xt72804xkh9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xkh9d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1994-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1994 text GLSO News, August 1994 1994 1994-08 2019 true xt72804xkh9d section xt72804xkh9d [WWW <> i994} .
National Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line

STONEWALL 25 CELEBRATION Teenage Gay/Lesbian Support
Of all the celebrations of gay, lesbian and bisexual (800) 247-TEEN
identity this past June, none was bigger than the Thurs. - Sun. 7pm-Mldnlght
Stonewall 25 week in New York City. A variety of Other highlights were going to the
somal, cultural, political, and athletic events Stonewall Inn [restored since 1969] and feeling
unfolded 'n the my that was home to the that sense of history; taking over the city; the food,
Stonewall Inn, the gay bar that saw the fight for which was everywhere and great; T—shirts; going
equal rights escalate. Stonewall has become to a pre-march rally and hearing music and saying
shorthand for the weekend in 1969 when patrons to each other “listen they’re playing a Yer
Of that gay bar decrded to fight back against Girlfriend tape,” then discovering that it WAS Yer
harassmg 90"09- .WT‘"9 Stonewa” mail ”0‘ We Girlfriend [the lesbian band from Louisville]. The
been truly the beginning Of our struggle, 't certainly march itself: drag queens from the Stonewall riot
was a landmark in the development of our deter— proudly marching, the large contingent of New
mination, organization, and public awareness. As York City lesbigay police, lesbigays from South
such, It was an appropriate occa8ion for a celebra- Africa, Nicaragua, all over the world, the beautiful
tion. The GLSO News asked for. reports from mile-long rainbow flag, the moving ‘adopt a buddy'
some Lexrngtonians who were there. group who carried posters and pictures of people

_ . _ who have died of AIDS (we brought a poster home

One Of the highlights Of my trip to New York and are sending it back to his sponsor in

was the excrtement Of being able to get new.“ California). There were many other impressions
ets for and see-the f'rSt part Of the play, Ange/s ”7 and reflections, but I cannot fail to mention the
America. The '8 an extremely movmg play about leather group with whips cracking and the woman
diverse characters who are all somehow intercon— wagging her weeny at the police and the police-
nected, including a fearful houseWIfe With halluci- menie reaction to it, laughing, telling stories about
nations; her husband, a devout Mormon who is the golden mother aka. the yellow mama!
facing coming-out issues; a funny, lovable cross— —-Barb Scherrer
dresser who is dying of AIDS; his lover, who has
abandoned him; and many others. The original Having been to the March on Washing-ton
cast performed a special matinee performance last year, I found that the Gay Games in New
that was astounding! York had so much of the same spirit and enthusi—

continued on page 2

 (from page 1)
GESCQ NCQWS asm among the thousands of people who attend-
Published Monthly by the ed. Emotions were keen and camaraderie was
Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization the order 0f each day as we walked the my
R0. Box "471 streets from one event to another. I have never
l. . t n KY 40575 felt as comfortable in New York City as i did during
exmg o ’ the week of the games. It was wonderful to see
Editor: gays and lesbians being open and at ease with
. one another.
Brian Throckmorton The Stonewall March on Sunday was
. overwhelming, as thousands upon thousands
L3Y0Ut Editor: marched through the streets of New York and into
Elizabeth A. Gilliam Central Park. Kentucky and Tennessee marched
together--leading our group was a southern belle
6150 Annual Dues and NeWSIener: $15 all in pink, complete with hoop skirt and parasol.
Dues and Newsletter for Couples: $20 —-Shelby Reynolds
Newsletter Only: $10
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of For me: Stonewall 25 was a reunion With the
the authors and don’t necessarily represent those of the friends I knew while living in New York and a
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All celebration Of gay pride With people from across
submissions become the property of GLSO and must indicate the US. and around the world. Highlights for me
full name and address of the author. The staff reserves the _ ,
right to edit submissions and ads to meet publishing require- were afiend'ng a geld-om concert at camegle Ha“
ments, as well as the right to reject any submissions. featuring the NYC and Seattle Gay Men’s
Placement of advertising in GLSO News denotes neither a Choruses, mingling with thousands and gays and
person’s sexual orientation nora business’customerpreferenoe. lesbians on Christopher Street and at the West
River Pride Fair and witnessing The International
March past the United Nations. The march gave
SMPPORI INC 3u$lfil€$$€$ me a real sense of the global dimensions to our
INA t ’43 0‘3 :15; IN 1H5 community and raised my awareness of the dan-
gers faced by gays and lesbians around the world
and the need for recognition and protection by all
@@§@ fléwg governments and the UN. Despite the serious-
ness of the march, the overriding atmosphere was
a celebration of pride and feeling safe among so
many other gay and lesbian people.
THEY «Mike Taylor
suPPORT For additional local perspectives on the
Stonewall 25 celebration, see Linda West’s
You! Lesbian at Large column, beginning on page 4.
Thanks to all who contributed their thoughts!
--The Editor
GLSO News Page 2

 GAY MAN SPEAKS TO LOUISVILLE ed that I am a gay man. I am in a loving, monoga-

mous relationship with another man. I have good

HIGH SCHOOL PUBLIC HEARING friends and a wonderful career. I contribute to
BY KELL JULL'ARD society in many ways.

What you are about to hear is a true story But for my survival, l have no one in a
ofa young man who was in the advanced program position of authority at my high school to thank.
at Waggener High School in Jefferson County. AS a gay teenager, SChOOl was a dangerous place.
This boy grew up in a typical loving home. He had I urge you to change this state of affairs,
never heard of homosexuality, nor did he have any to find a way to give Support and understanding to
role models who were gay or who to his knowl- gay and lesbian teenagers so that they will not
edge had sexual relations with members of the have to endure the hell I went through, so that
same sex. In sixth grade, he fantasized often they will know that verbal and physical violence
about getting married and having a family, against them will not be tolerated, so that they can

One day in eighth grade, he was looking have someone to talk to, someone who will sup-
at a junior scholastic magazine. On the back was port their process of self-discovery.
an advertisement of some kind. In the ad, a group To those who have the power to make our
of tanned young men were standing around a schools safer for gay and lesbian youth, I hope
beautiful young woman on a platform on a beach. you will do this out of compassion for these young
For the first time in his life the boy was aware of people... Create a way for them to reach out for
experiencing sexual attraction. He looked at the support. Help them break out of the Vicious cycle
beautiful young woman. The attraction went of fear and loneliness in which I was trapped.
away. He looked at the tanned young men in the This speech was delivered at a public hearing at
picture. The attraction returned powerfully_ He Central High School in Louisville. Reprinted from
repeated this process again and again, hoping, the Louisville P—FLAG Newsletter, July 1994.
praying for different results. . _ _

The boy felt confusion and fear. Suddenly
the once-friendly environment of his junior high fi g g
classroom was an alien place. He feared that if
anyone found out about the feelings he had just @(‘DlJ—tflfimg m9 film [(1th
experienced, he would be ridiculed, despised, and
perhaps even physically hurt or beaten. His @g§@ m
school and all the people in it, students, teachers, GEES
counselors, and administrators, were no longer--
safe. September: Election preview--

As the boy lived in this fear and isolation, h d h did 2
he became severely depressed. For seven more W at O t 9 can ' ates sall-
years, throughout high school and into college, October; Coming Out Day
suicide was constantly on his mind. He tried dat- .
ing several girls. He tried religion. He secretly November: Local busmesses
went to psychotherapy. But nothing changed the that don 't discriminate
attraction he had to people of his same sex. , , ,

Perhaps you guessed that the boy I refer December: Our Spirituality

to in this story is myself. That I stand before you
today,.a|ive, liconsider to be a miracle. My life To help with these articles, or to suggest
today is a-testimony to the despair a human being other topics, ca” Brian at 278-0795.
can experience and still live. Today I have accept-
] GLSO News Page 3

 H 0 of straight society are anything but true: for
U) LESblan At instance, the straight conventional wisdom that
d) small towns are friendlier than big cities. Not true
a if you're queer. People in New York were friendly
('5 in a way one would never encounter here in
‘5 Lexington. A native New Yorker who shared the
_E airport limo with us struck up a conversation.
_I When I told her we had come from Kentucky to
Two days back from the Gay Games and see the Gay Games, she never batted an eye, just
Stonewall 25, my spouse and l were ready to go began telling us the safest ways to travel in the
again. The ten days we spent in New York was city and how to protect ourselves from being
one of the best vacations we’ve taken in twenty- mugged. A straight man at a bus stop asked us if
two years of taking vacations together. we were there for the Gay Games and when we
This was a trip filled with one incredible said yes, gave us friendly advice about inexpen—
“first" after another. We saw an officially out—of- sive eateries and even told us about a bar for
the-closet Greg Louganis give an exhibition of div- “ladies" near our hotel. At an exhibit of pho-
ing. We saw African-American Olympic figure tographs from the Advocate held at Seagram’s
skater Debbie Thomas perform a comedy skating corporate headquarters, the receptionist was
routine. We saw the first ever public exhibition of entirely pleasant and courteous. And so it went. I
same-sex couples doing Olympic caliber skating. am certain that much of the relative acceptance
We saw same sex couples—wearing at least a we encountered is attributable to the moral exam-
pound of sequins apiece—dance at the first inter- ple that New York has set for its citizens by ban-
national Gay and ning anti—Gay discrimi-
Lesbian ballroom danc- One Of our most memorable eVenings nation in employment,
ing competition. We was spent at “Lucky Cheung’s,”a housing, and public
went to the first US. Chinese Gay restaurant whose ads accommodations. It felt
performance by the promised that “all of our waiters are “beratmg‘ .
International Lesbian . . ,, Another experi-
and Gay Baroque beautrfulAsran drag queens, . ence that was unex_
Chamber Orchestra. 35 Indeed they turned out to be- pectedly liberating was
We went to an MCC that of seeing the Gay
church service at the Lincoln Center featuring a and Lesbian ghettos of Greenwich Village and
100-member gospel choir and a liturgy in celebra- Chelsea. Our forays into the Village were trips to
tion of Stonewall. For ten days we lived in a city a Gay and Lesbian city within the city of New York.
where it felt not as if we were there to protest, but At the Lesbian and Gay Community Center, elder-
as if we were there celebrating our heritage as ly Gay men sat on benches in the courtyard enjoy-
one more minority in a stew of minorities—a peo- ing tea and conversation. At “Eighteenth and
pie with our own space and culture which was Eighth," a Gay restaurant, two men at the table
simply one more vibrant part of the mix, one more next to us took turns feeding and cooing at their
seasoning in the stew. baby. At a drugstore, grocery, and camera shop
An unexpected pleasure was the courtesy everyone from the bag boy up was visibly queer.
and warmth of straight New Yorkers, most of Ditto a hardware store and watch repair shop.
whom clearly recognized us as Lesbian (in New Two elderly Lesbians ran the newsstand where we
York apparently everybody has “gaydar”). The bought The Village Voice. At the restored
friendliness of New Yorkers reminded me of how Stonewall Inn we found a city historic marker iden-
often I find that for me as a Lesbian, the “truisms” tifying the bar as the site of the Stonewall riots,
GLSO News Page 4

 and in a park across from the Stonewall, statues a woman to a “lunatic asylum" in 1870 for treat-
of two women sat on a park bench holding hands ment of “sexual inversion" and the “medical
while statues of two men in intimate conversation records" of a man “treated” for homosexuality a
stood nearby. Banners strung across various inter— hundred years later, copies of criminal charges
sections proclaimed “Happy Gay Pride Week” and and convictions, federal government memos
rainbow flags hung from storefronts, apartment ordering federal offices to fire all Gay and Lesbian
windows, and houses. Everywhere we looked, the employees, court orders declaring Lesbian moth-
world was queer. ers “unfit," newspaper articles reporting a hundred
The world was also a lot more internation- years of Gay-bashings. And there was evidence
al. We attended regular Sunday services at the of resistance. There were original papers from
Manhattan M00 and found that Bible readings World War ll Gay veterans organizations, from
were in English, Spanish, and Chinese. A bulletin African-American Lesbian social organizations of
board at the Lesbian and . . the 1920’s, from community
Ga Community Center . aid or anizations existin gen-
inclyuded a notice about SO many people Who [wed and eratiogs before Stonewgll. So
meetings of Brazilian and StruQQIed and Who COUId neVer many people who lived and
Haitian Gay Santeria prac- have imagined that their struggled and who could
titioners. And one of our sometimes solitary battles were never have imagined that their
most memorable eyenings part ofa historic movement. sometimes solitary. battles
was spent at Lucky were part of a historic move-
Cheng's,” a Chinese Gay - ment, or that someday their
restaurant whose ads in The Village Voice very spirits would look out from the walls of a pub-
promised that “all of our waiters are beautiful lic building at hundreds of thousands of others like
Asian drag queens,” as indeed they turned out to themselves.
be. “Becoming Visible” seemed to summarize
The community in New York seemed joy- what the New York Gay and Lesbian community
fully open, but one of the high points of our visit has achieved. It's a community as vividly visible
invoked somber reflection on the long road that as the Orthodox Jews with their beards and
has led to that Openness. Atwenty-foot pink trian- yarmulkes or the city’s Latino/a population.
gle hung from the columns of the New York Public Refusing to be silenced or assimilated, it has
Library with the name of the exhibit on display achieved recognition as a cultural minority with a
inside: “Becoming Visible.” This museum-quality legitimate place in the life of the city. It’s a status
exhibit contained hundreds, if not thousands, of we could wish for our communities everywhere.
artifacts drawn from the history of Lesbians and
Ga 3 in the ci . The exhibit took up much of the " F “Tm?
first/floor of theylibrary, a massive building the size ‘ PQQUSUS TI'QVQI lnc- ii
of the Federal Courthouse here in Lexington. The kin/m fibladr-é’rfiu— Hm I!
exhibit was emotionally powerful in a way l find [4/‘ goggfgyp& 525,” Grant“ Ii
hard to describe. People walked through it in utter _,~ ‘3: ... .. i‘i
silence, past life-size photographs of kissing nine- ’ .-‘.-= 35. g ,, fl ft}; :‘71 ' -, :1... ii
teenth century Lesbians and men dressed in drag ii 32;: 17:5,. 3‘. ;1 '._-; '5??? if}; "‘31:; 3-": 1:: ii
a hundred and more years ago. Other pho- ii (800) 2284337 (606) 2684337 i;
tographs, along With hundreds of pieces of docu- il 2040 We HWQEM, 1'?
mentary evidence of Lesbian and Gay lives, filled ii Richmond Road, Lexington, KY 40502 SE
display cases. There were undesirable discharge 5&9954510N WUiEéflLUBQifEL-f
papers dating to World War ll, papers committing 7‘ “—MW—WW 7 A
GLSO News Page 5

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GLSO News Page 6


The state of Mississippi has been the
scene of national attention since November -

1993, when Brenda and Wanda Henson’s femi- I n th e
nist retreat became victims of systematic
harassment, death threats and violence. G Ls o N

The group Mississippi for Family ews
Values, headed by James Hendry, began a
campaign against the couple, and has orga- ' ' .
nized rallies and rallies aimed at disbanding the DlmenSIOnS.
camp- . , Full page: 7.75 x 6.5

After national attention, Atty. Gen. Janet
Reno ordered FBl investigations of the Half page: 7.75x3.75 or 3.125x6.5
Hensons’oallegations that Mississippi officials Quarter page: 3_75 x 3_125
were at times unresponswe to requests for E. h h .
assistance or intervention, and have acted in an '9 t [3399- 2 x 3-125
antagonistic manner. Reno also ordered FBI
agents to the camp, marking the first time that .
homosexuals have been federally protected. COSt per month '

The Subcommittee on Civil and 1 3 6 12
gonstittltJtiogal Fctjigtht: of the Houtfie :Iudiciary fu" $45 $40 $35 $29

ommi ee ear es imony rom e ensons,
leaders of the Mississippi for Family Values, half $30 $27 $24 $20
local officials, and others on July 6. quarter $20 $18 $16 $13

“We do not seek tolerance and accep- -
tance," said Wanda Henson. “We seek equality Eighth $12 $10 $ 9 $ 7
under the law and freedom from oppression,
intimidation, and harrassment. We seek'justice Classified ads may be purchased
zgfefidligj'rfgfifim that '5 “Dame and W'"'”9 to at the rate of $.10 per word up to

Hendry told the Committee that he did 25 words, and $.20 for every
not want the Hensons to leave Ovett, but only word over 25_
opposes “the commercial aspect" of the camp,
although in his column in a local newspaper as _ .
early as November, 1993, he stated his view Ads may be sumetted in any form,
that the Hensons and ‘their group” should have although an IBM or Mac dIsk is pre-
their land bought up and should be encouraged ferred for camera-ready items. Ads can
to move to New York or California. now be designed by GLSO staff -

Hendry has also said that he would not with ample notice.
oppose a Christian camp, with a similar “com-
mercial use." - - -

At present, there is no federal law to The deadlme for Sme'ss'ons
protect the civil rights of persons discriminated IS the 17th Of each month.
against due to their sexual orientation.

GLSO News Page 7

 9 .,.. a___
A t 1994 .
.f‘m‘. ugus $19,353 . Lenin E. Kepler“, MSW
.‘ . o 20:9...8001'7 C/l’nl-Cdl Sacra] “for/{er
A ,” ¢ Have You Re g1stered To Vote For November? $13121“ Caron-6.1 Clem-mi Dependency com/o,
Q ..
1 2 3 4 5 6 exxng onv
GLSO Board Mtg.- 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- 8:00pm HIV/AIDS 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian filmrigovnfumgm .G .
Ma ,S Al-Anon Woodland Park Sppt.Grp. AA 11:00am Semi? £352.? <6) (0) 6/ 2 <5 4 :9 l l 2
8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian _ __,,
Bowling-Southland AA COLTS: Mr. Kentucky Leather
7 9 1 0 1 1 4 12 13
:‘NM ACE m 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- 8:00pm HIV/AIDS 7100p!“ Dignity . 3:03 F
65%;: Moe/kfiigm Al-Anon Woodland Park Sppt.Grp. 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 10300“: gsfigppt'm. P 0
Motel ' 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA . P o 0' O U it UP I
7:00pm Gay/mm AA Bowling-Southland AA Hotlanta River Expo R u .
4 6 17 18 19 20 Brood Pol Grooming
1 1 5 1
:00!“ {\CEfilfngfi?) 7:30pm Fairness 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian GLSO NCWS Deadline 7:30pm P-FLAG 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 9100a!“ Frontrunners Exper‘i PnC‘ 0d
62%: {fanning n1 eaf Meeting -mfalfats Al-Anon 6:00pm Frontrunners— 8:00pm HIV/ AIDS AA 10:00am HIV/AIDS
Motel 8:45pm Rainbow W°°dland Park Sppt.Grp. SPPLGTP- ,
7 :00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowling-Southland 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 10:00am Men’s Network 2 7 7 9 36 5
AA _
21 23 24 25 26 27
0 FM . 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunneis- 8:00pm HIV/AIDS 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am Frontrunners
Al-Anon Woodland Park Sppt.Grp. 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 10:00am HIV/AIDS
2%: figifgf‘zgflm 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 8:00pm COLTS Mtg. AA Sppt.Grp.
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowlmg-Southland AA
28 29 30 31 . .
0 LQ 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- ‘ valunteer for HIV P r eventlon
4:00pm ACE League (Berea) Al-Anon Woodland Park ,
2:00pm $72: (it-($112113; 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian .
733,52 Gay/mg; M Bowling-Southland AA Volunteer to create an HIV prevent1on plan for
Kentucky. If you are living with HIV infec-
July September tion, if you are at risk for HIV, or if you have
S M T W T F S S M T W T F S _ .
“F 2‘ “—1 2 3 related professmnal expert1se, we need your
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ' '
1g 1; is $3 :11 $3 $3 ,, ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 help. For more 1nformat10n, call Carolyn
24 25 25 27 28 29 3o 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '
a, 25 26 2, 28 29 30 Ell1ott at 606-288-2375.
Kentucky HIV/AIDS Education Program
Cabinet for Human Resources

 planning groups. Each regional group will develop
C OMMUIJII1YY$EISSILI2$R OJE CT alplatn whichhwill bedincorpforated intoda statewide
BY jEFF VESSELS pan 0 stopt lS epe emic rom sprea mg.
I look into the eyes of each man in the photo- We need Your help in creating HIV prevention pro-
graph. John. Lewis. Allen. Chris. Brad. Andre. grams that will have the greatest impact. You
Paul. Antonio. Curtis. (Not their real names.) All don't need formal education or Special training to
of us gay men. It’s Holiday Season 1990. The participate in this project. AS a member 01‘ the
expressions on our faces reflect our mutual love community most devestated ny HIV. YOU have all
and respect, the expertise we need. Your experiences tell you
what works and what doesn’t work to stop the
Today, only three of the ten of us are alive. ViiUS from spreading.
On tough days, i look at that photograph. It The HIV Prevention Community Planning Project
reminds me of a reason why almost two years ago focuses on HiV ore—verm. Prevention iS different
I took the job of HIV/AIDS education supervisor for from education. Education involves providing the
the Department fo Health . facts about HIV/AIDS, so
Siam”: :” {Furietifothtat l' t9” This project is a recognition :1": dpiiiéfm’iflgvivniélvie?
n, an s i , can . .
contribute and help stop the that’ In order to StOp the BUt prevention iS mUCh
spread of H|V among my Spread OfHIV: we mUSt 3” more complex. Prevention
friends_ my sisters and brothers work together. Government involoves behavior change,
in the lesbian/gay/bisexual/ alone cannot stop this virus -- then maintenance of those
transgender community, and the nor can the community alone. Changed behaleTS-
"35‘ Of our human family- All of us have strengths to gnzggigvéhgiggsrye‘éfrggjrd
I am proud of our community . contrIbUte to the fight _ Cise habits, or to StOP
and its incredible response to smoking, knows that
this epidemic. knowledge alone doesn’t change our behaviors.
- Genuine behavior change requires that we get
Today, i am asking for more of your help. We support from friends, see improvements in our life,
have a new opportunity to come together to fight and much more. Behavior change and mainte-
this epidemic, We can’t afford to pass up this nance must be our focus if we are to make a true
chance. No doubt, it’s going to take all of us to impact in stopping the spread 0t HIV-
win the battle against HIV/AIDS.
Some will ask, ”Why should we help? Why should
This new opportunity is called the HIV Prevention we trust government?”
Community Planning Project. The project‘s pur-
pose is to organize Kentuckians living the HIV dis- this project is a recognition that, in order to StOP
ease, community-members at highest risk of the spread 0t HIV, we must all work together.
becoming HIV-infected, and governmental and Government alone cannot stop this virus—nor can
non-governmental organizations into regional the community alone. A” Of US have strengths to
contribute to the fight.

 It recognizes that the true enemy is a deadly virus
called HIV. It is in everyone’s interest that we
work together to stop HlV from consuming us. ALFALPA
The project is about personal and institutional .
change. Sure, HIV/AIDS prevention programs ‘ _ . . '
can contribute to operate as they always have. .2 MW
But we have to gain by coming together and look- . ," '4’]. ‘4’?
ing honestly at what is working, what needs to be " "} ‘. 'l ' ‘
adjusted, what we should be doing but aren’t, and " ' . ‘
what we need to scrap.
The HIV Prevention Community Planning Project R E S T A U R A N T
has a built-in mutual accountability system. As 557 S, Limestone
part of its HIV prevention grant application to the Lexington, KY
federal geovernment in the fall of each year, the 253_0014
state health department must attach a letter from
each communti plannin group. Each letter will
say whether the group Egrees or disagrees with Renowned weekend brunCh:
the state’s grant application. If the grant applica- Serving blueberry buckwheat
tion does not reflect the community planning pancakes, eggs benedict
groups’ priorities, and all parties cannot come to -
some agreement, the federal government will step arnOId’ SpamSh omelettes’
in a mediate between the planning groups and the and mUCh more-
state health department.
| invite you right now to pull out photographs of
your friends and look into their eyes. What can
you do to help stop the pain from growing? We
CAN stop this virus. Let’s commit ourselves to
working toward common solutions.
allf you would like more information about thiS[]
EEproject, please call me in Frankfort at ($02) 564- [i Breads and desserts baked
i 6539, or Carolyn Elliott, statewrde prOject coor-f] dail in our kitchen
idinator, in Lexington at (606) 288-2375. [] y '
ijr, send your name, address and daytimelj
alphone number to: El Free evening parking.
j Carolyn Elliott [1
j§ Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept. %
lr650 Newtown Pike [j
ill Lexington, KY 40508 i]
GLSO News Page II

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M . 2.7.1223“? Ghso
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GLSO News Page 12

 OUT ON THE FOURTH that “normal"-looking people aren’t gay.
BY BRIAN THROCKMORTON l was reminded of an offensive ad which
i had never attended any of Lexington’s was run several years ago by K-93 country radio.

'a Independence Day parades, mosfly because Main lt read: "There are still a few people who don’t lis-
Street isn’t air-conditioned, but this year I joined ten to K'93-” Insert PhOtO Of an all-out punker With
more than 50 people who marched in a cluster of starched mohawk and multiple piercings. "BUt YOU
groups that included P-FLAG, the Imperial Court, probably don't know any of them” There was an

I M00, and people who were just plain gay, A rider- implicit P.S.: “And therefore they don’t matter.”

_ less horse symbolized the presence in memory of n anyone on the sidelines came away With
those who have died of AIDS. Afloat designed by the notion that we are a tiny, insignificant minority
the Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association chapter fea- JUSt because one doesn’t see many people
tured a revolving pyramid with a pink side, a rain- dressed the way many Of US were, I hope they get
bow side, and a red-whjte-and.bjue side. over it. It’s just that we are comfortable now with

Even though there was no central banner the freedom to look our most expressiveuto say
announcing “here come the gays,” it was clear with our looks as well as our shouts, “We’re here,
who we were. Fashion statements of many kinds we’r e queer, get used to it"
manifested themselves: short shorts, unusual hair I ‘ I

t cuts and colors, T—shirts, body paint, buttons, nip-
ple rings, Freedom rings,and a man in a dress.

How did the crowd react? On the whole, ¢rsonal Otes
their response supported my good mood. People
seemed to be 50% positive, 40% neutral or con- WANTED: Housemate to share home with
fused, and 10% hostile. i had been given some two really cool wimmin and four animals.
hot pink flyers to distribute to the onlookers, to Your share: $175 + 1/3 utilities Close to
explain the iconography of some of our displays. l campus. Call Teresa, 278-3657.
tried to hand one to a man who had evidently
been approached already, because he shouted, HOUSEMATE WANTED: Three bedrooms,
“I’m telling you, we don’t want it!" Others, howev- one bath, patio. Off Richmond Road. Non-
er, were genuinely interested to receive a copy. smoker, male or female. $350/month, includ-

We received an especially warm welcome ing utilities. Call Ron, 266-5890.
as we marched past the block where the Bar is
located, but all along the route, there were pockets THREE ROOMMATES WANTED:
of appreciative outbursts. Mayor Pam Miller Female/male roommate for large two-story
smiled and called out greetings to us as we house in country on 10 acres in Fayette
passed her reviewing stand. County, off Paris Pike. Animals welcome.

As we paraded up and down Main Street, $300 includes all but phone. Responsible
l pondered the image we were presenting. At the professional individuals only. Contact Jenny
same time that l was happy that so many of us felt Mills at 273-1454.
safe appearing in our most exotic get-ups, I won-
dered whether homophobes in the observing LESBIAN AND LESBIAN FEMINlST BOOK
crowd might use that very exoticness--the pierc- SALE. Dozens of titles. August 13-14, from
ings, the purple hair-—to buttress their assumptions 1-7. Call Mojra at 223-9121.

GLSO News Page 13

 b gvelybody makes
5' mistakes.
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nature makes such
great erasers. 5
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 She testified that she did not tell, since the abuse
I had stopped, and because she didn’t want to
cause trouble in her family.
The jury for that trial deadlocked: 9-3 in
______ —_ favor of acquittal.
by Elizabeth Gilliam What kind of message does this send?
What ab