xt72804xjf5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xjf5f/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 10, June 1, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 10, June 1, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt72804xjf5f section xt72804xjf5f ·. To Editors: The A
pm in this B¤···=¤¤ THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Entered ¤· mma .
rs prepared for the     V;4_ M   ',_,,%   5 _ _V     class matter at the
F"°” a“d ‘s '°'°a$°" {Y   . . i l-     `·           C A   " post office at Lex.
a for publication on zj  ~>;` §$*¥*’*?**·*‘ _   “‘i'*·;F<—; jZ?=‘=e"~*¥;Q if         QZ ;i__ ‘·j.   .
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recenpt.     —____M_:;·   _;ag,_,,,;,¤ ei.,     _.,,_..__ ;_;L.  si   -.
4 June 1, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol, [_ N0_ 10
The summer School of the Univer- Radi? telegmphers and Gléctricwills EaccaIau,,5;gGSi?nTén at WOOd_ The SGGUOHS and branches of The The Henry Clay Law Society, COI.
sity Of Kentucky wm be in Session are being developed at the University land Audit0rium_Sunday’ June 2, American Society of Mechanical En- lege of Law, University of Kentucky,
June 17 to July 28, a period of six 0f Kentucky as a part of the train- 2 _ _ gineers have an o ortunit to ac- will resent a service fla t li l-
_ _ _ P M _ DD Y p g 0 t e C0
Weeks. The work 15d delsiened Yi)? ing of the 110 soldiers in service at l General Class Reunli0ns——M0ns coniplish a real service to the country lege, with a star for every man m the
?€“c*}€’_·’· Sutdenm an _t_1°S9 SQ? " Camp Buell. The men go to the Uni— daY¤ Ju”° 3- _ by taking prompt acti·on in getting service who has ever attended the
mg information and training. With _ _ Class Day EXe,.c,SeS_-I-uesday _ _ _
.   _ . _ _ versity daily and assemble for class ’ tho industries to co-operate \V1t]1 the College. The list is as yet incom-
the instruction are to be given a num , June 4, 10 A. M. . .
bm. Of Special fmtur€S_ The Cum-G work, hearing lectures on the funda— Installation of President F_ L_ universities, colleges and technical P1€t€· _b¤t 111 all D1`0b8bU1tY the Dum-
plaut or the University, including mentals of electricity, and receiving Mcv€y..·ruesday, June 4, 5 p_ M_ schools in utilizing the great woman- ber will be 20O·
laboratories, libraries and building, IS practical instruction in assigned _p.—esentat;°n gf Joseph picker power of the United States by edu- John S- Sh€¥'W00d» Cyuthiaila, has
available for use. _ Work portrait-Tuesday, June 4, 4 p, M, eating them through short intensive gone to Fort Grant, Ill., toattend the
No entrance examination is r€qU11‘· , President MoVey’s Reception- COHTSBS Of Study as Sgt forth in the fourth Officers’ Trainin Cam
. . . _ D·
gd for admission, but 1nStruGt01‘S Thlfti Of the men Mig em`°u€d as Tuesday, Ju,-,6 4, 4:30 p_ M_ following resolutions, adopted by the Chas S Ramsey Sgbme has r€_
must be consulted COHCQTUIUS DF€1‘€· Glecmcmus Wm am heme t&u§ht all Graduation Exe;-C;s€s-wednes. Detroit section of the American So- Ortedét hm Navaf Tmmi ’ Stun
quigite preparation for some c0u1‘S€S- kinds of electric wiring. As a test day, Jung 5, 11 A_ .|v|_ ciety of Mechanical Engineering S0- gt Great Lakes H1 ng Ou
Students who have tfullu gntrallcé 0; theiruknowledge of electric wiring Ammn; |__unchg0n-WgdngS_day' ciety in joint session May 3, 1918, Morgan AtchiS0D' Owingsvme has
credit to the Universi y wi e g1V€H t ey wi be required to wire a house Annual Meeting Ammn; Assoc;- which are reproduced here in the . . ’ ’
credit toward degrees in college w0l’k· the shop men will build. at;0n_wedneSday, Jung 5, 3 p_ M_ · hope that papers of the State will JOEISSS ug Igzisker Auburn ha been
Four semester credits will he g1V€11 f01` Eighty men are studying radio teleg- June 5, 1:30 p_ M_ give them wider circulation. Ordemé té report 'to Cam ’ Taslbr
OHS double Course conslstmg of two mphy and at PTBSBM are devoting   "Whereas, the demands ofthe coun- E E Ha d S b I3 ySh`
hours a day for the session. TWO their attention to learning the Conti- try for men and means t·o iight the Wood   SrP21’ Sega geek) ' S` d in
semester credits will be given for 21 nental Code. They will ·be trained w'ar has resulted in a denciency of L N’ til `tt il ¥’ tee rei? an '
single course, one hour a day f01' th€ to efficiency in receiving or sending COMMENCEMENT OPENS skilled workers in the trades and pro- Céssfgi cu ’ d   ug O? kav? Suc-
session. N0 student will be allowed — 20 words a. minute. The more pro- WITH BACCALAUREATE fessions, and ammatigupasse 8 BH uc Y bar ex`
to take more than six semester cred- iicient of the class will be given in- -·—; "\Vhereas, the women of this coun- ' I
its. · struction in wireless telegraphy be-` Examinations were completed at try could, with a short period ot train-
Exceptional `advantagcs WiU_b€ g1V· fore the work is completed. the University of Kentucky Friday, ing, iit themselves to fill these posi- UNIVERSITY WOMEN
en to Stud€HtS Wh0 31`G Qualified to Professor E. C. Freeman is in gG11· May 31. Commencement week will tions, as women have done in other DELEGATES T0 Y. W. C. A.
teach Ag1‘iQl1l¤¤‘6 aud V0f>atl0¤al @(1* eral charge of the work. open with the baccalaureate sermon c·ountries at war; and —·-— -
ucation U¤d€i` the D1`0V1S10¤S O'? th'? ——;i at Vvodland Auditorium, Sunday after- "Whereas, among the things which At a meeting of the Y, W, C, A_,
Smith-Huglies Act. Courses will be HQW UNIVERSITY HANDLES non, June 2, by the Rev. Charles R. women could do advantageously are held in Recreation Hall, at Patter-
offered in Agriwltilfal Ed¤€¤t10¤ ilnd UNCLE SAM’S MECHANIQS Walsh, Louisville, and will be con- drafting and tracing, inspection and son Hall, Sunday night, May 12, Mil-
in Educational Psycholcgy, wlllch T. eluded by the annual meeting of the testing of materials, both physically dred Graham, Louisville; Louise Will,
Will especially it SU1d€¤l§ fer the Ol" The necessity for auto repair men Alumni Association Vlfednesday after- and chemically; therefore, Louisville; Ruth Duckwall, Louisville;
ganization and p1‘eS€Dtat1011 ot V0€¤· and for Chaugeurs has been Gmphw noon, June 5, "ReS0lVed, that the universities, COI- Mary Beal], Louisville; Nell Crain, Pa,
tional Work 111 th€ high $@10015 of Sized by the Government ju planning The Commencement Exercises will leges and technical schools through- ducah; Eliza Clay Mason, Paris;
ih<> Siem- _ _ _ practical and technical training for be held Wednesday morning in a out the land be asked to consider the Marie Collins, Paris, and Elizabeth
W01‘k has b6€H D1‘¤V1d¤d m Pmctb men at Camp Bu€u_ T\`vO hundred large tent in front of the Ad1ninistra— question of meeting this demand by Kraft, Louisville, were elected dele-
cally all the C<>ll<·>gGS ¤¤d‘ <}6D¤_Ftm€¤t§ and twenty men report to the Univer- tion building, at which time 119 men providing special courses of instruc- gates to attend the conference for Y.
{ of W6 U¤1V€FS1tY· _C°uY$€S_ m [}§"`l‘ sity gf Kentucky daily to receive, in- and women will be graduated from tion, open to women students quali- W. C, A. workers or the colleges or the
culture and Y0€¤U0¤¤l ]¤d¤€¤U0H· struction in this une Of Xvcrk under the College of Arts and Science, Me- lied to pursue such courses; and fur- Southern and Southeastern fields, to ·
Home ILQDHOHUCS. BBC1 C1`0S$y FOOYI the genera] direction Og prop L_ K_ Cllanical. Electrical and Civil Engill- ther, , be held at Blue Ridge, N, Cn June
COHSGYVZMGH, E¥fD€F1}¤€¤ml PSY¢h01‘ Frankel, with _y_ _y_ Curtis, lecturer, eering, Agriculture and Law. Both "Res0lved, that employers who 4-14. In the event that any of the
. OSY, and Ed¤¤¤¤¤¤» including M?’}ml and lou practical men as mSu·uctoyS_ the junior and senior classes of the could use such skilled help exert above mentioned girls should not be
Tests and M0¤S¤}`§m€¤tS»_A`H:i&téCS» Chemistry. };hYSiC;· I?/{ISQOYY Compmtgly equipped Shop yvith ma- of Kentucky Experiment Station will who are as eager and willing to serve —  V
an +conomy, ncien an o ern .   . t . ( 4. · · U · t tl ·. . 1. _
I anguqgcq `vill be Offgrgd ghlngry   ]·gI?gu1ng_ Th? Sgcplong 'l¥)p€¢1I' 'lt COD.llI`1QI1CBl1l€]ll', €\€I`ClS€S ll] I€ll"f`3OU·l1 Ty 21S 1611 blOtl1€l‘s, HIE B       b
* · · ·_ ’ _ ‘ are subdivided into four units, with a Cells and g0“¤S- [`UOSd¤Y WIU U6 bY blmgmg abmit 110t OHIY 1¤€i`€&S€d
. wai eature in the summer . . .. e - . -,   · - . WILL D0 THIS SUMMER
As TP f H S _ P1 foreman lu Charge Og ggghr whlle 3 class day and will hold the attention effectiveness in prosecuting the wai
Scholl there Wi be Coumes ul - WS` units are in the Shops the fourth is of the student body for the entire but also a greater mutual respect and ` . . .
ical E_d“°“ti°u and &thl€U°S’ m base learning to drive and adjust mgielqiuee morning. saner relationship of our men and W1‘;m;x;§ ET£gsrS1;§1_$§a;{;u§:c;y  
bal], toot ball alldl school l'C‘OlH SYD? The time Of training is fron] 8 A. M- Thg fgrrngl installation Of Dr_ W~O11l€I1.” Sulxlmgr aI_€_ g Y
nastics. I I _ ` to 5 p_ Mw with OHS hom. for lecture Frank L. MoVey as president of the These resolutions have been sent Mqry Bgail Mt Sterling who is
Courses odsred m the Mlhmly D6' and Onghalf hom- for qujzzmg Thg University will be held Tuesday after- to the University of Kentucky and Comiuctm a ’c1aSé in Ei lit Wgeli
DaI`tm€Ht will DG mwmged tv meet rgmaindgr of the tjmg is given to non. Charles R. Brock. of Denver, it is D1`0bHbl€ that the UI1iV€1‘SifY g - g
the needs of two Cmssgs. First of _ _   ,. _ _ Club work, which meets at Patter-
· · ·. · , pmlctlcal Work Colorado, representative Of the Alum- Will Off€1‘ U18 COUTSG Of 1HStI`I1Ct1OI`|. Sou HRH Ever Monda afternoon at
UIOSG lmV?iht1m°?l_i° mglstggam   The additional burden of 400 mon Hi ASSOCiati0n, will preside at the from June 10 to September 1()_ For 5 dclock Y Y
or more o e Illll ary cour s; , . · _ · , - ,, ·f ~ · ·
second those having time to devote has not interrupted the regular wor}, Alumni luncheon and annual meeting g ormatéon address the Registrar, Louise Mayer, Louisville, is Expect-
. 1* th .1., Curse L€S_ of the Umverslty but the hours lwve Ou Wgdnesdw ““‘"S‘ Y Of Kentucky mg to spend me summer as emer-
ennre Yun;) Q ml   clch fér men been fitted in to suit those of the class-  ; ggncy county agent in Hardin County
isushgv1mm;§;’€;wic€¥°I`V0rk in in- es and students have gone on in the DICKER, PORTRAIT TO BE HYOU NEVER CAN TELL" virginia Helm Milner, Union Star,
fautry drm_ military Siéualmg_ radio iami E/ay Whig thtgdigeaclilug sltaff PRESENTEI) ON JUNE 4 GIVEN BY PHILOSOPHIANS and Virginia, Croft, Louisville, intend
* · as aenon ea 11ona wor. —i— -
telcgmphy. and manual for mm_COm_ Y H —— to teach dur1ng the summer months
. . ' . .  i· The regard and affection of the SIIBWS You Never Can Tel1," was at the ping Mountain S ttleme t
_’;f1S‘°§§§hg“g’j{jBd?‘Sggfjjtry °" “‘° scHnDU1.n onsnavmn BY alumni of the University of Kentucky presented by me Philosophian sway Sami. G H
F; complete informationand folder BUELL TRAINING- CAMP for Joseph Dicker, who until his of the U¤iV€i`SiliY of K€¤tl1€kY at tha Elizabeth McGowan will return to
describing the work of mak Summer l ·———— · death last fall, was foreman of the Lexington OP€I`¤· H0¤S€» ti? 8· VQTY her home at Bagdad, Ky., to organize
School address the Registrar of the The daily life of the 400 soldiers forge room of the College of Mechan1— large 3ud1€UC€ and Was T`€0¢‘>1V€d With ‘a, Red Cross Unit,
Umvergityl at Camp Buell begins at 5:20 A. M. cal and Electrical Engineering, has great a·PDT€€iati0¤· Ml”S· SSJUG B¤I· Marie Collins, of North Middleton,
Community Singing will be Conducb and closes at 10:30 P. M. The 17 been shown. by the presentation of a. lock Cave directed the rehearsals, will enter the Red Cross Training
ed by Peter W Dykem of the Um hours am 10 minutes me made to use size portrait or Mr. picker to The Philosophian is one of the old- class at the University or Cincinnati.
versity of Wiscépsm Ddring the S60 cover a wide iield of work. Twenty- the University by the alumni. Est Organizations U1 thi? UI1iV€1`Sit'Y» Eliza Piggott, Irlington, will enter
ond week, fOm_‘wm_` lectures will bg five men have been dismissed from Charles Strauss, L. K, Frankelrancl afld its m€mb€!`ShiD is C0mDOS€d of the Red Cross Training Class og In-
given by President Frank L' Mcveyl camp because they were uniit physi- J. D. Turner composed the committee girls- The Play €0¤t¤m€d 111*119 char- dianapolis, Ind.
Special lectures in Law Wm be given cally forlfhe strenuous training,. onnproeuring the portrait, which was acéegg whisk lT€1`9 DI3Y9d by Si1`1S: Doris Jennings, Murray, will spend
by E. Marion Rucker, United States ile Sc edue for Camp Buell 1s. painted by Ferdinand Walker, of ' GELS Q was composed of Miss the Summer in demonstration Work
Assistant Attorney Washington D C 5: 20 A. ]\[,—E`11`St call. Louisville, and will be presented by Eliza SDUI'I`1€1`» MISS Fi`1€d6· I-·€¤1011, for the Ohio Pure Aluminium Com-
OH July 15 zmd`1’6 the Elsi€’Hém; 5:30—Reveille. J. L. Lyle., of‘New York, Tuesday MBS Bertha MiU€l`» Miss Virginia DPHY.
don Kearns pmycrgwm appear in ZL 5:45—lireak1‘ast. r afternoon, June 4. The picture will Hélm Milne?. Miss Elizabeth Mc· —-  °
Series OE Shakespeare and MOHHQ Ou   bf hung Iinuthe senior room in Me- grgfgzgl l\£‘?S;SF-I‘$;u§\;I;lY€1ifi Miss   40 CAMP BUELL MEN
U U ·, _.-t t _ .a -2 — . cianica a . . ayer, iss _
19 uncmly Crlmpus 7:45—Formation for class, ——  Louise Will, Miss Bernice Young, LEARNING CARPENTRY
8:00-11;45—-Classes, UNIVERSITY TEACHER TO Miss Virginia Croft Miss Lucy Cra- Thg fort .
_ ’ y men of Cam Buell who
SEVEN·1§§1§Ig§§I§q§h§é’%AMP i})¤gg—g9rm¤¤¤¤ for camp- eo AT orion: TO FRANCE °*°“· com daily to are Simpspof are Ms-
.2 — inner. — —— . .
- _ _ p chanical and Electmcal College of the
The fouowhx Senior left LOU P· M-—F01`m€1U011 for class. Mary E. Sweeney, head of the De- UNIVERSITY MAN WINS Universjgly of Kentucky, put in an
H _ X __ el · I · t S 1·15·5·00—Cl%SS€S- pertinent of Home Economics. Uni- ORATORIGAL CONTEST hour a day in lecture work and the
*9 U*l""~““Y est Week to attend 5?00—F0¥`m8·U0H f01’ Camp- versity of Kentucky, with her sis-   renminiwr six and one-halt lo ‘· ‘
the Oflice1·s’ Training Camp: Harry 5;15-3jck can tg. M·. S l· S , .· . . ( 7 ` ` . °. 1 ms m
M1 Y _] _P ‘ _ _ · 1, iss uns une xxeeney, mill Edward S. Dabney, Hopkinsville, carpenterwg; under direction of Jack
ivan, Til oid WVIISOII, D. R. Ellis, 5;15.5;55—])p1]]_ lmvg the Gm.] wt f J f , I - ._ _ ._ _   , .
J S Sherwood H M Henry C W 6.00 Rt t y pc o une .0r non tie annual intercollegiate oiator- Dicker. M1. Diclier started with a
C.(mém'm ' 1   B. F'. I , . · V. r— e rea . France, to enter the canteen service. ical contest at Morrison Chapel, Tran- series of fundamental designs in
'xvilszm ·g;:Cl_w·OOi 'U?5 ixliq VG tt 0;l‘0—Sl1DD€1‘. ·Miss sweeuey was chosen from a sylvania C%llege. wood work and later will take up
the HAH g,r;LdG Cum; lu; Cimipl sgml; §l6?Q——lJri`ghts out. list of more than 70i) specially trained The speakers, their college and sub- more complicated work. At present
dm mmniq Hcmv Wmit to Cm] .¤0—· aps. · · women, with l1er s1ster, who is also jects were: H. Martin, Berea College, the more advanced ones are making
L·M~ wr hill -t0 qitend th   is Saturday, 6.15-7.15 — Preparation prepared for the service. She has "Prison Reform;" C. B. Mullins, tables, boxes, stools and screen
cchil O§iCG;`;’ RGQGWB Cqmi JG; - for·1nIspect1on. · been ordered to obtain passports and Georgetown College, "The challenge;" frames for the ca1np. Before finish-
htm Eivm moihilbl`; lc   ' l. 1 O3? ¢.1a—InSpect10n.' prepare for unniediate service. A. H. Barber, Center College, "A Fore- ing the course they will build a frame
mgtel t Smm; C. at 1{i:tsHg1ie