xt72804xkn4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xkn4p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1979 1979 1979-04-05 2020 true xt72804xkn4p section xt72804xkn4p l 5 .
Vol. LXXI. No. IJS . liniverslty of Kentucky
“MM”. AW" 5. I979 - ' 5 an independent student newspaper 5 Lexington, Kentucky
I I I I o ' .
1 Election credibility gone, says Main
¥ Malk s to file complaint over 86’s ’Facus’ '
3! GREGG FIELDS AN ()l'TSllN-‘R IS Rl'VNIM‘ workers passedout literature in front his in after deadline. yet it was ever had." he said. 5 5 majority back.“ (Several hundred 5
5 Associate Editor "5255 5555 l-‘CTIOhi P (5 5-5- 2 ' of MI. King Library last night: included. “We had a lack of Earlier yesterday Main said he copies were delivered to M.l. King 2
. 5 2 - - 2 - 2 A 'l“ 2 “I think it's a result ofarticlesin the communications.“ Sturgeon said. planned to ask Metcalf and English to Library yesterday. apparently by
.5 Student Government prestdcntlal —'5—'—“‘_———‘—— Kernel.“ was Metcali‘s explanation of “The Focus magaline is a disgrace withdraw from the race. However. by mistake. and were quickly removed.) '
‘ candidates Charles Main. 5ChUCk came ”1- 5 5 5 5 the higher-than-usual voting. “The and the factthat it was published with last night he was having second “Fm-us will in no way affect the 2 .
Malkus and Bert Clark said they In the tablo'dfsw 'Ssue‘ “fuel“ article today(yesterday‘sarticle about student money isinsane.“said Malkus thoughts. “I want to talk to Steve outcome of the election. That‘s the I
- conSidered yesterday s estimated from the campaigns of candidates the publication of Focus) has really last night. (Washington) before l make any unanimous feeling ofthe board.“ .5
3,000-voter turnout 35 a 890d “Sn-5 Mark Metcalf and 3”” Engl'5h 5 blown it out. But anytime you have six The total printing bill. expected to decision on it.“ he said. He added. however. that “there are. ‘
Nevertheless. Malkus said that .m both 0f whom are current members 01 candidates you‘re goingto havea l0! 0f be between 5600-700. was to be shared When contacted. Metcalf and obviously. ethical questions.“ '
all probability he willfileacomplaint so “P” [“1thth on page 096‘ interest." by SC and Student (‘enter Board. 30 English both said they would not English and Metcalf said they were ‘
2 With Elections Board Chairman Steve along Wllh 5W7” photographs. 1 he 80 public relations chairman Brad is funded by the University‘s General withdraw from the race. sorry about the way Focus turned out.
Washington this morning. Mall‘ and “CWSIC‘W' 5d'd "0‘ mention theseven Sturgeon said he wanted all candidates Fund. while SCB‘s budget comes from In response to Malkus‘ complaint, but said they weren‘t responsible. "l
- Clark said they may take Slmllal Other candidates-5'10"”“he5m ”‘ 502 to submit platforms for publication. student activity fees. Washington said that since most think it's blatantly unfair." said
5 action. 5 who are also running for presidentand However. Main said he wasn‘t given “The Focus magaiine exhibits to me copies of Focus were gathered back English of the issue‘s coy/flag: “l
The three candidates are upset over vice preSident. 5 clear instructions and Clark was told that there is corruption in our UKSG. shortly after being distributed. he know some things that we (80) have _
the 22000 copies 0f F0?“ the 50' BU} 'f Metcalf and English were only l5 minutes before the copy was or maybe I should saythe SGofafew wasn’t sure the Elections Board would done that are good and then '
5 Student Center Board "CWSICUCL worried about ”‘56 ”SUI“ 0f the due. Malkus wasn‘t contacted at all. selected students.“ Malkus said. investigate the matter further. something like this comes along and i
. which was distributed Tuesday night election, which Will be announced English and Metcalf both say they Main was equally disturbed. “Our main concern with me was destroys our credibility. probably
_ 39d then pulled 0” the racks and [Wight 8‘ H ”1 ”19 Student (enter. ” knew to submit articles weeks in “Though it was unintentional. they‘ve whether it would be distributed." deservedly so.“ ‘
. out of peoples hands after complaints didntshowastheyandtheircampaign advance. Nonetheless. Metcalf mailed destroyed all credibility this election Washington said. “We got the vast Continued on page 3 ‘5
‘ sawmsx - 5 so 5 I
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BY BRIAN RICKERD ‘22:?223W2 3- 5“ I - 2i- .:::='-....'2-:-=~=-¥.2 $ ‘22“ I'
Assistant Sports Editor 222. "' gins-~25: . . '5 . . _ " " _ 2 ~
22922” ’ ' ’ " ' “V" O“ I
“M” Of federal Rig" 8 '0 5 . W . -.2 “ "“3““ 5* 2 , , " 2a.... By JAY FOSSLTT “mum." was mat 0f energy"
"‘33 have” “seed“cat'ona'domm" . '5 . ' 223 .__,_ 2 5 235555 Y . (‘o . Editor “‘3 ”"1 he ”my susges‘ed ‘0
help fund its sports program for the 522 -5 . 5 5 ‘WW 8 _- 2°“ 5 ”5 Secretary of Department of Energy
' ' . Un'versitv i 5 -5 5' -. “2‘ if" i? . -' I -..-."'%2;if*5‘f ‘ . '
gifsiiiinnet mOtis deSc5ande5e5ani said WW 2 2:2 ' .5 $22 a ‘ Gov. Julian Carroll told a near- J3“? tscfiiesmfier max-the falter, 2
‘ g ' *‘2 ‘. 5: ii? 22-553..” 5 {‘2 its __ ’ capacity crowd at the Law Building a minis ra '0" c ange na ‘0“? pp lei
yesterday. . . if": ‘2“ 3“ Vii-'35- ‘ 2 223‘ i i =2 3:. - T l Fibs. 325*: 2:13: .. i 2 Courtroom yesterday that today's and convert many 0f the nation 5 0']
“We have the distinction of not 32¢ If? 2N .33- ' ‘3‘ R “.259“ . ' ’ burning furnaces to coal burning
' ' I ' . 155.33;- 5 2‘ : *5 M 5 .. .. 2:2. “ " government needs ‘0 85‘ some 0f the - ~ ' .
, putting educational dol.ars into sports 32‘s 2.2.522 22 i. .: 222 2 _,25,2.-.-'- . -' .. , .. 2 2 furnaces. He said the conversmn
. 2% ~. _ 5 4 22-2 5 . 2. .. . 3i... p5. .2 . , _\ smart people out of the private . .
and Ive been proud for l0 years that Q -5 {3-2; fl... 3525 5 92:3 ...-...-.-.. .- 2222 ‘ 22° . . . would obViouslyincreasethe economy
. 5 . - 5. 2.25.325. .., . 3 - 2 -- __5_ 3... - enterprise system and into the Job of . -
we dontdothdt. Butwe can tcontinue 2.... 3.; g 2 2.. 3-. e2 .5 53 3.2.. g 35.5 - \‘2 dd 2 . of Kentucky but said more
the policy for long " he warned at : '5‘“-2‘§j55..55.;-:§f' “ . : 35.5.5525: . z" k: . .-;.- --~:2 If running gOVCTnmem' . im onantl it would 5i nificamly ’
2 ; . ' ,5 . a 3.2 2 . ,2 He also said the nation should try p y . g .
yesterdays meeting of UKs Athletic 5:_ 3. 2 “=“..".22."‘<‘SE‘.«'='35§'.‘*?:**2.5 y. - 3 5 x2“ .22 .. 3:. 5. . n , , . . - , reduce consumer prices. .
Board '22» 555::' «w.» to"... .2. 2 hugggsw...“ 5. ._5 5,3)..55,_ 135.53%); -5 .-‘ .. ,‘2: that... :dbvpéstfifat" 252-23 ,2 ‘\ _- 555 reducing energy .0515 b) -omcrting Th 5 d h 5 5 .
' . 2‘22 ‘ ‘ 535;; ' ‘ 55 5 . ' 4.5 °‘\'; ' from oil-burning to coal-burning . C governor sai e was
He blamed federal Title IX .. 2- f 5_.2 M...“ . . _5 5 5_ -‘ 55 s2 furnaces disappomted to see the Carter budget
legislation. which reoutres5equatiy 25555555 5?. 5. c “3.5% 5 . “‘22s . 55$. 5 “I am astrong believeringettingthe reduce funds in coal research and ,
between mens and womens college 55.. 2'2 - . 5. 222 5 3 5 -2 m 92$ ; . . 5 . development and added that he -
2 - , - 2 22222 = 2 . :,;.~.i.2.2“2222e222 -.:-:2 most intelligent. the most experienced . . .
athletic programs. Singletary said it .2 ~5 2. - .. 22 2 2 5 5 thought the administration was
5 . 5 . s 222222 5 5 2. -... - . . .5 .2 .33; 2. and the most capable people you can . . 5
- may cost the UniverSity more than $1 5 . 5 - - my“ _ ‘22.; 5? 5 222 - d . 2. ., ‘d C II relying ‘00 heaVIly 0" ““153" power. ~ -
million ‘0 comply With Title lX I. i i I i H .. B\ l)-\\I[)()'\Hll “n to run government. 5‘“ arro ' “I could easilybepred'udiced about ‘
. . 5 2 “l don‘t know why we have all our 1 .
gmdelines. 2 ‘ smart e0 le runnin the business of nuclear power because l represent a ‘
Singletary admitted.though. that he I I h p p Wh' g , ‘ coal state.“ said Carroll. “but being .2
l5 COUTUSCd 81901" how equality i510 be ean mac Ines aze ral s t e country. y must government totally realistic about nuclear power 2
defined essentially take the hand-medowns’?" 5, b 5 t tllth tht ‘ ,
' . . Carroll said he has worked hard to we ve een rying o e em a we ' ’
Don Clapp. vice prCSident for 5 5‘ . . q - have at least three. maybe four. major
, . . 5 . .. . make government yobs salaries . . ., .
administration. said Title IX requtres I . . 5 .- . . ~ , problems in the nuclear power field.
2 - competitive with those in private .
2 in wee on u p rac or u .
spending for items such as .. p5 ' 5, 5. _ .- ~the scarcity of uranium itself; - ~
. . . . . . _ We ve had more salary increases in . . .
- scholarships. publiCity and faCilities the last five ears than we‘ve had inthe the problem of disposmg of 5
- for men‘s and women‘s athletics. By M. TIMOTHY KOONTZ The drivers come from Texas. State fire marshals in orange . . y . nuclear waste: 2‘
. 5 55 . . .5 . . 5 5. . 5 history of the state of Kentucky. .
Singletary noted. however. that the Staff writer Montana. West Virginia and Jumpsuits look on fromthe sidelines as Carroll said the transportation of the waste:
per capita spending requirement was Georgetown. Kentucky. They are the first truck pulls onto the dirt strip. ' . 3 . 2~ and the safety problem which was -
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. However. a main problem. he said. . .
not part of the initial Title 1X The audience Sits qUIetly in the dressed in blueleans.rac1ng sutts and ALuedtkeeliminator HereComeDa in ettin the rivateenter rise eo le recently brought out in the ThreeMile _ 5 . .
.5 legislaton Congress passed in I972. stands. The arena is dark and silent. the ever-present variety of truckers‘ Judge“ mechanical tractor pull sled is . g g p - 2 p p p lsland incident. -‘ ‘-
b . , . 5 . 5 . 5 . . .5 into government still eXists because of . . '
. ut was later added as an On the dirt covered pit floor.ayellow caps. They stand around then hitched onto the trucksrear bumper. . . ,. Carroll said the one accomplish- . ,
' ' 3 , - . 2 - . - - . . 2 2 . the area ofpublicdisclosurelhavingto . r
. interpretation of the law by the tractor tows the gladiators into the machines chewmg Cigars. spitting The pull sled has wheels in the rear re ort all sources of income and merit he would like toberemembered
‘ Department of Health. Education and darkened ring. The limelight reflects tobacco and making final adjustments and a skid pan by the truck hitch that p m ‘ for would be the gains he has made in 2 5
Welfare. off the metal flake paint jobs and on the custom-built engines. slides along the ground. As the truck asse ’ ‘ Kentucky education. :
5' Singletary said he is still confused shadows the oversized rubber tires. The machines are turbocharged and begins to pull. a weight box is pulled “Federal government has gotten “Education has been the premise of .5 5
'5 about what the HEW guidelines for They stand there in the glare of the alcohol-fed and bring blood tothe ears forward towards the hitch. The weight into disclosure." said Carroll. “and my whole administration.“ he said. “I ' ‘ .
3 compliance mean. spotlights. They have names such as as their screaming engines are is transferred from the rear wheels of they have passed some stringent really deeply believe there is no f_ 5
. He pointed out that he recently “Thunder Road.“ “Kentucky throttled into life. There are trucks the sled to the skid pan. eventually disclosure statutes that make it near- responsiblity of government more i. . ‘ 5
.' approvedaSS.000 donation toafund Moonrunner“ and “Big. Bad and with Allison aircraft and helicopter bringingthe weight thetruck istowing impossible to get credible. competent valuable to people than proper t- - , 5
t ,. that would back a study to determine Ugly." They wait in the pit for their engines under the hoods. And one to 60.000 pounds. people out of the private enterprise education." 2'5 ‘ '
; just what the Title IX compliance one chance onthedirtcovered floor ~ super-modified tractor has an army “A real nice-looking truck.“ the system and into the system of public He said that Kentucky had the .5 "
5 guidelines are going to be. the tension hangs in the air like the tank engine that sends clouds of emcee announces as Dale Willis‘ ‘76 servants.“ fourth highest per capita education :5 5 ‘ .‘
“They don‘t have any guidelines.“ diesel fumes in the darkened arena. exhaust into the upper reaches of Dodge “Vigilante" revs up. The He said he thought the disclosure funding in the nation in [977 and the 5 . 2
5. Singletary claimed. “HEW cancelled They are the gladiators and this is Rupp Arena. officials flag is dropped and with a laws were important to keep tenth highest in 1978. i '
5 .5' their visit to UK and lthink that's why. the Blue Grass Championship Tractor “There are a lot of trucks running. deafening roar “Vigilante" begins the individuals from making compromis- Carroll said recent test scores in j , 2 ~- 5
5-. “I’d say that under the current and Truck Pull. but these boys (the super-modified long 200 foot haul. Suddenlythere isa ing decisions but added that “an elementary and secondary schools 5."
5 ‘59 guidelines. no school in the country is “These here are the best tractor and class competitors) run the mean grinding snap that can be heard over individual has the right to be show Kentucky. on the average.above 52:5 ,5 5 .
in compliance.“ he said. truck pullers in the world." machines.“ announced Lloyd Arnold. the sound of the engine. “Vigilante“ themselves and not exposed to the the national average in every grade. 2’1 _ 5 . ‘
~25 in other action at the meeting. commented Allen Gaines. the first the emcee. a former truck puller bucks toacold stop. world unnecessarily." “I'll be a (private) citizen come {it .5
Athletic Director Cliff Hagan said he place winner of the super-modified himself. Arnold is known as “the “Looks like Dale dropped his Carroll said another area he feltthe December l3andl‘llbeattheGeneral 3‘5 5
\' Continued on page 5 category. Howard C osell of the pullers’circuit.“ Continued on page 4 federal government wasn‘t handling Assembly lobbying for education. 3.?
. That‘s how much I believe in it." .5? ' ~ .
‘ . ‘ 0 Carroll would not say who he plans 58., .
5 to endorse in the upcoming primary '5‘ ' 5 .
. and necessary oversight control" is needed. The state should bring - THE HEALTH or PLANT WORKERS and people who live but did say he would offically 2 .
. me together various school boards and departments to draw up a near the stricken Three Mile Island nuclear reactor will be announce his endorsementinthe next 5 5 5
‘ “blueprint" for statewide education. he said. monitored for years to come even though no increase in cancer is 5 couple of weeks. ' ..
To improve the quality of education. McBrayer proposed 3 expected in the area. HEW Secretary Joseph Califano said He said he thought Harvey Sloane. 2 . 5
5 [1.5. REP. CARROLL HUBBARD said yesterday in Louisville statewide kindergarten program and smaller classes in kindergarten yesterday. Terry McBrayer and John Y, Brown .555 . ' 5
5 ' 5 that the first professional poll taken since John Y. BrownJr. entered and the lower elementary grades. But Califano and other health officials acknowledged at a Senate have been running credible campaigns 5 - ‘5 . ~ .
‘ . ' the Democratic race for governor last week showed the multi- hearing "‘8‘ ‘hey do "0‘ know "10“!" aboutthe hazard OTCXPOSUI’C and said he thought Thelma Stovall 4'
.. .' _ 5 millionaire businessman with only 5 percent of the primary vote. nation to low-level radiation such as that released during the past week has “even run a decent campaign” but 5
5 5 Hubbard. an anti-administration Democratic candidate. said the from the plant near Harrisburg. Pa. "d it would be “catastro hic" if she ~ ' '
'. 1 . 5 ‘ 9 survey he sponsored also indicated that Brown‘s support came from . EX ENSIVE TRl'CKINC Califano said federal officials plan '°“8'""‘8° health studies 0‘ 8m - p ‘ i
' ‘ three sourccszz undecided v ‘ THE NATIONS MOST T. . . i ' l f h I ll 'd f h h was nominated. ' "
, . y oters. those who supported Terry . 5 emp oyces o t e pant as we as my ents o t e area w 0 were , . .
. . 2 5 . . . . SHUTDOWN. already hurting the autonndustry. is likelyto stretch . . . Carroll said George Atkins. Carroll . . .
A '. , chrayer the presumed administration ch0icc and those who - ‘ ii iii week and r ise the ros ct of wide-s read economic CXPOSCd ‘0 higher-than-normal lCVClS 0f fldlathn- 5 ' -. . ,2
2' 5 ~55 , 5 supported former Louisville mayor Harvey Sloane. :1". ° :. 5 w “5 fr 5 flag: um p He promised to make public the results of the continued Hubbard and Ed Graves. who recently ‘ ..
. . Hubbard talked aboutthe poll duringa newsconfercnceat which isrupions. go rnmen 0 IC‘ y - 5y. b - monitoring. dropped out of the race. “have 5 .‘ 5
. 5 ' 1 he called for the corn let h l f h . lnthe third full day ofalockout ofstriking Teamsters y5mayor b l tl adforthctruth”and 5 .5
. . i l 5 l . p e over an 0 ‘ e state workmens trucking firms administration officials said the impact was limited oath . ' .80 u cyno reg r . . 2 2
- 5' o; i i compensation act by the l980 legislature. mostlytothe autoindustry.Thc government has no immediate plans- w or “'d he was glad to see them rt5l5nnlng f . ' .. -
.' . .‘ - It 5 - to seek a court20rdcred end to the contract dispute. “cal I“! '5" the most W“ P0 5- ‘ , . -_ 5 ,5
~. 5 .- DEMOCRATIC GUIERNATORIAL CANDIDATE TERRY Negotiator,to,ihctemttmandwoup"premimamoim LOOK'S LIKEWINTER‘SMAKINGACOMIACKIIDtoday Carrolls speech lucked off the 55’ ~5 -5
3 ‘ 5. 55 . } MCIRAYER yesterday unveiledathree-pointcducation platform “"86" trucking firms planned to resume mg, with federal and tonight with highs expected to reach the5low to mid50sin the Student Bar Association‘s Law Month . 55, .5.‘ .2
‘. 5' , 5 l which he said would stress the “basics” of reading. writing and mediators today for the first time since negotiations broke off last day while dipping to the chilly 20stonig5ht. Skies should clear late in at the UK College of Law. Law Month . 55 _5 .
25.; 55‘ 5. l l arithmetic and raise pupil competency. 5 weekend. Sources close to the talks who asked not tobcidentified the afternoon. Look for sunny skies and cool temperatures will feature various speakers and 2 5- . .5 - .55 5
~55 ‘ . . 5 McBrayer said education is over-regulated. when only a “simple saw ho likelihood of swift progress. tomorrow “""l “'8'“ m the '0'“ 5052 activities at the law school throughout 5"; i .
‘ 5 ' . " the month of April. ' .. 5
I l i . 1‘3. ’flQvMOM-a-é‘r er‘r . ,, . m, ‘”"‘1i"”.“‘W. ""l‘“ f"‘W"' ~J‘ .2 .55.\2..5...-,.o5.5225- 2' - “Mk.“ 'w‘h.‘ ‘ i h
'2 I. - 5 | _ ' ~ . ' ’ .( .:Tigkgh: 57‘ . 5‘ a 5:215 5’1.’ .5 5‘ 2‘5. . _ . 5 . '- .5 ’t . 5 ' i ' 5 . 5 ‘ . '. ‘ 5". 5 l. 2 \ 25 5 p 5 ~ “ ; o 2 5 . 5" , . 5 5 . e -' '
. ‘ 2 . . . ‘3th . 1.2.935, ‘ i . i 2.‘ 2.122») ’ " 21“.;d‘ «2' . 3,, 'v .‘s ‘ . - ‘ "-"'».?i$f“ ' v .‘Lt' . ~ 'I ‘ ' . ‘i 2‘
’ 5 . r 5 2 '.._ ’3 .5 2 . 53: 52... 55‘ .5 j . ' 2 52. 55.‘ 5. 5,35%, 2.. 5. 9.: 25 . . ‘ _ 5 . "t 5 2 5. uh. 55 5, . . ' .' 5 21'231'7‘27‘4" 55 55': e255- ,“ 5 5 5 \ ,
' ' , - - - ' f. - . Wit: 2 ~ ’ * .;.2‘..2‘&‘}’.r{‘:3; 2‘35'-2?2'"22f.~".i.~_‘.21"2 2;‘~;".‘.2":" 'i‘. 2‘ -2 3‘: 2.". 22.52" ‘4‘ ‘1 ‘32???” "2" '. i‘. . .

Steve Belling" I is. Domurd Thom» (1er Walter l'unis Jamie “light Turn Monti .
I . Ii/uu/ m ( hurl lilllmml [ill/m le l‘tmetl I.“ Itlllin .\/mm I‘ll/Ill Inn-inn “I I’lmlugmphi II
2 ”2 Debbie McDaniel z
, Steve Massey 3':
Richard McDonald lire" Holds Ruth M-uingb (Ir) Willis John ('lay Lind: (‘nmpbell .e
' llunucmc Ill/nu .Innne “ehnes l‘- Jenny Tate lunnml Ml ,JIl/UI' Brian Rlclierd lelu .llanugi'r .,I‘ i
. . lquiI/t' lilmm ( HI'I [ill/1m ‘l\\l\llllll .‘Illilllv I.tllllll\ 'I,
editorials 8: comments . a p
. , h . :
— . 1r" r‘r- “~~ \
Damage is done, students We matrimony . Warm a}..- .
' l- ! 1”“ ~ ~ v-~..._:~\; *
~ _ reeL PRESWCNT CARE-RS - ’ 2:14.345..— \ -3341,
. deserve a new SG election NATlONALileALTiiCARG in not“ tit :
. PLAN 18 toroiLVCiiatPeR r.‘ . . r. .. Ella ii .
No matter what effectthe recent abortive issue of editorial attention. BUT 1W lMAGlllAIl-lhb It} f ‘3 Q l: _‘ ,, l. l kw“, .
Focus. the Student Government newsletter. has had The people in SC. who are responsible for the l NNGVY’S l i l l I _3‘ fl . 5.
. . .. .. .. . . rinsehiroieKe r l .i with .
on the current SG elections. its clear that the controversial articles. along wrth the people in J. h .J l g .l - l .l rI“
electoral process has been irreparably disrupted. Student Center Board. makeaconvincing casethat . ‘l 1‘ f3 . ._,iit4 4
Because of the circumstances surrounding this gross the incident was not the product 0f direct prejudice. .
mishap. the contests for president and vice presndent They cite tight deadlines. crossed lines ofauthority j
must be disallowed. and breakdowns in communications as factors in HEALl .
The magnitude of the Focus blunder is enormous the unfortunate incident. - _ "\y
PUbiiShihS an 50 newsletter on election CV6 But it’s irrelevant whether the action was F‘b é?!“ *. ’1’)‘:;.;-‘s
WhiCh contains information only about presidential intentional , if the SG Elections Board receives a J2"; if“. iii/"died fig/74
and vice presidential candidates who are SO complaint the most beneficial result of its (:5; flt' ”93‘ A: ‘e/ ‘by‘, I
members.Who knowswhateffectthenewslettercan deliberations would be to invalidate the entire (I “99' , Life 3% Us; -1 My , -
have in what is expectedto beaclosc raceamongsix election, clearing the way for another contest. As ‘\ vI / ( 1'1 i I 3‘.‘ i i ‘ '/\/ ‘\ it
candidates for president? What kind 0i problems things stand now. the winner could easily start off ‘A‘ ‘32 \I fife?" iii‘ I’I ”I: ~:§:S?\\Z\: )\ 15‘ 3
could it create for the candidate that would be with massive credibility problems and a great / .‘i \ $4 at £1“ “l mu \‘3 II — 'J” ‘ .1:
elected‘.’ deal of ill will against him. A} it?“ ‘I fif‘ifi’izi ‘ "I \ ‘Qi. , // / I; \ , .
For that matter. it‘s impossible to tell who may The fiasco is indicative of something worse than il l} . ' ‘I’I‘ ‘ "'- i ,l ‘ . ‘ \I& m V . ‘
have been hurt the most. ls it the independent misfeasance and slipshod management. It shows F El " '3 " “343 so ‘ u' f l I 'E‘ l
candidates. who were slighted on getting publicity. how tightly knit and clannish SG society can be. W? 'I. {\I . ,< i , l l : T
or the four 80 member-candidates. who Candidates who are 50 members were featured ”LI Vii", ‘ «4»- 4f‘%// .. “‘7’5
unfortunately bear the onus of having received because they are 50 members. because they are in ‘ ‘i
preferential treatment. though they did not wish it‘.’ the know. During the two-week period of auaw—mh—o—p 1’,
SG and Student Center Board members made a publication. those responsible for Focus were I I if:
valiant effort to recover the 2,000 copies shortly unable to breach that closed-shop mentality. Each A c s h t
after distribution Tuesday night. but many remain time there was an opportunity to include more merlcan ancer Dalety Opes 0 3..
uncollected (astonishingly. one bundle was materialor suspend publication. the wrong decision 3.;
accidentally delivered to M.l. King Library was made. make cancer contra, Month work .I'iI’.
~ yesterday). As a result. several hundred dollars of money that _
Whether the biased newsletter changed the is supposed to be spent on behalf of students at UK - By SUSAN L. SULLIVAN and lary ngectomy rehabilitation and ACS. '
opinion of a dozen or a thousand people is not was wasted, And worse than that. there wasagreat . ‘ . counselling it is estimated that 860 The primary function ofthe ACS is 1;
important. just as whether any impact the Kernel's deal of potential to completely slant the elections. C Apr'llhagbee: disignta‘ted 25019?” FaiI‘Ijnel Countflans 'w‘“ b? ”:3: the Pr°m0ti0n 0i researCh- In i978.
coverage had is notimportant.The Kerrie/stands by SG could servethestudent body best bysetting back Contro g 0i", .i e {Plenum mc‘llca We 0' “"9" in .. ~ $231760 was awarded to UK to
. , . . . . ancer . ocrety In an e on to Obviously. the programs are utilized support promismg research pr0jccts. g,
its coverage. The issue of how SG serves’the student its schedule to allow a cooling-off period enlighten the public on the dangers of by a substantial number of patients. The ACS is second only to the :i.
. body and the timing of Focus publication made It admlttedly a hassle; and holding another election and the potential cures for cancer. -——————__ Nanona, Cancer inslimw (a federal .iii
paramount that the story receive heavy news and for presrdent and Vice preSIdent. The primary purpose of observing . . agency) as a source of research 3'
>____ Cancer Control Month is to gain aplnlon funding. .
_______*-_______— public financial SUpport which iS The work ofthe ACS has been most __.".
SG highlighted by the door-to-door ___._“____ beneficial. ln Fayette County alone. if
cam palg n statements campaign. With its ultimate goal being Another vital portion of the ACS's '430 persons have been cured of ,1
the total elimination of cancer. the work is education. Speakers. films and cancer. But in order for their work to I?
W~WH ACS needs continual monetary input literature are furnished for any continue toyield favorable resultsthey ’
' that SG offers by instituting 56m?“ to perpetuate its various programs. organization. church or school. The need contributions from the public ~ 3
harles Main that w‘“ makethem aware ofwhatSG The ACS isavoluntary organization educational programs stress the those for whom the services are .2
_ does for them. and receives no government funds. importance of regular physical rendered. if
' The major QUESiiOh being PUt ‘0 lf this campus were an open one. A good student government should The rehabilitation and service examinations as well as presenting :3 '
' students voting in this week’s election charged with the energies of cultural. promote unity , and that‘s the theme programs provided by the ACS informative material on cancer signs Susan L. Sullivan is I Journalism %
I. is: “Where do YOU want 50 lo do its social and intellectual exchange. the Of my campaign: students helping include the surgical dressings and and treatment. “I Quit" clinics for senior. .‘E.
- work for YOU?“ problems 0i‘ apathy and "Oh' students. If you haven‘t voted yet. g0 medical supplv closet. mastectomy smokers are also organized by the 5
i if you believe. as l (10. that 50 involvement would solve themselves. 0i" and "016 today for a new kind. 0i I ‘ ..
.I should be a student service 50. as the primary spender of student government. You‘ll be helping —MW L
I " organization and spend the bUllt OfitS student funds. should take an active yourself as well as your iCiiOW ' g
I money and energy on programs and role in seeing that students are students. L etters t0 the Ed, tor '; i.
. services aimed at helping sttudents encouraged to involve themselves: the . ’
3 With the daY-tO-day problems of way to do this. again. is to makethem This statement was submitted by the -————-—-———7#Aa-——~———-————————_———_._ .
; university life. then you should aware of the avenues for participation Charles Main campaign. Ex Orienced Lexington community. their ability to I don‘t think parliamentary procedure
I COhSidCi’ “lung {0" me {0‘13} p _ establish good working relations is should be abused to avoid dissenting- I ‘
i My personal “51°“ for Student Ken Ber . 7 highly important. viewpoints. Finally. I authored the
; Government includes some very During the l9.7-78 school year. I Buzz and Bobby have repeatedly Health Fee Referendum Bill. . .
: Simple services aimed at reachinginto What has Student Government tent. had the pleasure 0f working closely proven their ability to work Next year. I want to see all of the I
I your me “Ill”: you area student here. done for you? Nothing! l will! Immediately after the annexation. wrth Buzz English and Bobby pee successfully with others. When this above programs continued. l also
I if my proposed index. ‘0 grams and I will invade Tennessee. 0n the ldi “Big Blue“ Amin will take over the Gunnellwboth 0f whom were servmg asset is coupled with their years of SO want to see the formations ofa Tenant ii i
' scholarships can help just one of you western front. Kyle Macy will lead a region. hereafter referred to as the” MS! terms as Slime“ experience. English and Gunnell Union. which will take an assertive If: .
‘ find'the money to stay In school. the" caravan of drunken Big Blue rooters Southern Kentucky. Government senators. Without Clearly showthemselves to bethe most stand forthe rights ofstudent tenants. s‘ :
-_. it wIll have made so meaningful for into Nashville. There will also be a And now you may be saying lam a exception. the" contributions to SG outstanding candidates for thejobs of and of a Liaison Committee. which r l-
: you. . naval atttack on Memphis. All~ total farce. Well. I am! But so is 80. proved them [.0 be excellent 'eadefs SG president and vice-president. I will provide a direct link between SG 3 l
if. my PiOPOSCd 10h placement American Kelly Kirchbaum will lead Even Vulcan logic can‘t dispute that a who were dedicated to servmg the" hope you will join me in supporting and on-campus residences.
SCYVICC hClPSJUSt 0"" 0i you earn some the first attack on UT in Knoxville and farce should be the head of a farce. fellow students. , . . Buzz and Bobby. I believe my candidacy offers a if
j - “”3 money 10 pay for ”‘9“ James Lee will return to finish them lcan keep as many of my campaign . Th“? outstandingcontnbutions are sincere attempt at total representation i
unexpected car "Pal“ or helps JUS‘ off with a resounding slam-dunk promises as any other candidate. lwill indicative Ohm" abilities to perform Jim Newberry and responsiveness. With your l ,
one of you afford some weekend fun. delivered from one of Gov. Carroll‘s spend money on showing the students well. as SG ”€51de and web First year law student support, 1 will continue to be an
‘ “a 2
I ' The question of how to get students pumzodyoflaicvtvglal‘nthrfgcah “33g realilgzszeyote and give the 50 some the natural ability to work with StUdent VOICO Brad Sturgeon 2'
-T mwlfi‘d "1:0 Is :1“ 0": oft-repetaéed DCVOC‘S throat JIUSt b¢i°i° WC" singer people.” Since 5-0! officirs‘ muts': This year I have been priveleged to Arts & Sciences junior
: one: a‘ t C p'l'O em as l’lCVCT _ en (I?) ROd Stewart delivers thC final blow. This commentary WIS submitted by requen y come In 0 con 8C WIV serve the students asascnator-at-largc I
_; solved is due in part to the limited Food for the in w‘ll be the Ken B . _ l i students. faculty members. . . . _
' imagination of those addressing it ~ campag ~I "II! VI“ pres dent “ administrators and members of the and as chairman 0f Student wnte her In . .
~__ - courtesy of Cliff Hagan‘s mobile mess campaign. Government’s Public Relations i,
. _ Committee. This year. P.R. instituted The College of Social Professions .:
I ' a SPCaltef'S bureau and a newsletter. has long been in need of responsible _
\bTE 5.me UlTATIOM hearse-J “‘1
con Ingen 0 S U en 5 In iscussmns tu entsmt esocm ro essmns ave
HM MM 0w WHATS M-Tl’lis %M‘ b . 6“ concerning the acquisition of rights to neglected to take ahyiction to insure
WGE mm. . SENATOR M o the inactive “‘UK Presents" program. this representation. This is evident by
* / The discussmns were successful. the absence of a candidate in the ,
'I// II; subsequently Wl.EX has given SG five Student Senate race. ; ‘
“HM I/ii ,/ 4 I! / / / half-hour. programs for this. spring. We are glad to learnthat yesterday:
9 PI f 7/” "I [I / l // I 0"" Spring Break. negotiations for concerned student in our college has .
. “i I s I fl /1/ f/ / next yearwere completed resultingina decided to enter the SG elections as a '
I;' l I / "ny ./ M /I ' f ten program contract for next year. serious write-in candidate. She is
II‘. / /’ ' Wt ,l ’3 W‘ My proposal for next year includes 1: Katherine “Holly" Schumacher. a
2:: [iii SI lIij’ (hi/iii ’/ .— ’ )I Student Advi