xt72804xkk2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xkk2d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1942 Vol.13 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, April 1942 Vol.13 No.6 1942 1942 2019 true xt72804xkk2d section xt72804xkk2d 5»? 555% .
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, j , Page Two . THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1942 t
r o and vocabulary. Each editorial shouldi‘
‘ Newspaper Entrles wanted be pasted on a sheet of paper with theE Page
' 5 ' notation of name of newspaper, date olj 52g:
For 1 942 Prize Contests issue, and writers" name. No “canned"! arraJr
g or cllpped edltorials wfll be constderedi . '
' 9 . _ . . . . . . in this contest. 5 tron
. 3 (.all is hereby issued [or the 1942 prize the edltor write a note announcmg that Grehan Memorial Plaque and
. contests of the Kentucky Press Assoc- the package has been sent, to avord de- The winner for the best editorial will afl‘ ?1
, , iation. Every editor of the State, wheth- lay and possible loss of entries. again have the name of his newspa fl: “mf—
- ‘ er a member of the K. P. A. or not, is Contest Sclecti 71. Rule . ., , j . l. p vertls
. . . _ j 0 5 _ engraved on the beautiful Enoch Giehau; either
.. . (.llgll)l€ to enter the contest. . Each contestant may SCICCE any issue Memorial Plaque which was established. E
. Please read the rules govermng each Of his paper, 01‘ may clip any specific by Mrs. Enoch Grehan and the member . .tz-N
contest and follow them to_ the letter, entry, between the dates of May 1’ 1941 of the Department of Journalism ii ver 15
i Any v10lat10n ,Of the rules “”11 result 1n and May 1: 1941- This change from re— memory of Mr. Grehan. The first name :33:
‘ i the entries being discarded. Send in as quiring SPCCifiC issues 0f newspapers was to be engraved on the memorial wt cardb
3 many entries as you please, but observe made at the request 0f many Of our that of The Pineville Sun. Herndon] niune
the deadline. The rule that no news- members It has also been suggested Evans, editor. Second winner was Thi and r
paper 18 ellgible to enter-the All-around that ”election” or “special edition” is- Shelby News, Wade McCoy, editor T~
l , 3‘} dFront Page contests 1t 1‘ has beena sue should not be included in the All- Winner in 940 was the Lyon Count ’01”
wmner m the previous two years will Around Contest entries. Herald, Gracean M. Pedley, editor 10.!) P
i be strictly enforced and your cooperation Beautiful Trophies Procured The name of the Cumberland Courier 5 Flu
, 15} requested when you send 1“ your en- Beautiful silver prizes will be offered Charles K. Steele, editor, was added it Clmth
. 3 . {165- . _ _ in this year’s contest. They are made 1941_ Space is reserved on the plaqu’ f‘imP
‘ Attention ls partlcularly called-to the possible through the courtesy 0f the for subsequent winners and your paper '01 th
requirement that'e'ntries m the editorial, Louisville Courier Journal, Lexington name will look proper thereon. r summ
, ' news, and advertismg contests must each Herald~Leader, The Kentucky Post, Cov— Best News Story Contest sent a
E 3 be pasted on separate 5111)S (3f Pal)”, or ington, and President Russell Dyche. at the request of a number of editoj for th
i ' cardboard, elsew1se the 6'3”.“ “:1“ “Qt AH'ATmmd Contest this contest is continued for competitiai ”1,0 m
r j. be consrdered. The eXhlblt thls year For guidance of the competitors the this year on the best community ner P161)?
ii ‘ promises to be one Of the largest and following will constitute the percentages story. The factors to be considered ai onla‘ ‘
i 2' best Slnce the contest began. by which the newspapers will be scored: content, sentence and paragraph stru“ 'lufrglm
‘ 01’6"") Every Newspaper General appearance, 30 per cent; local ture, thought, unity, coherence, rota", ed 1:
1 Each and every contest is open to the news, 25 per cent; county correspond- ulary, the lead and community servi. every]:
. .‘ _ every weekly or semi—weekly in the state. ence, 5 percent; personal items, 10 per value. Each story is to be pasted 011‘ mi lit
; The news story contest is open to coun- cent; farm news or news pertaining to sheet of paper with the notation of ti at gleas
j try dailies. Every editor is urged to send the chief industry of the section where name of newspaper, date of issue, nar be me
1: I, in his entries for each contest and every the paper is published, 5 per cent; gen— of editor, and name of the writer of ll 1 Li
; . entry will be judged on its merits. Let eral news, 5 per cent; and editorial, 20 story. Open to weekly, semi-weekly, at 2' L‘
. us make this 1942 contest the biggest per cent. Factors to be considered in country dailies in the state. Only crit' 3' E1
. . contest of them all! No newspaper shall scoring of general appearance include stories will be barred from this come 4: E1
j ‘ be eligible for more than one of the make—up of front page and composttlon, Best Editorial Page Contest ‘ 5‘ Pr
. above first prizes. headline schedule, literary excellence, This contest, again sponsored by T 6. B(
Disinterested Judges to Act community service, headlines’ content, Shelby News through the Ben Cozif 7. B1
‘ Competent outside judges will study illustrations, typography and press WOTk- Trophy is announced in another coluII 8. Ca
, . the entries in the contests. Because of the Front Page Contest Daily Contest Added " 9‘ W
1 necessity of getting the contests in their Factors to be judged include headline A new contest for the smaller pap: 10, St;
E ‘_ hands at an early date, all entries must content, headline schedule, type balance, was added two years ago. All dailies} 1]. B11
“ be in the University postoflice not later make-up, name plate and ears, press the state with the exception of ill" 12_ “I;
‘13 than May 15. Please follow all rules re- work and inking appearance and illus- published in Ashland, Owensboro,l E77I7‘z'es
garding preparation of the exhibits and trations (if any), and contrast. ducah, Covington, Lexington, and L0” (17,1) F0
‘ the deadline. The job printing exhibit (Note—Special emphasis will be ville are eligible to enter. The 51‘ Kent
'15., shall be brought to the meeting, all oth— placed on the make-up of the entries in rules, slightly modified, that govern I, ers w'lll
, ers must be forwarded immediately. the above two contests.) selection of the Best All-Around We6K Benuc
, May 15, Deadline Best Editorial Contest Newspaper will be applied in this Di 1308sessic
All entries must be in the hands of In. order to stimulate the editors in COIltCSt- The committee SOliCitS 6“"1 jutlgeclc
‘, Prof. Victor R. Portmann on or before expressing individuality, initiative, and “0111.9er small daily in the State” The (30‘.
> . 5 'i May 15. Entries can be included in the leadership in this department which is \ident Harry “Taterfield Will preset“, fol. the A
. l same bundle, but each entry must be the editor’s own, attractive prizes are handsome trophy t0 the winer 0“ McCoy
' I I plainly marked as to the contest. The olfered in this contest. The factors COHECSE- ' ‘ News; ’SJ
package must be marked “K. P. A. News- which will be considered in the judging Best Advertising Composition. i year Was
» :j paper contest,” and addressed to Prof. are: subject matter, thought sequence, Three prizes will be awarded toll Cury. M
Z :55 Victor R. Portmann, Llniversity of Ken— community appeal, rhetoric (diction, tucky editors in this contest: $5 for]: Gl‘acean
j tucky, Lex1ngton. It is suggested that unity, figure of speech, punctuation), lull—page advertisement; $5 tor best; 31d, Won
. g
1- j; . ‘

 ' . mgr E

3 HiI'II 333,
3 33.

.2 . . 3 ,3 33

3 April, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ,l_ 33 3I, ,

3 .I' ‘13 3 i
should3 page advertisement; 335 for best quarter- test was won by Editor A. S. Wathen, “outside” news will be marked down. .I 3'33 3'33.
ith the page: or less, advertisement. Factors to Kentucky Standard, Bardstown. The 13. Special attention will be given to . I 3313 3 I 3,3 ’
date 0333 be judged include type content, type Tri-City News, Cumberland, J. P. Free- the rhetoric, punctuation, unity, coher- 31:33]: I 33 I
anned3 arrangement, value of illustrations, selec— inan, editor, was the 1939 winner. Editor ence, expression, dignity, vocabulary, 3 '3IE‘I.I ,33 II}
s1dered3 tion of border and decorative material, Harry Lee VVaterfield, Hickman County contents of this page. 3 III

I and fulfillment OI'I t111766 fllllCtiOIlS 01 Gazette, Clinton, won his “leg” on the 14. Each contestant will submit three IIlf 3 33’

= advertising—attention, hIICI‘CSL 311d C011~ cup in 1940. Gracean M. Pedley, now consecutive issues of his newspaper 35$ 333'l '
'ial WIII, viction. The entries are limited to ad— editor of the Princeton Leader, wan from which the judges will select the 3*“.3 -
.vspaptli vertisements set in the contestant’s office, another leg on the cup 1ast year. The best single issue for competition. III3I '
Gl‘ehhi either hand or machine composition. conteet is “wide opsn” this year. Come _____ 3 3
ll)liSllCd- Each contestant may select any ad- on in! ,. . 3. 3 . . 3 3I3I3
16111139“, vertisenient that appeared during the As the title implies, this handsome SIM/I DISIIICI Assoczalzon FOIIIMII 333 33 33
lism in year, May 1, 1941, and May 1, 1942, silver loving cup is dedicated to the Publishers and editors of newspapers 333313333
st namt each entry to be mounted on a sheet of memory of our beloved Ben Cozine, in the Sixth district at a meeting April 33I3 33 3
'ial “II“, cardboard with the notation as to the who made his editorial page an out- L} at the Lafayette hotel, Lexington, ap- 1,33 333'
“(101133, name of the newspaper, date of issue, standing example of the best in jour- proved the organization of the Sixth 333 3 3
3'35 TI“: and name of contestant. nalism, and his editorials a far-felt force District Editorial Association and elected I I3, I333 3

editm Trophy Oflered For in his town and his state. To retain Fred B. Wachs, general manager of the 33.33 3
C0911". Job Printing Ex/zibz'l permanent possession of the cup, the Lexington Herald-Leader, and Victor R- 3 I ,I ‘

editoi Through the courtesy of Thomas 1:3 newspaper must win it three times. Portmann of Lexington, secretary 01' the 33 I33 I3I 1333 33
C011“? Smith, president of the Louisville Paper The following rules were made to KCHIUCkY Press Association, permanent 3 I3" I33
dded II, Company, a special contest is again open govern the selection of the winner each chairman and secretary TCSPGCIIVCIY- ,33I'3,3 33 I3 I
Plaq“ for the editors of the state at the mid- year: The assgciation is a district unit of. the f 3333‘ 31 _
I papeii3 summer meeting. Mr. Smith will pre- 13 Page content: the page must con- state association and will hold meetings 3 3:3 I 33

3 sent a handsome and valuable “"0th tain articles of literary, feature, and tw1ee 1a year I1” IIIC slpringkan3d 1alllat 33gi3'3 I,

f editOI for the best exhibit ol3 J01) printing at editorial matter. only. 3:1[10ijdsptlcu so?” wet II IOIII [IL 33 .13 .333 33”}?
the meeting. Every editor is urged to 23 No advertisement should appear 5 “e 0 )5 mee “‘85- 3 333333333333331 . -
i3)etitia prepare an exhibit, preferably mounted on the page. However, this will not bar Ilie newspapermen discussed wage- 1303333333331 3 3
ity IIIIIII 0" a large cardboard, for exhibition and contestants using such advertisements, hour regulations as they aflect the small 3II’3I13 3'3I
.ereda judging during the meeting. but said use will count against perfec- newspaper, censorship regulations, state- 3333,1333 333 .33,
)h stiil3 The following items are to be includ- 31,0113 fan advertismg, Circulation and other 3,3 3,3: 3:3 3; .
3’ V033 Cd' EXhibitOlIS are urged to include 3. Editorial matter: preference will be news matters. . . . . 33II .3,I133 I3 3333
y SCIIIII, every item, but, to aid that printer who given to ”home‘written” editorials while ) Counties mdUdEd m ,thls dISLiICt are 33- 33. .II II II
[Cd OII might “OI have every item in his files, I‘canned” editorials will be a detriment. bourbon, Boyle, Casey, (.lark, ESUII’ liay- I‘ II I‘I'3III II 23333
)n OfII at 1935‘ eight 0f the [WCIVC “5th must 4. Clipped editorials of community CIic’ Franklin, Garrard, Henry, Jassa« I 333.
ue, nat be included: 3 3 'lb table. mine, Lee, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, 3 3.333- 3335. . ‘I
[3 nature W11 C accep Owen Scott and VVoodford. ~“3IIA I15"! 3
‘u 0 1- LEHCI‘ head—one COIOT- 5. Features and literary: features such ’ , 3 3 . 3 3 . :3 33‘3” '3’3133'1 .
ekly, 23H 2_ Letter head—two or more colors. as “Twenty Years Ago,” syndicate ma- 3 3 Newspaplei editors and publishers pre- 3 ,3333 333-3 .33 _
“IV CI” 3. Envelope—one color. terials such as written by Doctor Cope- 5CI3II3,IIILI.II( e3d33Flem3 ISImIII’ Georgetown III 3‘I33I'; -
s conic 43 Envelope—two or more colors 3 (1 Bob Burns etc essa (3 30mm etc News, Georgetown, John Hoveiniale, 333%.3" 3,3333 3
53 Program. " 3 3333 be acce )tablIe " “‘y" 1 I’ " Estill Herald,3 lrvine-Ravenna; Delmar 3'33 “:3, I 33
d by T‘ Q Booklet—four or more pages. 6 A coluImn whether serious huinor- AdaIIIS’ Jessamine Journal, NIChOIaSVlIIeI I'III3 .53 II 33333;
n COII 7. Business card. ousI or a iiiixttii'e will be considered DI MI Hutton-Harrodsburg Herald Har- II II I 33. '
r COM 8. Calling card. editorial )age material. rodsburg; Vt/illiam C. Caywood, Winches- -3 :33 33' 3333,53 3 ' . _
, 93 Wedding invitation. 7 Edithrial cartoons will be accept- ter Sun, Winchester; T. J VVllSOl’l, Log 3 :33 313,33 , 3
3 . _ ' ‘ Cabin C Inthiana; Ed Muehsler Kentuc- I ”I": II 3". I
I61 PalI 10. Statement of bill head, able. - I- ~> , , . I , . 32;- .II‘; I't'I‘m ,
daiIICII 1]. Blotter. 8 Headlines whether siot heads or kian-Citizen, laris, Albert Schumachei, I33I II III III
Of IIII 12' What you COhS‘Ider your be“ job. standing deiI'iIrtment heaids will be the CIIIICIII BCICZII ‘Icsic AIVCIISOHI Paris III “II'3II II I I’I‘IIII
9b01‘01I Entries Wanted F . C 7‘ T' . I 3 I't d ‘ed afor l' 3 I0 'ra )hical balaInce DIIIIII EIILCIIIHIISC’ .PaIIISI COL Vernon IIEI 3 3:333. JISI'II: 3
1nd L03 Cup for Meriton‘m 2:313:73“ 37:1”) 1 10.9. M t hIeIzidg (the tV)O 'ra hical a _ 3 Richardson, Darwille Adv<,)cate-i\/Iessen- 3. 3 33.3.1 33 3
The SII I Ous 32 ona age 3.: as 1 3. t t.l fl rglation E) ger,1)anv111e; 1(3)!“ Underwood, Lexmg— 333 33 33:
3303/6333 3Kentucky Press Assomation newSpap- Pcalanee, tre (3)113611333111) 'd (1 ton Herald, Lexmgton; Mr. Wachs and 3 33 3
id WeoII 015 Will cpmpete agarn this year ior the the page as ‘3‘(3“3f10 e 3‘” 132C013? (32:31“ Mr. Portmann. 33333-35 3.3 3.
this D: Ben Chime Memorial Cup, awarded 1031‘“? war ' 1 an), W1 e given —-———-— If; iI'3" 3139:3333 .
3_ 33 possess1on to that paper in the State ad— consideration. VI' 7 , II 3 M 3373,. Di: 3333 331133.32 ,
.its €113 judged as having the best editorial page. 1]. Makeup and balance: the page I 75' ~ 0/) m 5 0 I (S I 33:!
SIaIe‘II3I The Cozine Memorial Cup was offeroed make-up With emphasis on balance, sym- The sympathy of the newspaper fra- , I-3I33 3
P113563 for the first time in 1935 by Wade M. metry, and contrast Will be given close ternity is extended to Editor and Mrs. 333 3,33
ier OI McCoy, then managino editoIl~ of Shelby scrutiny. Extra width columns, in Sym- George A. Joplin on the death of Mrs. 33'1If3 33 333
I News, Shelbyville. Thbe winner in that "law With the rest 0f the Page, Will be Joplin’s mother, Mrs. Sarah Harvey 33 3 31333333 I

3,I year was VVerren Fisher’s Carlisle Mer- given special CODSIdICTaIIOH- Sallee, Somerset, on April 4. She was at 333 '3' 333.33 I'
ed t033 cury. Mr. Fisher won again in 1936.‘ 12. Subject matter: as a community the advanced age of 85 years at her pass- 33 3333
3335 {0133; Gracean M. Pedley, Lyon County Her- paper should emphasize community news ing, and had been a restdent 01 Somerset 33 3;: 3 3'3 .-
n' bCSI 3 ald, won the 1937 contest. The 1938 con- and community interests, too much all her Me. 3 .3,} '3» 3, 3 '2'

33 I: I '

3 .2",',{ .333 3'3

It ‘ I333 iLII3I I I ‘I

 l r
l ,
is l
I Page Fou1 THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1942 . April,
. i ;
: ernment for the lurtherance of Victory papers ali'ord above all other media. ‘ Undei‘iuoot
. 1, I '78 lor the United Nations. Sixth: So—called “institutional" ad-, At Censor.
. i ' _‘ First: Advertising is a proven instrument vertising by commercial firms should be
, en , ' P 83 for influencing public opinion and ac- directed, so. far as is possible, to ZlClVilllC-l At the
i tions. It has been proven again and ing the march to victory. That has notcoun,C11 01
=, Official Publication 01 the Kentucky again during during the present war by been mandatory in either Canada ()1 SOI‘ShlPJ a
‘ Press Association the governments of Canada and Great Great Britain,but many companies have conference
Vi to R. P t Ed’t Publisher Britain—both ol Which have already gone combined the appeai lor patriotic etlort 1‘9 to studj
‘ c r . or mann i or- . . . . _ . , . '
, ’ through the stages which we are put en- With maintenance ()1 their trade name‘ engage m?
i . '—————’- .- . ‘ . . -. sorsu W1
. 1 Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexington [Cllng- _ . _ berfoie the-public. . . 5 C p'l .
Second: Advertisuig space 18 the stock- The main point, at all tlmCS; 15 that ensors up
' I Kentucky Press Association Officers in trade of publications, daily and weekly Uncle Sam will get much more than his tant direct
Harry Lee Waterfield Erlgsifgelxgn 00- Gamma 01mm“ newspapers, magazines, business and money’s worth by an organized cant theiecoid'
Vance Armenti‘out Courier-Journal, Louisville [Elfin PaPCI‘S. It is El COIHbinaLiOl] (:0111— paign in as 1113111)! 111edia as are needed [01- “Id NI: N6
Vice President , . . . . . _ . ,
‘. View, R. Penman“ x U, of Ky“ Lexington modity and serVice, tor the production of a particular appeal. On that point, Btf’dlldi 31a
secreta’y'TTeam’“ which raw material costs and wages have plenty of expert adVice is available. The R) “CD u“
, District Executive Committee . .‘ . ‘ . . . _ . _ . , V . . _ ,. .3 ‘ ., Var e a
. J. Cums Alwck' Advocat’gMessenger' Danvme, {Shaw to be paid. It is as much a wai llLlllty‘Elb goveinment cannot attain satislactoii He 1 I P
i ‘ at-largeiv chairman: FUSE J09 ”GO”, Smi'Demn‘ is steel lor tanks and ships, rubber [or results if it depends entirely upon volunn P) ‘m’ ‘
l ., crat, Padiicah; Second, Tyler Mumford, Union Co. _ . . _ . . - l‘Cl'lthllS O
1‘ Advocate. Morganfleid; Third. John H. Hoagliand, tires, copper and brass lor ammunition. tai‘y and uncoordinated contributions ‘
. 3‘ ' ~- 1, L ‘v111 ; Fourth, Joe Richar son, . . . . . . . . . .
l “ $312261égusgdilli‘iiltlll: Freank c. Bell, 'IT‘IrimpéeLDeéno. T liird: Purchase ol advertismg space from industry, business, and inspired 111- I T9111 R-
1 I craL, Bedford; sixth, Fred B. Wachs, era - ea er, , . . . , ' ' .‘ . - ‘ ' ' i ‘ ~ iCXan‘ton
3 ‘ Lexington; Seventh, w. w, Robinson, Herald, paints- 1)) the U15. gm einnicnt would in no diVidurils. 'Continuity 01, thought and . o
l ville. Eighth. '1‘- T. Wilson. Log Caliin. Cyntliliiana: way constitute a subSidy to the news— llllpl‘esSlOll is essential to the success 0["r Kentucl
N" th, H. A. Brownin , Whitley Repub ican, Wi iams- . . . . y . .
: bfig; state—atJarge’gChauncey Forgey, Independent, paper and periodical press. It would be any advertismg, and the governments at the HIV“
' ' “mam the use 01 the most efficient and economi- 18 no exception.—Editor and Publisher. president 0
i Legislative Committee .1 A ~ [1; .. ,- 0‘ , . , . llVll‘.Undel‘v
‘ V Tyler Munford, Union Co. Advocate, Morganfield, (a “mans” lllllglng a.b()\iellllll(.llt “105' T'THTT ,
. chairman: George A-JOPHD’ Commonwealth, 50mm“? sage to the Widest possible audience. It KPA Program. CU7I7NIIH€€ Meets ,mem cont
Egbert C. Taylor, Record Herald, Greensburg; Thomas " , . . ‘ ‘ler l’l .
R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington; H. A. Ward. Allen can be used ior war finance, for recruit— The KPA program a) mum “a in 6 C63.
! ‘ Go. News Scottsville; Henry Ward, Sun—Democrat, . , _ . ‘ » _ . . . r L . I CC I i r,
: y . in of the aimed fOices [01 the buildini . . . The COI
i * Paducahi Gee” Will‘amS' J°umal' smuerse" g . ’ . . 5 Lexmgton, April 21, and laid down -
1 Newspaper Exhibit Committee and manning of merchant ships, lor the )1 ins 1.01 the coniin mid su nniei Hm lllgton wei
; . M“- Lee spaldmgi Kentucky StandaTd' 33mm“: prevention of inflation, as an antidote to I. c . .g . _ paper mer
3.1; chairman; J, LaMarr Bradley, Enterprise, Providence, .. ,, . . . ing. 1 he theme ()1 the meeting Will be
1 -, Mrs. John 5. Lawrence, Record, Cadiz; MISS Lillian black market Violations of national ”The Communit News a )L1"[1 waliphases of (
. - ' d _. 11 C . B er, Russell S rin s; Miss . ' , 3 ) w I . a ‘
s‘ I iihldalriustittfilus;raldo Hailiidldsburg. p g rules, [or the education of the people 7. ,, y . I 1 ,- any sense a
. ’ ’ , . . . . time and outstanding speakers oi iii-u, , , .
, , Kentucky Press WomenS Club in air raid precautions and black-out tional ie)utition h 1‘; becn .“iml [[(ICIISOIShlp
‘. - b ,p ’d t; . . . r ‘ ' ' 7* ii ‘ ‘t i -
1 1 Mis§ Mary 13' Humn’ Hemlg’ Eff“; mg 01m; an, regulations, {or the conservation of food 1 K ( ,bllSlIEd.
i i M1“ Mudred Babbage, Br“ em ge ews' °Ve Pm ’ ‘ . . take part. Open general roundtablti
l First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, and other Vital materials. _ ‘ ' ‘ . ”Byron
" .1 Second Vice President? Mrs- Mary Hendersm POW“! . . . Will be held immediately lollowmg cad )
‘i;' Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J. R. I‘ourth: Government advertismg must address The meetinos 111 aie )lannec‘i] ress burc;
, it d' s t ; . . . . . r .. ‘ ' , ‘ ‘
ii Wfinacev Advertiser, 3’3““; 39°13,” fngm “393‘; be entirely divorced lrom politics and . U ‘ . 1 . also an act
1 M155 mm“ Lucas: 1“ 996‘,“ ‘3‘ YB 31”“ E1 t r° ise . . . , , . . . for the morning hours, leaving the alter
=~ ”riding Secretary, Mrs- - - ‘3 ey’ “9 I“ , political influence. Ihis is important. ‘ . . . clear that v
' Providence. Treasurer. . . . moons and evenings tree for the enter _
A publisher who exerts political pres— . . ,papers is t
, _ ?___——— _ . taiuinent leatures, As soon as the pro .
_ sure to get an advertisement interferes . . . Censorship
. t . . . gram is completed, copies Will be still
1 ‘ NATIONAL EDITORU“ With the operating eifiueiicy ol the adver- . . . pulsory cen
, , - - - tisei in this C'lSC Unclc S n 10 16 0 every editor in the state. AccompanyingCOUISL .
xe' :‘— - )ai W1 ~)r- . . . ”‘lnl‘
. Effie! ASSOC'ATION ‘ ’ . ’ l the program Will be a questionaire OHN
,1 “was?” . sents all of us. That Will soon be con- . . . _ avy cxerc
21:»- l ‘1. , . . . entertainment teatures that every Cdlltl “
Sidered unpatriotic. A government oific- . . , , Mr Nel
ial who )laces advertisin at the (1.1% is expected to fill out and return. hep. .
r 1* . . . .l‘CCt ‘
‘. . I . . ‘ g. . . the dates, Itine 12—13, in mind, and plat. 01 9f t]
tion of politicans and against his bUSl- ‘ . - made it cl
: MEMBER ma ness .1 d ment in un “15 t' anl I 11 to spend a short but en]oyable vacatiniobt .
‘ 1 ) ‘101C (SiOll( . . ‘ .
{éémg J g 1 t . . in the Heart ol the Blue Grass. a?“ any
. RM be removed from his place in disgrace. duction 0f
‘ " Is that too hi h-minded> We think that '___‘—T Sl'lt‘
. :7 ‘ E - g . r .. T . . r (S at [h
, - a 1' )m i r . , . 4.3mm .
, 1‘ TUCKY PR S any lower standard, generally applied, ANN/MN \ ” Classzfied Ag Fm ponited on
‘3 ASSOCIATION might result in disaster both for adver- The [act that you are 1, publisher oriigiiore a 13,
‘ oncuuzro JANUARY. 1669 Using media and for the nation itself. newspaper, even :1 0110mm] newspapfi-EOOdS, can 1-
———_—‘——‘——‘—' ' "“ _‘ Fifth: Sponsorship of government ad- does not exempt you from service in [[1301‘ that it i
, .413 Volume Thirteen, Numbei~ Six vertising by private industry and bus- armed forces, if you are of draft 21gtor Persons.
___#_,__d.#_.___c iness should be discouraged as waste- Nor are other newspapcrworkers exenlp‘fi‘allon upo
‘ 1, i . . ' _ . ‘ 7 . ‘ . ' . ‘ hf is
‘ T Advertismg for U. S, ful and uneconomical not so much of Many publishers, particularly .111. l plans ai
j money as of the efforts of men and W0- one—man to live—man shops, are lacinglt‘s’eStS that z
' . \Vith several hundred newspaper men who might be doing something more real problem at this time, for this reasoflv'mmleCtion
“i executives, editorial and business, assem- useful than rounding up contributors to Fellow publishers can aid them inatetgfllm‘zlllzed,
, , _ bled in New York [or their annual meet- a cooperative advertisement. The govern- ially by advising the Central Office, LEX'V‘EICliinery, i
. L, ings EDITOR & PUBLISHER feels that this ment’s newspaper advertising should be ington, of available newspaper wol‘kelield mlorma
i ,i' is the moment for a summation of the thoroughly “streamlined”— moving di— We have a far greater number of IF‘UCCd andt
'1 l, arguments which have been advanced rectly to its goal and taking advantage quiries for help than we have apllilfmflc PUbll
‘11 . . . , ’ , . -
, g; for advertismg by the United States Gov- of the economy and efFiCieiicy that news- cations. “Y- This (
' i. ,
i? i
i“ Q
' .th »,

 r i' , 1T
1 I 1‘.
; April, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS page Five , T T T T ..
. : TT TT '.
13-'UnderwoodRepresents Kentucky of Wartime Practices, he defines as Owenton Edi] 1' D'»: .1 “I 1 iii 1‘11 4
Hd-T At Censorship Advisory Meeting pertaining to a military officer or gov- / 0 ”A ' [m H I ITTTT~2T 11 .
uldbeT At the invitation of the Advisor crnmental official in Charge. 2 L. C. Littrell, 73. Owenton banker, TTTiiT IT2
chant-2 Council of the Press Division of Cenij ”In regard to the publication of stories newspaper founder (”“1 PUbMShCTI film" i 1 11‘
as no[‘sorshi a rou ) of state editors hell '1 “’hiCh a1‘0 withheld due to uncertainty of cr, melt-ham and form” ”'Cmbcr Of um i 5 i 1 1
Lda or coriferihcegin VIVashintiton A )ril l4 and those in charge in regard to what can be Kentucky General Assembly, died April I1 ' i if .
S have 15 to study Censorshif: probliims and to released, the Bureau Of Censorship and 1] Of a 1102111 ailment at St. JOSCIm’S Hi: 131 if
. J .. . \ ' ' ' I f “ '1 I i
1 C110“ engage in round-table discussions of cen- the Army and Navy public relations hospital,T Loutsv111e.T . ”£15211: a11h “
name sorship with Byron Price, direCtor of bufcaus, the names of whose chiefs are Ml‘ Littrell established and was editor :1 11151211111151 .
is that Censorship, and John H. Sorrells, assis- glvenTabove), in“ g" L" “”6016 lengths 22:23:12?“,ESTUIEZSchlezgah[a erChly I 13111 AT
tan his tant director, The s‘ljoup “150 held ““3; 12%:552; SEE/2:33); Liie :btaintl the re- PeopiesI Batik and‘j‘rlust Cfiinpahiy (if 11111111
. ,. .., -. . t r: ., I ~ ‘ . , TIT-,TTI.
I 22 2
led 101' Board, Major Ceneral A. D. Surles, chief Public morale and 0f the ”CCCSSiLY 01v SUP” representative in the General Assembly 1i 2513111 1
Clleliln' of the bureau of public relations of the plying essential fact to the public. fTom 1910§to 191% and was a member ”I " “T1; 1T K‘ i
1e Tr . .. . . -. , ”Particular stress was laid u)on the me state .enate rom ””6 to 1920 and ii $111 1
lactmT ficflildfr‘iipaiilaiinéi EEZRTHTASSEEIL? Siblilc danger of publishing news “ball” [1.001) from 1928 to 1936. TTfT 1 TiT 11 T!
\Voiuniirelitions )of the \iaVI 'Uld (other1 movements, particularly cmbarkation. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary 1 1:11 i ii '
)utioTns ( l, i, c . 5.. “Although local draft boards have Littrell; two daughters, Mrs. Myrtle i 111’: 111 I
red in- Tom R- UHdCI‘W’OdI Cdlfm" ”1 The the right ‘to inter net the instructit _ Cromwellof Cincinnatiand Mrs Frances T‘ 1T 131.! T .
n and Lexmgton Herald, representing the state of Geiieral Lewis lHershe director )n; Kemper, and six sons, George Littrell, ”i I‘ T111
:cess of "i Kentucky,_ attended the conferences Selective Service 1 it was (32,” tl I ”0 Ashland; Herman Littrell, Owen county 1151.111 1.11
nnent’s at the 1nV1tat10n Of Charles P- Manship, sorship branches haveiino ob'eclt‘ihxitiii draft board clerk; Tames Littrell, asso- , 1‘ 1T Til" '
)lisher. pres1dent0f the S- N- P- A- O" ths return the publication of names of] draftees ciate editor of the Owen County De— 1:.1 iii
1Mr. Underwood made the followmg state- What they ho )6 will (not i be )ublish d mocrat; Robert Littrell, assistant cashier Ti ,1 T1.
Tirnent concermng the censorship con- are stories thIat might indiclate large of the Peoples Bank. and Cornelius and 11311111111
met in: affilftejconferences conducted in VVash— movements of: troops and stories that: will I“ C” Littrell J:____ ‘TTE "TT
down in ton were to a: 1" [' tl , 1-- show, by comparisons and compilations S‘ 1') T . l , 111i 1T TTT‘TT IT
r meet 5;” . “11“”1 N330 “0‘” and statew1de summaries, what total .lmtnls C(m Emu Thu? U My . ‘iiiiii [-1
will bcpapei men who attended With some strength may be. Through College .11/ The Unzvcrsz/y TT‘itITTI T t I
TTIphases of censorship, but It was not in a ‘ , , T, ., ., . . , T ,, , - .. , . , , , ,1 i iiTT ~
‘1 “Iatanv SCI‘lSe an CH0” [0 set up any type of inland WCElLllLI ILPOILST 1t was ex. kcntucky C(illms Ale Td(l\ISCT(i llhltTttny T1123: T‘TiTT
of micensorship other than that alreadv est't— plalned, can be used by enemy agents to young man or woman in their families, 1.511.111 113111 .
ited whlished. . ‘ compile weather predictions that are es- their shops, or their communities, who 1"“1‘5! .1 111
(1&1ka “B TTTO I); T- . T, \. . sential forTsubmarlne action or air raids have had some mechanical experience in TiTTT TT'ITiTT ,
1,9; (321511). T y n. . 11ce,T a mute] .» ssoc1ated and for T1115 reason general weather sum- the printing shop, and who are high 1411? 11311
)lannet tess buieau chief, and John Sorrells, maries have been discontinued. school graduates, can enroll in the Uni- TiThii ,T'TT‘ini,
[C after also an active newspaper man, made it "The Code of Wartime Practices is versity of Kentucky and procure most, if i 1 T; 1'
2 enter-dear that What they are asking of news- the guide book by which the Bureau of not all, their expenses by working in the T111” 1;
he PrTTxlT’i‘PTe“? 1.3 that the}: CXCI‘ClSC voluntary Censorship answers questions submitted. Kernal printing plant. The new change 111I ‘T i
be semccnsotship so effectively that no com- The Bureau will keep newspapers in- in the University curriculum from the 1f1'111T 111 :.
Janying[:ulsTorycensorship Will. be necessary. Of formed concerning any revision of the former semester system to the Tfour-quar- T' ‘iT 1111111"
aire OTTIKTH'TSC ”1 ITTlllllaY)’ «11011.3 UK: A1 my and Code of which every newspaper should ter, all~year-around program is particu- 11 35:1. ‘11 ,ITITTTT,
1' Cdito: TY CXCICISe censorship. have a copy as it is a safe guide to fol- larly helpful and inviting. Applicants. 11 HT TTI,”
1T K6111 . Mr. Nelson, Archibald MacLeish, (li— low” stating their (ptalifications, are requested 1 iT 'T TT‘t .
nd PlfllTlector of the O.F. 13., and Mr. Sorrells . Mr. Underwood will give the editors to communicate with the Business Office, ' 1T4: Ti
Tacmimmade it clear that it is impossible to lurthcr Information and constructive ad- Kentucky Kernel. at once for possible T1 f,TI1T 211i ‘TI T
obtain any information about: the pro— "iCC thn 110 IIPPCIH‘S on 1110 program at enrollment during the stunmer sessions 11 .12 'f'
duction of the enemies of the United the mid-summer meeting. or fall quarter. They are several open- T1 FT.1TI"
TSTWTTTTTStates at the present time. Mr. Sorrells ______ ings for qualified young people in the T; j: if 1’1
‘ pomted out that