xt72804xhx5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72804xhx5n/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1958 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 4, Spring 1958 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 4, Spring 1958 1958 1958 2014 true xt72804xhx5n section xt72804xhx5n "fl VOLUME 33 SPRING, 1958 NUMBER 4
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Cover picture printed through courtesy of Scope Weekly, and with the kind y
permission of the householder and the Frontier nurse.  
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rnomizn NURSING ssnvice QUARTERLY BU1.LEr1x~1    
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky. Q
Subscription Price $1.00 A Year I
Edit0r’s Office: Wendover, Kentucky  
voLUME as sPmN<;, 1958 NUMBER 4
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Ofhce at Lexington, Ky., ·
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright, 1958, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ll

   , coNTENrs
  1 Beyond the Mountains 37
Editor’s Own Page 16
V   Field Notes 39
  Q: In Memoriam 7
1   Lena Gray and Mary Frances
;   Morgan (Illus.) Inside Back Cover
    Old Courier News 21 g
    · Old Staff News 31
Q   Pediatric Clinic W. B. Rogers Beasley, M.D. 3
    Starlight Rebecca Brown 6
% I Summary of the Tenth Thousand _ _
· Confinement Records of the Metropolztan Lzfe Insurance
E   Frontier Nursing Service Company 45
    The Dame’s Song (Verse) Water Babies 2
  Urgent Needs 17
    \Vinter Night Bridget Gallagher 34
i   Announcement American {lssociation of
i 5 Nurse-Mrdwwes 35
{ , Children of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
* Newsom A Photograph 1.5
{   Just Jokes 6
I r Milk Maid (Verse) Banbury Chap Books 38
    Our Mail Bag 30
    Pastoral S'cene (Verse) Eileen Minton 33
i* Traps and Furs The Countryman 44
V I- White Elephant 36
i { Wild Greens at Wendover Lena Gray 44
. I;

 2 FRONTIER Nuasme smzvxcm  
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When all The werld is yeung, lad,  
And all The Trees are green;  
And every geese a swan, lad, T
And every lass a gueen; T
Then hey Ter beeT and herse, lad, I
And reund The werld away:  
Yeung leleed musT have iTs ceurse, lad, TV
And every deg his day.  
When all The werld is eld, lad,  
And all The Trees are brewn;  
And all The sperT is sTale, lad,  
And all The wheels run dewn;  
Creep heme and Tal$a:,» ‘   X`? .‘~· i
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and Kermit Mor an the boatman ,`
I 1 >
leaving Wendover in May, 1940. _
All four have now crossed a deeper river than the Middle Fork -
of the Kentucky

  In the quiet passing of its National Vice-Chairman, Mrs.
' { Henry Bourne Joy, the Frontier Nursing Service has sustained
§ an irreparable loss. The boat, ride shown in the picture—~taken
` in May 1940—does not represent the iirst trip that Mrs. Joy and
_` . the two other FNS trustees made to us in the Kentucky moun-
 ¤ tains. They came in on horseback in the thirties. As the years
  passed and Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. McMath died, Mrs. Joy con-
. tinued to visit the work which she had accepted as a high
L It is thirty years since Mrs. Joy became a member of a
 _ newly formed Frontier Nursing Service Committee in Detroit.
* It is more than twenty years since she became a member of the
Q Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, and nearly as
, long a time since she accepted the post of a National Vice-
  During all of these decades Mrs. Joy not only supported
* the Frontier Nursing Service generously in funds but gave
l indefatigably of herself. Nothing but a severe illness or accident
° kept her from attending the meetings of the Executive Com-
mittee and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. She
‘ used her brilliant intellect in the shaping of policies, and in
helping to carry them out.
Mrs. Joy personally inspected the work not only at Hyden
' Hospital and Wendover but at all of the six outpost nursing
A centers. Her courage, her compassion, her unutterable kindness,
and her wise advice, meant more to the Frontier Nursing Service
and its staff than can ever be told.
. Mrs. Joy admired profoundly the deep-rooted patriotism of
' the Kentucky mountaineers. She herself, born the daughter of
, John S. Newberry and the former Helen Handy, came from a
 Q long line of patriots. She had the rare distinction of descent
l from famous families of both New England and Virginia. After
  the death of her husband, whose constant companion she had
been, she carried on with the high patriotic responsibilities they
 lj had shared together. She was not only a member of the national
_,} societies but she worked in exacting posts on their councils.
E; And always she was alive to the civic needs, the charities, the
 j churches, and the social obligations of her great city of Detroit.
  Her daughter, her son, and their families have the sympathy

 10 F1>.om·1ER Nunsmo smavicm  
and the shared sorrow of countless people. They have an inherit-  .
ance that nothing can ever take away. Helen Newberry Joy was I P
a very great lady. .€
It was the high privilege of the Frontier Nursing Service ,
to have the honored name of Dr. William Jason Mixter on its .
National Medical Council for a long span of years. He was one  
of this world’s greatest sons, and one of her best. To his quali-  _
ties of character and brains were added a fine sense of humor
and "a deep-seated heart of courtesy."  
It is as a friend that we shall remember Dr. Mixter in our A
deeper recollections. Among the thousands of people to whom ‘
he dedicated his genius as a neuro-surgeon there are an uncount- J
able number who cherished his friendship as well. And in these
friendships his wife always shared, for the two were as one.
Many years ago they came down to see us in the Kentucky _
mountains. What they both meant to me in Boston in the long ` 
summer of 1938, I cannot find the words to tell. t
After Dr. Mixter had retired from his heavy responsibilities
he and Mrs. Mixter went to live at Woods Hole by the sea, where
he passed happily the evening of his life. But he was in Bos- .
ton for the dedication of the great Mixter Laboratories for
Neurosurgical Research at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Through these Laboratories his name will be kept alive in help ‘
to his fellow creatures for as long as we can foresee. Through I
his daughter and his sons he has descendents in his high '
tradition. a
"It may be in the evening, when the work of the day is done." T
William Jason Mixter was ready for "the sound of His Feet,·" he X
had loved and served Him his whole life long. A
In the death of Dr. Ransom S. Hooker, of which we only -
lately learned, another early member of our National Medical H
Council has left this world for that larger one to which his spirit It
had long been akin. In the early days of the Frontier Nursing E
Service, Dr. Hooker took us into his heart and rendered many ly
services to us. In his later years, in failing health and with fail-  
ing sight, he communicated with us from time to time from the  
home in Charleston, South Carolina, where he and Mrs. Hooker  
had gone to live. We have been filled with tender sympathy for i
her ever since she wrote that he had gone. 1,

 A That great surgeon in Boston, Dr. Arthur W. Allen, had
is come on our National Medical Council five years ago when we
.€ first got to know him well. We do not attempt to write of the
achievements, the honors, or the public service of those who
` have honored us with their courtesy and kindness. Our ever-
` ;  lasting gratitude is flung like a wreath about their names. We
 » extend our deepest sympathy to Dr. Allen’s wife and son. We
 ` think that these words from The PtZgrtm’s Progress are appli-
: cable to him:
* Then said Great—Heart to Mr. Valiant-for—truth, Thou has
A worthily behaved thyself; let me see thy sword. So he showed
  It toiliiiiéii he had taken it in his hand and looked thereon a while,
· he said, Ha, it is a right Jerusalem blade.
· In the death of Miss M. Louise Zabriskie the Frontier Nurs-
ing Service has not only lost a member of its National Nursing
y Council but one of its bravest friends. I never knew a more
 ` gallant person. Many years ago she had had her neck broken
and could not stand or walk without the help of someone’s arm.
But as Director of the Maternity Consultation Service in New
York she was on duty day after day, year after year. In addi-
R tion to all of that she cooperated with Dr. Nicholson Eastman
in the writing of Nurses Handbook of Obstetrics and she also
wrote a book called Mother and Baby Care in Pictures. It seems
V incredible that one frail and broken body could be driven by
. even her courageous spirit to do so much.
( Our sympathy goes out in fullest measure to the sister of
I Louise Zabriskie and to those devoted friends of hers, Amey and
  Mary Jane Bardens. As for Louise herself, we are sure she has
l already embarked upon golden adventures of further usefulness.
A When Mrs. Sinclair W. Armstrong (Mary Hallock) died a
g spirit of rare fragrance and beauty left this world. In my long
A association with her I cannot recall anything she ever said or
I did that was not graceful and true. I first knew her in the old
E American Committee for Devastated France, when she was a
  young girl, driving a camion in the Aisne. During the Second
  World War while her husband, Professor of History at Brown
 1, University, was overseas, Mary spent several months with us
Y in the Kentucky mountains as a volunteer worker in many capaci-
` ties. At the time of her death she was Chairman of the Provi-
I, dence Committee of the Frontier Nursing Service. Her interest

 12 FRoN·r1mR mmsiwc; smnvxom  
in many things—gardens, art, Colonial Dames, League of Women e
Voters, the Pony Club of Providence, Brown University, and .•
Pembroke Co1lege—all of these things contributed to her success ·
as a chairman. When gifts to the Frontier Nursing Service were  
requested in lieu of flowers for her funeral, some seventy people `
and groups responded to this memorial fund. She herself left a ?
legacy to the Service, which will keep her memory green long-  
after those who knew and loved her have followed her across the  `
barrier of death. ”  H
Added to the devotion of her family and many friends `
Mary had the crowning grace of a completely happy marriage.  L
Those who were privileged to visit in the homes she and her
husband created—in Providence and by the sea—shared in its
radiance. Memories of these joyous hours beat with poignancy 1
upon the hearts of those of us who loved them both. ·
Dr. William J. Hutchins, president emeritus of Berea Col-
lege, was a charter member of our Board of Trustees. But his
help to us, and his counsel, began some two years before the
organization of the Frontier Nursing Service. In 1923 I was ~
often in Berea, where my father was staying at the Boone ‘
Tavern, and as often in consultation with Dr. Hutchins. Every- 5
thing I took up with him was treated with a lucidity and sympa-
thetic consideration that I never shall forget. My father and I  
were sometimes in his home where he and Mrs. Hutchins
delighted to receive their friends. His kindness continued ‘
throughout the long years that followed. He came in on horse- i
back to the dedication of our Hyden Hospital by Sir Leslie Mac- ‘
Kenzie in 1928, and entertained Sir Leslie and Lady MacKenzie I
at Berea. Even after he retired from the presidency of the Col-
lege he stayed in close touch with us, directly and through the
son who succeeded him. I
Much has been written of the work that Dr. Hutchins did in V*
the education of the young people of the mountains. Those who i
cherished his abiding friendship know what his influence must ._j
have meant to each boy and girl who came under his guidance. S`!
His intellect, his high breeding, his charm of manner, were out- I 
ward reflections of the spiritual depth of his inner life. In the 5.
seventeenth century poet Henry Vaughan there are words which ,·
describe the kind of man he was: ;  

God’s saints are shining lights: who stays
, Here long must pass
‘ ` O'er dark hills, swift streams, and steep ways
. As smooth as glass;
= They are-indeed-our pillar fires,
Seen as we go;
 % They are that City’s shining spires
We travel to:
 i There has never been anyone whose life was more embedded
, in the Frontier Nursing Service than Mrs. Waring Wilson, one of
g the little group that organized our early beginnings, and a
d trustee until her death. She and I were not only iirst cousins
·. but the closest of friends. Years before the work started in the
Kentucky mountains we talked about it together and shared a
3 dream that was to come true. What she herself gave to it can
‘ never be fully told. So deeply loved was she in her native Ken-
; tucky, that she could enlist the interest of almost anyone among
. the friends and kinsmen we had in common. In the great cities
beyond the mountains she had hosts of other friends who opened
o their doors for our early meetings. Nor did she spare herself
 _ in sharing the travail of the day in our field of work. She made
V the rounds of the early outpost centers on horseback, fording
l more than one swollen stream. Again and again she came up
. to Wendover as volunteer hostess and housekeeper. She helped
A out through more than one period of Christmas preparation,
` sorting hundreds of gifts and writing countless notes of thanks.
` Her sparkling sense of humor rippled through every task and
i that alone would have made her presence a benediction.
I, Mrs. Wilson’s body has been buried in the old Frankfort
" cemetery beside those of her husband and the infant son they
lost nearly fifty years ago. Two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Montague
of Virginia, and Mrs. John L. Grandin, Jr., of Boston survive
Q her and five grandsons. Her two sisters, her nieces and nephews,
5 and those of the cousinhood who are still in this world, share
{ with her descendents in treasured memories that will outlast
J our time:
lg Because of you, we will be glad, and gay,
’ Remembring you, we will be brave and strong,
Q And hail the advent of each dangerous day
· And meet the last adventure with a song-.
y The Frontier Nursing Service has thousands of friends apart
  from those who are trustees, council members, and chairmen.

 14 FRONTIER NURSING smnvicn _  
Every year their ranks are thinning and we mourn the passing ‘.
of each one. Even as we go to press we have learned of the it
A death of Mrs. Mortimer Matthews of Glendale, Ohio, who had _
supported us and loved us for thirty years. She, a gentlewoman  
of the old school and a devoted Christian, had reached a great *
age. Her whole life was a benediction to those who knew her. In 2;
the death of Mrs. Thomas Hartley of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,  
late last year, we lost another friend who also had cared about {
us since the twenties. I first knew her when I stayed in Pitts- .
burgh with that dear chairman of ours, the late Mrs. Charles S.
Shoemaker. Mrs. Hartley took us on then and never forgot us. _
She has left us a legacy in her will. Mrs. Stewart Leckie of {
Greenwich, Connecticut, was not only a friend of long standing  
too but one who made the most exquisite knitted things for our  
babies with her own kind hands. She too has left us a legacy.
Mr. J. Stuart Tracy of Lexington is another friend to remember {
us in his will after having supported us for years. Mr. C. W.
Tanner of Owensboro has been coming to see us with his wife
every year for sometime, bringing us gifts fashioned with his
own hands. We were greatly moved when the employees of his [
firm sent a check to Mrs. Tanner to be given to a favorite charity  {
in his name, and she sent it to us. For a quarter century we were *'
privileged to have the friendship and support of Mrs. Florence I
Agard. She came of fine old New England stock and, after a
distinguished career in education, she made her home with her .
son, a professor of Linguistics at Cornell University. It says
much for the Frontier Nursing Service that a woman of her
attainments cherished it for nearly a generation.
It sometimes happens that the old friends of the Frontier
Nursing Service were even older friends of mine. In the death this
spring of Miss Eleanor Blaydes of Hot Springs, Arkansas, we
have given up for this life one who cared about us from our ear-
liest beginnings and, I am sure, cares about us now. Her people I
were of old Kentucky stock and she and her sister, with whom she
lived, came often to Mt. Sterling to visit their kinsmen. Almost
as often Eleanor came on up to Wendover to do any and every- i’
thing she could to help us. Words can’t describe how many were
the things she did to make Wendover more livable and lovable
for its staff and for its guest