xt72804xkt03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xkt03/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-11-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 13, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 13, 1941 1941 1941-11-13 2020 true xt72804xkt03 section xt72804xkt03 . r'. - V. .43.”. .-.. . ~ u~:: '53
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Minutes of the University Faculty — October 10, 1941

{WY » ’ There was some informal discussion of the salary suit now pending.
-fi _ President Donovan stated that this matter would be discussed at the meet"
' ing of the Executive Committee on the morning of October 11.

President Donovan suggested that the deans study carefully the matter
of a better use of the plant through more afternoon classes, and proposed
g l that in looking toward the future "it would be a good thing to haVe more
afternoon classes.” Dean Taylor commented that possibly more classes should
be offered in the afternoon and evening and President DonOVan called attene
tion to the possibility of scheduling more such classes, especially for
faculty members of neareby colleges.

President Donovan also suggested that a greater effort be made to
secure the enrolment of some of the six thousand teachers whose school terms
expire in January and early February, and that some additional effort might
well be expended in securing a greater enrolment of midterm graduating
classes of high schools in the large cities. The President prefaced his
remarks by calling attention to the fact that the University of Kentucky
y ‘ enrolment always drops during the second semester, whereas in many cases
the enrolment of the teachers colleges increases during this period.

The President asked for the cooperation of the deans and all others
concerned in carrying out the provisions of the new procedure for approval
of trips of staff members by the deans before the trio is made. Dra Adams
N 1 raised the question as to whether this implied formal permission by the

‘ dean before a faculty member could schedule a speaking engagement. It was
indicated by the President that all that was wanted was for each faculty
[W 5 ‘ member to follow reasonably the regulation inaugurated by the comptroller”



ii.) The meeting was adjournedn
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November 13, 1941

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Thursday,
November 13, at 4 p.m., President Donovan presiding. Members in attend~
ance were Paul P. Boyd. Alvin F, Evans, W. D. Funkhouser, James H. Graham,
Henry H. Hill. Frank D. Peterson, and W. S. Taylor.

The minutes of October 10 were read and approved.

Wig 3‘? The Faculty considered further the question of credit for Civil
tii ‘V Pilot Training, action unon which had been postponed at the last meeting.
1 ‘ ' The following statement, relative to the granting of credit in this work.
was approved:


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Minutes of the University Faculty - November 13, 1941

"The course in Civil Pilot Training shall be listed
in all University publications under a separate heading. It
shall be listed, without a number, as Civil Pilot Training,
Primary Course, one to four credits. The course shall be
entered on the student's permanent record, with the number
of credits certified to by the coordinator of the course."

Upon recommendation of the Faculty of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics, the following course change was approved:

Animal Industry ll, Live Stock Judging, from 2 to 3

The following recommendation from the Graduate Faculty was approved:

"The present rule requiring a 2.0 (B) average for a

graduate degree should be repealed and a standing of 1.8
substituted therefor."

In connection with the discussion of this recommendation of the Grad-
uate Faculty. a question was raised as to whether or not all business to
come before the present Faculty should be presented in writing to the mem—
bership before the meeting at which it is to be considered. An alternative
suggestion was that action on any major matter be postponed until the next
meeting after its presentation. The question was also raised as to whether
the minutes of the meetings of the University Faculty should be mimeographed
and sent out to the entire University staff. Consideration of these matters
was postponed until a future meeting of the Facultyo

President Donovan explained that the present meeting had been set
ahead one day because of the meeting of the Council on Higher Education.
scheduled for Friday, November 14. He explained that the Council expected
to consider a report of a special committee on the calendar. and indicated
that it was not improbable that this committee would recommend that all state
institutions change from the semester plan to the quarter plan. The Faculty
dis cussed at some length arguments for and against a change to the quarter
system. It Was apparent from the discussion that certain members of the
Faculty were rather definitely opposed to any such change, while others were
inclined to favor it. It Was the general understanding, following the dis—
cussion of this matter, that President Donovan and Dean Taylor, the Univer-

sity representatives to the Council, would ask for a postponement of any

President DonOVan presented to the University Faculty a petition from
the student body, asking for an extension of the Thanksgiving Holiday for
this year. On motion, duly made and seconded, this petition was denied.

President DonOVan requested that the deans of the colleges submit re-
ports on all defense activities in which their faculties or student bodies
are engaged. He indicated that these reports should show all members of the
staff who have been called into service, and that they should indicate any
Special research activities looking toward national defense. President
Donovan requested that these reports to be in his hands by December 1, in
order that he might prepare a summary statement for the meeting of the Board

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Minutes of the University Faculty a November 13, 1941

it] of Trustees. In this cennection, it was agreed that the President's

fl ; Office would notify all members of the University Faculty of meetings of tag
i , the Board of Trustees. or its Executive Committee one week in adVance of u

h i the meeting, in order that matters to be transmitted to the Board might

come to the President in ample time"

i 1 President Douovan reported briefly on the meetings of the National
Association of State Universities and the Association of Land Grant Colleges.
It anpeared that those in attendance at these meetings were of the opinion
that the school year 1942v43 would be extremely difficult, and that insti~
tutions of higher learning might expect further decreases in enrolment as
a result of the war emergency. In view of such a situation next year, it
was suggested by President Donovan that unless essential, replacements on
the college staffs should not be made when vacancies occur. President Dono-
van pointed out that the University was probably not doing enough to intern
pret the present crisis to the student body and to the community. He
suggested that there was need for greater effort in the direction of build«

‘ ing morale, and asked the opinion of the Faculty as to whether it would not flag

y f be desirable to form a committee to deal with this general Drobleme The

i t Faculty authorized the appointment by the President of a Committee of the

Faculty on American Defense.

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the following
, organizations were apnroved by the UniVersity Faculty:


Philharmonic Orchestra

The meeting was adjourned.

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tl' j December 17, 1941


he University Faculty met in the President's Office Wednesday,
r 17, 1941, with President DOiUVan nresiding. Members in attend"
r I sse E. Adams, Vaul P. QOyd, Thos. P. Cooper, Alvin E. Eva_s,

e e
unkhouser, J. 3. Graham, Henry W. Hill, Frank D. Peterson,


M Decemb



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'11 W. D. .i ‘~ S»

ifi‘ Taylor, and idward Niest.

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it” ; The minutes of November 13 were read and approved. A
M ‘ ,1 ,
3M _ President Donovan announced thot the committee of the Faculty on i
t!" 1- American Defense, mentioned in the minutes, had not been aonointed. He