' A pOI`tI`8it,Of DI`, Frank L€R()]]d i A
 Ellington, chairman of homecoming ~         _     ltgilixioggitgreiziintufmolrléus tef tho 1
  ~   , i       . ver e a cere- ,
,  nangements, has planned a full   ,. Y     ,   monies held August 9 in the Blue- [
l- ,  av for old grads who come back   z ·r _ ,.   _’·»-       grass room of the Student Union, l
O   0 the campus for the Kentucky-     ‘ ··     `The portrait, by Edmund Giesbert l
l  lcriaa football game on Nov. 13. `_ = ·     T  of Chicago, Ill., is the gift of Alex-
. First and newest event on the ·‘ \\'_   “'VA   . '   ander Bonnyman, Knoxville, Tenn, i
 genda is 8 “b1,m,,,h,,, which Wm be .       , ,   philanthropist and alumnus of the
l  crved in the ballroom of the Stu- . V°A't       '_/V   _=;I _,,_, ,   __.,.,   Umverslty _ _
, , _ ,     Several hundred faculty, alumni
i  ent Union from ,11:30, a. m. ,unt1l      rr.    and friends Or the University at_
 ;00 p. m. and Wh1€h will Cohslst ef = ‘     ..  tended the unveiling ceremonies at
 andwiehes. eeffee and eekee- This —.  {   which ni. Leo M. Chamberlhin
~. id-day snack ba? will be 6 h00h te ‘ _" ·4V·     it ·`.= 5 D,'. ‘   University vice president presidedj
 ll alumni who spend their time and A     _V,.   Miss Anne W. Callihan yof the de-
 nergy standing in line at crowded . ·’··     V fr.   ·‘·· if  ;-'· ii" “ partment of art expressed the ap-
 fsmumhts down toWh» and thee preciation of the University faculty
 ind themselves in H traffic jam ef Mrs. George A. Scott, Jr. (Mar- and of Dr. McVey’s many friends
 re—game time, when they would garet Clementine Cooper), ’38, has for the gift and for the contribution
=· uch prefer to he hl their Stadium been named secretary of the Louis- the former president has made to
 eats. ville Alumni Club of the University Kentucky, and John R. Bullock, ’28,
This informal lunch is open to all for 1948—’49. Cincinnati attorney and president
 lumni and former students, and We lylrs_ _l_ M_ Jackson (Dorothy of the Alumni Association spoke for
Q  urging you to take advantage of Neal), #40, served as secretary of alumni of the institution.
, ; e facilities which the University the Louisville club last year, and Frank LeRond McVey III and
Q  dministration has been kind when the annual mail ballot for Frank McVey Tilton, grandsons of
 nough to set up for you. You will nevv officers vvas mailed out this the honoree unveiled the portrait,
us be enabled to drive out to the year, Mrs_ George W_ Boston (Cor- and Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, ’14, _
l ampus in the morning, find a good nelia Crawford Richmond), ull, vvas University president, made the ac-
l  arking place for your car, eat in oleoted secretary Mrs_ Boston later ceptance speech.
 oisuro omohg Your formor o1oSs“ moved from Louisville, and the club
, Mates and friends, and walk over held s new oleotiorr
~ 0 the stadium in plenty of time for . ,
he game. Sandwiches, coffee and   J` Pho ArHO1d’ .24
Gkes will be sold at regular prices, This gives promise of being the Heads Pharmaclsts
 Hd will be available in quantity. best homecoming in Kentucky his- James Philip Arnold, »24, of
Tho game will hé called at 2 P- mo ferr, S0 make your plans fe be here' Franklin, has been elected president
 hd immediately following it Presi- If you think you will be present of the Kentucky Pharmaceutical
   fht and Mrs. Donovan will be at for the "brunch," it would be a big Association
   Ome to alumni, former students, help to the office and to the manage- The clgctign was held September
 uests, faculty and friends of the ment of the University COmm0IlS if 2] at 3 banquet given by the associa-
 ¤iVei‘sity at the annual homecom- you would call or wire the Alumni tion at thc conclusion of their state
 Em ef Maxwell Place. Office in advance, saying: "I’ll at- convention in Ashland
That evening, the Alumni Associa- tend the “B1`¤¤Nati0na1 Bank 771011914. '£`hC;sLb€¢<;;~¢Si(10fd0ur newly we state andI(;I01{ntyGaf<;;‘€5Hld.ID€T§`€  10 over 3.U0(
. K.   ‘ ,-   ·. . . inau um e O ii im , aly appeai-et e en . ’ing, w 10 nzj » .,   , _
— ' ¤ ..
l   """““““"’   I gn? U.T€1.lCOl’i/‘(1’ZS;l'I{11 funds nn nn 122: bsznnsazlynnsrzzz.esizzdri as  ““?‘i““’ *
A Mers¤erite_McLaugh11n, 226 E. Maxwell n g . g ,, . editor End business manager of    Pmldmgs an
' gh.) LBXIIILTLOII (life rnember, hgnoy- ZGQES the (1717.6].9 says that the P’l'€S‘L· KENTUCKY ALULINUS and {lm gg lt5elf_
‘ rr ’ ' ' ‘ - following is, to the best of her kim
` J'- C8.l‘liS1e Myers, .Tr_, 918 E_ High SL Céents Commission On I’{lgheT Educa edge and belief, a true statement Oi  , Chantelle
L€‘xi“¥t0ll M8 Class representative; WOW- has 7`€P07`t€d 9f»0Om7·l'y 07% college ownership, management (and if ods; A·B NW6 (
h0¤¤rsry> paléer, rfirculéitiorg etgqt of HIE alforleiii Ulm;   a' ‘
nu ica ion or ie a e s ow i :14 ersz y (
· , . ‘ ( " , · ' br h A t
. APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Warren County—J._ Preston Cherry, §LO;L$StC'§§)t];J{;{2 lgglufigigndgd Ejfmgll  1Q4()_fl—Om C
` il Helm HOt81’ Bowlmg Green' Ky' of March E, 1933;, embodied in secsionif LLD 1946
L Byron Begley, Jr., Richmond, Ky_ Cincinnati (Greater)¢Q. D. McClanahan, Postal Laws and Regulations, primed: l ‘ "
·  ` i iw? Ed`"“ D‘""`€" ““‘ V““°“· K"· elim R°’}i{` `"E’e°i1n°"¥i`atn-ii·a 29 mf réiiisiiff n’§§na?Z°"“nat%JEi§....-  W“"*"“‘ C'
" V _ _ F l lCQ.g0, .— l` S OH . 1 1 HIS, . » 8. ~··¤f* _ . ·
‘ ‘ j;lgtOnranm1” Mccleuand Bldg" Lex" S. Lasalle St. the publisher, editor, managing til?  Tecmi OT Un
R¤b€rt H. Hmenmeyen 1517 caiew Net Yom N Y+“D“"°*‘“ sims- 5°° €‘“§n§ii§n';‘i‘S ‘i}?.??§.2§f"‘i-if   ¤·:l e.  “”°“""°"'"°
l TOWQI', Cincinnati _F1ft?1 Avenue' new Y°*k City Alurnni Aségcintiol-l_ Lexington, Ky  U7llU(’7'Slfy (
l J. Stephen Watkins, 145 E, Hlgll St “"l,s*`£‘“gt°“· D· C·_G€‘”g€ M°}'th· 2828 Editor; Helen G. King Lexington.?  —
L€Xi¤st<>¤ " M‘“‘“‘“”‘°“· N· W·· W"$*““g"°“ Managing mailer- o' Lee Mece:  
‘ · 1 . Detroit, Mich.—Henry J. Beam, 331 · r L '  '
Msgingfecéi T` Wm"’mS’ 134 M”*p‘° S‘·· Lmhlee Drive Birmiwhemn Mich- BiErQiesin°$§§1' {ia/nagei; Helen G. he  2
· Cle€elaiid, SOhioERobertdMcDowell, 3203 Lexington, Ky. U L _A e A B 4
. 7 St t., evelan 2 Assoc. Editor: Mawrueritei c &¤§l--I  _ ` '
CLUB PRESIDENTS Plliladelpliia, 1;].2..-—-Berkley Hedges, 114 L;Xi¤I§§¥0;1»t{(Y· b _ uumni l. i Lav
Vaverly Ron , Wyncote, Pa. · ' la 16 0“'¤€¥` ls? =    ,
Boyd COl.lDty—T0l‘[] Ph` , C _ ' t' Y U ‘ 't f K tuck}/,L; l
burg, ny. W mlm Agglgg; ggllggugh Adema 1034 Hm ?§§l%n‘;?nnn;‘&,iiF‘JininnniiinltOgle   Baanii
C%g],;Y€¥{}S°unty_G' H' P°d1°y· Prince' Chi¢&g0 Club meets S€¢0¤d M0¤daY Of i;_ii_JO6i;l£' 1?3l;1,$§ek'_$r€Ssii?Fely·, {iii  Chandlw
Chu t, C _ _ each month, noon, Builders Club (21st President, Lexington, Ky; HglEh·iJ Versailles. E
,5 mn Olmfv Jesse Keith, Hopkins- floor), 228 N. LaSalle st. - , . , .- lon ki ·
““€· Kr Washington D C cnn meets second ¥‘“"* E§""°eiS?,°‘i‘s€.’* %°§;§€2a’ié¤  Lennon i
· . ¢ 1 · · . ?].I`I`i€S . II` DS llf , l` v “ ' 5 ~
Daviess C°¤¤iY—N1If¤n_ Yunker, Holland Wednesday of each month, Annapolis ington, Ky,   pal~lrm.¤siti¤¤ he held prior tc his me“t.C°F*°h Steted "Ttle internal
ielgfgrggi  ,B_, 1926, and MA,) 1930) jmm the recent appointment in ECA, zloil¤Z§;<;§iS$1fat?§§ni;;icnCoopera- i
own intzle lnivcrsity of Kentucky; the Ed.D., During his thirteen years of ex- d t - h·, , T, , 9 pgeqi- ‘
iifritii  .940.ir0¤i Columbia University; and perience in the Federal service. in. m. 150150 le Ha me O 15
s&C,,,,,,i; LD. ,946 from West vn, ima _ 4 \\·0ll{ differs fundamentally from
yprinitdi ¤ i g _ Couch has become a recognized that Of an , other Ovemment
wit: , We$ie§`8ll Cfiiiege- H9 S€7"U€d GS dl- leader in championing and Cam- G , ·t -5 _t ,   t d
gggssigii. em"` Oi Uilivefslty High Seheet and paigning for the development and a;$?C},Ti@t1Sb$,;;n€gO\i§;nI?€; 3% .
.- associate P"Ofe$$0"` of education at the improvement of sound principles of p p \ E , SS. S- as/· can S
Kemuo. . , not onlv fol the contribution of
¤¤·K*’·r. U""’“`“‘” Oi K""““"y~ ”35""3"· ¤<=rS¤¤¤¤l m¤¤¤geme¤t- He has be- Arriericaii goods soo roooer but also
lingitittlti · ;—;  wme 3 fmceful and aggressive the best bf American brains and
_ (;_ Kid n Spokesman fo? more efficient per' good will. As personnel director I
,,cL,,,,,,,i A. B. Cl'l3Hdl€I` FOI‘lTlS Smmél pmtitlces throughout the shall bend every effort to get the ` ·
Alumni;. A Law Partnership F€d€m1,SErV1c€‘ . best people available for staffing
tncinsld - _ b C0¤€il$ ¤  
CHU Of Le3?WgtOn’ and m each cmg Fhé ?”€€0QWiti0?1 of this C0U€Q€· conferences. He was president if     uic bm
thc. team visits Overseas he iondvécccts AS a Citizen Of Lexington and Of Alpha Delta Sigma and was avI_é:_`iI   \\1T®~L€P.LlTvlVl
j G mile Cmlemmw and pwsen S G ey the state of Kentucky, Dean Evans Gd thg honor key 0f the fl`3l[€1`IZiC]'   _    
; » to the local lmd pT(21UOit’dOTt7;ay;;` has gained esteem and friendship 0f for oustanding accomplishment :1 ‘    {$1
{_ I _ Thc Ccwmmw 5071   fl gieesé many but these comments are made the field Of 8dV€1·tjSjng_ A_1SO_ E12 ;` Q03,$t“)?(  
' j Q 5COmmd‘ was GSCM G I z?1_ upon his services as Dean of the Col- hl-JMS the distinction 0f being the   YCM ig ft}
woqds by the newspaper Mme. lcge Of Law in view Of me fact that first head announcer fm the U;   svxnig Van E
"Pev·th’s Lord Provost, J. UTC it is in this capacity only, we are Station Of WHAS  `Efjt}1 °)¥
Primv·0sc, became CL ‘f7`€Gm€m’ Of the glad to say, that his status changes. $0011 gum- his gl-3duatjO¤_ @1;;% ·  "}H$ui_U1g
. Amcriccm university city of Lexmg— Dmn Evaqls is ]mOu—n as a maggm- Oy married Martha Duncan, 3 CIHSSME gb   Hwa m 1
tmp Ky,. last night. This unexpected the Socratic method 0f teaching. He at the Umvmsjtyy and H mcmbgyvi `   be l
’ honor was conferred on the Lord has bum up G meat {aw gchggl at the Delta Zeta SO1,O1,ity·Th€ COME; ;j I N1 clouxu
Provost after he had welcomed the the University of Kentucky, wisely with their Cight_y€H1._O]d SOR my f ileiggo DOS
American Olympic basketball stars. building Umm the foundation Of his their home in AI_hngtOn· —\yh.giH;;  I ‘I kl-] 14
The ·;Ccy’ was presented by Adolph pq-gdcccssors and with the full co- Virgilys p31.Gms_ ML and Mrs M  jzbern   T
Rupp in the name 0f MT. Tom Opemtion Of his associates. Couch, MVC in Princeton, Kemum i inCgl_uj\1TjT`1A
MOO"€U¤ Lord Pmvost Of the City Of Kentucky, Lexingtonians, lawyers, H9 is affiliatcd with the Univezi Y g1_Hng;"H;;;;
Lexington], citizens 0f Kentucky, students of the sity 0f Kentucky Alumni Club fi g Yaisiré `COU
We sugQ€Sf that Lwd PTOUOS7? two decades that he has taught, as- Washington, D. C  Q Organized t
Mooney SGNCZ l1l0?1Q fl 716117 Supply OT sociates at the University, friends,    in 193] an
k€yS, j'llSt to make $7176 that OUT am" Rotarians and others will all join and congratulations upon the W Z_ th€ Fqtmt
· bassadvr d0€$7L’t Tim $h0Tt