xt72bv79sd1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72bv79sd1x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1958-07-sep16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1958-07-sep16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1958-07-sep16. 1958 1958-07-sep16. 2011 true xt72bv79sd1x section xt72bv79sd1x 



      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, September 16, 1958.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Presi-
dent' s Office at 9:00 a. m. CST, Tuesday, September 16, 1958, with the
following members present: Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman; R. P.
Hobson, Dr. D. C. Elkin, Ben Butler, Dr. Ralph J.. Angelucci, Wood
Hannah, Sr. , Louis Cox, Robert C. Stilz, Harper Gatton, Dr. Paul Hall,
J. Stephen Watkins and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer.  Absent: W. F. Foster
and Robert R. Martin.  President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank
D. Peterson met with the Board.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting of the
Board of Trustees of May 16, 1958; and the meetings of the Executive Com-
mittee on June 20 and July 31, 1958, were approved as published.

     B. Report of the Treasurer.

     Vice President Peterson submitted financial report for the two months
period ended August 31, 1958.  Each member was given a copy and the
report was presented in detail as follows:


               UNIVERSITY             OF KENTUCKY


                                        September 15, 1958

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

       I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky for the two-months period ended August 31, 1958.
This report contains a balance sheet and related financial statements
designed to present a complete financial picture of the period for
all funds of the University.

       The current budgetary operations for the period reflect income
realized for Educational and General purposes in the amount of
$3,949,799.84, or 30.0% of the budget estimate of $13, 171,630. 13.
The amount realized includes income from such sources as student
fees, state appropriations, federal grants and endowment income.
The greater portion of income realized came from governmental
sources totaling $3, 605,922. 12. The expenditures, including en-
cumbrances outstanding for Educational and General Purposes amounted
to $2, 070, 298. 34. This amount represents 16. 1o of the total general
fund appropriation of $12, 854, 583. 37.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Frank D. Peterson
                                        Vice President
                                        Business Administration



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   August 31, 1958


Current Funds:
A. General-
    Cash in Bank
    Available Balance, State Appropriations
    Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
    Accounts Receivable
    Deferred Charges
    Unrealized Income

$ 1,024,891.03
  9,797, 073.01

Total General


B. Restricted-
   Cash in Bank
   Petty Cash Advances

$   604,223.06
     13,432. 28
  1,697, 590.95

Total Restricted

2, 315, 246.29

Total Current Funds

Loan Funds:
     Cash in Bank
     Notes Receivable

$:1.5, 337,656.57

$    12,780.52
     47. 219. 01
     54,500. 00

Total Loan Funds

$   114,499.53

Endowment Funds:
    Cash in Bank

$     7,359.32
    225,438. 12

Total Endowment Funds

$   232,797.44



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   August 31, 1958


I. Current Funds:
   A. General-
        Due Federal Government-Agricultural Extension Service $  23, 108.87
        Reserve for Departmental Requisitions                  676,421.24
        Reserve for Inventories                                280,308.61
        Other Liabilities                                       52,636.20
        Appropriation Balance                               11,441,811.20
        Unappropriated Surplus-
        Division of Colleges             $    366,326.23
        Agri. mtdtural Experiment Station   181,767.93     548, 094. 16

$ 13,022,410.28

B. Restricted-
    Outstanding Check Liability
    Restricted Funds Balances

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

$     6,415.94

$    73,424.81

II. Loan Funds:
         Principal Balances
         Expendable Balances

Total Loan Funds

11. Endowment Funds:
        Principal Balances
        Expendable Balances

  2,315,246. 29


$   114,449.53

$   227,242.41

Total Endowment Funds

Total General




University of Kentucky
    Balance Sheet
    August 31, 1958


IV. Plant Funds:
    A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
        Cash in Bank                        $
        Available Balance, State Appropriations
        Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer

            Total Unexpended Plant Funds

    B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
        Cash in Bank                        $
        Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
        Cash on Deposit, Trustee
        Due from Other Funds ( General Fund)
        Unrealized Income

Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant-
    Construction in Progress

   75, 000.00

$ 8,718,035.58

  4, 234. 13
98, 394.38
395, 381.91

944, 032.57

$ 1,727,724.43
33, 303, 718.00
10,737, 148.03
10,550, 386. 25

Total Invested in Plant

_56,318,976, 71

Total Plant Funds

$65, 981,044.86

V. Agency Funds:
        Cash in Bank

$   134,736.02

Total Agency Funds

$   151, 132.39



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   August 31, 1958


IV. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
       Reserve for Plant Requisitions
       Plant Appropriation Balance

          Total Unexpended Plant Funds

   B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
       Funds Balances

          Total Retirement of Indebtedness

   C. Invested in Plant -
       Bonds Payable
       Due to Other Governmental Units
       Net Investment in Plant

$ 5,291,831.25
  3,426, 204.33

$ 8,718,035.58

$   944,032.57


$ 11,426,500.00

Total Invested in Plant


Total Plant Funds


V. Agency Funlds:
       Agency Funds Balances

$   151, 132. 39

Total Agency Funds

$   151, 1.32.39



          University of Kentucky
      Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1958 and Ended August 31, 1958

 I. Educational and General:
     A. Student Fees-
         Incidental Fees and Tuition
         Training School Fees
         Adult and Extension Education Fees

              Total Student Fees

     B. State Appropriations-
         Division of Colleges
         Medical Center
         Geological Projects
         Agricultural Experiment Station
         Agricultural Extension Service

              Total State Appropriations

     C. Federal Grants-
         Division of Colleges
         Agricultural Experiment Station
         Agricultural Extension Service

              Total Federal Grants

     D. Endowment Income

     E. Sales and Services of Educational Departments-
         Division of Colleges
         Agricultural Experiment Station

              Total Sales and Services of Educational

     F. Returned Checks

              Total Educational and General

II. Service Enterprises:
         Post Office

III. Auxiliary Enterprises:
         Men's Residence Halls
         Women's Residence Halls

              Total Auxiliary Enterprises

(negative figurJTotal General Fund Income


$ 1,405, 000.1



135,499.34 $



    102, 000. 00     15,236.85       86,763. 15

$ 1,538,000.00 $    150,736. 19 $ 1, 387, 263.81

$ 5, 639, 000. 00 $ 1,499,000. 00 $ 4, 140,000.00
    438,400.00      118,000.00      320,400.00
    183,300.00      153,200.00       30,100.00
    796,000.00      242,000,00      554,000.00
    931,000.00      237,700.00      693,300.00

$ 7,987, 700. 00 $ 2,249,90G.00 $ 5,737,800.00

$   142,177.60 $     84,965.60 $      57,212.00
    867.822G00      321,151.00      546,671.00
  1,955,811.03     949,905.52    1,005,905.51

$ 2,965,810.63 $ 1,356,022.12 $ 1,609,788.51

$    10,119.50 $       8,700.00 $      1,419.50

$    20,000.00 $      7,138.18 $      12,861.82
    650,000.00      178,354.49      471,645.51

$   670,000.00 $    185,492.67 $   484,507.33

$               $   ( 1,051.14) $      1,051.14

$ 13, 171,630. 13 $ 3,949,799.84 $ 9,221,830.29

_    4,000.00 $       1,340.66 $      2,659.34

$   202,074,00 $      11,072.10 $    191,001.90
    402,861.00       21,279.52       381,581.48

$   604,935.00 $      32,351.62 $    572,583.38

$ 13, 780, 565. 13 $ 3,983,492.12 $ 9,797,073.01



         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1958 and Ended August 31, 1958





I. Educational and General:
  A. General Administrative Offices

  B. General Expenses-
      Student Services
      Staff Welfare
      General Institutional Services

          Total General Expenses

  C. Instruction and Departmental
       Research -
       College of Agriculture and Home
       College of Arts and Sciences
       College of Commerce
       College of Education
       College of Engineering
       College of Law
       College of Medicine
       College of Pharmacy
       Graduate School
       University Extended Programs

Total Instruction and Departi

I)D Activities Relating to Educational

E. Organized Research-
    University Research
    Agricultural Experiment Station

        Total Organized Research

F. Extension and Public Service-
    University Extension and Public
    Agricultural Extension Service

        Total Extension and Public

$  185,695.71 $     118.78 $    2,382.25 $  183,194.68

$ 303,468.06 $   43, 080.96 $   8,357.94 $  252,029.16
    98,000. 00     12, 197. 71                   85,802.229
    160,309.48      11,128. 39     21,091.85     128, 089. 24

$ 561,777.54 $   66,407.06 $   29,449.79 $  465,920,69

$  392,148.63 $   56, 364. 11 $  4,392.80 $  331, 391.72
2,064, 202.86  263,467. 17    27,973.48  1,772,762.21
   258,686.00      37,578.31       2,719.31     218,388.38
   469,724.71      61,859.50       5,846.28     402,018.93
   577,984.63      79,110.17       3,810.31     495,064.15
   125,690.00      17,$77.94         742.77     107,069.29
   281,986.00      19,036.71       1,554.11      261,395.18
   93,775.00       4,295.46       7,686.66       81,792.88
   20,825.00       3,040.26         416.40       17,368.34
   365,243.98      46,051.95       7,089.96      312,102.07

$4,650,266.81 $ 588,681.58 $   62,232.08 $3,999,353.15

$   51,218.00 $   6,630. 17 $   2,819.45 $  41, 768.38

$  182,294.00 $  12,125.66 $   45,840.82 $  124, 327.52
2,313,822.00   338,412.97    68,891.42  1,906,517.61

$ 2,496, 116.00 $ 350,538.63 $  114,732.24 $ 2, 030, 845. 13

$  370,208.00 $  20,631.53 $    7,885.56 $  341,690.91
2,886,811.03   447,896.31     2,987.37  2,435,927.35

$3,257,019.03 $ 468,527.84 $   10,872.93 $2,777,618.26

(continued on following page)



        University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations

For the Current Fiscal Period Which
  July 1, 1958 and Ended August 31,






G. Libraries

$   458,000.28 $

70, 325.98 $

15,850.74 $  371,823.56

H. Operation and Maintenance
    of Physical Plant   $ 1,194,490.00

$   151,266. 17 $

129,463. 15 $

Total Educational and


II. Service Enterprises:
       Post Office

m. Auxiliary Enterprises:
       Men's Residence Halls
       Women's Residence Hal

           Total Auxiliary

TV. Student Aid

V. Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

Vfl. Debt Service-Bonds



12,854,583.37 $ 1,702,496.21 $   367,802.63 $10,784,284.53

   26,080.00 $      4,099. 11 $       275.70 $     21,705,;19:'



11, 799.82





$   597,239.80 $   22,461.16 $   40,013.52 $  534,765.12

$     3,600.00 $        240.00 $                $     3?360.00

$    75,000.00 $ ( 28,490.67) $  57,638.37 $   45,852.30

$    11,953.51 $        856e50 $      1,252.95 $      9,844.06

$    42,000.00 $                $               $    42,000.00

Total Departmental
Appropriations  $

13,610,456.68 $ 1,701,662.31


466,983.17 $11;441,811.20

(negative figure )



          Unive rsit of Ketiaucky                          i
 Statement of P-l'ant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1958 and Ended Augast 31, 1958

I. Unexpended Plan't Funds:      Appropriations
  Holines Ha.Ll-University
  Appropriatior                 $      ( 200.51) $
  Holmes Hall-Bond Prc'eeds           96, 985?73
  Phi Delta Theta House                  211.83
  Shawneetown Apartments              7, 369. 01
  College of Pharmac7- Building       11, 393.98
  Swine Barn                          11,163.37
  Medical School                      91, 703.96
  Medical School Federal Grant        75, 000. 00
  Medical School Librar, Acqaisitio-:
  and Supplies                      100 000, 00
  Medical Scier.ce Buflds.m          326. 015 1. 66
  Alpha Tau Omega Hcuse              150, 000 00
  Northern Extension Center           35 300. 00
  Western Extension Center            25.000. 00
  Agricultural Experiment Station-
  Projects                            5,617.78
  Medical Center Heathig & Cooling
  Plant                           2,515, 737g o00




65, 247.20

28, 182.63


$     ( 200.51)
     96,985. 73
     77, 369, 01
     11, 163, 37
     26,456. 76
     75,000, 00




   71, 224, 72
   150,000. 00
   35, 300. 00
   25,000. 00

   5,607. 22

2,515, 213.96

Total Unexpended Plant Fands $



93,963.43 $

1,666.05 $ 3.426.204.33

II. Retiremert of Indebtedness Funds:
   A. Debt Service Fnd-
       1st, P. W. A. Bond Issue   $
       2nd. P. W. A. Bond Iossue
       Dermitor7~r Revenue Bond Issue
       Auditorium-Field House Issue
       Librarvy Service Building Issue
       Stadium Additior. Reve-nue Issue
       Dormib~r7y Revenue Bond Issue
       (456 Rose Sti.)
       Journalism Building Issue

37 554.00
18,4 14. 16
24,980. 25
63,720. 78
75, 677. 75
20 225.53

5, 875 45
28, 235. 75

Dernu.tor Re venue Issue'476 Rose) 5,051 43
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1953-.,
Student Dorms-'University of K~y, 45.498. 48
Student Dorms-Kappa Sigma      4,302. 00
Student Dorms- Lambda Cli Alpha  5,244. '9
Student Dorms. Phi Sigma Kappa  3. 37 3 7., 8 8
Student Dorms- Pi Kappa Alpha  4 863.41
D)rmi4-t-r Revenue Bonds-1952  7 $,224. 50
Dormitorv Reveuue Bcnds-, 1954  40, 117O 00
Dormitor! Revenue Bo ds-1955  176,943,50
Dormivoris Reve:t!ie Bonds.1956
f Six. &croritiesi              5- ,828.00

  Balances Carried Forward   $   696, 495.56
(negativee fi Te'

9, 205.00

51, 853.50

$    37,5540 00
      9, 209. 16
      24,980. 25
      11, 867, 28
      75,677, 75

28, 235, 75

78, 224. 50
40, 1:17.00
176,943. 50

57,828 00

$    605.5 .            _       ..       _ 5.4..... .__ _T_  


$    61, 058.50 $

$   63.5. 4237 - 06



        University of Kentuckv
  Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1958 and Ended August 31, 1958





Balances Brought Forward            $
  Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1956-
  Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1956-
  (338 Clifton Avenue)
  Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1956-(Holmes

696, 495.56 $

61, 058.50 $

$  335,437.06

6,250. 00

8, 386.00

6, 250.00

8, 386, 00

Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1956-
Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1957-4468
Rose St.)

   Total Debt Service Fund

63, 000. 00

132,563. 31

63, 000. 00

120, 000. 00

12,563. 31

     8,331.00                                 8,331.00

$  915,025.87 $   73, 621.81 $           $  841,404.06

B. Sinking Fund Reserves with Trustee:
      Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1952--
      Reserve                      $
      Dormitory Revenue Bonds-1954 -

66,219,74 $


$   66, 219. 74

36, 408. 77


Total Sinking Fund Reserves with
Trustee                     $   102, 628.51 $


$  102, 628. 51

Total Retirement of Indebtedness
Funds                       $1,017,654. 38 $

73, 621.81 $

$  944,032,57

Total Plant Fund Appropriations$4, 539, 488. 19 $  167, 585. 24 $

-L-t, 366. 05 $ 4, 370, 236  90


        University of Kentucky
 Statement of Other Fund Transactions
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1958 and Ended August 31, 1958

July 1, 1958


Disburse-      Balances
ments    August 31, 1958

Restricted Funds:

   Funds Balances

Loan Funds:


Endowment Funds:


Agency Funds:

Combined Totals

$2,483,804.90 $ 452,276.54 $  627,251.09 $2,308,830.35

$   73,424.81 $              $              $    73,424.81
    40,609. 19        468.87          3.34      41, 074.72

$  114, 034.00 $      468.87 $         3.34 $   114,499.53

$  226,642.41 $       600.00 $              $   227, 242.41
     5, 542.78         12.25                     5, 555.03

$  232,185.19 $       6 12. 25 $            $   232, 797.44

$  102,267.53 $  224,449.58 $  175,584.72 $  151, 132.39

$ 2,932, 29 1. 62 $ 677,807.24 $ 802,839 15 $ 2,807, 259. 71




      Members of the Board being satisfied with the report, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, same was ordered received and put to

      C. Contract with Kentucky Seed Stocks, Inc.

      Mr. Peterson submitted contract between the University of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station and the Kentucky Seed Stocks, Inc.  The
contract provided that the Kentucky Seed Stocks, Inc. , agreed to perform
research activities assigned to it by the Experiment Station, and to furnish
land, labor and equipment necessary to carry out the projects assigned by
the Agricultural Experiment Station, The contract is in the amount of
$3,450. 00 and covers the fiscal year 1958-59-

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was ap-
proved and authorized executed.

      D. Contract with Charles Pfizer and Company of Louisville.

      Mr. Peterson reported contract between the University of Kentucky
and Charles Pfizer and Company, Inc, He explained that the contract
provided for a cooperative investigation to study the effect of terramycin
in the rate of growth of animals on pasture, the terramycin being adrninis-
tered through salt.  The contract was in the amount of $2, 000.00 and cov-
ered the fiscal year 1958--59. Mr. Peterson further explained that this
was a continuation of an existing contract,

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was ap-
proved and authorized executed.

      E. Contract between the State Department of Highways and the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Bureau of Business Research.

      Mr. Peterson presented a contract between the State Department of
Highways and the University of Kentucky Bureau of Business Research, He
explained that this agreement superseded and replaced in essence the first
amendment to the agreement of June 21, as approved July 2, 1958.  The
revisions and additions are to classify the current projects and specifically
to state the commitment of $45,300 which is necessary to comply with regu-
lations of the United States Bureau of Public Roads,

     Members of the Board being familiar with the previous agreement,
on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was authorized
approved and executed.

     F. Injuries.

     Mr. Peterson submitted a report on injuries to employees of the



University, with the recommendation that they be approved without admitting
negligence or establishing a precedent.

      Elmer L. Westerfield, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment
Station, received an injury on August 21, 1958, in the Food Processing
Laboratory of the Horticultural Farm.  Mr. Westerfield, in putting away
fertilizer prior to leaving work at the end of the day, handled a can of
fertilizer containing potassium nitrate. In brushing rain from his eyes,
he got the residue from this material into his left eye. After suffering
considerable pain during the night, he went to the University Dispensary
on August 22 and was referred to Dr.. Claude Trapp. whose verdict was
that the fertilizer had caused an ulcer. Doctor Trapp submitted a bill for
$6. 00 for an office call.

      Richard Anderson, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion, suffered an accident on August 21, 1958., in the tobacco field at Cold-
stream Farm.   Mr. Anderson was topping tobacco when something got
into his eye which cut the eyeball. He reported to the University Dispen-
sary but since no doctor was on duty there the nurse recommended that Mr.
Anderson be taken to Dr- Claude Trapp, s office, Dr. Trapp rendered a
bill of $6. 00 for one office visit.

      James A. Schaffer, an employee of Maintenance and Operations,
suffered an accident on July 2. 1958, in the drawing room in Anderson Hall,
College of Engineering. Mr. Schaffer got a piece of steel in his left eye
while drilling into the metal ceiling. The injury did not bother him until
after he was at work on Thursday, July 3, 1958,  On this date he reported
to the University Dispensary and was then referred to Dr, Claude Trapp
for treatment. Dr. Trapp rendered a bill in the amount of $10 00 for treat-
ment and removal of a foreign body from the left eye of Mr. Schaffer,

      Bernard Burman, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion, suffered an accident on August 16. 1958, in the Dairy Products Plant,
Mr. Burman was washing equipment and picked up a broken 4-liter beaker
not knowing it was broken. He started to wash the beaker and slashed
his right thumb, He reported to the dairy plant superintendent who called
the University Dispensary. No doctor or nurse was on duty and on the
advice of the dispensary superintendent, he called Dr. Spencer at his of-
fice, On the advice of Dr. Spencer, the patient was taken to his office
and the wound treated by Dr. J. Farra Van Meter.  Dr. Van Meter has
rendered a bill in the amount of $25 00 for repair of the lacerated right
thumb, sutures and tetanus booster given, and three office visits,

      Mr. Peterson reported that he had checked these charges and be-
lieved them to be reasonable, He recommended approval.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried) the claims for med-
ical services to Elmer L, Westerfield; Richard Anderson, James A. Schaf-
fer and Bernard Burman were authorized paid) with the expressed under-
standing that the University does not admit negligence or liability in con-
nection with either one or all of these accidents,



      G. Oil and Gas Lease on Muhlenberg County Experimental Land.

      Mr. Peterson reported an offer from Mr. L. Boggess. Greenville,
Ky., to lease the twenty--acre tract of land owned by the University of Ken-
tucky for experimental purposes, stipulating that drilling for oil and gas
would be commenced within 90 days from the date of the lease.  Mr. Peter-
son stated that all parties concerned in the Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion had not been fully satisfied and, if the Board desired to take any action,
it should be subject to further investigation. A general discussion ensued,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the question was re-
ferred to the Executive Committee.

      H. Dr. B. Spencer Meeks, jr. , and Dr. Anson E. Thompson Employed
for Work in Indonesia.

      President Dickey recommended employment of Dr. B. Spencer Meeks,
Jr. , for a position as Associate Professor of Chemistry with the Kentucky
Contract Team at the University of Indonesia at Bandung.

      The President also recommended employment of Dr. Anson E. Thomp--
son for the position of Assistant Professor of Horticulture with the Kentucky
Contract Team in Bogar, Indonesia.  He stated that the recommendations
concerned contract work in Indonesia and that the employment was not to be
considered to extend beyond the Indonesian contract work now being done,

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. B. Spencer Meeks,
Jr. , was employed as Associate Professor of Chemistry and Dr. Anson FE.
Thompson was employed as Assistant Professor of Horticulture to work
with the Kentucky Contract Team in Indonesia only.

     I. Message from Mrs. T. T. Jones,

     President Dickey reported that he had received from Mrs. T. T, Jones
a letter of appreciation of the Resolution on the death of Dr. Theodore Tolman
Jone s.

     J. David A. Sheets to Do Outside Work,

     President Dickey recommended approval of David A. Sheets, Director
of Machine Statistics Office, to assist the Square Deal Company in setting
up their operation of punch card records. He explained that the work would
involve about ten hours per month for a period of five or six months and
would not interfere with regular duties performed by Mr. Sheets. The amount
involved would not exceed $500, 00.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the request was granted.



      K. Outside Work for James W. Martin.

      President Dickey submitted request, with approval, of the College of
Commerce, that Professor James W. Martin be permitted to participate
in a consultation with officials of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Compa-
ny concerning tax problems facing that industry.  The consultation work
would require Professor Martin to be absent from the University on Sep.-
tember 8, 9 and 10.  He recommended approval.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the request was granted
nunc pro tunc.

      L. Change-of-Work Status for Grace Anderson.

      President Dickey submitted request for change-of-work status, effective
September 1, 1958, for Miss Grace Anderson, Assistant Professor in the
College of Education.  Miss Anderson was born October 14, 1889, and has
had continuous service at the University for 33 years and 4 months.  He recom-
mended that she be granted change-of-work at a salary of $2,385.00 per
annum and that her duties be- (1) To write up the ninth grade Core class ac-
tivities for the purpose of showing how English is taught throuLgh the Core
projects, and (2) To do research on the graduates of the University School
to find the records made in school, the professions entered and the honors
attained in school and out.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, change--of-work. status
was approved for Miss Grace Anderson., effective September 1, 1958, with
assigned duties as recommended.

      M. Change-of-Work Status for James Taylor.

      Mr. James Taylor, painter in the Department of Maintenance and Op-
erations, was born March 31, 1893, He has rendered continuous service
in the University for 16 years and 6 months.  He recommended that the
change-of-work status be granted, effective January 1, 1959, at a salary of
$1, 200M 00 per annum and that assignment of duties under change-of-work status
be minor work in the Paint Shop in preparation of furniture for refinishing.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, change-of-work status
was granted for Mr. James Taylor, effective January 1, 1959, with assign-
ment of duties as recommended,

     N. Experimental Staff Appointment.

     President Dickey reported that Dr, Drayton T. Kinard had resigned
as head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering.  He recommended
that Dr. Blaine F. Parker be appointed as acting head of the department,
Doctor Parker will serve while administrative officials are making recom-
mendation for a candidate for permanent headship of the department,



      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr, Blaine F. Parker
was appointed acting head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering
as of the date of resignation of Doctor Kinard.

      0. 0. Leonard Press Appointed Acting Head, Department of Radio Arts.

      President Dickey reported that a leave of absence had been granted
to Mrs. Camille Halyard from September 1, 1958, through June 30, 1959.
He recommended that Mr. 0. Leonard Press be appointed acting head of
the Department of Radio Arts, effective September 1, 1958, and ending
June 31, 1959.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and Mr. Press was appointed Acting Head of the Department
of Radio Arts.

     P. Dr. T. R. Freeman Appointed Acting Head of the Dairy Section.

     President Dickey reported that Dr. Dwight M. Seath had been granted
sabbatical leave as Visiting Lecturer in the College of Agriculture of Dub-
lin, Ireland, for an eight-months period. He recommended that Dr. T. R.
Freeman be named Acting Head of the Dairy Section from November 1, 1958
through June 30, 1959.

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
concurred in, and Dr. T. R. Freeman was named Acting Head of the Dairy
Sec tion.

     Q. Statement of Future Development of the University of Kentucky
Medical Center.

     President Dickey submitted "An Approach to Future Development of
the University of Kentucky Medical Center", a staff memorandum which
undertakes to project the course of the Medical Center and to serve as a
guide to future development, The statement was received and discussed,

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President of the
University was asked to extend to Doctor Willard and his staff the appreci-
ation of the Board of Trustees for the far-sighted projection manifested in
the memorandum.   The report was referred to members of the Board of
Trustees for study and to the Executive Committee for future consideration,



      R. William E. Kirwan Given Temporary Employment.

      President Dickey reported request from Dean M. M. White for the em-
ployment of William E. Kirwan, son of Dr. A, D. Kirwan.  He further
explained that a student assistant by the name of Reynolds had resigned his
appointment in the Department of Mathematics and that Doctor Eaves, head
of the Department, needed an assistant immediately.  He recommended
William E. Kirwan for the position at a salary of $100. 00 per month, ef-
fective September 1, for a period of ten months. President Dickey recom-
mended that the rule prohibiting the employment of a relative of a pro-
fessor be set aside.

      On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
concurred in and Mr. William E. Kirwan was authorized employed.

      S. Gifts.

                  From: International Minerals and Chemical Corporation
                               -.-$9 0 no00,

      President Dickey rep