xt72804xkk30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xkk30/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1965 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1965 Vol.31 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, January 1965 Vol.31 No.4 1965 1965 2019 true xt72804xkk30 section xt72804xkk30 ‘ . , ,7_.7____¥" A; ,~i.fii, , . J , ,_ , A - . , _ 7747 ¥ 1, ‘1
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Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 1
1 .1
ME I | | ‘ 1 ‘
1 o 1
1 ‘ 1
The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 1 1
the fundamental importance of the implied : 1 ‘
1 trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination 1 1 ‘
1; of public information. It stands for truth, fair- 1 1 1
ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation 1
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- 1 1 1
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ‘
advertising column. It opposes the publication 1 1 ' 1
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- ‘
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, f
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- 1;
spects equality 0f opinion and the right of every 1
‘ individual to participation in the Constitutional 1
1 guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes 1
in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, 1
economic, social and cultural community de- 1
I nelopment and progress. 1
1rks 39:3 . 1.; 14;..‘1 ,I ‘53." ‘ ’32; 1
111' P UbilCCll'th Office: . 1 1 / 5:111 1, 1% ‘W Mir“ 3 W 1 1 11111111111111111’1 1 1
SC11001 of Journalism 1’ r c so m
be 1 UniverSIty of Kentucky ’ ” s ' 1’ 11 ‘ ' 9 11' ’9;
de- Lexmgton, Kentucky 9 . ‘ ' 1 ‘5? ‘ a 1
rial . a; 1:1, ‘11 «4:? We?) 1 .1 f" 5,; 1'; 1
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' =2 ="»=:;. 5: ‘ .‘--"€"'= . / “"1 .. =‘ v: ; .. m" ' ’ 11
. 1965 Officers And Executive Committee 1

 1“ :1 111‘ ‘1 1
1 11111111111 1
1 1 -_ 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1
1 1:,‘1111111‘1‘11‘
1.11 1.1111‘1‘ 1 A W Ci Ad " '
1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 g vertism Under Fire
1 1 1111 The Kentuck Press + 5 6 See “-1 + 1 911
1111111111 11 11 11 1 11111 1 1 Cigarette advertising curbs will be an is-
11 11 11111 11 111111 1 Panel W||| Study sue in Congress during coming months
11 1 1 1 . . . , i 1
1 1' 1 1 1 1 11‘ Volume 31, Number 4 Postal Rate Raises (1651)lte the “Klumys V'Ohlntflry code which 1 M1
‘ 111.1111 1 = 1 1 1 is now in effect. Cli' L f 1
111 11111 1 11111 .1 1 1 1 _ The Johnson administration has shelved l\ , 1 , inrman ‘11 arren C" 1
11 111 11 1 1 111111 Official Publication 1 1 dagnuson (D., \Vasli.) of the S
1 11 11 1 11 111 , 1 for further study its plan to seek a rate in— - 7 enate O
-1 11 1 1 1 1 Kentucky Press Assocrutlon, Inc. ' . . Commerce Committee tom the Senate P1
11 11 11 11 :1 1 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Crease for second— and thud—Class mail. The January 15 “we wish to t l 10“ ‘ BOW]
1 1 ‘1 11 11111 111 ‘1 decision was explicit in a Post Office Dc— - - 1 1 n se he hearings 1 ff
.1 ‘1 1 ‘ 1 ‘11 111‘.‘ 1 Victor R. Portmann Editor ' “11thm the DCXt 30 days. 1 Stou
111 . 1311 11 11 11 1 Pen J Ashle Associate Editor partment announcement that an advisory Sen M'ignuson’s 13111 (S 559 1 KPA
1 1 1111 11 111 11 1 y ' 11' panel had been formed “to study postal quire ever‘v p'le’l e of ci ,1 ~tt ) “1011111 re- 1 start.
111 1 1 111 111 . 111111 1 N MMember A 1 t‘ rates and to make recommendations to the conspicuous (“1%ng SE13; C: to thlrry a 11 Her r1
‘ : 11 111 ‘1 1 ' £1111 1 ewspaper anugers ssocra ion P ~ - 1 1,— 1 - n 1 1‘ 2.1 , C0111nu0us 1 . 1
1 1 11 1 11111 1 Kentucky _Chamber of Comrnerce r1e1s11dent “:1 1 three months 1)Cn.0d'1 _ smoking may be hazardous to your health." dieter:
11 1 1 1 1 . 11111 _ gene, Business. Bureau, Lexington ie pane COHSlSts of four busmess exceu— The 1111) cl would 1180 be re . 1 ladies
111111 1 1 11111 1 N 11 Susli’télé'l'ltng'hlAeAmberiafion tives, one ex—Congressman, one Professor ~11,“ng tar and :11“)th 111112;? 1:01 state Meat
1 1; 111 11 11‘; 11 1 a m: .1 :1qu 513°“ who used to be with the Budget Bureau and ( 1 ( - - - WC 1 mm 01 1 '
1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 man e em .511 1 _ _ 1 ’ broadcast advertising of Cigarettes would not ‘ attenc
1 1 111 1 , 1 11111 1 National Newspaper Promotion AssoClahon one union oflieial. Members are \Valker 1) b 1 , - 1 Cll'
1 1 111“. 1 1111 1 I 0“ Cisler President of Detroit Edison Co e COWICd y the Magnuson bl“. 1 b 1
1 ‘11 1:111‘1 1 1 1111 “ Pub ication ice 7 1 1 'i A much stiffer bill re 11t' ‘ 11 e150
1 1 :1 11 : 1, 11111 1 . . 1 — r .1 -‘ .. 1 guamg Clgmtte
11 1 1 1 11 11111111 1 School of Journalism 2:116:2531Ef8310CL11 who :1)eii2116111}/Cc1rs m advertising as well as labeling, will also be Comri
’ 111 1111; 1 1‘1 11 1 1 1 Unwers'ty of Kentucky g ‘1 0 SC“ mg 11C, 1r ransport before the Senate committee. This is the hours
11 .11 1 11 1 1 __________________ Assoeiation and Eastern Airlines; Robert H. 1 - - etc
.1 ‘1‘1 11 111 1111‘11 ‘1 Ravison Vice President of Empire P10 proposail Of 5611' Maurine B1 Neuberger1 :11“ 1
l 11 1‘1_ 1 1 ‘11 ‘ . . f 1 V V 4 V “. '
1 11 11111 1 11111 1 . 1 fl . D., Ore. a *t z .2 c ‘ -. email
1 111111111 1.11 1 i(entuCky PreSS Assocmi’lon, Inc Co.; John \V. Snyder, leeCutivc Vice Presi- i(ng Her L111] 11% C2117§rgqefifrqufuhstt 511101 1 ample
1'11 11 1 1 111 1‘ Maurlce K- Henry, Pres‘dent dent of Overland Corp. and Secretary of the 1 1 , . . .1 (I S m is open- ‘ turers
1 11 11 11 111 111 1 Dail News Mi (1 dlesboro _ mg paragraph. Congress hereby finds and ’
11 111 11 1111111111 111 1 y : Treasury under Presmlent Truman; Prof. declares 111,11 the unrestricted romot‘ d1 lively
111 111-1 ‘1 1111111 1 11 1 Larry StOne.V109-P7681dent Robert C. Turner of U. of Indiana, a for- advertising of cigarettes in iIritert tlon an items
1111 ‘11 “1 111 1111 11 1 1 Messenger, Central City mer Assistant Director of the Budget Bu— meree in the li in of the co 513-6111011111 Ch;
11 1 1: 1 1 11111111 11 11 1 Victor B. Portmann, Secretary-Manager reau; Mrs. Mary Rocbling, Chairman of the 1 . - . g - - no 118116 C111 1 thank1
11 1111 1 1 11111 11 1 P 1 A h] A 1 t S et M denec that Cigarette smoking is m1urious to ‘
1 111 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 eriy ]. s ey, ssrstan ecr ary- anager Board of Trenton Trust Co.; and Iames A. 1 11 ' 1 116881111
1 ‘11 1 1 1111 1 1 11 1 Florida R- Cammn» Amsmnt Treasurer Suiiridge President of the Retail Clerks In 11621 tlifCOHStltutCS a grave threat to the pm 1 the at
1 11111111111 1 1 1 _1 1. ' icweare." 1' 1
1 1‘ 11 11 11 11 1111 1 1 University of Kentucky, Lexington ternational Assoeiation. 1 1 - of fun
11 1 11 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 . 1 The Neubergcr bill would require health
1 111 1111 111111 11111 1 Distrlct Executlve Committee The only one of these people who could warnings on the pqckqge plus “average merce
1 1'11 1“11 '1'1'" ' " '
1 11 111111 11 11 1 1 1 Chairman, Edwards M. Templin, Herald- 1108511311 Endllfl ‘15 (1 POStfll rate expert 15 Yields Of Incrlmlnatcd agents,” and ban ads smalle
1 11 11 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 Leader, Lexington (Sixth); First, William T. Gamma: ’ 31111181?de 10111 tlile 018d Car1330n that “tend to make cigarette Shlokhlg 211‘ Found
1 1 11.111 11 1 1 1 1 c - . 1 Quinn ee es a)1s 1€( )y tie enate ost 1 ‘ v ‘ conver
1 1 11 11:1 1 1111111“ 1 1 11 DWIS1 Lyon County Herald Eddywue’ Second, Office Committee back ‘ 1953 T1 ' tractiic to children. The blll 111011111 em- 11
1 1 111 11111 111-1 1111 11:: George M- WIISOH, Hemld-h’e‘wS. Hardlnsburg; ‘ 1“ - 1131 group power the Federal Trade Commission to “C 101
111 11 11 11111 11.1 1111 11 1 11 yard; A1111. :cliiilnslggig, Verse of it. M;tth:1as; Prgdimcfil 11530539311 1201113116130: EVIIfIClIQiSCE? regulate cigarette advertising and labeling.
1 1 1 1 111 111 111 1 1 on ‘L, 0 ar es, aoorz 6, ran 1n; even ua y 0 ie os a Oicy e o .1 M . ' 1
‘111 11 11111 1‘1‘1‘11 1 11 Fifth, Frank C.Bell,Trimhle Democrat, Bed- N0 c131 1' ~ 1 11f 1 11' 1- IS. Nellbergcr IS a new member Of 1116 Rab
1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 ”111311 “as 1mm“ or he RUISOTF Senate Commerce Committee and thus well T
l 1 1 111 ‘ 11111 ‘1111 1. ford; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, Mercury, Car- . ,1 1 - 1 11 - 1 1 ‘ empl
1 1 11 111 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 pane , w 11c 1 WI 1 name its own leader. How- 1 1 1 ~
I! 1 =’ 1 1‘ 1 1 1 ‘ lisle' Eighth Louis DeRosett Adair Counti 1 - - p acec to push liCr blu' mornu
1 1 1 1 11 111 1 11“1 1 Neuis Colullei'l' Ninth James T Norris IrJ ever, CISICT was listed first in the announec- In June 1964 FTC issued “1165 requiring O CO
“ 1 1' 11 1 1 ‘ 1 1 1 r ‘ ’ 1> ‘ ' ’ '5 - I I , ‘ 7 1 .
1111 11 111111 1111111111 1 Jr., Independent, Asliland; Tenth, R. Springer mcntdanld 130-0133015115 EXPCCt he W111 be health warnings on labels and in all 0th€i1 ing 1111
11111111_ 1 111111 1 1 11 Hoskins, Enterprise, Harlan; State-at-Large, 11‘1““ eiairman. HC has served as a 0011‘ ads. The House Commerce Committee Per-1 The fi
1‘1 11 11 1 11‘,11‘1‘ 1 1 11 S. C. Van Curon, State Journal, Frankfort; sultant to a half (1.02611 government depart- suaded FTC to delay until next 111111 1116' ETHNIC
111 1 11111 111 111 1 11 1 State—at-Large, James Lee Crawford, Tribune— merits and agencies and is an industry effective date of the rules on grounds there Sioner
11 111 ‘1 1111‘:1 1 11 Times, Corbin; State-at-Large, Warren Abrams, leader in the fltOmiC POWCT field. was insuiiieient time to legislate in 1964 but anothe
<1 1111 1 11 111‘1 1 1‘1 Courier—Journal, Louisvflle; Immediate Past Postmaster General 10111] A. Cronouski tht b']] r 1d b. ' r S‘- '
11 1 11 1 1 111 1 P 'd t G 11 III C 1 lh 1 1 1 1 _ a a 1 “on 0 passed this year. 61 est am
11 ~1 111 1 1111 ‘111111 5’“ mt, Gorge 109 In , ammonweat , said the panel 5 findings would assrst him eral anti-cigarette qdvertising bills are pend- 11111
1 1‘ 11 1 1111 1 1 1 omerse . ' -' . . ‘ ' - - C
11 _1 111 _ 1 1111111 111 iInl making recommendations to Pres1dent mg m the House but thus far there has been Cattie
_- 1 11 « 1 111 1111 11 ————————————— OHISOU- no announcement of hearings 1 Dir
‘1 ‘~ ‘ ‘ ‘1 - . K 1 1 ect
11 1 1 1111 1 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Gronouski announced, after conferring '1‘ Public1
11 11 1 111 1 11 1 1 George M. Wilson, President with Iolmson a month ago, the administra- ‘1 1‘ ° ° 1 DEpart
11 1 1111111 1 11 1 Breckirm'dge Herald-News, Hardinsburg tion’s intention to ask Congress for “a mod— MOSt newspapers are aware that (10010115 thanks
11 1‘ 1 11‘ 11 1 1'1 1 1 Landon Wills, F1112”; ViceéP reside]? C 1h est increase in second— and third—class postal and hospital staffs consider that advertiS- help 11
111 1 1 1 1; 1 11 1 0 sun ouny ews, a oun rate 1" in ilct '- 1 r c ‘ ,AWiS-
1; I 1 11 1 11 1 William T. Davis, Second Vice-President S - . . . g V O 1 es then p1 OfeSSIOI‘l’il Ethics et before
11 1 1 11 111 1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville These Classes include newspapers, periodi— £01151“ neWSPE‘PGI‘ has found a way to g ‘1 tiiul c(
11 1 1 :1 1 Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Treasurer Cals, advertising material and other liigli- around this ObleCtion- The newspaper 561151 will be
11 ‘ 1 1 Perry I. Ashley, Assistant Secretary volume mail. a tri-annual, full-page ad, PromOting 11100111 nation
1 11 1‘ 1 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer The announcement made no mention of bank donations. PhYSiCth and hosPltfds Cased:
1'1 1 11 1 1 1 11 Board Of Directors the proposed rate increase. Thus the panel sponsor the 13110110050“ for $10 per Signature state c
! 1 1 1 1 C . ‘ r - I I I ‘
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chairman, Martin Dyehe, Sentinel~Ech0, Lon- IS expected to give equal attention also to tOriciii
1 1 1 ‘1 1 don; Maurice K. Henry. Daily News, Middles- first—Class and parcel PQSt rates. ”1 * * ‘1 Can be
1 1 11 bow; Niles O. Dillingham, 19,015,683, Dawson The second- and third—class rate increases Counting mats in the linecastel'i M3191 showin
, 1 1 1 Springs; Thomas L. Preston, Democrat, Cy“- Will not appear in the President's proposed gauge from a piece of 2-pt. rule and 811011 Exec
1 1 1 1 thiana; Robert 1Fay, Shelby News, Shelbyville; budget, which goes to Congress Monday, it keyreed. Drop it into the channels at the the L0
1 1 Officers ex-officw. was learned. rear of magazines. KPA l
. 1 1 1

 ' ..,,,__.___ -- - Win-"Kmmm a;we;:1._,z»,_-m;1_;_;;;_-.WE E: E-EE
: 1 . h
IS Will be an is- EE E
mg “m“ ‘ C l P ’r At’r t R d A d E :
mymmyym; Monte ar 0 ar y rac s ecor tten ance E
€111 \Varren C, E E EEEEEE _
Of the Senate Opening with the traditional Wassail gave an interesting and thought-provoking for its cooperation of the past and asked full . E 'E
the Senate 0“ he rece tion in the Sycamore room, outline of the problems involving pre-trial cooperation of all in brin in more indus- E ‘
l . . Bowl att P . . . . g g E y .
et tie hearings E StouffeIS Louisville Inn, the 96th annual publications and the latest move With the tries to the state. ’ ‘ E ' 'EE
E KPA mid—winter meeting got off to a flying Louisville Bar Association to adopt priri— The ladies were entertained with a tour ‘ ' E > .
559) WOUId rc- r start. Following the toothsomc buffet din- ciples of publication that would be fair to through the plant of the Louisville Courier- E , -;E ,
rettcEsE to 92”“ a l ner replete with viands to tempt even the all sides and the public’s right to know. His Journal and Times in the morning, and a ‘, E {:7 '
1g, continuousE dieters, soon the cry of “make your play, address will be found in another column tour of the Hubbuch in Kentucky furniture .
to your health. E ladies and gentlemen” at the frolicsome together with the resolution of action mart in the afternoon. E ‘ .
ethiEiciErEeEd 1:0. Sttate E Monte Cfirlo party drew the largest opening adopted by the membership. The Friday luncheon was highlighted by E: E 5:! E
’71 ‘ tin or ' ' ' h tation of the President’s Cu for 'r ' 2
ttendance 1n lllStOl‘}. a: a: ,E. * a: t e presen p E E .
rettes would not a . - - . _ ' ' ,- . . ' ' E g: . ‘
m bill |E Chairman Al Sliansbergy enlisting mem (Note: Because of length and lack of space, rPheriEtorious Sim“: t5 tli.:;:7‘V;,':.; 5." .33 ‘
‘ ‘ “ ‘ “ ‘ - W?" w -'3 3-43-73; al; : 2":"1. . «‘3”%§% ;; V‘ . -. - - 3
1‘ : ‘ ‘ 1‘ 1 ‘1“ ‘ __ . .. ,3 33‘; 3,; 3 ' 33.23.?“ Wags‘ M % 4 33 3. 1 ‘
‘4 I. 11. 3 ‘ 3‘ 1. 1‘. ..2. _ --»' ,. . “’3‘" - 13252231233". ‘32, '14 1:4.» , -.',-- «v- -- 3 ’«I, 2.».- 2- V:. & . . '>2>‘3;,»,,3’.-V-x:;>1 "542,3. » - 2:;37 , ,‘ , ‘
'- ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘51; ii ‘4, 1.; ‘ 4' ' "434%? 333'34‘433‘33; %~1§ V?’ ' 5-7. 4 {g ' i“ . 2, ‘i F I4
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P d' M T ° l 1970 *
a 4 Astronaut Scott re Icts oon up n .
l ' ,‘E \ " ' J tragic events in the short, active life as PICSI— Argus; Chairman of the Executive Cominit— plans for the coming year, including a com— 1 J‘ J
_ l (I dent, official and with his family, of “John tee, Edwards M. Templin, Lexington Her— prehensive program of sectional seminars in J j
if I J ‘ F. Kennedy: Years of Lightning—Day Of ald—Leader; and Secretary-Manager (for his which all publishers and their staffs were ‘

”r 1.9 ‘l Drums.” We were indeed privileged to 23rd consecutive term) Victor R. Port- invited and expected to attend. Closing the ‘ l
J witness a story that will be conveyed to mann. All were elected by acclamation. 1965 mid-winter meeting, President Henry J J!
h many countries across the sea. The meeting adjourned sine die to the announced his district executive comniit- J J l
“I J At the following business session, after luncheon tables. tee as: r J J
h {J- J . i “ President George’s swan song, S. C. Van After dessert, Past President Keen Jolin— Chairman, Edwards M. Tcmplin (sixth); J
l l t, f Curon and Doug Cornette gave a brief son, in well chosen words, presented Dr. William T. Davis, Eddyville Herald; first; J‘ 3

J legislative committee report, stating that, Robert R. Martin, President of Eastern George M. Wilson, Hardinsburg Herald— J l

following the action of the mid—summer State College, with an engraved silver pitch— News, second; Al J. Schansberg, Voice of J J J
, Ml convention, steps were being taken to pro— er and certificate as the 1964 Outstanding St. Matthews, third; Howard Ogles, Frank— J J
. . 'i J cure an active representative at the 1966 Kentuckian. His remarks are published else- lin Favorite, fourth; Frank C. Bell, Bedford J j J '
5;, l legislative session, and our own legislative where. Democrat, fifth; Warren R. Fisher, Carlislc JJ‘
so; , ,‘J program, if any matter comes up, will be Capt. David R. Scott, one of America’s Mercury, seventh; Louis DeRosett, Colum— JJ‘
1:? . started during the summer months. 28 autronauts, in his interesting and in— bia News, eighth; James T. Norris, Jr., Ash- J J
5" .‘- J ,‘ W. Foster Adams, in the absence of Perry formative address stated that “Russia is land Independent, ninth; R. Springer HOS— ' | u ' J
Sine/firs \_ -. Ashley, read the report (published else- probably still ahead of us in the race to out- kins, Harlan Enterprise, tenth. 1 J J

‘0“‘5"=‘~1?-*‘“.,,7 , where) on the 1964 seminars and meetings. er space right now, but we’ll catch up with State—at—Large: S. C. Van Curon, Frank- ‘ l j ,1
l i 1 i l The report showed that KPA enjoyed a very them and put men on the moon by 1970.” fort State Journal; James Lee Crawford, , l J

i ‘ 3 H ” . ,; busy year in meeting with many members He said that the National Aeronautics and Corbin Times-Tribune; an d Wa rre n j ‘J
it h’ J of the association. Archie S. Frye, chair- Space Administration’s manned space pro- Abrams, Courier—Journal and Louisville t t J

" " ,l man, added a few words to those of the gram will culminate in “one of the greatest Times. Immediate Past President, George J l JJ
(‘4 report on the KIPA m